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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

nagadan vti leave it behind; abandon, outstrip it

Paired with: nagazh vta

nagazh vta leave h/ behind; abandon, outstrip h/

Paired with: nagadan vti

webinigan na someone abandoned

See also: webinigan ni

gashki'o vai s/he gets free; s/he is able

able to carry
gashkiwidoon vti2 be able to take, carry it

Paired with: gashkiwizh vta

gashkiwizh vta be able to take, carry h/

Paired with: gashkiwidoon vti2

able to do
gashkitoon vti2 be able to do, succeed at, manage it

Paired with: gashki' vta

gashkichige vai s/he acquires something, earns something, is able (to do something)

able to get
gashkitaw vta be able to get (it) for h/, manage (it) for h/

able to hold
gashkin vta be able to hold, lift, carry h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: gashkinan vti

gashkinan vti be able to hold, lift, carry it

Paired with: gashkin vta

able to lift
gashkin vta be able to hold, lift, carry h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: gashkinan vti

gashkinan vti be able to hold, lift, carry it

Paired with: gashkin vta

able to manage
gashkitaw vta be able to get (it) for h/, manage (it) for h/

able to take
gashkiwidoon vti2 be able to take, carry it

Paired with: gashkiwizh vta

gashkiwizh vta be able to take, carry h/

Paired with: gashkiwidoon vti2

able to work
gashkanokii vai s/he is able to work

not able
bwaa- pv tns not able to; not before

gwiinawi- pv lex not able; not knowing

get aboard
boozi vai s/he gets in or on (a vehicle or a boat), boards, gets aboard, embarks

jump aboard
boozigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps in or on (a vehicle or boat, jumps aboard

pull aboard
boozibidoon vti2 pull it aboard

Paired with: boozibizh vta

boozibizh vta pull h/ aboard

Paired with: boozibidoon vti2

tell to go aboard
boozinaazha' vta tell h/ to get in or on (a vehicle or boat); tell h/ to go aboard

throw aboard
boozwebin vta throw h/ aboard

Paired with: boozwebinan vti

boozwebinan vti throw it aboard

Paired with: boozwebin vta

boozwebinige vai s/he throws things aboard

[in different directions]
Movement in or to many directions is shown in many verbs with the root /babaam-/ 'about, around' as the initial element or with the related preverb babaa- 'about, around'. Some people use shortened forms of these elements: root /baam-/ or preverb baa-. Although 'around' is often used to translate these elements, they do not indicate motion in a circular path.
babaa- pv dir going about, going around

blown about
babaamaashi vai s/he is blown about (by the wind); sails, soars about

Paired with: babaamaasin vii

babaamaasin vii it is blown about (by the wind); it sails, soars about

Paired with: babaamaashi vai

carry about
babaamiwidoon vti2 take, carry it about

Paired with: babaamiwizh vta

babaamiwizh vta take, carry, guide h/ about

Paired with: babaamiwidoon vti2

chase about
babaaminizhikaw vta chase h/ about

babaaminizhikodaadiwag vai they chase each other about

clouds go about
babaamaanakwad vii clouds go about

crawl about
babaamoode vai s/he crawls about, crawls around

dance about
babaamishimo vai s/he dances about

drive about
babaamibide vii it speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibizo vai

babaamibizo vai s/he speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibide vii

babaamidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives about

fly about
babaamise vai s/he flies about

Paired with: babaamise vii

babaamise vii it flies about

Paired with: babaamise vai

babaamibide vii it speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibizo vai

babaamibizo vai s/he speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibide vii

go about hungry
babaamanaandam vai2 s/he goes about hungry

go about in a boat
babaamishkaa vai s/he paddles about, goes about in a boat

go about on business
babaamizi vai s/he does business, goes about on his business

go about on the ice
babaamaadagaako vai s/he goes about on the ice

babaamaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs about on the ice, around on the ice

go about crying
babaamademo vai s/he goes about crying

go about trading
babaamadaawe vai s/he goes about trading

guide about
babaamiwizh vta take, carry, guide h/ about

Paired with: babaamiwidoon vti2

live about
babaamaadizi vai s/he lives about; s/he travels about

move (where one lives) about
babaamigozi vai s/he moves h/ residence about

paddle about
babaamishkaa vai s/he paddles about, goes about in a boat

babaamakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles around in a circle; it (animate) swims about (as a fish)

ride about on horseback
babaamoomigo vai s/he rides about on horseback

run about
babaamibatoo vai s/he runs about, runs around

babaamiba'idiwag vai they run about together, run around together

babaamibatwaadan vti run about, run around with it

babaamibatwaazh vta run about, run around with h/

babaamaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs about on the ice, around on the ice

babaamwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running about, heard running around

sail about
babaamaashi vai s/he is blown about (by the wind); sails, soars about

Paired with: babaamaasin vii

babaamaasin vii it is blown about (by the wind); it sails, soars about

Paired with: babaamaashi vai

skate about
babaamaada'e vai s/he skates about

speed about
babaamibide vii it speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibizo vai

babaamibizo vai s/he speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibide vii

spread the news about
babaamaajimo vai s/he spreads the news about

swim about
babaamaadagaa vai s/he swims about

See also: babaamaadage vai [BL]

babaamaadage vai [BL] s/he swims about

See also: babaamaadagaa vai

take about
babaamiwidoon vti2 take, carry it about

Paired with: babaamiwizh vta

babaamiwizh vta take, carry, guide h/ about

Paired with: babaamiwidoon vti2

travel about
babaamaadizi vai s/he lives about; s/he travels about

wade about
babaamaadagaazii vai s/he wades about

walk about
babaamose vai s/he walks about, takes a stroll

babimose vai s/he walks about, takes a stroll

wander about
babaa-ayaa vai s/he goes around, wanders about

[in this place]
about a place
baa- pv dir about a place (locally distributed)

ishpayi'ii adv loc up high (above, or over it)

See also: ishpaya'ii adv loc

ishpiming adv loc in the sky, above, in heaven

See also: ishpimiing adv loc [BL] ; oshpiming adv loc [LLC]

above all
above all
memindage adv man especially, particularly, above all, of course

abscessed tooth
miniiwaabide vai s/he has an abscessed tooth

absent a certain length of time
apiitendi vai s/he is away, absent, gone so long

inendi vai s/he is away, absent, gone so long

absent a certain number of days
dasogonendi vai s/he is gone a certain number of days, is absent a certain number of days

absent from a certain place
ondendi vai s/he is gone from a certain place, absent from a certain place

absent five days
naanogonendi vai s/he is gone five days, is absent five days

absent four days
niiyogonendi vai s/he is gone four days, is absent four days

absent three days
nisogonendi vai s/he is gone three days, is absent three days

absent two days
niizhogonendi vai s/he is gone two days, is absent two days

aabiinjitoon vti2 abuse, damage, injure it; overdo an action on it

Paired with: aabiinji' vta

aanimi' vta make h/ suffer, cause h/ trouble, abuse h/

Paired with: aanimitoon vti2

aanimitoon vti2 abuse, damage, injure it

Paired with: aanimi' vta

verbally abuse
aabiinzom vta quarrel with h/; denigrate, verbally abuse h/

aabiinzonge vai s/he denigrates, verbally abuses someone

odaapin vta take, accept, pick h/ up

Paired with: odaapinan vti

odaapinan vti take, accept; pick it up

Paired with: odaapin vta

odaapinamaw vta accept, take (it) from h/; pick (it) up from h/

odaapinige vai s/he accepts, takes, picks things up

odaapinigaade vii it is taken, accepted, picked up (by someone); "they" take, accept, pick it up

odaapinigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is taken, accepted, picked up (by someone); "they" take, accept, pick h/ or it (animate) up

die in an accident
niiwanishin vai s/he dies in an accident

Accidental and unintended actions are shown in many verbs with the root /bit-/ 'accidentally', which can occur as /bit-/, /bich-/, /bis-/, or /biz-/, as the initial element. It also appears in the preverb bichi- 'accidentally, by accident'.
bichi- pv lex accidentally, by accident

bite accidentally
bitam vta bite, eat h/ accidentally

Paired with: bitandan vti

bitandan vti bite, eat it accidentally

Paired with: bitam vta

bump accidentally
bitaakoshkaw vta bump into h/ accidentally; collide with h/

bitaakoshin vai s/he bumps, hits against something accidentally (as something stick- or wood-like)

cut accidentally
bitizh vta cut h/ accidentally

Paired with: bitizhan vti

bitizhan vti cut it accidentally

Paired with: bitizh vta

bitikozh vta cut h/ accidentally (with a knife)

Paired with: bitikodan vti

bitikodan vti cut it accidentally (with a knife)

Paired with: bitikozh vta

hit accidentally
bitaganaam vta accidentally hit h/

Paired with: bitaganaandan vti

bitaganaandan vti accidentally hit it

Paired with: bitaganaam vta

bita'an vti accidentally hit it (using something)

Paired with: bita' vta

bita'odizo vai s/he accidentally hits h/ self (using something)

bita' vta accidentally hit h/ (using something)

Paired with: bita'an vti

shoot accidentally
bichinan vti shoot it accidentally

Paired with: bichinaw vta

bichinaw vta shoot h/ accidentally

Paired with: bichinan vti

bichinaage vai s/he shoots people accidentally

bichinaadizo vai s/he shoots h/ self accidentally

sing accompaniment
zhaabowe vai s/he sings an accompaniment (of women)

wiijiiw vta go with, come with, accompany h/

wiijiindiwag vai they go with, come with, accompany each other

wiiji'iwe vai s/he accompanies (people); s/he goes along with (people), goes with (people)

gashki'ewizi vai s/he accomplishes, succeeds

debinan vti
  1. reach for it
  2. achieve, accomplish it

Paired with: debin vta

asigibii'igewinini na an accountant, a bookkeeper

asigibii'igewikwe na an accountant, a bookkeeper (female)

anaamim vta blame h/ (in speech), accuse h/

anaamindiwag vai they blame, accuse each other

bezhigoobii'igan na an ace

The root /dew-/ 'ache' occurs as the initial element in many verbs localizing aches in specific body parts. The involved body part is identified in the second element, a body part medial such as /-zid-/ 'foot' or /-aabid-/ 'tooth'.
dewizi vai s/he aches, has an ache

arm aches
dewinike vai s/he has an ache in h/ arm

back aches
dewipikwan vai [C] s/he has a backache

See also: dewipikwane vai

dewipikwane vai s/he has a backache

See also: dewipikwan vai [C]

dewaawigan vai [C] s/he has a backache

See also: dewaawigane vai [N]

dewaawigane vai [N] s/he has a back ache

bone aches
dewigane vai s/he has aches or pains in h/ bones

See also: dadewigane vai

dadewigane vai s/he has aches or pains in h/ bones

foot aches
dewizide vai s/he has an ache in h/ foot

hand aches
dewininjii vai s/he has an ache in h/ hand

leg aches
dewigaade vai s/he has an ache in h/ leg

tooth aches
dewaabide vai s/he has a toothache

acne on face
moosewiingwe vai s/he has acne on h/ face

mitigomin ni an acorn

See also: mitigomin na

mitigomin na an acorn

See also: mitigomin ni

nagadenim vta be used to, familiar with, acquainted with h/

Paired with: nagadendan vti

nagadenindiwag vai they are acquainted; they are friends

gashkichige vai s/he acquires something, earns something, is able (to do something)

certain number of acres
daso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. a certain number of minutes, so many minutes
  2. a certain number of acres, so many acres

one acre
ingo-diba'igaans qnt num one acre; one minute

See also: ningo-diba'igaans qnt num

ningo-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. one minute
  2. one acre

See also: ingo-diba'igaans qnt num

two acres
niizho-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. two minutes
  2. two acres

three acres
niso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. three minutes
  2. three acres

four acres
niiwo-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. four minutes
  2. four acres

See also: niiyo-diba'igaans qnt num

niiyo-diba'igaans qnt num four acres; four minutes

See also: niiwo-diba'igaans qnt num

five acres
naano-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. five minutes
  2. five acres

six acres
ingodwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num six acres; six minutes

See also: ningodwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num

ningodwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. six minutes
  2. six acres

See also: ingodwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num

seven acres
niizhwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. seven minutes
  2. seven acres

eight acres
ishwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. eight minutes
  2. eight acres

See also: nishwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num

nishwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. eight minutes
  2. eight acres

See also: ishwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num

nine acres
zhaangaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. nine minutes
  2. nine acres

ten acres
midaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. ten minutes
  2. ten acres

so many acres
daso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. a certain number of minutes, so many minutes
  2. a certain number of acres, so many acres

smell acrid
aakomaagwad vii it stinks, smells acrid

Paired with: aakomaagozi vai

aakomaagozi vai s/he stinks, smells acrid

Paired with: aakomaagwad vii

aakomaam vta find h/ stinks, smells acrid

Paired with: aakomaandan vti

aakomaandan vti find it stinks, smells acrid

Paired with: aakomaam vta

aakomaate vii it stinks, smells acrid cooking or burning

Paired with: aakomaaso vai

aakomaaso vai s/he stinks, smells acrid cooking or burning

Paired with: aakomaate vii

Motion from one side to another or a position extending across something is shown in many verbs with the root /aazhaw-/, which can take the forms /aazhaw-/, /aazho/, or /aazhoo-/, as the initial element.
carry across
aazhogewidoon vti2 carry, take it across

Paired with: aazhogewizh vta

aazhogewizh vta carry, take h/ across

Paired with: aazhogewidoon vti2

climb across
aazhawaandawe vai s/he climbs across

drive across
aazhawibide vii it speeds, drives, flies across

Paired with: aazhawibizo vai

aazhawidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives across a bridge

aazhogebizo vai s/he drives across a bridge

Paired with: aazhogebide vii

aazhogedaabii'iwe vai s/he drives across a bridge

aazhoodaabii'iwe vai s/he drives across a bridge

ferry across
aazhawa'oodoon vti2 ferry it across; take it across by boat

Paired with: aazhawa'oozh vta

aazhawa'oozh vta ferry h/ across; take h/ across by boat

Paired with: aazhawa'oodoon vti2

go across
aazhooshkaa vai s/he goes across, crosses

go across by boat
aazhawa'am vai2 s/he crosses, go across by boat

aazhawa'o vai s/he crosses, go across by boat; s/he goes across by boat

go across the water
aazhoge vai s/he goes across water

jump across
aazhawigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps across

lay across (stick-like)
aazhawaakoshim vta lay h/ across (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aazhawaakosidoon vti2

aazhawaakosidoon vti2 lay it across (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aazhawaakoshim vta

lie across (stick-like)
aazhawaakoshin vai s/he lies across (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aazhawaakosin vii

aazhawaakosin vii it lies across (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aazhawaakoshin vai

run across
aazhawibatoo vai s/he runs across

See also: aazhoobatoo vai

aazhoobatoo vai s/he runs across

See also: aazhawibatoo vai

aazhooba'idiwag vai they run across together

aazhooba'iwe vai s/he runs across in flight

aazhawagaakobatoo vai s/he runs across on the ice

aazhawagaaziibatoo vai s/he runs across wading through the water

swim across
aazhawaadagaa vai s/he swims across

See also: aazhawaadage vai [BL]

aazhawaadage vai [BL] s/he swims across

See also: aazhawaadagaa vai

take across
aazhogewidoon vti2 carry, take it across

Paired with: aazhogewizh vta

aazhogewizh vta carry, take h/ across

Paired with: aazhogewidoon vti2

take across by boat
aazhawa'oodoon vti2 ferry it across; take it across by boat

Paired with: aazhawa'oozh vta

aazhawa'oozh vta ferry h/ across; take h/ across by boat

Paired with: aazhawa'oodoon vti2

wade across
aazhawaadagaazii vai s/he wades across

aazhawagaazii vai s/he wades across

agaamaya'ii adv loc across something, across the way

agaamayi'ii adv loc across it; on the other side of it

agaami- pv lex across; on the other side of

across a muskeg
agaamashkiig adv loc across a muskeg

across the road or trail
agaamikana adv loc on the other side of the road or trail, across the road or trail

across the lake
agaaming adv loc on the other side of a body of water (a lake, a river), across a body of water (a lake, a river)

agaami-zaaga'igan adv loc across the lake

across the fire
agaamishkode adv loc on the other side of the fire, across the fire

asigagindaaso vai s/he adds, totals

asigagim vta add h/ together (e.g., money)

Paired with: asigagindan vti

asigagindan vti add it together

Paired with: asigagim vta

[put with]
add in
dagon vta add h/ in, mix h/ in

Paired with: dagonan vti

dagonan vti add it in, mix it in

Paired with: dagon vta

dagonigaade vii it is added, mixed in (by someone), "they" add, mix it in

Paired with: dagonigaazo vai

ganoozh vta address h/, speak to h/, call h/ (on the phone)

Paired with: ganoodan vti

ganoonidiwag vai they speak to, address, call each other

ganoodan vti address it, speak to it

Paired with: ganoozh vta

agoke vii it sticks on, adheres

Paired with: agoke vai

bazagoke vii it sticks, adheres

Paired with: bazagoke vai

adhesive tape
adhesive tape
agokiwasiganeyaab ni [BL] adhesive tape

agokiwasigan ni something that makes things stick: glue, paste, adhesive tape

administrative office
administrative office
ogimaawigamig ni an administrative office; a head office

minwaabamewizi vai s/he is admired, is respected

oshkiniigii vai s/he is young, is an adolescent

adolescent boy
oshkinawe na a young man, an adolescent boy

oshkinawewi vai he is a young man, an adolescent boy

oshki-inini na a young man, an adolescent boy

oshki-ininiiwi vai he is a young man, an adolescent boy

adolescent girl
oshkiniigikwe na a young woman, an adolescent girl

oshkiniigikwewi vai she is a young woman, an adolescent girl

bami' vta take care of, look after, support, provide for, adopt h/

Paired with: bamitoon vti2

waangoom vta adopt h/

adopted one
bami'aagan na a supported one, an adopted one; a pet

gichi-aya'aa na an adult, an elder

gichi-aya'aawi vai s/he is of a mature age, is an adult, is an elder

in advance
giizhaa adv tmp already; beforehand; in advance; ahead of time

think of someone as adversary
miigaadenim vta think of h/ as an enemy or adversary; feel like fighting h/

miigaadenindiwag vai they think of each other as enemies or adversaries; they feel like fighting each other

gotaaji vai s/he is afraid, is fearful

zegizi vai s/he is afraid, frightened, scared

afraid of
goshi vta be afraid of, fear h/

Paired with: gotan vti

gotan vti be afraid of, fear it

Paired with: goshi vta

gosidiwag vai they are afraid of each other

makadewiiyaas na a Black person; a person of African descent

african woman
makadewiiyaasikwe na a Black woman; a woman of African descent

after a while
baanimaa adv tmp later, after a while, eventually

See also: baamaa adv tmp

baanimaa apii adv tmp later, after a while, eventually

See also: baamaapii adv tmp

baamaapii adv tmp later, after a while, eventually

See also: baanimaa apii adv tmp

bijiinag adv tmp after a while, eventually, finally; just now; recently

after a while
after a while
baanimaa adv tmp later, after a while, eventually

See also: baamaa adv tmp

baanimaa apii adv tmp later, after a while, eventually

See also: baamaapii adv tmp

baamaapii adv tmp later, after a while, eventually

See also: baanimaa apii adv tmp

bijiinag adv tmp after a while, eventually, finally; just now; recently

ishkwaa-naawakwe vii it is afternoon

all afternoon
gabe-ishkwaa-naawakwe adv tmp all afternoon

miinawaa adv conj also; and; again

stand leaning against
aaswaakogaabawi vai s/he stands leaning against something (a wall, a tree)

aatwaakogaabawi vai s/he stands leaning against something (a wall, a tree)

lean against (stick-like)
aatwaakoshim vta lean h/ against (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aatwaakosidoon vti2

aatwaakoshin vai s/he leans against (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aatwaakosin vii

aatwaakosidoon vti2 lean it against (as something stick- or wood-like

Paired with: aatwaakoshim vta

aatwaakosin vii it leans against (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aatwaakoshin vai

throw up against (stick-like)
aatwaakowebin vta throw h/ up against (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aatwaakowebinan vti

aatwaakowebinan vti throw it up against (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aatwaakowebin vta

fall down against
apangishin vai s/he falls down against

apangisin vii it falls down against

Paired with: apangishin vai

hold against
ashidin vta hold h/ against something

Paired with: ashidinan vti

ashidinan vti hold it against something

Paired with: ashidin vta

same age
wiijigim vta be the same age as h/

wiijigindiwag vai they are the same age

certain age
apiitizi vai s/he is a certain age, is so old or young

Paired with: apiitaa vii

gitizi vai s/he is elderly, is old, is aged

gitaadizi vai s/he is elderly, is old, is aged

wajepii vai s/he is quick, is agile

mamaazikaa vai s/he moves, is in motion, twitches

long ago
mewinzha adv tmp a long time ago, long ago

a little while ago
naanoomaya adv tmp a little while ago

some time ago
gayat adv tmp formerly, previously, some time ago

[have same opinion]
debwetaw vta believe, agree with, obey h/

Paired with: debwetan vti

[make feel good]
agree with
minokaw vta
  1. fit h/ well
  2. [inverse] it (something consumed) agrees with h/, does h/ good

See also: minokan vti

minwendaagozi vai s/he is likeable, is agreeable, is fun

Paired with: minwendaagwad vii

[in front]
niigaan adv loc ahead, at the front, leading; in the future

niigaani- pv lex ahead, leading, in front

go ahead
niigaanii vai s/he leads, goes ahead

ahead of
[earlier than planned]
ahead of time
nayaag adv tmp ahead of time; previously

zhigweyaabi vai s/he aims sights

zhigweyaabam vta aim at h/

Paired with: zhigweyaabandan vti

zhigweyaabandan vti aim at it

Paired with: zhigweyaabam vta

air pump
air pump
boodaajii'igan ni an air pump, a tire pump

bemisemagak ni-v [C] an airplane

endazhi-booniimagak ni-v airport

alarm verbally
zegim vta scare, frighten, intimidate, alarm h/ (verbally)

zegindiwag vai they scare, frighten, intimidate, alarm each other (verbally)

amaniso vai s/he senses an unseen presence

amanisodaw vta be alarmed by h/

ishkodewaaboo ni alcohol (for drinking): liquor, spirits, whiskey

See also: ishkodewaabo ni [BL]

rubbing alcohol
giziibiigazhewaaboo ni rubbing alcohol

wadoop na [MN] an alder

speckled alder
Alnus rugosa

See also: adoop ni [BL]

adoop ni [BL] an alder

speckled alder
Alnus rugosa

See also: wadoop na [MN]

ataagib ni algae

boonii vai s/he alights, lands (from flight)

Paired with: booniimagad vii

bimaadizi vai s/he lives, is alive

Paired with: bimaadad vii

bimaadiziimagad vii it is alive, is living

bimaadad vii it is alive, is living

Paired with: bimaadizi vai

akina adv qnt [S] all, every

See also: gakina adv qnt

[whole of a time]
all afternoon
gabe-ishkwaa-naawakwe adv tmp all afternoon

all day
gabe-giizhig adv tmp all day

See also: gabe-giizhik adv tmp

gabe-giizhik adv tmp all day

See also: gabe-giizhig adv tmp

all evening
gabe-onaagosh adv tmp all evening

See also: gabenaagosh adv tmp

gabenaagosh adv tmp all evening

See also: gabe-onaagosh adv tmp

all fall
gabe-dagwaagi adv tmp all fall

all night
gabe-dibik adv tmp all night; overnight

all spring
gabe-ziigwan adv tmp all spring

all summer
gabe-niibin adv tmp all summer

all winter
gabe-biboon adv tmp all winter

all over
miziwe adv loc all over; everywhere

all over the world
miziwekamig adv loc all over the world

all the time
moozhag adv tmp always, often, all the time

spread all over
miziweshkaa vii it goes everywhere; it is everywhere; it spreads all over

write all over
miziwebii'an vti write all over it

miziwebii'ige vai s/he writes all over something

allot land
mamakii' vta allot h/ land

allotment of land
mamakii'idim vai there is an allotment of land

bagidin vta
  1. set h/ down; offer, release h/
  2. allow h/

Paired with: bagidinan vti

bagidinan vti
  1. allow it
  2. set it down; offer, release it

Paired with: bagidin vta

bagidinamaw vta set (it) down for h/; offer, release, allow (it) to h/

bagidinige vai s/he sets things down; offers, releases, allows things

bagidinigaade vii it is set down, offered, released, allowed (by someone), "they" set it down; offer, release, allow it

bagidinigaazo vai s/he is set down, offered, released (by someone), "they" set h/ down; offer, release h/

Paired with: bagidinigaade vii

gegaa adv deg nearly, almost

nazhikewizi vai s/he is alone, is one, is the only one

bezhigo vai s/he is alone, is one, is the only one

home alone
nazhikewabi vai s/he lives alone, is home alone, sits alone

See also: anzhikewabi vai [RL]

anzhikewabi vai [RL] s/he lives alone, is home alone, sits alone

See also: nazhikewabi vai

live alone
nazhikewige vai s/he lives alone

See also: anzhikewige vai

nishikewige vai s/he lives alone

nazhikewabi vai s/he lives alone, is home alone, sits alone

See also: anzhikewabi vai [RL]

anzhikewabi vai [RL] s/he lives alone, is home alone, sits alone

See also: nazhikewabi vai

sit alone
nazhikewabi vai s/he lives alone, is home alone, sits alone

See also: anzhikewabi vai [RL]

anzhikewabi vai [RL] s/he lives alone, is home alone, sits alone

See also: nazhikewabi vai

nazhikewaakwadabi vai s/he sits alone

Movement going along, by, or past is shown in many verbs with the root /bim-/ 'going along, by, past' as the initial element or with the related preverb bimi- 'going along, by, past'. Motion verbs using this element are often the most general equivalents of English motion verbs.
bimi- pv dir along; going along; going by; going past; on the way

blown along
bimaashi vai s/he is blown along (by the wind); sails, soars along

Paired with: bimaasin vii

bimaasin vii it is blown along (by the wind); sails, soars along

Paired with: bimaashi vai

carry along
bimiwidoon vti2 carry, take it along

Paired with: bimiwizh vta

bimiwizh vta carry, take h/ along

Paired with: bimiwidoon vti2

carry a baby along on back
bimoomaawaso vai s/he carries a baby along on h/ back

carry a pack along
bimiwane vai s/he carries a pack along

See also: bimiwanen vai + o

carry along on back
bimoom vta carry h/ along on one's back

Paired with: bimoondan vti

bimoondan vti carry it along on one's back

Paired with: bimoom vta

carry along on shoulder
biminige vai s/he carries something along on the shoulder

biminigaadan vti carry it along on the shoulder

Paired with: biminigaazh vta

biminigaazh vta carry h/ along on the shoulder

Paired with: biminigaadan vti

climb along
bimaandawe vai s/he climbs along

clouds go along
bimaanakwad vii clouds go along

crawl along
bimoode vai s/he crawls along

dance along
bimishimo vai s/he dances along

drag along
bimidaabaadan vti drag, pull it along

Paired with: bimidaabaazh vta

bimidaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ along

Paired with: bimidaabaadan vti

bimidaabii vai s/he drags, pulls a load along

drift along on the current
bimaaboode vii it drifts along on the current

Paired with: bimaaboozo vai

bimaaboozo vai s/he or it (animate) drifts along on the current

Paired with: bimaaboode vii

drive along
bimibide vii it speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibizo vai

bimibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibide vii

bimibizo' vta [BL] drive h/ along, take h/ for a ride

bimidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives along

drive along in a wagon or sleigh
bimidaabiiba'igo vai s/he drives along quickly in a wagon or sleigh

flow along
bimijiwan vii it flows along

fly along
bimibide vii it speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibizo vai

follow a trail along
bima'adoo vai s/he follows a trail along

bima'adoon vti2 follow it along as a trail

Paired with: bima'azh vta

bima'azh vta track h/ along, follow h/ trail along

Paired with: bima'adoon vti2

go along
bimi-ayaa vai s/he goes, travels along

go along by boat
bimishkaa vai s/he paddles along, goes along by boat

go along crying
bimademo vai s/he goes along crying

go along hungry
bimanaandam vai2 s/he goes along hungry

go along laughing
bimaapi vai s/he goes by laughing

go along on the ice
bimaadagaako vai s/he goes along on the ice

go along the edge
bimaazhagaame vai s/he goes along on the shore or edge of something

jiigewe vai s/he goes along on the shore or edge

go along with a light
bimaazakonenjige vai s/he goes along with a light

go along singing
bima'amaazo vai s/he goes along singing

go along the shore
bimaazhagaame vai s/he goes along on the shore or edge of something

jiigewe vai s/he goes along on the shore or edge

going along
bimi- pv dir along; going along; going by; going past; on the way

lead along (string-like)
bimaabiigamon vii it leads along (as something string-like)

leave tracks going along
bimikawe vai s/he leaves tracks going along

lie along (stick-like)
bimaakoshin vai s/he lies along (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: bimaakosin vii

bimaakosin vii it lies along (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: bimaakoshin vai

put along (stick-like)
bimaakoshim vta put h/ along (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: bimaakosidoon vti2

bimaakosidoon vti2 put it along (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: bimaakoshim vta

paddle along
bimishkaa vai s/he paddles along, goes along by boat

bimakwazhiwe vai
  1. s/he paddles along, goes along by boat
  2. s/he swims along (as a fish)

pole a boat along
bima'oodoo vai s/he poles a boat along

bima'ookii vai s/he poles a boat along

bimakii'o vai [BL] s/he poles a boat along

See also: bimakii'ige vai [S]

bimakii'ige vai [S] s/he poles a boat along

See also: bimakii'o vai [BL]

pole in a boat
bima'oodoon vti2 pole it along in a boat; take it along in a boat

Paired with: bima'oozh vta

bima'oozh vta pole h/ along in a boat; take h/ along in a boat

Paired with: bima'oodoon vti2

rain goes along
bimibiisaa vii rain goes along, a rain squall passes by

See also: bimibiisaan vii [BL]

bimibiisaan vii [BL] rain goes along, a rain squall passes by

See also: bimibiisaa vii

ride along drawn by horses
bimiba'igo vai s/he rides along, drives along (drawn by horse or dog)

ride along on horseback
bimoomigo vai s/he rides along on horseback

run along
bimibatoo vai
  1. s/he runs, runs along
  2. s/he runs as a candidate

bimiba'idiwag vai they run along together

bimibatwaadan vti run along with it

bimibatwaazh vta run along with h/

bimiba' vta run along with h/

bimiba'iwe vai s/he runs along in flight from someone

bimaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs along on the ice

bimaazhagaamebatoo vai s/he runs along on the shore

bimaadagaaziibatoo vai s/he runs along wading in the water

bimwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running along

road or trail leads along
bimamon vii it (road or trail) leads along

sail along
bimaashi vai s/he is blown along (by the wind); sails, soars along

Paired with: bimaasin vii

bimaasin vii it is blown along (by the wind); sails, soars along

Paired with: bimaashi vai

skate along
bimaada'e vai s/he skates along

speed along
bimibide vii it speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibizo vai

bimibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibide vii

snow goes along
bimipon vii snow goes along

string along
bimaabiigin vta string h/ along

Paired with: bimaabiiginan vti

bimaabiiginan vti string it along

Paired with: bimaabiigin vta

swim along
bimaadagaa vai s/he swims along

See also: bimaadage vai [BL]

bimaadage vai [BL] s/he swims along

See also: bimaadagaa vai

take along
maajiidoon vti2 carry, take it away

Paired with: maajiizh vta

maajiizh vta take h/ away, take h/ along

Paired with: maajiidoon vti2

maajiidaw vta take (it) away for, take (it) along for h/

See also: maajiidamaw vta

maajiizhiwe vai s/he takes people away, takes people along

maajiijigaade vii it is taken away (by someone), "they" take it away, it is taken along (by someone), "they" take it along

maajiijigaazo vai s/he is taken away (by someone), "they" take h/ away' s/he is taken along (by someone), "they" take it along

take along for a ride
bimibizoni' vta drive h/ along, take h/ for a ride; operate h/

Paired with: bimibizonitoon vti2

take along in a boat
bima'oodoon vti2 pole it along in a boat; take it along in a boat

Paired with: bima'oozh vta

bima'oozh vta pole h/ along in a boat; take h/ along in a boat

Paired with: bima'oodoon vti2

travel along
bimi-ayaa vai s/he goes, travels along

bimi-ayaa vii it goes along, by, past

Paired with: bimi-ayaa vai

bimaawadaaso vai [plural] they travel along in a group ; s/he hauls a load along, hauls freight along

wade along
bimaadagaazii vai s/he wades along

walk along on the ice
bimaadagaako vai s/he goes along on the ice

zhishwajayi'ii adv loc alongside it

alongside the house
zhishwajigamig adv loc alongside the house

alongside the road
zhishwajikana adv loc alongside the road

letter of the alphabet
ozhibii'igan ni something written: a piece of writing (a paper, essay, report, etc.); something used for writing; mail

azhigwa adv tmp already; at this time; now; then

See also: zhigwa adv tmp

zhigwa adv tmp already; at this time; now; then

See also: azhigwa adv tmp

aazha adv tmp [BL] already; now

baabige adv tmp already; so soon; so suddenly; in such a short time

gaye adv conj as for, also, too, and

ge adv conj also; as for, also, too, and; too

miinawaa adv conj also; and; again

memeshkwad adv man in turns, alternately

See also: memeshkod adv man

aanawi adv man although; anyhow; but; despite

aluminum canoe
aluminum canoe
biiwaabiko-jiimaan ni an aluminum canoe

apane adv tmp all the time; always; continually

moozhag adv tmp always, often, all the time

maamakaadendam vai2 s/he is amazed, is astonished

maamakaadendan vti be amazed at, be astonished at, wonder at it

Paired with: maamakaadenim vta

maamakaadenim vta be amazed at, be astonished at, wonder at h/

Paired with: maamakaadendan vti

maamakaazitaw vta be amazed at what h/ says

maamakaadakamig pc disc amazing! astonishing!

maamakaaj adv man strange, amazing, astonishing

maamakaadendaagozi vai s/he is amazing, is astonishing, is a wonder

Paired with: maamakaadendaagwad vii

maamakaadendaagwad vii it is amazing, is astonishing, is a wonder

Paired with: maamakaadendaagozi vai

do amazing things
maamakaajichige vai s/he does amazing things

gwaashkwezi vai s/he is eager, is energetic, is ambitious

aakoziiwidaabaan na an ambulance

See also: aakoziiwidaabaan ni [RL]

aakoziiwidaabaan ni [RL] an ambulance

See also: aakoziiwidaabaan na

gichi-mookomaan na
  1. a white person
  2. an American

See also: gichimookomaan na

use up ammunition
jaaga'e vai s/he uses up all of the ammunition

jaagizige vai s/he uses up all of the ammunition

megwe- pv lex among; in the midst of

in among
megwe-aya'ii adv loc in among it

minik adv qnt a certain amount, a certain number, so much, so many

some amount
gomaa adv deg some amount; to a middling degree

aanikoobijigan na
  1. an ancestor
  2. a great-grandparent
  3. a great-grandchild

boonakajigan ni an anchor

boonakadoon vti2 anchor it

miinawaa adv conj also; and; again

gaye adv conj as for, also, too, and

dash adv conj but; and, and then, then

See also: idash adv conj

Verbs describing going somewhere in anger or doing something in anger often use the AI final /-gidaazo/ combined with an initial identifying the direction of manner or the action.
come in anger
biijigidaazo vai s/he comes here angry, comes here mad

come from a certain place in anger
onjigidaazo vai s/he gets angry for certain reason, gets mad for a certain reason; s/he comes from a certain place angry, comes from a certain place mad

go about in anger
babaamigidaazo vai s/he goes about angry, goes about mad

go along in anger
bimigidaazo vai s/he goes along angry, goes along mad

go away in anger
animigidaazo vai s/he goes away angry, goes away mad

nishki' vta anger h/, make h/ angry or mad

nishki'iwe vai s/he angers people, makes people angry or mad

nishki'idiwag vai they anger each other, make each other angry or mad

anger by speech
nishkim vta anger h/ by speech, speak and make h/ mad

nishkindiwag vai they make each other angry, make each other mad by speech

wewebanaabiiwinini na fisherman; angler