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e-mail message
waasamoobii'igan ni an email

waasamoobii'amaw vta email h/

a little bit each
bebangii adv qnt a little bit each; a little bit at a time

each one
bebezhig qnt num one-by-one

two each
neniizh qnt num two each

three each
neniswi qnt num three each

four each
neniiwin qnt num four each

five each
nenaanan qnt num five each

six each
neningodwaaswi qnt num six each

seven each
neniizhwaaswi qnt num seven each

eight each
nenishwaaswi pv qnt eight each

See also: eyishwaaswi qnt num

eyishwaaswi qnt num eight each

See also: nenishwaaswi pv qnt

nine each
zhezhaangaswi qnt num nine each

ten each
memidaaswi qnt num ten each

gwaashkwezi vai s/he is eager, is energetic, is ambitious

ojaanimitoon vti2 be eager to do it

Paired with: ojaanimi' vta

wewiibendam vai s/he is in a hurry, is eager

bald eagle
migizi na a bald eagle

Haliaeetus leucocephalus

golden eagle
giniw na golden eagle

Aquilia chrysaetos

binesi na
  1. a bird of a large species; a raptor (a hawk or eagle)
  2. a thunderbird

eagle feather
bald eagle feather
migiziwigwan na a bald eagle feather

golden eagle feather
giniwigwan na a golden eagle feather

eagle nest
bald eagle nest
migiziwazison ni [BL] a bald eagle's nest

golden eagle nest
giniwazison ni [BL] a golden eagle's nest

[top part of plant]
ear of corn
mandaaminaak na an ear of corn

The medial /-tawag-/ occurs in verbs referring to the ear or ears.
nitawag nid my ear

gitawag nid your ear

otawag nid h/ ear

big ear
mamaangitawage vai s/he has big ears

block ears
gibishen vta cover h/ ears, block h/ ears

gibishenidizo vai s/he covers h/ (own) ears, blocks h/ (own) ears

gibitawagen vta cover h/ ears, block h/ ears

gibitawagenidizo vai s/he covers h/ (own) ears, blocks h/ (own) ears

bloody ear
miskwiiwitawage vai s/he has a bloody ear

clean ear
biinitawage vai s/he has a clean ear or clean ears

cold ear
giikajitawagewaji vai s/he has cold ears

cover ears
gibishen vta cover h/ ears, block h/ ears

gibishenidizo vai s/he covers h/ (own) ears, blocks h/ (own) ears

gibitawagen vta cover h/ ears, block h/ ears

gibitawagenidizo vai s/he covers h/ (own) ears, blocks h/ (own) ears

dirty ear
wiinitawage vai s/he has a dirty ear or dirty ears

ear itches
gizhiibitawage vai h/ ear itches

gagizhiibitawage vai h/ ears itch

frozen ear
mashkawitawagewaji vai s/he has a frozen ear or ears

mamaashkawitawagewaji vai s/he has frozen ears

hairy ear
miishitawage vai s/he has hairy ears

infected ear
miniiwitawage vai s/he has an infected ear

inside ear
biinjitawag adv loc inside an ear

itchy ear
ginagitawage vai [BL] s/he has an itchy ear or itchy ears

scar on ear
ojiishitawage vai s/he has scar on h/ ear

small ear
agaasitawage vai s/he has a small ear or small ears

babiiwitawage vai s/he has tiny ears

has such an ear or such ears
izhitawage vai s/he has such an ear or ears

wash ear
giziibiigitawage vai s/he washes h/ (own) ears

wiggle ear
biskitawageni vai s/he wiggles h/ ears

ear drops
ear drops
ziiginishaan ni ear drops

ziiginishe vai s/he puts drops in h/ own ears

ear wax
ear wax
migaaskitawagaan ni ear wax

migaaskitawage vai s/he has ear wax

dewitawage vai s/he has an earache

wayiiba adv tmp early; in a little while; soon

wiiba adv tmp [N] early; soon

See also: wayiiba adv tmp

early in the morning
gichi-gigizheb adv tmp early in the morning

early in the night
oshki-dibikad vii it is early in the night

too early
onzaam wiiba adv tmp [BL] too early, too soon

See also: onzaam adv qnt ; wiiba adv tmp [N]

wake up early
gigizhebaawii vai s/he wakes up early

giizhootawage'on na earmuff

Paired with: giizhootawage'on ni

giizhootawage'on ni earmuff

See also: giizhootawage'on na

wear earmuffs
giizhootawage'o vai s/he wears earmuffs

gashkichige vai s/he acquires something, earns something, is able (to do something)

gashki' vta earn h/ (e.g., money); manage h/ or it (animate); overpower, prevail over, conquer h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: gashkitoon vti2

earn money
zhooniyaake vai s/he makes money, earns money

ondizi vai s/he makes a living a certain way, earns or makes money, gets paid, benefits a certain way, inherits from a certain source

naabishebizon ni an earring

wear earrings
naabishebizo vai s/he wears an earring or earrings

aki ni
  1. earth, land, ground
  2. a country, a territory
  3. moss

akiiwan vii it is the earth, is land

be a lot of earth
akiikaa vii there is (a lot of) dirt, earth, land

earth lodge
earth lodge
akiiwe-wiigiwaam ni an earth lodge

wenipazh adv man easily, at hand, readily

na'egaaj adv man go easy!; not too hard!; easily; without effort

get easily
wenipazhi' vta get h/ easily, have an easy time with h/

Paired with: wenipazhitoon vti2

wenipazhitoon vti2 get it easily, have an easy time with it

Paired with: wenipazhi' vta

get chilled easily
wakewaji vai s/he can't take being cold, gets chilled easily

make easily
wenjitoon vti2 make it easily, have an easy time with it

Paired with: wenji' vta

wenji' vta make h/ easily, have an easy time with h/

Paired with: wenjitoon vti2

waabani- pv lex east

wendaabang ni-v east

See also: ondaaban vii

ondaaban vii it is east; the light of dawn comes from a certain direction

in the east
waabanong adv loc in the east; to the east

to the east
waabanong adv loc in the east; to the east

east wind
east wind
waabani-noodin ni east wind

wendad vii it is easy, is simple, is cheap

Paired with: wendizi vai

wendizi vai s/he is easy, is cheap

Paired with: wendad vii

wenipanad vii it is easy

Paired with: wenipanizi vai

wenipanizi vai s/he is easy, does something easily

Paired with: wenipanad vii

easy going
bekaadizi vai s/he is quiet, is still, is easy-going

easy time with
wenji' vta make h/ easily, have an easy time with h/

Paired with: wenjitoon vti2

wenjitoon vti2 make it easily, have an easy time with it

Paired with: wenji' vta

go easy
manaaji' vta spare, respect, go easy on h/

Paired with: manaajitoon vti2

manaajitoon vti2 spare, respect, go easy on it

Paired with: manaaji' vta

na'egaaj adv man go easy!; not too hard!; easily; without effort

look easy
wenipaninaagozi vai s/he looks easy

Paired with: wenipaninaagwad vii

wenipaninaagwad vii it looks easy

Paired with: wenipaninaagozi vai

think easy
wenipanendan vti think it easy

wenipanenim vta think h/ easy

wiisini vai s/he eats

amo vta eat h/

Paired with: miijin vti3 See also: amwi vta

miijin vti3 eat it

Paired with: amo vta

change way of eating
aandanjige vai s/he changes h/ way of eating, changes h/ diet

eat a certain way
inam vta eat, bite h/ a certain way

Paired with: inandan vti

inandan vti eat, bite it a certain way

Paired with: inam vta

inanjige vai s/he eats a certain way, has a certain diet

eat accidentally
bitam vta bite, eat h/ accidentally

Paired with: bitandan vti

bitandan vti bite, eat it accidentally

Paired with: bitam vta

eat all
gidaanawe vai s/he eats it all, eats everything up

gidaan vti4 eat all of it, eat it up

Paired with: gidamo vta

gidamo vta eat all of h/, eat h/ up

Paired with: gidaan vti4

jaagam vta eat up all of h/

Paired with: jaagandan vti

jaagandan vti eat up all of it

See also: jaagam vta

jaaganjige vai s/he eats up all of something

eat breakfast
gigizhebaa-miijin vti3 eat it for breakfast

gigizhebaa-wiisini vai s/he eats breakfast

eat dinner
naawakwe-miijin vti3 eat it for lunch, for dinner (the noon meal)

naawakwe-wiisini vai s/he eats lunch, eats dinner (the noon meal)

eat enough
debisinii vai s/he has enough to eat, eats enough, is full

See also: de-wiisini vai

de-miijin vti3 eat enough of it

de-wiisini vai s/he has enough to eat, eats enough, is full

See also: debisinii vai

eat from a certain place
ondam vta eat h/ from a certain place

Paired with: ondandan vti

ondandan vti eat it from a certain place

Paired with: ondam vta

eat half
aabitawam vta eat half of h/

Paired with: aabitawandan vti

aabitawandan vti eat half of it

Paired with: aabitawam vta

eat in a certain place
danam vta eat it (animate) in a certain place

Paired with: danandan vti

danandan vti eat it in a certain place

Paired with: danam vta

dananjige vai s/he eats in a certain place

eat a light meal
nawajii vai s/he eats a light meal, takes a lunch break

eat lunch
naawakwe-wiisini vai s/he eats lunch, eats dinner (the noon meal)

naawakwe-miijin vti3 eat it for lunch, for dinner (the noon meal)

nawajii vai s/he eats a light meal, takes a lunch break

eat quickly
ginibam vta eat it (animate) quickly

Paired with: ginibandan vti

ginibandan vti eat it quickly

Paired with: ginibam vta

ginibanjige vai s/he eats quickly

eat raw food
ashkandan vti eat it raw

Paired with: ashkam vta

ashkam vta eat h/ raw

Paired with: ashkandan vti

eat secretly
giimoodam vta eat, bite h/ secretly

Paired with: giimoodandan vti

giimoodandan vti eat, bite it secretly

Paired with: giimoodam vta

giimoodanjige vai s/he eats things secretly

eat snow
amwaagone vai s/he eats snow

eat supper
onaagoshi-miijin vti3 eat it for supper

onaagoshi-wiisini vai s/he eats supper

eat up
gidaan vti4 eat all of it, eat it up

Paired with: gidamo vta

gidaanawe vai s/he eats it all, eats everything up

gidamo vta eat all of h/, eat h/ up

Paired with: gidaan vti4

eat well
mino-wiisini vai s/he eats well, likes what s/he eats

minwanjige vai s/he eats well, likes what s/he eats

eat with
wiidoopam vta eat with h/

wiidoopange vai s/he eats with others

wiidoopandiwag vai they eat with each other

eat with fingers
michininjiikanjige vai s/he eats with h/ fingers

eat with something else
apam vta eat something with h/

Paired with: apandan vti

apandan vti eat something with it

Paired with: apam vta

apanjige vai s/he eats things with something else (e.g., butter with bread)

dagwam vta eat h/ or it (animate) with something

Paired with: dagwandan vti

dagwandan vti eat it with something

Paired with: dagwam vta

go without eating
zhiibanaandam vai2 s/he can go without eating, can endure being hungry

heard eating
madwenjige vai s/he chews something audibly, is heard chewing

leave behind uneaten
ishkwam vta leave h/ behind uneaten

Paired with: ishkwandan vti

ishkwandan vti leave it behind uneaten

Paired with: ishkwam vta

start eating
maadam vta start eating, start chewing h/

Paired with: maadandan vti

maadandan vti start eating, start chewing it

Paired with: maadam vta

maadanjige vai s/he starts eating, starts chewing

used to eating
nagadam vta be used to eating h/

nagadandan vti be used to eating it

Paired with: nagadam vta

nagadanjige vai s/he is used to eating things

giimitam vai2 s/he eavesdrops

giimitaw vta eavesdrop on h/

giimitaadiwag vai they eavesdrop on each other

baswewe vii it echoes, resounds

Paired with: baswewe vai

baswewe vai s/he echoes, resounds

Paired with: baswewe vii

makadewaabikizi vai
  1. s/he is black (as something mineral)
  2. s/he is in eclipse, there is an eclipse (of the sun or moon)

Paired with: makadewaabikad vii

go along the edge
bimaazhagaame vai s/he goes along on the shore or edge of something

jiigewe vai s/he goes along on the shore or edge

walk around the edge
giiwitaayaazhagaame vai s/he walks around a lake; s/he walks around the edge

gikendaaso vai s/he is knows, is smart, is intelligent, is educated

gikinoo'amaagoowin ni education or teaching (that one receives); a lesson

gikinoo'amaadiwin ni teaching, education

education by preaching and exhortation
gagiikimaawasowin ni education by preaching and exhortation

Indian education
anishinaabe-gikinoo'amaadiwin ni Indian education, Native education

mizay na a ling, an eelpout, a burbot, a mariah, a lawyer (fish)

Lota lota

na'ii vai s/he is right-handed; s/he is good at something, is skilled, is efficient

make an effort
goji'ewizi vai s/he tries, makes an effort

with effort
enigok adv deg harder; with effort

waawan ni an egg

fish egg
waak na a fish egg, roe

lay an egg
boonam vai2 s/he lays an egg

snapping turtle egg
mikinaakwaawan ni a snapping turtle egg

waninawe'igan ni something used to stir or mix with: a stirring stick, an eggbeater, a mixer

See also: wanawe'igan ni [BL]

nishwaaswi qnt num eight

See also: ishwaaswi qnt num ; nishwaaso qnt num [RL]

ishwaaswi qnt num eight

See also: nishwaaswi qnt num ; nishwaaso qnt num [RL]

nishwaaso- pv qnt eight

See also: ishwaaso- pv qnt

ishwaaso- pv qnt eight

See also: nishwaaso- pv qnt

nishwaachinoon vii they (inanimate) are eight, there are eight of them

Paired with: nishwaachiwag vai See also: ishwaachinoon vii

ishwaachinoon vii they (inanimate) are eight, there are eight of them

Paired with: ishwaachiwag vai See also: nishwaachinoon vii

ishwaachiwag vai they (animate) are eight, there are eight of them (animate)

Paired with: ishwaachinoon vii See also: nishwaachiwag vai

nishwaachiwag vai they (animate) are eight, there are eight of them (animate)

Paired with: nishwaachinoon vii See also: ishwaachiwag vai

and eight
ashi-nishwaaswi qnt num
  1. and eight
  2. eighteen

See also: ashi-ishwaaswi qnt num ; ashi-nishwaaso- pv qnt

ashi-ishwaaswi qnt num
  1. and eight
  2. eighteen

See also: ashi-nishwaaso- pv qnt ; ashi-nishwaaswi qnt num

ashi-nishwaaso- pv qnt and eight

See also: ashi-ishwaaso- pv qnt

ashi-ishwaaso- pv qnt and eight

See also: ashi-nishwaaso- pv qnt

eight acres
ishwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. eight minutes
  2. eight acres

See also: nishwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num

nishwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. eight minutes
  2. eight acres

See also: ishwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num

eight bags
nishwaasooshkin qnt num eight bags

See also: ishwaasooshkin qnt num

ishwaasooshkin qnt num eight bags

See also: nishwaasooshkin qnt num

eight boatloads
ishwaasoonag qnt num eight boats or canoes, eight boatloads

See also: nishwaasoonag qnt num

eight boats
ishwaasoonag qnt num eight boats or canoes, eight boatloads

See also: nishwaasoonag qnt num

nishwaasoonag qnt num eight boats or canoes, eight boatloads

See also: ishwaasoonag qnt num

eight canoes
ishwaasoonag qnt num eight boats or canoes, eight boatloads

See also: nishwaasoonag qnt num

nishwaasoonag qnt num eight boats or canoes, eight boatloads

See also: ishwaasoonag qnt num

eight days
nishwaaso-giizhik qnt num eight days

See also: ishwaaso-giizhik qnt num

ishwaaso-giizhik qnt num eight days

See also: nishwaaso-giizhik qnt num

nishwaasogon qnt num eight days

See also: ishwaasogon qnt num

ishwaasogon qnt num eight days

See also: nishwaasogon qnt num

ishwaasogonagad vii it is eight days

Paired with: ishwaasogonagizi vai

eight days old
nishwaasogonagizi vai it is the eighth (of the month); s/he is eight days old

See also: ishwaasogonagizi vai

ishwaasogonagizi vai it is the eighth (of the month); s/he is eight days old

See also: ishwaasogonagad vii

eight dollars
nishwaaswaabik qnt num eight dollars

See also: ishwaaswaabik qnt num

ishwaaswaabik qnt num eight dollars

See also: nishwaaswaabik qnt num

eight each
nenishwaaswi pv qnt eight each

See also: eyishwaaswi qnt num

eyishwaaswi qnt num eight each

See also: nenishwaaswi pv qnt

eight hours
nishwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. eight hours
  2. eight miles

See also: ishwaaso-diba'igan qnt num

ishwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. eight miles
  2. eight hours

See also: nishwaaso-diba'igan qnt num

eight hundred
nishwaaswaak qnt num eight hundred

See also: ishwaaswaak qnt num

ishwaaswaak qnt num eight hundred

See also: nishwaaswaak qnt num

eight inches
nishwaasoninj qnt num eight inches

See also: ishwaasoninj qnt num

ishwaasoninj qnt num eight inches

See also: nishwaasoninj qnt num

eight miles
nishwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. eight hours
  2. eight miles

See also: ishwaaso-diba'igan qnt num

ishwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. eight miles
  2. eight hours

See also: nishwaaso-diba'igan qnt num

eight minutes
nishwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. eight minutes
  2. eight acres

See also: ishwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num

ishwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. eight minutes
  2. eight acres

See also: nishwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num

eight months
ishwaaso-giizis qnt num eight months

eight nights
ishwaaso-dibik qnt num eight nights

See also: nishwaaso-dibik qnt num

nishwaaso-dibik qnt num eight nights

See also: ishwaaso-dibik qnt num

eight o'clock
ishwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is eight o'clock

Paired with: nishwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S] See also: nishwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S]

nishwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is eight o'clock

See also: ishwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S]

nishwaaso-diba'igane vii [N] it is eight o'clock

nishwaaso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is eight o'clock

eight pairs
nishwaaswewaan qnt num eight pairs; eight sets

See also: ishwaaswewaan qnt num

ishwaaswewaan qnt num eight pairs; eight sets

See also: nishwaaswewaan qnt num

eight pieces of something sheet-like
ishwaasweg qnt num eight pieces of something sheet-like

See also: nishwaasweg qnt num

nishwaasweg qnt num eight pieces of something sheet-like

See also: ishwaasweg qnt num

eight pounds
ishwaaso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num eight pounds

See also: nishwaaso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num

nishwaaso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num eight pounds

See also: ishwaaso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num

eight sets
nishwaaswewaan qnt num eight pairs; eight sets

See also: ishwaaswewaan qnt num

ishwaaswewaan qnt num eight pairs; eight sets

See also: nishwaaswewaan qnt num

eight thousand
ishwaasosagoons qnt num eight thousand

See also: nishwaasosagoons qnt num

nishwaasosagoons qnt num eight thousand

See also: ishwaasosagoons qnt num

eight times
nishwaaching adv tmp eight times

See also: ishwaaching adv tmp

ishwaaching adv tmp eight times

See also: nishwaaching adv tmp

eight weeks
ishwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num eight weeks

See also: nishwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num

nishwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num eight weeks

See also: ishwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num

nishwaaso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is eight weeks

eight years
nishwaaso-biboon qnt num eight years; eight winters

See also: ishwaaso-biboon qnt num

ishwaaso-biboon qnt num eight years; eight winters

See also: nishwaaso-biboon qnt num

nishwaaso-biboonagad vii it is eight years

Paired with: nishwaaso-biboonagizi vai See also: ishwaaso-biboonagad vii

ishwaaso-biboonagad vii it is eight years

Paired with: ishwaaso-biboonagizi vai See also: nishwaaso-biboonagad vii

ishwaaso-gikinoonowin qnt num eight years

See also: nishwaaso-gikinoonowin qnt num

eight years old
ishwaaso-biboonagizi vai s/he is eight years old

Paired with: ishwaaso-biboonagad vii See also: nishwaaso-biboonagizi vai

nishwaaso-biboonagizi vai s/he is eight years old

Paired with: nishwaaso-biboonagad vii See also: ishwaaso-biboonagizi vai

eight card
ishwaasoobii'igan na an eight (card)

See also: nishwaasoobii'igan na

nishwaasoobii'igan na an eight (card)

See also: ishwaasoobii'igan na

eight hundred
eight hundred
nishwaaswaak qnt num eight hundred

See also: ishwaaswaak qnt num

ishwaaswaak qnt num eight hundred

See also: nishwaaswaak qnt num

eight o'clock
eight o'clock
ishwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is eight o'clock

Paired with: nishwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S] See also: nishwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S]

nishwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is eight o'clock

See also: ishwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S]

nishwaaso-diba'igane vii [N] it is eight o'clock

nishwaaso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is eight o'clock

eight thousand
eight thousand
ishwaasosagoons qnt num eight thousand

See also: nishwaasosagoons qnt num

nishwaasosagoons qnt num eight thousand

See also: ishwaasosagoons qnt num

ashi-ishwaaswi qnt num
  1. and eight
  2. eighteen

See also: ashi-nishwaaso- pv qnt ; ashi-nishwaaswi qnt num

ashi-nishwaaswi qnt num
  1. and eight
  2. eighteen

See also: ashi-ishwaaswi qnt num ; ashi-nishwaaso- pv qnt

eighteenth day of the month
ashi-nishwaaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the eighteenth (of the month)

eighth day of the month
ishwaasogonagizi vai it is the eighth (of the month); s/he is eight days old

See also: ishwaasogonagad vii

nishwaasogonagizi vai it is the eighth (of the month); s/he is eight days old

See also: ishwaasogonagizi vai

nishwaasimidana qnt num eighty

See also: ishwaasimidana qnt num ; nishwaasomidano qnt num [RL]

ishwaasimidana qnt num eighty

See also: nishwaasimidana qnt num ; nishwaasomidano qnt num [RL]

nishwaasomidano qnt num [RL] eighty

See also: ishwaasimidana qnt num ; nishwaasimidana qnt num

baashkizige vai
  1. s/he shoots things (with a gun)
  2. he ejaculates

onzaamenimo vai s/he is elated, is overexcited

The medial /-dooskwan-/ occurs in verbs referring to the elbow or elbows.
indooskwan nid my elbow

gidooskwan nid your elbow

odooskwan nid h/ elbow

bump elbow
bitaakodooskwaneshin vai s/he bumps h/ elbow on something

elbow itches
gizhiibidooskwan vai [S] h/ elbow itches

See also: gizhiibidooskwane vai [N]

gagizhiibidooskwan vai h/ elbows itch

gizhiibidooskwane vai [N] h/ elbow itches

See also: gizhiibidooskwan vai [S]

sore elbow
gaagiijidooskwan vai s/he has a sore elbow

See also: gaagiijidooskwane vai [N]

gaagiijidooskwane vai [N] s/he has a sore elbow

Paired with: gaagiijidooskwan vai

gichi-aya'aa na an adult, an elder

gichi-anishinaabe na an elder; a mature person

gichi-anishinaabewi vai s/he is a mature person, is an elder

gikaa vai s/he is elderly, is old, is aged

elders' residence
elders' residence
gikaawigamig ni elders' residence, nursing home

zaziikizi vai s/he is the eldest (of siblings)

eldest child
nitamoozhaan na an eldest child; a first-born child

zaziikizi vai s/he is the eldest (of siblings)

election day
election day
biinjwebinigewi-giizhigad vii it is election day

waasamoo- pv lex electric; powered

electric lamp
electric lamp
waasamoo-waazakonenjigan ni an electric lamp

waasamoo-anokiiwinini na electrician

waasamowin ni lightning; electricity

jejiibajikii na an elephant

akwaandawaagan ni something to climb up on or in: a stairway, a ladder, an elevator

akwaandawebizon ni an elevator

gaa-ishpaandaweg ni-v [BL] an elevator

See also: gaa-ishpaandawebideg ni-v [BL]

gaa-ishpaandawebideg ni-v [BL] an elevator

See also: gaa-ishpaandaweg ni-v [BL]

go down in an elevator
niisaandawebizo vai s/he goes downstairs under power (as in an elevator); s/he climbs on something and slides down

go up in an elevator
akwaandawebizo vai s/he rides up, goes up in an elevator

ashi-bezhig qnt num
  1. eleven
  2. and one

ashi-bezhigo- pv qnt
  1. and one
  2. eleven

midaaswi ashi-bezhig qnt num eleven

See also: ashi-bezhig qnt num

eleven o'clock
ashi-bezhigo-diba'iganed vii [S] it is eleven o'clock

ashi-bezhigo-diba'igane vii [N] it is eleven o'clock

ashi-bezhigo-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is eleven o'clock

eleven o'clock
eleven o'clock
ashi-bezhigo-diba'iganed vii [S] it is eleven o'clock

ashi-bezhigo-diba'igane vii [N] it is eleven o'clock

ashi-bezhigo-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is eleven o'clock

eleventh day of the month
ashi-bezhigwaginzo vai [BL] it is the eleventh (of the month)

omashkooz na an elk

American elk, wapiti
Cervus elaphus

elk meat
elk meat
omashkoozo-wiiyaas ni elk meat

aniib na an elm

American elm
Ulmus americana

slippery elm
ozhaashigob na a slippery elm

red elm
Ulmus rubra

boozi vai s/he gets in or on (a vehicle or a boat), boards, gets aboard, embarks

agaji' vta make h/ ashamed, embarrass h/, disgrace h/

agaji'iwe vai s/he embarrasses (people)

embarrass by speech
agazom vta embarrass h/ by speech

agazondiwag vai they speak and embarrass each other

agazondizo vai s/he embarasses h/ self in speech

agadenim vta be ashamed of, be embarrassed by h/

Paired with: agadendan vti

agadendaagozi vai s/he seems ashamed, shy, embarrassed

Paired with: agadendaagwad vii

agajise vai s/he is suddenly embarrassed

agadendaagwad vii it is shameful, is embarrassing

Paired with: agadendaagozi vai

giishkijiin vta hug, embrace h/

giishkijiinidiwag vai they hug, embrace

gikinjigwen vta hug, embrace h/

aabitoojiin vta embrace, hug h/ (at the waist)

mazinigwaadan vti embroider, bead it

Paired with: mazinigwaazh vta

mazinigwaaso vai s/he embroiders, beads something

mazinigwaazh vta embroider, bead h/

Paired with: mazinigwaadan vti

mazinigwaasowin ni an embroidered craft item

mookii vai s/he emerges, surfaces, comes out of somewhere

emerge from water
mookibii vai s/he emerges from the water

Paired with: mookibii vii

emerge from sand
mookadaawangii vai s/he or it (animate) emerges from the sand, comes out of the sand

emerge in flood
mookaabaawe vai s/he comes out, emerges in the rain or flood

emerge in rain
mookaabaawe vai s/he comes out, emerges in the rain or flood

employ in a certain way
inaabajitoon vti2 use, employ it a certain way

Paired with: inaabaji' vta

inaabaji' vta use, employ h/ a certain way

Paired with: inaabajitoon vti2

inaabadad vii it is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadizi vai

inaabadizi vai s/he is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadad vii

bizhishigozi vai s/he is empty

Paired with: bizhishigwaa vii

bizhishigwaa vii it is empty

Paired with: bizhishigozi vai

bizhishigwaabikad vii it (something of metal) is empty

zhiigon vta empty h/

Paired with: zhiigonan vti

zhiigonan vti empty it

Paired with: zhiigon vta

zhiigonige vai s/he empties things

zhiigonamaw vta empty (it) for h/

zhiigonigaade vii it is emptied (by someone), "they" empty it

zhiigonigaazo vai it (animate) is emptied (by someone), "they" empty it (animate)

wiikwazom vta persuade, urge, encourage, convince h/

at the end
ishkwe-ayi'ii adv loc at the end of it

end of the road or trail
gabekana adv loc at the end of the road or trail

come to the end
ishkwaase vii it comes to an end

wayekwaase vii it comes to an end

end of an activity
ishkwaataa vai s/he is at the end of an activity; s/he stops an activity, stops working, quits working, quits a job

go to the end
gabeshkaa vai s/he goes, comes to the end

gabeshkan vti go to the end of it; pass by or through to the end of it; complete, pass through it; succeed in it

wayekwaashkaa vii [S] it goes, comes to the end

Paired with: wayekwaashkaa vai [S] See also: wekwaashkaa vii [N]

wayekwaashkaa vai [S] s/he goes, comes to the end

Paired with: wayekwaashkaa vii [S] See also: wekwaashkaa vai [N]

wayekwaashkan vti [S] go, come to the end of it

Paired with: wayekwaashkaw vta [S] See also: wekwaashkan vti [N]

wayekwaashkaw vta [S] go, come to the end of h/

Paired with: wayekwaashkan vti [S] See also: wekwaashkaw vta

wekwaashkaa vii [N] it goes, comes to the end

Paired with: wekwaashkaa vai [N] See also: wayekwaashkaa vii [S]

wekwaashkaa vai [N] s/he goes, comes to the end

Paired with: wekwaashkaa vii [N] See also: wayekwaashkaa vai [S]

wekwaashkan vti [N] go, come to the end of it

Paired with: wekwaashkaw vta See also: wayekwaashkan vti [S]

wekwaashkaw vta go, come to the end of h/

Paired with: wekwaashkan vti [N] See also: wayekwaashkaw vta [S]

hang at the end
ishkwegoode vii it hangs at the end

Paired with: ishkwegoojin vai

ishkwegoojin vai s/he hangs at the end

Paired with: ishkwegoode vii

ishkwegoodoon vti2 hang it at the end

Paired with: ishkwegoozh vta

ishkwegoozh vta hang h/ at the end

Paired with: ishkwegoodoon vti2

lie at the end
ishkweshin vai s/he lies at the end

Paired with: ishkwesin vii

ishkwesin vii it lies at the end

Paired with: ishkweshin vai

live on the end of town
ishkwege vai s/he lives at the end of town, lives in the last house

sit at the end
ishkwebi vai s/he sits at the end

stand at the end
ishkwegaabawi vai s/he stands at the end

biindaabaawazh vta give h/ an enema

biindaabaawazo vai s/he gets an enema

think of someone as enemy
miigaadenim vta think of h/ as an enemy or adversary; feel like fighting h/

miigaadenindiwag vai they think of each other as enemies or adversaries; they feel like fighting each other

gwaashkwezi vai s/he is eager, is energetic, is ambitious

engage in an activity to a certain extent
apiichitaa vai s/he engages in an activity to a certain extent, is so far along in an activity

asho-wiidige vai s/he is engaged

asho-wiidigendiwag vai they are engaged to each other

mayaajiibizod na-v engine

English language
Zhaaganaashiimowin ni the English language

zhaaganaashiimo vai s/he speaks English

express in English
zhaaganaashiiwisidoon vti2 [BL] express it in English; write it in English

speak English
gichi-mookomaanimo vai s/he speaks English

zhaaganaashiimo vai s/he speaks English

zhaaganaashiimotaw vta speak English to h/

zhaaganaashiimonodaw vta speak English to h/

write in English
zhaaganaashiiwibii'an vti write it in English

zhaaganaashiiwibii'amaw vta write (it) in English to or for h/

zhaaganaashiiwibii'ige vai s/he writes in English

zhaaganaashiiwibii'igaade vii it is written in English (by someone), "they" write it in English

zhaaganaashiiwisidoon vti2 [BL] express it in English; write it in English

zhaaganaash na an Englishman

zhaaganaashiiwi vai [BL] s/he is English

de- pv lex enough; sufficient; suitable

debise vii it is enough, is sufficient

Paired with: debise vai

debise vai s/he or it (animate) is enough, is sufficient, has enough

Paired with: debise vii

gwech adv qnt enough

eat enough
debisinii vai s/he has enough to eat, eats enough, is full

See also: de-wiisini vai

de-miijin vti3 eat enough of it

de-wiisini vai s/he has enough to eat, eats enough, is full

See also: debisinii vai

have enough
debisa' vta have enough of h/

Paired with: debisatoon vti2

debisachige vai s/he has enough of things

debisatoon vti2 have enough of it

Paired with: debisa' vta

debizi vai s/he is satisfied, has enough, is lucky

have enough to give
deba'ookii vai s/he has enough to give away, has enough for everyone

deba'oozh vta have enough to give to or feed h/

think there is enough
debisewendam vai2 s/he feels satisfied, thinks there is enough

biindigaw vta enter into where h/ is, come in on h/

biindige vai s/he enters, goes inside / indoors, comes inside / indoors

biindigeshkaa vii it moves inside, enters

Paired with: biindigeshkaa vai

maajiibii'ige-mashkimodens ni an envelope

mashkimodens ni a small bag: a pouch, a wallet, a coin purse, an envelope

ondenim vta envy h/

dibishkoo adv man directly; equal; even; just like, seems like

aabajichigan ni something used: a tool, equipment, material

gaasiibii'an vti erase it

gaasiibii'ige vai s/he erases things

gaasii'igan ni an eraser

gaasiibii'igan na an eraser

in error
wani- pv lex making a mistake, mistakenly, in error

gii' vta flee, escape, get away from h/; get away from h/

gii'iwe vai s/he escapes, gets away from people

giimii vai s/he sneaks away, escapes; s/he flees

ozhim vta flee, escape, get away from h/

eshkiime na Eskimo; Inuit

memindage adv man especially, particularly, above all, of course

in Europe
agaamakiing adv loc overseas, in Europe

keep up even
dibi' vta keep up even with h/

even though
even though
awanjish adv man even though; persistently; stubbornly

misawaa adv gram even though; no matter what; even if

onaagoshin vii it is evening

all evening
gabe-onaagosh adv tmp all evening

See also: gabenaagosh adv tmp

gabenaagosh adv tmp all evening

See also: gabe-onaagosh adv tmp

every evening
endasonaagosh adv tmp every evening