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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

cut out lacing
waazhaabii vai s/he cuts out lacing

lacing cut from a hide
waazhaabaan ni cut-out lacing

baaga'adowewin ni the game of lacrosse, playing lacrosse

play lacrosse
baaga'adowe vai s/he plays lacrosse

lacrosse player
lacrosse player
baaga'adowewinini na a lacrosse player

lacrosse stick
lacrosse stick
baaga'adowaan ni a lacrosse stick

baaga'adowaanaatig ni a lacrosse stick

akwaandawaagan ni something to climb up on or in: a stairway, a ladder, an elevator

emikwaan ni a ladle; a spoon

gichi-emikwaan ni a ladle

mitigwemikwaan ni a wooden spoon, a wooden ladle

See also: mitigo-emikwaan ni

mitigo-emikwaan ni a wooden spoon, a wooden ladle

See also: mitigwemikwaan ni

soup ladle
naboobii-emikwaan ni a soup ladle

ikwe na
  1. a woman, a lady
  2. a queen (card)

zazegaa-ikwe na a fine woman, a lady; a woman who is well-dressed, good-looking, well-mannered

old lady
mindimooyenh na an old woman, an old lady

mindimooyenyiwi vai she is an old woman, is an old lady

waazh ni a den, a lair, a cave, a burrow

See also: waanzh ni

waanzh ni a den, a lair, a cave, a burrow

See also: waazh ni

zaaga'igan ni a lake

gichigami ni
  1. a sea, a large lake
  2. Lake Superior

across the lake
agaaming adv loc on the other side of a body of water (a lake, a river), across a body of water (a lake, a river)

agaami-zaaga'igan adv loc across the lake

at the lake
agamiing adv loc at the lake; at the water; on the shore

by the lake
jiigi-zaaga'igan adv loc by the lake

chain of lakes
aanikegamaa vii it is a chain of lakes

great lake
gichigami ni
  1. a sea, a large lake
  2. Lake Superior

halfway across lake
aabitawagaam adv loc halfway across the lake

lake goes off from another
bakegamaa vii lake goes off from another

lake water
zaaga'iganiiwaabo ni [BL] lake water

long lake
ginoogamaa vii it is a long lake

middle of the lake
naawagaam adv loc in the middle of the lake

See also: naanaawagaam adv loc

other side of the lake
agaaming adv loc on the other side of a body of water (a lake, a river), across a body of water (a lake, a river)

agaami-zaaga'igan adv loc across the lake

out in the lake
naawij adv loc out in the lake

round lake
waawiyegamaa vii it is a round lake

sandy lake
mitaawangaagamaa vii it is a sandy lake

sharp bend in lake
biskigamaa vii the lake has a sharp bend in it

walk around a lake
giiwitaayaazhagaame vai s/he walks around a lake; s/he walks around the edge

water from the lake
zaaga'iganiiwaabo ni [BL] lake water

wide lake
mangadegamaa vii it is a wide lake

lake herring
lake herring
Lake Superior
Lake Superior
gichigami ni
  1. a sea, a large lake
  2. Lake Superior

lake trout
lake trout
namegos na a lake trout

lake trout
Salvelinus namaycush

namegosikaa vii there are (many) lake trout

have lake trout
onamegosi vai s/he has a lake trout or lake trout

lamb (meat)
maanishtaanishi-wiiyaas ni lamb [meat]

maanishtaanishens na a lamb

lame leg
maakigaade vai s/he has a lame leg

maakizi vai s/he is lame, has an old injury

electric lamp
waasamoo-waazakonenjigan ni an electric lamp

waazakonenjigan ni a lamp, a light

zhimaagan ni a spear, a lance

ozhimaagani vai s/he has a lance, spear

carry lance
gigizhimaagane vai s/he carries a lance, spear

aki ni
  1. earth, land, ground
  2. a country, a territory
  3. moss

allot land
mamakii' vta allot h/ land

allotment of land
mamakii'idim vai there is an allotment of land

clear land
mazhii'ige vai s/he clears land, brushes

have land
odakiimi vai s/he has land

survey land
diba'akii vai s/he surveys land

agwaa'o vai s/he lands, comes ashore in a boat

land from flight
boonii vai s/he alights, lands (from flight)

Paired with: booniimagad vii

booniimagad vii it lands (from flight)

Paired with: boonii vai

land coming off ice
mizhagaako vai s/he lands coming off the ice

mizhagaakoba'iwe vai s/he lands running off the ice in flight from someone

inwewin ni a way of speaking, a language, a dialect

Cree language
omashkiigoomowin ni Cree language

omashkiigoomo vai s/he speaks Cree

Dakota language
bwaanimowin ni the Dakota language

bwaanimo vai s/he speaks Dakota

English language
Zhaaganaashiimowin ni the English language

zhaaganaashiimo vai s/he speaks English

French language
wemitigoozhiimowin ni the French language

Indian language
Anishinaabemowin ni Ojibwe language; an American Indian language

anishinaabemo vai s/he speaks Ojibwe, speaks an Indian language

anishinaabemonodaw vta [N] speak Ojibwe to h/; speak an Indian language to h/

See also: anishinaabemotaw vta [ML]

Ojibwe language
Anishinaabemowin ni Ojibwe language; an American Indian language

anishinaabemo vai s/he speaks Ojibwe, speaks an Indian language

anishinaabemotaw vta [ML] speak Ojibwe to h/; speak an Indian language to h/

anishinaabemonodaw vta [N] speak Ojibwe to h/; speak an Indian language to h/

See also: anishinaabemotaw vta [ML]

ojibwemowin ni the Ojibwe language

ojibwemo vai s/he speaks Ojibwe

ojibwemotaw vta speak Ojibwe to h/

ojibwemonodaw vta [RL] speak Ojibwe to h/

Scandinavian language
agongosimowin ni a Scandinavian language: Norwegian, Swedish

agongosimo vai s/he speaks a Scandinavian language

injiingwan nad my lap; my (front of) thigh

gijiingwan nad your lap; your (front of) thigh

ojiingwanan nad h/ lap; h/ (front of) thigh

bimide ni grease, oil, lard

gookooshi-bimide ni lard; bacon grease

See also: gookooshiwi-bimide ni [BL]

waabishki-bimide ni lard

largemouth bass
largemouth bass
ashigan na a fish of the sunfish family; locally applied to rock bass, crappie, and largemouth bass in NW Ontario

last autumn
dagwaagong adv tmp last fall, last autumn

last fall
dagwaagong adv tmp last fall, last autumn

last night
dibikong adv tmp last night

last spring
ziigwanong adv tmp last spring

last summer
niibinong adv tmp last summer

last winter
biboonong adv tmp last winter

ishkwaaj adv tmp last

ishkwaya'ii adv loc last; on the edge; on the rim

last name
last name
ishkwenikaazo vai s/he has a last name

ishkwenikaazowin ni a last name

ishkwaajinikaazo vai s/he has a last name

ishkwaajinikaazowin ni a last name

last-quarter moon
last-quarter moon
aabitawaasige vai there is a first-quarter or last-quarter moon

aabitawaabikizi vai
  1. it (animate) is half (as something mineral)
  2. it (the moon) is a half-moon

late at night
ishpi-dibik adv tmp late at night

ishpi-dibikad vii it is late at night

niibaa-dibik adv tmp late at night

late summer
giiwe-niibin vii it is after mid-summer, is late summer

late winter
giiwe-biboon vii it is after midwinter, is late winter

so late in the day
apiichi-giizhigad vii it is so late in the day

wiikaa adv tmp late; ever; seldom

too late
naanabem adv man it should have been done; too late; it's about time; why now?

baamaa adv tmp later, after a while, eventually

See also: baanimaa adv tmp

baamaapii adv tmp later, after a while, eventually

See also: baanimaa apii adv tmp

baanimaa adv tmp later, after a while, eventually

See also: baamaa adv tmp

baanimaa apii adv tmp later, after a while, eventually

See also: baamaapii adv tmp

baapi vai s/he laughs

baapi' vta laugh at h/

Paired with: baapitoon vti2

baapi'idiwag vai they laugh at each other

baapi'idizo vai s/he laughs at h/ self

baapitoon vti2 laugh at it

Paired with: baapi' vta

arrive laughing
bagamaapi vai s/he arrives laughing

burst out laughing
baashkaapi vai s/he bursts out laughing

come from a certain place laughing
ondaapi vai s/he laughs for a certain reason; s/he comes from a certain place laughing

come laughing
biidaapi vai s/he comes laughing

fall over from laughing
gawaapi vai s/he falls over from laughing so hard

go about laughing
babaamaapi vai s/he goes around laughing

go along laughing
bimaapi vai s/he goes by laughing

go away laughing
animaapi vai s/he goes away laughing

go to a certain place laughing
inaapi vai s/he laughs a certain way; s/he goes to a certain place laughing

laugh a certain way
inaapi vai s/he laughs a certain way; s/he goes to a certain place laughing

laugh and laugh
baabaapi vai s/he keeps laughing, laughs and laughs

laugh for a certain reason
ondaapi vai s/he laughs for a certain reason; s/he comes from a certain place laughing

laugh secretly
giimoodaapi vai s/he laughs secretly

leave laughing
maadaapi vai s/he leaves laughing

motor launch
waasamoo-jiimaan ni a motor launch

giziibiiga'amaw vta wash (it) for h/, launder for h/

giziibiiga'igewigamig ni a laundry room, a laundromat

giziibiiga'igewin ni (item of) laundry; (item of) washing

giziibiiga'igan ni
  1. (item of) laundry
  2. soap

do laundry
giziibiiga'ige vai s/he washes things, washes clothes, does laundry

hang up laundry
agoojige vai s/he hangs things, hangs laundry

laundry room
laundry room
giziibiiga'igewigamig ni a laundry room, a laundromat

inaakonigewin ni a law, a ruling, an agreement

change law
aandaakonige vai s/he changes something decided on (a plan, rule, a law, a policy)

aandaakonan vti change the law on it; give it a new ruling

dibaakonigewikwe na a judge, a lawyer (female)

dibaakonigewinini na a judge, a lawyer

mizay na a ling, an eelpout, a burbot, a mariah, a lawyer (fish)

Lota lota

zhaabozigan ni a laxative

lay a certain way
izhishim vta put, lay, set h/ a certain way

Paired with: izhisidoon vti2

izhisidoon vti2
  1. put, lay, set it a certain way
  2. put or express it a certain way in speech, song, or writing
  3. write, print it a certain way

Paired with: izhishim vta

lay across (stick-like)
aazhawaakoshim vta lay h/ across (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aazhawaakosidoon vti2

aazhawaakosidoon vti2 lay it across (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aazhawaakoshim vta

lay down around something
giiwitaashim vta lay h/ down around

Paired with: giiwitaasidoon vti2

giiwitaasidoon vti2 lay it down around

Paired with: giiwitaashim vta

lay face down
animikoshim vta lay h/ or it (animate) face down

Paired with: animikosidoon vti2

animikosidoon vti2 lay it face down

Paired with: animikoshim vta

lay face up
aazhigijishim vta lay h/ face up; lay h/ over backwards

Paired with: aazhigijisidoon vti2

aazhigijisidoon vti2 lay it face up; lay it over backwards

Paired with: aazhigijishim vta

lay facing this way
biidaasamisidoon vti2 lay it facing this way

Paired with: biidaasamishim vta

biidaasamishim vta lay h/ facing this way

Paired with: biidaasamisidoon vti2

lay joining
aanikooshim vta lay h/ joining something else

Paired with: aanikoosidoon vti2

aanikoosidoon vti2 lay it joining something else

Paired with: aanikooshim vta

lay on side
opimeshim vta lay h/ on h/ side

Paired with: opimesidoon vti2

opimesidoon vti2 lay it on its side

Paired with: opimeshim vta

lay over backwards (face up)
aazhigijishim vta lay h/ face up; lay h/ over backwards

Paired with: aazhigijisidoon vti2

aazhigijisidoon vti2 lay it face up; lay it over backwards

Paired with: aazhigijishim vta

lay spread out
zhingadeshim vta lay h/ spread out

Paired with: zhingadesidoon vti2

zhingadesidoon vti2 lay it spread out

Paired with: zhingadeshim vta

zhingishim vta lay h/ spread out

lay straight
gwayakoshim vta [BL] lay, put h/ or it (animate) in the correct place or order; lay, put h/ or it (animate) straight

Paired with: gwayakosidoon vti2

gwayakosidoon vti2 lay, put it straight; lay, put it in the correct place or order; express it correctly or truthfully (in speech or in writing)

Paired with: gwayakoshim vta [BL]

as a layer
biitoo- pv lex as a layer

lie in a layer
biitooshin vai s/he lies in a layer

Paired with: biitoosin vii

biitoosin vii it lies in a layer

Paired with: biitooshin vai

lie in a thin layer
bibagishin vai s/he lies in a thin layer

Paired with: bibagisin vii

bibagisin vii it lies in a thin layer

Paired with: bibagishin vai

wear layers
biitookonaye vai s/he wears layers (as underwear)

lie thick
gipagishin vai s/he lies in a thick layer

Paired with: gipagisin vii

gipagisin vii it lies in a thick layer

Paired with: gipagishin vai

gitimi vai s/he is lazy, is shiftless, is incompetent

gitimishki vai s/he is habitually lazy, is a lazybones

bagandizi vai s/he is lazy, is shiftless, is incompetent

gitimishki vai s/he is habitually lazy, is a lazybones

ashkikomaan ni lead (metal)

niigaanii vai s/he leads, goes ahead

niigaaniimagad vii it leads

lead along (string-like)
bimaabiigamon vii it leads along (as something string-like)

road or trail leads along
bimamon vii it (road or trail) leads along

road or trail leads from a certain place
ondamon vii [BL] it (road or trail) comes from a certain place; it leads from there

ondadamon vii it (road or trail) leads from a certain place

road or trail leads to a certain place
inamon vii it leads to a certain place (as a road or trail)

niigaaniwizh vta lead h/

ogimaa na
  1. a leader (male): a boss, a chief, a king
  2. a king (playing card)

ogimaawi vai s/he is a leader, is a boss, is a chief

ogimaakwe na a female leader, boss, chief; a queen; a wife of a chief

ogimaakwewi vai she is a leader, boss, chief, queen; she is the wife of a leader, boss, chief

eshpabid na-v chairman; leader

highest leader
gichi-ogimaakwe na the highest female leader: a head chief, a head boss, a president, a queen

gichi-ogimaakwewi vai she is the the highest leader: a head boss, a president, a queen; she is the wife of the highest leader

gichi-ogimaa na the highest leader: a head chief, a head boss, a president, a king

gichi-ogimaawi vai s/he is the highest leader: a head boss, a president, a king

ogimaawiwin ni government; authority; leadership

niigaan adv loc ahead, at the front, leading; in the future

niigaani- pv lex ahead, leading, in front

aniibiish ni
  1. a leaf
  2. tea

aniibiishibag ni a leaf

basswood leaf
wiigobiibag ni a basswood leaf

big leaf
mangibagad vii it is a big leaf

mamaangibagaa vii there are big leaves; it has big leaves

Paired with: mamaangibagizi vai

mamaangibagizi vai it (animate) has big leaves

Paired with: mamaangibagaa vii

birch leaf
wiigwaasibag ni a birch leaf

bloody leaves
miskwiiwibagaa vii there are bloody leaves

bright leaves
waatebagaa vii there are bright leaves

brown leaves
ozaawibagaa vii there are brown or yellow leaves

cover with leaves
dried leaves
gaaskibag ni a dried leaf

green leaves
ashkibag ni a fresh green leaf

ashkibagaa vii there are green leaves

leaves bud
zaagibagaa vii it buds; the leaves come out

many leaves
aniibiishikaa vii there are (many) leaves

maple leaf
ininaatigobag ni a maple leaf

prickly leaf
gaashibagad vii it is a pricky leaf

red leaves
miskobag ni a red leaf

miskobagaa vii there are red leaves

Paired with: miskobagizi vai

miskobagizi vai s/he (a tree) has red leaves

Paired with: miskobagad vii

rustle leaves
gaaskibagitoo vai s/he rustles leaves

gaaskibagishin vai s/he rustles leaves while walking or falling

gaaskibagaasin vii leaves rustle in the wind

slippery leaves
ozhaashibagaa vii there are slippery leaves

yellow leaves
ozaawibagaa vii there are brown or yellow leaves

onjigaa vii it leaks, drips, runs with sap

Paired with: onjigaa vai

leak fast
gizhiigaa vii it drips, leaks fast

Paired with: gizhiigaa vai

start to leak
maajigaa vii it starts to leak, drip; it starts to run with sap

Paired with: maajigaa vai

stand leaning against
aaswaakogaabawi vai s/he stands leaning against something (a wall, a tree)

aatwaakogaabawi vai s/he stands leaning against something (a wall, a tree)

lean against (stick-like)
aatwaakoshim vta lean h/ against (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aatwaakosidoon vti2

aatwaakoshin vai s/he leans against (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aatwaakosin vii

aatwaakosidoon vti2 lean it against (as something stick- or wood-like

Paired with: aatwaakoshim vta

aatwaakosin vii it leans against (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aatwaakoshin vai

seek to learn
nanda-gikendan vti seek to know it, seek to learn it

Paired with: nanda-gikenim vta

learn by observation
gikinawaabam vta learn by observation of h/; imitate h/

gikinawaabi vai s/he learns by observation

in the least
ganage adv man in the least, by any means

See also: gaawiin ganage adv man ; gego ganage adv man

bashkwegin ni hide; leather

leather needle
leather needle
ashishawe-zhaabonigan ni a leather needle; a glovers needle

See also: ashashawe-zhaabonigan ni

ashashawe-zhaabonigan ni a leather needle; a glovers needle

See also: ashishawe-zhaabonigan ni

[not take]
leave leftovers
ishkwanjige vai s/he leaves leftovers

leave behind
nagadan vti leave it behind; abandon, outstrip it

Paired with: nagazh vta

nagazh vta leave h/ behind; abandon, outstrip h/

Paired with: nagadan vti

nagazhiwe vai s/he leaves people behind, abandons people

nagadamaw vta leave (it) behind for h/

[go away]
maajaa vai s/he leaves, goes off, departs

pretend to leave
maajaakaazo vai s/he pretends to leave

leave alone
leave alone
booni' vta leave h/ alone; quit h/

Paired with: boonitoon vti2

booni'idiwag vai they leave each other alone

booni'iwe vai s/he leaves people alone

boonitoon vti2 leave it alone; quit it

Paired with: booni' vta

boonichige vai s/he quits doing things, leaves things alone

boonichigaade vii it is left alone (by someone), "they" leave it alone, quit it

Paired with: boonichigaazo vai

boonichigaazo vai s/he is left alone (by someone), "they" leave h/ alone, quit h/

Paired with: boonichigaade vii

leave behind
leave behind
nagadan vti leave it behind; abandon, outstrip it

Paired with: nagazh vta

nagazh vta leave h/ behind; abandon, outstrip h/

Paired with: nagadan vti

nagazhiwe vai s/he leaves people behind, abandons people

nagadamaw vta leave (it) behind for h/

leave behind uneaten
ishkwam vta leave h/ behind uneaten

Paired with: ishkwandan vti

ishkwandan vti leave it behind uneaten

Paired with: ishkwam vta

leave open
leave open
baakindesijige vai s/he leaves a lodge door or tent fly open

zagaskwaajime na a leech, a bloodsucker

See also: ozagaskwaajime na

ozagaskwaajime na a leech, a bloodsucker

Paired with: zagaskwaajime na

zagaskway na [BL] a leech, a bloodsucker

Leech Lake
Leech Lake
Gaa-zagaskwaajimekaag name place Leech Lake Reservation; Leech Lake

left hand
namanjinik ni a left hand

namanjii vai s/he is left-handed

namanjinike vai s/he is left-handed

ishkwanjigan ni leftover food

leave leftovers
ishkwanjige vai s/he leaves leftovers

The medial /-gaad-/ occurs in verbs referring to the leg or legs.
nikaad nid my leg

gikaad nid your leg

okaad nid h/ leg

big leg
mangigaade vai s/he has a big leg or big legs

mamaangigaade vai s/he has big legs

bloody leg
miskwiiwigaade vai s/he has bloody leg

break leg
bookogaade vai s/he breaks h/ (own) leg, has a broken leg

bookogaadeshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ leg

bump leg
bitaakogaadeshin vai s/he bumps h/ leg on something

fall and break leg
bookogaadeshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ leg

hairy leg
miishigaade vai s/he has hairy legs

infected leg
miniiwigaade vai s/he has an infected leg

lame leg
maakigaade vai s/he has a lame leg

left leg
namanjigaad ni a left leg

leg aches
dewigaade vai s/he has an ache in h/ leg

numb leg
biinisigaade vai s/he has a numb leg or numb legs

giikimanigaade vai h/ leg is asleep, legs are asleep; h/ leg feels numb, legs feel numb

paralyzed leg
niboowigaade vai s/he has a paralyzed leg

right leg
gichigaad ni a right leg

scar on leg
ojiishigaade vai s/he has a scar on h/ leg

short leg
dakogaade vai s/he has a short leg or short legs

dadaakogaade vai s/he has short legs

sore leg
gaagiijigaade vai s/he has a sore leg

sprain leg
zegigaadeshin vai s/he sprains h/ leg

stiff leg
jiibajigaade vai s/he has a stiff leg

jiibadaakogaade vai s/he has a stiff leg

leg garter
leg garter
gashkidaasebizon ni a leg garter

wear leg garters
gashkidaasebizo vai s/he wears leg garters

aadizookaan na
  1. a sacred story (a legend, a myth)
  2. a spirit

See also: aadisookaan na

tell a legend
aadizookaw vta tell a sacred story (a legend, a myth) to h/

aadizooke vai s/he tells a sacred story (a legend, a myth)

aas ni a legging

awi' vta lend (it) to h/

awi'iwe vai s/he lends, rents (it) to people; s/he lets people borrow (it)

certain length
ako- pv rel a certain length; as far as; as long as; since

akwaa vii it is a certain length, a certain height, is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akoozi vai

akwaabikad vii it is a certain length (as something mineral), is so long (as something mineral)

Paired with: akwaabikizi vai

certain length (mineral)
akwaabikizi vai s/he is a certain length (as something mineral), is so long (as something mineral)

Paired with: akwaabikad vii

certain length (sheet-like)
akwegad vii it (sheet-like) is a certain length, is so long

Paired with: akwegizi vai

certain length (stick-like)
akwaakwad vii it (stick-like, wood) is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akwaakozi vai

certain length (string-like)
akwaabiigad vii it (string-like) is a certain length, is so long

Paired with: akwaabiigizi vai

make a certain length
akoo' vta make it (animate; string-like) a certain length or so long (by hand)

Paired with: akootoon vti2

akootoon vti2 make it a certain length, make it so long

Paired with: akoo' vta

akwaakotoon vti2 make it (stick-like, wood) a certain length, make it (stick-like, wood) so long

akwegitoon vti2 make it (sheet-like) a certain length

Paired with: akwegi' vta

leopard fog
leopard fog
gidagimakakii na a leopard frog

northern leopard frog
Lithobates pipiens

less and less
eshkam adv deg gradually; less and less; more and more

let it be
let it be
maanoo adv man don't; don't care; let it be; never mind

let up
wind lets up
boonaanimad vii the wind lets up, dies down

let's go
let's go
ambe pc interj attention!; come on!; let's go!

mazina'igan ni a book, a letter, a document, a paper

maajiibii'igan ni an outgoing letter

write a letter
maajiibii'amaw vta write a letter to h/

maajiibii'ige vai s/he writes a letter

prop up to be a level surface
desa'an vti prop it up to be a level surface

level surface
desaa vii it is a level surface

level ground
minwakamigaa vii it is nice ground, level ground

gwayakwakamigaa vii it is level ground

gagiinawishki vai s/he is a habitual liar

agindaasoowigamig ni a library

look for lice
nandookome vai [S] s/he searches for lice or ticks

See also: andookome vai [N]

andookome vai [N] s/he searches for lice or ticks

See also: nandookome vai [S]

mazina'igaans ni a small book or document: a ticket, a license

driver's license
odaabii'iwe-mazina'igan ni a driver's license

See also: odaabii'iwe-mazina'igaans ni [ML]

odaabii'iwe-mazina'igaans ni [ML] a driver's license

See also: odaabii'iwe-mazina'igan ni

bimibizoo-mazina'igan ni [BL] a driver's license

fishing license
noojigiigoonyiwe-mazina'igaans ni a fishing license

marriage license
aapiji-wiidige-mazina'igan ni a marriage license

ricing license
manoominike-mazina'igaans ni [ML] a ricing license

trapping license
wanii'ige-mazina'igan ni [BL] a trapping license

See also: wanii'ige-mazina'igaans ni [ML]

wanii'ige-mazina'igaans ni [ML] a trapping license

See also: wanii'ige-mazina'igan ni [BL]

nooskwaada'an vti lick it

Paired with: nooskwaada' vta

nooskwaada' vta lick h/

Paired with: nooskwaada'an vti

nooskwaada'ige vai s/he licks something

lick sap
nooskwaanzo vai s/he licks sap

lift lid
baakaabowen vta lift the cover or lid off it (animate) (something containing a liquid)

Paired with: baakaabowenan vti

baakaabowenan vti lift the cover or lid off it (something containing a liquid)

Paired with: baakaabowen vta

pot lid
gibaabowe'igan ni a lid or cover over a container with liquid in it: a pot lid, a jar lid

put a lid on
gibaabowe' vta put a lid on h/

Paired with: gibaabowe'an vti

gibaabowe'an vti plug or cover it (liquid or something that holds a liquid), put a lid on it

Paired with: gibaabowe' vta

gibaabowe'ige vai s/he puts a lid on a pot

[speak falsely]
giiwanimo vai s/he lies, deceives

giiwanimotaw vta lie to h/

lie a certain way
izhishin vai s/he lies a certain way

Paired with: izhisin vii

izisin vii
  1. it lies a certain way
  2. it is put or expressed a certain way (in speech, song, or writing)
  3. it is written, printed a certain way (as in a book)

See also: izhishin vai

lie across (stick-like)
aazhawaakoshin vai s/he lies across (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aazhawaakosin vii

aazhawaakosin vii it lies across (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aazhawaakoshin vai

lie along (stick-like)
bimaakoshin vai s/he lies along (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: bimaakosin vii

bimaakosin vii it lies along (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: bimaakoshin vai

lie as padding
apishin vai s/he lies as padding

Paired with: apisin vii

apisin vii it lies as padding

Paired with: apishin vai

lie at the end
ishkweshin vai s/he lies at the end

Paired with: ishkwesin vii

ishkwesin vii it lies at the end

Paired with: ishkweshin vai

lie comfortably
minoshin vai s/he lies comfortably, lies in a good position

Paired with: minosin vii

lie correctly
gwayakosin vii
  1. it lies correctly
  2. it lies straight

Paired with: gwayakoshin vai

gwayakoshin vai
  1. s/he lies straight
  2. s/he lies correctly

Paired with: gwayakosin vii

lie down
zhingishin vai s/he lies down, goes to bed

gawishimo vai s/he lies down, goes to bed

lie extended along
bimaabiigisin vii it (string-like) lies extended along

Paired with: bimaabiigishin vai

bimaabiigishin vai it (animate; string-like) lies extended along

Paired with: bimaabiigisin vii

lie face down
animikoshin vai s/he or it (animate) lies face down

Paired with: animikosin vii

animikosin vii it lies face down

Paired with: animikoshin vai

lie face up
aazhigijishin vai s/he falls over backwards; s/he lies face up

Paired with: aazhigijisin vii

aazhigijisin vii it falls over backwards; it lies face up

lie facing a certain way
inaasamishin vai s/he lies facing a certain way

Paired with: inaasamisin vii

inaasamisin vii it lies facing a certain way

Paired with: inaasamishin vai

lie formed into a ball
bikwaakwadosin vii it lies formed into a ball

Paired with: bikwaakwadoshin vai

bikwaakwadoshin vai s/he or it (animate) lies formed into a ball

Paired with: bikwaakwadosin vii

lie in a certain place
dazhisin vii it lies in a certain place

Paired with: dazhishin vai

dazhishin vai
  1. s/he lies in a certain place
  2. s/he is buried in a certain place

Paired with: dazhisin vii

lie in a good position
minosin vii it lies in a good position, fits well in place

Paired with: minoshin vai

minoshin vai s/he lies comfortably, lies in a good position

Paired with: minosin vii

lie in a layer
biitooshin vai s/he lies in a layer

Paired with: biitoosin vii

biitoosin vii it lies in a layer

Paired with: biitooshin vai

lie in a pile
okoshinoog vai they (animate) lie in a pile

Paired with: okosinoon vii

okosinoon vii they lie in a pile

Paired with: okoshinoog vai

lie thick
gipagishin vai s/he lies in a thick layer

Paired with: gipagisin vii

gipagisin vii it lies in a thick layer

Paired with: gipagishin vai

lie in a thin layer
bibagishin vai s/he lies in a thin layer

Paired with: bibagisin vii

bibagisin vii it lies in a thin layer

Paired with: bibagishin vai

lie in a tight place
zhegoshin vai s/he or it (animate) lies in a tight place

See also: zhegosin vii

zhegosin vii it lies in a tight place

See also: zhegoshin vai

lie in the open
mizhishawishin vai s/he lies in the open

Paired with: mizhishawisin vii

mizhishawisin vii it lies in the open

Paired with: mizhishawishin vai

lie in warmth
giizhooshin vai s/he lies in warmth

lie joining
aanikooshin vai s/he lies joining something else

Paired with: aanikoosin vii

aanikoosin vii it lies joining something else

Paired with: aanikooshin vai

lie limp
neshangisin vii it lies limp, lies slack

Paired with: neshangishin vai

neshangishin vai s/he lies limp, lies slack, lies relaxed

Paired with: neshangisin vii

lie on
apishimo vai s/he lies on something

lie on side
opimeshin vai s/he lies on h/ side; it (animate) lies on its side

Paired with: opimesin vii

opimesin vii it lies on its side

Paired with: opimeshin vai

lie out of the way
ikoshin vai s/he lies out of the way, moves h/ body up out of the way

Paired with: ikosin vii

ikosin vii it lies out of the way

Paired with: ikoshin vai

lie protectively on
badagoshkan vti cover it with h/ body, lie protectively on it

Paired with: badagoshkaw vta

badagoshkaw vta cover h/ with body, lie protectively on h/

Paired with: badagoshkan vti

lie side by side in a row
niibideshinoog vai they lie side by side in a row, are lined up

Paired with: niibidesinoon vii

niibidesinoon vii they lie side by side in a row, are lined up

Paired with: niibideshinoog vai

lie slack
neshangisin vii it lies limp, lies slack

Paired with: neshangishin vai

neshangishin vai s/he lies limp, lies slack, lies relaxed

Paired with: neshangisin vii

lie spread out
zhingadeshin vai s/he lies spread out

Paired with: zhingadesin vii

zhingadesin vii it lies spread out

Paired with: zhingadeshin vai

lie still
bizaanishin vai s/he lies still

goshkwaawaajishin vai s/he lies still

lie straight
gwayakoshin vai
  1. s/he lies straight
  2. s/he lies correctly

Paired with: gwayakosin vii

gwayakosin vii
  1. it lies correctly
  2. it lies straight

Paired with: gwayakoshin vai

gwayakwaakoshin vai it ((animate; stick-like) lies straight

Paired with: gwayakwaakosin vii

gwayakwaakosin vii it (something stick-like) lies straight

Paired with: gwayakwaakoshin vai

lie to a certain depth
apiichishin vai it (animate) lies so thick, so deep, to such a height; is piled or stacked so thick, so deep, to such a height

Paired with: apiichisin vii

apiichisin vii it lies so thick, so deep, to such a height; is piled or stacked so thick, so deep, to such a height

Paired with: apiichishin vai

lie touching
daangishin vai s/he or it (animate) lies touching

Paired with: daangisin vii

daangisin vii it lies touching

Paired with: daangishin vai

lie uncovered
michishin vai
  1. s/he lies bare, lies uncovered
  2. s/he lies right on the floor or the ground

Paired with: michisin vii

michisin vii
  1. it lies bare, lies uncovered
  2. it lies right on the floor or the ground

Paired with: michishin vai

lie uncomfortably
maazhishin vai s/he lies uncomfortably

Paired with: maazhisin vii

lie well in place
minosin vii it lies in a good position, fits well in place

Paired with: minoshin vai

lie with head on something
apikweshimo vai s/he lies with head on something, uses a pillow

lie with head a certain way
inikweshin vai s/he lies with h/ head a certain way

lie with rear sticking out
jaangidiyeshin vai s/he lies with h/ rear sticking out

tired of lying
ishkishin vai s/he is tired of lying down

turn lying
gwekishin vai s/he turns lying in place

Paired with: gwekisin vii

gwekisin vii it turns lying in place

Paired with: gwekishin vai

so many lie
dasooshinoog vai a certain number of them lie together

two lie
niizhooshinoog vai two of them lie together

three lie
nisooshinoog vai three of them lie together

lie down
lie down
zhingishin vai s/he lies down, goes to bed

gawishimo vai s/he lies down, goes to bed

lie in wait
lie in wait
akamaw vta lie in wait for, ambush h/

lieutenant governor
lieutenant governor
aanike-odaake-ogimaa na a lieutenant-governor; an assistant director

bimaadiziwin ni life

change life
aanji-bimaadizi vai s/he changes h/ (own) life

changed life
aanji-bimaadiziwin ni a changed life

bad life
maazhi-bimaadizi vai s/he behaves badly; s/he leads a bad life

come back to life
aabijiibaa vai s/he revives, comes to; s/he comes back to life

everlasting life
gaagige-bimaadiziwin ni everlasting life [church usage]; the full cycle of life

good life
nookaadiziwin ni a good, easy life

lead a good life
minwaadizi vai s/he is a good person (leads a good life, has a good character, is honest)

nookaadizi vai s/he has a good, easy life

Paired with: nookaadad vii

live a proper life
gwayako-bimaadizi vai s/he leads the right kind of life

right kind of life
gwayako-bimaadiziwin ni the right kind of life

save life
bimaaji' vta save h/ life, rescue h/

way of life
inaadiziwin ni a certain character, a certain nature, a certain way of life

ombin vta lift, raise h/

Paired with: ombinan vti

ombinan vti lift, raise it

Paired with: ombin vta

ombinamaw vta lift, raise (it) for h/

ombinige vai s/he lifts, raises (things)

ombinigaade vii it is lifted, raised (by someone); "they" lift, raise it

ombinigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is lifted, raised (by someone); "they" lift, raise h/ or it (animate)

able to lift
gashkin vta be able to hold, lift, carry h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: gashkinan vti

gashkinan vti be able to hold, lift, carry it

Paired with: gashkin vta

lift a pack
ombiwane vai s/he lifts a pack to h/ (own) back

lift and carry
ombiwidoon vti2 lift and carry it

Paired with: ombiwizh vta

ombiwizh vta lift and carry h/

Paired with: ombiwidoon vti2

lift arm
ombinikeni vai s/he lifts, raises h/ arm

lift leg
ombigaadeni vai s/he raises, lifts h/ (own) leg

lift lid
baakaabowen vta lift the cover or lid off it (animate) (something containing a liquid)

Paired with: baakaabowenan vti

baakaabowenan vti lift the cover or lid off it (something containing a liquid)

Paired with: baakaabowen vta

lift on back
omboom vta lift h/, it (animate) on h/ back

Paired with: omboondan vti

omboondan vti lift it on h/ back

Paired with: omboom vta

lift wings
ombaangeni vai s/he lifts h/ wings

lift with a rope
ombaabiigin vta hoist h/; lift, raise h/ with a rope

Paired with: ombaabiiginan vti

ombaabiiginan vti hoist it; lift, raise it with a rope

Paired with: ombaabiigin vta

ombaabiiginige vai s/he hoists, lifts things with a rope

ombaabiiginigaade vii it is hoisted, lifted, raised with a rope (by someone); "they" hoist, lift, raise it with a rope

ombaabiiginigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is hoisted, lifted, raised with a rope (by someone); "they" hoist, lift, raise h/ or it (animate) with a rope

lift with a stick
ombaakwa' vta raise h/ (as or as with something stick- or wood-like), pry h/ up, jack h/ up

Paired with: ombaakwa'an vti

ombaakwa'wi vta [NI]

ombaakwa' vta

ombaakwa'an vti raise it (as or as with something stick- or wood-like), pry it up, jack it up

Paired with: ombaakwa' vta

waazakonenjigan ni a lamp, a light

go away with a light
animaazakonenjige vai s/he goes away with a light

drive away with a light
animaazakonenjigebizo vai s/he drives away with a light

drive here with a light
biidaazakonebizo vai s/he drives here with a light

come with a light
biidaazakwanenjige vai s/he comes with a light

give off light
waazakone vii it glows, gives off light

go about with light
babaamaazakonenjige vai s/he goes about with a light

go along with a light
bimaazakonenjige vai s/he goes along with a light

go to a certain place with a light
inaazakonenjige vai s/he goes to a certain place with light, shines a light to a certain place

turn on a light
waazakonebidoon vti2 turn it on for a light

zaka'an vti light, ignite it, set it on fire

Paired with: zaka' vta

zaka' vta light h/ (e.g., a pipe); set h/ on fire

Paired with: zaka'an vti

zaka'ige vai s/he lights something

zaka'amaw vta light (it) for h/; set (it) on fire for h/

zakizan vti light, ignite it, set it on fire

Paired with: zakiz vta

zakiz vta light, ignite h/, set h/ on fire

Paired with: zakizan vti

zakizige vai s/he lights, ignites things, sets things on fire

light a pipe
zaka'ipwaagane vai s/he lights a pipe

light by striking
biskanesidoon vti2 light it by striking

[not dark]
light at dawn
waaseyaaban vii it is light at dawn

turn light
waabide vii it turns light (in color)

Paired with: waabizo vai

waabizo vai it (animate) turns light (in color)

Paired with: waabide vii

light bark
waabanagekozi vai it (animate) has light colored bark

Paired with: waabanagekwad vii

waabanagekwad vii it has light colored bark

Paired with: waabanagekozi vai

[not heavy]
naangan vii it is light (in weight)

Paired with: naangizi vai

naangizi vai s/he is light (in weight)

Paired with: naangan vii See also: naangani vai [BL]

think light
naangendan vti think it light (in weight)

Paired with: naangenim vta

naangenim vta think h/ light in weight

Paired with: naangendan vti

carry a light pack
naangiwane vai s/he carries a light pack

light pole
light pole
waazakonenjiganaatig ni a light pole