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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

slippery elm
slippery elm
ozhaashigob na a slippery elm

red elm
Ulmus rubra

gigaatigwaan ni a sliver (in h/ body)

have a sliver
gigaatigwe vai s/he has a sliver

slop pail
slop pail
ziigwebinakik na [BL] a slop pail; a garbage pail

ziigwebinigewakik na a slop pail

slow down
bekaa adv man hold on!; slow down!; wait!

slow cooker
slow cooker
bedaajiwanzwaanakik na a crock-pot, a slow cooker

drive slowly
bejibide vii it runs (as a machine), operates, drives slowly

Paired with: bejibizo vai

bejibizo vai s/he runs (as a machine) operates, drives slowly

Paired with: bejibide vii

grow slowly
bejigi vai s/he grows slowly

Paired with: bejigin vii

bejigin vii it grows slowly

Paired with: bejigi vai

move slowly
bejibide vii it runs (as a machine), operates, drives slowly

Paired with: bejibizo vai

bezikaa vai s/he moves slowly, runs late

run slowly
bejibatoo vai s/he runs slowly

bezikaabatoo vai s/he runs slowly

walk slowly
bedose vai s/he walks slowly

The diminutive form of a noun is often used to indicate a small thing or being. The diminutive form of a noun is usually given in this dictionary in the entry for the main form of the noun; for example, for a small box, look under the main entry for "box". Identifying things or beings as small can be done with verbs that use the initial element /agaas-/ or a variant of it as shown by the examples here.
agaasaa vii it is small

Paired with: agaashiinyi vai See also: agaasin vii [BL]

agaashiinyi vai s/he or it (animate) is small

Paired with: agaasaa vii ; agaasin vii [BL]

agaasin vii [BL] it is small

Paired with: agaashiinyi vai See also: agaasaa vii

small (ball-like)
agaasiminagad vii it (something small and round; grain, berry) is small

Paired with: agaasiminagizi vai

agaasiminagizi vai it (animate; something small and round, grain, berry) is small

Paired with: agaasiminagad vii

small (mineral)
agaasaabikad vii it (mineral) is small

Paired with: agaasaabikizi vai

agaasaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is small; there is a crescent moon

Paired with: agaasaabikad vii

small (sheet-like)
agaasiigad vii it (sheet-like) is small

Paired with: agaasiigizi vai

agaasiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is small

Paired with: agaasiigad vii

small (stick-like)
agaasaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is small

Paired with: agaasaakwad vii

agaasaakwad vii it (stick-like) is small

Paired with: agaasaakozi vai

small (string-like)
agaasaabiigad vii it (string-like) is small, is fine

Paired with: agaasaabiigizi vai

agaasaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is small, is fine

Paired with: agaasaabiigad vii

chop into small pieces
baasiga' vta chop h/ into small pieces (as something of wood)

Paired with: baasiga'an vti

baasiga'an vti chop it into small pieces (as something of wood)

Paired with: baasiga' vta

biisada'an vti chop it into small pieces

Paired with: biisada' vta

biisada' vta chop h/ into small pieces

Paired with: biisada'an vti

look small
agaasaabaminaagozi vai s/he, it (animate) looks small, seems small

agaasinaagwad vii it looks small, seems small

Paired with: agaasinaagozi vai

agaasinaagozi vai s/he, it (animate) looks small, seems small

Paired with: agaasinaagwad vii

make small
agaasaatoon vti2 make it small

Paired with: agaasi' vta

agaasi' vta make h/ small

Paired with: agaasaatoon vti2 ; agaasitoon vti2

agaasitoon vti2 make it small

Paired with: agaasi' vta

small hill
agaasadinaa vii there is a small hill

small house
agaasate vii it is a small house or room

small room
agaasate vii it is a small house or room

[small of the back]
small of the back
nizhiigan nid the small of my back; (the upper part of) my rump, rear end

gizhiigan nid the small of your back; (the upper part of) your rump, rear end

ozhiigan nid the small of h/ back; (the upper part of) h/ rump, rear end; its croup (top of the rump of an animal)

small of back
small of back
=zhiigan- nid STEM OF: the small of someone's back; (the upper part of) someone's rump, rear end; an animal's croup (top of rump)

ozhiigan nid the small of h/ back; (the upper part of) h/ rump, rear end; its croup (top of the rump of an animal)

smallmouth bass
smallmouth bass
noosa'owesi na a smallmouth bass

odazhegomoo na rock bass

mamakiziwin ni smallpox

have smallpox
mamakizi vai s/he has smallpox

gikendaaso vai s/he is knows, is smart, is intelligent, is educated

biigoshim vta break h/ (by dropping); smash h/

Paired with: biigosidoon vti2

biigosidoon vti2 break it (by dropping); smash it

Paired with: biigoshim vta

give off a smell
biijimaagozi vai s/he gives off a smell

Paired with: biijimaagwad vii

biijimaagwad vii it gives off a smell

Paired with: biijimaagozi vai

give off a small cooking or burning
biijimaaso vai s/he gives off a smell in cooking or burning

Paired with: biijimaate vii

biijimaate vii it gives off a smell in cooking or burning

Paired with: biijimaaso vai

good smell
minomaagwad vii it smells good, has a good smell

Paired with: minomaagozi vai

minomaagozi vai s/he smells good, has a good smell

Paired with: minomaagwad vii

like the smell
minomaam vta like the smell of h/

Paired with: minomaandan vti

minomaandan vti like the smell of it

Paired with: minomaam vta

suddenly give off a smell
baashkimaagozi vai s/he suddenly gives off a smell

Paired with: baashkimaagwad vii

baashkimaagwad vii it suddenly gives off a smell

Paired with: baashkimaagozi vai

take a smell
gojimaam vta sniff, take a smell of h/

Paired with: gojimaandan vti

gojimaandan vti sniff, take a smell of it

Paired with: gojimaam vta

gojimaanjige vai s/he sniffs, takes a smell

used to smell
nagajimaandan vti be used to the smell of it

Paired with: nagajimaam vta

nagajimaam vta be used to the smell of h/

Paired with: nagajimaandan vti

[produce a particular odor]
smell a certain way
izhimaagozi vai s/he smells a certain way

Paired with: izhimaagwad vii

izhimaagwad vii it smells a certain way

Paired with: izhimaagozi vai

izhimaam vta find s/he smells a certain way

Paired with: izhimaandan vti

izhimaandan vti find it smells a certain way

Paired with: izhimaam vta

smell a certain way cooking or burning
izhimaaso vai s/he smells a certain way cooking or burning

Paired with: izhimaate vii

izhimaate vii it smells a certain way cooking or burning; its aroma goes to a certain place

Paired with: izhimaaso vai

smell acrid
aakomaagwad vii it stinks, smells acrid

Paired with: aakomaagozi vai

aakomaagozi vai s/he stinks, smells acrid

Paired with: aakomaagwad vii

aakomaam vta find h/ stinks, smells acrid

Paired with: aakomaandan vti

aakomaandan vti find it stinks, smells acrid

Paired with: aakomaam vta

aakomaate vii it stinks, smells acrid cooking or burning

Paired with: aakomaaso vai

aakomaaso vai s/he stinks, smells acrid cooking or burning

Paired with: aakomaate vii

smell bad
maazhimaagozi vai s/he smells bad

Paired with: maazhimaagwad vii

maazhimaagwad vii it smells bad

Paired with: maazhimaagozi vai

maazhimaam vta find the smell of h/ bad

Paired with: maazhimaandan vti

maazhimaandan vti find it smells bad

Paired with: maazhimaam vta

smell bad burning or cooking
maazhimaaso vai s/he has a bad aroma, smells bad burning or cooking

Paired with: maazhimaate vii

maazhimaate vii it has a bad aroma, smells bad burning or cooking

Paired with: maazhimaaso vai

smell bitter
wiisagimaagozi vai it (animate) smells bitter, smells spicy

Paired with: wiisagimaagwad vii

wiisagimaagwad vii it smells bitter, smells spicy

Paired with: wiisagimaagozi vai

smell clean
biinimaagozi vai s/he smells clean

Paired with: biinimaagwad vii

biinimaagwad vii it smells clean

Paired with: biinimaagozi vai

smell different
bakaanimaagozi vai s/he smells different

Paired with: bakaanimaagwad vii

bakaanimaagwad vii it smells different

Paired with: bakaanimaagozi vai

smell dirty
wiinimaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) smells dirty

Paired with: wiinimaagwad vii

wiinimaagwad vii it smells dirty

Paired with: wiinimaagozi vai

smell good
minomaagozi vai s/he smells good, has a good smell

Paired with: minomaagwad vii

minomaagwad vii it smells good, has a good smell

Paired with: minomaagozi vai

minomaam vta like the smell of h/

Paired with: minomaandan vti

minomaandan vti like the smell of it

Paired with: minomaam vta

minomaago' vta put perfume on h/; make h/ smell good

Paired with: minomaagotoon vti2

minomaagotoon vti2 make it smell good, put perfume on it

Paired with: minomaago' vta

smell good burning or cooking
minomaaso vai s/he smells good burning or cooking

Paired with: minomaate vii

minomaate vii it smells good burning or cooking

Paired with: minomaaso vai

smell mild
zhaagomaagwad vii it smells mild

Paired with: zhaagomaagozi vai

zhaagomaagozi vai it (animate) smells mild

Paired with: zhaagomaagwad vii

smell mild burning or cooking
zhaagomaate vii it smells mild (burning or cooking), has a mild aroma

Paired with: zhaagomaaso vai

zhaagomaaso vai it (animate) smells mild (burning or cooking), has a mild aroma

smell moldy
agwaagomaagozi vai s/he smells moldy, smells stale

Paired with: agwaagomaagwad vii

agwaagomaagwad vii it smells moldy, smells stale

Paired with: agwaagomaagozi vai

smell nasty
bishigwaajimaagozi vai s/he smells nasty

smell rancid
zaatemaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) smells rancid, smells stale

Paired with: zaatemaagwad vii

zaatemaagwad vii it smells rancid, smells stale

Paired with: zaatemaagozi vai

zaatemaam vta find h/ smells rancid, stale

Paired with: zaatemaandan vti

zaatemaandan vti find it smells rancid, stale

Paired with: zaatemaam vta

smell stale
agwaagomaagozi vai s/he smells moldy, smells stale

Paired with: agwaagomaagwad vii

agwaagomaagwad vii it smells moldy, smells stale

Paired with: agwaagomaagozi vai

smell strange
mayagimaagozi vai s/he smells strange

Paired with: mayagimaagwad vii

mayagimaagwad vii it smells strange

Paired with: mayagimaagozi vai

smell strong
mashkawimaagozi vai s/he smells strong, stinks

Paired with: mashkawimaagwad vii

mashkawimaagwad vii it smells strong, stinks

Paired with: mashkawimaagozi vai

smell strong burning or cooking
mashkawimaaso vai s/he has a strong aroma, smells strong burning or cooking

Paired with: mashkawimaate vii

mashkawimaate vii it has a strong aroma, smells strong burning or cooking

Paired with: mashkawimaaso vai

smell terrible
gagwaanisagimaagozi vai s/he smells terrible

Paired with: gagwaanisagimaagwad vii

gagwaanisagimaagwad vii it smells terrible

Paired with: gagwaanisagimaagozi vai

biijimaam vta smell h/

Paired with: biijimaandan vti

biijimaandan vti smell it

Paired with: biijimaam vta

biijimaanjige vai s/he smells something, perceives the smell of things

smell for
nandomaam vta sniff for h/; smell for h/

Paired with: nandomaandan vti

nandomaandan vti sniff for it; smell for it

Paired with: nandomaam vta See also: andomaandan vti

nandomaanjige vai s/he sniffs, smells for things

zhoomiingweni vai s/he smiles

zhoomiingwetaw vta smile at h/

black smoke
makadewaabate vii it emits black smoke

filled with smoke
mooshkineyaabate vii it is filled with smoke

full of smoke
gibwanaamode vii it is full of smoke

Paired with: gibwanaamozo vai

go upwards as smoke
ombaabate vii it goes upwards as smoke

send smoke to a certain place
inaabasige vai s/he sends smoke to a certain place

smoke goes to a certain place
inaabate vii it (smoke) goes a certain direction

inaabaso vai h/ smoke goes a certain way

Paired with: inaabate vii

smoke comes from a certain place
ondaabate vii it (smoke) comes from a certain place

smoke comes here
biidaabate vii it (smoke) comes here

smoke goes about
babaamaabate vii it (smoke) goes about

smoke goes along
bimaabate vii it (smoke) goes along

smoke goes away (in the other direction)
animaabate vii it (smoke) goes away (in the other direction)

suffocate from smoke
gibwanaamozo vai s/he suffocates from smoke

Paired with: gibwanaamode vii

yellow or brown smoke
ozaawaabate vii there is yellow or brown smoke

giikanaabasan vti smoke it (for preservation)

Paired with: giikanaabas vta

giikanaabas vta smoke h/ (for preservation)

Paired with: giikanaabasan vti

giikanaabate vii it is is smoky

Paired with: giikanaabaso vai

giikanaabaso vai s/he is smoked

brown by smoking
ozaawegiz vta brown h/ by smoking (sheet-like)

Paired with: ozaawegizan vti

ozaawegizan vti brown it (sheet-like) by smoking it

Paired with: ozaawegiz vta

ozaawegizwi vta

ozaawegiz vta

dry by smoking
gaaskiz vta dry h/ by smoking

Paired with: gaaskizan vti

gaaskizan vti dry it by smoking

Paired with: gaaskiz vta

smoke a hide
ozaawegizige vai s/he smokes a hide

smoked beaver
gaaskamik na a smoked beaver

smoked fish
gaaski-giigoonh na smoked fish

gaaskaabasigan na smoke-cured animal or fish

See also: gaaskaabasigan ni

smoked whitefish
giikanaabate-adikameg na a smoked whitefish

[something to smoke]
give a smoke
zagaswe' vta
  1. give a smoke to h/, share a smoke with h/ (especially a pipe in a ceremony)
  2. invite h/ to a council

share a smoke
zagaswe' vta
  1. give a smoke to h/, share a smoke with h/ (especially a pipe in a ceremony)
  2. invite h/ to a council

sneak a smoke
giimoodanoozo vai s/he smokes secretly, sneaks a smoke

[breathe in smoke (as in smoking tobacco)]
zagaswaa vai s/he smokes (tobacco)

zagaswaadan vti smoke it (e.g., kinnickinnick)

Paired with: zagaswaazh vta

zagaswaazh vta smoke h/ (e.g., tobacco)

Paired with: zagaswaadan vti

be a smoker
zagaswaashki vai s/he is a smoker

come from a certain place smoking
ondanoozo vai s/he comes from a certain place smoking tobacco

come smoking
biidanoozo vai s/he comes smoking tobacco

dizzy from smoking
giiwashkwenoozo vai s/he gets dizzy from smoking

go about smoking
babaamanoozo vai s/he goes about smoking tobacco

go away smoking
animanoozo vai s/he goes away smoking tobacco

go to a certain place smoking
inanoozo vai s/he goes there smoking tobacco

need to smoke
manepwaa vai s/he is short of tobacco, needs a smoke

occupied with smoking
ondamanoozo vai s/he is occupied smoking tobacco

pretend to smoke
zagaswaakaazo vai s/he pretends to smoke

smoke secretly
giimoodanoozo vai s/he smokes secretly, sneaks a smoke

start smoking
maadanoozo vai s/he starts smoking (tobacco)

[emit smoke]
bakwene vii it smokes, is smoky or dusty

smoke out
smoke out
gibwanaamoz vta smoke h/ out

agwaawaanaak ni a smoking or drying rack for meat or fish; a meat rack; a smokehouse

agwaawaanaakokaan ni a smokehouse

bakwene vii it smokes, is smoky or dusty

giikanaamode vii it is smoky inside

zhooshkozi vai it (animate) is smooth

Paired with: zhooshkwaa vii

zhooshkwaa vii it is smooth, slick

Paired with: zhooshkozi vai

smooth (mineral-like)
zhooshkwaabikad vii it is smooth (as something mineral), is rustless

Paired with: zhooshkwaabikizi vai

zhooshkwaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is smooth, is rustless

Paired with: zhooshkwaabikad vii

smooth (sheet-like)
zhooshkwegad vii it (sheet-like) is smooth

Paired with: zhooshkwegizi vai

zhooshkwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is smooth

Paired with: zhooshkwegad vii

smooth (stick-like)
zhooshkwaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is smooth

Paired with: zhooshkwaakwad vii

zhooshkwaakwad vii it is smooth (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: zhooshkwaakozi vai

abaabas vta smudge, cense h/; smoke h/ (for preservation)

Paired with: abaabasan vti

abaabasan vti smudge, cense it; smoke it (for preservation)

Paired with: abaabas vta

abaabaso vai s/he smudges, censes h/ self

abaabasige vai s/he smudges, censes things

smudge medicinally
nookwez vta smudge h/ medicinally

Paired with: nookwezan vti

nookwezan vti smudge it medicinally

Paired with: nookwez vta

nookwezo vai s/he inhales medicinal vapors; s/he or it (animate) is smudged

nookwezige vai s/he smudges things medicinally

nookwezigan ni a medicine for burning to make a smudge

zagaakwajin vai s/he gets snagged on a limb

biimiskodisii na a snail

obiimiskodisii na a snail

ginebig na a snake

bull snake
newe na a bull snake

zhiishiigwe na a rattlesnake

snake tail
ozhigwan nid its tail (of a fish or snake)

ginebigwayaan na a snakeskin

snap off
snap off
bakibidoon vti2 break or snap it (string-like) (with hands)

Paired with: bakibizh vta

bakibizh vta break or snap it (animate; string-like) (with hands)

Paired with: bakibidoon vti2

bakishkan vti snap it (something string-like) off (with foot or body)

Paired with: bakishkaw vta

bakishkaw vta snap h/ (something string-like) off (with foot or body)

Paired with: bakishkan vti

snapping turtle
snapping turtle
mikinaak na a snapping turtle

mishiikenh na a snapping turtle

snapping turtle egg
snapping turtle egg
mikinaakwaawan ni a snapping turtle egg

snapping turtle shell
snapping turtle shell
mikinaakwemikwaan na a snapping turtle shell

agoodwaagan ni a snare

nagwaagan ni a snare

check snares
naadagoodoo vai s/he check h/ snares

hang a snare
agoodoo vai s/he hangs a snare, sets a snare

agoodaw vta
  1. hang (it) for h/
  2. set a snare for h/

See also: agoodamaw vta

remove from snare
giitagwen vta remove h/ from a snare

set a snare
agoodaw vta
  1. hang (it) for h/
  2. set a snare for h/

See also: agoodamaw vta

agoodoo vai s/he hangs a snare, sets a snare

steal from a snare
gimoodagwe vai s/he steals something from a snare or snares

take along a snare
niiminagwaagane vai s/he takes along a snare or snares

beaver snare
amiko-nagwaagan ni a beaver snare

fox snare
waagoshi-nagwaagan ni a fox snare

rabbit snare
waaboozo-nagwaagan ni a rabbit snare

spruce hen snare
mashkodese-nagwaagan ni a spruce hen snare

squirrel snare
ajidamoo-nagwaagan ni a squirrel snare

wolf snare
ma'iingani-nagwaagan ni a wolf snare

nagwaazh vta snare h/

Paired with: nagwaadan vti

snare with pole and noose
naabigwe'oozh vta snare h/ around the neck with a pole and noose

naabigwe'oojige vai s/he snares with a pole and noose

naabigwe'oojigan ni a snare pole and loop

See also: naabigwa'oojigan ni

snare wire
snare wire
agoodwaaganeyaab ni snare wire, snare

nagwaaganeyaab ni snare wire, snare

sneak up
giimoozikaw vta sneak up on h/

giimikaw vta sneak up on h/; stalk h/

Paired with: giimikan vti

giimikan vti sneak up on or into it

Paired with: giimikaw vta

jaachaamo vai s/he sneezes

andomaam vta sniff for h/; smell for h/

Paired with: andomaandan vti

andomaandan vti sniff for it; smell for it

Paired with: andomaam vta See also: nandomaandan vti

nandomaam vta sniff for h/; smell for h/

Paired with: nandomaandan vti

nandomaandan vti sniff for it; smell for it

Paired with: nandomaam vta See also: andomaandan vti

gojimaam vta sniff, take a smell of h/

Paired with: gojimaandan vti

gojimaandan vti sniff, take a smell of it

Paired with: gojimaam vta

gagwejimaandan vti sniff around for it

Paired with: gagwejimaam vta

gagwejimaam vta keep sniffing h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: gagwejimaandan vti

snip off
bakizh vta snip h/ (something string-like) off

Paired with: bakizhan vti

bakizhan vti cut it (string-like) off or through; snip it (string-like) off

Paired with: bakizh vta

madwengwaam vai [ML] s/he snores, makes noise in h/ sleep

See also: madwengwaami vai [RL] ; madwengwaamo vai [BL]

madwengwaami vai [RL] s/he snores, makes noise in h/ sleep

See also: madwengwaamo vai [BL] ; madwengwaam vai [ML]

madwengwaamo vai [BL] s/he snores, makes noise in h/ sleep

See also: madwengwaami vai [RL] ; madwengwaam vai [ML]

ikwanoozo vai s/he inhales; s/he snores

madwenaamo vai [BL] s/he is heard breathing, snorts, huffs and puffs

wiiniskiigomaan na snot

ziinikiigomaan na [ML] snot

See also: ziiniskiigomaan na [RL]

ziiniskiigomaan na [RL] snot

See also: ziinikiigomaan na [ML]

oshkinzh nid h/ snout, muzzle

Words describing the process of snowing are built with the final element /-po/, appearing in most Minnesota dialects as -pon when no other ending follows.
zoogipon vii it snows

snow in large flakes
mamaangadepon vii it snows in large flakes

start to snow
maajipon vii it starts to snow

stop snowing
boonipon vii it stops snowing, the snow stops

goon na snow

gooniwan vii it is snowy, has snow on it

Paired with: gooniwi vai

gooniwi vai s/he is snowy, has snow on h/

Paired with: gooniwan vii

big snowflakes
mamaangipon vii there are big snowflakes

bloody snow
miskwiiwaagonagaa vii there is bloody snow

blow snow
weba'aagone vai s/he removes snow: shovels snow, plows snow, blows snow

dawaagonebidoon vti2 push snow off it, plow snow off it

bright snow
bagakaagonagaa vii there is bright snow

brush snow
bawaagone' vta brush snow off h/ using something

Paired with: bawaagone'an vti

bawaagone'an vti brush snow off it using something

Paired with: bawaagone' vta

bawaagonen vta brush snow off h/ (by hand)

Paired with: bawaagonenan vti

bawaagonenan vti brush snow off it (by hand)

Paired with: bawaagonen vta

clear snow
dawaagone'an vti clear the snow off it (with something), shovel the snow off it

dawaagone'ige vai s/he clears snow (with something), shovels snow

crust of the snow
onaabanad vii there is a crust on the snow

dark snow
makadewaagonagaa vii it is dark dirty snow

deep snow
ishpaagonagaa vii it is deep snow

dirty snow
wiinaagonagaa vii there is dirty snow

makadewaagonagaa vii it is dark dirty snow

eat snow
amwaagone vai s/he eats snow

heavy wet snow
zhakipon vii wet snow falls

much snow
goonikaa vii there is (a lot of) snow

nasty snow
niiskaajipon vii it is a nasty, messy snow

on top of snow
ogidaagonag adv loc on top of the snow

See also: wagidaagonag adv loc

wagidaagonag adv loc on top of the snow

plow snow
dawaagonebidoon vti2 push snow off it, plow snow off it

dawaagonebijige vai s/he plows snow, blows snow; s/he pushes snow off

weba'aagonebizo vai s/he plows snow, blows snow

Paired with: weba'aagonebide vii

weba'aagone vai s/he removes snow: shovels snow, plows snow, blows snow

shovel snow
dawaagone'an vti clear the snow off it (with something), shovel the snow off it

dawaagone'ige vai s/he clears snow (with something), shovels snow

weba'aagone vai s/he removes snow: shovels snow, plows snow, blows snow

slippery snow
ozhaashaagonagaa vii there is slippery snow; it is slippery with snow

snow comes
biijipon vii snow comes

snow comes from a certain place
onjipon vii snow comes from a certain place

snow goes about
babaamipon vii snow goes about

snow goes along
bimipon vii snow goes along

snow goes away
animipon vii snow goes away

snow lets up
gibichipon vii the snow stops, lets up

soft snow
nookaagonagaa vii there is soft snow

under the snow
anaamaagon adv loc under the snow

anaamaagonag adv loc under the snow

wet snow
zhakaagonagaa vii there is soft wet snow

zhakipon vii wet snow falls

yellow snow
ozaawaagonagaa vii there is yellow snow

come through snow
biidaagone vai s/he comes here through the snow

go about through snow
babaamaagone vai s/he goes around through the snow

come from a certain place through snow
ondaagone vai s/he comes from a certain place through the snow

go along through snow
bimaagone vai s/he goes along in the snow

go away through snow
animaagone vai s/he goes away through the snow

go to a certain place through snow
inaagone vai s/he goes to a certain place through snow

heard coming running through snow
biidweweyaagonebatoo vai s/he is heard running here in snow

heard coming through snow
biidweweyaagone vai s/he is heard coming in the snow

heard going through snow
madweyaagone vai s/he is heard going through the snow, "you" can hear h/ going through the snow

snow crust
crust of the snow
onaabanad vii there is a crust on the snow

walk on the crust of the snow
animadewe vai s/he goes, walks away (in the other direction) on the snow crust

babaamadewe vai s/he goes, walks about on the snow crust

bimadewe vai s/he goes, walks along on the snow crust

biidadewe vai s/he comes, walks here on the snow crust

inadewe vai s/he goes, walks to a certain place on the snow crust

ondadewe vai s/he comes, goes, walks from a certain place on the snow crust

snow shovel
snow shovel
weba'aagonaan ni something to remove snow with: a snow shovel, a snow blower

make snowball
bikwaakwadwaagonagin vta make h/ (snow) into a snowball

babiikwaakwadwaagonagin vta make h/ (snow) into snowballs

aadaagoneshin vai s/he is snowbound

Verbs of travel on snowshoes are built on a stem aagime in Minnesota and are built on a stem aagimose in the Border Lakes region. Compare these to aagim 'a snowshoe'.
aagime vai [S] s/he snowshoes

aagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes

snowshoe about
babaamaagime vai [S] s/he snowshoes about

babaamaagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes about

snowshoe along
bimaagime vai [S] s/he snowshoes along or by, goes snowshoeing

bimaagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes along or by, goes snowshoeing

snowshoe away (in the other direction)
animaagime vai [S] s/he snowshoes away (in the other direction)

animaagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes away (in the other direction)

snowshoe by
bimaagime vai [S] s/he snowshoes along or by, goes snowshoeing

bimaagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes along or by, goes snowshoeing

snowshoe from a certain place
ondaagime vai [S] s/he snowshoes from a certain place

ondaagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes from a certain place

snowshoe here
biidaagime vai [S] s/he snowshoes here, comes snowshoeing

biidaagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes here, comes snowshoeing

snowshoe to a certain place
inaagime vai [S] s/he snowshoes to a certain place, snowshoes in a certain way

inaagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes to a certain place, snowshoes in a certain way

aagim na a snowshoe

bear paw snowshoe
makwasaagim na [ML] a bear paw snowshoe

makwasaam na [BL] a bearpaw snowshoe

break snowshoe
bookwaagime vai s/he breaks the frame of h/ snowshoe or snowshoes

bakaagime vai s/he breaks the webbing of h/ snowshoe or snowshoes

See also: bookwaagime vai

have snowshoe
odaagimi vai s/he has a snowshoe or snowshoes

make snowshoes
aagimike vai s/he makes snowshoes

put snowshoes on
biitaagime vai s/he puts snowshoes on

take along snowshoes
niimaagime vai s/he takes along snowshoes

take off snowshoe
giitaagime vai s/he takes off h/ snowshoe

snowshoe crossbar
snowshoe crossbar
okik ni a snowshoe or sled crossbar

snowshoe hare
snowshoe hare
waabooz na a rabbit, a snowshoe hare

snowshoe hare
Lepus americanus

snowshoe trail
snowshoe trail
aagimekana ni a snowshoe trail

biindaakwaan na snuff

zinap na [RL] snuff

chew snuff or tobacco
biindaakwe vai s/he chews tobacco

ezhi- pv rel in a certain place; in a certain way; so; there; thus

izhi- pv rel

ingwana pc disc it turns out that...; it was just so; so it was that

oonh pc disc oh!; so...

just so
eniwek adv deg a little bit; just so; middling; somewhat

ingwana pc disc it turns out that...; it was just so; so it was that

so big
inigokwaa vii it is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigini vai

inigini vai s/he or it (animate) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaa vii

so big (sheet-like)
inigokwegad vii it (sheet-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwegizi vai

inigokwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwegad vii

so big (stick-like)
inigokwaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaakwad vii

inigokwaakwad vii it (stick-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaakozi vai

so big (string-like)
inigokwaabiigad vii it (string-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaabiigizi vai

inigokwaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaabiigad vii

so far along in an activity
apiichitaa vai s/he engages in an activity to a certain extent, is so far along in an activity

so heavy
apiitinigozi vai s/he weighs so much, is so heavy

Paired with: apiitinigwad vii

apiitinigwad vii it weighs so much, is so heavy

Paired with: apiitinigozi vai

so it is said
giiwenh pc disc so it is said; so the story goes

so late in the day
apiichi-giizhigad vii it is so late in the day

so long
akoozi vai s/he is a certain length, is a certain height, is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akwaa vii

akwaa vii it is a certain length, a certain height, is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akoozi vai

ako- pv rel a certain length; as far as; as long as; since

akoosagaa vii it (a floor or room) is so long

akoosagad vii it (useful wood) is a certain length, is so long

so long (mineral-like)
akwaabikad vii it is a certain length (as something mineral), is so long (as something mineral)

Paired with: akwaabikizi vai

akwaabikizi vai s/he is a certain length (as something mineral), is so long (as something mineral)

Paired with: akwaabikad vii

so long (sheet-like)
akwegad vii it (sheet-like) is a certain length, is so long

Paired with: akwegizi vai

akwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is a certain length, is so long

Paired with: akwegad vii

so long (string-like)
akwaabiigad vii it (string-like) is a certain length, is so long

Paired with: akwaabiigizi vai

akwaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is a certain length, is so long

Paired with: akwaabiigad vii

so long (stick-like)
akwaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like, wood) is a certain length, is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akwaakwad vii

akwaakwad vii it (stick-like, wood) is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akwaakozi vai

so much
minik adv qnt a certain amount, a certain number, so much, so many

so tall
akoozi vai s/he is a certain length, is a certain height, is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akwaa vii

akwaa vii it is a certain length, a certain height, is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akoozi vai

so that
ji- pv tns in order to; that, so that; future tense and modal (in unchanged conjunct verbs)

da- pv tns ; daa- pv tns ; ga- pv tns

so the story goes
giiwenh pc disc so it is said; so the story goes

so wide
inigokwadeyaa vii it is a certain width, is so wide

Paired with: inigokwadezi vai

inigokwadezi vai s/he is a certain width, is so wide

Paired with: inigokwadeyaa vii

so wide (mineral-like)
inigokwadeyaabikad vii it (mineral) is a certain width, is so wide

Paired with: inigokwadeyaabikizi vai

inigokwadeyaabikizi vai s/he is a certain width, is so wide (as something mineral)

Paired with: inigokwadeyaabikad vii

so wide (sheet-like)
inigokwadeyiigad vii it (sheet-like) is a certain width, is so wide

Paired with: inigokwadeyiigizi vai

inigokwadeyiigizi vai s/he is a certain width, is so wide (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: inigokwadeyiigad vii

so wide (stick-like)
inigokwadeyaakwad vii it is a certain width, is so wide (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: inigokwadeyaakozi vai

inigokwadeyaakozi vai s/he is a certain width, is so wide (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: inigokwadeyaakwad vii

so wide (string-like)
inigokwadeyaabiigad vii it is a certain width, is so wide (as something string-like)

Paired with: inigokwadeyaabiigizi vai

inigokwadeyaabiigizi vai s/he is a certain width, is so wide (as something string-like)

Paired with: inigokwadeyaabiigad vii

so many
so many
daso- pv rel every; a certain number; so many

dasinoon vii they (inanimate) are so many, there are so many of them; they (inanimate) are a certain number, there are a certain number of them

Paired with: dashiwag vai See also: dasin vii

dashiwag vai they (animate) are a certain number, there are a certain number of them; they (animate) are so many, there are so many of them

Paired with: dasinoon vii See also: dashi vai

daswi qnt num a certain number; so many

endaso- pv rel every; a certain number; so many

daso- pv rel

so many acres
daso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. a certain number of minutes, so many minutes
  2. a certain number of acres, so many acres

so many bags
dasooshkin qnt num certain number of bags; so many bags

so many boatloads
dasoonag qnt num so many boats or canoes, so many boatloads

so many boats
dasoonag qnt num so many boats or canoes, so many boatloads

so many bushels
daso-diba'iminaan qnt num a certain number of bushels; so many bushels

so many canoes
dasoonag qnt num so many boats or canoes, so many boatloads

so many cupfuls
dasonaagaans qnt num a certain number of cupfuls; so many cupfuls

so many days
daso-giizhik qnt num a certain number of days; so many days

dasogon qnt num a certain number of days; so many days

dasogonagad vii it is a certain number of days; it is so many days

so many dollars
daswaabik qnt num a certain number of dollars; so many dollars

so many feet
dasozid qnt num [MN] a certain number of feet; so many feet

See also: daso-mizid qnt num [BL]

so many hours
daso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. a certain number of hours, so many hours
  2. a certain number of miles, so many miles

so many inches
dasoninj qnt num a certain number of inches; so many inches

so many miles
daso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. a certain number of hours, so many hours
  2. a certain number of miles, so many miles

so many minutes
daso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. a certain number of minutes, so many minutes
  2. a certain number of acres, so many acres

so many months
daso-giizis qnt num a certain number of months; so many months

so many nights
daso-dibik qnt num a certain number of nights; so many nights

so many pairs
daswewaan qnt num a certain number of sets or pairs, so many sets or pairs

daswewaanagadoon vii there are a certain number of sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate); there are so many sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate)

Paired with: daswewaanagiziwag vai

daswewaanagiziwag vai there are of a certain number of sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate); there are so many sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate)

Paired with: daswewaanagadoon vii

so many pieces of something sheet-like
dasweg qnt num so many pieces of something sheet-like

so many pounds
daso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num a certain number of pounds; so many pounds

so many sets
daswewaan qnt num a certain number of sets or pairs, so many sets or pairs

so many thousand
dasosagoons qnt num a certain number of thousands; so many thousand

so many times
dasing adv tmp a certain number of times; so many times

so many weeks
daso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num a certain number of weeks; so many weeks

daso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is a certain number of weeks; it is so many weeks

so many years
daso-biboon qnt num a certain number of years; so many years; a certain number of winters; so many winters

daso-biboonagad vii it is a certain number of years; it is so many years

daso-gikinoonowin adv tmp a certain number of years; so many years

so many years old
daso-biboonagizi vai s/he is a certain number of years old; s/he is so many years old

Paired with: daso-biboonagad vii

agwanjin vai s/he or it (animate) is in or on the water, floats, soaks

See also: agonjin vai

agonde vii it is in or on the water, floats, soaks

Paired with: agonjin vai See also: agwinde vii

agonjin vai s/he or it (animate) is in or on the water, floats, soaks

See also: agwanjin vai

agwinde vii it is in or on the water, floats, soaks

See also: agonde vii

soak through
zhaabobii vii it is soaked through, is saturated

zhaabwaabaawe vai s/he or it (animate) is soaked through, is saturated

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawe vii

zhaabwaabaawe vii it is soaked through, is saturated

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawe vai

agwanjidoon vti2 put it in the water; soak, immerse it

Paired with: agwanjim vta See also: agonjidoon vti2 ; agwinjidoon vti2

agonjidoon vti2 put it in the water; soak, immerse it

Paired with: agonjim vta See also: agwanjidoon vti2 ; agwinjidoon vti2

agwanjim vta put h/ or it (animate) in the water; immerse, soak h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: agwanjidoon vti2 See also: agonjim vta

agonjim vta immerse, soak h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: agonjidoon vti2

soak through
zhaabwaabaawadoon vti2 soak it through, get it soaked; saturate it

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawazh vta

zhaabwaabaawazh vta soak it (animate) through, get it (animate) soaked; saturate it (animate)

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawadoon vti2

get something soaked
zhaabwaabaawadoon vti2 soak it through, get it soaked; saturate it

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawazh vta

zhaabwaabaawazh vta soak it (animate) through, get it (animate) soaked; saturate it (animate)

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawadoon vti2

soaked through
zhaabobii vii it is soaked through, is saturated

zhaabwaabaawe vai s/he or it (animate) is soaked through, is saturated

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawe vii

zhaabwaabaawe vii it is soaked through, is saturated

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawe vai

giziibiiga'igan ni
  1. (item of) laundry
  2. soap

dish soap or detergent
giziininaagane-giziibiiga'igan ni [BL] dish soap or detergent

liquid soap
giziibiiga'iganaaboo ni [MN] liquid soap; washwater

See also: giziibiiga'iganaabo ni [BL]

giziibiiga'iganaabo ni [BL] liquid soap; washwater

See also: giziibiiga'iganaaboo ni [MN]

soar about
babaamaashi vai s/he is blown about (by the wind); sails, soars about

Paired with: babaamaasin vii

babaamaasin vii it is blown about (by the wind); it sails, soars about

Paired with: babaamaashi vai

soar across
aazhawaasin vii it is blown across (by the wind), sails across, soars across

Paired with: aazhawaashi vai

aazhawaashi vai s/he is blown across (by the wind), sails across, soars across

Paired with: aazhawaasin vii

soar along
bimaashi vai s/he is blown along (by the wind); sails, soars along

Paired with: bimaasin vii

bimaasin vii it is blown along (by the wind); sails, soars along

Paired with: bimaashi vai

sail ashore
agwaayaashi vai s/he is blown ashore (by the wind); sails ashore

Paired with: agwaayaasin vii

agwaayaasin vii it is blown ashore (by the wind); sails ashore

Paired with: agwaayaashi vai

soar away
webaashi vai s/he is blown away (by the wind)

Paired with: webaasin vii

webaasin vii it is blown away (by the wind)

Paired with: webaashi vai

maadaashi vai s/he starts being blown away (by the wind); s/he begins to sail away, soar away

Paired with: maadaasin vii

maadaasin vii it starts being blown away (by the wind); it begins to sail away, begins to soar away

Paired with: maadaashi vai

soar away (in the other direction)
animaashi vai s/he starts being blown away (by the wind); s/he begins to sail away, soar away

Paired with: animaasin vii

animaasin vii it is blown away (by the wind); sails, soars away

Paired with: animaashi vai

soar from a certain place
ondaashi vai s/he or it (animate) is blown from a certain place (by the wind); sails, soars from a certain place

Paired with: ondaasin vii

ondaasin vii it is blown from a certain place (by the wind); sails, soars from a certain place

Paired with: ondaashi vai

soar here
biidaashi vai s/he is blown here (by the wind); sails, soars here

Paired with: biidaasin vii

biidaasin vii it is blown here (by the wind); sails, soars here

Paired with: biidaashi vai

soar in
bagamaashi vai s/he is blown in (by the wind); sails, soars in (to a destination); s/he arrives by air

Paired with: bagamaasin vii

bagamaasin vii it is blown in (by the wind), sails, soars in; it arrives by air

Paired with: bagamaashi vai

soar in a certain way
inaashi vai s/he is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way

Paired with: inaasin vii

inaasin vii it is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way; it sails to a certain place

soar to a certain place
inaashi vai s/he is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way

Paired with: inaasin vii

inaasin vii it is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way; it sails to a certain place

soar fast
gizhiiyaasin vii it is blown fast (by the wind); sails, soars fast

See also: gizhiiyaashi vai

gizhiiyaashi vai s/he is blown fast (by the wind); sails, soars fast

Paired with: gizhiiyaasin vii

sober up
aatebii vai s/he sobers up

social worker
social worker
ashangewikwe na a social worker, a welfare worker (female)

ashangewinini na a social worker, a welfare worker

azhigan ni a sock, a stocking

have new socks
oshkazhigane vai s/he has new socks

make socks
azhiganike vai s/he makes socks

put on socks
biitazhigane vai s/he puts on h/ socks

take off socks
giitazhigane vai s/he takes off h/ socks

wear socks
gigazhigane vai s/he wears socks

sod house
sod house
akiiwigamig ni a sod house

baking soda
ombizigan ni baking soda

nookaa vii it is soft, is tender

Paired with: nookizi vai

nookijiiyaa vii it (something bag-like, belly-like) is soft

Paired with: nookijiizi vai

nookijiizi vai s/he is soft-bellied; it (animate; something bag-like, belly-like) is soft

Paired with: nookijiiyaa vii

nookizi vai s/he is soft, is tender

Paired with: nookaa vii

soft (bag-like)
nookijiizi vai s/he is soft-bellied; it (animate; something bag-like, belly-like) is soft

Paired with: nookijiiyaa vii

soft (mineral)
nookaabikad vii it (mineral) is soft

Paired with: nookaabikizi vai

nookaabikizi vai s/he (mineral) is soft

Paired with: nookaabikad vii

soft (sheet-like)
nookiigad vii it (sheet-like) is soft

Paired with: nookiigizi vai

nookiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is soft

Paired with: nookiigad vii

soft (string-like)
nookaabiigad vii it (string-like) is soft

Paired with: nookaabiigizi vai

nookaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is soft

Paired with: nookaabiigad vii

soft and fluffy
noosookaa vii [BL] it is soft and fluffy

Paired with: noosookizi vai [BL]

noosookizi vai [BL] it (animate) is soft and fluffy

Paired with: noosookaa vii [BL]

nookijiizi vai s/he is soft-bellied; it (animate; something bag-like, belly-like) is soft

Paired with: nookijiiyaa vii

soft birch bark
nookashkweyaa vii it is soft birch bark

soft face
nookiingwe vai s/he has soft skin on h/ face

soft fish meat
nookiskawe vai it (animate; fish) has soft meat

soft from being in water or rain
nookaabaawe vai it (animate) is or gets soft from being in water or the rain

Paired with: nookaabaawe vii

nookaabaawe vii it is or gets soft from being in water or the rain

Paired with: nookaabaawe vai

soft hair
nookaanikwe vai s/he has soft hair

soft snow
nookaagonagaa vii there is soft snow

soft voice
bedowe vai s/he has a soft voice

soft drink
soft drink
menwaagamig ni-v a soft drink; pop

waashkobaagamig ni-v a soft drink; pop

zhiiwaabo ni [BL] a soft drink; pop

nookaabaawadoon vti2 soften it with water

Paired with: nookaabaawazh vta

nookaabaawazh vta soften h/ with water

Paired with: nookaabaawadoon vti2

nookada'an vti pound it soft; soften it (by hitting with something)

Paired with: nookada' vta ; nookada'wi vta [NI]

nookada' vta pound it (animate) soft; soften it (animate) (by hitting with something)

Paired with: nookada'an vti

soften by working with hands
nookibidoon vti2 soften it by working it (with the hands)

Paired with: nookibizh vta

nookibizh vta soften it (animate) by working it (with the hands)

Paired with: nookibidoon vti2

nookibijige vai s/he softens things by working them with the hands

zhimaaganish na
  1. a soldier
  2. a jack (card)

There is no simple independent word for sole of the foot. A personal prefix goes with the dependent noun stem /=nagaakizid-/ sole to make a full word.
ninagaakizid nid my sole

ginagaakizid nid your sole

onagaakizid nid h/ sole

zoongan vii it is strong, solid

zoongizi vai it (animate) is solid, strong

Paired with: zoongan vii

hard [solid]
mashkawaa vii it is strong, is hard, is dense

Paired with: mashkawizi vai

make solid
zoongi' vta make h/ strong; make h/ solid

zoongitoon vti2 make it strong; make it solid

Paired with: zoongi' vta

aanind adv qnt some

for some time
gomaapii adv deg for some time, some distance

some amount
gomaa adv deg some amount; to a middling degree

some distance
gomaapii adv deg for some time, some distance

some time ago
gayat adv tmp formerly, previously, some time ago

awiya pron indf somebody, someone, anybody, anyone

See also: gaawiin awiya pron indf ; gakina awiya pron indf

aya'aa pron psl I don't remember who; a being, a thing animate in gender

Paired with: aya'ii pron psl ; ayi'ii pron psl

someone new
oshkaya'aa na something (animate) new; someone young

oshki-aya'aa na something (animate) new; someone young

someone next in succession to the leader
aanike-ogimaa na someone next in succession to the leader (e.g., a vice president)

someone old
gete-aya'aa na someone old

someone young
oshkaya'aa na something (animate) new; someone young

oshki-aya'aa na something (animate) new; someone young

gegoo pron indf something, anything

See also: gaawiin gegoo pron indf ; gakina gegoo pron indf

ingoding adv tmp at one time; sometime

See also: ningoding adv tmp

ningoding adv tmp at one time; sometime

aangodinong adv tmp occasionally; sometimes

ayaangodinong adv tmp occasionally; sometimes

eniwek adv deg a little bit; just so; middling; somewhat

ingoji adv deg somewhere, anywhere; approximately; nearly, almost

See also: ningoji adv loc

ningoji adv loc somewhere, anywhere; approximately; nearly, almost

See also: ingoji adv deg

live somewhere else
aandakii vai s/he lives, moves somewhere else (in a different territory or country); s/he moves to the spirit world

There is no simple independent word for son. A personal prefix goes with the dependent noun stem /=gozis-/ son (BL /=gwizis-/) to make a full word.
ningozis nad my son

See also: ingozis nad ; ningwizis nad [BL] ; ingwizis nad [BL]

ingozis nad my son

Paired with: ningwizis nad [BL] ; ingwizis nad [BL] ; ningozis nad

gigozis nad your son

ogozisan nad h/ son

ningwizis nad [BL] my son

See also: ingozis nad ; ingwizis nad [BL] ; ningozis nad

ingwizis nad [BL] my son

See also: ingozis nad ; ningwizis nad [BL] ; ningozis nad

gigwizis nad [BL] your son

See also: gigozis nad

ogwizisan nad [BL] h/ son

See also: ogozisan nad

na'aangish na a son-in-law

niningwan nad my son-in-law

giningwan nad your son-in-law

oningwanan nad h/ son-in-law

nagamon ni a song

nagamowin ni singing; a song

chief song
ogimaa-nagamon ni chief song

courting song
nooji'ikwewe-nagamon ni a courting song

dance song
niimi'idii-nagamon ni a dance song

healing song
nanaandawi'iwe-nagamon ni a healing song

moccasin game song
makizinataage-nagamon ni a moccasin game song

sing courting song
nooji'ikwewe-nagamo vai s/he sings a courting song

sing healing song
nanaandawi'iwe-nagamo vai s/he sings a healing song

sing the wrong song
wana'am vai2 s/he makes a mistake singing, sings the wrong song

sing war songs
bwaanzhii-nagamo vai s/he sings war songs

spiritual song
manidoo-nagamon ni a spiritual song

warrior song
ogichidaa-nagamon ni a warrior song

wayiiba adv tmp early; in a little while; soon

wiiba adv tmp [N] early; soon

See also: wayiiba adv tmp

gaagiidizi vai s/he is sore

sore arm
gaagiijinike vai s/he has a sore arm

sore back
gaagiidaawigan vai [S] s/he has a sore back

See also: gaagiidaawigane vai [N]

gaagiidaawigane vai [N] s/he has a sore back

See also: gaagiidaawigane vai [N]

sore chin
gaagiijidaamikane vai s/he has a sore jaw or chin

sore ear
gaagiijitawage vai s/he has a sore ear or sore ears

sore elbow
gaagiijidooskwan vai s/he has a sore elbow

See also: gaagiijidooskwane vai [N]

gaagiijidooskwane vai [N] s/he has a sore elbow

Paired with: gaagiijidooskwan vai

sore finger
gaagiijininjii vai s/he has a sore hand, has a sore finger

sore foot
gaagiijizide vai s/he has a sore foot

sore hand
gaagiijininjii vai s/he has a sore hand, has a sore finger

sore head
gaagiijindibe vai s/he has a sore head

sore heel
gaagiijidoondane vai s/he has a sore heel or sore heels

sore jaw
gaagiijidaamikane vai s/he has a sore jaw or chin

sore leg
gaagiijigaade vai s/he has a sore leg

sore nose
gaagiijijaane vai s/he has a sore nose

sore throat
wiisagigonewe vai s/he has a sore throat, h/ throat hurts

have sore
omigii vai s/he has a sore or sores, has a scab or scabs

sore on arm
omiginike vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ arm

omigiiwinike vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ arm or arms

sore on chin
omigidaamikane vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ jaw or chin

sore on ear
omigitawage vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ ear

sore on face
omigiingwe vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ face

sore on foot
omigizide vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ feet

sore on hand
omigininjii vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ hands

sore on head
omigindibe vai s/he has scabs or sores on h/ head

sore on jaw
omigidaamikane vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ jaw or chin

sore on leg
omigigaade vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ leg

sore on nose
omigijaane vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ nose

sore on rear
omigidiye vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on his rear

osidaawendam vai2 s/he is sad, dejected, sorrowful

dino pron sim a certain kind or type of something [inanimate]; sort

dinowa pron sim a certain kind or type of something [inanimate]

There is no simple independent word for soul (the spirit within). A personal prefix goes with the dependent noun stem /=jichaagw-/ soul (the spirit within) to make a full word:
  • ninjichaag, injichaag my soul (the spirit within) (1s-3s) 
  • gijichaag your soul (the spirit within) (2s-3s) 
  • ojichaagwan h/ soul (the spirit within) (3s-3')
soul (the spirit within)
ninjichaag nad my soul (the spirit within)

gijichaag nad your soul (the spirit within)

ojichaagwan nad h/ soul (the spirit within)

give a hollow sound
wiimbwewe vii it gives a hollow sound

like the sound
minotam vai2 s/he likes hearing something, likes the sound

make sounds
madwewechige vai s/he makes things sound, plays (music)

madwewetoon vti2 make it sound, play it

recognize by sound
nisidotan vti understand it, recognize, identify it (by hearing)

Paired with: nisidotaw vta

nisidotaw vta recognize h/ (by sound); understand, comprehend h/ (when speaking)

Paired with: nisidotan vti

nisidotaadiwag vai they understand, comprehend each other

sound bad
maanitaagozi vai s/he sounds bad, doesn't sound right

Paired with: maanitaagwad vii

maanitaagwad vii it sounds bad, doesn't sound right

Paired with: maanitaagozi vai

maanitaw vta dislike what h/ says or sounds like; find what h/ says or sounds like disagreeable

Paired with: maanitan vti

maanitan vti it sounds bad to h/, doesn't sound right to h/

Paired with: maanitaw vta

sound clear
bagakitaagwad vii it sounds clear, is heard clearly; it is understandable

Paired with: bagakitaagozi vai

bagakitaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) sounds clear, is heard clearly; s/he is understandable

Paired with: bagakitaagwad vii

sound cute
wawiyazhitaagozi vai s/he sounds cute, sounds funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyazhitaagwad vii

wawiyazhitaagwad vii it sounds cute, sounds funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyazhitaagozi vai

sound different
bakaanitaagwad vii it sounds different

Paired with: bakaanitaagozi vai

bakaanitaagozi vai s/he sounds different

Paired with: bakaanitaagwad vii

sound foreign
mayagitaagozi vai s/he sounds strange, sounds foreign, has an accent

Paired with: mayagitaagwad vii

mayagitaagwad vii it sounds strange, sounds foreign

Paired with: mayagitaagozi vai

sound funny
wawiyazhitaagozi vai s/he sounds cute, sounds funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyazhitaagwad vii

wawiyazhitaagwad vii it sounds cute, sounds funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyazhitaagozi vai

sound good
minotaagozi vai s/he sounds good

Paired with: minotaagwad vii

minotaagwad vii it sounds good

Paired with: minotaagozi vai

sound loud
gizhiiwewidam vai2 s/he sounds loud, sounds loud and clear

sound right
gwayakotaagwad vii it sounds right

Paired with: gwayakotaagozi vai

gwayakotaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) sounds right

Paired with: gwayakotaagwad vii

sound scary
zegitaagozi vai s/he sounds scary, sounds frightening

Paired with: zegitaagwad vii

zegitaagwad vii it sounds scary, sounds frightening

Paired with: zegitaagozi vai

sound strange
mayagitaagozi vai s/he sounds strange, sounds foreign, has an accent

Paired with: mayagitaagwad vii

mayagitaagwad vii it sounds strange, sounds foreign

Paired with: mayagitaagozi vai

sound unclear
biigizawitaagwad vii it sounds unclear, sounds fuzzy or noisy; it is hard to make out what it says or means

Paired with: biigizawitaagozi vai

biigizawitaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) sounds unclear, sounds fuzzy or noisy; it is hard to make out what s/he says or means

Paired with: biigizawitaagwad vii

naboob ni soup, stew

bakwezhiganaabo ni soup with flour or dumplings

bean soup
mashkodesiminaaboo ni bean soup

miskojiisiminaaboo ni [N] bean soup

chicken soup
baaka'aakwenh-naboob ni chicken soup

baaka'aakwenhwaaboo ni chicken soup

corn soup
mandaaminaaboo ni corn soup

corn-meal soup
biisiboojiganaaboo na cornmeal soup

dumpling soup
bisigadanaaboo ni dumpling soup

fish soup
giigoonhwaaboo ni fish soup

hominy soup
gijikonayeziganaaboo ni hominey soup

make into soup
naboobiikaadan vti make a soup or stew of it

Paired with: naboobiikaazh vta

naboobiikaade vii it is made into a soup or stew

Paired with: naboobiikaazo vai

naboobiikaazh vta make a soup or stew of it (animate)

Paired with: naboobiikaadan vti

make soup
naboobiike vai s/he makes a soup or stew

naboobiikaw vta make a soup or stew for h/

naboobiikaadan vti make a soup or stew of it

Paired with: naboobiikaazh vta

naboobiikaazh vta make a soup or stew of it (animate)

Paired with: naboobiikaadan vti

pea soup
anijiiminaaboo ni pea soup

rabbit soup
waaboozwaaboo ni rabbit soup

tomato soup
gichi-oginii-naboob ni tomato soup

vegetable soup
gitigaanensi-naboob ni vegetable soup

soup ladle
soup ladle
naboobii-emikwaan ni a soup ladle

naboobiiwan vii it is soupy

The initial in words relating to sour is the root /zhiiw-/ in the south, but at Ponemah and in the Border Lakes region this means sweet.
zhiiwaa vii [RL] it is sour

Paired with: zhiiwizi vai

zhiiwaagamin vii it (a liquid) is sour; [BL] it (a liquid) is sweet

zhiiwan vii it is sour; [BL] it is sweet

Paired with: zhiiwizi vai

zhiiwizi vai it (animate) is sour; [BL] it (animate) is sweet

Paired with: zhiiwaa vii [RL]

ziiwiskaagamin vii [BL] it (liquid) is sour

sour liquid
ziiwiskaagamin vii [BL] it (liquid) is sour

taste sour
zhiiwipogozi vai it (animate) tastes sour; [BL] it (animate) tastes sweet

Paired with: zhiiwipogwad vii

zhiiwipogwad vii it tastes sour; [BL] it tastes sweet

Paired with: zhiiwipogozi vai

zhiiwipidan vti find it tastes sour

zhiiwisijigan na sourdough