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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

ozhibii'igewikwe na a (female) office worker, a clerk, a secretary

ozhibii'igewinini na a (male) office worker, a clerk, a secretary

Something happening secretly or in secret is shown with the adverb giimooj 'secretly, in secret, stealthily' or with verbs using the root /giimood=/ (variants: /giimooj=/, /giimooz=/) or the preverb giimooji-.
giimooj adv man secretly, in secret, stealthily

giimooji- pv lex secretly, in secret, stealthily

crawl secretly
giimoodoode vai s/he creeps, secretly crawls

cry secretly
giimoodademo vai s/he cries secretly

do secretly
giimoojitaa vai s/he does something secretly

giimoojitoon vti2 do something to, make it secretly

giimoojichige vai s/he does something secretly

drum secretly
giimoodwewe'akokwe vai s/he drums secretly

laugh secretly
giimoodaapi vai s/he laughs secretly

eat secretly
giimoodam vta eat, bite h/ secretly

Paired with: giimoodandan vti

giimoodandan vti eat, bite it secretly

Paired with: giimoodam vta

giimoodanjige vai s/he eats things secretly

look at secretly
giimaabandan vti look at it secretly; spy on it; peek, peep at it

Paired with: giimaabam vta

giimaabam vta look in at or into, peek in at h/; spy on h/

Paired with: giimaabandan vti

giimoozaabandan vti look at it secretly; spy on it; peek, peep at it

Paired with: giimoozaabam vta

giimoozaabam vta look at h/ secretly; spy on h/; peek, peep at h/

Paired with: giimoozaabandan vti

secretly angry
giimoojigidaazo vai s/he is secretly angry

smoke secretly
giimoodanoozo vai s/he smokes secretly, sneaks a smoke

tell secretly
giimoodaajimo vai s/he tells something secretly

giimoodaajim vta tell about h/ secretly

giimoodaajimotaw vta

work secretly
giimoodanokii vai s/he works secretly, works in secret

waabam vta see h/

Paired with: waabandan vti

waabandan vti see it

Paired with: waabam vta

waabandizo vai s/he sees h/ self

waabandiwag vai they see each other

waabanjigaade vii it is seen (by someone), "they" see it

waabanjigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is seen (by someone), "they" see h/ or it (animate)

waabi vai s/he has vision, sees

fail to see
gwiinawaabam vta fail to see h/, be unable to see h/

Paired with: gwiinawaabandan vti

gwiinawaabandan vti fail to see it, be unable to see it

Paired with: gwiinawaabam vta

not seen well
biigizawinaagozi vai s/he can't be seen well, is blurry

Paired with: biigizawinaagwad vii

biigizawinaagwad vii it can't be seen well, is blurry

Paired with: biigizawinaagozi vai

see a certain way
izhinan vti see, perceive it a certain way

Paired with: izhinaw vta

izhinaw vta see, perceive h/ a certain way

Paired with: izhinan vti

see a certain way as in a dream
inaabam vta see h/ a certain way as in a dream; have such a dream about h/

Paired with: inaabandan vti

inaabandan vti see it a certain way as in a dream; have such a dream about it

Paired with: inaabam vta

see at a distance
debaabam vta have h/ in sight, see h/ at a distance

Paired with: debaabandan vti

debaabandan vti have it in sight, see it at a distance

Paired with: debaabam vta

see clearly
bagakaabam vta see h/ clearly, spot h/ right away

Paired with: bagakaabandan vti

bagakaabandan vti see it clearly, spot it right away

Paired with: bagakaabam vta

bagakaabi vai s/he sees clearly

see through
zhaabwaabam vta see through h/

Paired with: zhaabwaabandan vti

zhaabwaabandan vti see through it

Paired with: zhaabwaabam vta

zhaabwaabi vai s/he sees through something, looks through something

zhiibaayaabandan vti see through it

zhiibaayaabi vai s/he sees through something (e.g., binoculars, telescope, scope)

see well
minwaabi vai s/he has good eyesight, sees well

you see
aaniish adv inter how?; in what way? [interrogative]; well now; why?; you see

aaniish naa adv man well now; you see

miinikaan ni a seed

andone'an vti go look for it; search for it; seek it

Paired with: andone'wi vta [NI] ; andone' vta [RL] See also: nandone'an vti [S]

andone'wi vta [NI] seek h/ or it (animate); go look for h/ or it (animate); search for h/ or it (animate)

andone' vta [RL] Paired with: andone'an vti

nanda- pv lex look for; seek

nooji' vta seek, go after, hunt h/

Paired with: noojitoon vti2

nooji'iwe vai s/he seeks, goes after, hunts people

noojitoon vti2 seek, go after, hunt it

Paired with: nooji' vta

seek to know
nanda-gikendan vti seek to know it, seek to learn it

Paired with: nanda-gikenim vta

nanda-gikenim vta seek to know h/

Paired with: nanda-gikendan vti

seek to learn
nanda-gikendan vti seek to know it, seek to learn it

Paired with: nanda-gikenim vta

seem to be a certain way
inendaagwad vii it is thought of a certain way, seems to be a certain way

Paired with: inendaagozi vai

inendaagozi vai s/he has a certain destiny; s/he is thought of a certain way, seems to be a certain way

Paired with: inendaagwad vii

blood seeps through
zhaaboskwagad vii blood seeps through it

Paired with: zhaaboskwagizi vai

zhaaboskwagizi vai blood seeps through h/

Paired with: zhaaboskwagad vii

nawadin vta grab, seize h/

Paired with: nawadinan vti

nawadinan vti grab, seize it

Paired with: nawadin vta

nawadinamaw vta grab (it) of h/; seize (it) of h/

nawadiniwe vai s/he takes captives

waawiikaa adv tmp every once in a while, every now and then; seldom, rarely

wiikaa adv tmp late; ever; seldom

onaabam vta choose, select, pick h/ (by sight)

See also: onaabandan vti

onaabandan vti choose, select, pick it (by sight)

Paired with: onaabam vta

onaabandamaw vta choose, select, pick it (by sight) for h/

onaabanjige vai s/he chooses, selects, picks things (by sight)

onaabanjigaade vii it is chosen, selected, picked (by someone), "they" choose, select, pick it (by sight)

onaabanjigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is chosen, selected, picked (by someone), "they" choose, select, pick h/ or it (animate) (by sight)

select from
gagiigin vta select, pick, choose (the best) from them (animate)

Paired with: gagiiginan vti

gagiiginan vti select, pick, choose (the best) from it

Paired with: gagiigin vta

lack self-confidence
zhaagwenimo vai s/he is reluctant, is afraid to do something, is introverted, lacks self confidence

ganawenindizowin ni self-reliance

adaawaage vai s/he sells

adaawaagen vai + o sell it

sell out
jaagadaawaage vai s/he sells out (of something)

[make go]
send along
biminizhikaw vta send, chase h/ along

send for
naajinizha' vta go after h/; send for h/; order h/

Paired with: naajinizha'an vti

naajinizha'an vti go after it; send for it; order it

Paired with: naajinizha' vta

send off
maajinaazha' vta send h/ off

maajinizha' vta send h/ off; start off in pursuit of h/

Paired with: maajinizha'an vti See also: maajinizha'wi vta [NI]

[make something move]
send smoke to a certain place
inaabasige vai s/he sends smoke to a certain place

[have delivered]
maajinizha'wi vta [NI] send h/

Paired with: maajinizha'an vti See also: maajinizha' vta

niindaa' vta send (something) to someone with h/

niindaa'iwe vai s/he sends (it) to people

send a letter here
biijibii'ige vai s/he sends a letter here; s/he writes here

send off
maajinizha'amaw vta send (it) off to h/

maajinizha'an vti send it off

Paired with: maajinizha' vta

send to a certain place
izhinaazhikaw vta chase h/ to a certain place; send h/ to a certain place

izhinizha' vta chase h/ to a certain place; send h/ to a certain place

Paired with: izhinizha'an vti

izhinizha'amaw vta send (it) to h/ to a certain place

izhinizha'an vti send it to a certain place

Paired with: izhinizha' vta

izhinizha'igaazo vai s/he is sent to a certain place (by someone), "they" send h/ to a certain place

izhinizha'ige vai s/he sends things to a certain place

izhinizha'igaade vii it is sent to a certain place (by someone), "they" send it to a certain place

knock senseless
giiwashkweganaam vta hit and stun h/, knock h/ senseless

knocked senseless in impact
giiwashkweshin vai s/he is stunned, knocked senseless in a fall or on impact with something

dibaakonigaazo vai s/he is judged, is sentenced (by someone), "they" judge, sentence h/

sentence a certain way
inaakon vta decide about h/ a certain way; judge h/ a certain way; sentence h/ a certain way

inaakonigaazo vai s/he is judged a certain way (by someone), "they" judge h/ a certain way; s/he is sentenced a certain way (by someone), "they" sentence h/ a certain way

webin vta
  1. throw h/ away
  2. separate from, divorce h/

Paired with: webinan vti

webinidiwag vai they are separated from each other, separate from each other

waatebagaa-giizis na September; October

manoominike-giizis na the moon of ricing occuring in August or September

See also: manoominikewi-giizis na [BL]

serve food
asham vta feed (it) to, serve (it) to h/

Paired with: ashandan vti

ashange vai s/he feeds people, feasts people, serves food

gozigwaakomin na a serviceberry

serviceberry, juneberry, saskatoon
Amelanchier spp.

ozigwaakomin na [BL] a serviceberry

serviceberry, juneberry, saskatoon
Amelanchier spp.

serviceberry bush
gozigwaakominagaawanzh na a serviceberry bush

serviceberry, juneberry, saskatoon
Amelanchier spp.

ozigwaakominaganzh na a serviceberry bush

serviceberry, juneberry
Amelanchier spp.

[move down]
sun sets
bangishimon vii it sets as the sun, is sunset

bangishimo vai it (animate; the sun) sets

set a net
bagida'waa vai s/he fishes (with a net), sets net

ziibaaskobijige vai s/he sets a net under the ice

set a snare
agoodaw vta
  1. hang (it) for h/
  2. set a snare for h/

See also: agoodamaw vta

agoodoo vai s/he hangs a snare, sets a snare

set the table
ozisinaagane vai s/he sets the table

ozisidoon vti2
  1. put it in place, arrange it
  2. make it (a bed)
  3. set it (a table)

Paired with: ozhishim vta

set a certain way
izhisidoon vti2
  1. put, lay, set it a certain way
  2. put or express it a certain way in speech, song, or writing
  3. write, print it a certain way

Paired with: izhishim vta

izhishim vta put, lay, set h/ a certain way

Paired with: izhisidoon vti2

set a pack down
bagijiwane vai s/he sets down h/ pack

set down
bagidin vta
  1. set h/ down; offer, release h/
  2. allow h/

Paired with: bagidinan vti

bagidinan vti
  1. allow it
  2. set it down; offer, release it

Paired with: bagidin vta

bagidinamaw vta set (it) down for h/; offer, release, allow (it) to h/

bagidinige vai s/he sets things down; offers, releases, allows things

bagidinigaade vii it is set down, offered, released, allowed (by someone), "they" set it down; offer, release, allow it

bagidinigaazo vai s/he is set down, offered, released (by someone), "they" set h/ down; offer, release h/

Paired with: bagidinigaade vii

set down off back
bagidoom vta set h/ down off one's back

Paired with: bagidoondan vti

bagidoondan vti set it down off h/ back

Paired with: bagidoom vta

set in the ground
badakishim vta stick, set h/ in something; plant h/ in the ground

Paired with: badakisidoon vti2

badakisidoon vti2 stick, set it in something; plant it in the ground

Paired with: badakishim vta

badakisijige vai s/he sticks, sets things in something; plants things in the ground

set out of the way
ikon vta set h/ out of the way

Paired with: ikonan vti

ikonan vti set it out of the way

Paired with: ikon vta

ikonigaade vii it is set out of the way (by someone), "they" set it out of the way

ikonigaazo vai s/he is evicted (by someone), "they" evict h/; s/he is set out of the way (by someone), "they" set h/ out of the way

certain number of sets
daswewaan qnt num a certain number of sets or pairs, so many sets or pairs

daswewaanagadoon vii there are a certain number of sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate); there are so many sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate)

Paired with: daswewaanagiziwag vai

so many sets
daswewaan qnt num a certain number of sets or pairs, so many sets or pairs

one set
ingodwewaan qnt num one set; one dozen; one pair; one couple

See also: ningodwewaan qnt num

two sets
niizhwewaan qnt num two pairs; two sets

three sets
niswewaan qnt num three sets, three pairs

four sets
niiwewaan qnt num four pairs; four sets

five sets
naanwewaan qnt num five pairs; five sets

six sets
ingodwaaswewaan qnt num six pairs; six sets

See also: ningodwaaswewaan qnt num

ningodwaaswewaan qnt num six pairs; six sets

See also: ingodwaaswewaan qnt num

seven sets
niizhwaaswewaan qnt num seven pairs; seven sets

eight sets
nishwaaswewaan qnt num eight pairs; eight sets

See also: ishwaaswewaan qnt num

ishwaaswewaan qnt num eight pairs; eight sets

See also: nishwaaswewaan qnt num

nine sets
zhaangaswewaan qnt num nine pairs; nine sets

ten sets
midaaswewaan qnt num ten pairs; ten sets

midaaswewaanagadoon vii there are ten sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate)

[cause a condition]
set on fire
zaka' vta light h/ (e.g., a pipe); set h/ on fire

Paired with: zaka'an vti

zaka'an vti light, ignite it, set it on fire

Paired with: zaka' vta

zaka'ige vai s/he lights something

zaka'amaw vta light (it) for h/; set (it) on fire for h/

zaka'igaade vii it is set on fire, lit (by someone), "they" set it on fire, light it

zaka'igaazo vai it (animate) is set on fire, lit (by someone), "they" set it (animate) on fire, light it (animate)

set to cool
dakishim vta set it (animate) to cool

Paired with: dakisidoon vti2

dakisidoon vti2 set it to cool

Paired with: dakishim vta

set a certain price
inagim vta charge a certain price for, set a certain price for h/

Paired with: inagindan vti

inagindan vti charge a certain price for, set a certain price for it

Paired with: inagim vta

inagindamaw vta charge a certain price, set a certain price on (it) for h/

set a price
onagindaaso vai s/he sets a price

onagindan vti put a price or value on it

Paired with: onagim vta

onagindamaw vta set a price on something for h/

onagim vta appoint h/, swear h/ in; decide on h/; put a price or value on h/

Paired with: onagindan vti

set a price of a certain height
apiitagim vta set so high a price on h/

Paired with: apiitagindan vti

apiitagindan vti set so high a price on it

Paired with: apiitagim vta

set up
onakidoon vti2 set it up

Paired with: onakizh vta

onakizh vta set up h/

Paired with: onakidoon vti2

giizhakidoon vti2 finish setting it up

Paired with: giizhakizh vta

giizhakizh vta finish setting h/ up

Paired with: giizhakidoon vti2

set up camp
gabeshi vai s/he camps, sets up camp

set up as a frame
onaakosidoon vti2 set it up as a frame

bagidaabaan ni a setline, a trotline: a fishing line with multiple hooks set across a stretch of water

fish with a setline
bagidaabii vai s/he fishes with a setline

tell to settle down
zagakim vta tell h/ to settle down

niizhwaaswi qnt num seven

See also: niizhwaaso qnt num [RL]

niizhwaaso qnt num [RL] seven

See also: niizhwaaswi qnt num

niizhwaaso- pv qnt seven

niizhwaachinoon vii they (inanimate) are seven, there are seven of them

Paired with: niizhwaachiwag vai

niizhwaachiwag vai they (animate) are seven, there are seven of them

Paired with: niizhwaachinoon vii

and seven
ashi-niizhwaaswi qnt num
  1. and seven
  2. seventeen

See also: ashi-niizhwaaso qnt num [RL]

ashi-niizhwaaso qnt num [RL] and seven; seventeen

See also: ashi-niizhwaaswi qnt num

ashi-niizhwaaso- pv qnt and seven

seven acres
niizhwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. seven minutes
  2. seven acres

seven bags
niizhwaasooshkimod qnt num seven bagfuls; seven bags

niizhwaasooshkin qnt num seven bags

seven boatloads
niizhwaasoonag qnt num seven boats or canoes, seven boatloads

seven boats
niizhwaasoonag qnt num seven boats or canoes, seven boatloads

seven canoes
niizhwaasoonag qnt num seven boats or canoes, seven boatloads

seven days
niizhwaaso-giizhik qnt num seven days

niizhwaasogon qnt num seven days

niizhwaasogonagad vii it is seven days

Paired with: niizhwaasogonagizi vai

seven days old
niizhwaasogonagizi vai
  1. s/he is seven days old
  2. it is the seventh day of the month

Paired with: niizhwaasogonagad vii

seven dollars
niizhwaaswaabik qnt num seven dollars

seven each
neniizhwaaswi qnt num seven each

seven feet
niizhwaasozid qnt num seven feet

niizhwaaso-mizid qnt num [NI] seven feet

seven hours
niizhwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. seven hours
  2. seven miles

seven hundred
niizhwaaswaak qnt num seven hundred

seven inches
niizhwaaso-mininj qnt num [NI] seven inches

niizhwaasoninj qnt num seven inches

seven miles
niizhwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. seven hours
  2. seven miles

seven minutes
niizhwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. seven minutes
  2. seven acres

seven months
niizhwaaso-giizis qnt num seven months

niizhwaaso-giiziswagad vii it is seven months

Paired with: niizhwaaso-giiziswagizi vai

seven nights
niizhwaaso-dibik qnt num seven nights

seven o'clock
niizhwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is seven o'clock

niizhwaaso-diba'igane vii [N] it is seven o'clock

niizhwaaso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is seven o'clock

seven pairs
niizhwaaswewaan qnt num seven pairs; seven sets

seven pieces of something sheet-like
niizhwaasweg qnt num seven pieces of something sheet-like

seven pounds
niizhwaaso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num seven pounds

seven sets
niizhwaaswewaan qnt num seven pairs; seven sets

seven thousand
niizhwaasosagoons qnt num seven thousand

seven times
niizhwaaching adv tmp seven times

seven weeks
niizhwaaso-anama'e-giizhigad vii it is seven weeks

niizhwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num seven weeks

niizhwaaso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is seven weeks

seven years
niizhwaaso-biboon qnt num seven years; seven winters

niizhwaaso-biboonagad vii it is seven years

Paired with: niizhwaaso-biboonagizi vai

niizhwaaso-gikinoonowin qnt num seven years

seven years old
niizhwaaso-biboonagizi vai s/he is seven years old

seven card
niizhwaasoobii'igan na a seven (card)

seven o'clock
seven o'clock
niizhwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is seven o'clock

niizhwaaso-diba'igane vii [N] it is seven o'clock

niizhwaaso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is seven o'clock

ashi-niizhwaaswi qnt num
  1. and seven
  2. seventeen

See also: ashi-niizhwaaso qnt num [RL]

seventeenth day of the month
ashi-niizhwaaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the seventeenth (of the month)

seventh day of the month
niizhwaasogonagizi vai
  1. s/he is seven days old
  2. it is the seventh day of the month

Paired with: niizhwaasogonagad vii

niizhwaasimidana qnt num seventy

gashkigwaaso vai s/he sews

gashkigwaadan vti sew it

Paired with: gashkigwaazh vta

gashkigwaadamaw vta sew (it) for h/

gashkigwaazh vta sew h/

Paired with: gashkigwaadan vti

gashkigwaade vii it is sewn

Paired with: gashkigwaazo vai

gashkigwaazo vai s/he is sewn

Paired with: gashkigwaade vii

finish sewing
giizhigwaadan vti finish sewing it

Paired with: giizhigwaazh vta

giizhigwaazh vta finish sewing h/

Paired with: giizhigwaadan vti

fold and sew
biskigwaadan vti fold and sew, hem it

Paired with: biskigwaazh vta

biskigwaazh vta fold and sew, hem h/

Paired with: biskigwaadan vti

biskigwaade vii it is folded and sewn, is hemmed

Paired with: biskigwaazo vai

biskigwaazo vai it (animate) is folded and sewn, is hemmed

Paired with: biskigwaade vii

know how to sew
nitaawigwaaso vai s/he knows how to sew, is good at sewing

make a mistake sewing
wanigwaaso vai s/he makes a mistake sewing

wanigwaadan vti make a mistake sewing it

Paired with: wanigwaazh vta

wanigwaazh vta make a mistake sewing h/

Paired with: wanigwaadan vti

sew a certain way
izhigwaaso vai s/he sews a certain way

izhigwaadan vti sew it a certain way

Paired with: izhigwaazh vta

izhigwaazh vta sew h/ a certain way

Paired with: izhigwaadan vti

izhigwaade vii it is sewn a certain way

Paired with: izhigwaazo vai

izhigwaazo vai s/he is sewn a certain way

Paired with: izhigwaade vii

sew as a bag
mashkimodegwaadan vti sew it as a bag

sew correctly
gwayakogwaaso vai s/he sews correctly

gwayakogwaadan vti sew it correctly

Paired with: gwayakogwaazh vta

gwayakogwaazh vta sew it (animate) correctly

Paired with: gwayakogwaadan vti

gwayakogwaade vii it is sewn correctly

Paired with: gwayakogwaazo vai

gwayakogwaazo vai s/he is sewn correctly

sew designs
mazinigwaaso vai s/he embroiders, beads something

mazinigwaadan vti embroider, bead it

Paired with: mazinigwaazh vta

mazinigwaazh vta embroider, bead h/

Paired with: mazinigwaadan vti

mazinigwaade vii it is sewn with designs, is embroidered

Paired with: mazinigwaazo vai

mazinigwaazo vai it (animate) is sewn with designs, is embroidered

Paired with: mazinigwaade vii

sew inside out
aaboojigwaadan vti sew it inside out

Paired with: aaboojigwaazh vta

aaboojigwaazh vta sew h/ inside out

aaboojigwaade vii it is sewn inside out

Paired with: aaboojigwaazo vai

aaboojigwaazo vai it (animate) is sewn inside out

Paired with: aaboojigwaade vii

sew on
agogwaaso vai s/he sews something on

agogwaadan vti sew it on something

Paired with: agogwaazh vta

agogwaazh vta sew it (animate) on something

Paired with: agogwaadan vti

agogwaade vii it is sewn on something

Paired with: agogwaazo vai

agogwaazo vai it (animate) is sewn on something

Paired with: agogwaade vii

sew over
aanjigwaaso vai s/he sews over

aanjigwaadan vti sew it over, alter it (by sewing)

Paired with: aanjigwaazh vta

aanjigwaazh vta sew it (animate) over

Paired with: aanjigwaadan vti

aanjigwaade vii it is sewn over

aanjigwaazo vai it (animate) is sewn over

Paired with: aanjigwaade vii

sew shut
gibogwaadan vti sew it shut

Paired with: gibogwaazh vta

gibogwaazh vta sew it (animate) shut

Paired with: gibogwaadan vti

gibogwaade vii it is sewn shut

Paired with: gibogwaazo vai

gibogwaazo vai it (animate) is sewn shut

Paired with: gibogwaade vii

giboogwaadan vti sew it shut

Paired with: giboogwaazh vta

giboogwaazh vta sew h/ shut

Paired with: giboogwaadan vti

sew together
maawandoogwaaso vai s/he sews things together, does patchwork (as in making a quilt)

maawandoogwaadan vti sew it together (e.g., pieces for a quilt)

Paired with: maawandoogwaazh vta

maawandoogwaazh vta sew h/ together

Paired with: maawandoogwaadan vti

sew wrong
wanigwaade vii it is sewn wrong

Paired with: wanigwaazo vai

wanigwaazo vai it (animate) is sewn wrong

Paired with: wanigwaade vii

start sewing
maajigwaaso vai s/he starts sewing

maajigwaadan vti start sewing it

Paired with: maajigwaazh vta

maajigwaazh vta start sewing h/

Paired with: maajigwaadan vti

sew well
minogwaaso vai s/he sews well

minogwaadan vti sew it well

Paired with: minogwaazh vta

minogwaazh vta sew it (animate) well

Paired with: minogwaadan vti

minogwaade vii it is sewn well

Paired with: minogwaazo vai

minogwaazo vai it (animate) is sewn well

Paired with: minogwaade vii

sewing machine
sewing machine
gashkigwaason na [ML] a sewing machine

See also: gashkigwaason ni [LL]

gashkigwaason ni [LL] a sewing machine

See also: gashkigwaason na [ML]

gashkigwaasonaabik ni [BL] a sewing machine

foot-treadle sewing machine
gizhibaayaabiigiwebishkigani-gashkigwaasonaabik ni [BL] a foot-treadle sewing machine

hand-cranked sewing machine
gizhibaawebinigani-gashkigwaasonaabik ni [BL] a hand-cranked sewing machine

sewing machine needle
sewing machine needle
gashkigwaasonaabiko-zhaabonigan ni [BL] a sewing machine needle

sewing needle
sewing needle
mizaatigo-zhaabonigan ni a sewing needle

sewing machine needle
gashkigwaasonaabiko-zhaabonigan ni [BL] a sewing machine needle

sewing thread
sewing thread
gashkigwaasoneyaab ni sewing thread

sexual intercourse
sexual intercourse
mazhi vta have sexual intercourse with h/

mazhiwe vai s/he has sexual intercourse

shack up
shack up
wiidigekaazo vai s/he shacks up with someone

agawaateyaa vii there is shade; there is shadow

in shade
agawaateshin vai s/he is in shade; s/he is in shadow

Paired with: agawaatesin vii

agawaatesin vii it is in shade; it is in shadow

Paired with: agawaateshin vai

agawaateshkan vti cast a shadow on it; shade it

Paired with: agawaateshkaw vta

agawaateshkaw vta cast a shadow on h/; shade h/

Paired with: agawaateshkan vti

[window cover]
window shade
gibiiga'iganiigin ni a window shade

agawaateyaa vii there is shade; there is shadow

mazinaateshinowin ni a shadow

cast a shadow
agawaateshkan vti cast a shadow on it; shade it

Paired with: agawaateshkaw vta

agawaateshkaw vta cast a shadow on h/; shade h/

Paired with: agawaateshkan vti

cast a shadow flying
agawaatese vii it casts a shadow flying

Paired with: agawaatese vai

agawaatese vai s/he casts a shadow flying

in shadow
agawaateshin vai s/he is in shade; s/he is in shadow

Paired with: agawaatesin vii

agawaatesin vii it is in shade; it is in shadow

Paired with: agawaateshin vai

baapagishkaa vai s/he trembles, shakes

Paired with: baapagishkaa vii

baapagishkaa vii it trembles, shakes

Paired with: baapagishkaa vai

shake from being hungry
baapaganaandam vai2 s/he shakes from being hungry

shake as a dog does
bapawii vai it (animate) shakes itself self off [e.g., a dog]

bawin vta shake h/

Paired with: bawinan vti

bawinan vti shake it

Paired with: bawin vta

shake awake
amajwebin vta shake h/ awake

amajiwebin vta shake h/ awake

See also: amajwebin vta

shake hands
zagininjiin vta shake hands with h/

zagininjiinidiwag vai they shake hands with each other

zagininjiiniwe vai s/he shakes hands with people

shake head
wewebikwetaw vta nod, shake head at h/

shake out
baapaawin vta shake it (animate) off

Paired with: baapaawinan vti

baapaawinan vti shake it off

Paired with: baapaawin vta

shake out (sheet-like)
bawegin vta shake h/ out (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: baweginan vti

baweginan vti shake it out (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: bawegin vta

shake wings
bapawaangeni vai s/he shakes h/ wings

mix by shaking
ginigawiwebin vta mix h/ by shaking

Paired with: ginigawiwebinan vti

ginigawiwebinan vti mix it by shaking

Paired with: ginigawiwebin vta

shaking tent
shaking tent
jiisakaan ni a shaking tent

practice divination in a shaking tent
jiisakii vai s/he operates a shaking tent

operator of a shaking tent
jiisakiiwinini na an operator of a shaking tent

baagwaa vii it is shallow

for shame
ise pc disc for shame!

agajiwin ni shame

agadendaagwad vii it is shameful, is embarrassing

Paired with: agadendaagozi vai

cut to shape
onikodan vti cut it to shape

Paired with: onikozh vta

onikozh vta cut h/ to shape

Paired with: onikodan vti

ozhiigizhan vti cut (something sheet-like) to shape

Paired with: ozhiigizh vta

hew to shape
ozhiga' vta
  1. hew h/ to shape
  2. tap h/ (a tree, to get sap)

Paired with: ozhiga'an vti

ozhiga'an vti
  1. hew it to shape
  2. tap it

Paired with: ozhiga' vta

ozhiga'ige vai s/he taps trees

ozhiga'wi vta [NI]

ozhiga' vta

hew to shape with axe
ozhiga'an vti
  1. hew it to shape
  2. tap it

Paired with: ozhiga' vta

shape (by hand)
onadinan vti form, shape, knead, mold it (a soft substance) (by hand)

Paired with: onadin vta

onadin vta form, shape, knead, mold h/ (a soft substance) (by hand)

Paired with: onadinan vti

onadinige vai s/he forms, shapes, kneads, molds something (a soft substance) (by hand)

maada'ookii vai + o s/he distributes something, distributes gifts, shares something with others

maada'oonidiwag vai they distribute (something) to each other, share (something) among each other

maada'oozh vta distribute (it) to, share (it) with h/

share a smoke
zagaswe' vta
  1. give a smoke to h/, share a smoke with h/ (especially a pipe in a ceremony)
  2. invite h/ to a council

share a blanket
wiidagwazhem vta share a blanket with h/

gaashaa vii it is rough. prickly in texture; it is sharp

Paired with: gaashizi vai

gaashaabikad vii it (mineral) is sharp

Paired with: gaashaabikizi vai

gaashaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is sharp

Paired with: gaashaabikad vii

giinaa vii it is sharp

Paired with: giinizi vai

giinizi vai it (animate) is sharp

Paired with: giinaa vii

remove with something sharp
gijigwaadan vti remove it with something sharp

Paired with: gijigwaazh vta

gijigwaazh vta remove h/ with something sharp

Paired with: gijigwaadan vti

sharp teeth
gaashaabide vai [BL] s/he has a sharp tooth or sharp teeth

gagaashaabide vai [BL] s/he has sharp teeth

giinaabide vai s/he has a sharp tooth or sharp teeth

sharp-tailed grouse
sharp-tailed grouse
aagask na a sharp-tailed grouse

Tympanuchus phasianellus

gaashiboodoon vti2 sharpen it (by abrasion)

giiniboodoon vti2 sharpen it (by filing or grinding)

Paired with: giiniboozh vta

giiniboozh vta sharpen h/ (by filing or grinding)

Paired with: giiniboodoon vti2

giiniboode vii it is sharpened (by filing or sawing)

Paired with: giiniboozo vai

giiniboozo vai s/he is sharpened (by filing or sawing)

baasikaa vii it cracks, shatters (e.g., glass or china)

baasishim vta crack, shatter h/ (by dropping or hitting against)

Paired with: baasisidoon vti2

baasisidoon vti2 crack, shatter it (by dropping or hitting against)

Paired with: baasishim vta

baasishin vai it (animate) cracks, shatters on impact

Paired with: baasisin vii

baasisin vii it cracks, shatters on impact

Paired with: baasishin vai

baasada'wi vta [NI]

baasada' vta

shatter by heat
baasiz vta crack, shatter h/ (by heat)

Paired with: baasizan vti

baasizan vti crack, shatter it (by heat)

Paired with: baasiz vta

shatter from heat
baaside vii it cracks, shatters (from heat)

Paired with: baasizo vai

baasizo vai s/he cracks, shatters (from heat)

Paired with: baaside vii

shatter using something
baasa' vta crack, shatter h/ (using something)

Paired with: baasa'an vti

baasa'an vti crack, shatter it (using something)

Paired with: baasa' vta

baasa'ige vai s/he cracks, shatters things (using something)

shatter with foot or body
baasikan vti crack, shatter it (with foot or body)

Paired with: baasikaw vta

baasikaw vta crack, shatter h/ (with foot or body)

Paired with: baasikan vti

gaashkibaazh vta shave, trim h/ (with a blade)

gaashkibaazo vai s/he shaves

agwazhaan na [BL] a shawl

agwinaan na a shawl

moshwe na [ML] a shawl

See also: mashwe na [LL] [RL]

mashwe na [LL] [RL] a shawl

See also: moshwe na [ML]

wiin pron per he, she; her, him

See also: gaye wiin pron per ; gewiin pron per

only she
wiineta pron per only she, only her; only he, only him; just him. just her

knife sheath
biindikomaan ni a knife sheath or case

ataasoowigamig ni a structure for storage: a storage lodge, a shed, a storage room

shed antlers
biniwine vai s/he sheds h/ antlers

maanataanish na [BL] a sheep

See also: maanishtaanish na [MN]

maanishtaanish na [MN] a sheep

domestic sheep
Ovis aries

maanashigan na a sheepshead (fish)

freshwater drum
Aplodinotus grunniens

maanishtaanishiwayaan ni a sheepskin

apishimoniigin ni a sheet

waabishkiigin ni a sheet; white cloth

desaabaan ni a shelf

es na clam; shell

mide shell
miigis na a Mide shell, a pearl

snapping turtle shell
mikinaakwemikwaan na a snapping turtle shell

turtle shell
emikwaan na a turtle shell, carapace

shotgun shell
anwi ni something shot as a missle, a bullet, a shot gun shell

have a shell
odanwiimi vai s/he has bullets, has (shotgun) shells

dabinoo'igan ni a wind shelter

dakoniwewinini na a policeman; a sheriff

gear shift
aandaabikinigan ni a gear shift

biindaabikibijigan ni a gear shift

biindaabikibizh vta shift h/ (a car)

Paired with: biindaabikibidoon vti

shift gears
aandaabikinan vti shift the gears on it

aandaabikinige vai s/he shifts gears

biindaabikibijige vai s/he shifts gears

wind shifts
gwekaanimad vii the wind shifts, changes direction

bagandizi vai s/he is lazy, is shiftless, is incompetent

nikakwan nid my shin

gikakwan nid your shin

okakwan nid h/ shin

[send out light]
waaside vii it shines, glitters, reflects light

Paired with: waasizo vai

waasizo vai s/he or it (animate) shines, glitters, reflects light

Paired with: waaside vii

shine (as something mineral)
waasaabikide vii it (mineral) shines, glitters, reflects light

Paired with: waasaabikizo vai

waasaabikizo vai it (animate; mineral) shines, glitters, reflects light

Paired with: waasaabikide vii

shine a certain way or place
inaate vii it shines a certain way, to a certain place

shine a light
waazakonenjige vai s/he shines a light

shine for game or fish
waaswaa vai s/he shines (for game or fish), jacklights

shine light at
zakaasan vti shine light at it

shine well
minwaate vii it has a good light, shines well

start shining
maadaaso vai s/he starts shining

Paired with: maadaate vii

maadaate vii it starts shining

Paired with: maadaaso vai

[make bright]
waasezi vai the sun shines, is bright, is light, is radiant

Paired with: waaseyaa vii

waasikwa' vta polish, shine h/

Paired with: waasikwa'an vti

waasikwa'an vti polish, shine it

Paired with: waasikwa' vta

waasikwaabikad vii it (mineral) is shiny

Paired with: waasikwaabikizi vai

waasikwaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is shiny

Paired with: waasikwaabikad vii

waasikozi vai s/he, it (animate) is shiny

Paired with: waasikwaa vii

waasikwaa vii it is shiny

Paired with: waasikozi vai

shiny (sheet-like)
waaseyiigad vii it (sheet-like) is bright, is shiny

Paired with: waaseyiigizi vai

waaseyiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is bright, is shiny

Paired with: waaseyiigad vii

make shiny
waasiko' vta make h/ shiny

Paired with: waasikotoon vti2

waasikotoon vti2 make it shiny

Paired with: waasiko' vta

gichi-jiimaan ni a ship; a big boat or canoe

ishkode-jiimaan ni a steamboat, a ship

naabikwaan ni a ship

babagiwayaan ni a shirt, (a piece of) cloth

See also: bagiwayaan ni [LLC]

bagiwaan ni [BL] a shirt, (a piece of) cloth

bagiwayaan ni [LLC] a shirt, (a piece of) cloth

See also: babagiwayaan ni

put on shirt
biichibabagiwayaane vai s/he puts on h/ shirt

biichibagiwayaane vai [LLC] s/he puts on h/ shirt

See also: biichibabagiwayaane vai

ribbon shirt
zenibaanh-babagiwayaan ni a ribbon shirt

take off shirt
giichibabagiwayaane vai s/he takes off h/ shirt

biitoo-babagiwayaan ni an undershirt

See also: biitoo-bagiwayaan ni [BL]

biitoo-bagiwayaan ni [BL] an undershirt

See also: biitoo-babagiwayaan ni

wear a shirt
gigibabagiwayaane vai s/he wears a shirt

miizii vai s/he defecates, shits

miijidan vti shit on it

Paired with: miijizh vta

miijizh vta shit on h/

Paired with: miijidan vti

makizin ni
  1. a shoe, a moccasin
  2. a tire

mitigwakizin ni a dress shoe

canvas shoe
babagiwayaanekizin ni a tennis shoe, a canvas shoe

change shoes
aandakizine vai s/he puts on another pair of shoes, changes h/ shoes

have shoes
omakizini vai s/he has moccasins or shoes

make shoes
makizinike vai s/he makes moccasins, makes shoes

man's shoe
ininii-makizin ni a man's shoe or moccasin

biitookizin ni an overshoe

biitookizinaan ni an overshoe

put on shoes
babiichii vai s/he puts on h/ moccasins or shoes

biitakizine vai [BL] s/he puts on h/ moccasins or shoes

shoes on wrong feet
nanaapaadakizine vai s/he has shoes on the wrong feet

take off shoes
gagiichii vai s/he takes off h/ (own) shoes or moccasins

giitakizine vai [BL] s/he takes h/ shoes or moccasins off

tennis shoe
babagiwayaanekizin ni a tennis shoe, a canvas shoe

wear shoes
gigakizine vai [BL] s/he wears moccasins or shoes

makizineyaab ni a shoelace

heard shooting
madwezige vai s/he is heard firing

practice shooting
gagweda'aakwe vai s/he practices shooting

gagweda'aakwaadan vti practice shooting it

Paired with: gagweda'aakwaazh vta

gagweda'aakwaazh vta practice shooting it (animate)

goda'e vai s/he practices shooting

shoot in a certain way or place
ina'e vai s/he aims or shoots in a certain way or direction

signal by shooting
nandwewezige vai s/he signals by shooting

baashkiz vta shoot h/ (with a gun)

Paired with: baashkizan vti See also: baashkizwi vta [NI]

baashkizan vti shoot it (with a gun)

Paired with: baashkiz vta

baashkizige vai
  1. s/he shoots things (with a gun)
  2. he ejaculates

baashkizodizo vai s/he shoots h/ self

baashkizodiwag vai they shoot each other

shoot accidentally
bichinan vti shoot it accidentally

Paired with: bichinaw vta

bichinaw vta shoot h/ accidentally

Paired with: bichinan vti

bichinaage vai s/he shoots people accidentally

bichinaadizo vai s/he shoots h/ self accidentally

shoot and hit right on target accidentally
miikoshkoodoon vti2 shoot and hit it right on target accidentally

Paired with: miikoshkoozh vta

miikoshkoozh vta shoot and hit h/ right on target accidentally

Paired with: miikoshkoodoon vti2

shoot and miss
bishkonan vti shoot at it and miss

Paired with: bishkonaw vta

bishkonaw vta shoot and miss h/

Paired with: bishkonan vti See also: bashkonaw vta [BL]

bishkonaage vai s/he shoots and misses

shoot and wound
maakinaw vta shoot and wound h/

maakinaage vai s/he shoots and wounds game

shoot on target
miikonan vti shoot it right on target, shoot and hit it

Paired with: miikonaw vta

miikonige vai s/he shoots something right on target, shoots and hits something

miikonaw vta shoot h/ right on target, shoot and hit h/

Paired with: miikonan vti

miikonaage vai s/he shoots someone (game) right on target, shoots and hits someone; s/he is a crack shot

shoot with an arrow
bimo vta [MN] shoot h/ with an arrow or other projectile

Paired with: bimodan vti See also: bimwi vta [NI]

bimodan vti shoot it with an arrow or other projectile

Paired with: bimo vta [MN]

bimojige vai s/he shoots things with an arrow or other projectile

bimwi vta [NI] shoot or hit h/ with an arrow or other projectile

See also: bimo vta [MN]

maa'ishkam vai2 s/he shops

adaawewigamig ni a store, a shop, a trading post

on the shore
agamiing adv loc at the lake; at the water; on the shore

along the shore
jiigew adv loc along the shore

jiigibiig adv loc along the shore; by or along the edge of water or an open area

come along shore
biidaazhagaame vai s/he comes along shore

drive along the shore
jiigewebizo vai s/he drives, speeds along the shore or edge

Paired with: jiigewebide vii

jiigewedaabii'iwe vai s/he drives, speeds along the shore or edge

go along the shore
bimaazhagaame vai s/he goes along on the shore or edge of something

jiigewe vai s/he goes along on the shore or edge

go away along the shore
animaazhagaame vai s/he goes away (in the other direction) on the shore

paddle along the shore
jiigewe'am vai2 s/he paddles along the shore

jiigewe'o vai s/he paddles along the shore

jiigewekwazhiwe vai s/he paddles along the shore

run along the shore
jiigewebatoo vai s/he runs along the shore or edge

jiigeweyaazhagaamebatoo vai s/he runs along the shore

run away along the shore
animaazhagaamebatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) on the shore

run here along the shore
biidaazhagaamebatoo vai s/he runs here along the shore

speed along the shore
jiigewebizo vai s/he drives, speeds along the shore or edge

Paired with: jiigewebide vii

walk along the shore
jiigeweyaazhagaame vai s/he walks along the shore

walk along shore to a certain place
inaazhagaame vai s/he walks along shore to a certain place

go out from shore on the ice
niminaaweyaadagaako vai s/he goes out from shore on the ice

leave tracks going out from shore
niminaawekawe vai s/he leaves tracks going out from shore (on the ice)

paddle out from shore
niminaawe'o vai s/he paddles out from shore

niminaawekwazhiwe vai s/he paddles out from shore

set a net out from the shore
niminaawesaa vai [BL] s/he sets a net out from the shore

go to the shore
madaabii vai s/he goes down to shore (or an open place)

carry to the shore
madaabiiwidamaw vta take, carry (it) down to the shore for h/

madaabiiwidoon vti2 take, carry it down to the shore

Paired with: madaabiiwizh vta

madaabiiwizh vta take, carry h/ or it (animate) down to the shore

Paired with: madaabiiwidoon vti2

run to the shore
madaabiibatoo vai s/he runs down to the shore

take to the shore
madaabiiwidamaw vta take, carry (it) down to the shore for h/

madaabiiwidoon vti2 take, carry it down to the shore

Paired with: madaabiiwizh vta

madaabiiwizh vta take, carry h/ or it (animate) down to the shore

Paired with: madaabiiwidoon vti2

dakoozi vai s/he is short

Paired with: dakwaa vii

dakwaa vii it is short

Paired with: dakoozi vai

short (mineral)
dakwaabikad vii it is short (as something mineral)

Paired with: dakwaabikizi vai

dakwaabikizi vai s/he is short (as something mineral)

Paired with: dakwaabikad vii

short (sheet-like)
dakwegad vii it (sheet-like) is short

Paired with: dakwegizi vai

dakwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is short

Paired with: dakwegad vii

short (stick-like)
dakwaakozi vai s/he is short (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: dakwaakwad vii

dakwaakwad vii it is short (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: dakwaakozi vai

dadaakwaawan vii they are short

Paired with: dadaakooziwag vai

short (string-like)
dakwaabiigad vii it (string-like) is short

Paired with: dakwaabiigizi vai

dakwaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is short

Paired with: dakwaabiigad vii

cut short (string-like)
dakwaabiigizh vta cut it (animate; string-like) short

Paired with: dakwaabiigizhan vti See also: dakwaabiigizhwi vta [NI]

dakwaabiigizhan vti cut it (string-like) short

Paired with: dakwaabiigizh vta ; dakwaabiigizhwi vta [NI]

short bird tail
dakwanashkidii vai s/he (a bird) has a short tail

short boat
dakoonagad vii it (a canoe or boat) is short

Paired with: dakoonagizi vai

short grass
dakwashkad vii it (plant, grass) has a short stalk, is short

short hair
dadaakwaanikwe vai s/he has short hair

short road or trail
dakwamon vii it (road or trail) is short

short sleeves
dadaakwanagweyaa vii it has short sleeves

short stalk
dakwashkad vii it (plant, grass) has a short stalk, is short

short tail
dakwaanowe vai s/he has a short tail

See also: dakwaanawe vai [LLC]

short while
noomag adv tmp for a long time; for a spell; for a while

manezin vai + o s/he is in need of, is short of (it)

run short
noondese vai s/he runs short

Paired with: noondese vii

noondesa' vta run short of h/

Paired with: noondesatoon vti2

noondesatoon vti2 run short of it

Paired with: noondesa' vta

noondesachige vai s/he runs short of things

short of breath
akwanaamo vai s/he is short of breath, takes short breaths

noondenaamo vai s/he runs short of breath, is short-winded

short of tobacco
manepwaa vai s/he is short of tobacco, needs a smoke

giishkigaade-giboodiyegwaazon ni [RL] (a pair of) shorts

bad shot
maana'e vai s/he takes a bad shot

[metal ball]
zhiishiibanwi ni birdshot

waabiziiwanwi ni [BL] buckshot