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gall bladder
gall bladder
niinzob nid my gall bladder

giinzob nid your gall bladder

gall stones
have gall stones
odasiniinsimi vai s/he has gall stones

certain number of gallons
daso-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] a certain number of gallons

daso-minikwaajigan qnt num a certain number of gallons

one gallon
ningo-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] one gallon

ingo-minikwaajigan qnt num one gallon

See also: ningo-minikwaajigan qnt num

ningo-minikwaajigan qnt num one gallon

See also: ingo-minikwaajigan qnt num

two gallons
niizho-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] two gallons

niizho-minikwaajigan qnt num two gallons

three gallons
niso-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] three gallons

niso-minikwaajigan qnt num three gallons

four gallons
niiyo-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] four gallons

niiyo-minikwaajigan qnt num four gallons

five gallons
naano-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] five gallons

naano-minikwaajigan qnt num five gallons

six gallons
ningodwaaso-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] six gallons

ingodwaaso-minikwaajigan qnt num six gallons

seven gallons
niizhwaaso-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] seven gallons

niizhwaaso-minikwaajigan qnt num seven gallons

eight gallons
nishwaaso-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] eight gallons

nishwaaso-minikwaajigan qnt num eight gallons

ishwaaso-minikwaajigan qnt num eight gallons

See also: nishwaaso-minikwaajigan qnt num

nine gallons
zhaangaso-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] nine gallons

zhaangaso-minikwaajigan qnt num nine gallons

ten gallons
midaaso-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] ten gallons

midaaso-minikwaajigan qnt num ten gallons

ataw vta
  1. put (it) in a certain place for h/
  2. gamble with, play cards with, bet with, wager with h/

ataadiwag vai they gamble, bet, wager with each other; they play cards

ataage vai s/he gambles, plays cards, bets, wagers

ataagewin ni gambling, a gambling game, a card game

drive game
apagajinaazhikaw vta drive h/ as game

apagajinaazhikaage vai s/he drives game

apagajinaazhikamaw vta drive game for h/

andonizha'ige vai s/he drives game

scare game
oshaakaw vta scare h/ (a game animal) away

oshaakamaw vta scare h/ (game animal) away

card game
ataagewin ni gambling, a gambling game, a card game

cup-and-pin game
naaba'waagan na [BL] cup-and-pin game

dew-claw game
biipiinjigana'onag na a dew-claw game

gambling game
ataagewin ni gambling, a gambling game, a card game

ataadiwin ni a gambling game, a wager

game warden
game warden
gizhaadigewinini na [BL] a game warden, a conservation officer

wiiyaasi-dakoniwewinini na a game warden, a conservation officer

gap in teeth
dawaabide vai s/he has a missing tooth or has missing teeth, has a gap in h/ teeth

pull apart to form a gap
dawibidoon vti2 pull it apart to form a gap

Paired with: dawibizh vta

dawibizh vta pull h/ apart to form a gap

Paired with: dawibidoon vti2

dawibijige vai s/he pulls things apart to form a gap

odaabaaniiwigamig ni a garage

repair garage
odaabaanikewigamig ni a repair garage

ziigwebinigan ni a dump; something dumped out: slop, garbage, trash

garbage truck
garbage truck
ziigwebinigewidaabaan na a garbage truck

a garden
gitigaan ni a field, a garden, a farm

flower garden
waabigwanii-gitigaan ni a flower garden

gitige vai s/he plants, gardens, farms

garden shears
garden shears
giishkashkosiwezhigani-moozhwaagan ni (a pair of) garden shears

arm garter
jiiskinikebizon ni an arm garter; an armband; a bracelet

wear arm garters
jiiskinikebizo vai s/he wears a bracelet, wears an arm garter or arm garters

leg garter
gashkidaasebizon ni a leg garter

wear leg garters
gashkidaasebizo vai s/he wears leg garters

waasamoo-bimide ni gas, gasoline

waasigani-bimide ni [BL] gas, gasoline

waazakonenjiganaaboo ni kerosene, diesel fuel

gichi-waazakonenjiganaaboo ni gas, gasoline

gas can
gas can
waasigani-bimide-biiwaabik ni [BL] an oil drum; a gas tank, a gas can, a jerry can

waazakonenjiganaaboowakik na a gas tank, a gas can, a jerry can

gas station
gas station
gas tank
gas tank
waasigani-bimide-biiwaabik ni [BL] an oil drum; a gas tank, a gas can, a jerry can

waazakonenjiganaaboowakik na a gas tank, a gas can, a jerry can

waasamoo-bimide ni gas, gasoline

waasigani-bimide ni [BL] gas, gasoline

waazakonenjiganaaboo ni kerosene, diesel fuel

gichi-waazakonenjiganaaboo ni gas, gasoline

gather up
asigin vta gather h/ up, collect h/

Paired with: asiginan vti

asiginan vti gather it up, collect it

Paired with: asigin vta

asiginamaw vta pick (them) up for h/; gather, collect (them) up for h/

asiginigaade vii it is gathered up (by someone), "they" gather it up

asiginigaazo vai it (animate) is gathered up (by someone), "they" gather it (animate) up

maamigin vta collect them (animate) together, gather them (animate)

Paired with: maamiginan vti

maamiginan vti collect them (inanimate) together, gather them (inanimate)

Paired with: maamigin vta

moozhaginamaw vta pick (them) up for h/; gather, collect (them) up for h/

moozhaginan vti pick them (inanimate) up; gather, collect them (inanimate)

Paired with: moozhagin vta

gear shift
gear shift
aandaabikinigan ni a gear shift

biindaabikibijigan ni a gear shift

gizhewaadizi vai s/he is kind, is generous

waangawizi vai [S] it (animate) is gentle, is tame

See also: aangawizi vai [RL]

zazegaa-inini na a gentleman; a man who is good-looking, well-dressed, well-mannered

be a gentleman
zazegaa-ininiiwi vai he is a gentleman

german shepherd
German shepherd
ma'iinganasim na a German shepherd

able to get
gashkitaw vta be able to get (it) for h/, manage (it) for h/

get by boat
naada'an vti go get it by using something, go get it (by boat)

Paired with: naada' vta

naada' vta go get h/ (on the water)

Paired with: naada'an vti

naada'wi vta [BL]

naada' vta

naada'amaw vta go get (it) by boat for h/

naada'oodoon vti2 go get it by using something, go get it (by boat)

Paired with: naada'oozh vta

naada'oozh vta go to get h/ by boat

get easily
wenipazhi' vta get h/ easily, have an easy time with h/

Paired with: wenipazhitoon vti2

wenipazhitoon vti2 get it easily, have an easy time with it

Paired with: wenipazhi' vta

get from a certain place
ondin vta get, obtain h/ from a certain place

Paired with: ondinan vti

ondinamaazo vai s/he gets, obtains (it) for h/ self from a certain place

ondinamaw vta get, obtain (it) for h/ from a certain place

ondinan vti get, obtain it from a certain place

Paired with: ondin vta

ondinige vai s/he gets, obtains things from a certain place

get water
gwaaba'amaw vta
  1. scoop (it) up for h/
  2. get water for h/

nibinaadi vai s/he gets water

go get
naadin vti3 go get, go after, fetch it

Paired with: naazh vta

naazh vta go get, go after, fetch h/

Paired with: naadin vti3

naadaw vta go get (it) for h/, fetch (it) for h/

naazikamaw vta go get (it) for h/

go get food
naajimiijime vai s/he goes to get food

go get firewood
naadinise vai s/he goes to get firewood

go get mail
naadazina'igane vai s/he goes to get mail

naadazina'iganetamaw vta go collect a debt for h/; go get mail for h/

go get net
naadasabii vai s/he goes to get a net, checks a net, pulls a net (up)

go get traps
naadasoonaagane vai s/he checks h/ traps, goes to get h/ traps

go get water
naadoobii vai s/he gathers sap; s/he goes to get water or other liquid

run to get
naajibatwaadan vti run to get it, run after it

Paired with: naajibatwaazh vta

naajibatwaazh vta run to get h/

Paired with: naajibatwaadan vti

try to get
gagweji' vta test, try h/ or it (animate); try getting h/ to...

Paired with: gagwejitoon vti2

wiikwaji' vta try to get h/ free from something; try to get h/ to do something

Paired with: wiikwajitoon vti2

get with mouth
debam vta get, grab h/ with the mouth, with the teeth

Paired with: debandan vti

debandan vti get, grab it with the mouth, with the teeth

Paired with: debam vta

get along
get along well
minose vai s/he has things go well for h/, gets along well, has good luck

Paired with: minose vii

get away
get away
gii' vta flee, escape, get away from h/; get away from h/

get in
get in
boozi vai s/he gets in or on (a vehicle or a boat), boards, gets aboard, embarks

tell to get in or on
boozinaazha' vta tell h/ to get in or on (a vehicle or boat); tell h/ to go aboard

get off
get off
gabaa vai s/he gets off (a vehicle or boat), disembarks

gabaa' vta get h/ off, let h/ off (a vehicle or boat), help h/ disembark

Paired with: gabaatoon vti2

gabaabatoo vai s/he gets off [a boat or vehicle] running

tell to get off
gabaanaazha' vta tell h/ to get off, tell h/ to disembark

get on
get on
boozi vai s/he gets in or on (a vehicle or a boat), boards, gets aboard, embarks

tell to get in or on
boozinaazha' vta tell h/ to get in or on (a vehicle or boat); tell h/ to go aboard

get up
get up
onishkaa vai s/he gets up (from a prone position)

jiibay na a spirit; a ghost

misaabe na a giant

mishi- pv lex a giant

miigiwewin ni a gift; giving things away

miinidiwin ni a give-away

miinigoowizi vai s/he receives a gift, is given a gift

maada'ookiiwin ni a gift for distribution; distribution

distribute gifts
maada'ookii vai + o s/he distributes something, distributes gifts, shares something with others

maada'ookiiwikwe na a woman in charge of the distribution of gifts

maada'ookiiwinini na [BL] a man in charge of the distribution of gifts; a band councillor

ginagaapi vai s/he giggles

genwaabiigigwed na-v a giraffe

ikwezens na a girl

ikwezensiwi vai s/he is a girl

adolescent girl
oshkiniigikwe na a young woman, an adolescent girl

oshkiniigikwewi vai she is a young woman, an adolescent girl

give off a smell
biijimaagozi vai s/he gives off a smell

Paired with: biijimaagwad vii

biijimaagwad vii it gives off a smell

Paired with: biijimaagozi vai

have enough to give
deba'ookii vai s/he has enough to give away, has enough for everyone

deba'oozh vta have enough to give to or feed h/

miizh vta give (it) to h/

miinidiwag vai they give (something) to each other; they have a give-away

miinigoowizi vai s/he receives a gift, is given a gift

miigiwe vai s/he gives something, gives things away

See also: miigiwen vai + o

give away
miigiwe vai s/he gives something, gives things away

See also: miigiwen vai + o

jaaga'ookii vai s/he gives everything out, distributes everything

jaaga'oozh vta give all of h/ out, use all of h/ up in a distribution

give a ride
boozi' vta load h/ on (a vehicle or boat), give a ride to h/

Paired with: boozitoon vti2

give presents
giiwenige vai [ML] s/he has a give-away for relatives of the deceased on the anniversary of the death in completion of mourning

give presents in exchange
giiwenamaw vta give presents to h/ in exchange

give something appropriate
debi' vta satisfy, benefit h/, give h/ something appropriate

give up
give up
miinidiwag vai they give (something) to each other; they have a give-away

minwendam vai2 s/he is happy, is joyous, is glad, has a good time

niniishk nad my gland (lymph node)

giniishk nad your gland (lymph node)

oniishkwan nad h/ gland (lymph node)

swollen gland
baaginiishkwe vai s/he has his gland (lymph node) or glands swell up, has a swollen gland (lymph node) or glands

babaaginiishkwe vai s/he has swollen glands

drinking glass
mikwamiiwinaagaans ni a drinking glass

minikwaajigan ni drinking vessel (larger than a cup): a glass, a mug, a tankard, a chalice

zhaabwaatewinaagaans ni a (drinking) glass

half a glass
aabitawinaagaans adv qnt half a cup; half a glass

[transparent material]
omoodayaabik ni (a piece of) glass; a bottle

broken glass
omoodayaabik ni (a piece of) glass; a bottle

window glass
waasechiganaabik ni window glass, a windowpane

oshkiinzhigokaajiganan ni glasses, eyeglasses

oshkiinzhigokaanan ni glasses, eyeglasses

waaside vii it shines, glitters, reflects light

Paired with: waasizo vai

waasizo vai s/he or it (animate) shines, glitters, reflects light

Paired with: waaside vii

minjikaawan na something worn on the hand: a mitten, a mitt, a glove

niisiigi-minjikaawan na a glove

beaded glove
manidoominensi-minjikaawan na a beaded mitten or glove

take along gloves
niimiminjikaawane vai s/he takes along mittens or gloves

work glove
anokii-minjikaawan na a work glove

glovers needle
glovers needle
ashashawe-zhaabonigan ni a leather needle; a glovers needle

See also: ashishawe-zhaabonigan ni

ashishawe-zhaabonigan ni a leather needle; a glovers needle

See also: ashashawe-zhaabonigan ni

waazakone vii it glows, gives off light

agokiwasigan ni something that makes things stick: glue, paste, adhesive tape

bazagwa'igan ni [BL] glue; paste

namekwaan ni [BL] glue; rubber

agokiwasan vti glue it, paste it on

Paired with: agokiwas vta

agokiwas vta glue h/; paste something on h/

Paired with: agokiwasan vti

agokiwate vii it is glued, is pasted on

Paired with: agokiwaso vai

agokiwaso vai it (animate) is glued, pasted on (by someone)

bazagokadoon vti2 glue it, paste it on

Paired with: bazagokazh vta

bazagokazh vta glue h/

Paired with: bazagokadoon vti2

bazagwa'an vti glue it, paste it on

gaazhage vai s/he is a greedy eater, is gluttonous

nibaadizi vai s/he is a greedy eater, is gluttonous

bigoshens na [RL] a gnat

bigoshensikaa vii there are (many) gnats

bingoshens na [S] a gnat

jiichiigwam vta chew on, gnaw h/

Paired with: jiichiigwandan vti

jiichiigwandan vti chew on, gnaw it (taking the meat off it)

Paired with: jiichiigwam vta

jiichiigwanjige vai s/he chews things

go with in a boat
aadawa'am vta go with h/ in a boat

go out of sight
aagawe vai s/he goes out of sight (as around a corner)

ani-naagozi vai s/he goes out of sight

Paired with: ani-naagwad vii

ani-naagwad vii it goes out of sight

Paired with: ani-naagozi vai

go uphill
agidaakiiwe vai [ML] s/he goes uphill, climbs up to the top

ogidaakiiwe vai s/he goes uphill, climbs up to the top

going away
ani- pv dir coming up to in time; going away; in progress; on the way

See also: ni- pv dir

go over somewhere to
awi- pv dir go somewhere to do something, go over there to...

See also: o- pv dir

o- pv dir go somewhere to do something, go over there to...

See also: awi- pv dir

babaa- pv dir going about, going around

go off to the side
bake vai s/he goes off to the side

go to pieces
bigishkise vai it (animate) goes to pieces, breaks down

Paired with: bigishkise vii

bigishkise vii it goes to pieces, breaks down

Paired with: bigishkise vai

tell to go inside
biindigenaazha' vta tell h/ to go inside

going along
bimi- pv dir along; going along; going by; going past; on the way

going by
bimi- pv dir along; going along; going by; going past; on the way

going past
bimi- pv dir along; going along; going by; going past; on the way

go up in an elevator
akwaandawebizo vai s/he rides up, goes up in an elevator

go indoors
biindige vai s/he enters, goes inside / indoors, comes inside / indoors

go away
awas pc disc go away!

[move toward]
go across the water
aazhoge vai s/he goes across water

go back
azhe- pv lex go back

azheshkaa vai s/he goes back, returns

Paired with: azheshkaa vii

azhetaa vai s/he goes back, returns

go away singing
anima'amaazo vai s/he goes away singing

go away laughing
animaapi vai s/he goes away laughing

go away with a light
animaazakonenjige vai s/he goes away with a light

go away mad
animigidaazo vai s/he goes away angry, goes away mad

go away speaking
animwewidam vai2 s/he goes away making (vocal) sounds

go about crying
babaamademo vai s/he goes about crying

go along singing
bima'amaazo vai s/he goes along singing

go along with a light
bimaazakonenjige vai s/he goes along with a light

going away
ani- pv dir coming up to in time; going away; in progress; on the way

See also: ni- pv dir

go after
naadin vti3 go get, go after, fetch it

Paired with: naazh vta

naajinizha' vta go after h/; send for h/; order h/

Paired with: naajinizha'an vti

naajinizha'an vti go after it; send for it; order it

Paired with: naajinizha' vta

naazh vta go get, go after, fetch h/

Paired with: naadin vti3

nooji' vta seek, go after, hunt h/

Paired with: noojitoon vti2

noojitoon vti2 seek, go after, hunt it

Paired with: nooji' vta

noopinazh vta follow h/, go after h/ [someone going somewhere]

Paired with: noopinadan vti

go fast
gizhiikaa vai s/he goes fast

[move toward]
go upstairs
akwaandawe vai s/he climbs up, climbs, goes upstairs

go back
azhe- pv lex go back

azheshkaa vai s/he goes back, returns

Paired with: azheshkaa vii

azhetaa vai s/he goes back, returns

go after
go after hay
naadashkosiwe vai s/he goes after hay

go after
naadin vti3 go get, go after, fetch it

Paired with: naazh vta

naajinizha' vta go after h/; send for h/; order h/

Paired with: naajinizha'an vti

naajinizha'an vti go after it; send for it; order it

Paired with: naajinizha' vta

naazh vta go get, go after, fetch h/

Paired with: naadin vti3

nooji' vta seek, go after, hunt h/

Paired with: noojitoon vti2

noojitoon vti2 seek, go after, hunt it

Paired with: nooji' vta

noopinazh vta follow h/, go after h/ [someone going somewhere]

Paired with: noopinadan vti

go after car
naajidaabaane vai s/he goes after a car or cars

go after traps
naajiwanii'ige vai s/he goes to get the traps, goes to check the traps

go away
go away
awas pc disc go away!

go downhill
go downhill
niisaakiiwe vai s/he goes downhill

go get
go get by boat
naada' vta go get h/ (on the water)

Paired with: naada'an vti

naada'an vti go get it by using something, go get it (by boat)

Paired with: naada' vta

naada'ige vai s/he goes get (things) by boat

go to get
naada'oodoon vti2 go get it by using something, go get it (by boat)

Paired with: naada'oozh vta

naada'oozh vta go to get h/ by boat

go get
naadin vti3 go get, go after, fetch it

Paired with: naazh vta

naazh vta go get, go after, fetch h/

Paired with: naadin vti3

naadaw vta go get (it) for h/, fetch (it) for h/

naazikamaw vta go get (it) for h/

go get firewood
naadinise vai s/he goes to get firewood

go get food
naajimiijime vai s/he goes to get food

go get mail
naadazina'igane vai s/he goes to get mail

naadazina'iganetamaw vta go collect a debt for h/; go get mail for h/

go get medicine
naadashkikiwe vai s/he goes to get medicine

go on ice
go about on the ice
babaamaadagaako vai s/he goes about on the ice

babaamaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs about on the ice, around on the ice

go along on the ice
bimaadagaako vai s/he goes along on the ice

go away on the ice
animaadagaako vai s/he goes away (in the other direction) on the ice

animaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) on the ice

go out
go out (of lights, fire)
aate vii [S] it is extinguished

aatawe vii [N] it goes out, is extinguished

See also: aate vii [S]

aatawese vii it goes out by itself, goes out suddenly (of lights, fire)

go out
go out of place
gotigobide vii it rolls over, goes out of place

Paired with: gotigobizo vai

go over
go over somewhere to
awi- pv dir go somewhere to do something, go over there to...

See also: o- pv dir

o- pv dir go somewhere to do something, go over there to...

See also: awi- pv dir

go to
go to
naazikan vti go to, approach it

Paired with: naazikaw vta [N]

naazikaw vta [N] go to, approach h/

hockey goal
zhooshkwaada'ewasab na [BL] a hockey goal

maanadik na a goat

See also: maanadikosh na ; maanadikoshens na

maanadikosh na a goat

See also: maanadik na ; maanadikoshens na

maanadikoshens na a goat

See also: maanadik na ; maanadikosh na

gichi-manidoo na great spirit, god, the creator

gizhe-manidoo na God, the Creator

going to
going to
wii- pv tns is going to, will, want to

waa- pv tns is going to, will, want to

wii- pv tns

color gold
ozaawaa-zhooniyaawaande vii it is colored gold

Paired with: ozaawaa-zhooniyaawaanzo vai

ozaawaa-zhooniyaawaanzo vai it (animate) is colored gold

Paired with: ozaawaa-zhooniyaawaande vii

golden eagle
golden eagle
giniw na golden eagle

Aquilia chrysaetos

golden eagle feather
giniwigwan na a golden eagle feather

golden eagle nest
giniwazison ni [BL] a golden eagle's nest

a goldeye
wiibijiinh na a goldeye

Hiodon alosoides

aginjibagwesi na [NI] a goldfinch

American goldfinch
Carduelis tristis

gone a certain length of time
apiitendi vai s/he is away, absent, gone so long

inendi vai s/he is away, absent, gone so long

gone five days
naanogonendi vai s/he is gone five days, is absent five days

gone four days
niiyogonendi vai s/he is gone four days, is absent four days

gone from a certain place
ondendi vai s/he is gone from a certain place, absent from a certain place

gone overnight
nikanendi vai s/he is gone overnight

gone so many days
dasogonendi vai s/he is gone a certain number of days, is absent a certain number of days

gone three days
nisogonendi vai s/he is gone three days, is absent three days

gone two days
niizhogonendi vai s/he is gone two days, is absent two days

gone for good
aapidendi vai s/he goes and doesn't return, is gone for good

run away for good
aapijibatoo vai s/he runs away for good

flee for good
aapijinizhimo vai s/he flees for good

mino- pv lex good; nice; well

good travelling weather
mino-giizhiganishi vai s/he has good travelling weather

good smell
minomaagwad vii it smells good, has a good smell

Paired with: minomaagozi vai

minomaagozi vai s/he smells good, has a good smell

Paired with: minomaagwad vii

smell good
minomaagozi vai s/he smells good, has a good smell

Paired with: minomaagwad vii

minomaagwad vii it smells good, has a good smell

Paired with: minomaagozi vai

minomaam vta like the smell of h/

Paired with: minomaandan vti

minomaandan vti like the smell of it

Paired with: minomaam vta

minomaago' vta put perfume on h/; make h/ smell good

Paired with: minomaagotoon vti2

minomaagotoon vti2 make it smell good, put perfume on it

Paired with: minomaago' vta

smell good burning or cooking
minomaaso vai s/he smells good burning or cooking

Paired with: minomaate vii

minomaate vii it smells good burning or cooking

Paired with: minomaaso vai

good taste
minopidan vti find it tastes good, like the taste of it

Paired with: minopozh vta

minopozh vta find a good taste in h/

taste good
minopogozi vai s/he tastes good

Paired with: minopogwad vii

minopogwad vii it tastes good

Paired with: minopogozi vai

minwaagamin vii it (a liquid) tastes good

lie in a good position
minosin vii it lies in a good position, fits well in place

Paired with: minoshin vai

minoshin vai s/he lies comfortably, lies in a good position

Paired with: minosin vii

sound good
minotaagozi vai s/he sounds good

Paired with: minotaagwad vii

minotaagwad vii it sounds good

Paired with: minotaagozi vai

hear sounding good
minotan vti like hearing it, like how it sounds

Paired with: minotaw vta

minotaw vta like hearing h/, like how s/he sounds

Paired with: minotan vti

good use
minwaabadad vii it is very useful, is of good use

Paired with: minwaabadizi vai

minwaabadizi vai s/he is very useful, is of good use

Paired with: minwaabadad vii

minwaabaji' vta get good use of h/

Paired with: minwaabajitoon vti2

minwaabajitoon vti2 get good use of it

Paired with: minwaabaji' vta

look good
minonaagwad vii it looks good, looks nice

Paired with: minonaagozi vai

minwaabaminaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) looks good, looks nice

Paired with: minwaabaminaagwad vii

minwaabaminaagwad vii it looks good, looks nice

Paired with: minwaabaminaagozi vai

good body
minwaabewizi vai he has a good build

good (mineral)
minwaabikad vii it is good (as something mineral)

Paired with: minwaabikizi vai

minwaabikizi vai s/he is good (as something mineral)

Paired with: minwaabikad vii

lead a good life
minwaadizi vai s/he is a good person (leads a good life, has a good character, is honest)

nookaadizi vai s/he has a good, easy life

Paired with: nookaadad vii

tell good news
minwaajimo vai s/he tells good news, tells a good story

minwaadodan vti tell good news of it

Paired with: minwaajim vta

minwaajim vta tell good news of h/

Paired with: minwaadodan vti

good (stick-like)
minwaakozi vai s/he is good (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: minwaakwad vii

minwaakwad vii it is good (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: minwaakozi vai

good color
minwaande vii it is a good color

Paired with: minwaanzo vai

minwaanzo vai it (animate) is a good color

Paired with: minwaande vii

good breeze
minwaanimad vii there is a good breeze

good movie
minwaatese vii it is a good movie; it flashes nicely

good (sheet-like)
minwegad vii it (sheet-like) is good, is nice

Paired with: minwegizi vai

minwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is good, is nice

Paired with: minwegad vii

good teeth
minwaabide vai s/he has good teeth

good weather
mizhakwad vii the sky is clear; it is good weather

good at
nitaa- pv lex being good at; being skilled at; frequently do; know how to do something

good worker
gotaamigozi vai s/he is a good worker, is a good provider

Canada goose
nika na a goose

Canada goose
Branta canadensis

goose grease
snow goose grease
we'wewi-bimide ni snow goose grease

ozhaaboomin na [BL] a gooseberry

northern gooseberry
Ribes oxyacanthoides

See also: zhaaboomin na

zhaaboomin na a gooseberry

northern gooseberry
Ribes oxyacanthoides

gooseberry bush
zhaaboominagaawanzh na a gooseberry bush

Northern gooseberry
Ribes oxyacanthoides

pocket gopher
memookiwidoo na a pocket gopher

plains pocket gopher
Geomys bursarius

dazhim vta talk, gossip about h/

Paired with: dazhindan vti

dazhindan vti talk, gossip about it, discuss it

Paired with: dazhim vta

agosimaan ni [BL] a cucurbit (a plant of the gourd family or its fruit): cucumber, gourd, melon, pumpkin, squash, watermelon

See also: gichi-agosimaan na

ogimaakandan vti rule, govern it

Paired with: ogimaakandaw vta

ogimaakandaw vta rule, govern h/

Paired with: ogimaakandan vti

government official
government official
wegimaawabid na-v a councillor, a council member, a representative; a government official

odaake-ogimaa na a director; a governor

odaakewigimaa na a director

lieutenant governor
aanike-odaake-ogimaa na a lieutenant-governor; an assistant director

debibizh vta grab, catch, reach and take, get hold of h/

Paired with: debibidoon vti2

debibidoon vti2 grab, catch, reach and take, get hold of it

Paired with: debibizh vta

debibidaw vta grab, catch, reach and take, get hold of (it) for h/

debam vta get, grab h/ with the mouth, with the teeth

Paired with: debandan vti

debandan vti get, grab it with the mouth, with the teeth

Paired with: debam vta

nawadin vta grab, seize h/

Paired with: nawadinan vti

nawadinan vti grab, seize it

Paired with: nawadin vta

nawadinamaw vta grab (it) of h/; seize (it) of h/

nawadinige vai s/he grabs, seizes something

nawadiniwe vai s/he takes captives

[something used to get something]
naajiweba'igan ni something used to get something: a reaching stick, a grabber

See also: naajiweba'iganaak ni

naajiweba'iganaak ni something used to get something: a reaching stick, a grabber

See also: naajiweba'igan ni