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Showing Category: ricing

anishinaabe-manoomin ni wild rice

aaba'oodoo vai s/he unties wild rice

aawajimine vai s/he hauls wild rice

bawa'am vai2 s/he knocks wild rice

(derived noun) bawa'amowin ni a load of picked rice
bawa'an vti
  1. knock it (with something)
  2. harvest it [wild rice] (with rice knockers)

See also: bawa'am vai2

(detransitive) bawa'ige vai s/he knocks things (with something) bawa'igan ni something knocked off or used to knock something off
bawa'iganaak na [LL] [ML] a knocker: a stick used to knock rice grains off the wild rice stalks

See also: bawa'iganaak ni [NI] [RL]

bawa'iganaak ni [NI] [RL] a knocker: a stick used to knock rice grains off the wild rice stalks

See also: bawa'iganaak na [LL] [ML] ; bawa'iganaatig ni

bawishkam vai2 s/he threshes wild rice

bawishkamookizin ni [NI] a mocassin for treading wild rice

biisi-manoomin ni fine wild rice, broken wild rice

See also: biisaawangi-manoomin ni

bootaagan na [ML] a mortar for wild rice

See also: bootaagan ni [LL]

bootaaganaak ni a pestle

bootaaganike vai s/he makes a mortar for rice

bootaagaadan vti stamp it in a mortar

bootaage vai s/he stamps things in a mortar (e.g., wild rice)

(applicative) bootaagaadan vti stamp it in a mortar (derived noun) bootaagan na [ML] a mortar for wild rice (verb of making) bootaaganike vai s/he makes a mortar for rice
dakobijigan ni tied wild rice

gaandakii'amaw vta pole (it) for h/

gaandakii'an vti pole it

(detransitive) gaandakii'ige vai [S] s/he poles a boat (benefactive) gaandakii'amaw vta pole (it) for h/ gaandakii'igan ni a push pole gaandakii'iganaak ni a push pole
gaandakii'igan ni a push pole

See also: gaandakii'iganaak ni

gaandakii'iganaak ni a push pole

See also: gaandakii'igan ni

gaandakii'ige vai [S] s/he poles a boat

See also: gaandakii'o vai [BL]

gaapizan vti cook or roast it dry and crisp, parch it (wild rice)

(detransitive) gaapizige vai s/he cooks or roasts things dry and crisp, parches (wild rice)
(benefactive) gaapizigetamaw vta parch something for h/
(benefactive) gaapizamaw vta parch (it) for h/ (verb of use) gaapizigaagen vai + o use (it) to roast something (until dry and crisp), use (it) to parch wild rice (verb of undergoing) gaapizigaade vii it is cooked or roasted dry and crisp, parched (by someone) (derived noun) gaapizigan ni popped wild rice; {BL} parched or roasted wild rice (before winnowing)
gaapizigewabwiins ni [NI] a stirring paddle for wild rice parching

gaapizigewinaagan ni [NI] a wild rice parching tray or tub

gidasan vti roast it to remove something, parch it [wild rice]

(benefactive) gidasamaw vta parch (it) for h/ (detransitive) gidasige vai s/he roast things (to remove something), parches wild rice (verb of undergoing) gidasigaade vii it is roasted (to remove something), is parched [of wild rice] (derived noun) gidasigan ni parched wild rice
giishkashkimod ni a cedar bark bag

makade-manoomin ni black wild rice

manoomin ni wild rice

northern wild rice
Zizania palustris

(verb of abundance) manoominikaa vii there is (a lot of) wild rice (verb of making) manoominike vai s/he rices, goes ricing, makes rice, picks rice, harvests wild rice
(derived noun) manoominikewin ni ricing, harvesting wild rice (derived noun) manoominikaan ni finished wild rice
manoominaganzh ni a wild rice stalk

manoominagaawanzh ni a wild rice plant

manoominashk ni a wild rice stalk

manoominaaboo ni wild rice broth or soup

(verb of making) manoominaabooke vai s/he makes wild rice broth or soup
manoomini-manidoosh na a wild rice worm

manoomini-mashkimod ni a bag or sack for wild rice

manoominike-giizis na the moon of ricing occuring in August or September

See also: manoominikewi-giizis na [BL]

manoominike-mazina'igaans ni [ML] a ricing license

manoominikewi-giizis na [BL] the moon of ricing occuring in August or September

See also: manoominike-giizis na

manoominikewin ni ricing, harvesting wild rice

manoominiwazh ni a bag or sack for wild rice; a bag or sack filled with wild rice

mimigoshkam vai2 s/he threshes, jigs something (e.g., wild rice)

Paired with: mamigoshkam vai2 [BL]

mimigoshkamwaagan ni a barrel or tub used in threshing wild rice

mimigoshkan vti rub it (with foot or body) to loosen it; thresh, jig it (e.g., wild rice)

See also: mamigoshkan vti [BL]

nooshkaachinaagan ni a winnowing tray, a winnowing basket

(verb of making) nooshkaachinaaganike vai s/he makes a winnowing tray, winnowing basket
okaadakik na a large kettle or cauldon with small legs: a treaty kettle

oshki-manoomin ni freshly harvested wild rice

oshki-manoominike vai s/he rices for first time in season

ozhaawashko-manoomin ni green wild rice