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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

diba'aatigwaan ni a measuring used for measuring: a yardstick, a timber measuring stick, [esp. diminutive] a ruler

dibaakwa'iganaak ni a measuring used for measuring: a yardstick, a timber measuring stick, [esp. diminutive] a ruler

miskogaadeyaab ni yarn

ball of twine or yarn
bikoojaan ni a ball of twine or yarn

naanibaayawe vai s/he yawns

biboon qnt num a year; a winter

daso-biboon qnt num

gikinoonowin adv tmp a year

daso-gikinoonowin adv tmp

year passes
biboonagad vii it is a winter, it (a year) passes

daso-biboonagad vii

certain number of years
daso-biboon qnt num a certain number of years; so many years; a certain number of winters; so many winters

daso-biboonagad vii it is a certain number of years; it is so many years

daso-gikinoonowin adv tmp a certain number of years; so many years

so many years
daso-biboon qnt num a certain number of years; so many years; a certain number of winters; so many winters

daso-biboonagad vii it is a certain number of years; it is so many years

daso-gikinoonowin adv tmp a certain number of years; so many years

one year
ningo-biboon qnt num one year

See also: ingo-biboon qnt num

ingo-biboon qnt num one year; one winter

See also: ningo-biboon qnt num

ningo-gikinoonowin qnt num one year

See also: ingo-gikinoonowin qnt num

ingo-gikinoonowin qnt num one year

See also: ningo-gikinoonowin qnt num

ningo-biboonagad vii it is one year

See also: ingo-biboonagad vii

ingo-biboonagad vii it is one year

See also: ningo-biboonagad vii

ningo-biboonagizi vai s/he is one year old

Paired with: ningo-biboonagad vii See also: ingo-biboonagizi vai

ingo-biboonagizi vai s/he is one year old

See also: ningo-biboonagizi vai

two years
niizho-biboon qnt num two years; two winters

niizho-biboonagad vii it is two years

Paired with: niizho-biboonagizi vai

niizho-gikinoonowin qnt num two years

three years
niso-biboon qnt num three years; three winters

niso-biboonagad vii it is three years

niso-gikinoonowin qnt num three years

four years
niiwo-biboon qnt num four years; four winters

See also: niiyo-biboon qnt num

niiwo-biboonagad vii it is four years

Paired with: niiwo-biboonagizi vai See also: niiyo-biboonagad vii

niiyo-biboon qnt num four years; four winters

See also: niiwo-biboon qnt num

niiyo-biboonagad vii it is four years

Paired with: niiyo-biboonagizi vai See also: niiwo-biboonagad vii

niiyo-gikinoonowin qnt num four years

five years
naano-biboon qnt num five years; five winters

naano-biboonagad vii it is five years

naano-gikinoonowin qnt num five years

niiyo-gikinoonowin qnt num four years

six years
ingodwaaso-biboon qnt num six years; six winters

See also: ningodwaaso-biboon qnt num

ningodwaaso-biboon qnt num six years; six winters

ingodwaaso-biboonagad vii it is six years

ingodwaaso-gikinoonowin qnt num six years

See also: ningodwaaso-gikinoonowin qnt num

seven years
niizhwaaso-biboon qnt num seven years; seven winters

niizhwaaso-biboonagad vii it is seven years

Paired with: niizhwaaso-biboonagizi vai

niizhwaaso-gikinoonowin qnt num seven years

eight years
nishwaaso-biboon qnt num eight years; eight winters

See also: ishwaaso-biboon qnt num

ishwaaso-biboon qnt num eight years; eight winters

See also: nishwaaso-biboon qnt num

nishwaaso-biboonagad vii it is eight years

Paired with: nishwaaso-biboonagizi vai See also: ishwaaso-biboonagad vii

ishwaaso-biboonagad vii it is eight years

Paired with: ishwaaso-biboonagizi vai See also: nishwaaso-biboonagad vii

ishwaaso-gikinoonowin qnt num eight years

See also: nishwaaso-gikinoonowin qnt num

nine years
zhaangaso-biboon qnt num nine years; nine winters

zhaangaso-biboonagad vii it is nine years

Paired with: zhaangaso-biboonagizi vai

zhaangaso-gikinoonowin qnt num nine years

ten years
midaaso-biboon qnt num ten years; ten winters

midaaso-biboonagad vii it is ten years

midaaso-gikinoonowin qnt num ten years

The root /ozaaw-/ is the initial element in words for colors ranging from yellow to brown.
ozaawi- pv lex brown; yellow

ozaawaa vii it is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawizi vai

ozaawizi vai s/he or it (animate) is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawaa vii

yellow (globular)
ozaawiminagad vii it (something small and round) is yellow or brown

See also: ozaawiminagizi vai

ozaawiminagizi vai it (animate; something small and round) is yellow or brown

See also: wezaawiminagizid na-v

yellow (liquid)
ozaawaagamin vii it (a liquid) is yellow, is brown

yellow (mineral)
ozaawaabikad vii it is (of) brass; it is yellow, is brown (as something mineral)

Paired with: ozaawaabikizi vai

ozaawaabikizi vai it (animate) is (of) brass; it (animate; mineral) is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawaabikad vii

yellow (sheet-like)
ozaawegad vii it (sheet-like) is yellow or brown

Paired with: ozaawegizi vai

ozaawegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is yellow or brown

Paired with: ozaawegad vii

yellow (stick-like)
ozaawaakwad vii it (stick-like) is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawaakozi vai

ozaawaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawaakwad vii

yellow (string-like)
ozaawaabiigad vii it (string-like) is yellow or brown

Paired with: ozaawaabiigizi vai

ozaawaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is yellow or brown

Paired with: ozaawaabiigad vii

appear yellow
ozaawinaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) looks yellow, appears yellow; s/he or it (animate) looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagwad vii

ozaawinaagwad vii it looks yellow, appears yellow; it looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagozi vai

color yellow
ozaawaanzan vti color it yellow, color it brown

Paired with: ozaawaanz vta

ozaawaanz vta color h/ yellow, color h/ brown

Paired with: ozaawaanzan vti

ozaawaande vii it is colored yellow, is colored brown

Paired with: ozaawaanzo vai

ozaawaanzo vai it (animate) is colored yellow, is colored brown

Paired with: ozaawaande vii

look yellow
ozaawinaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) looks yellow, appears yellow; s/he or it (animate) looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagwad vii

ozaawinaagwad vii it looks yellow, appears yellow; it looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagozi vai

ozaawaakigane vai s/he has a yellow or brown chest, is yellow-breasted

See also: bagaki-ozaawaakigane vai

bagaki-ozaawaakigane vai s/he has a bright yellow chest, is yellow-breasted

yellow feather
ozaawigwan na a brown feather; a yellow feather

See also: ozaawi-miigwan na

ozaawigwane vai s/he (a bird) has brown or yellow feathers

bagaki-ozaawigwan na a yellow feather

bagaki-ozaawigwane vai [BL] s/he (a bird) has yellow feathers

wear yellow
ozaawi'o vai s/he wears yellow, wears brown

ozaawikonaye vai s/he wears yellow, wears brown

yellow bark
ozaawanagekozi vai it (animate) has brown or yellow bark

Paired with: ozaawanagekwad vii

ozaawanagekwad vii it has brown or yellow bark

Paired with: ozaawanagekozi vai

yellow leaves
ozaawibagaa vii there are brown or yellow leaves

yellow snow
ozaawaagonagaa vii there is yellow snow

yellow birch
yellow birch
wiinizik na a yellow birch

yellow birch
Betula alleghaniensis

ozaawaakigane vai s/he has a yellow or brown chest, is yellow-breasted

See also: bagaki-ozaawaakigane vai

bagaki-ozaawaakigane vai s/he has a bright yellow chest, is yellow-breasted

en' pc disc yes

enyanh' pc disc yes

eya' pc disc yes

yes-no question
ina pc disc [yes-no question word]

See also: na pc disc

na pc disc [yes-no question word]

See also: ina pc disc

day before yesterday
awasinaago adv tmp [BL] day before yesterday

awasonaago adv tmp day before yesterday

bijiinaago adv tmp yesterday

mashi adv tmp yet

geyaabi adv tmp still, yet

See also: gaawiin geyaabi adv tmp ; giiyaabi adv tmp [RL]

giiyaabi adv tmp [RL] still, yet

See also: geyaabi adv tmp

don't yet
gego mashi adv tmp don't ... yet

not yet
gaawiin mashi adv tmp not yet

See also: gaa mashi adv tmp

gaa mashi adv tmp not yet

See also: gaawiin mashi adv tmp

nibinaadwaaganaatig ni [BL] a yoke for carrying water pails

naada'ibiiwaatig ni [BL] a yoke for carrying water pails

giin pron per you [singular]

See also: gaye giin pron per ; gegiin pron per

giinawaa pron per you [plural]

See also: gaye giinawaa pron per ; gegiinawaa pron per

gi= pf you [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]; your [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]

gid= pf you [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]; your [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]

g= pf you [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]; your [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]

giy= pf you [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]; your [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]

just you
giineta pron per only you, just you [singular]

giinetawaa pron per only you, just you [plural]

only you
giineta pron per only you, just you [singular]

giinetawaa pron per only you, just you [plural]

you next
giinitam pron per your turn, you next [singular]

giinitamawaa pron per your turn, you next [plural]

oshki- pv lex
  1. new, young, fresh
  2. for the first time

oshkaya'aawi vai it (animate) is new; s/he is young, is an adolescent

See also: oshki-aya'aawi vai

oshkayi'iiwan vii it is new, is young

oshki-bimaadizi vai s/he is young, is an adolescent

oshkiniigii vai s/he is young, is an adolescent

look young
oshkiinaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) looks young, looks new

Paired with: oshkiinaagwad vii

oshkiinaagwad vii it looks new

Paired with: oshkiinaagozi vai

someone young
oshkaya'aa na something (animate) new; someone young

oshki-aya'aa na something (animate) new; someone young

young man
young man
oshki-inini na a young man, an adolescent boy

oshki-ininiiwi vai he is a young man, an adolescent boy

oshkinawe na a young man, an adolescent boy

oshkinawewi vai he is a young man, an adolescent boy

young woman
young woman
oshki-ikwe na a young woman, an adolescent girl

oshkiniigikwe na a young woman, an adolescent girl

oshkiniigikwewi vai she is a young woman, an adolescent girl

younger brother
younger brother
nishiime nad my younger sibling (brother or sister); my younger parallel cousin (mother's sister's child; father's brother's child)

gishiime nad your younger sibling (brother or sister); your younger parallel cousin (father's brother's child; mother's sister's child)

oshiimeyan nad h/ younger sibling (brother or sister); h/ younger parallel cousin (mother's sister's child; father's brother's child)

younger sister
younger sister
nishiime nad my younger sibling (brother or sister); my younger parallel cousin (mother's sister's child; father's brother's child)

gishiime nad your younger sibling (brother or sister); your younger parallel cousin (father's brother's child; mother's sister's child)

oshiimeyan nad h/ younger sibling (brother or sister); h/ younger parallel cousin (mother's sister's child; father's brother's child)

youngest child
ishkwejaagan na a last born child, the youngest child

See also: ishkwejiiyaagan na [NI]

gi= pf you [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]; your [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]

gid= pf you [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]; your [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]

g= pf you [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]; your [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]

giy= pf you [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]; your [the one or ones spoken to; the second person]

your turn
giinitam pron per your turn, you next [singular]

giinitamawaa pron per your turn, you next [plural]