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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

ganawenim vta [BG] take care of, protect, keep an eye on, keep h/

Paired with: ganawendan vti

ganawendan vti take care of, protect, keep it

Paired with: ganawenim vta [BG]

ganawendamaw vta take care of, protect, keep (it) for h/

ganawendamaazo vai s/he keeps (it) for h/ self

ganawenjige vai s/he takes care of, protects, keeps things

ganawenjigaade vii it is taken care of, protected, kept (by someone), "they" take care of, protect, keep it

ganawenjigaazo vai s/he is taken care of, protected, kept (by someone), "they" take care of, protect, keep h/

ganawendaagozi vai s/he is taken care of, protected, kept; s/he is on parole

Paired with: ganawendaagwad vii

ganawendaagwad vii it is taken care of, protected, kept

Paired with: ganawendaagozi vai

keep busy
ondami' vta get in h/'s way; hinder h/; keep h/ busy or occupied

keep in mind
minjimendan vti keep it in h/ mind, remember it

Paired with: minjimenim vta

minjimenim vta keep h/ in h/ mind, remember h

Paired with: minjimendan vti

keep occupied
ondami' vta get in h/'s way; hinder h/; keep h/ busy or occupied

animoshigamig ni a dog house, a kennel

See also: animoshiwigamig ni

animoshiwigamig ni doghouse, kennel

See also: animoshigamig ni

kernel of corn
mandaamin na corn, a kernel of corn

waazakonenjiganaaboo ni kerosene, diesel fuel

akik na
  1. a container, usually of metal, for cooking or for holding liquids: a kettle, a pot, a pan, a pail, a bucket
  2. an engine, a motor

cooking kettle
jiibaakwaanakik na [BL] a cooking kettle; a pot

fall in the kettle
boodaakwese vai s/he slips, falls in the kettle

Paired with: boodaakwese vii

boodaakwese vii it slips, falls in the kettle

Paired with: boodaakwese vai

have kettle
odakiko vai s/he has a kettle, pot, pan, or pail

legged kettle
okaadakik na a large kettle or cauldon with small legs: a treaty kettle

put in the kettle
boodaakwe vai s/he puts (something) in the kettle

boodaakwen vai + o put (it) in the kettle, put (it) in a hole in something

slip in the kettle
boodaakwese vai s/he slips, falls in the kettle

Paired with: boodaakwese vii

boodaakwese vii it slips, falls in the kettle

Paired with: boodaakwese vai

tea kettle
aniibiishakik na a tea kettle

See also: nitiiwakik na [N]

nitiiwakik na [N] a tea kettle

zhiishiibakik na a tea kettle with a curved spout

gizhaagamizigewakik na a tea kettle

throw in the kettle
boodaakwewebinan vti throw it in the kettle

Paired with: boodaakwewebin vta

boodaakwewebin vta throw h/ in the kettle

Paired with: boodaakwewebinan vti

treaty kettle
okaadakik na a large kettle or cauldon with small legs: a treaty kettle

wash kettle
giziibiiginakokwe vai s/he washes a kettle or a pail

kettle hanger
kettle hanger
agoodakikwaan ni a kettle hanger

agoodakikwaanaak ni a kettle hanger

agoojiganaabik ni a hanger of metal or wire: a kettle hanger

aabaabika'igan ni a key

have key
odaabaabika'igani vai s/he has a key or keys

make key
aabaabika'iganike vai s/he makes a key

basikawaadan vti kick it

Paired with: basikawaazh vta

basikawaazh vta kick h/

Paired with: basikawaadan vti

dangishkan vti kick it

Paired with: dangishkaw vta

dangishkaw vta kick h/

Paired with: dangishkan vti

dangishkige vai s/he kicks things

dangishkaage vai s/he kicks people

kick a certain way
izhiwebishkan vti kick it a certain way; shove it a certain way (with foot or body)

Paired with: izhiwebishkaw vta

izhiwebishkaw vta kick h/ a certain way; shove h/ a certain way (with foot or body)

Paired with: izhiwebishkan vti

kick backwards
azhewebishkan vti shove or kick it backwards

Paired with: azhewebishkaw vta

azhewebishkaw vta shove or kick h/ backwards

Paired with: azhewebishkan vti

kick high
ishpiwebishkan vti kick it high

Paired with: ishpiwebishkaw vta

ishpiwebishkaw vta kick h/ high

Paired with: ishpiwebishkan vti

kick in the rear
basidiyeshkaw vta kick h/ in the rear

kick inside
biindigewebishkan vti kick it inside; shove it inside (with foot or body)

Paired with: biindigewebishkaw vta

biindigewebishkaw vta kick h/ inside; shove h/ inside (with foot or body)

Paired with: biindigewebishkan vti

kick off boat or vehicle
gabaawebishkan vti kick, shove it off a vehicle or boat (with foot or body)

Paired with: gabaawebishkaw vta

gabaawebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ or it (animate) off a vehicle or boat (with foot or body)

Paired with: gabaawebishkan vti

kick off to the side
bakewebishkan vti kick it off to the side, off the main path

Paired with: bakewebishkaw vta

bakewebishkaw vta kick h/ off to the side, off the main path

Paired with: bakewebishkan vti

kick out
zaagijiwebishkan vti kick it out

Paired with: zaagijiwebishkaw vta

zaagijiwebishkaw vta kick h/ out; shove h/ out (with foot or body)

Paired with: zaagijiwebishkan vti

kick out of the way
ikowebishkan vti kick, shove it aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkaw vta

ikowebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkan vti

kick over or down
gawiwebishkan vti knock it over, down (with foot or body); kick it over, down

Paired with: gawiwebishkaw vta

gawiwebishkaw vta knock h/ over, down (with foot or body); kick h/ over. down

Paired with: gawiwebishkan vti

kick through
zhaabowebishkan vti kick it through; shove it through (with foot or body)

Paired with: zhaabowebishkaw vta

zhaabowebishkaw vta kick h/ through; shove h/ through (with foot or body)

Paired with: zhaabowebishkan vti

indoodikosiw nad my kidney

gidoodikosiw nad your kidney

odoodikosiwan nad h/ kidney

kidney disease
kidney disease
odoodikosiwaapine vai s/he has a kidney disease

nishi vta kill h/; get or catch it (animate; an animal, fish, bird) for use

Paired with: nitoon vti2

nisidiwag vai they kill each other

nisidizo vai s/he kills h/ self, commits suicide

nitoon vti2 kill it, catch and kill it

Paired with: nishi vta

nitamaw vta kill (it) for h/

nitamaage vai s/he kills (something) of people or for people

nitamaazo vai s/he kills (something) for h/ self

finally and completely kill
aapijinazh vta finish h/ off, finally and completely kill h/

kill a certain way
inaapinazh vta injure, wound, kill h/ a certain way

kill for a certain reason
onjinazh vta injure, kill h/ for a certain reason; get h/ as game from a certain place, catch h/ as game at a certain place

kill game
nitaage vai s/he kills game, kills people, murders; s/he mourns

oshki-nitaage vai s/he has h/ first kill of a species

kill off
jaaginazh vta kill h/ off

nishiwe vai s/he kills, commits murder

nitaagewin ni killing, murder

all kinds
anooj adv qnt all kinds; various; carelessly, abusively

dino pron sim a certain kind or type of something [inanimate]; sort

dinowa pron sim a certain kind or type of something [inanimate]

gizhewaadizi vai s/he is kind, is generous

minode'e vai s/he is kind, is generous

zhawenjige vai s/he is merciful, is kind-hearted, has pity

kindling wood
biisiga'isaan ni kindling wood

make kindling
biisiga'ise vai s/he chops small pieces of firewood

zhawenjigewin ni a blessing, mercy, kindness

ogimaa na
  1. a leader (male): a boss, a chief, a king
  2. a king (card)

gichi-ogimaa na the highest leader: a head chief, a head boss, a president, a king

ogimaa na
  1. a leader (male): a boss, a chief, a king
  2. a king (card)

wiindigoo-bineshiinh na a kingbird

eastern kingbird
Tyrannus tyrannus

belted kingfisher
ogiishkimanisii na a kingfisher

belted kingfisher
Ceryle alcyon

See also: ogashkimanisii na [NI]

ogashkimanisii na [NI] a kingfisher

belted kingfisher
Ceryle alcyon 

See also: ogiishkimanisii na

apaakozigan ni [C] kinnikinnick (tobacco and bark smoking mixture)

See also: apaakozigan na [N]

apaakozigan na [N] kinnikinnick (tobacco and bark smoking mixture)

See also: apaakozigan ni [C]

make kinnikinnick
apaakozige vai s/he makes or uses apaakozigan (kinnikinnick)

ojiim vta kiss h/

ojiindan vti kiss it

Paired with: ojiim vta

ojiindiwag vai they kiss

jiibaakwewigamig ni a kitchen; a cook shack

maamaagon vta knead it (animate); press on it (animate) repeatedly

Paired with: maamaagonan vti

maamaagonan vti knead it; press on it repeatedly

Paired with: maamaagon vta

maamaagonige vai s/he kneads dough

onadin vta form, shape, knead, mold h/ (a soft substance) (by hand)

Paired with: onadinan vti

onadinan vti form, shape, knead, mold it (a soft substance) (by hand)

Paired with: onadin vta

onadinige vai s/he forms, shapes, kneads, molds something (a soft substance) (by hand)

ingidig nad [ML] my knee

gigidig nad [ML] your knee

ogidigwan nad [ML] h/ knee

ingidig nid [N] my knee

See also: ningidig nid [C] [N] ; nigidig nid

ningidig nid [C] [N] my knee

See also: ingidig nid [N] ; nigidig nid

nigidig nid my knee

See also: ingidig nid [N] ; ningidig nid [C] [N]

gigidig nid [C] [N] your knee

ogidig nid [C] [N] h/ knee

big knee
mamaangigidigwe vai s/he has big knees

bloody knee
miskwiiwigidigwe vai s/he has a bloody knee

both knees
eyedawigidig adv loc at both knees

See also: eyiidawigidig adv loc

eyiidawigidig adv loc at both knees

See also: eyedawigidig adv loc

break kneecap
bookogidigweshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ kneecap

bump knee
bitaakogidigweshin vai s/he bumps h/ knee on something

hairy knee
miishigidigwe vai s/he has a hairy knee or hairy knees

mamiishigidigwe vai s/he has hairy knees

knee aches
dewigidigwe vai h/ knee aches

skin knee
bishagigidigweshin vai s/he skins h/ knee

sore knee
gaagiijigidigwe vai s/he has a sore knee or sore knees

ojijiingwanabi vai s/he kneels

mookomaan ni a knife

butcher knife
gichi-mookomaan ni a large knife: a butcher knife, a machete, a sword, a saber

butter knife
zhagashka'igewi-mookomaan ni a table knife; a butter knife

crooked knife
waagikomaan ni a crooked knife

filleting knife
biitwegizhigewikomaan ni [BL] a filleting knife

fishing knife
giigoonyike-mookomaan ni a fishing knife

have a knife
omookomaani vai s/he has a knife or knives

have knife on
gigimookomaane vai s/he has a knife on h/

large knife
gichi-mookomaan ni a large knife: a butcher knife, a machete, a sword, a saber

knife blade
mookomaanaabik ni a knife blade

knife handle
mookomaanaatig ni a knife handle

skinning knife
bakonige-mookomaan ni a skinning knife

See also: bakonigewi-mookomaan ni [BL]

bakonigewi-mookomaan ni [BL] a skinning knife

See also: bakonige-mookomaan ni

table knife
wiisiniiwikomaan ni a table knife

zhagashka'igewi-mookomaan ni a table knife; a butter knife

take along knife
niimikomaane vai s/he takes along a knife or knives

knife blade
knife blade
mookomaanaabik ni a knife blade

knife handle
knife handle
mookomaanaatig ni a knife handle

knife sheath
knife sheath
biindikomaan ni a knife sheath or case

knock on
baapaagaakwa' vta knock on h/ (as something stick- or wood like)

Paired with: baapaagaakwa'an vti

baapaagaakwa'an vti knock on it (as something stick- or wood-like. e.g., a door)

Paired with: baapaagaakwa' vta

baapaagaakwa'ige vai s/he knocks on things (as something stick- or wood-like, e.g., a door)

knock senseless
giiwashkweganaam vta hit and stun h/, knock h/ senseless

knock wild rice
bawa'am vai2 s/he knocks wild rice

knock down off
diitiba'an vti knock it down off something (using something)

Paired with: diitiba' vta

diitiba' vta knock h/ down off something (using something)

Paired with: diitiba'an vti

diitibibidoon vti2 knock it down off something (with hands)

Paired with: diitibibizh vta

diitibibizh vta knock h/ down off something (with hands)

Paired with: diitibibidoon vti2

diitibishkan vti bump it down off something, knock it down off something (with foot or body)

Paired with: diitibishkaw vta

diitibishkaw vta bump h/ down off something, knock h/ down off something (with foot or body)

Paired with: diitibishkan vti

knock down from above
biniweba'an vti knock it down from above (using something)

Paired with: biniweba' vta

biniweba' vta knock h/ down from above (using something); shoot h/ down from above

Paired with: biniweba'an vti See also: biniweba'wi vta [NI]

binibidoon vti2 pull or push it down (from its position above)

Paired with: binibizh vta

binibizh vta pull or push h down (from h/ position above)

Paired with: binibidoon vti2

binishkaw vta knock h/ down from above (with body or foot)

knock over or down
gawiweba'an vti knock it down (using something)

gawiwebishkan vti knock it over, down (with foot or body); kick it over, down

Paired with: gawiwebishkaw vta

gawiwebishkaw vta knock h/ over, down (with foot or body); kick h/ over. down

Paired with: gawiwebishkan vti

gawaganaam vta knock h/ over, down (by hitting)

Paired with: gawaganaandan vti

gawaganaandan vti knock it down, over (by hitting)

Paired with: gawaganaam vta

rice knocker
bawa'iganaak na [LL] [ML] a knocker: a stick used to knock rice grains off the wild rice stalks

See also: bawa'iganaak ni [NI] [RL]

bawa'iganaak ni [NI] [RL] a knocker: a stick used to knock rice grains off the wild rice stalks

See also: bawa'iganaak na [LL] [ML] ; bawa'iganaatig ni

bawa'iganaatig ni a knocker: a stick used to knock rice grains off the wild rice stalks

See also: bawa'iganaak ni [NI] [RL]

bikwadinaa vii it is a knoll, is a hill

tie with a knot
gashka'oodoon vti2 tie it with a knot; lace and tie it

Paired with: gashka'oozh vta

gashka'oozh vta tie h/ or it (animate) with a knot

Paired with: gashka'oodoon vti2

gashka'oode vii it is knotted, is tangled

Paired with: gashka'oozo vai

gashka'oozo vai s/he is knotted, is tangled

Paired with: gashka'oode vii

gashka'oojigan ni a knot

gikendam vai2 s/he knows

gikendan vti know it, know about it, find it out, realize it

Paired with: gikenim vta

gikenim vta know h/, know about h/, find out about h/, realize of h/

gikenjige vai s/he knows things

gikendaagozi vai s/he is known (by someone), "they" know h/

Paired with: gikendaagwad vii

gikendaagwad vii it is known (by someone), "they" know it

Paired with: gikendaagozi vai

seek to know
nanda-gikendan vti seek to know it, seek to learn it

Paired with: nanda-gikenim vta

nanda-gikenim vta seek to know h/

Paired with: nanda-gikendan vti

don't know
amanj adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how

See also: namanj adv dub

namanj adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how

See also: amanj adv dub

endogwen adv dub I don't know; I am not sure

don't know how
amanj adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how

See also: namanj adv dub

namanj adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how

See also: amanj adv dub

don't know what
awegodogwen pron dub I don't know what, I wonder what

See also: wegodogwen pron dub

wegodogwen pron dub I don't know what, I wonder what

See also: awegodogwen pron dub

don't know when
amanj apii adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how; I don't know when, I wonder when

See also: namanj apii adv dub

namanj apii adv dub I don't know when, I wonder when

See also: amanj apii adv dub

don't know where
dibi adv dub I don't know where, I wonder where

don't know who
awegwen pron dub I don't know who, I wonder who

know how
nitaa- pv lex being good at; being skilled at; frequently do; know how to do something

nagaji' vta be familiar with, accustomed to, used to h/ or it (animate); know how to handle h/ or it (animate), know how to make it (animate)

Paired with: nagajitoon vti2

nagajitoon vti2 be familiar with, accustomed to, used to it; know how to make or handle it

Paired with: nagaji' vta

gikendamowin ni knowledge

gikendaasowin ni intelligence; knowledge

gikendaagwad vii it is known (by someone), "they" know it

Paired with: gikendaagozi vai

gikendaagozi vai s/he is known (by someone), "they" know h/

Paired with: gikendaagwad vii