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shot pouch
shot pouch
zhiishiibanwii-baashkizigan ni a shotgun

bine-baashkizigan ni [NI] a 410 gauge shotgun

shotgun shell
shotgun shell
anwi ni something shot as a missle, a bullet, a shot gun shell

have a shell
odanwiimi vai s/he has bullets, has (shotgun) shells

daa- pv tns modal preverb of possibility, necessity, or obligation: can, could, should, would, might, must

naanabem adv man it should have been done; too late; it's about time; why now?

=dinimaangan- nid STEM FOR: shoulder

odinimaangan nid h/ shoulder

haul on shoulder
aawajinigaadan vti haul it on the shoulder

Paired with: aawajinigaazh vta

aawajinigaazh vta haul h/ on the shoulder

Paired with: aawajinigaadan vti

aawajinige vai s/he hauls stuff on the shoulder

shoulder blade
indiniigan nid my shoulder blade (scapula)

See also: nindiniigan nid

nindiniigan nid my shoulder blade (scapula)

See also: indiniigan nid

gidiniigan nid your shoulder blade (scapula)

odiniigan nid h/ shoulder blade (scapula)

wear across the shoulder
aazhooningwa'an vti wear it across the shoulder

carry about on shoulder
babaaminige vai s/he carries about on the shoulder

babaaminigaadan vti carry it around on the shoulder

Paired with: babaaminigaazh vta

babaaminigaazh vta carry h/ about on the shoulder

Paired with: babaaminigaadan vti

carry along on shoulder
biminige vai s/he carries something along on the shoulder

biminigaadan vti carry it along on the shoulder

Paired with: biminigaazh vta

biminigaazh vta carry h/ along on the shoulder

Paired with: biminigaadan vti

carry away on shoulder
animinige vai s/he goes away carrying something on the shoulder

animinigaadan vti carry it away on the shoulder

Paired with: animinigaazh vta

animinigaazh vta carry h/ away on the shoulder

Paired with: animinigaadan vti

carry from a certain place on shoulder
onjinige vai s/he carries something on the shoulder from a certain place

onjinigaadan vti carry it from a certain place on the shoulder

Paired with: onjinigaazh vta

onjinigaazh vta carry h/ from a certain place on shoulder

Paired with: onjinigaadan vti

carry here on shoulder
biijinige vai s/he brings, carries something here on the shoulder

biijinigaadan vti bring, carry it here on the shoulder

Paired with: biijinigaazh vta

biijinigaazh vta bring, carry h/ here on the shoulder

Paired with: biijinigaadan vti

carry to a certain place on shoulder
izhinige vai s/he carries something to a certain place on the shoulder

izhinigaadan vti carry it on the shoulder to a certain place

Paired with: izhinigaazh vta

izhinigaazh vta carry h/, it (animate) on the shoulder to a certain place

Paired with: izhinigaadan vti

shoulder blade
shoulder blade
indiniigan nid my shoulder blade (scapula)

See also: nindiniigan nid

nindiniigan nid my shoulder blade (scapula)

See also: indiniigan nid

gidiniigan nid your shoulder blade (scapula)

odiniigan nid h/ shoulder blade (scapula)

biibaagi vai s/he calls out, shouts, yells

biibaagim vta call out to h/; shout at h/

Paired with: biibaagindan vti

biibaagindan vti call out to it; shout at it

Paired with: biibaagim vta

gaanjwebin vta shove h/ (with hands)

Paired with: gaanjwebinan vti [MN]

gaanjwebinan vti [MN] push, shove it (with hands)

Paired with: gaanjwebin vta See also: gaanjiwebinan vti [BL]

gaanjweba' vta [S] shove h/ (using something)

Paired with: gaanjweba'an vti [S] See also: gaanjiweba'wi vta [BL]

gaanjweba'an vti [S] shove it (using something)

Paired with: gaanjweba' vta [S] See also: gaanjiweba'an vti [BL]

gaanjwebishkan vti shove it (with foot or body)

Paired with: gaanjwebishkaw vta

gaanjwebishkaw vta shove h/ (with foot or body)

Paired with: gaanjwebishkan vti

gaanjiwebin vta push, shove h/ or it (animate) (with hands)

Paired with: gaanjiwebinan vti [BL] See also: gaanjwebinan vti [MN]

gaanjiwebinan vti [BL] push, shove it (with hands)

Paired with: gaanjiwebin vta See also: gaanjwebinan vti [MN]

shove aside
ikowebin vta push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebinan vti

ikowebinan vti push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebin vta

ikoweba' vta shove h/ aside or out of the way (using something)

Paired with: ikoweba'an vti

ikoweba'an vti shove it aside or out of the way (using something)

Paired with: ikoweba' vta

ikowebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkan vti

ikowebishkan vti kick, shove it aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkaw vta

shove away
weba' vta shove h/ away (using something)

Paired with: weba'an vti

weba'an vti shove it away (using something)

Paired with: weba' vta

weba'igaade vii it is shoved away (by somebody) (using something), "they" shove it away (using something)

weba'igaazo vai s/he is shoved away (by somebody) (using something), "they" shove h/ away (using something)

shove inside (with foot or body)
biindigewebishkan vti kick it inside; shove it inside (with foot or body)

Paired with: biindigewebishkaw vta

biindigewebishkaw vta kick h/ inside; shove h/ inside (with foot or body)

Paired with: biindigewebishkan vti

shove off boat or vehicle
gabaawebishkan vti kick, shove it off a vehicle or boat (with foot or body)

Paired with: gabaawebishkaw vta

gabaawebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ or it (animate) off a vehicle or boat (with foot or body)

Paired with: gabaawebishkan vti

shove out (with foot or body)
zaagijiwebishkan vti kick it out

Paired with: zaagijiwebishkaw vta

zaagijiwebishkaw vta kick h/ out; shove h/ out (with foot or body)

Paired with: zaagijiwebishkan vti

shove out of the way
ikowebin vta push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebinan vti

ikowebinan vti push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebin vta

ikoweba' vta shove h/ aside or out of the way (using something)

Paired with: ikoweba'an vti

ikoweba'an vti shove it aside or out of the way (using something)

Paired with: ikoweba' vta

ikowebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkan vti

ikowebishkan vti kick, shove it aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkaw vta

shove over or down
gawiwebin vta throw, push, shove h/ down

Paired with: gawiwebinan vti

gawiwebinan vti throw, push, shove it down

Paired with: gawiwebin vta

shove using something
gaanjweba' vta [S] shove h/ (using something)

Paired with: gaanjweba'an vti [S] See also: gaanjiweba'wi vta [BL]

gaanjweba'an vti [S] shove it (using something)

Paired with: gaanjweba' vta [S] See also: gaanjiweba'an vti [BL]

gaanjweba'ige vai
  1. s/he shoves things (using something)
  2. s/he poles logs

shove (with foot or body)
gaanjwebishkan vti shove it (with foot or body)

Paired with: gaanjwebishkaw vta

gaanjwebishkaw vta shove h/ (with foot or body)

Paired with: gaanjwebishkan vti

gwaaba'aawangwaan ni a shovel (for dirt), a spade

gwaaba'adaawangwaan ni [BL] a shovel (for dirt), a spade

mangaanibaajigan ni a shovel

snow shovel
weba'aagonaan ni something to remove snow with: a snow shovel, a snow blower

mangaanibii vai s/he shovels something

mangaanibaadan vti shovel it

Paired with: mangaanibaazh vta [BL]

mangaanibaajige vai s/he shovels things

mangaanibaazh vta [BL] shovel h/ (e.g., snow)

Paired with: mangaanibaadan vti

shovel snow
dawaagone'an vti clear the snow off it (with something), shovel the snow off it

dawaagone'ige vai s/he clears snow (with something), shovels snow

weba'aagone vai s/he removes snow: shovels snow, plows snow, blows snow

waabanda'iwewin ni a show, an exhibition

[make seen]
waabanda' vta show (it) to h/

waabanda'iwe vai s/he shows, demonstrates, exhibits (it) to people

waabanda'idiwag vai they show something to each other, have an exhibition or fair

[be noticible]
make show
naago' vta make h/ show; reveal h/

Paired with: naagotoon vti2

naago'idizo vai s/he makes h/ self seen, reveals h/ self

naagotoon vti2 make it show; reveal it

Paired with: naago' vta

shower room
shower room
giziibiigiiwigamig ni a washroom, a shower room

odaapishkaa vii it shrinks

Paired with: odaapishkaa vai

odaapishkaa vai it (animate; sheet-like) shrinks, shrivels up

Paired with: odaapishkaa vii

shrink from heat
odaapide vii it shrinks (from heat)

Paired with: odaapizo vai

odaapizo vai it (animate) shrinks (from heat)

Paired with: odaapide vii

shrink by heat
odaapizan vti shrink it (by heat)

Paired with: odaapiz vta

odaapiz vta shrink h/ (by heat)

Paired with: odaapizan vti

gaaskide vii it dries out, shrivels

Paired with: gaaskizo vai

gaaskizo vai it (animate) dries out, shrivels

Paired with: gaaskide vii

shrivel in the fire
ojibwaakide vii it shrivels, puckers in the fire

Paired with: ojibwaakizo vai

ojibwaakizo vai it (animate) shrivels, puckers in the fire

Paired with: ojibwaakide vii

gibaakwa' vta
  1. shut, block h/ (as or as with something stick- or wood-like)
  2. jail, imprison h/
  3. put h/ on lockdown or quarantine

Paired with: gibaakwa'an vti

gibaakwa'an vti shut, block, dam it (as or as with something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: gibaakwa' vta

gibaakwa'ige vai s/he shuts, blocks, dams something (as or as with something stick- or wood-like)

gibaakwa'igaade vii it is shut, blocked, dammed (as or as with something stick- or wood-like) (by someone), "they" shut, block, plug, dam it

gibaakwa'igaazo vai s/he is jailed, imprisoned (by someone), "they" jail, imprison h/

shut eyes
bazangwaabi vai s/he shuts h/ eyes

shut curtain
gibiiga'an vti close, shut it (as something sheet-like: a curtain, drapes, cloth partition)

blown shut
gibaakwaasin vii it (something stick-like or of wood) is blown shut

freeze shut
gibaakwadin vii it freezes shut, is frozen shut

Paired with: gibaakwaji vai

gibaakwaji vai s/he freezes shut, is frozen shut

Paired with: gibaakwadin vii

frozen shut
gibozigwadin vii it is frozen shut

Paired with: gibozigwaji vai

gibozigwaji vai s/he is frozen in

Paired with: gibozigwadin vii

glue shut
gibokiwasan vti glue it shut; tape it shut

gibokiwaswi vta [NI] glue it (animate) shut; tape it (animate) shut

Paired with: gibokiwasan vti

gibokiwasigaade vii it is glued shut (by someone), "they" glue it shut

gibokiwasigaazo vai s/he is glued shut (by someone), "they" glue it shut

pull shut
giboobidoon vti2 pull it shut; zip it up

Paired with: giboobizh vta

giboobizh vta pull h/ shut

Paired with: giboobidoon vti2

gibaakobidoon vti2
  1. pull it shut (as something stick- or wood-like)
  2. can it

Paired with: gibaakobizh vta

gibaakobizh vta can h/; pull h/ shut

Paired with: gibaakobidoon vti2

sew shut
gibogwaadan vti sew it shut

Paired with: gibogwaazh vta

gibogwaazh vta sew it (animate) shut

Paired with: gibogwaadan vti

gibogwaade vii it is sewn shut

Paired with: gibogwaazo vai

gibogwaazo vai it (animate) is sewn shut

Paired with: gibogwaade vii

giboogwaadan vti sew it shut

Paired with: giboogwaazh vta

giboogwaazh vta sew h/ shut

Paired with: giboogwaadan vti

slam shut
gibaakowebinan vti slam it shut (as something stick- or wood-like; e.g. a door)

tie shut
gashkapide vii it is tied shut, is tied up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapizo vai

gashkapidoon vti2 tie it shut, tie it up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapizh vta

gashkapizh vta tie h/ shut, tie h/ up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapidoon vti2

gashkapizo vai s/he or it (animate) is tied shut, is tied up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapide vii

net shuttle
asabikaanaak ni a net shuttle

See also: asabikaanaak na

asabikaanaak na a net shuttle

See also: asabikaanaak ni

agaji vai s/he is ashamed, is shy, is bashful

agajishki vai s/he is a shy person

agajiitaw vta be shy in front of, be ashamed before h/

feel shy
agadendam vai2 s/he is ashamed, feels shy, is embarrassed

mooshka'osi na a bittern; a shypoke

American bittern
Botaurus lentiginosus

sibling (of the opposite sex)
ndawemaa nad my brother; my sibling of the opposite sex; my sister

indawemaa nad my brother; my sibling of the opposite sex; my sister

nindawemaa my brother; my sibling of the opposite sex; my sister

gidawemaa nad your sibling of the opposite sex; your brother; your sister

odawemaan nad h/ sibling of the opposite sex: her brother, his sister

younger sibling
=shiimey- nad STEM OF: younger brother; STEM OF: younger sibling; STEM OF: younger sister

nishiime nad my younger sibling (brother or sister); my younger parallel cousin (mother's sister's child; father's brother's child)

brother-in-law of a female
niinim nad (if I am male) my sister-in-law; (if I am female) my brother-in-law

giinim nad (if you are male) your sister-in-law; (if you are female) your brother-in-law

wiinimoon nad (if someone is female) her brother-in-law; (if someone is male) his sister-in-law

See also: owiinimoon nad

owiinimoon nad (if someone is female) her brother-in-law; (if someone is male) his sister-in-law

See also: wiinimoon nad

brother-in-law of a male
niitaa nad my brother-in-law (a male's brother-in-law)

giitaa nad your brother-in-law (a man's brother-in-law)

wiitaan nad his brother-in-law (a man's brother-in-law)

See also: owiitaan nad

owiitaan nad his brother-in-law (a man's brother-in-law)

See also: wiitaan nad

sister-in-law of a female
indaangwe nad my sister-in-law (a female's sister-in-law)

See also: nindaangwe nad

nindaangwe nad my sister-in-law (a female's sister-in-law)

See also: indaangwe nad

gidaangwe nad your sister-in-law (a female's sister-in-law)

odaangweyan nad her sister-in-law (a female's sister-in-law)

sister-in-law of a male
niinim nad (if I am male) my sister-in-law; (if I am female) my brother-in-law

giinim nad (if you are male) your sister-in-law; (if you are female) your brother-in-law

wiinimoon nad (if someone is female) her brother-in-law; (if someone is male) his sister-in-law

See also: owiinimoon nad

owiinimoon nad (if someone is female) her brother-in-law; (if someone is male) his sister-in-law

See also: wiinimoon nad

aakozi vai s/he is sick, is ill

look sick
aakoziiwinaagozi vai s/he looks sickly

make sick (something consumed)
aakoziishkaw vta make h/ sick (something consumed) [inv]

pretend to be sick
aakoziikaazo vai s/he pretends to be sick

sick in a body part
aakozi vai s/he is sick, is ill

sick in a certain way
inaapine vai s/he is afflicted, sick in a certain way

start to get sick
mizizi vai s/he catches a disease; s/he starts to get sick

very sick
onzaamine vai s/he is very sick

aanimizi vai s/he suffers, is in distress, is very sick

thought sickly
aakoziiwendaagozi vai s/he is thought sickly

aakoziwin ni a sickness, an illness, a disease

much sickness
aakoziwinikaa vii there is (a lot of) sickness

[direction off main path]
drive off to the side
bakebide vii it drives off to the side; it speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path

Paired with: bakebizo vai

bakebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path, off the road

Paired with: bakebide vii

go off to the side
bake vai s/he goes off to the side

run off to the side
bakebatoo vai s/he runs off to the side, off the main path

speed off to the side
bakebide vii it drives off to the side; it speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path

Paired with: bakebizo vai

bakebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path, off the road

Paired with: bakebide vii

road or trail goes off to the side
bakemon vii it (road or trail) leads off to the side, is a side road

[surface not front or back]
fall on the side
opimese vai s/he goes, falls on h/ side; it (animate) goes, falls on its side

lay on side
opimeshim vta lay h/ on h/ side

Paired with: opimesidoon vti2

opimesidoon vti2 lay it on its side

Paired with: opimeshim vta

lie on side
opimeshin vai s/he lies on h/ side; it (animate) lies on its side

Paired with: opimesin vii

opimesin vii it lies on its side

Paired with: opimeshin vai

on both sides
edawayi'ii adv loc on both sides of it

eyedawaya'ii adv loc on both sides

eyedawi- pv lex on both sides of something

See also: eyiidawi- pv lex [BL]

eyiidawaya'ii adv loc at both sides; on both sides

See also: eyiidawayi'ii adv loc

eyiidawayi'ii adv loc at both sides; on both sides

See also: eyiidawaya'ii adv loc

eyiidawoonag adv loc on both sides of the canoe or boat

on the side
opime-ayi'ii adv loc on the side of it

opimeya'ii adv loc on the side of it

See also: opime-aya'ii adv loc

[position across: the other side]
other side
agaamayi'ii adv loc across it; on the other side of it

agaami- pv lex across; on the other side of

other side of the clearing
agaamaakwaa adv loc in the woods on the other side of the clearing or across an open area

other side of the fire
agaamishkode adv loc on the other side of the fire, across the fire

awasishkode adv loc beyond the fire; on the other side of the fire, across the fire

other side of the lake
agaaming adv loc on the other side of a body of water (a lake, a river), across a body of water (a lake, a river)

agaami-zaaga'igan adv loc across the lake

other side of the lodge
agaamindesi adv loc on the other side of the lodge (across the fire)

other side of the meadow
agaamashkosiw adv loc on the other side of a meadow or hay field

other side of the road or trail
agaamikana adv loc on the other side of the road or trail, across the road or trail

other side of the road or trail
agaamikana adv loc on the other side of the road or trail, across the road or trail

side by side
lie side by side in a row
niibideshinoog vai they lie side by side in a row, are lined up

Paired with: niibidesinoon vii

niibidesinoon vii they lie side by side in a row, are lined up

Paired with: niibideshinoog vai

sit side by side in a row
niibidebiwag vai they sit side by side in a row

zhaaboshkaachige vai s/he sifts things

zhaaboshkaatoon vti2 sift it

zhaaboshkaachigan ni a sifter

zhaabowebinigan ni [BL] a sifter

distant sight
naawinaagwad vii it is barely visible, is visible in the distance

Paired with: naawinaagozi vai

naawinaagozi vai s/he is barely visible, is visible in the distance

Paired with: naawinaagwad vii

go out of sight
aagawe vai s/he goes out of sight (as around a corner)

ani-naagozi vai s/he goes out of sight

Paired with: ani-naagwad vii

ani-naagwad vii it goes out of sight

Paired with: ani-naagozi vai

have in sight
debaabam vta have h/ in sight, see h/ at a distance

Paired with: debaabandan vti

debaabandan vti have it in sight, see it at a distance

Paired with: debaabam vta

identify by sight
aawenan vti identify it (by sight)

aawenaw vta identify h/ (by sight)

in sight
debaabaminaagwad vii it is in sight, is visible at a distance

Paired with: debaabaminaagozi vai

debaabaminaagozi vai s/he is in sight, is visible at a distance

Paired with: debaabaminaagwad vii

used to sight
nagazaabam vta be used to the sight of h/

Paired with: nagazaabandan vti

nagazaabandan vti be used to the sight of it

Paired with: nagazaabam vta

nagazinaw vta be used to the sight of h/

Paired with: nagazinan vti

nagazinan vti be used to the sight of it

Paired with: nagazinaw vta

aim sights
zhigweyaabi vai s/he aims sights

agwaakwa'igan ni a sign, a poster, a posted notice

deer crossing sign
moose crossing sign
moozowaazhawa'adoowagwaakwa'igan ni a moose crossing sign

pedestrian crossing sign
aazhawa'adoowagwaakwa'igan ni a pedestrian crossing sign

speed sign
apiichibizoowagwaakwa'igan ni a speed sign

stop sign
gibichii-agwaakwa'igan ni a stop sign

See also: gibichiiwagwaakwa'igan ni

gibichiiwagwaakwa'igan ni a stop sign

See also: gibichii-agwaakwa'igan ni

daangigwanenan vti sign it

daangigwanenige vai s/he signs things

signal by shooting
nandwewezige vai s/he signals by shooting

find signs
name' vta find a sign of h/ presence

leave signs
nameshin vai s/he leaves signs of h/ presence, there are signs of h/ presence

Paired with: namesin vii

namesin vii it leaves signs of its presence, there are signs of its presence

Paired with: nameshin vai

nametoo vai s/he leaves signs of h/ presence

zenibaanh na a ribbon; silk

zenibaawegin ni silk, satin

gagiibaadizi vai s/he is foolish, is silly, is naughty

gagiibaadad vii it is foolish, is silly

Paired with: gagiibaadizi vai

zhooniyaawaabik ni silver

See also: zhooniyaa ni

zhooniyaa ni silver

See also: zhooniyaawaabik ni

ako- pv rel a certain length; as far as; as long as; since

=jiitad nid someone's sinew

nagamo vai s/he sings

nagamotaw vta sing to h/

arrive singing
bagama'amaazo vai s/he arrives singing

come ashore singing
agwaa'amaazo vai s/he comes ashore singing

come singing
biida'amaazo vai s/he comes singing

come from a certain place singing
onda'amaazo vai s/he comes from a certain place singing

come in singing
biindige'amaazo vai s/he comes in, goes in singing

go about singing
babaama'amaazo vai s/he goes about singing

go along singing
bima'amaazo vai s/he goes along singing

go away singing
anima'amaazo vai s/he goes away singing

go in singing
biindige'amaazo vai s/he comes in, goes in singing

go out singing
zaagida'amaazo vai s/he goes out singing

go to a certain place singing
ina'amaazo vai s/he goes to a certain place singing, sings to h/ self a certain way

make mistake singing
wana'am vai2 s/he makes a mistake singing, sings the wrong song

sing a certain way
ina'am vai2 s/he sings a certain way

sing courting song
nooji'ikwewe-nagamo vai s/he sings a courting song

sing healing song
nanaandawi'iwe-nagamo vai s/he sings a healing song

sing accompaniment
zhaabowe vai s/he sings an accompaniment (of women)

sing alone
anzhike'amaazo vai [RL] s/he sings alone

sing clearly
bagaka'amaazo vai s/he sings clearly

sing continually
aabida'amaazo vai s/he sings constantly

sing in a certain place
dana'amaazo vai s/he sings in a certain place

sing a lullaby
nenawi' vta sing a lullaby to h/

nenawi'aawaso vai s/he sings a lullaby

sing quickly
dadaataba'amaazo vai s/he sings quickly

dadaatabowe vai s/he speaks or sings quickly

sing until daylight
waabana'amaazo vai s/he sings until daylight

sing war songs
bwaanzhii-nagamo vai s/he sings war songs

sing with
start singing
maajii'am vai2 s/he starts to sing

maada'amaazo vai s/he starts singing

stop singing
boona'amaazo vai s/he stops singing

banzan vti singe it

Paired with: banzo vta

banzo vta singe h/

Paired with: banzan vti

bande vii it is singed

Paired with: banzo vai

banzo vai it (animate) is singed

Paired with: bande vii

nagamowin ni singing; a song

skilled in speaking or singing
nitaawe vai s/he is skilled in speaking or singing

gonzaabii' vta sink h/ (using something)

Paired with: gonzaabii'an vti

gonzaabii'an vti sink it (using something)

Paired with: gonzaabii' vta

gonzaabiishkoojigan ni [BL] something used to hold things down in the water: an anchor, a trap weight, a sinker (fishing tackle)

net sinker
asinaab ni a net weight, a net sinker

gwaabandan vti sip it, take a sip of it

gwaabandan vti sip it, take a sip of it

gwaabanda' vta give h/ a sip of it

older sister
nimisenh nad my older sister

gimisenh nad your older sister

omisenyan nad h/ older sister

younger sister
nishiime nad my younger sibling (brother or sister); my younger parallel cousin (mother's sister's child; father's brother's child)

gishiime nad your younger sibling (brother or sister); your younger parallel cousin (father's brother's child; mother's sister's child)

oshiimeyan nad h/ younger sibling (brother or sister); h/ younger parallel cousin (mother's sister's child; father's brother's child)

sister (of a male)
ndawemaa nad my brother; my sibling of the opposite sex; my sister

indawemaa nad my brother; my sibling of the opposite sex; my sister

nindawemaa my brother; my sibling of the opposite sex; my sister

gidawemaa nad your sibling of the opposite sex; your brother; your sister

odawemaan nad h/ sibling of the opposite sex: her brother, his sister

sister-in-law of a male
niinim nad (if I am male) my sister-in-law; (if I am female) my brother-in-law

giinim nad (if you are male) your sister-in-law; (if you are female) your brother-in-law

wiinimoon nad (if someone is female) her brother-in-law; (if someone is male) his sister-in-law

See also: owiinimoon nad

owiinimoon nad (if someone is female) her brother-in-law; (if someone is male) his sister-in-law

See also: wiinimoon nad

sister-in-law of a female
indaangwe nad my sister-in-law (a female's sister-in-law)

See also: nindaangwe nad

nindaangwe nad my sister-in-law (a female's sister-in-law)

See also: indaangwe nad

gidaangwe nad your sister-in-law (a female's sister-in-law)

odaangweyan nad her sister-in-law (a female's sister-in-law)

namadabi vai s/he sits

enough room to sit
debabi vai s/he has enough room to sit

five sit
naanoobiwag vai five of them sit together; five of them are at home

four sit
niiyoobiwag vai four of them sit together; four of them are at home

make room to sit
dawabi vai s/he makes room (for someone to sit)

dawabiitaw vta make room for h/ to sit

make sit
namadabi' vta make h/ sit up, sit h/ up

room to sit
debabi vai s/he has enough room to sit

dawabi vai s/he makes room (for someone to sit)

dawabiitaw vta make room for h/ to sit

sit a certain way
inabi vai s/he sits a certain way, lives a certain way at home

sit alone
nazhikewabi vai s/he lives alone, is home alone, sits alone

See also: anzhikewabi vai [RL]

anzhikewabi vai [RL] s/he lives alone, is home alone, sits alone

See also: nazhikewabi vai

nazhikewaakwadabi vai s/he sits alone

sit and can't get up
aapidabi vai s/he just sits, sits and can't get up

sit aside
ikwabi vai
  1. s/he moves out of the way (while seated)
  2. s/he resigns a position

sit astride
desabi vai s/he sits on a raised surface, sits astride, sits straddling something; s/he rides mounted on top

sit at the end
ishkwebi vai s/he sits at the end

sit comfortably
minwabi vai s/he sits comfortably

sit down
namadabi vai s/he sits

wawenabi vai s/he is sits down, stays seated; s/he makes a place for h/ self to sit

sit facing away
animikwabi vai s/he sits facing away

sit facing this way
biidaasamabi vai s/he sits facing this way

sit facing in a certain way
inaasamabi vai s/he sits facing in a certain way

sit for a while
nanaamadabi vai s/he sits for a while

noomagebi vai s/he sits for a while

sit in a certain place
abi vai s/he is at home, sits in a certain place

Paired with: ate vii

sit in a group
okwabiwag vai they sit in a group

sit in a row
niibidebiwag vai they sit side by side in a row

sit in a tight place
ziindabi vai s/he sits crowded in, squeezed in tight

sit in front
niigaanabi vai s/he sits in front

sit in place
onabi vai s/he takes a seat, sits down

sit low
dabasabi vai s/he sits low

sit on
apabi vai s/he sits on something

apabaadan vti sit on it

Paired with: apabaazh vta See also: apabaazh vta

apabaazh vta sit on h/

Paired with: apabaadan vti

sit on something
apabi vai s/he sits on something

sit on the bare ground
mitabi vai s/he sits on the bare ground or surface

sit out in the open
mizhishawabi vai s/he sits out in the open

sit out of the way
ikwabi vai
  1. s/he moves out of the way (while seated)
  2. s/he resigns a position

sit quietly
goshkwaawaadabi vai s/he stays somewhere quietly ; s/he sits quietly, sits still

sit side by side in a row
niibidebiwag vai they sit side by side in a row

sit squirming
mimigwabi vai s/he squirms sitting

sit stiffly
jiibadabi vai s/he sits stiffly

sit still
goshkwaawaadabi vai s/he stays somewhere quietly ; s/he sits quietly, sits still

bizaanaakwadabi vai s/he sits still

bizaanabi vai s/he sits still

sit together
maawandoobiwag vai they sit together

sit uncomfortably
maanabi vai
  1. s/he sits uncomfortably
  2. s/he is an uncomfortable or unmanageable position, isn't managing well

sit up until daylight
waabanabi vai s/he sits up until daylight

sit up with at a wake
abiitaw vta sit up with, tend to h/ (e.g., the deceased at a wake, a sick person)

sit with
wiidabim vta sit with h/

wiidabindiwag vai they sit with each other

sit with back to
animikwabiitaw vta sit with back to h/

sit with legs crossed
aazhoogaadebi vai s/he sits with legs crossed

so many sit
dasoobiwag vai a certain number of them sit together; a certain number of them are at home

slide over sitting
zhooshkwabi vai s/he slides over sitting

tired of sitting
ishkabi vai s/he is tired of sitting

turn around while sitting
gwekabi vai s/he turns around while sitting

three sit
nisoobiwag vai three of them sit together; three of them are at home

two sit
niizhoobiwag vai two of them are at home; two of them sit together

situated in a certain place
dagon vii it is in a certain place; it is situated in a certain place

ingodwaaswi qnt num six

See also: ningodwaaswi qnt num

ningodwaaswi qnt num six

See also: ingodwaaswi qnt num ; ningodwaaso qnt num [RL]

ingodwaaso- pv qnt six

See also: ningodwaaso- pv qnt

ningodwaaso- pv qnt six

See also: ingodwaaso- pv qnt

ingodwaachinoon vii they (inanimate) are six, there are six of them

Paired with: ingodwaachiwag vai See also: ningodwaachinoon vii

ningodwaachinoon vii they (inanimate) are six, there are six of them

Paired with: ningodwaachiwag vai See also: ingodwaachinoon vii

ingodwaachiwag vai they (animate) are six, there are six of them

Paired with: ingodwaachinoon vii See also: ningodwaachiwag vai

ningodwaachiwag vai they (animate) are six, there are six of them

Paired with: ningodwaachinoon vii See also: ingodwaachiwag vai

and six
ashi-ingodwaaso- pv qnt and six

ashi-ingodwaaswi qnt num
  1. and six
  2. sixteen

ashi-ningodwaaso- pv qnt and six

ashi-ningodwaaswi qnt num
  1. and six
  2. sixteen

six acres
ingodwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num six acres; six minutes

See also: ningodwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num

ningodwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. six minutes
  2. six acres

See also: ingodwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num

six bags
ingodwaasooshkin qnt num six bags

See also: ningodwaasooshkin qnt num

ningodwaasooshkin qnt num six bags

See also: ingodwaasooshkin qnt num

six boatloads
ingodwaasoonag qnt num six boats or canoes, six boatloads

See also: ningodwaasoonag qnt num

ningodwaasoonag qnt num six boats or canoes, six boatloads

See also: ingodwaasoonag qnt num

six boats
ingodwaasoonag qnt num six boats or canoes, six boatloads

See also: ningodwaasoonag qnt num

ningodwaasoonag qnt num six boats or canoes, six boatloads

See also: ingodwaasoonag qnt num

six canoes
ingodwaasoonag qnt num six boats or canoes, six boatloads

See also: ningodwaasoonag qnt num

ningodwaasoonag qnt num six boats or canoes, six boatloads

See also: ingodwaasoonag qnt num

six days
ingodwaaso-giizhik qnt num six days

See also: ningodwaaso-giizhik qnt num

ningodwaaso-giizhik qnt num six days

ingodwaasogon qnt num six days

See also: ningodwaasogon qnt num

ningodwaasogon qnt num six days

ingodwaasogonagad vii it is six days

See also: ningodwaasogonagad vii

ningodwaasogonagad vii it is six days

six days old
ingodwaasogonagizi vai s/he is six days old; s/he is the sixth day of the month

See also: ningodwaasogonagizi vai

ningodwaasogonagizi vai s/he is six days old

six dollars
ingodwaaswaabik qnt num six dollars

See also: ningodwaaswaabik qnt num

ningodwaaswaabik qnt num six dollars

See also: ingodwaaswaabik qnt num

six each
neningodwaaswi qnt num six each

six feet
ningodwaaso-mizid qnt num [NI] six feet

ingodwaasozid qnt num six feet

See also: ningodwaasozid qnt num

ningodwaasozid qnt num six feet

See also: ingodwaasozid qnt num

six hours
ingodwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. six hours
  2. six miles

See also: ningodwaaso-diba'igan qnt num

ningodwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. six hours
  2. six miles

See also: ingodwaaso-diba'igan qnt num

six inches
ingodwaasoninj qnt num six inches

See also: ningodwaasoninj qnt num

ningodwaasoninj qnt num six inches

See also: ingodwaasoninj qnt num

six miles
ingodwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. six hours
  2. six miles

See also: ningodwaaso-diba'igan qnt num

ningodwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. six hours
  2. six miles

See also: ingodwaaso-diba'igan qnt num

six minutes
ingodwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num six acres; six minutes

See also: ningodwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num

ningodwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. six minutes
  2. six acres

See also: ingodwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num

six months
ingodwaaso-giizis qnt num six months

See also: ningodwaaso-giizis qnt num

ningodwaaso-giizis qnt num six months

See also: ingodwaaso-giizis qnt num

six nights
ingodwaaso-dibik qnt num six nights

See also: ningodwaaso-dibik qnt num

ningodwaaso-dibik qnt num six nights

six o'clock
ingodwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is six o'clock

See also: ningodwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S]

ningodwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is six o'clock

See also: ingodwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S]

ningodwaaso-diba'igane vii [N] it is six o'clock

six pairs
ingodwaaswewaan qnt num six pairs; six sets

See also: ningodwaaswewaan qnt num

ningodwaaswewaan qnt num six pairs; six sets

See also: ingodwaaswewaan qnt num

six pieces of something sheet-like
ingodwaasweg qnt num six pieces of something sheet-like

See also: ningodwaasweg qnt num

ningodwaasweg qnt num six pieces of something sheet-like

See also: ingodwaasweg qnt num

six pounds
ingodwaaso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num six pounds

See also: ningodwaaso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num

ningodwaaso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num six pounds

See also: ingodwaaso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num

six sets
ingodwaaswewaan qnt num six pairs; six sets

See also: ningodwaaswewaan qnt num

ningodwaaswewaan qnt num six pairs; six sets

See also: ingodwaaswewaan qnt num

six thousand
ingodwaasosagoons qnt num six thousand

See also: ningodwaasosagoons qnt num

ningodwaasosagoons qnt num six thousand

See also: ingodwaasosagoons qnt num

six times
ingodwaaching adv tmp six times

See also: ningodwaaching adv tmp

ningodwaaching adv tmp six times

six weeks
ingodwaaso-anama'e-giizhigad vii it is six weeks

See also: ningodwaaso-anama'e-giizhigad vii

ingodwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num six weeks

See also: ningodwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num

ningodwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num six weeks

See also: ingodwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num

ningodwaaso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is six weeks

six years
ingodwaaso-biboon qnt num six years; six winters

See also: ningodwaaso-biboon qnt num

ningodwaaso-biboon qnt num six years; six winters

ingodwaaso-biboonagad vii it is six years

ingodwaaso-gikinoonowin qnt num six years

See also: ningodwaaso-gikinoonowin qnt num

six years old
ingodwaaso-biboonagizi vai s/he is six years old

See also: ningodwaaso-biboonagizi vai

ningodwaaso-biboonagizi vai s/he is six years old

six (card)
ingodwaasoobii'igan na a six (card)

See also: ningodwaasoobii'igan na

ningodwaasoobii'igan na a six (card)

See also: ingodwaasoobii'igan na

six o'clock
six o'clock
ingodwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is six o'clock

See also: ningodwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S]

ningodwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is six o'clock

See also: ingodwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S]

ningodwaaso-diba'igane vii [N] it is six o'clock

ashi-ingodwaaswi qnt num
  1. and six
  2. sixteen

ashi-ningodwaaswi qnt num
  1. and six
  2. sixteen

midaaswi ashi-ningodwaaswi qnt num sixteen

See also: ashi-ingodwaaswi qnt num ; ashi-ningodwaaswi qnt num

sixth day of the month
ingodwaasogonagizi vai s/he is six days old; s/he is the sixth day of the month

See also: ningodwaasogonagizi vai

ningodwaasogonagizi vai s/he is six days old

ingodwaasimidana qnt num sixty

See also: ningodwaasimidana qnt num

ningodwaasimidana qnt num sixty

See also: ingodwaasimidana qnt num

certain size
inigini vai s/he or it (animate) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaa vii

inigokwaa vii it is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigini vai

certain size (mineral)
inigokwaabikad vii it is a certain size, is so big (as something mineral)

Paired with: inigokwaabikizi vai

inigokwaabikizi vai s/he is a certain size, is so big (as something mineral)

Paired with: inigokwaabikad vii

certain size (sheet-like)
inigokwegad vii it (sheet-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwegizi vai

inigokwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwegad vii

certain size (stick-like)
inigokwaakwad vii it (stick-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaakozi vai

inigokwaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaakwad vii

certain size (string-like)
inigokwaabiigad vii it (string-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaabiigizi vai

inigokwaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaabiigad vii

zhooshkwaada'e vai s/he skates

figure skate
mamazinaada'e vai s/he is figure-skating

know how to skate
nitaawaada'e vai s/he knows how to skate

ditibi-zhooshkwaada'e vai s/he roller-skates

skate about
babaamaada'e vai s/he skates about

skate along
bimaada'e vai s/he skates along

skate away
animaada'e vai s/he skates away (in the other direction)

skate backwards
azheyaada'e vai s/he skates backwards

skate fast
gizhiiyaada'e vai s/he skates fast

skate from a certain place
ondaada'e vai s/he skates from a certain place

skate here
biidaada'e vai s/he skates here

skate out of view
awaseweyaada'e vai s/he skates out of view around something

skate slow
bedaada'e vai s/he skates slow

skate to a certain place
inaada'e vai s/he skates a certain way, skates to a certain place

start skating
maadaada'e vai s/he starts skating

zhooshkwaada'aagan ni a skate, an ice skate

See also: zhooshkwaada'aagan na [BL] [RL]

zhooshkwaada'aagan na [BL] [RL] a skate, an ice skate

See also: zhooshkwaada'aagan ni

roller skate
ditibi-zhooshkwaada'aagan na a roller skate

zhooshkwaagime vai s/he skis

mitigwaagim na a ski

zhooshkoshimaan na a ski

zhooshkwaagim na a ski

ozhaashibide vii it speeds sliding or slipping, skids

Paired with: ozhaashibide vii

ozhaashibizo vai s/he speeds sliding or slipping, skids

Paired with: ozhaashibide vii

nitaa- pv lex being good at; being skilled at; frequently do; know how to do something

nitaawichige vai s/he is skilled at something, knows how to make things

na'ii vai s/he is right-handed; s/he is good at something, is skilled, is efficient

skilled in speaking or singing
nitaawe vai s/he is skilled in speaking or singing

wawiingezi vai s/he is skillful, does a good job, does something well

do skillfully
wawiingechige vai s/he does something skillfully, exactly; s/he makes things skilfully, exactly

make skillfully
wawiinge' vta make h/ skilfully

Paired with: wawiingetoon vti2

wawiingetoon vti2 make it skilfully

Paired with: wawiinge' vta

bima'an vti skim it

bima'ige vai s/he skims things

bakon vta skin it (animate)

Paired with: bakonan vti

bakonan vti skin it

Paired with: bakon vta

bakonige vai s/he skins things

gijiigibizh vta skin h/ (a rabbit)

Paired with: gijiigibidoon vti2

skin arm
bishaginikeshin vai s/he falls and skins h/ arm

skin face
bishagiingweshin vai s/he falls and skins h/ face

skin knee
bishagigidigweshin vai s/he skins h/ knee

skin leg
bishagigaadeshin vai s/he falls and scrapes h/ leg

[animal hide]
bird skin
bineshiinhwayaan na a bird skin

rabbit skin
waaboozwayaan na a rabbit skin

maanishtaanishiwayaan ni a sheepskin

ginebigwayaan na a snakeskin

weasel skin
zhingosiwayaan na a weasel skin

[body part]
ozhaga'e nad [BL] h/ skin

dirty skin
wiinazhe vai s/he has dirty skin, h/ skin is dirty

skin itches
gizhiibazhe vai h/ skin itches

ginagazhe vai h/ skin itches

skinning knife
skinning knife
bakonige-mookomaan ni a skinning knife

See also: bakonigewi-mookomaan ni [BL]

bakonigewi-mookomaan ni [BL] a skinning knife

See also: bakonige-mookomaan ni

bakaakadozo vai (of a person) s/he is thin, is skinny

giishkijii-magoodaas ni [BL] a skirt

giishkijiiwagooday ni a skirt

nishtigwaanigegan nid my skull

gishtigwaanigegan nid your skull

oshtigwaanigegan nid h/ skull

zhigaag na a skunk

striped skunk
Mephitis mephitis

spray as a skunk
boogijizh vta fart on h/; spray h/ as a skunk does

Paired with: boogijidan vti

giizhig na day; heaven; sky

clear sky
mizhakwad vii the sky is clear; it is good weather

in the sky
ishpiming adv loc in the sky, above, in heaven

See also: ishpimiing adv loc [BL] ; oshpiming adv loc [LLC]

agoojin vai
  1. s/he hangs
  2. s/he is in the sky (e.g., a star, sun, or moon)

Paired with: agoode vii

neshangaa vii it is limber, is slack

Paired with: neshangizi vai

neshangizi vai s/he is limber, is slack

Paired with: neshangaa vii

slack (string-like)
neshangaabiigad vii it is slack (as something string-like)

Paired with: neshangaabiigizi vai

neshangaabiigizi vai s/he is slack (as something string-like)

Paired with: neshangaabiigad vii

lie slack
neshangisin vii it lies limp, lies slack

Paired with: neshangishin vai

neshangishin vai s/he lies limp, lies slack, lies relaxed

Paired with: neshangisin vii

slam shut
gibaakowebinan vti slam it shut (as something stick- or wood-like; e.g. a door)

slap on face
basiingwe' vta slap h/ on the face

slap on head
basindibe' vta slap h/ on the top of h/ head

slap on the rear
basidiye' vta slap h/ on the rear

bagaskidiye' vta slap h/ on the rear

niiwana' vta slaughter h/, beat h/ to death

awakaan na
  1. a domestic animal, a pet
  2. a captive, a slave

odaabaan na [LL] [ML]
  1. something pulled or dragged as a means of conveyance: a sled, a sleigh, a wagon
  2. a car, an automobile, a vehicle

See also: odaabaan ni [N]

odaabaanaak na a sled; a sleigh

biboonodaabaanens na a sled

drag a sled from a certain place
onjidaabii vai s/he drags, pulls a load from a certain place, pulls a sled from a certain place

go away on or with a sled
animidaabii vai s/he drags, pulls a load away (in the other direction), goes away on or with a sled

make sled
odaabaanaakoke vai s/he makes sleds, makes sleighs

die in sleep
aapidingwaami vai [N] s/he sleeps and doesn't wake up, dies in h/ sleep

See also: aapidingwaam vai [S]

disturb sleep
wapaa' vta disturb h/ sleep

fart in sleep
boogidingwaam vai [S] s/he farts in h/ sleep

See also: boogidingwaamo vai [BL]

boogidingwaamo vai [BL] s/he farts in h/ sleep

See also: boogidingwaam vai [S]

make noise in sleep
madwengwaam vai [ML] s/he snores, makes noise in h/ sleep

See also: madwengwaami vai [RL] ; madwengwaamo vai [BL]

madwengwaami vai [RL] s/he snores, makes noise in h/ sleep

See also: madwengwaamo vai [BL] ; madwengwaam vai [ML]

madwengwaamo vai [BL] s/he snores, makes noise in h/ sleep

See also: madwengwaami vai [RL] ; madwengwaam vai [ML]

nibaa vai s/he sleeps, is asleep

make sleep
nibe' vta make h/ sleep, put h/ to bed

nibeshkaw- vta make h/ sleep

need to sleep
noondengwashi vai s/he is sleepy (before normal time), needs to sleep

onzaamingwaam vai [ML] s/he oversleeps

See also: onzaamingwaamo vai [BL] ; onzaamingwaami vai [RL]

place to sleep
ozhishin vai s/he has a place to sleep; s/he lies in place, is set in place

Paired with: ozisin vii ; ozhisin vii

pretend to sleep
nibekaazo vai s/he pretends to sleep or be asleep

sleep and not wake up
aapidingwaami vai [N] s/he sleeps and doesn't wake up, dies in h/ sleep

See also: aapidingwaam vai [S]

sleep deeply
boozaangwaam vai [ML] s/he is sound asleep, sleeps deeply

See also: boozaangwaami vai [RL] ; boozaangwaamo vai

boozaangwaami vai [RL] s/he is sound asleep, sleeps deeply

See also: boozaangwaam vai [ML] ; boozaangwaamo vai

sleep in a certain place
daningwaam vai [S] s/he sleeps in a certain place

See also: daningwaami vai [RL] ; daningwaamo vai [BL]

daningwaami vai [RL] s/he sleeps in a certain place

See also: daningwaam vai [S] ; daningwaamo vai [BL]

daningwaamo vai [BL] s/he sleeps in a certain place

See also: daningwaam vai [S] ; daningwaami vai [RL]

sleep naked
mitaakwazhengwaami vai [RL] s/he sleeps naked

mitaakwazheshin vai s/he lies naked, sleeps naked

sleep over
wiizingwaam vta sleep over at h/ place, stay overnight with h/

sleep sitting
namadabingwaami vai [RL] s/he sleeps sitting up

See also: namadabingwaamo vai [BL]

sleep standing
niibawingwaami vai [RL] s/he sleeps standing up

sleep uncomfortably
maazhingwaam vai s/he sleeps uncomfortably

sleep well
minongwaam vai [ML] s/he sleeps well

See also: minongwaami vai [RL]

sleep with
wiipem vta sleep with h/

Paired with: wiipendan vti

wiipendan vti sleep with it

Paired with: wiipem vta

wiipendiwag vai they sleep with each other

wiipemaagan na a sleeping partner

wiipemaawaso vai s/he sleeps with children protectively

sleep with children protectively
wiipemaawaso vai s/he sleeps with children protectively

sleeping partner
wiipemaagan na a sleeping partner

start sleeping
maadingwaam vai [S] s/he starts sleeping

giikiibingwashi vai s/he is sleepy

noondengwashi vai s/he is sleepy (before normal time), needs to sleep

ninagway nid my sleeve

ginagway nid your sleeve

onagway nid h/ sleeve

short sleeves
dadaakwanagweyaa vii it has short sleeves

long sleeves
gagaanonagweyaa vii it has long sleeves

roll up sleeve
ikwanagweni vai s/he rolls up h/ sleeve

odaabaan na [LL] [ML]
  1. something pulled or dragged as a means of conveyance: a sled, a sleigh, a wagon
  2. a car, an automobile, a vehicle

See also: odaabaan ni [N]

odaabaanaak na a sled; a sleigh

biboonodaabaan na a sleigh

drive along in a wagon or sleigh
bimidaabiiba'igo vai s/he drives along quickly in a wagon or sleigh

make sleigh
odaabaanaakoke vai s/he makes sleds, makes sleighs

sleigh bell
sleigh bell
zhinawa'oojigan ni a small round bell, a dance bell, a sleigh bell

slice a certain way
inikodan vti slice it a certain way

Paired with: inikozh vta

inikozh vta slice h/ a certain way

Paired with: inikodan vti

slice so thick
apiitadezhan vti cut it so thick; slice it so thick

Paired with: apiitadezh vta

apiitadezh vta cut h/ so thick; slice h/ so thick

Paired with: apiitadezhan vti

slice thick
gipagikodan vti slice it thick

Paired with: gipagikozh vta

gipagikozh vta slice h/ thick

Paired with: gipagikodan vti

slice thin
bibagikodan vti slice it thin

Paired with: bibagikozh vta

bibagikozh vta slice h/ thin

Paired with: bibagikodan vti

ozhaashaa vii it is slippery, is slick

Paired with: ozhaashizi vai

ozhaashizi vai it (animate) is slippery, is slick

Paired with: ozhaashaa vii

ozhaashise vai s/he slips, slides

Paired with: ozhaashise vii

ozhaashise vii it slips, slides (by itself)

Paired with: ozhaashise vii

go sliding
zhooshkwajiwe vai s/he goes sliding, slides downhill

slide over sitting
zhooshkwabi vai s/he slides over sitting

zhooshkobide vii it slides, slips, skids

Paired with: zhooshkobizo vai

zhooshkobizo vai s/he or it (animate) slides, slips

Paired with: zhooshkobide vii

zhooshkon vta slide h/ (or it (animate) (with hand)

Paired with: zhooshkonan vti

zhooshkonan vti slide it (with hand)

Paired with: zhooshkon vta

zhooshkonige vai
  1. s/he slides things
  2. s/he plays a game (with a movable game piece), plays checkers, plays dominoes, plays bingo, plays shuffleboard, curls

zhooshkonamaw vta
  1. slide (it) to h/
  2. transfer (it) to h/

zhooshkwaaboono vai s/he slips, slides (on some medium: water, snow, etc.)

slide with hand
zhooshkon vta slide h/ (or it (animate) (with hand)

Paired with: zhooshkonan vti

zhooshkonan vti slide it (with hand)

Paired with: zhooshkon vta

basitebijigan ni [BL] a slingshot

See also: basitenigan ni

basitenigan ni a slingshot

See also: basitebijigan ni [BL]

bimojigan ni [S] a slingshot

See also: basitebijigan ni [BL] ; basitenigan ni

biitoomagooday ni [BL] a slip

See also: biitoomagoodaas ni [BL]

biitawagoodaan ni a slip

biitoomagoodaas ni [BL] a slip

Paired with: biitoomagooday ni [BL]

ozhaashise vai s/he slips, slides

Paired with: ozhaashise vii

ozhaashise vii it slips, slides (by itself)

Paired with: ozhaashise vii

foot slips
ozhaashikamii vai h/ foot slips on something

slip and fall
ozhaashishin vai s/he slips and falls

slip and fall on floor
ozhaashisagishin vai s/he slips and falls on the floor

slip and fall on ice
ozhaashikoshin vai s/he slips and falls on the ice

slip and fall on mud
ozhaashijiishkiweshin vai s/he slips and falls on the mud

slip and fall on rocks
ozhaashaabikishin vai s/he slips and falls on rocks

speed slipping
ozhaashibide vii it speeds sliding or slipping, skids

Paired with: ozhaashibide vii

ozhaashibizo vai s/he speeds sliding or slipping, skids

Paired with: ozhaashibide vii

ozhaashaa vii it is slippery, is slick

Paired with: ozhaashizi vai

ozhaashizi vai it (animate) is slippery, is slick

Paired with: ozhaashaa vii

ozhaashiigad vii it (sheet-like) is slippery

Paired with: ozhaashiigizi vai

ozhaashiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is slippery

See also: ozhaashiigad vii

ozhaashi- pv lex slippery

slippery (mineral)
ozhaashaabikad vii it (mineral) is slippery

Paired with: ozhaashaabikizi vai

ozhaashaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is slippery

Paired with: ozhaashaabikad vii

slippery (stick-like)
ozhaashaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is slippery

Paired with: ozhaashaakwad vii

ozhaashaakwad vii it is slippery (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: ozhaashaakozi vai

slippery (string-like)
ozhaashaabiigad vii it is slippery (string-like)

slippery floor
ozhaashisagaa vii it is a slippery floor

slippery from liquid
ozhaashibiiyaa vii it is slippery from a liquid

slippery ground
ozhaashakamigaa vii it is slippery ground

slippery ice
ozhaashikwaa vii there is slippery ice

ozhaashizigwaa vii there is slippery ice

slippery leaves
ozhaashibagaa vii there are slippery leaves

slippery mud
ozhaashijiishkiwagaa vii there is slippery mud

ozhaashijiishkiwagad vii it is slippery mud

slippery snow
ozhaashaagonagaa vii there is slippery snow; it is slippery with snow

slippery road or trail
ozhaashadamon vii it (road or trail) is slippery

ozhaashamon vii it (road or trail) is slippery

slippery rock
ozhaashaabikaa vii there is slippery rock