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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

niin pron per I, me

See also: gaye niin pron per ; geniin pron per

niineta pron per only I, only me; just me

niinitam pron per my turn, me next

ni= pf I, me [the one or ones speaking, the first person]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

in= pf I, me [the one or ones speaking, the first person]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

n= pf I, me [the one or ones speaking, the first person]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

nind= pf I, me [the one or ones speaking, the first person]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

ind= pf I, me [the one or ones speaking, the first person]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

nd= pf I, me [the one or ones speaking, the first person]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

nim= pf I, me [the one or ones speaking, the first person]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

im= pf [first person prefix before b-]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

m= pf I, me [the one or ones speaking, the first person]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

  • The basic noun for the substance "ice" is mikwam.
  • Verbs describing types or conditions of ice may contain the medial /-ikw-/ or the medial classifier for slab- or cake-like things /-zigw-/. 
  • Verbs of travel on the ice may contain the complex VAI final /-aadagaako/ or the VAI final /-aako/. These verbs are shown below under the heading TRAVELING ON THE ICE.
mikwam na ice

bare ice
michizigwaa vii there is bare ice

crack in the ice
daashkikwadin vii there is a crack in the ice

fall through ice
dwaashin vai s/he falls through the ice; s/he or it (animate) goes through the ice

Paired with: dwaasin vii

hole in ice
bagonezigwaa vii there is a (natural) hole in the ice

bagozigwa'ige vai s/he makes a hole in the ice

dwaa'ige vai s/he makes a hole in the ice

hole in ice for water
dwaa'ibaan ni a hole made in the ice for water

dwaa'ibii vai s/he makes a water hole in the ice

ice clears off
baakibii'an vii ice clears off the lake

ice moves making noise
madwezigoshkaa vii ice moves making noise

middle of ice
naawikwam adv loc in the middle of the ice, out on the ice

much ice
mikwamiikaa vii
  1. there (a lot of) ice
  2. it hails

on top of ice
agidiskwam adv loc on top of the ice

out on ice
naawikwam adv loc in the middle of the ice, out on the ice

slip and fall on ice
ozhaashikoshin vai s/he slips and falls on the ice

slippery ice
ozhaashikwaa vii there is slippery ice

ozhaashizigwaa vii there is slippery ice

soft ice
nookizigwaa vii there is soft ice

spear fish through ice
akwa'waa vai [ML] s/he fishes through the ice with spear

under ice
anaamikwam adv loc under the ice

anaamiskwam adv loc under the ice

anaamizigwam adv loc under the ice

arrive on the ice
bagamaadagaako vai s/he arrives on the ice

come from a certain place on the ice
ondaadagaako vai s/he comes on the ice from a certain place

ondaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs on the ice from a certain place

come on the ice
biidaadagaako vai s/he lands coming off the ice

biidaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs here on the ice

biidweweyaadagaako vai s/he is heard coming here on the ice

go about on the ice
babaamaadagaako vai s/he goes about on the ice

babaamaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs about on the ice, around on the ice

go across on the ice
aazhawaadagaako vai s/he goes across on the ice

go along on the ice
bimaadagaako vai s/he goes along on the ice

bimaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs along on the ice

go ashore on the ice
agwaayaadagaako vai s/he goes ashore on ice

go away on the ice
animaadagaako vai s/he goes away (in the other direction) on the ice

animaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) on the ice

go out from shore on the ice
niminaaweyaadagaako vai s/he goes out from shore on the ice

go to a certain place on the ice
inaadagaako vai s/he goes to a certain place on the ice

run across on the ice
aazhawaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs across on the ice

start off on the ice
maadaadagaako vai s/he starts off on the ice

maajiiyaadagaako vai s/he starts off on the ice

ice box
ice box
mikwamii-makak ni an ice box, a refrigerator

ice chisel
ice chisel
eshkan ni an ice chisel

ice cream
ice cream
dekaag ni-v ice cream

ice cutter
ice cutter
mikwamiiwinini na an ice cutter

aawendan vti identify it

Paired with: aawenim vta

aawenim vta identify h/

identify by sight
aawenan vti identify it (by sight)

aawenaw vta identify h/ (by sight)

identify by sound
aawetan vti identify it (by sound)

Paired with: aawetaw vta

aawetaw vta identify h/ (by sound)

giishpin adv gram if

as if
indigo adv man as if; just like, seems like

biskane vii it catches fire, ignites

bagwanawizi vai s/he is ignorant, is stupid, is dumb

boonendam vai2 s/he gives up, ignores something, quits thinking about something

boonendan vti forget, ignore it

Paired with: boonenim vta

boonenim vta forget, ignore h/; quit thinking or worrying about h/

Paired with: boonendan vti

aakozi vai s/he is sick, is ill

fall ill from bad medicine
niboowise vai s/he becomes paralyzed; s/he falls ill from bad medicine; s/he has a stroke

seriously ill
aanimizi vai s/he suffers, is in distress, is very sick

maazhi- pv lex bad; ill-formed

aakoziwin ni a sickness, an illness, a disease

recover from an illness
noojimo vai s/he heals, recovers from an illness

respiratory illness
ozosodamwaapine vai s/he has a respiratory illness, has tuberculosis

make an image
mazinaadin vta make an image of h/

mazinichigan na a statue, a figurine, an effigy, a doll

mamaanjigozi vai s/he is immobilized, is incapacitated

ojaanimendam vai2 s/he is anxious, is impatient, is in a hurry

zhigajii vai s/he is impatient, grows tired of something

gichi-apiitendaagwad vii it is highly respected, is valuable, is important

Paired with: gichi-apiitendaagozi vai

gichi-apiitendaagozi vai s/he is highly respected, is valuable, is important

Paired with: gichi-apiitendaagwad vii

apiitendaagwad vii it is valued so high, ranks so high, is so important, is worthy

Paired with: apiitendaagozi vai

apiitendaagozi vai s/he is valued so high, ranks so high, is so important

Paired with: apiitendaagwad vii

mazinisin vii it is imprinted, has a pattern or design

mazinishin vai s/he is imprinted, has a pattern or design

Paired with: mazinisin vii

gibaakwa' vta
  1. shut, block h/ (as or as with something stick- or wood-like)
  2. jail, imprison h/
  3. put h/ on lockdown or quarantine

Paired with: gibaakwa'an vti

gibaakwa'igaazo vai s/he is jailed, imprisoned (by someone), "they" jail, imprison h/

be in
biinde vii it is in (something)

Paired with: biinzo vai

biinzo vai s/he or it (animate) is in (something)

Paired with: biinde vii

come in
biindigaw vta enter into where h/ is, come in on h/

crawl in
biindoode vai s/he crawls in

drive in
biinjibide vii it drives, speeds, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibizo vai

biinjibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibide vii

fall in
biinjibide vii it drives, speeds, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibizo vai

biinjibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibide vii

biinjise vii it flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjise vai

biinjise vai s/he flies, falls in; s/he is in debt, is in the hole

Paired with: biinjise vii

flow in
biinjijiwan vii it flows in

fly in
biinjibide vii it drives, speeds, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibizo vai

biinjise vii it flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjise vai

put in
biina' vta lay or put put h/ or it (animate) in something

Paired with: biina'an vti

biina'an vti lay or put it in something

Paired with: biina' vta

biina'amaw vta put (it) in (something) for h/

biina'igaade vii it is put in (by someone), "they" put it in

Paired with: biina'igaazo vai

biina'igaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is put in (by someone), "they" put h/ or it (animate) in

Paired with: biina'igaade vii

biinjisidoon vti2 lay or put it in something

Paired with: biinjishim vta

speed in
biinjibide vii it drives, speeds, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibizo vai

biinjibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibide vii

throw in
biinjiwebin vta [BL] shove or throw h/ or it (animate) in

Paired with: biinjiwebinan vti [BL] See also: biinjwebin vta [MN]

biinjiwebinan vti [BL] shove or throw it in

Paired with: biinjiwebin vta [BL] See also: biinjwebinan vti [MN]

biinjwebin vta [MN] shove or throw h/ or it (animate) in

Paired with: biinjwebinan vti [MN] See also: biinjiwebin vta [BL]

biinjwebinan vti [MN]
  1. shove or throw it in
  2. cast it (a vote or ballot)

Paired with: biinjwebin vta [MN] See also: biinjiwebinan vti [BL]

biinjwebinige vai
  1. s/he throws things in
  2. s/he votes

be in a certain place
ate vii it is in a certain place

Paired with: abi vai

ayaa vii
  1. it is (in a certain place)
  2. [with a lexical preverb] it is in a certain state or condition
  3. [with a preverb] it moves a certain way

Paired with: ayaa vai

in a certain place
dazhi- pv rel in a certain place; of a certain place; there

ezhi- pv rel in a certain place; in a certain way; so; there; thus

izhi- pv rel

aanawewizi vai s/he is inadequate, is ineffective, fails

mamaanjigozi vai s/he is immobilized, is incapacitated

certain number of inches
daso-mininj qnt num [NI] certain number of inches

dasoninj qnt num a certain number of inches; so many inches

so many inches
dasoninj qnt num a certain number of inches; so many inches

one inch
ingodoninj qnt num one inch

See also: ningodoninj qnt num

ningodoninj qnt num one inch

See also: ingodoninj qnt num

two inches
niizhoninj qnt num two inches

niizho-mininj qnt num [NI] two inches

three inches
niso-mininj qnt num [NI] three inches

nisoninj qnt num three inches

four inches
niiwoninj qnt num four inches

See also: niiyoninj qnt num

niiyoninj qnt num four inches

See also: niiwoninj qnt num

five inches
naano-mininj qnt num [NI] five inches

naanoninj qnt num five inches

six inches
ingodwaasoninj qnt num six inches

See also: ningodwaasoninj qnt num

ningodwaasoninj qnt num six inches

See also: ingodwaasoninj qnt num

seven inches
niizhwaaso-mininj qnt num [NI] seven inches

niizhwaasoninj qnt num seven inches

eight inches
nishwaasoninj qnt num eight inches

See also: ishwaasoninj qnt num

ishwaasoninj qnt num eight inches

See also: nishwaasoninj qnt num

nine inches
zhaangaso-mininj qnt num [NI] nine inches

zhaangasoninj qnt num nine inches

ten inches
midaaso-mininj qnt num [NI] ten inches

midaasoninj qnt num ten inches

dagwagindan vti count it in, include it

Paired with: dagwagim vta

dagwagim vta count h/ in, include h/

Paired with: dagwagindan vti

dagwaginde vii it is included, is counted in

Paired with: dagwaginzo vai

dagwaginzo vai s/he is included, is a member, is counted in

Paired with: dagwaginde vii

bagandizi vai s/he is lazy, is shiftless, is incompetent

increase in number
niigi vai s/he increases in number; s/he is born

niigi' vta bear h/, make h/ grow or increase in number

Paired with: niigitoon vti2

niigitoon vti2 make it grow, make it increase in number; make it increase in number

Paired with: niigi' vta

geget adv man sure, certainly, really, indeed

See also: gaawiin geget adv phr

Independence Day
Independence Day
baapaashkizige-giizis na July

aabita-niibin vii it is the Fourth of July, is Independence Day; it is midsummer

aabita-niibinoke vai s/he celebrates the Fourth of July, celebrates Independence Day

dibenindizo vai s/he is independent, is h/ own master

index finger
index finger
izhinoo'iganininj ni an index finger

anishinaabe na
  1. a person, a human (in contrast to a non-human being)
  2. an Indian (in contrast to a non-Indian), a Native (in contrast to a non-Native)
  3. an Ojibwe

Indian center
anishinaabe-maawanjii'idiiwigamig ni an Indian center

Indian country
anishinaabewaki ni Indian country

live the Indian way
anishinaabe-bimaadizi vai s/he lives the Indian way

many Indians
anishinaabekaa vii
  1. there are (a lot of) Ojibwes
  2. there are (a lot of) Indians, Natives
  3. there are (a lot of) people, humans

Indian woman
anishinaabekwe na an Indian woman; an Ojibwe woman

anishinaabekwewi vai s/he is an Indian woman

ojibwekwe na an Ojibwe woman

call in Indian
anishinaabewinikaadan vti call it in Indian (Ojibwe)

Paired with: anishinaabewinikaazh vta

anishinaabewinikaade vii it is called in Indian (Ojibwe)

Paired with: anishinaabewinikaazo vai

anishinaabewinikaazh vta call h/ in Indian (Ojibwe)

Paired with: anishinaabewinikaadan vti

anishinaabewinikaazo vai s/he is called in Indian (Ojibwe); s/he has a spirit name

Paired with: anishinaabewinikaade vii

Indian language
anishinaabemowin ni an Indian language, the Ojibwe language

anishinaabemo vai s/he speaks Ojibwe, speaks an Indian language

anishinaabemonodaw vta [N] speak Ojibwe to h/; speak an Indian language to h/

See also: anishinaabemotaw vta [ML]

Indian writing
anishinaabewibii'igan ni something written in Indian (Ojibwe), Indian (Ojibwe) writing

speak Indian language
anishinaabemo vai s/he speaks Ojibwe, speaks an Indian language

anishinaabemotaw vta [ML] speak Ojibwe to h/; speak an Indian language to h/

anishinaabe-gaagiigido vai s/he speaks in an Indian language (especially in Ojibwe)

write in Indian
anishinaabewibii'an vti write it in Indian, write it in Ojibwe

anishinaabewibii'amaw vta write (it) in Indian (Ojibwe) to h/, write (it) in Ojibwe to h/

anishinaabewibii'igaade vii it is written in Indian (Ojibwe) by someone, "they" write it in Indian (Ojibwe)

anishinaabewibii'igan ni something written in Indian (Ojibwe), Indian (Ojibwe) writing

anishinaabewisidoon vti2 write it in Indian (Ojibwe) (e.g., a book or document); express it in Indian (Ojibwe)

anishinaabewisin vii it is written in Indian (Ojibwe) (e.g., a book or document)

Indian name
Indian name
anishinaabe-izhinikaazowin ni an Anishinaabe name, a spirit name

anishinaabe-wiinzowin ni an Anishinaabe name, a spirit name

biindig adv loc inside, indoors

bring indoors
biindigadoon vti2
  1. bring it inside / indoors, take it inside / indoors
  2. introduce it (as a resolution or legislation)

Paired with: biindigazh vta

biindigazh vta bring h/ inside / indoors, take h/ inside / indoors

Paired with: biindigadoon vti2

come indoors
biindige vai s/he enters, goes inside / indoors, comes inside / indoors

dark indoors
bishagiishkate vii it is dark indoors

gashkiidibikate vii it is a pitch-dark indoors

go indoors
biindige vai s/he enters, goes inside / indoors, comes inside / indoors

take indoors
biindigadoon vti2
  1. bring it inside / indoors, take it inside / indoors
  2. introduce it (as a resolution or legislation)

Paired with: biindigazh vta

biindigazh vta bring h/ inside / indoors, take h/ inside / indoors

Paired with: biindigadoon vti2

zhaagwaadad vii it is weak in power, is ineffective

Paired with: zhaagwaadizi vai

aanawewizi vai s/he is inadequate, is ineffective, fails

zhaagwaadizi vai s/he is weak in power, is ineffective

Paired with: zhaagwaadad vii

oshkabinoojiinh na a newborn baby, an infant

aazhookoodin vta infect h/ with something

miniiwan vii it has pus, is inflected

Paired with: miniiwi vai

miniiwi vai s/he or it (animate) has pus, is infected

Paired with: miniiwan vii

infected ear
miniiwitawage vai s/he has an infected ear

infected eye
miniingwe vai s/he has an infected eye

infected foot
miniiwizide vai s/he has an infected foot

infected hand
miniiwininjii vai s/he has an infected hand or finger

infected leg
miniiwigaade vai s/he has an infected leg

boodaajii' vta inflate h/

Paired with: boodaajii'an vti

boodaajii'an vti inflate it

Paired with: boodaajii' vta

boodaajii'amaw vta inflate (it) for h/

boodaajii'ige vai s/he inflates things

boodaajii'igaade vii it is inflated (by someone), "they" inflate it

boodaajii'igaade vii it is inflated (by someone), "they" inflate it

inform on
inform on
mamizhim vta inform on, tell on, tattle on h/

mamizhinge vai s/he informs on, tells on, tattles on people

mamizhindiwag vai they inform on, tell on, tattle on each other

mamizhindizo vai s/he informs on, tells on, tattles on h/ self

Jaachaabaaning name place Inger, Minnesota

dagonigan ni something added or mixed in, an ingredient

dibinawe adv man by h/self; inherently

inherit from a certain source
ondizi vai s/he makes a living a certain way, earns or makes money, gets paid, benefits a certain way, inherits from a certain source

inigaa' vta abuse, injure, damage h/: be mean to, be aggressive toward h/

injure a certain way
inaapinazh vta injure, wound, kill h/ a certain way

ozhibii'iganaaboo ni ink

ozhibii'iganaabo ni [BL] ink, paint

See also: ozhibii'iganaaboo ni

noopiming adv loc in the bush; in the woods; inland

See also: noopimiing adv loc [BL]

noopimiing adv loc [BL] in the bush; in the woods; inland

See also: noopiming adv loc

carry inland
gopiwidoon vti2 take, carry it inland

Paired with: gopiwizh vta

gopiwizh vta take, carry h/ inland

Paired with: gopiwidoon vti2

gopiwijige vai s/he takes things inland up from the lake

gopiwijigaade vii it is carried, taken inland (by someone), "they" carry, take it inland

gopiwijigaazo vai s/he is carried, taken inland (by someone), "they" carry, take h/ inland

drive inland
gopidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives inland, into the woods, into the bush; s/he drives a team inland, into the woods, into the bush

gopibizo vai s/he drives inland, into the woods, into the bush

Paired with: gopibide vii

go inland
gopii vai s/he goes up from the water, goes inland, goes into the woods

run inland
gopibatoo vai s/he runs inland

gopiba'idiwag vai they run inland together

gopibatwaadan vti run it inland

gopiba'iwe vai s/he runs inland from someone

take inland
gopiwidoon vti2 take, carry it inland

Paired with: gopiwizh vta

gopiwizh vta take, carry h/ inland

Paired with: gopiwidoon vti2

gopiwijige vai s/he takes things inland up from the lake

gopiwijigaade vii it is carried, taken inland (by someone), "they" carry, take it inland

gopiwijigaazo vai s/he is carried, taken inland (by someone), "they" carry, take h/ inland

take wild rice inland
gopimine vai s/he takes wild rice inland

zaagidawaa vii it flows into a lake; it is an inlet

zaagiing adv loc at the inlet

gagwedwe vai s/he asks, asks a question, inquires

giiwanaadizi vai s/he is crazy, is insane

giiwashkweyaadizi vai s/he is crazy, is insane

manidoons na a bug, an insect, a worm; a germ

See also: manidoosh na

manidoosh na a bug, an insect, a worm

See also: manidoons na

manijoosh na [N] a bug, an insect, a worm

biindig adv loc inside, indoors

biinji- pv lex inside, indoors

blown inside
biindigeyaashi vai it (animate) is blown inside (by the wind)

Paired with: biindigeyaasin vii

biindigeyaasin vii it is blown inside (by the wind)

Paired with: biindigeyaashi vai

bring inside
biindigadoon vti2
  1. bring it inside / indoors, take it inside / indoors
  2. introduce it (as a resolution or legislation)

Paired with: biindigazh vta

biindigazh vta bring h/ inside / indoors, take h/ inside / indoors

Paired with: biindigadoon vti2

bring firewood inside
biindigenise vai s/he brings firewood inside

come inside
biindige vai s/he enters, goes inside / indoors, comes inside / indoors

crawl inside
biindigeyoode vai s/he crawls inside

dance inside
biindigeshimo vai s/he enters dancing, dances inside (as in a grand entry)

drive inside
biindigebide vii it speeds, drives, flies inside

Paired with: biindigebizo vai

biindigebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies inside

Paired with: biindigebide vii

fly inside
biindigebide vii it speeds, drives, flies inside

Paired with: biindigebizo vai

go inside
biindige vai s/he enters, goes inside / indoors, comes inside / indoors

run inside
biindigebatoo vai s/he runs inside

biindigeba'idiwag vai they run inside in a group

biindigebatwaadan vti run inside with it

Paired with: biindigebatwaazh vta

biindigebatwaazh vta run inside with h/

Paired with: biindigebatwaadan vti

biindigeba'iwe vai s/he runs inside for safety or shelter

speed inside
biindigebide vii it speeds, drives, flies inside

Paired with: biindigebizo vai

biindigebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies inside

Paired with: biindigebide vii

take inside
biindigadoon vti2
  1. bring it inside / indoors, take it inside / indoors
  2. introduce it (as a resolution or legislation)

Paired with: biindigazh vta

biindigazh vta bring h/ inside / indoors, take h/ inside / indoors

Paired with: biindigadoon vti2

tell to go inside
biindigenaazha' vta tell h/ to go inside

throw inside
biindigewebin vta throw h/ inside

Paired with: biindigewebinan vti

biindigewebinan vti throw it inside

Paired with: biindigewebin vta

biindigewebinige vai s/he throws things inside

biinjaya'ii adv loc inside it

See also: biinjayi'ii adv loc

biinjayi'ii adv loc inside it

See also: biinjaya'ii adv loc

inside body
biinjina adv loc [BL] inside the body

See also: biinjinaw adv loc

inside ear
biinjitawag adv loc inside an ear

inside mouth
biinjidoon adv loc inside the mouth

inside nose
biinjijaanzh adv loc inside the nose

See also: biinjijaan adv loc [N]

inside out
put on inside out
aaboozikan vti put it on inside out, wear it inside out

Paired with: aaboozikaw vta

aaboozikaw vta put h/ on inside out, wear h/ inside out

Paired with: aaboozikan vti

sew inside out
aaboojigwaadan vti sew it inside out

Paired with: aaboojigwaazh vta

aaboojigwaazh vta sew h/ inside out

aaboojigwaade vii it is sewn inside out

Paired with: aaboojigwaazo vai

aaboojigwaazo vai it (animate) is sewn inside out

Paired with: aaboojigwaade vii

wear inside out
aaboozikan vti put it on inside out, wear it inside out

Paired with: aaboozikaw vta

aaboozikaw vta put h/ on inside out, wear h/ inside out

Paired with: aaboozikan vti

turn inside out
aabooda'an vti turn it inside out (using something)

Paired with: aabooda'wi vta [NI]

aabooda'wi vta [NI] turn h/ inside out (using something)

Paired with: aabooda'an vti

aaboojibizh vta turn h/ inside out (with hands)

Paired with: aaboojibidoon vti2

aaboojibidoon vti2 turn it inside out (with hands)

Paired with: aaboojibizh vta

aaboodin vta turn h/ inside out

Paired with: aaboodinan vti

aaboodinan vti turn it inside out (using something)

Paired with: aaboodin vta

aaboojiigin vta turn it (animate; sheet-like) inside out

Paired with: aaboojiiginan vti

aaboojiiginan vti turn it inside out (sheet-like)

Paired with: aaboojiigin vta

aaboojiiginige vai s/he turns things (something sheet-like) inside out

aaboojiiginigaade vii it (something sheet-like) is turned inside out (by someone)

aaboojiiginigaazo vai s/he (something sheet-like) is turned inside out (by someone)

turn inside out
aaboozikaa vai s/he turns inside out

Paired with: aaboozikaa vii

aaboozikaa vii it turns inside out

Paired with: aaboozikaa vai

think insignificant
agaasendan vti think little of it, think it insignificant

Paired with: agaasenim vta

agaasenim vta think h/ insignificant; think little of h/

Paired with: agaasendan vti

agaasendaagozi vai s/he is thought insignificant

Paired with: agaasendaagwad vii

agaasendaagwad vii it is thought insignificant

Paired with: agaasendaagozi vai

dibaabam vta inspect, check up on h/ or it (animate), look h/ or it (animate) over

Paired with: dibaabandan vti

dibaabandan vti inspect, check up on it, look it over

Paired with: dibaabam vta

waawaabandan vti examine, inspect it

Paired with: waawaabam vta

waawaabam vta stare at, examine, inspect h/

Paired with: waawaabandan vti

act contrary to instructions
gagaanzitaw vta act contrary to h/ instructions

Paired with: gagaanzitan vti

follow instructions
gikinootaw vta imitate what h/ says or sounds like, follow h/ instructions

not follow instructions
babiinitam vai2 s/he doesn't listen, doesn't follow instructions, disregards or disobers instructions

babiinitaw vta don't follow h/ instructions, disregard or disobey h/ instructions

disregard instructions
babiinitam vai2 s/he doesn't listen, doesn't follow instructions, disregards or disobers instructions

babiinitaw vta don't follow h/ instructions, disregard or disobey h/ instructions

musical instrument
gidochigan ni [BL] a device that speaks: a radio, a phonograph, a record player, a cd player

madwewechigan ni a musical instrument (especially a keyboard instrument): a piano, an organ

noondaagochigan na [RL] a musical instrument (especially a wind instrument): horn, whistle, harmonica

See also: noondaagochigan ni

noondaagochigan ni a musical instrument (especially a wind instrument): horn, whistle, harmonica

See also: noondaagochigan na [RL]

play wind instrument
noondaagochige vai s/he plays a wind instrument

noondaagotoon vti2 play it (so it makes sounds)

miziweyaa vii it is whole, is intact

Paired with: miziwezi vai

gikendaaso vai s/he is knows, is smart, is intelligent, is educated

nibwaakaa vai s/he is wise, is intelligent

have intense feelings or desires
aakwendam vai2 s/he has intense feelings, is in intense pain

sexual intercourse
mazhi vta have sexual intercourse with h/

mazhiwe vai s/he has sexual intercourse

get interested
ombim vta get h/ interested or excited by speech

aanikanootan vti translate, interpret it

Paired with: aanikanootaw vta

aanikanootaw vta translate, interpret (for) h/

Paired with: aanikanootan vti

aanikanootaagozi vai s/he is interpreted

aanikanootaagewinini na a speaker (for others), a translator, an interpreter (male)

aanikanootaagewikwe na a translator, an interpreter (female)

wanishkwe' vta disturb, distract, interrupt h/

interrupt by speech
wanishkwem vta disturb, distract, interrupt h/ (by speech)

ninagizh nid my intestine, gut

ginagizh nid your intestine, gut

onagizh nid h/ intestine, gut

intimidate verbally
zegim vta scare, frighten, intimidate, alarm h/ (verbally)

zegindiwag vai they scare, frighten, intimidate, alarm each other (verbally)

jiikaakizige vai s/he is intoxicated, is high

zhaagwenimowin ni reluctance, introversion

zhaagwenimo vai s/he is reluctant, is afraid to do something, is introverted, lacks self confidence

invite to a feast
wiikom vta invite h/ to a feast (especially as part of a religious ceremony)

See also: wiikwam vta

wiikonge vai s/he gives a feast; s/he invites people to a feast (especially as part of a ceremony)

invite to join
wiizhaam vta invite h/ (to join an activity), ask h/ along

dazhiikan vti work at it or on it; be involved, occupied, engaged with it

Paired with: dazhiikaw vta

dazhiikaw vta be involved, occupied, engaged with h/; work at h/

Paired with: dazhiikan vti

dazhiikodaadiwag vai they are involved with, are engaged with, deal with each other

onzaamigidaazo vai s/he is extremely angry, is irate, is furious

biiwaabik ni (a piece of) metal; iron

clothes iron
zhooshkwega'igan ni an iron

See also: zhooshkwega'igan na [RL]

zhooshkwega'igan na [RL] an iron

See also: zhooshkwega'igan ni

zhooshkwega'an vti iron it

Paired with: zhooshkwega' vta

zhooshkwega' vta iron h/

Paired with: zhooshkwega'an vti

zhooshkwega'ige vai s/he irons clothes

zhooshkwa'ige vai s/he irons clothes

iron mine
iron mine
biiwaabiko-moona'igan ni an iron mine

Iron Range
Iron Range
Biiwaabikokaaning name place the Iron Range of Minnesota

ironing board
ironing board
zhooshkwega'iganaatig ni an ironing board

maananoons na an ironwood

eastern hornbeam
Ostrya viginiana

gagaanjinawe' vta irritate, provoke, tease h/

gagaanjinawe'iwe vai s/he irritates, provokes, teases people

gagaanjinawem vta irritate, provoke, tease h/ (by speech)

gagaanjinawendiwag vai they irritate, provoke, tease each other (by speech)

ayaa vii
  1. it is (in a certain place)
  2. [with a lexical preverb] it is in a certain state or condition
  3. [with a preverb] it moves a certain way

Paired with: ayaa vai

ayaa vai
  1. s/he is (in a certain place)
  2. [with a lexical preverb] s/he is in a state or condition
  3. [with a preverb] s/he moves a certain way

Paired with: ayaa vii

aawan vii it is a certain thing

Paired with: aawi vai

aawi vai s/he is a certain thing or being

Paired with: aawan vii

minis ni an island

See also: minisi ni [RL]

rocky island
minisaabik ni a rocky island, a reef

gizhiibizi vai s/he itches

arm itches
gizhiibinike vai h/ arm itches

gagizhiibinike vai h/ arms itch

ginaginike vai h/ arm itches

back itches
gizhiibaawigan vai [S] h/ back itches

gizhiibaawigane vai h/ back itches

See also: gizhiibaawigan vai [S]

chin itches
gizhiibidaamikan vai [S] h/ chin itches

See also: gizhiibidaamikane vai [N]

gizhiibidaamikane vai [N] h/ chin itches

See also: gizhiibidaamikan vai [S]

ear itches
gizhiibitawage vai h/ ear itches

gagizhiibitawage vai h/ ears itch

eye itches
gizhiibishkiinzhigwe vai h/ eye itches

elbow itches
gizhiibidooskwan vai [S] h/ elbow itches

See also: gizhiibidooskwane vai [N]

gagizhiibidooskwan vai h/ elbows itch

gizhiibidooskwane vai [N] h/ elbow itches

See also: gizhiibidooskwan vai [S]

face itches
gizhiibiingwe vai h/ face itches

foot itches
gizhiibizide vai h/ foot itches

hand itches
gizhiibininjii vai h/ hand itches

gagizhiibininjii vai h/ hands itch

head itches
ginagishtigwaane vai h/ head itches

ginagitigwaane vai [BL] h/ head itches

leg itches
gizhiibigaade vai h/ leg itches

neck itches
gizhiibigwayawe vai h/ neck itches

nose itches
gizhiibijaane vai h/ nose itches

palm itches
gizhiibinagaakininjii vai h/ palm itches

rear itches
gizhiibidiye vai h/ rear end itches

skin itches
gizhiibazhe vai h/ skin itches

sole itches
gizhiibinagaakizide vai h/ sole itches