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zhaawani- pv lex south

in the south
zhaawanong adv loc in, to, from the south

south wind
zhaawani-noodin na south wind

See also: zhaawani-noodin vii

zhaawani-noodin vii there is a south wind

See also: zhaawani-noodin na

to the south
zhaawanong adv loc in, to, from the south

dawaa vii there is a space, a gap, room

spade suite card
biig na a spade suite card

bapasidiye' vta spank h/

manaaji' vta spare, respect, go easy on h/

Paired with: manaajitoon vti2

manaajitoon vti2 spare, respect, go easy on it

Paired with: manaaji' vta

aamiwag vai they spawn

giigido vai s/he speaks; s/he phones

gaagiigido vai s/he talks, speaks (for some time); gives a speech

ganoozh vta address h/, speak to h/, call h/ (on the phone)

Paired with: ganoodan vti

ganoodan vti address it, speak to it

Paired with: ganoozh vta

ganoonidiwag vai they speak to, address, call each other

come speaking
biidwewidam vai2 s/he comes calling, comes sounding; s/he comes speaking

go away speaking
animwewidam vai2 s/he goes away making (vocal) sounds

have difficulty speaking
maazhigiizhwe vai s/he has abnormal speech; s/he has difficulty speaking

heard speaking at a distance
debwewidam vai2 s/he is heard speaking or making vocal sounds at a distance

heard speaking going to a certain place
inwewidam vai s/he is heard speaking going to a certain place

heard speaking in a certain place
danwewidam vai2 s/he is heard calling, sounding in or from a certain place

make a mistake speaking
wanigiizhwe vai s/he makes a mistake speaking, mispronounces something

speak a certain language
inwe vai s/he makes a characteristic call (of an animal or bird); s/he speaks a certain language

speak a Scandinavian language
agongosimo vai s/he speaks a Scandinavian language

speak a strange language
mayagwe vai s/he speaks a strange way, speaks a foreign language

speak Indian language
anishinaabemo vai s/he speaks Ojibwe, speaks an Indian language

anishinaabemotaw vta [ML] speak Ojibwe to h/; speak an Indian language to h/

anishinaabe-gaagiigido vai s/he speaks in an Indian language (especially in Ojibwe)

speak at a funeral
maajaa'iwe vai s/he conducts funerals for people

speak correctly
gwayakowe vai s/he speaks correctly, speaks the truth

speak Cree
omashkiigoomo vai s/he speaks Cree

speak Dakota
bwaanimo vai s/he speaks Dakota

bwaanimotaw vta speak Dakota to h/

speak embarassing people
agazonge vai s/he speaks embarassing people

agazondiwag vai they speak and embarrass each other

speak English
gichi-mookomaanimo vai s/he speaks English

zhaaganaashiimo vai s/he speaks English

zhaaganaashiimotaw vta speak English to h/

zhaaganaashiimonodaw vta speak English to h/

speak French
wemitigoozhiimo vai s/he speaks French

speak in a certain place
danwewetoo vai s/he speaks publicly, talks or makes noise in a certain place

speak in a certain way
izhi vta say to h/, speak so to h/

Paired with: idan vti

idiwag vai they say to each other; they speak to each other in a certain way

idan vti say so to it; speak to it or of it in a certain way

Paired with: izhi vta

speak loud
gizhiiwe vai s/he speaks or sings loud, speaks or sings with a strong clear voice

speak nastily
wiinigiizhwe vai s/he speaks nastily

speak Odawa
odaawaamo vai s/he speaks Odawa (Ottawa)

speak Ojibwe
anishinaabemo vai s/he speaks Ojibwe, speaks an Indian language

anishinaabemotaw vta [ML] speak Ojibwe to h/; speak an Indian language to h/

anishinaabemonodaw vta [N] speak Ojibwe to h/; speak an Indian language to h/

See also: anishinaabemotaw vta [ML]

anishinaabemonodaadiwag vai [N] they speak Ojibwe to each other

ojibwemonodaadiwag vai [RL] they speak Ojibwe to each other

ojibwemo vai s/he speaks Ojibwe

ojibwemotaw vta speak Ojibwe to h/

ojibwemotaadiwag vai they speak Ojibwe to each other

ojibwemonodaw vta [RL] speak Ojibwe to h/

speak quickly
dadaatabowe vai s/he speaks or sings quickly

speak so
ikido vai s/he says, speaks so

izhi vta say to h/, speak so to h/

Paired with: idan vti

speak well
minowe vai s/he has a good voice, speaks well

aanikanootaagewinini na a speaker (for others), a translator, an interpreter (male)

speaker of a strange language
mayagwewinini na a foreigner, a speaker of a foreign language

speaker at a funeral
maajaa'iwewinini na a speaker at a funeral

zhimaagan ni a spear, a lance

ozhimaagani vai s/he has a lance, spear

carry spear
gigizhimaagane vai s/he carries a lance, spear

fish spear
anit ni a fish spear

bazhiba'igan ni something to stab or spear with: a fishing harpoon, a fishing spear with a long attached line

bazhiba' vta stab, prick h/; spear h/ (a fish)

Paired with: bazhiba'an vti

bazhiba'wi vta [BL]

bazhiba' vta

bazhiba'ige vai s/he stabs, spears things

bazhiba'igan ni something to stab or spear with: a fishing harpoon, a fishing spear with a long attached line

fish house for spearing
akwa'wewigamig ni [ML] a fish house for spearing

spear fish through ice
akwa'waa vai [ML] s/he fishes through the ice with spear

ganawaabange vai s/he watches people, is a spectator

waabange vai s/he observes people, is a spectator, is a witness

gaagiigidowin ni song lyrics; a speech; talking; a language

giigidowin ni
  1. a speech
  2. a telephone

disturb by speech
niiskaazom vta disturb h/ with speech

wanishkwem vta disturb, distract, interrupt h/ (by speech)

wanashkwetaagozi vai s/he disturbs (by speech): butts in, gives conflicting advice, etc.

embarrass by speech
agazom vta embarrass h/ by speech

agazondiwag vai they speak and embarrass each other

agazondizo vai s/he embarasses h/ self in speech

have abnormal speech
maazhigiizhwe vai s/he has abnormal speech; s/he has difficulty speaking

hurry by speech
ojaanimim vta hurry h/ (by speech); give h/ a hard time, get after h/ (by speech)

interrupt by speech
wanishkwem vta disturb, distract, interrupt h/ (by speech)

scare by speech
gotaazom vta scare h/ by speaking; tell h/ something to scare h/

zegindiwag vai they scare, frighten, intimidate, alarm each other (verbally)

drive at a certain speed
apiichibide vii it speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichibizo vai

apiichibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichibide vii

fly at a certain speed
apiichibide vii it speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichibizo vai

apiichibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichibide vii

go a certain speed
grow at a certain speed
apiichigi vai s/he grows up a certain extent, grows at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichigin vii

apiichigin vii it grows such certain extent, grows at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichigi vai

run at a certain speed
apiichibatoo vai s/he runs at a certain speed

certain speed wind
apiitaanimad vii it (wind) has a certain speed, has a certain strength

arrive speeding
bagamibide vii it arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibizo vai

bagamibizo vai s/he arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibide vii

heard speeding along
bimwewebide vii it is heard speeding, driving along

Paired with: bimwewebizo vai

bimwewebizo vai s/he is heard speeding, driving along

Paired with: bimwewebide vii

heard speeding here
biidwewebide vii it is heard speeding. driving, flying here

Paired with: biidwewebizo vai

biidwewebizo vai s/he is heard speeding, driving, flying here

Paired with: biidwewebide vii

speed about
babaamibide vii it speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibizo vai

babaamibizo vai s/he speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibide vii

speed along
bimibide vii it speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibizo vai

bimibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibide vii

speed along the shore
jiigewebizo vai s/he drives, speeds along the shore or edge

Paired with: jiigewebide vii

speed away
animibide vii it speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibizo vai

animibizo vai s/he speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibide vii

speed away making noise
animwewebide vii it speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebizo vai

animwewebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebide vii

speed fast
gizhiibide vii it moves, runs, operates, speeds, drives, flies fast

Paired with: gizhiibizo vai

gizhiibizo vai s/he moves, runs, operates, speeds, drives, flies fast

Paired with: gizhiibide vii

speed from a certain place
onjibide vii it drives, speeds, falls from a certain place

Paired with: onjibizo vai

onjibizo vai s/he drives, speeds, falls from a certain place

Paired with: onjibide vii

speed here
biijibide vii it speeds, drives, flies here

Paired with: biijibizo vai

biijibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies here

Paired with: biijibide vii

speed in
biinjibide vii it drives, speeds, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibizo vai

biinjibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibide vii

speed inside
biindigebide vii it speeds, drives, flies inside

Paired with: biindigebizo vai

biindigebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies inside

Paired with: biindigebide vii

speed off
maajiibide vii it starts running, starts operating; it drives off, speeds off

Paired with: maajiibizo vai

maajiibizo vai s/he starts running, starts operating; s/he drives off, speeds off

Paired with: maajiibide vii

speed off to the side
bakebide vii it drives off to the side; it speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path

Paired with: bakebizo vai

bakebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path, off the road

Paired with: bakebide vii

speed suddenly into view
zaagewebide vii it drives, speeds suddenly into view

Paired with: zaagewebizo vai

zaagewebizo vai s/he or it (animate) drives, speeds suddenly into view

Paired with: zaagewebide vii

speed to a certain place
ipide vii it speeds, drives, flies to a certain place or in a certain way

Paired with: ipizo vai See also: apide vii

ipizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies to a certain place

Paired with: ipide vii See also: apizo vai

speed upwards
ombibide vii it flies, speeds upwards

Paired with: ombibizo vai

ombibizo vai s/he or it (animate) flies, speeds upwards

Paired with: ombibide vii

stop speeding
noogibide vii it stops driving, stops speeding

Paired with: noogibizo vai

noogibizo vai s/he stops driving, stops speeding, parks

Paired with: noogibide vii

speed sign
speed sign
apiichibizoowagwaakwa'igan ni a speed sign

for a spell
noomag adv tmp for a long time; for a spell; for a while

spend the fall
dagwaagishi vai s/he spends the fall somewhere

spend the spring
ziigwanishi vai s/he spends the spring somewhere

spend the summer
niibinishi vai s/he spends the summer somewhere

spend the winter
biboonishi vai s/he spends the winter somewhere

spend the whole night
gabedibikwe vai s/he spends the whole night

spend time in a certain place
dazhiike vai s/he takes time, spends time, stays in a certain place; s/he plays in a certain place

dazhitaa vai
  1. s/he takes time, spends time, stays in a certain place
  2. s/he works, plays (in a certain place)

[use up]
spend everything
jaagin vta use h/ up, deplete h/, spend all of h/

Paired with: jaaginan vti

jaaginige vai s/he spends everything; s/he takes everything; s/he uses things. depletes things, spends everything

jaaginigaazo vai h/ is spent (by someone), "they" spend h/; s/he is used up, depleted (by someone), "they" use h/ up, deplete h/

sphagnum moss
mashkiigwakamig ni peat moss, sphagnum moss

See also: mashkiigokamig ni

asabikeshiinh na a spider

[a large nail]
zaga'igan ni a nail, a spike

negwaakwaan ni a tap, a spile, a spigot (for getting sap from a tree)

See also: mitigo-negwaakwaan ni

ziiginan vti pour, spill it out

ziiginige vai s/he pours, spills things

ziigwebinan vti spill it, pour it out, dump it out

ziigwebin vta spill h/, pour h/ out, dump h/ out

Paired with: ziigwebinan vti

ziigwebinige vai s/he spills things, pours things out, dumps things out

ziigwebinigaade vii it is spilled, poured out, dumped out (by someone), "they" spill it, pour it out, dump it out

ziigwebinigaazo vai it (animate) is spilled, poured out, dumped out, "they" spill it, pour it out, dump it out

spill out
ziigise vii it pours out, spills out

ziigibiise vii it overflows; it (a container) spills, spills out

Paired with: ziigibiise vai

gizhibaabide vii it speeds or drives around in a circle: spins, whirls, revolves

Paired with: gizhibaabizo vai

gizhibaabizo vai s/he or it (animate) speeds or drives around in a circle: spins, whirls, revolves

Paired with: gizhibaabide vii

gizhibaabise vii it spins, whirls, revolves (by itself)

Paired with: gizhibaabise vai

gizhibaabise vai s/he spins, whirls, revolves (by itself)

Paired with: gizhibaabise vii

gizhibaawebin vta spin, whirl, crank h/ forcefully

Paired with: gizhibaawebinan vti

gizhibaawebinan vti spin, whirl, crank it forcefully

Paired with: gizhibaawebin vta

gizhibaawebinigaade vii it is spun, whirled, cranked (by someone)

gizhibaawebinige vai s/he spins, whirls, cranks something

manidoo na a manitou, a spirit, god

manidoowi vai s/he is or becomes a manitou, a spirit, god; s/he acquires spirit power

aadizookaan na
  1. a sacred story (a legend, a myth)
  2. a spirit

See also: aadisookaan na

aadisookaan na a spirit

See also: aadizookaan na

jiibay na a spirit; a ghost

great spirit
gichi-manidoo na great spirit, god, the creator

spirit within (soul)
ninjichaag nad my soul (the spirit within)

gijichaag nad your soul (the spirit within)

ojichaagwan nad h/ soul (the spirit within)

spirit dish
spirit dish
wiikondiwin ni a feast; a spirit dish: an offering of food at the start of a meal

spiritual nature
manidoowaadizi vai s/he has a spiritual nature

Paired with: manidoowaadad vii

spiritual power
manidookaazo vai s/he takes on spiritual power by h/ own authority

manidooke vai s/he has spiritual power, conducts a ceremony

spiritual song
manidoo-nagamon ni a spiritual song

ziko vai s/he spits

zikwaadan vti spit it out of mouth; spit on it

Paired with: zikwaazh vta

zikwaazh vta spit on h/

Paired with: zikwaadan vti

zikwaajige vai s/he spits on things

zikowin ni spit, saliva

[stick used to cook something over a fire]
abwaanaak ni a spit, a stick for roasting something over a fire

zaswebiiga'andaw vta splash h/

heard splashing in water
gwaashkwebiigamitoo vai s/he is heard spashing

wade splashing
bagaskaadagaazii vai [BR] s/he wades splashing through the water

The initial in verbs for "splitting lengthwise" is /daashk-/.
daashkikaa vii it rips, tears

fall and split
daashkisin vii it falls and splits

Paired with: daashkishin vai

daashkishin vai s/he falls and splits

Paired with: daashkisin vii

ground splits
daashkakamigise vii it (the ground) splits open suddenly

metal splits
daashkaabikishkaa vii it (something rock or metal) splits

daashkaabikishkaa vai s/he (rock or metal) splits

Paired with: daashkaabikishkaa vii

rock splits
daashkaabikishkaa vai s/he (rock or metal) splits

Paired with: daashkaabikishkaa vii

daashkaabikishkaa vii it (something rock or metal) splits

daashkaabikise vai s/he (rock or metal) splits suddenly

Paired with: daashkaabikise vii

daashkaabikise vii it (rock or metal) splits suddenly

Paired with: daashkaabikise vii

split in the fire
daashkaakide vii it splits in the fire

Paired with: daashkaakizo vai

daashkaakizo vai s/he splits in the fire

Paired with: daashkaakide vii

wood splits
daashkigishkaa vii

Paired with: daashkigishkaa vii

daashkigishkaa vai s/he (something of wood) splits

Paired with: daashkigishkaa vii

The initial in verbs for "splitting lengthwise" is /daashk-/.
split by chopping
daashkiga' vta split h/ (by chopping)

Paired with: daashkiga'an vti

daashkiga'an vti split it (by chopping)

Paired with: daashkiga' vta

daashkiga'ige vai s/he splits wood

daashkiga'igaade vii it is split (by someone chopping it), "they" split it (by chopping)

daashkiga'igaazo vai s/he is split (by someone chopping h/), "they" split h/ (by chopping)

split by cutting
daashkizh vta cut h/ apart lengthwise

Paired with: daashkizhan vti

daashkizhan vti cut it apart lengthwise

Paired with: daashkizh vta

split firewood
daashkiga'ise vai s/he splits firewood

split in the fire
daashkaakizan vti split it in fire

Paired with: daashkaakiz vta

daashkaakiz vta split h/ in fire

Paired with: daashkaakizan vti

split lengthwise with hands
daashkibidoon vti2 split it lengthwise (with hands), tear it apart

Paired with: daashkibizh vta

daashkibizh vta split h/ lengthwise (with hands), tear h/ apart

Paired with: daashkibidoon vti2

split nail
daashkiganzhiishin vai s/he splits h/ nails on something

split wood
daashkiga'ige vai s/he splits wood

The initial in verbs for "splitting lengthwise" is /daashk-/.
daashkaa vii it is split, is broken apart lengthwise

split ground
daashkakamigaa vii it (ground) is split

split nail
daashkaganzhii vai s/he has a split nail or split nails

split rock
daashkaabikaa vii it (rock) is split

splitting maul
splitting maul
daashkiga'igewi-waagaakwad ni a splitting maul

banaaji' vta spoil, ruin, damage h/

Paired with: banaajitoon vti2

banaajitoon vti2 spoil, ruin, destroy it

Paired with: banaaji' vta

nishwanaaji' vta waste, spoil, destroy h/

Paired with: nishiwanaajitoon vti2 [RL] See also: nishwanaajitoon vti2

nishwanaajitoon vti2 waste, spoil, destroy it

Paired with: nishwanaaji' vta

nishwanaajichige vai s/he wastes spoils, destroys things

See also: nishiwanaajichige vai [RL]

banaajisin vii it spoils

Paired with: banaajishin vai See also: wanaajisin vii [BL]

banaajishin vai s/he spoils

Paired with: banaajisin vii See also: wanaajishin [BL]

banaadad vii it is spoiled, is ruined, is destroyed

Paired with: banaadizi vai See also: wanaadad vii [BL]

banaadizi vai
  1. it (animate) is spoiled, is ruined
  2. s/he dies, is dead

Paired with: banaadad vii See also: wanaadizi vai [BL]

wanaadad vii [BL] it is spoiled, is ruined, is destroyed

Paired with: wanaadizi vai [BL]

biinizikaa adv man for no reason; spontaneously; suddenly

asabaabiiwaatig ni a spool (for thread)

emikwaan ni a ladle; a spoon

emikwaanens ni teaspoon

emikwaanens ni teaspoon

wooden spoon
mitigwemikwaan ni a wooden spoon, a wooden ladle

See also: mitigo-emikwaan ni

mitigo-emikwaan ni a wooden spoon, a wooden ladle

See also: mitigwemikwaan ni

spoon feed
spoon feed
zhakamodaw vta spoon feed h/

spoon feed a liquid
ziigana' vta spoon feed h/ a liquid

ingodwemikwaanens qnt num one spoon

See also: ningodwemikwaanens qnt num

ningodwemikwaanens qnt num one spoon

See also: ingodwemikwaanens qnt num

niizhwemikwaanens qnt num two spoonfuls

niswemikwaanens qnt num three spoonfuls

niiwemikwaanens qnt num four spoonfuls

naanwemikwaanens qnt num five spoonfuls

ingodwaaswemikwaanens qnt num six spoons

See also: ningodwaaswemikwaanens qnt num

ningodwaaswemikwaanens qnt num six spoons

See also: ingodwaaswemikwaanens qnt num

niizhwaaswemikwaanens qnt num seven spoonfuls

ishwaaswemikwaanens qnt num eight spoonfuls

See also: nishwaaswemikwaanens qnt num

nishwaaswemikwaanens qnt num eight spoons

zhaangaswemikwaanens qnt num nine spoonfuls

midaaswemikwaanens qnt num ten spoonfuls

daswemikwaanens qnt num a certain number of spoonfuls

white spots on fingernails
mindaweganzhii vai s/he has white spots on fingernails

draw spots
gidagibii'an vti draw dots or spots on it

gidagibii'ige vai s/he draws dots or spots

spots on face
gidagiingwe vai s/he has spots on h/ face, has freckles on h/ face

gidagaa vii it is spotted, is multi-colored

Paired with: gidagizi vai

gidagizi vai s/he is spotted, is multi-colored

spotted (sheet-like)
gidagiigad vii it (sheet-like) is spotted, is multi-colored

Paired with: gidagiigizi vai

gidagiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is spotted, is multi-colored

Paired with: gidagiigad vii

spotted bark
gidaganagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has spotted bark

spotted bird tail
gidaganashkidii vai s/he (a bird) has a spotted tail

spotted chest
gidagaakigane vai s/he has a spotted chest

spotted feathers
gidagigwane vai s/he (a bird) has spotted feathers

spotted (mineral)
gidagaabikad vii it (mineral) is spotted, is multi-colored

Paired with: gidagaabikizi vai

gidagaabikizi vai s/he (mineral) is spotted, is multi-colored

Paired with: gidagaabikad vii

wiidigemaagan na a spouse, a husband, a wife, a partner (cohabitant), a companion (cohabitant)

sprain arm
zeginikeshin vai s/he sprains h/ arm

sprain foot
zegizideshin vai s/he sprains h/ foot

sprain leg
zegigaadeshin vai s/he sprains h/ leg

spray on from mouth
ziswam vta spray water on h/ from the mouth

Paired with: ziswandan vti

ziswandan vti spray water on it from the mouth

Paired with: ziswam vta

ziswanjige vai s/he sprays water (on something) from the mouth

spread the news about
babaamaajimo vai s/he spreads the news about

spread out flat
dazhobidoon vti2 spread it out flat (with hands)

Paired with: dazhobizh vta

dazhobizh vta spread h/ out flat (with hands)

Paired with: dazhobidoon vti2

dazhweginan vti spread it out flat

Paired with: dazhwegin vta

spread using something
zhizhoo' vta spread h/ on (using something)

Paired with: zhizhoo'an vti

zhizhoo'an vti spread it on (using something)

Paired with: zhizhoo' vta

zhizhoo'ige vai s/he spreads things on (using something)

zhagashka'an vti spread, smear it on (using something)

zhagashka' vta spread h/ on (using something)

zhagashka'wi vta

zhagashka' vta

spread out
lay spread out
zhingadeshim vta lay h/ spread out

Paired with: zhingadesidoon vti2

zhingadesidoon vti2 lay it spread out

Paired with: zhingadeshim vta

zhingishim vta lay h/ spread out

lie spread out
zhingadeshin vai s/he lies spread out

Paired with: zhingadesin vii

zhingadesin vii it lies spread out

Paired with: zhingadeshin vai

spread out
spread out
zhingaden vta spread h/ out

Paired with: zhingadenan vti

zhingadenan vti spread it out (forcefully by hand)

Paired with: zhingaden vta

spread wings
dazhwaangeni vai it (animate) spreads out its wings

ziigwan vii it is spring

all spring
gabe-ziigwan adv tmp all spring

every spring
endaso-ziigwan adv tmp every spring

last spring
ziigwanong adv tmp last spring

spend the spring
ziigwanishi vai s/he spends the spring somewhere

spring before last
awasi-ziigwanong adv tmp spring before last

See also: awas-ziigwanong adv tmp [ML]

mookijiwanibiig ni a spring (water)

springy ground
dootooban vii it is springy ground

sprinkling rain
awanibiisaa vii it is misty, is drizzling, is sprinkling (rain)

See also: awanibiisaan vii [BL]

zaagigi vai it (animate; a plant) sprouts, comes up, grows out (of the ground)

Paired with: zaagigin vii

zaagigin vii it (a plant) sprouts, comes up, grows out (of the ground)

Paired with: zaagigi vai

zaagakii vai it (animate; a plant) sprouts, comes up, grows out (of the ground)

Paired with: zaagakii vii

zaagakii vii it (a plant) sprouts, comes up, grows out (of the ground)

Paired with: zaagakii vai

black spruce
zesegaandag na a black spruce

Picea mariana

white spruce
gaawaandag na a white spruce

Picea glauca

See also: mina'ig na [BL]

mina'ig na [BL] a white spruce

Picea glauca

spruce grouse
spruce grouse
mashkodese na a spruce grouse

Dendragapus canadensis

spruce root
spruce root
wadab na a spruce root

spruce root basket
spruce root basket
wadabii-makak ni a spruce root basket

giimaabam vta look in at or into, peek in at h/; spy on h/

Paired with: giimaabandan vti

giimaabi vai s/he spies, peeks, peeps

gakakaa vii it is square

Paired with: gakakizi vai

gakaki- pv lex square

gakakizi vai s/he is square

Paired with: gakakaa vii

square (mineral)
gakakaabikad vii it is square (as something mineral)

Paired with: gakakaabikizi vai

gakakaabikizi vai s/he is square (as something mineral)

Paired with: gakakaabikad vii

square (sheet-like)
gakakiigad vii it (sheet-like) is square

Paired with: gakakiigizi vai

gakakiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is square

Paired with: gakakiigad vii

square (stick-like)
gakakaakozi vai s/he is square (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: gakakaakwad vii

gakakaakwad vii it is square (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: gakakaakozi vai

cut square
gakakizhan vti cut it square

Paired with: gakakizh vta [MN] ; gakakizhwi vta [NI] See also: gakakizh vta [MN] ; gakakizhwi vta [NI]

gakakizh vta [MN] cut it (animate) square

Paired with: gakakizhan vti See also: gakakizhwi vta [NI]

gakakizhwi vta [NI] cut it (animate) square

Paired with: gakakizhan vti See also: gakakizh vta [MN]

gakakizhige vii s/he cuts things square

cut square (sheet-like)
gakakiigizhan vti cut it (sheet-like) square

Paired with: gakakiigizhwi vta [NI]

gakakiigizhwi vta [NI] cut it (animate; sheet-like) square

Paired with: gakakiigizhan vti

gakakiigizhige vai s/he cuts sheet-like things square

gakakiigizhigaade vii it (sheet-like) is cut square (by someone), "they" cut it (sheet-like) square

gakakiigizhigaazo vai it (animate; sheet-like) is cut square( by someone), "they" cut it (animate; sheet-like) square

square pattern
gakakishin vai s/he has a square pattern

Paired with: gakakisin vii

gakakisin vii it has a square pattern

Paired with: gakakishin vai

make square
gakaki' vta make it (animate) square

Paired with: gakakitoon vti2

gakakitoon vti2 make it square

Paired with: gakaki' vta

agosimaan ni [BL] a cucurbit (a plant of the gourd family or its fruit): cucumber, gourd, melon, pumpkin, squash, watermelon

See also: gichi-agosimaan na

okanakosimaan ni a squash

okosimaan ni a squash; a pumpkin

Squaw Lake, Minnesota
Squaw Lake
Gaa-waawiyegamaag name place Squaw Lake, Minnesota

giziibaakwad vii it (stick-like) squeaks

giziibwewe vai s/he squeaks, creaks

Paired with: giziibwewe vii

giziibwewe vii it squeaks, creaks

Paired with: giziibwewe vai

giziibweweshkaa vai s/he squeaks in motion, creaks in motion

Paired with: giziibweweshkaa vii

giziibweweshkaa vii it squeaks in motion, creaks in motion

See also: giziibweweshkaa vai

squeak breathing
giziibwewenaamo vai s/he squeaks when breathing, wheezes

maagobidoon vti2 press, squeeze, or wring it to get liquid out

Paired with: maagobizh vta

maagobizh vta press, squeeze, or wring it (animate) to get liquid out

Paired with: maagobidoon vti2

squeeze out
ziinibidoon vti2 press, squeeze, or wring it to get liquid out

Paired with: ziinibizh vta

ziinibizh vta press, squeeze, or wring it (animate) to get liquid out

Paired with: ziinibidoon vti2

sit squeezed in tight
ziindabi vai s/he sits crowded in, squeezed in tight

stand squeezed in tight
ziinjigaabawi vai s/he is in a tight spot; s/he stands crowded in, squeezed in tight

sit squirming
mimigwabi vai s/he squirms sitting

ajidamoo na a red squirrel

American red squirrel
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus

flying squirrel
zhagashkaandawe na a flying squirrel

northern flying squirrel
Glaucomys sabrinus

grey squirrel
misajidamoo na a grey squirrel; a fox squirrel

fox squirrel, grey squirrel
Sciurus spp.

red squirrel
ajidamoo na a red squirrel

American red squirrel
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus

squirrel hide
red squirrel hide
ajidamoowayaan na a squirrel hide

squirrel snare
squirrel snare
ajidamoo-nagwaagan ni a squirrel snare

squirt gun
squirt gun
nibiiwi-baashkiziganens ni [BL] a squirt gun

See also: nibiiwi-baashkizigaans ni [S]

nibiiwi-baashkizigaans ni [S] a squirt gun

See also: nibiiwi-baashkiziganens ni [BL]

St. Paul
St. Paul
Ashkibagi-ziibiing name place St. Paul, Minnesota

bazhiba' vta stab, prick h/; spear h/ (a fish)

Paired with: bazhiba'an vti

bazhiba'an vti stab, prick it

Paired with: bazhiba' vta

bazhiba'wi vta [BL]

bazhiba' vta

okoshim vta pile, stack h/

Paired with: okosidoon vti2

okosidoon vti2 pile, stack it

Paired with: okoshim vta

stack (stick-like)
okwaakoshim vta stack h/ (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: okwaakosidoon vti2

okwaakosidoon vti2 stack it (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: okwaakoshim vta

stage fright
stage fright
wanaanimizi vai s/he is confused, is in shock, is scared witless

akwaandawaagan ni something to climb up on or in: a stairway, a ladder, an elevator

smell stale
agwaagomaagozi vai s/he smells moldy, smells stale

Paired with: agwaagomaagwad vii

agwaagomaagwad vii it smells moldy, smells stale

Paired with: agwaagomaagozi vai

mandaaminashk ni a cornstalk

See also: mandaaminashk na

mandaaminashk na a cornstalk

See also: mandaaminashk ni

wild rice stalk
manoominashk ni a wild rice stalk

manoominaganzh ni a wild rice stalk

manoominaatig ni a wild rice stalk

high stalk
ishpashkad vii it (plant, grass) has a high stalk, is high

long stalk
ginwashkad vii it (plant, grass) has a long stalk, is long, is tall

low stalk
short stalk
dakwashkad vii it (plant, grass) has a short stalk, is short

so high a stalk
apiitashkad vii it (plant, grass) has a stalk so high, is so high

naabesim na
  1. a male dog
  2. a male horse, a stallion

stamp in a mortar
bootaagaadan vti stamp it in a mortar

bootaage vai s/he stamps things in a mortar (e.g., wild rice)

postage stamp
oshtigwaanens ni a postage stamp

hunting stand
akandoowin ni a hunting stand or scaffold, a blind

See also: akandoowaagan ni ; mitigo-akandoowin ni

mitigo-akandoowin ni a hunting stand in a tree

akandoowaagan ni a hunting stand or scaffold, a blind

akandoo vai s/he lies in wait, ambushes, posts for game (using a hunting stand or blind) fold)

niibawi vai s/he stands

change places standing
aanjigaabawi vai s/he changes place while standing

five stand
naanoogaabawiwag vai five of them stand together

four stand
niiyoogaabawiwag vai four of them stand together

so many stand
dasoogaabawiwag vai a certain number of them stand together

stand at the end
ishkwegaabawi vai s/he stands at the end

stand back
azhegaabawi vai s/he stands back

stand crowded
ziinjigaabawi vai s/he is in a tight spot; s/he stands crowded in, squeezed in tight

stand facing a certain way
inaasamigaabawi vai s/he stands facing a certain way

stand in a certain place
dazhigaabawi vai s/he stands in a certain place

stand in a row
niibidegaabawiwag vai they stand in a row

niibidekidewan vii they stand, are planted side by side in a row

Paired with: niibidekizowag vai

niibidekizowag vai they stand, are planted side by side in a row

Paired with: niibidekidewan vii

niibidekidoon vti2 stand it up, plant it in a row

Paired with: niibidekizh vta

niibidekizh vta stand h/ up, plant h/ in a row

Paired with: niibidekidoon vti2

stand in front
niigaanigaabawi vai s/he stands in front

stand in place
ozhigaabawi vai s/he stands in place, stands ready

stand in place of
aanikeshkaw vta stand next to or in place of h/, follow in h/ steps, suceed h/

stand in the open
mizhishawigaabawi vai s/he stands out in the open

stand leaning against
aaswaakogaabawi vai s/he stands leaning against something (a wall, a tree)

aatwaakogaabawi vai s/he stands leaning against something (a wall, a tree)

stand out of the way
ikogaabawi vai s/he stands aside, stands out of the way

stand quietly
bizaanigaabawi vai s/he stands quietly, stands still

goshkwaawaajigaabawi vai s/he stands quietly, stands still

stand squeezed in tight
ziinjigaabawi vai s/he is in a tight spot; s/he stands crowded in, squeezed in tight

stand stiffly
jiibadaakogaabawi vai s/he stands stiffly

stand straight
gwayakogaabawi vai s/he stands straight, has good posture

stand up
bazigwii vai s/he stands up, gets up (to a standing position)

niibawi' vta make h/ stand up

Paired with: niibawitoon vti2

niibawitoon vti2 make it stand up

Paired with: niibawi' vta

stand up suddenly
bazigonjise vai [MN] s/he stands up suddenly, leaps to h/ feet

See also: bazigwinjise vai [NI]

stand upright
namadakide vii it stands upright

Paired with: namadakizo vai

namadakizo vai it (animate) is upright, stands upright

Paired with: namadakide vii

stand upright (as an animal)
namajigaabawi vai s/he stands upright (as an animal)

stand with
wiijigaabawitaw vta stand with h/

stand with the back out
animikogaabawi vai s/he stands facing away

stop and stand in place
noogigaabawi vai s/he stops and stands in place

three stand
nisoogaabawiwag vai three of them stand together

turn standing
gwekigaabawi vai s/he turns while standing

two stand
niizhoogaabawiwag vai two of them stand together

stand something upright
namadakidoon vti2 stand it upright

Paired with: namadakizh vta

namadakizh vta stand it (animate) upright

Paired with: namadakidoon vti2

stand up
stand up from a surface
badakide vii it sticks up, stands, stands up (from a surface), is planted in

badakizo vai it (animate) sticks up, stands up (from a surface), is planted in

Paired with: badakide vii

anang na a star

many stars
anangokaa vii there are (many) stars

maajii- pv lex begin; start; start off

maadakamigad vii it starts, begins (as an event)

Paired with: maadakamigizi vai

maadakamigizi vai s/he starts, begins (in some event)

Paired with: maadakamigad vii

maajise vii it begins, starts, moves off

Paired with: maajise vai

start doing something
maajitaa vai s/he starts doing something, sets to work

start cooking
maadizekwe vai s/he starts cooking

start driving
maajidaabii'iwe vai s/he starts driving, drives off, drives away

start eating
maadam vta start eating, start chewing h/

Paired with: maadandan vti

maadandan vti start eating, start chewing it

Paired with: maadam vta

maadanjige vai s/he starts eating, starts chewing

start smoking
maadanoozo vai s/he starts smoking (tobacco)

start to drip
maajigaa vii it starts to leak, drip; it starts to run with sap

Paired with: maajigaa vai

start to flee
maajiiba'iwe vai s/he runs away from someone in fear, flees

start to float off
maadaaboozo vai s/he drifts off on the current

Paired with: maadaaboode vii

start to flow
maajijiwan vii it starts to flow

start to get sick
mizizi vai s/he catches a disease; s/he starts to get sick

start growing
maajiigi vai s/he starts growing, grows up

Paired with: maajiigin vii

maajiigin vii it starts growing, grows up

Paired with: maajiigi vai

start to leak
maajigaa vii it starts to leak, drip; it starts to run with sap

Paired with: maajigaa vai

start to make
maaji' vta start making h/

Paired with: maajitoon vti2

maajitoon vti2 start making it

Paired with: maaji' vta

start to move
maajiishkaa vii it starts to move

Paired with: maajiishkaa vai

maajiishkaa vai s/he or it (animate) starts to move

Paired with: maajiishkaa vii

start raining
maajibiisaa vii it starts raining

See also: maajibiisaan vii [BL]

maajibiisaan vii [BL] it starts raining

See also: maajibiisaa vii

start to run
maajiibide vii it starts running, starts operating; it drives off, speeds off

Paired with: maajiibizo vai

maajiibizo vai s/he starts running, starts operating; s/he drives off, speeds off

Paired with: maajiibide vii

start to run off with
maajiiba' vta start running with, run off with h/

start to run with sap
maajigaa vii it starts to leak, drip; it starts to run with sap

Paired with: maajigaa vai

start singing
maajii'am vai2 s/he starts to sing

maada'amaazo vai s/he starts singing

start to snow
maajipon vii it starts to snow

start to tell
maadaajim vta start telling of h/

Paired with: maadaadodan vti

maadaajimo vai s/he starts to tell

maadaajimotaw vta start telling (it) to h/

maadaadodan vti start telling about it

Paired with: maadaajim vta

start working
maadanokii vai s/he starts working

maadanokaadan vti start working on it

Paired with: maadanokaazh vta

maadanokaazh vta start working on h/

Paired with: maadanokaadan vti

maajiikan vti start working on it

Paired with: maajiikaw vta

maajiikaw vta start working on h/

wind starts
maadaanimad vii the wind starts to blow; the wind picks up

start off
maajii- pv lex begin; start; start off

maadaawanidiwag vai they start off in a group

maajaa vai s/he leaves, goes off, departs

start off on a journey
maadaadizi vai s/he starts a journey

start off on the ice
maadaadagaako vai s/he starts off on the ice

maajiiyaadagaako vai s/he starts off on the ice

maajiishkaa' vta start h/ (e.g., a car, clock)

Paired with: maajiishkaatoon vti2

maajiishkaatoon vti2 start it

Paired with: maajiishkaa' vta

maadwewebizoni' vta start h/ (e.g., a car)

goshko' vta startle, surprise h/

startle verbally
goshkom vta startle, surprise h/ (verbally)

goshkokaa vai s/he is surprised, is startled

gawanaandam vai2 s/he starves

gas station
police station
dakoniwewigamig ni a police station

mazinichigan na a statue, a figurine, an effigy, a doll

high in status or office
ishpaginzo vai
  1. s/he is high-priced
  2. s/he is high in rank, status, or office

Paired with: ishpaginde vii

stay around a certain place
danaadizi vai s/he stays around a certain place

stay behind
ishkwii vai s/he stays behind, remains

stay in a certain place
dazhiike vai s/he takes time, spends time, stays in a certain place; s/he plays in a certain place

stay overnight
nibendaw vta stay overnight with h/

nibendaage vai s/he stays overnight with people

wiizingwaam vta sleep over at h/ place, stay overnight with h/

stay with
wiij'ayaaw vta be with h/; stay with h/

minjimin vta hold h/ in place, steady h/

Paired with: minjiminan vti

minjiminamaw vta hold (it) in place for h/, steady (it) for h

minjiminan vti hold it in place, steady it

Paired with: minjimin vta

minjimishkan vti hold it in place (with foot or body), steady it (with foot or body)

Paired with: minjimishkaw vta

minjimishkaw vta hold h/ in place (with foot or body), steady h/ (with foot or body)

Paired with: minjimishkan vti