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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

The action of wading, walking through water, is generally indicated with a VAI verb final /-aadagaazii/ (or /-agaazii/) combined with a verb initial indicating the manner or direction of the action as in biidaadagaazii s/he wades here. Moving faster on foot through the water can be indicated by adding a VAI verb final /-batoo/ to the verb stem as in aazhawagaaziibatoo s/he runs across wading.
arrive wading
bagamaadagaazii vai s/he arrives wading

run across wading
aazhawagaaziibatoo vai s/he runs across wading through the water

wade about
babaamaadagaazii vai s/he wades about

wade across
aazhawaadagaazii vai s/he wades across

aazhawagaazii vai s/he wades across

wade along
bimaadagaazii vai s/he wades along

wade ashore
agwaayaadagaazii vai s/he wades ashore

wade away
animaadagaazii vai s/he wades away

wade from a certain place
ondaadagaazii vai s/he wades from a certain place

wade here
biidaadagaazii vai s/he wades here

wade home
giiweyaadagaazii vai s/he wades home

wade splashing
bagaskaadagaazii vai [BR] s/he wades splashing through the water

wade to a certain place
inaadagaazii vai s/he wades to a certain place

wade along the shore
jiigeweyaazhagaame vai s/he walks along the shore

heard wading
madweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading, "you" can hear h/ wading

heard wading along
bimweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading along

heard wading around
babaamweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading around

heard wading away
animweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading away

heard wading from a certain place
ondweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading from a certain place

heard wading here
biidweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading here

heard wading to a certain place
inweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading to a certain place

wag tail
wewebaanoweni vai s/he wags h/ tail

ataadiwin ni a gambling game, a wager

ditibidaabaan na a wheeled vehicle for conveying things: a wagon, a truck, a cart, a wheelbarrow

odaabaan na [LL] [ML]
  1. something pulled or dragged as a means of conveyance: a sled, a sleigh, a wagon
  2. a car, an automobile, a vehicle

See also: odaabaan ni [N]

odaabaan ni [N]
  1. something dragged or pulled as a means of conveyance: a wagon
  2. a car, an automobile, a vehicle

See also: odaabaan na [LL] [ML]

drive along in a wagon or sleigh
bimidaabiiba'igo vai s/he drives along quickly in a wagon or sleigh

wagon trail
wagon trail
odaabaanikana ni a highway; a wagon trail

bekaa adv man hold on!; slow down!; wait!

bii'o vai s/he waits

bii' vta wait for h/

Paired with: biitoon vti2

biitoon vti2 wait for it

Paired with: bii' vta

keep waiting
baabii'o vai s/he keeps waiting

baabii' vta keep waiting for h/

Paired with: baabiitoon vti2

baabiitoon vti2 keep waiting for it

Paired with: baabii' vta

tired of waiting
zhigajibii'o vai s/he is tired of waiting

zhigajibii' vta be tired of waiting for h/

Paired with: zhigajibiitoon vti2

zhigajibiitoon vti2 be tired of waiting for it

Paired with: zhigajibii' vta

wait in watch
akawaabi vai s/he waits in watch, expects

akawaabam vta wait in watch for h/, expect h/ to come

Paired with: akawaabandan vti

akawaabandan vti wait in watch for it, expect it to come

Paired with: akawaabam vta

hold a wake
niibebi vai s/he holds a wake, sits up at a wake

niibaabi vai s/he sits up at night

See also: niibebi vai

sit up with at a wake
abiitaw vta sit up with, tend to h/ (e.g., the deceased at a wake, a sick person)

wake up
goshkozi vai s/he wakes up, is awake

wake up crying
amadademo vai s/he wakes up crying

wake up early
gigizhebaawii vai s/he wakes up early

wake up from cold
amadaji vai s/he wakes up from being cold

wake up from pain
amajine vai s/he wakes up from pain

wake up in a sweat
amajibiiso vai s/he wakes up in a sweat

wake up in the morning
gigizhebaawe vai s/he wakes up in the morning

wake up suddenly
amajise vai s/he wakes up suddenly, comes awake

amaji' vta wake h/

amaji'idiwag vai they wake each other up

wake by touch
amadin vta wake h/, wake h/ (by touching with the hand)

wake by vocal noise
amajim vta rouse, wake h/ (by vocal noise)

arrive walking
bagamose vai s/he arrives walking

walk a certain way
inose vai s/he walks in a certain way, walks to a certain place

ina'amii vai s/he walks, steps a certain way

walk about
babaamose vai s/he walks about, takes a stroll

babimose vai s/he walks about, takes a stroll

walk along
bimose vai s/he walks along

bimweweshin vai s/he is heard walking along

walk around something
giiwitaashkan vti walk around it

Paired with: giiwitaashkaw vta

giiwitaashkaw vta walk around h/

Paired with: giiwitaashkan vti

giiwitaawose vai s/he walks around something

walk away
animose vai s/he walks away

animweweshin vai s/he is heard walking away

walk fast
gizhiiyose vai s/he walks fast

walk from a certain place
ondose vai s/he walks from a certain place

walk here
biidaasamose vai s/he walks here

walk over portage on a trail
gakiiwe'adoo vai s/he walks over a portage (on a trail)

walk pigeon-toed
wawaagizide'amii vai s/he walks pigeon-toed

walk slowly
bedose vai s/he walks slowly

walk to certain place
inose vai s/he walks in a certain way, walks to a certain place

walk with
wiida'adoom vta walk with h/ on the trail or road

wiidosem vta walk with h/ on the trail or road

wiidosendiwag vai they walk with each other

walk with discomfort
maanose vai s/he walks with discomfort

heard walking
madwesagishin vai s/he is heard walking or falling on the floor

heard walking along
bimweweshin vai s/he is heard walking along

heard walking around
babaamweweshin vai s/he is heard walking about

heard walking here
biidweweshin vai s/he is heard walking here

walk along the shore
jiigeweyaazhagaame vai s/he walks along the shore

walk around a lake
giiwitaayaazhagaame vai s/he walks around a lake; s/he walks around the edge

walk around the edge
giiwitaayaazhagaame vai s/he walks around a lake; s/he walks around the edge

walk along shore to a certain place
inaazhagaame vai s/he walks along shore to a certain place

walk about on sand
babaamadaawangose vai s/he walks about on sand

walk along on sand
bimadaawangose vai s/he walks along on sand

walk away on sand
animadaawangose vai s/he walks away (in the other direction) on sand

walk from on sand
animadaawangose vai s/he walks away (in the other direction) on sand

walk here on sand
biidadaawangose vai s/he walks here on sand

walk to on sand
inadaawangose s/he walks to a certain place on sand

aasamisag ni a wall

against wall
jiigisag adv loc by, against, or on the wall or boards

See also: jiigi-aasamisag adv loc

jiigaatig adv loc by a tree; by a wall

by wall
jiigaatig adv loc by a tree; by a wall

jiigisag adv loc by, against, or on the wall or boards

See also: jiigi-aasamisag adv loc

nail up against the wall
agwaakwa'an vti nail it up against the wall; post it up

ogaa na a walleye

Stizostedion vitreum

wander about
babaa-ayaa vai s/he goes around, wanders about

andawendam vai2 [N] s/he needs, wants something, wishes for something

See also: nandawendam vai2 [S]

andawendan vti [C] [N] need, want it

Paired with: andawenim vta [N] See also: nandawendan vti [S]

andawenim vta [N] hunt it (animate); need, want h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: andawendan vti [C] [N] See also: nandawenim vta [S] [S]

misawendam vai2 s/he needs, wants, desires something

misawendan vti want, desire it

Paired with: misawenim vta

misawenim vta want, desire h/

Paired with: misawendan vti

misawenjige vai s/he wants, desires things

nandawendam vai2 [S] s/he needs, wants something, wishes for something

See also: andawendam vai2 [N]

nandawendan vti [S] need, want it

Paired with: nandawenim vta [S] [S] See also: andawendan vti [C] [N]

nandawenim vta [S] [S] hunt it (animate); need, want h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: nandawendan vti [S] See also: andawenim vta [N]

want to
waa- pv tns is going to, will, want to

wii- pv tns

wii- pv tns is going to, will, want to

miigaadiwin ni a battle, a war

be at war
miigaadiwag vai they fight each other

go to war
nandobani vai s/he goes to war

See also: andobani vai [N]

andobani vai [N] s/he goes to war

See also: nandobani vai

war club
war club
bagamaagan ni a war club

war dance
war dance
bwaanzhii-niimi'idiwin ni a war dance

bwaanzhii-niimi vai s/he dances a war dance

bwaanzhii-niimi'idiwag vai they dance a war dance

war song
sing war songs
bwaanzhii-nagamo vai s/he sings war songs

war whoop
give war whoops
zaasaakwe vai s/he whoops

game warden
gizhaadigewinini na [BL] a game warden, a conservation officer

wiiyaasi-dakoniwewinini na a game warden, a conservation officer

giizhoozi vai s/he is warm [person]

Paired with: giizhooyaa vii

giizhooyaa vii it is warm

Paired with: giizhoozi vai

warm liquid
abaagamide vii it (liquid) warms up, is warm, is lukewarm

giizhoogamin vii it (liquid) is warm

warm floor
giizhoosagaa vii it is a warm floor

warm rain
giizhoobiisaa vii it is warm rain

warm sand
giizhoodaawangaa vii there is warm sand

warm weather
aabawaa vii it is warm weather, is mild weather

wrapped up warm
giizhoopizo vai s/he is wrapped up warm

warm up
abaaso vai s/he warms up in the sun

Paired with: abaate vii

boodawazo vai s/he builds a fire to warm up

weather warms up
abaate vii it warms up (of the weather)

Paired with: abaaso vai

sun warms
aabawaasige vai s/he (the sun) warms things up

aabawaate vii it is warm, warms up in the sunshine

warm at the fire
abiz vta warm h/ at the fire

Paired with: abizan vti

abizamaw vta warm something for h/ at the fire

abizan vti warm it at the fire

Paired with: abiz vta

abizigaade vii it is warmed at the fire (by someone), "they" warm it at the fire

abizigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is warmed at the fire (by someone), "they" warm h/ or it at the fire

abizige vai s/he warms (something) at the fire

abiigizan vti warm it (something sheet-like) at a fire

Paired with: abiigizwi vta [NI]

abiigizige vai s/he warms something (sheet-like) at the fire; s/he warms the drum

awazo vai s/he warms h/ self at the fire

warm back
abaawiganezo vai s/he warms h/ (own) back

warm foot
abizidezo vai s/he warms h/ (own) foot or feet

abizidezwi vta warm h/ foot or feet

warm hand
abininjiizo vai s/he warms h/ (own) hands

warm liquid
abaagamizan vti warm it (liquid)

abaagamizamaw vta warm something (liquid) up for h/

abaagamizige vai s/he warms something liquid

giizhoogamizan vti warm it (something liquid)

warm with foot or body
giizhooshkan vti warm it (with foot or body)

Paired with: giizhooshkaw vta

giizhooshkaw vta warm h/ (with foot or body)

Paired with: giizhooshkan vti

dress warmly
giizhoo'o vai s/he dresses warmly

giizhookonaye vai s/he dresses warm

lie in warmth
giizhooshin vai s/he lies in warmth

ayaangwaamim vta warn, caution h/

warn against
gina'amaw vta forbid h/ to, warn h/ against

ogichidaa na a ceremonial headman; a warrior, a veteran

ogichidaawi vai s/he is an ogichidaa (ceremonial headman), is a warrior, is a veteran

warrior song
warrior song
ogichidaa-nagamon ni a warrior song

jiichiigom na a wart

gii- pv tns [S] [past tense]: -ed, was, did

See also: gii'- pv tns [BL]

gaa- pv tns [S] [past tense with initial change]: -ed, did, was

See also: gaa'- pv tns

gii'- pv tns [BL] [past tense]: -ed, was, did

See also: gii- pv tns [S]

gaa'- pv tns [past tense with initial change]: -ed, did, was

giziibiigii vai s/he washes up

giziibiigazhe vai s/he washes up, takes a bath, bathes

giziibiiga' vta wash h/ (using something)

Paired with: giziibiiga'an vti

giziibiiga'an vti wash it (using something)

Paired with: giziibiiga' vta

giziibiiga'amaw vta wash (it) for h/, launder for h/

giziibiiga'ige vai s/he washes things, washes clothes, does laundry

giziibiiga'igaade vii it is washed (by someone), "they" wash it

giziibiiga'igaazo vai s/he is washed (by someone), "they" wash h/

giziibiigin vta wash h/ (by hand)

Paired with: giziibiiginan vti

giziibiiginan vti wash it (by hand)

Paired with: giziibiigin vta

giziibiiginigaade vii it is washed (by someone), "they" wash it

giziibiiginigaazo vai s/he is washed (by someone), "they" wash h/

wash car
giziibiigidaabaane vai s/he washes a car or vehicle

giziibiigidaabaanetamaw vta wash a car or vehicle for h/

wash clean
biinaabaawe vai s/he or it (animate) is washed off clean

biinaabaawe vii it is washed off clean

Paired with: biinaabaawe vai

biinaabaawadoon vti2 wash it clean

Paired with: biinaabaawazh vta

biinaabaawazh vta wash h/ clean

wash clothes
giziibiiga'ige vai s/he washes things, washes clothes, does laundry

wash dishes
giziibiiginaagane vai s/he washes dishes

giziininaagane vai [BL] s/he washs dishes

wash face
giziibiigiingwe vai s/he washes h/ (own) face

giziingwe vai s/he washes h/ face

wash floor
giziibiigisaginige vai s/he washes the floor

See also: giziisaginige vai [BL]

giziisaginan vti wash it (a floor); wipe it (a floor)

giziisaginige vai [BL] s/he wipes the floor; [BL] s/he washes the floor

See also: giziibiigisaginige vai

giziisaginamaw vta wash the floor for h/; wipe the floor for h/

wash hair
giziibiigindibe vai s/he washes h/ (own) hair

giziibiigindiben vta wash h/ hair

giziibiigitigwaanen vta [BL] wash h/ hair

wash hand
giziibiigininjii vai s/he washes h/ (own) hands

giziibiigininjiin vta wash h/ hands

giziininjii vai s/he wipes h/ (own) hands; s/he washes (own) h/ hands

giziininjiin vta wash h/ hand or hands; wipe h/ hand or hands

wash kettle
giziibiiginakokwe vai s/he washes a kettle or a pail

wash pail
giziibiiginakokwe vai s/he washes a kettle or a pail

wash basin
wash basin
giziibiigiingwewinaagan ni a wash basin

giziininjaagan ni a sink; a wash basin

giziibiiwinaagan ni a washbasin

wash tub
wash tub
giziibiiga'igani-biiwaabik ni a washtub, a washing machine

giziibiiga'igani-makak ni a wash tub

giziibiiga'ige-makak ni a washtub, a washing machine

giziibiiga'igewinaagan ni [BL] a washtub, a washing machine

giziibiiga'igani-makakosag ni a wash tub

mamigwaakosijigan ni [BL] a washboard

See also: mimigwaakosijigan ni

mimigwaakosijigan ni a washboard

See also: mamigwaakosijigan ni [BL]

scrub on washboard
mimigwaakosijige vai s/he scrubs something on a washboard

mimigwaakosidoon vti2 scrub it on a washboard, rub it against a board

mamigwaakosijige vai [BL] s/he scrubs on a washboard

See also: mimigwaakosijige vai

giziingwe'onens na [N] a washcloth

See also: giziingwe'onens ni [S]

washing machine
washing machine
giziibiiga'ige-makak ni a washtub, a washing machine

Waashtanong name place Washington

giziibiigiiwigamig ni a washroom, a shower room

aamoo na a bee, a wasp

aamookaa vii there are (many) bees, wasps

wasp nest
wasp nest
aamoo-wadiswan ni a bee hive, a wasp nest

nishwanaaji' vta waste, spoil, destroy h/

Paired with: nishiwanaajitoon vti2 [RL] See also: nishwanaajitoon vti2

nishwanaajichige vai s/he wastes spoils, destroys things

See also: nishiwanaajichige vai [RL]

nishwanaajitoon vti2 waste, spoil, destroy it

Paired with: nishwanaaji' vta

nishiwanaajichige vai [RL] s/he wastes, spoils, destroys things

See also: nishwanaajichige vai

nishiwanaajitoon vti2 [RL] spoil, ruin, destroy it

Paired with: nishiwanaaji' vta [RL] See also: nishwanaajitoon vti2

nishiwanaadad vii [RL] it is spoiled, is ruined, is destroyed

Paired with: nishiwanaadizi vai [RL] See also: nishwanaadad vii

diba'igiiziswaanens na a watch

See also: diba'igeziswaanens na [RL]

diba'igeziswaanens na [RL] a watch

See also: diba'igiiziswaanens na

ganawaabi vai s/he looks, watches

ganawaabam vta look at, watch h/

Paired with: ganawaabandan vti

ganawaabandan vti look at, watch it

Paired with: ganawaabam vta

ganawaabandiwag vai they look at, watch each other

ganawaabange vai s/he watches people, is a spectator

ganawaabanjigaade vii it is looked at (by someone, "they" look at it, it is watched (by someone), "they" watch it

ganawaabanjigaazo vai s/he is looked at (by someone), "they" look at h/, s/he is watched (by someone), "they" watch h/

ganawaabanjige vai s/he looks at, watches things

watch carefully
naanaagadawaabam vta watch h/ carefully, observe h/

Paired with: naanaagadawaabandan vti

naanaagadawaabandan vti watch it carefully, observe it

Paired with: naanaagadawaabam vta

watch over
gizhaadan vti guard, watch over it

Paired with: gizhaazh vta

gizhaazh vta guard, watch over h/

Paired with: gizhaadan vti

gizhaadige vai s/he guards a place, watches over a house

This entry for water is divided into the following sections:
nibi ni water

cold water
dakib ni cold water

draw water
gwaaba'ibii vai s/he draws water

onda'ibii vai s/he gets, draws water from a certain place

wiikwa'ibii vai s/he pumps, draws water

ikwa'ibii vai s/he pumps, draws water

get water
gwaaba'amaw vta
  1. scoop (it) up for h/
  2. get water for h/

nibinaadi vai s/he gets water

get water from a certain place
onda'ibii vai s/he gets, draws water from a certain place

have water
onibiimi vai s/he has water

go get water
naadoobii vai s/he gathers sap; s/he goes to get water or other liquid

hot water
gizhaagamide-nibi ni hot water

in the water
agonde vii it is in or on the water, floats, soaks

Paired with: agonjin vai See also: agwinde vii

agonjidoon vti2 put it in the water; soak, immerse it

Paired with: agonjim vta See also: agwanjidoon vti2 ; agwinjidoon vti2

agonjim vta immerse, soak h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: agonjidoon vti2

agonjin vai s/he or it (animate) is in or on the water, floats, soaks

See also: agwanjin vai

agwanjidoon vti2 put it in the water; soak, immerse it

Paired with: agwanjim vta See also: agonjidoon vti2 ; agwinjidoon vti2

agwanjim vta put h/ or it (animate) in the water; immerse, soak h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: agwanjidoon vti2 See also: agonjim vta

agwanjin vai s/he or it (animate) is in or on the water, floats, soaks

See also: agonjin vai

agwinde vii it is in or on the water, floats, soaks

See also: agonde vii

lukewarm water
abaagamide-nibi ni warm water, lukewarm water

much water
nibiikaa vii there is (a lot of) water

on the water
agwamo vai s/he or it (animate) is on or in the water, floats on the water

See also: agomo vai

agomo vai s/he or it (animate) is on or in the water, floats on the water

See also: agwamo vai

pour water
ziiga'andan vti pour liquid on it; water it; splash it

Paired with: ziiga'andaw vta

ziiga'andaw vta
  1. pour liquid on h/; splash h/
  2. baptize h/

Paired with: ziiga'andan vti

pump water
wiikwa'ibii vai s/he pumps, draws water

ikwa'ibii vai s/he pumps, draws water

put in the water
agwanjidoon vti2 put it in the water; soak, immerse it

Paired with: agwanjim vta See also: agonjidoon vti2 ; agwinjidoon vti2

agwanjim vta put h/ or it (animate) in the water; immerse, soak h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: agwanjidoon vti2 See also: agonjim vta

agwinjidoon vti2 put it in the water; soak, immerse it

See also: agonjidoon vti2 ; agwanjidoon vti2

scoop up water
gwaaba'ibii vai s/he draws water

suspended in water
agonde vii it is in or on the water, floats, soaks

Paired with: agonjin vai See also: agwinde vii

agomo vai s/he or it (animate) is on or in the water, floats on the water

See also: agwamo vai

warm water
giizhoogamin vii it (liquid) is warm

water from the rapids
baawitigwaabo ni [BL] water from the rapids

water source
onda'ibaan ni a source of water, a well

onda'ibaan ni a source of water, a well

moona'ibaan ni a well

at the water
agamiing adv loc at the lake; at the water; on the shore

bring water or sap
biidoobii vai s/he brings water (or other liquid)

by the water
jiigibiig adv loc along the shore; by or along the edge of water or an open area

go across the water
aazhoge vai s/he goes across water

go splashing through the water
bagaskaadagaazii vai [BR] s/he wades splashing through the water

go up from the water
gopii vai s/he goes up from the water, goes inland, goes into the woods

in the depths of a body of water
anaamiindim adv loc in the depths of a body of water; deep underwater

jump out of the water
googa'am vai2 s/he (a fish) jumps out of the water

on top of the water
agidibiig adv loc on top of the water

ogidibiig adv loc on top of the water

other side of the water
awasagaam adv loc on the other side of the water (a lake or river)

reflect in water
agawaatebiigisin vii it is reflected in the water

Paired with: agawaatebiigishin vai

agawaatebiigishin vai s/he casts a shadow on the water, is reflected in the water

Paired with: agawaatebiigisin vii

ojichaagobiishin vii it reflects in water

mazinaatebiisin vii it is reflected in the water

Paired with: mazinaatebiishin vai

mazinaatebiishin vai s/he or it (animate) is reflected in the water

mazinaatebiigisin vii it is reflected in the water

Paired with: mazinaatebiigishin vai

mazinaatebiigishin vai s/he casts a shadow on the water, is reflected in the water

Paired with: mazinaatebiigisin vii

run in the water
animaadagaaziibatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) in the water, runs away (in the other direction) wading

bimaadagaaziibatoo vai s/he runs along wading in the water

soften in water
nookaabaawazh vta soften h/ with water

Paired with: nookaabaawadoon vti2

nookaabaawadoon vti2 soften it with water

Paired with: nookaabaawazh vta

stilled in the water
agwamo vai s/he or it (animate) is on or in the water, floats on the water

See also: agomo vai

throw out of the water
agwaawebin vta throw h/ out of the water

Paired with: agwaawebinan vti

agwaawebinan vti throw it out of the water

Paired with: agwaawebin vta

agwaawebinamaw vta throw (it) out of the water for or to h/

this side of the water
ondaasagaam adv loc on this side of the water

turbulent water
madaagamin vii it is turbulent water

blown into the water
bakobiiyaashi vai s/he or it (animate) is blown into the water (by the wind)

Paired with: bakobiiyaasin vii

bakobiiyaasin vii it is blown into the water

Paired with: bakobiiyaashi vai

chase into the water
bakobiinizha' vta drive, chase h/ into the water

bakobiinizhikaw vta drive, chase h/ into the water

drag into the water
bakobiidaabaadan vti drag it into the water

Paired with: bakobiidaabaazh vta

bakobiidaabaazh vta drag h/ into the water

Paired with: bakobiidaabaadan vti

bakobiidaabii vai s/he drags a load into water, drags a sled into the water

drive into the water
bakobiidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives into the water

bakobiibizo vai s/he falls, drives, plunges into the water

Paired with: bakobiibide vii

bakobiibide vii it falls, drives, plunges into the water

Paired with: bakobiibizo vai

fall into the water
bakobiise vai s/he falls, flies into the water

Paired with: bakobiise vii

bakobiise vii it falls, flies into the water

Paired with: bakobiise vai

bakobiibizo vai s/he falls, drives, plunges into the water

Paired with: bakobiibide vii

bakobiibide vii it falls, drives, plunges into the water

Paired with: bakobiibizo vai

fly into the water
bakobiise vii it falls, flies into the water

Paired with: bakobiise vai

bakobiise vai s/he falls, flies into the water

Paired with: bakobiise vii

go down into the water
bakobii vai s/he goes into the water

jump into the water
bakobiigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps into the water

leave tracks going into the water
bakobiikawe vai s/he leaves tracks going into water

plunge into the water
bakobiibizo vai s/he falls, drives, plunges into the water

Paired with: bakobiibide vii

bakobiibide vii it falls, drives, plunges into the water

Paired with: bakobiibizo vai

put into the water
bakobiin vta put h/ in the water

See also: bakobiinan vti

bakobiinan vti put it in the water, launch it

Paired with: bakobiin vta

agonjim vta immerse, soak h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: agonjidoon vti2

agonjidoon vti2 put it in the water; soak, immerse it

Paired with: agonjim vta See also: agwanjidoon vti2 ; agwinjidoon vti2

run into the water
bakobiibatoo vai s/he runs into the water

bakobiibizo vai s/he falls, drives, plunges into the water

Paired with: bakobiibide vii

bakobiiba'idiwag vai they run into the water together

shove into the water
bakobiiwebishkan vti kick, shove it into the water (with foot or body)

Paired with: bakobiiwebishkaw vta

bakobiiwebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ into the water (with foot or body)

Paired with: bakobiiwebishkan vti

throw into the water
bakobiiwebin vta throw h/ into the water

Paired with: bakobiiwebinan vti

bakobiiwebinan vti throw it into the water

Paired with: bakobiiwebin vta

bakobiiwebinige vai s/he throws (things) into the water

bakobiiwebinigaade vii it is thrown into the water (by someone), "they" throw it into the water

bakobiiwebinigaazo vai s/he is thrown into the water (by someone), "they" throw h/ into the water

emerge from water
mookibii vai s/he emerges from the water

Paired with: mookibii vii

pull from the water
agwaabidoon vti2 pull it ashore, off the water, off the fire

Paired with: agwaabizh vta

agwaabizh vta pull h/ or it (animate) ashore, off the water, off the fire

Paired with: agwaabidoon vti2

take off the water
agwaa' vta take it (animate) off the water or fire (using something), take it (animate) out of the pot (using something), dip or scoop it (animate) out

Paired with: agwaa'an vti See also: agwaa'wi vta [NI]

agwaa'an vti take it off the water or fire (using something); take it out of the pot (using something)

Paired with: agwaa' vta ; agwaa'wi vta [NI]

agwaabiiga' vta take h/ off the water using something

Paired with: agwaabiiga'an vti See also: agwaabiiga'wi vta [NI]

agwaabiiga'amaw vta take (it) off the water using something for h/

agwaabiiga'an vti take it off the water using something

Paired with: agwaabiiga' vta ; agwaabiiga'wi vta [NI]

agwaabiigin vta take h/ or it (animate) off the water

Paired with: agwaabiiginan vti

agwaabiiginan vti take it out of or off the water

Paired with: agwaabiigin vta

agwaabiiginige vai s/he takes (things) the off water

water pail
water pail
nibiiwakik na a water pail

nibinaadwaaganakik na [BL] a water pail

naada'ibiiwakik na [BL] a water pail

gakaamikijiwan vii it is a waterfall

gakijiwan vii it is a waterfall

agosimaan ni [BL] a cucurbit (a plant of the gourd family or its fruit): cucumber, gourd, melon, pumpkin, squash, watermelon

See also: gichi-agosimaan na

eshkandaming ni-v a watermelon

gichi-agosimaan na a pumpkin

nibiiwaagamin vii it (a liquid) is watery

nibiiwan vii it is wet, is watery; it is juicy

Paired with: nibiiwizi vai

big waves
mamaangaashkaa vii there are big waves

drift away on the waves
animaa'an vii it drifts away on the waves

Paired with: animaa'ago vai [BL] ; animaa'ogo vai

animaa'ogo vai s/he drifts away on the waves

Paired with: animaa'an vii See also: animaa'ago vai [BL]

drift off on the waves
maadaa'an vii it drifts off on the waves

Paired with: maadaa'ogo vai

maadaa'ogo vai s/he drifts off on the waves

See also: maadaa'an vii

hear waves
madweyaashkaa vii waves can be heard, "you" can hear the waves

mamadweyaashkaa vii it (waves) can be heard

waves come in to shore
agwaayaashkaa vii waves come ashore

biidaashkaa vii waves come here

on the way
ani- pv dir coming up to in time; going away; in progress; on the way

See also: ni- pv dir

bimi- pv dir along; going along; going by; going past; on the way

this way
bi- pv dir here; hither; this way; toward the speaker

get in the way
ondami' vta get in h/'s way; hinder h/; keep h/ busy or occupied

flow a certain way
izhijiwan vii it flows a certain way, flows to a certain place

go the right way
gwayakoshkaa vai
  1. s/he goes straight
  2. s/he goes the right way

lie facing a certain way
inaasamishin vai s/he lies facing a certain way

Paired with: inaasamisin vii

inaasamisin vii it lies facing a certain way

Paired with: inaasamishin vai

paddle a certain way
inakwazhiwe vai
  1. s/he paddles a certain way, paddles to a certain place
  2. s/he swims to a certain place (as a fish)

point a certain way
izhinoo' vta point to h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: izhinoo'an vti

izhinoo'amaw vta point to (it) for h/

izhinoo'an vti point to it a certain way

Paired with: izhinoo' vta

inoo'wi vta [NI] point to h/ or it (animate)

rain comes from a certain way
onjibiisaa vii [S] rain comes from a certain way

rain goes a certain way
izhibiisaa vii [S] rain goes a certain way

rain is on the way
bagamibiisaa vii rain is on the way

bagamibiisaan vii rain is on the way

See also: bagamibiisaa vii

shoot in a certain way or place
ina'e vai s/he aims or shoots in a certain way or direction

sit facing this way
biidaasamabi vai s/he sits facing this way

stand facing a certain way
inaasamigaabawi vai s/he stands facing a certain way

chase out of the way
ikonizhikaw vta chase h/ out of the way

ikonaazhikaw vta chase h/ out of the way

stand out of the way
ikogaabawi vai s/he stands aside, stands out of the way

drag out of the way
ikodaabii vai s/he drag, pull a load out of the way

ikodaabaadan vti drag it out of the way

Paired with: ikodaabaazh vta

ikodaabaazh vta drag h/ out of the way

Paired with: ikodaabaadan vti

hang out of the way
ikwagoodoon vti2 hang it higher, out of the way

Paired with: ikwagoozh vta

ikwagoozh vta hang h/ higher, out of the way

Paired with: ikwagoodoon vti2

jump out of the way
ikogwaashkwani vai [NI] s/he jumps up out of the way

See also: ikogwaashkoni vai

kick out of the way
ikowebishkan vti kick, shove it aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkaw vta

ikowebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkan vti

lie out of the way
ikoshin vai s/he lies out of the way, moves h/ body up out of the way

Paired with: ikosin vii

ikosin vii it lies out of the way

Paired with: ikoshin vai

move arm out of the way
ikonikeni vai s/he moves h/ arm or arms out of the way

move foot out of the way
ikozideni vai s/he moves h/ foot or feet out of the way

move hand out of the way
ikoninjiini vai s/he moves h/ hand or hands out of the way

move head out of the way
ikokweni vai s/he moves h/ head out of the way

move leg out of the way
ikogaadeni vai s/he moves h/ leg or legs out of the way

pull out of the way
ikobidoon vti2 pull it out of the way, pull it up

Paired with: ikobizh vta

ikobizh vta pull h/ out of the way, pull h/ up

Paired with: ikobidoon vti2

push out of the way
ikowebin vta push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebinan vti

ikowebinan vti push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebin vta

ikowebinamaw vta push, shove, toss, throw (it) aside or out of the way for h/

ikowebinige vai s/he pushes, shoves, tosses, throws things aside or out of the way

ikowebinigaade vii it is pushed, shoved, tossed, thrown out of the way (by someone), "they" push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way

ikowebinigaazo vai s/he is pushed, shoved, tossed, thown aside or out of the way (by someone), "they" push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way

put out of the way
ikosidoon vti2 put it out of the way, remove it

Paired with: ikoshim vta

ikoshim vta put h/ out of the way, remove h/

Paired with: ikosidoon vti2

ikosidamaw vta put (it) out of the way for h/, remove it for h/

ikosijigaade vii it is put out of the way, removed (by someone), "they" put it out of the way, remove it

ikosijigaazo vai s/he is put out of the way, removed (by someone), "they" put h/ out of the way, remove h/

set out of the way
ikon vta set h/ out of the way

Paired with: ikonan vti

ikonan vti set it out of the way

Paired with: ikon vta

ikonigaade vii it is set out of the way (by someone), "they" set it out of the way

ikonigaazo vai s/he is evicted (by someone), "they" evict h/; s/he is set out of the way (by someone), "they" set h/ out of the way

shove out of the way
ikowebin vta push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebinan vti

ikowebinan vti push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebin vta

ikoweba' vta shove h/ aside or out of the way (using something)

Paired with: ikoweba'an vti

ikoweba'an vti shove it aside or out of the way (using something)

Paired with: ikoweba' vta

ikowebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkan vti

ikowebishkan vti kick, shove it aside or out of the way (with the foot or body)

Paired with: ikowebishkaw vta

sit out of the way
ikwabi vai
  1. s/he moves out of the way (while seated)
  2. s/he resigns a position

throw out of the way
ikowebin vta push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebinan vti

ikowebinan vti push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebin vta

ikowebinamaw vta push, shove, toss, throw (it) aside or out of the way for h/

ikowebinige vai s/he pushes, shoves, tosses, throws things aside or out of the way

ikowebinigaade vii it is pushed, shoved, tossed, thrown out of the way (by someone), "they" push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way

ikowebinigaazo vai s/he is pushed, shoved, tossed, thown aside or out of the way (by someone), "they" push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way

tie out of the way
ikwapidoon vti2 tie it up higher, out of the way

Paired with: ikwapizh vta

ikwapizh vta tie h/ up higher, out of the way

Paired with: ikwapidoon vti2

ikwapide vii it is tied up higher, out of the way

Paired with: ikwapizo vai

ikwapizo vai s/he is tied up higher, out of the way

Paired with: ikwapide vii

toss out of the way
ikowebin vta push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebinan vti

ikowebinan vti push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebin vta

ikowebinamaw vta push, shove, toss, throw (it) aside or out of the way for h/

ikowebinige vai s/he pushes, shoves, tosses, throws things aside or out of the way

ikowebinigaade vii it is pushed, shoved, tossed, thrown out of the way (by someone), "they" push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way

ikowebinigaazo vai s/he is pushed, shoved, tossed, thown aside or out of the way (by someone), "they" push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way

in a certain way
ezhi- pv rel in a certain place; in a certain way; so; there; thus

izhi- pv rel

izhi- pv rel in a certain way; so; there; thus; to a certain place

be a certain way
izhi-ayaa vai s/he is a certain way

be a certain way (liquid)
inaagamin vii it (a liquid) is a certain way, tastes a certain way

be a certain way (mineral-like)
inaabikad vii it is a certain way (as something mineral)

Paired with: inaabikizi vai

inaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is of a certain kind, goes a certain way

Paired with: inaabikad vii

be a certain way (sheet-like)
izhiigad vii it (sheet-like) is a certain way, is so

Paired with: izhiigizi vai

be a certain way (stick-like)
inaakwad vii it (stick-like) is a certain way

Paired with: inaakozi vai

inaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is a certain way

Paired with: inaakwad vii

be a certain way (string-like)
inaabiigad vii it (string-like) is a certain way, is so, goes a certain way

Paired with: inaabiigizi vai

inaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is a certain way, is so, goes a certain way

Paired with: inaabiigad vii

any old way
debinaak adv man badly; carelessly; any old way

appear a certain way
inaabaminaagwad vii it appears a certain way (especially as in a dream); it has a certain look or appearance

inaabaminaagozi vai s/he appears a certain way (especially as in a dream)

behave a certain way
izhiwebizi vai s/he has certain things happen to h/; s/he behaves, fares a certain way

Paired with: izhiwebad vii

bend a certain way
inaagin vta bend h/ a certain way

Paired with: inaaginan vti

inaaginan vti bend it a certain way

Paired with: inaagin vta

inaaginigaade vii it is bent a certain way (by someone), "they" bend it a certain way

inaaginigaazo vai s/he is bent a certain way (by someone), "they" bend it a certain way

bite a certain way or place
inam vta eat, bite h/ a certain way

Paired with: inandan vti

inandan vti eat, bite it a certain way

Paired with: inam vta

blown in a certain way
inaashi vai s/he is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way

Paired with: inaasin vii

inaasin vii it is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way; it sails to a certain place

burn a certain way
inaakizan vti burn it a certain way

Paired with: inaakiz vta

inaakiz vta burn h/ a certain way

Paired with: inaakizan vti

call a certain way
izhi-wiindan vti call, name it a certain way

Paired with: izhi-wiinzh vta

izhi-wiinzh vta call, name h/ a certain way

Paired with: izhi-wiindan vti

izhi-wiinde vii it is called, named a certain way

Paired with: izhi-wiinzo vai

izhi-wiinzo vai s/he is called, named a certain way

Paired with: izhi-wiinde vii

certain way of belief
izhitwaawin ni a certain way of belief, a religion, a culture

color a certain way
inaande vii it is a certain color, is colored a certain way

Paired with: inaanzo vai

inaanzo vai s/he is a certain color, is colored a certain way

Paired with: inaande vii

cook a certain way
iniz vta cook h/ a certain way; heat h/ a certain way

Paired with: inizan vti

inizan vti cook it a certain way; heat it a certain way

Paired with: iniz vta

inizige vai s/he cooks (things) a certain way

cut a certain way
inizh vta cut h/ or it (animate) a certain way

Paired with: inizhan vti See also: inizhwi vta [NI]

inizhan vti cut it a certain way

Paired with: inizh vta ; inizhwi vta [NI]

inizhamaw vta cut (it) a certain way for h/

inizhige vai s/he cuts (things) a certain way

inizhigaade vii it is cut a certain way (by someone),"they" cut it a certain way

inizhigaazo vai s/he is cut a certain way (by someone), "they" cut h/ a certain way

decide a certain way
inaakon vta decide about h/ a certain way; judge h/ a certain way; sentence h/ a certain way

inaakonan vti decide a certain way about it; judge it a certain way

Paired with: inaakon vta

inaakonige vai s/he agrees on something; s/he decides things a certain way; s/he makes a certain judgement

inaakonigaade vii it is decided in a certain way (by someone), "they" decide it a certain way; it is decreed a certain way

decreed a certain way
inaakonigaade vii it is decided in a certain way (by someone), "they" decide it a certain way; it is decreed a certain way

do a certain way
izhichige vai s/he does, makes things a certain way

doodaadiwag vai they do something to each other

don't in any way
gego ganage adv man don't in any way

dream a certain way
inaabandam vai2 s/he dreams a certain way; s/he has a certain view of something, has a certain belief about something

dress a certain way
izhi'o vai s/he dresses a certain way

inikonaye vai s/he dresses a certain way

eat a certain way
inam vta eat, bite h/ a certain way

Paired with: inandan vti

inandan vti eat, bite it a certain way

Paired with: inam vta

inanjige vai s/he eats a certain way, has a certain diet

employ in a certain way
inaabajitoon vti2 use, employ it a certain way

Paired with: inaabaji' vta

inaabaji' vta use, employ h/ a certain way

Paired with: inaabajitoon vti2

inaabadad vii it is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadizi vai

inaabadizi vai s/he is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadad vii

fare a certain way
izhiwebizi vai s/he has certain things happen to h/; s/he behaves, fares a certain way

Paired with: izhiwebad vii

feel a certain way
inamanji'o vai s/he feels a certain way

handle a certain way
ininan vti hold, handle it a certain way

Paired with: inin vta

inin vta hold, handle h/ a certain way

Paired with: ininan vti

ininige vai s/he holds, handles things a certain way; s/he points in a certain direction

ininigaade vii it is handled a certain way (by someone), "they" handle it a certain way; it is held a certain way (by someone), "they" hold it a certain way

ininigaazo vai s/he is handled a certain way (by someone), "they" handle h/ a certain way; s/he is held a certain way (by someone), "they" hold h/ a certain way

happen a certain way
inakamigad vii it is a certain event, happens a certain way

Paired with: inakamigizi vai

have smell a certain way
izhimaam vta find s/he smells a certain way

Paired with: izhimaandan vti

izhimaandan vti find it smells a certain way

Paired with: izhimaam vta

hear a certain way
initan vti hear, understand it a certain way

Paired with: initaw vta

initaw vta hear h/ a certain way; understand h/ a certain way

Paired with: initan vti

initaagwad vii it is heard, is understood a certain way

Paired with: initaagozi vai

initaagozi vai s/he is heard, is understood a certain way

Paired with: initaagwad vii

hold a certain way
inin vta hold, handle h/ a certain way

Paired with: ininan vti

ininan vti hold, handle it a certain way

Paired with: inin vta

ininige vai s/he holds, handles things a certain way; s/he points in a certain direction

ininigaade vii it is handled a certain way (by someone), "they" handle it a certain way; it is held a certain way (by someone), "they" hold it a certain way

ininigaazo vai s/he is handled a certain way (by someone), "they" handle h/ a certain way; s/he is held a certain way (by someone), "they" hold h/ a certain way

judge a certain way
inaakon vta decide about h/ a certain way; judge h/ a certain way; sentence h/ a certain way

inaakonan vti decide a certain way about it; judge it a certain way

Paired with: inaakon vta

inaakonigaazo vai s/he is judged a certain way (by someone), "they" judge h/ a certain way; s/he is sentenced a certain way (by someone), "they" sentence h/ a certain way

lay a certain way
izhishim vta put, lay, set h/ a certain way

Paired with: izhisidoon vti2

izhisidoon vti2
  1. put, lay, set it a certain way
  2. put or express it a certain way in speech, song, or writing
  3. write, print it a certain way

Paired with: izhishim vta

lie with head a certain way
inikweshin vai s/he lies with h/ head a certain way

make a certain way
izhi' vta
  1. make or cause h/ to be a certain way
  2. make or cause h/ to do something (a certain way)

Paired with: izhitoon vti2

izhichigaade vii it is made a certain way (by someone), "they" make it a certain way

izhichigaazo vai s/he is made a certain way (by someone), "they" make h/ a certain way

izhitamaw vta make (it) for h/ a certain way

See also: izhitaw vta

izhitaw vta make (it) for h/ a certain way

See also: izhitamaw vta

izhitoon vti2 cause it to be a certain way, make it a certain way

Paired with: izhi' vta

make a living a certain way
ondizi vai s/he makes a living a certain way, earns or makes money, gets paid, benefits a certain way, inherits from a certain source

make look a certain way
izhinaago' vta make h/ look a certain way

Paired with: izhinaagotoon vti2

izhinaagotoon vti2 make it look a certain way

Paired with: izhinaago' vta

move a certain way
ayaa vii
  1. it is (in a certain place)
  2. [with a lexical preverb] it is in a certain state or condition
  3. [with a preverb] it moves a certain way

Paired with: ayaa vai

move arm a certain way
izhinikeni vai s/he moves h/ arm a certain way

move foot a certain way
izhizideni vai s/he moves h/ foot a certain way

move hand a certain way
izhininjiini vai s/he moves h/ hand a certain way

name a certain way
izhi-wiindan vti call, name it a certain way

Paired with: izhi-wiinzh vta

izhi-wiinde vii it is called, named a certain way

Paired with: izhi-wiinzo vai

izhi-wiinzh vta call, name h/ a certain way

Paired with: izhi-wiindan vti

izhinikaadan vti name it a certain way; call it by such a name

Paired with: izhinikaazh vta

izhinikaade vii it is named a certain way; it is called by such a name

Paired with: izhinikaazo vai

izhinikaazh vta name h/ a certain way; call h/ by such a name

Paired with: izhinikaadan vti

izhinikaazo vai s/he is named a certain way, has such a name; s/he is called by such a name

Paired with: izhinikaade vii

no way
gaawesaa pc disc impossible!, no way!, can't be done!

nod head a certain way
inikweni vai s/he puts h/ head a certain way, nods h/ head a certain way

inikwetaw vta nod h/ head to h/ a certain way

perceive a certain way
izhinan vti see, perceive it a certain way

Paired with: izhinaw vta

izhinaw vta see, perceive h/ a certain way

Paired with: izhinan vti

print a certain way
izhisin vii
  1. it lies a certain way
  2. it is put or expressed a certain way (in speech, song, or writing)
  3. it is written, printed a certain way (as in a book)

Paired with: izhishin vai See also: izisin vii

put a certain way
izhishim vta put, lay, set h/ a certain way

Paired with: izhisidoon vti2

put head a certain way
inikweni vai s/he puts h/ head a certain way, nods h/ head a certain way

run in a certain way
apatoo vai s/he runs in a certain way; s/he runs to a certain place

sail in a certain way
inaashi vai s/he is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way

Paired with: inaasin vii

inaasin vii it is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way; it sails to a certain place

see a certain way
izhinan vti see, perceive it a certain way

Paired with: izhinaw vta

izhinaw vta see, perceive h/ a certain way

Paired with: izhinan vti

see a certain way as in a dream
inaabam vta see h/ a certain way as in a dream; have such a dream about h/

Paired with: inaabandan vti

inaabandan vti see it a certain way as in a dream; have such a dream about it

Paired with: inaabam vta

seem to be a certain way
inendaagwad vii it is thought of a certain way, seems to be a certain way

Paired with: inendaagozi vai

inendaagozi vai s/he has a certain destiny; s/he is thought of a certain way, seems to be a certain way

Paired with: inendaagwad vii

set a certain way
izhisidoon vti2
  1. put, lay, set it a certain way
  2. put or express it a certain way in speech, song, or writing
  3. write, print it a certain way

Paired with: izhishim vta

izhishim vta put, lay, set h/ a certain way

Paired with: izhisidoon vti2

sick in a certain way
inaapine vai s/he is afflicted, sick in a certain way

sing a certain way
ina'am vai2 s/he sings a certain way

slice a certain way
inikodan vti slice it a certain way

Paired with: inikozh vta

inikozh vta slice h/ a certain way

Paired with: inikodan vti

smell a certain way
izhimaagozi vai s/he smells a certain way

Paired with: izhimaagwad vii

izhimaagwad vii it smells a certain way

Paired with: izhimaagozi vai

izhimaam vta find s/he smells a certain way

Paired with: izhimaandan vti

izhimaandan vti find it smells a certain way

Paired with: izhimaam vta

smell a certain way cooking or burning
izhimaaso vai s/he smells a certain way cooking or burning

Paired with: izhimaate vii

izhimaate vii it smells a certain way cooking or burning; its aroma goes to a certain place

Paired with: izhimaaso vai

soar in a certain way
inaashi vai s/he is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way

Paired with: inaasin vii

inaasin vii it is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way; it sails to a certain place

speak in a certain way
izhi vta say to h/, speak so to h/

Paired with: idan vti

idiwag vai they say to each other; they speak to each other in a certain way

idan vti say so to it; speak to it or of it in a certain way

Paired with: izhi vta

string a certain way
inaabiigin vta string h/ a certain way

Paired with: inaabiiginan vti

inaabiiginan vti string it a certain way

Paired with: inaabiigin vta

talk a certain way
izhigiizhwe vai s/he talks a certain way

inaanagidoone vai [N] s/he talks a certain way; s/he goes to a certain place talking

tell a certain way
inaadodan vti tell a certain way about it

Paired with: inaajim vta

inaajim vta tell of h/ a certain way

inaajimo vai s/he tells a certain way

inaajimotaw vta tell h/ of (it) a certain way

think a certain way
inendam vai2
  1. s/he thinks a certain way
  2. s/he decides, agrees, consents

inendan vti think of it a certain way

Paired with: inenim vta

inenim vta think of h/ a certain way

Paired with: inendan vti

inendaagozi vai s/he has a certain destiny; s/he is thought of a certain way, seems to be a certain way

Paired with: inendaagwad vii

inendaagwad vii it is thought of a certain way, seems to be a certain way

Paired with: inendaagozi vai

think of a certain way
inendaagwad vii it is thought of a certain way, seems to be a certain way

Paired with: inendaagozi vai

inenindiwag vai they think of each other a certain way

understand a certain way
initam vai2 s/he hears a certain sounds, understands something heard

initan vti hear, understand it a certain way

Paired with: initaw vta

initaw vta hear h/ a certain way; understand h/ a certain way

Paired with: initan vti

initaagozi vai s/he is heard, is understood a certain way

Paired with: initaagwad vii

initaagwad vii it is heard, is understood a certain way

Paired with: initaagozi vai

use a certain way
inaabaji' vta use, employ h/ a certain way

Paired with: inaabajitoon vti2

inaabajitoon vti2 use, employ it a certain way

Paired with: inaabaji' vta

inaabajichige vai s/he uses things a certain way

inaabadad vii it is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadizi vai

inaabadizi vai s/he is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadad vii

useful in a certain way
inaabadad vii it is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadizi vai

inaabadizi vai s/he is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadad vii

walk a certain way
inose vai s/he walks in a certain way, walks to a certain place

ina'amii vai s/he walks, steps a certain way

way of doing
izhichigewin ni a certain way of doing something, an activity, a deed

wear wrong way
napaazikan vti wear it the wrong way; put it on the wrong way

Paired with: napaazikaw vta

napaazikaw vta wear h/ the wrong way; put h/ on the wrong way

Paired with: napaazikan vti

napaazikige vai s/he puts things on wrong; s/he wears things wrong

work a certain way
inanokii vai s/he works a certain way, does a certain kind of work, has a certain job

write a certain way
izhibii'amaw vta write (it) a certain way to or for h/

izhibii'an vti write it a certain way

izhibii'igaade vii it is written a certain way (by someone), "they" write it a certain way; it is colored such a color (by someone), "they" color it such a color

izhibii'igaazo vai h/ is colored such a color (by someone), "they" color h/ such a color; s/he is written a certain way (by someone), "they" write h/ a certain way

izhibii'ige vai s/he writes things a certain way

izhisin vii
  1. it lies a certain way
  2. it is put or expressed a certain way (in speech, song, or writing)
  3. it is written, printed a certain way (as in a book)

Paired with: izhishin vai See also: izisin vii

izisin vii
  1. it lies a certain way
  2. it is put or expressed a certain way (in speech, song, or writing)
  3. it is written, printed a certain way (as in a book)

See also: izhishin vai

way of life
way of life
inaadiziwin ni a certain character, a certain nature, a certain way of life

certain way of life
inaadizi vai s/he has a certain character or nature, has a certain way of life

live the Indian way
anishinaabe-bimaadizi vai s/he lives the Indian way

giinawind pron per we, us [inclusive]

See also: gaye giinawind pron per ; gegiinawind pron per

niinawind pron per we, us [exclusive]

See also: gaye niinawind pron per ; geniinawind pron per

niinamad vii

Paired with: niinamizi vai

niinamizi vai s/he or it (animate) is weak, is fragile, is frail

Paired with: niinamad vii

zhaagwiiwii vai s/he is weak (in muscular strength)

zhaagwaadad vii it is weak in power, is ineffective

Paired with: zhaagwaadizi vai

wakewan vii it is fragile, is weak

Paired with: wakewizi vai

wakewizi vai s/he or it (animate) is weak, is fragile, is frail

Paired with: wakewan vii

look weak
niinaminaagozi vai s/he looks weak

Paired with: niinaminaagwad vii

niinaminaagwad vii it looks weak

Paired with: niinaminaagozi vai

think weak
niinamendan vti think it weak

See also: niinamenim vta

niinamenim vta think h/ weak

Paired with: niinamendan vti

zhaagwenim vta think h/ weak, have doubts about h/

Paired with: zhaagwendan vti

zhaagwendan vti think it weak

Paired with: zhaagwenim vta

biizikan vti wear it, have it on (the body), put in on (the body)

Paired with: biizikaw vta

biizikaw vta wear it (animate), have it (animate) on (the body), put it (animate) on (the body),

Paired with: biizikan vti

wear a bracelet
jiiskinikebizo vai s/he wears a bracelet, wears an arm garter or arm garters

wear a coat
gigibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he wears a coat

wear a dress
gigagoode vai s/he wears a dress

wear a hat
gigiwiiwakwaane vai s/he wears a hat

wear a shirt
gigibabagiwayaane vai s/he wears a shirt

wear across the shoulder
aazhooningwa'an vti wear it across the shoulder

wear arm garters
jiiskinikebizo vai s/he wears a bracelet, wears an arm garter or arm garters

wear around neck
naabikan vti wear it around the neck

Paired with: naabikaw vta

naabikaw vta wear it (animate) around the neck

Paired with: naabikan vti

wear black
makadewi'o vai s/he wears black

wear blue
ozhaawashko'o vai s/he wears blue, wears green

wear brown
ozaawi'o vai s/he wears yellow, wears brown

ozaawikonaye vai s/he wears yellow, wears brown

wear dance regalia
bwaanzhiiwi'o vai s/he wears dance regalia

wear dirty clothes
wiinapizo vai s/he wears dirty clothes

wiini'o vai s/he wears dirty clothes

wiinikonaye vai s/he wears dirty or filthy clothes

wear earmuffs
giizhootawage'o vai s/he wears earmuffs

wear inside out
aaboozikan vti put it on inside out, wear it inside out

Paired with: aaboozikaw vta

aaboozikaw vta put h/ on inside out, wear h/ inside out

Paired with: aaboozikan vti

wear green
ozhaawashko'o vai s/he wears blue, wears green

wear layers
biitookonaye vai s/he wears layers (as underwear)

wear leg garters
gashkidaasebizo vai s/he wears leg garters

wear moccasins
gigakizine vai [BL] s/he wears moccasins or shoes

wear overshoes
biitookizine vai s/he wears overshoes

wear mittens
gigiminjikaawane vai s/he wears mittens

wear pants
gigigiboodiyegwaazone vai s/he wears pants

wear patches
bagwa'igaazo vai it (animate) is patched (by someone), "they" patch it (animate); s/he wears patches

wear shoes
gigakizine vai [BL] s/he wears moccasins or shoes

wear socks
gigazhigane vai s/he wears socks

wear wrong way
napaazikan vti wear it the wrong way; put it on the wrong way

Paired with: napaazikaw vta

napaazikaw vta wear h/ the wrong way; put h/ on the wrong way

Paired with: napaazikan vti

napaazikige vai s/he puts things on wrong; s/he wears things wrong

wear white
waabishki'o vai s/he wears white

wear yellow
ozaawi'o vai s/he wears yellow, wears brown

ozaawikonaye vai s/he wears yellow, wears brown

wear out
wear out in operation
angobide vii it wears out (in operation)

Paired with: angobizo vai

angobizo vai s/he wears out (in operation)

Paired with: angobide vii

wear out
wear out
angoshkan vti wear it out with foot or body

Paired with: angoshkaw vta

angoshkaw vta wear h/ out with foot or body (e.g., pants)

Paired with: angoshkan vti

zhingos na a weasel

long-tailed weasel, ermine
Mustela spp.

weasel skin
weasel skin
zhingosiwayaan na a weasel skin

bad weather
niiskaadad vii it is bad weather

calm weather
anwaatin vii it is calm weather

certain weather condition
izhiwebad vii
  1. it is a certain weather condition
  2. it happens a certain way

Paired with: izhiwebizi vai

cold weather
gisinaa vii it is cold (weather)

cool weather
dakaayaa vii it is cool (weather)

daki-ayaa vii it is cool

hot weather
gizhaate vii it is hot (weather), is hot and sunny

mild weather
aabawaa vii it is warm weather, is mild weather

warm weather
aabawaa vii it is warm weather, is mild weather

weather warms up
abaate vii it warms up (of the weather)

Paired with: abaaso vai

niibidoon vti2 weave it

weave snowshoe webbing
ashkime vai s/he weaves snowshoe webbing

bedashkime vai s/he weaves snowshoe webbing slowly

ginibashkime vai s/he weaves snowshoe webbing quickly

giizhashkime vai s/he finishes weaving snowshoe webbing

maadashkime vai s/he starts weaving snowshoe webbing

maanashkime vai s/he weaves snowhoe webbing poorly

minwashkime vai s/he weaves snowshoe webbing nicely

na'ashkime vai s/he fixes snowshoe webbing

nitaawashkime vai s/he weaves snowshoe webbing skilfully

wiidigendiwin ni a marriage; a wedding

aapiji-wiidigendiwin ni a marriage; a wedding

wedged in tightly (stick-like)
ziindaakoshin vai s/he is wedged in tightly (as something stick- or wood-like)

ziindaakosin vii it is wedged in tightly (as something stick- or wood-like)

aabitawise vii it is Wednesday

See also: aabitoose vii

aabitoose vii it is Wednesday

See also: aabitawise vii

bashkwashkibidoon vti2 pluck it (as a plant); weed it

bashkwashkibijige vai s/he weeds things

certain number of weeks
daso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num a certain number of weeks; so many weeks

daso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is a certain number of weeks; it is so many weeks

every week
endaso-anama'e-giizhik adv tmp every week

so many weeks
daso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num a certain number of weeks; so many weeks

daso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is a certain number of weeks; it is so many weeks

one week
ingo-anama'e-giizhik qnt num one week

See also: ningo-anama'e-giizhik qnt num

ningo-anama'e-giizhik qnt num one week

See also: ingo-anama'e-giizhik qnt num

two weeks
niizho-anama'e-giizhik qnt num two weeks

niizho-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is two weeks

three weeks
niso-anama'e-giizhigad vii it is three weeks

niso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num three weeks

niso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is three weeks

four weeks
niiwo-anama'e-giizhigad vii it is four weeks

See also: niiyo-anama'e-giizhigad vii

niiwo-anama'e-giizhik qnt num four weeks

See also: niiyo-anama'e-giizhik qnt num

niiyo-anama'e-giizhigad vii it is four weeks

See also: niiwo-anama'e-giizhigad vii

niiyo-anama'e-giizhik qnt num four weeks

See also: niiwo-anama'e-giizhik qnt num

niiyo-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is four weeks

five weeks
naano-anama'e-giizhigad vii it is five weeks

naano-anama'e-giizhik qnt num five weeks

naano-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is five weeks

six weeks
ingodwaaso-anama'e-giizhigad vii it is six weeks

See also: ningodwaaso-anama'e-giizhigad vii

ingodwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num six weeks

See also: ningodwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num

ningodwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num six weeks

See also: ingodwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num

ningodwaaso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is six weeks

seven weeks
niizhwaaso-anama'e-giizhigad vii it is seven weeks

niizhwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num seven weeks

niizhwaaso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is seven weeks

eight weeks
ishwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num eight weeks

See also: nishwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num

nishwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num eight weeks

See also: ishwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num

nishwaaso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is eight weeks

nine weeks
zhaangaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num nine weeks

zhaangaso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is nine weeks

ten weeks
midaaso-anama'e-giizhigad adv tmp ten weeks

midaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num ten weeks

midaaso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is ten weeks

mawi vai s/he cries, weeps

weigh a certain amount
apiitan vii it weighs so much, is so heavy

Paired with: apiitani vai [BL]

apiitinigozi vai s/he weighs so much, is so heavy

Paired with: apiitinigwad vii

apiitinigwad vii it weighs so much, is so heavy

Paired with: apiitinigozi vai

dibaabiishkoodoon vti2 weigh it (on a scale)

Paired with: dibaabiishkoozh vta

dibaabiishkoojige vai s/he weighs things (on a scale)

dibaabiishkoozh vta weigh h/ (on a scale)

Paired with: dibaabiishkoodoon vti2

net weight
asinaab ni a net weight, a net sinker

welfare office
welfare office
ashangewigamig ni a welfare office, a commodity store

welfare worker
welfare worker
ashangewikwe na a social worker, a welfare worker (female)

ashangewinini na a social worker, a welfare worker

well how
aaniin danaa adv inter well how?; well why?; why not?

well now
aaniish adv inter how?; in what way? [interrogative]; well now; why?; you see

aaniish naa adv man well now; you see

well then
aanish adv man a well; well then

well why
aaniin danaa adv inter well how?; well why?; why not?

mino- pv lex good; nice; well

wawiinge adv man carefully; completely; properly; well

See also: owiinge adv deg [NI]

wawiingezi vai s/he is skillful, does a good job, does something well

nitaa- pv lex being good at; being skilled at; frequently do; know how to do something

behave well
mino-izhiwebizi vai s/he behaves well, fares well, has good health

Paired with: mino-izhiwebad vii

cook well
minoz vta cook h/ well

Paired with: minozan vti

minozan vti cook it well

Paired with: minoz vta

do well
minochige vai s/he does things well, does a good job

dress well
mino'o vai s/he dresses well

eat well
mino-wiisini vai s/he eats well, likes what s/he eats

minwanjige vai s/he eats well, likes what s/he eats

fit well
minwashkine vii it fits well; it is well filled

Paired with: minwashkine vai

minwashkine vai s/he fits well; s/he is well filled

minokan vti fit it well

Paired with: minokaw vta

minokaw vta
  1. fit h/ well
  2. [inverse] it (something consumed) agrees with h/, does h/ good

See also: minokan vti

get along well
minose vai s/he has things go well for h/, gets along well, has good luck

Paired with: minose vii

go well
minose vii it goes well

Paired with: minose vai

grow well
miikogi vai s/he, it (animate) grows well

Paired with: miikogin vii

miikogin vii it grows well

Paired with: miikogi vai

minogi vai s/he, it (animate) grows well

Paired with: minogin vii

minogin vii it grows well

Paired with: minogi vai

live well
mino-bimaadizi vai s/he lives well, leads a good life, has good health

run well
minobide vii it runs well (as a machine)

Paired with: minobizo vai

minobizo vai it (animate) runs well (as a machine); s/he drives well

Paired with: minobide vii

see well
minwaabi vai s/he has good eyesight, sees well

sew well
minogwaaso vai s/he sews well

minogwaadan vti sew it well

Paired with: minogwaazh vta

minogwaazh vta sew it (animate) well

Paired with: minogwaadan vti

minogwaade vii it is sewn well

Paired with: minogwaazo vai

minogwaazo vai it (animate) is sewn well

Paired with: minogwaade vii

speak well
minowe vai s/he has a good voice, speaks well

treat well
mino-doodaw vta treat h/ well

[water source]
onda'ibaan ni a source of water, a well

moona'ibaan ni a well

moona'ibiiwinini na a well-digger

ningaabii'an ni west

west wind
west wind
ningaabii'an ni west

wet the bed
zhigingwaam vai [ML] s/he pees in bed, wets the bed

See also: zhigingwaami vai [RL] ; zhigingwaamo vai [BL]

zhigingwaami vai [RL] s/he pees in bed, wets the bed

See also: zhigingwaam vai [ML] ; zhigingwaamo vai [BL]

nibiiwan vii it is wet, is watery; it is juicy

Paired with: nibiiwizi vai

nibiiwizi vai s/he or it (animate) is wet; it (animate) is juicy

Paired with: nibiiwan vii

wet (mineral)
nibiiwaabikad vii it (something mineral) is wet

Paired with: nibiiwaabikizi vai

nibiiwaabikizi vai it (animate; something mineral) is wet

Paired with: nibiiwaabikad vii

soaking wet
zhiigwaabaawe vai s/he or it (animate) is soaked, is soaking wet

Paired with: zhiigwaabaawe vii

zhiigwaabaawe vii it is soaked, is soaking wet

Paired with: zhiigwaabaawe vai

get wet
nisaabaawe vai s/he gets wet; s/he drowns

Paired with: nisaabaawe vii

wet bough
nibiiwaandagaa vii there are wet boughs

nibiiwaandagizi vai it (animate; bough) is wet

wet snow
zhakaagonagaa vii there is soft wet snow

zhakipon vii wet snow falls

wet face
dipiiwiingwe vai s/he has a wet face

wet ground
nibiiwakamigaa vii it is wet ground

wet hand
dipiiwininjii vai h/ hand is wet

nibiiwininjii vai s/he has wet hands

wet leaves
dipiiwibagaa vii there are wet leaves

wegonen pron inter what

See also: awegonen pron inter

wegonesh pron inter and what; what

awegonen pron inter what

See also: wegonen pron inter

awegonesh pron inter what

See also: wegonesh pron inter

don't know what
awegodogwen pron dub I don't know what, I wonder what

See also: wegodogwen pron dub

wegodogwen pron dub I don't know what, I wonder what

See also: awegodogwen pron dub

don't remember what
ayi'ii pron psl I don't remember what; a thing

See also: aya'aa pron psl ; aya'ii pron psl

wonder what
wegodogwen pron dub I don't know what, I wonder what

See also: awegodogwen pron dub

awegodogwen pron dub I don't know what, I wonder what

See also: wegodogwen pron dub

what way
in what way
aaniin adv inter how?; in what way?; why?

aaniish adv inter how?; in what way? [interrogative]; well now; why?; you see

detibised na-v wheel

gaaskanaamo vai s/he wheezes

giziibwewenaamo vai s/he squeaks when breathing, wheezes

aanapii adv tmp when?

aanapiish adv tmp when?

aaniin apii adv inter when?

aaniin iwapii adv inter when?

apii adv tmp at the time; then; when

don't know when
amanj apii adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how; I don't know when, I wonder when

See also: namanj apii adv dub

namanj apii adv dub I don't know when, I wonder when

See also: amanj apii adv dub

wonder when
amanj apii adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how; I don't know when, I wonder when

See also: namanj apii adv dub

amanj igo apii adv dub anytime; whenever

aandi adv inter where?

See also: aandi go adv loc ; aaniindi adv inter

aaniindi adv inter where?

See also: aandi adv inter

don't know where
dibi adv dub I don't know where, I wonder where

wonder where
dibi adv dub I don't know where, I wonder where

aandi go adv loc anywhere; wherever

aaniindi go adv loc anywhere; wherever

zhiigwanaabikoons na a whetstone

[length of time]
a little while
ajina adv tmp a little while

gichi-ajina adv tmp in a very short while, in a very little while

after a while
baanimaa adv tmp later, after a while, eventually

See also: baamaa adv tmp

baanimaa apii adv tmp later, after a while, eventually

See also: baamaapii adv tmp

baamaapii adv tmp later, after a while, eventually

See also: baanimaa apii adv tmp

bijiinag adv tmp after a while, eventually, finally; just now; recently

every once in a while
aayaapiichinaag adv tmp [BL] every once in a while, every now and then; now and then; here and there

ayaapii adv tmp every once in a while, every now and then

ayaapiichinaag adv tmp every once in a while, every now and then; now and then

megwaa adv tmp while; during; right now

megwaa- pv lex while; during; right now

bashanzhe'igan ni a whip, a switch

bashanzhe' vta [MN] whip h/; punish h/ physically

Paired with: bashanzhe'an vti See also: bashanzhe'wi vta [NI]

bashanzhe'ige vai s/he whips

waakowazh na a whipporwill

biigokokwe'owesi na a whip-poor-will

Caprimulgus vociferus

gizhibaabide vii it speeds or drives around in a circle: spins, whirls, revolves

Paired with: gizhibaabizo vai

gizhibaabizo vai s/he or it (animate) speeds or drives around in a circle: spins, whirls, revolves

Paired with: gizhibaabide vii

gizhibaabise vii it spins, whirls, revolves (by itself)

Paired with: gizhibaabise vai

gizhibaabise vai s/he spins, whirls, revolves (by itself)

Paired with: gizhibaabise vii

gizhibaawebin vta spin, whirl, crank h/ forcefully

Paired with: gizhibaawebinan vti

gizhibaawebinan vti spin, whirl, crank it forcefully

Paired with: gizhibaawebin vta

gizhibaawebinigaade vii it is spun, whirled, cranked (by someone)

gizhibaayaanimad vii it is a whirlwind

gizhibaayaashi vai s/he spins in the air, whirls in the wind [nid:502239]

Paired with: gizhibaayaasin vii

ishkodewaaboo ni alcohol (for drinking): liquor, spirits, whiskey

See also: ishkodewaabo ni [BL]

ishkodewaabo ni [BL] alcohol (for drinking): liquor, spirits, whiskey

See also: ishkodewaaboo ni

whisky jack
whisky jack
gwiingwiishi na a Canada jay

grey jay, Canada jay, whisky jack
Perisoreus canadensis