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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

mikwamiikaa vii
  1. there (a lot of) ice
  2. it hails

niinizis nid my (strand of) hair

giinizis nid your (strand of) hair

wiinizis nid h/ (strand of) hair

See also: owiinizis nid

owiinizis nid h/ (strand of) hair

See also: wiinizis nid

black hair
makadewindibe vai s/he has black hair

makadewaanikwe vai s/he has black hair

blond hair
ozaawindibe vai s/he has blond hair, brown hair

ozaawaakondibe vai s/he has blond hair, brown hair

braid hair
apikaazh vta braid h/; braid h/ hair

apikaanidizo vai s/he braids h/ own hair

okaaden vta braid h/; braid h/ hair

Paired with: okaadenan vti

okaadenidizo vai s/he braids h/ (own) hair

white hair
waabishkindibe vai s/he has white hair

brown hair
ozaawindibe vai s/he has blond hair, brown hair

ozaawaakondibe vai s/he has blond hair, brown hair

comb hair
binaakwe' vta comb h/

binaakwe'wi vta

binaakwe' vta

nazikwe' vta comb h/ hair

nazikwe'o vai s/he combs h/ (own) hair

See also: anzikwe'o vai [RL]

comb part in hair
daashkaabii'o vai [RL] s/he parts h/ (own) hair, combs a part in h/ (own) hair; s/he has a part in h/ hair

naawijiine'o vai s/he parts h/ (own) hair, combs a part in h/ (own) hair; s/he has a part in h/ hair

daashkaabii' vta [RL] part h/ hair, comb a part in h/ hair

naawijiine' vta part h/ hair, comb a part in h/ hair

curl hair
babiizigaakiz vta curl h/ hair (by heat)

babiizigaakizige vai h/ hair is curled (by heat)

curly hair
babiizigindibe vai s/he has curly hair

babiizigaanikwe vai s/he has curly hair

cut hair
giishkikozh vta cut h/ hair, give h/ a haircut

giishkikozhiwe vai s/he cuts hair

dirty hair
wiinishtigwaane vai s/he has dirty hair, h/ hair is dirty

See also: wiinitigwaane vai [BL]

wiinaanikwe vai [BL] s/he has dirty hair, h/ hair is dirty

fine hair
biisaanikwe vai s/he has fine hair

grey hair
waabikwaan ni a strand of grey hair

waabikwe vai s/he has grey hair

long hair
gagaanwaanikwe vai s/he has long hair

messy hair
niiskindibe vai s/he has messy hair

nice hair
minwaanikwe vai s/he has nice hair

onizhishaanikwe vai s/he has nice hair

pubic hair
nimiishigwaan nid my (single) pubic hair

gimiishigwaan nid your (single) pubic hair

omiishigwaan nid h/ (single) pubic hair

pull hair
wiikwaanikwebizh vta pull h/ hair

short hair
dadaakwaanikwe vai s/he has short hair

soft hair
nookaanikwe vai s/he has soft hair

straight hair
dazhwaanikwe vai s/he has straight hair

thick hair
gipagaanikwe vai s/he has thick hair

wash hair
giziibiigindibe vai s/he washes h/ (own) hair

giziibiigindiben vta wash h/ hair

giziibiigitigwaanen vta [BL] wash h/ hair

hair dressing
hair dressing
noomakwaan ni hair dressing

hair pin
hair pin
baapaagokozo vai s/he gets a haircut

baapaagokozh vta give h/ a haircut

baapaagokozhiwe vai s/he gives haircuts

giishkikozo vai s/he has a haircut, gets a haircut

giishkikozh vta cut h/ hair, give h/ a haircut

giishkikozhiwe vai s/he cuts hair

bad haircut
maanikozo vai s/he has a bad haircut

maanikozh vta give h/ a bad haircut

maanikozhiwe vai s/he gives people bad haircuts

give a haircut
baapaagokozh vta give h/ a haircut

giishkikozh vta cut h/ hair, give h/ a haircut

get a haircut
baapaagokozo vai s/he gets a haircut

giishkikozo vai s/he has a haircut, gets a haircut

good haircut
minokozo vai s/he gets a good haircut

minokozh vta carve it (animate) nicely; give h/ a good haircut

minokozhiwe vai s/he gives people good haircuts

baapaagokozhiwewikwe na [ML] a hairdresser (female)

baapaagokozhiwewinini na [ML] a barber; a (male) hairdresser

babiizigaakizigewikwe na a (female) hairdresser

babiizigaakizigewinini na a (male) hairdresser

hairdressing salon
hairdressing salon
baapaagokozhiwewigamig ni a barber shop; a beauty parlor, a hair dressing salon

babiizigaakizigewigamig ni a beauty parlor, a hair dressing salon

hairpin turn
hairpin turn
biskamon vii it (road, trail) makes a hairpin turn

miishizi vai s/he is hairy, is fuzzy

Paired with: miishaa vii

miishaa vii it is hairy, is fuzzy

Paired with: miishizi vai

hairy arm
miishinike vai s/he has hairy arms

hairy cheek
miishanowe vai s/he has a hairy cheek or hairy cheeks

hairy chest
miishaakigane vai [N] he has a hairy chest

See also: miishaakigan vai [S]

miishaakigan vai [S] he has a hairy chest

See also: miishaakigane vai [N]

hairy ear
miishitawage vai s/he has hairy ears

hairy face
miishiingwe vai s/he has a hairy face, is bearded

hairy foot
miishizide vai s/he has hairy feet

hairy knee
miishigidigwe vai s/he has a hairy knee or hairy knees

mamiishigidigwe vai s/he has hairy knees

hairy leg
miishigaade vai s/he has hairy legs

hairy nostrils
miishidenigome vai s/he has hairy nostrils

aabita qnt num half

aabita- pv qnt half

half a bag
aabitooshkin qnt num half a bag

half a cup
aabitawinaagaans adv qnt half a cup; half a glass

half a glass
aabitawinaagaans adv qnt half a cup; half a glass

and a half
ashi-aabita qnt num and a half

eat half
aabitawam vta eat half of h/

Paired with: aabitawandan vti

aabitawandan vti eat half of it

Paired with: aabitawam vta

half full
half full (of liquid)
aabitoobii vii
  1. it is half full (of liquid)
  2. it (a liquid) fills something half-full

Paired with: aabitoobii vai

aabitoobii vai s/he or it (animate) is half full (of liquid)

Paired with: aabitoobii vii

aabitoobadoon vti2 fill it half full (with liquid)

Paired with: aabitoobazh vta

aabitoobazh vta fill h/ half full (with liquid)

Paired with: aabitoobadoon vti2

half full (of solids)
aabitooshkine vii it is half full (of solids)

Paired with: aabitooshkine vai

aabitooshkine vai it (animate) is half full (of solids); s/he fills something half full

Paired with: aabitooshkine vii

aabitooshkinadoon vti2 [S] fill it half full (with solids)

Paired with: aabitooshkina' vta See also: aabitooshkinatoon vti2 [RL]

aabitooshkinatoon vti2 [RL] fill it half full (with solids)

Paired with: aabitooshkina' vta See also: aabitooshkinadoon vti2 [S]

aabitooshkina' vta fill h/ half full (with solids)

Paired with: aabitooshkinadoon vti2 [S]

aabitawaabik na a half-dollar

aabitawayi'ii adv loc [S] halfway along it; halfway on something

See also: aabitawaya'ii adv loc

halfway across lake
aabitawagaam adv loc halfway across the lake

halfway on the road or trail
aabitawikana adv loc halfway on the road or trail

halloween day
waasiingwaagani-giizhigad vii it is Halloween Day

nagaashkaa vii it stops moving, halts

Paired with: nagaashkaa vai

gookooshiwi-wiiyaas ni [RL] ham; pork

bakite'igan ni a hammer

bagite'igan ni a hammer

See also: bakite'igan ni

hand hammer
bakite'igaans ni a hand hammer

hammer handle
hammer handle
bakite'iganaak ni a hammer handle

wewebizon ni a swing, a hammock

The medial /-ninjy-/ appearing in the form -ninjii- occurs in verbs referring to the hand or hands.
nininj nid my hand, finger

gininj nid your hand, finger

oninj nid h/ hand, h/ finger

hand aches
dewininjii vai s/he has an ache in h/ hand

apply hand lotion
noomininjii vai s/he applies lotion on h/ (own) hand or hands

big hand
mangininjii vai s/he has a big hand or big hands

mamaangininjii vai s/he has big hands

blister on hand
abashkwebiigininjiishin vai s/he gets a blister or blisters on h/ hand

bloody hand
miskwiiwininjii vai s/he has a bloody hand

break hand
bookoninjii vai s/he breaks h/ hand, has a broken hand

bookoninjiishin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ hand

broken hand
bookoninjii vai s/he breaks h/ hand, has a broken hand

bump hand
bitaakoninjiishin vai s/he bumps h/ hand on something

clap hands
bapasininjii'odizo vai s/he claps h/ (own) hands

clean hand
biinininjii vai s/he has a clean hand

cold hand
dakininjii vai s/he has cool hand or cool hands

giikajininjiiwaji vai s/he has cool or cold hands

dirty hand
wiinininjii vai s/he has a dirty hand or dirty hands

frozen hand
mashkawaakoninjiiwaji vai h/ hand is frozen, h/ fingers are frozen

mashkawaakwajininjiiwaji vai s/he has a frozen hand or frozen hands

hand itches
gizhiibininjii vai h/ hand itches

gagizhiibininjii vai h/ hands itch

infected hand
miniiwininjii vai s/he has an infected hand or finger

left hand
namanjinik ni a left hand

move hand a certain way
izhininjiini vai s/he moves h/ hand a certain way

numb hand
biinisininjii vai s/he has a numb hand or numb hands

giikimanininjii vai h/ hand is asleep, hands are asleep; h/ hand feels numb, hands feel numb

muddy hand
azhashkiiwininjii vai s/he has muddy hands

right hand
gichinik ni a right hand

scab on hand
omigininjii vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ hands

omigiiwininjii vai [BL] s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ hand or hands

scar on hand
ojiishininjii vai s/he has a scar on h/ hand

shake hands
zagininjiin vta shake hands with h/

zagininjiinidiwag vai they shake hands with each other

zagininjiiniwe vai s/he shakes hands with people

sore hand
gaagiijininjii vai s/he has a sore hand, has a sore finger

stiff hand
mashkawajininjiiwaji vai s/he has a hand stiff from cold

strong hand
zoongininjii vai s/he has a strong hand

such a hand
izhininjii vai s/he has such a hand or such hands

sweaty hand
abweninjii vai s/he has a sweaty hand

swollen hand
baagininjii vai s/he has h/ hand or hands swell up, has a swollen hand or swollen hands

babaagininjii vai s/he has swollen hands

warm hand
abininjiizo vai s/he warms h/ (own) hands

wash hand
giziibiigininjii vai s/he washes h/ (own) hands

giziibiigininjiin vta wash h/ hands

giziininjii vai s/he wipes h/ (own) hands; s/he washes (own) h/ hands

giziininjiin vta wash h/ hand or hands; wipe h/ hand or hands

wipe hand
giziininjii vai s/he wipes h/ (own) hands; s/he washes (own) h/ hands

giziininjiin vta wash h/ hand or hands; wipe h/ hand or hands

hand a certain way
ininamaw vta hand (it) to h/ a certain way; motion to h/ a certain way with the hand or hands

ininamaadiwag vai they hand (it) to each other

hand back
azhen vta return h/, take h/ back, hand h/ back

Paired with: azhenan vti

azhenan vti return it, take it back, hand it back

Paired with: azhen vta

azhenamaw vta return (it) to, take (it) back to, hand (it) back to h/

azhenige vai s/he returns things, takes things back, hands things back

hand over
biidin vta hand h/ over (here)

Paired with: biidinan vti

biidinamaw vta hand (it) over (here) to h/

biidinan vti hand it over (here)

Paired with: biidin vta

by hand
michi- pv lex barely; by hand; without anything special; by no other means

at hand
wenipazh adv man easily, at hand, readily

hand lotion
hand lotion
noomininjiiwin ni [RL] hand lotion

noomininjii vai s/he applies lotion on h/ (own) hand or hands

boozininjaan ni [BL] hand lotion

apply hand lotion
noomininjii vai s/he applies lotion on h/ (own) hand or hands

hand net
hand net
gwaaba'waagan na a scoop net

hand-made thing
ozhichigan ni something made, built, or formed: a hand-made thing, a manufactured thing, a product

zhooniyaa-mashkimod ni a purse, a handbag, a wallet

take a handful
ganakin vta [MN] take some of it (animate), take a handful of it (animate)

Paired with: ganakinan vti [MN] See also: ganikin vta [BL]

ganakinan vti [MN] take some of it, take a handful of it

Paired with: ganakin vta [MN] See also: ganikinan vti [BL]

ganakinamaw vta take a handful of it for h/

one handful
ingodobaneninj qnt num one handful

mashwens na [LL] [RL] a handkerchief

See also: moshwens ni

moshwens ni a handkerchief

See also: mashwens na [LL] [RL]

minjiminigan ni a handle

ax handle
waagaakwadwaatig ni an ax handle

hammer handle
bakite'iganaak ni a hammer handle

handle a certain way
ininan vti hold, handle it a certain way

Paired with: inin vta

inin vta hold, handle h/ a certain way

Paired with: ininan vti

ininige vai s/he holds, handles things a certain way; s/he points in a certain direction

ininigaade vii it is handled a certain way (by someone), "they" handle it a certain way; it is held a certain way (by someone), "they" hold it a certain way

ininigaazo vai s/he is handled a certain way (by someone), "they" handle h/ a certain way; s/he is held a certain way (by someone), "they" hold h/ a certain way

used to handling
nagajibidoon vti2 be used to handling it

Paired with: nagajibizh vta

nagajibizh vta be used to handling h/

Paired with: nagajibidoon vti2

handle wrong
maanin vta hold, handle h/ wrong

Paired with: maaninan vti

maaninan vti hold, handle it wrong

Paired with: maanin vta

leave handprint
ezhininjiishin vai s/he leaves a handprint

miikawaadad vii it is handsome, is beautiful

Paired with: miikawaadizi vai

miikawaadizi vai s/he is handsome, is beautiful; [BL] s/he is smart, clever, knows what s/he is doing

Paired with: miikawaadad vii

agoode vii it hangs, is suspended

Paired with: agoojin vai

agoojin vai
  1. s/he hangs
  2. s/he is in the sky (e.g., a star, sun, or moon)

Paired with: agoode vii

hang a certain way
inagoode vii it hangs a certain way, falls a certain way

Paired with: inagoojin vai

inagoojin vai
  1. s/he hangs a certain way, falls a certain way
  2. the moon is in a certain phase

Paired with: inagoode vii

hang at the end
ishkwegoode vii it hangs at the end

Paired with: ishkwegoojin vai

ishkwegoojin vai s/he hangs at the end

Paired with: ishkwegoode vii

hang high
ishpagoode vii it hangs high

Paired with: ishpagoojin vai

ishpagoojin vai
  1. s/he hangs high
  2. the sun is high in the sky

Paired with: ishpagoode vii

hang in front
niigaanagoode vii it hangs in front

Paired with: niigaanagoojin vai

niigaanagoojin vai s/he hangs in front

Paired with: niigaanagoode vii

hang in place
onagoode vii it hangs in place

Paired with: onagoojin vai

onagoojin vai s/he or it (animate) hangs in place

Paired with: onagoode vii

hang in row
niibidegoojinoog vai they hang in a row

Paired with: niibidegoodewan vii

niibidegoodewan vii they hang in a row

See also: niibidegoojinoog vai

hang low
dabasagoode vii it hangs low

Paired with: dabasagoojin vai

dabasagoojin vai s/he hangs low

Paired with: dabasagoode vii

hang upside down
ajidagoode vii it hangs upside down

Paired with: ajidagoojin vai

ajidagoojin vai s/he or it (animate) hangs upside down

hang wrong way
napaadagoode vii it hangs the wrong way

Paired with: napaadagoojin vai

napaadagoojin vai s/he or it (animate) hangs the wrong way

Paired with: napaadagoode vii

agoodoon vti2 hang it

Paired with: agoozh vta

agoozh vta hang h/

Paired with: agoodoon vti2

agoodaw vta
  1. hang (it) for h/
  2. set a snare for h/

See also: agoodamaw vta

agoodamaw vta hang (it) for h/

See also: agoodaw vta

agoojige vai s/he hangs things, hangs laundry

agoojigan ni something hung: a clothesline, a Christmas present, an item for sale at a stand; something used to hang things: a hanger

hang a certain way
inagoodoon vti2 hang it a certain way

Paired with: inagoozh vta

inagoozh vta hang h/ a certain way

Paired with: inagoodoon vti2

hang at the end
ishkwegoodoon vti2 hang it at the end

Paired with: ishkwegoozh vta

ishkwegoozh vta hang h/ at the end

Paired with: ishkwegoodoon vti2

hang high
ishpagoodoon vti2 hang it high or higher

Paired with: ishpagoozh vta

ishpagoozh vta hang h/ high or higher

Paired with: ishpagoodoon vti2

hang in front
niigaanagoodoon vti2 hang it in front

Paired with: niigaanagoozh vta

niigaanagoozh vta hang h/ in front

Paired with: niigaanagoodoon vti2

hang in place
onagoodoon vti2 hang it in place

Paired with: onagoozh vta

onagoozh vta hang h/ in place

Paired with: onagoodoon vti2

onagoojige vai s/he hangs things in place

hang in row
niibidegoodoon vti2 hang it in a row

Paired with: niibidegoozh vta

niibidegoozh vta hang h/ in row

Paired with: niibidegoodoon vti2

hang low
dabasagoodoon vti2 hang it low or lower

Paired with: dabasagoozh vta

dabasagoozh vta hang h/ low or lower

Paired with: dabasagoodoon vti2

hang out of the way
ikwagoodoon vti2 hang it higher, out of the way

Paired with: ikwagoozh vta

ikwagoozh vta hang h/ higher, out of the way

Paired with: ikwagoodoon vti2

hang someplace else
aandagoodoon vti2 hang it someplace else; rehang it

Paired with: aandagoozh vta

aandagoozh vta hang h/ someplace else; rehang h/

Paired with: aandagoodoon vti2

hang up a net
agoodasabii vai s/he hangs up a net

hang up laundry
agoojige vai s/he hangs things, hangs laundry

hang upside down
ajidagoodoon vti2 hang it upside down

Paired with: ajidagoozh vta

ajidagoozh vta hang h/ upside down

Paired with: ajidagoodoon vti2

aandagoodoon vti2 hang it someplace else; rehang it

Paired with: aandagoozh vta

aandagoozh vta hang h/ someplace else; rehang h/

Paired with: aandagoodoon vti2

coat hanger
agoojiganaabikoons ni a coat hanger made of wire

kettle hanger
agoodakikwaan ni a kettle hanger

agoodakikwaanaak ni a kettle hanger

agoojiganaabik ni a hanger of metal or wire: a kettle hanger

happen in a certain place
danakamigad vii it (an event) takes place, happens in a certain place

Paired with: danakamigizi vai

happen a certain way
inakamigad vii it is a certain event, happens a certain way

Paired with: inakamigizi vai

have certain things happen
inakamigizi vai s/he does a certain thing, has certain things happen to h/

Paired with: inakamigad vii

izhiwebizi vai s/he has certain things happen to h/; s/he behaves, fares a certain way

Paired with: izhiwebad vii

minawaanigwad vii it is happy, is joyous, is exciting

Paired with: minawaanigozi vai

minawaanigozi vai s/he is happy, is joyous, is glad, has a good time

Paired with: minawaanigwad vii

moojigizi vai [N] s/he is happy, is joyous, is glad, has a good time

feel happy
minawaanigwendam vai2 s/he feels happy, feels glad

jiikendam vai2 s/he feels happy

moojigendam vai2 [N] s/he feels happy, feels glad

look happy
minawaanigonaagozi vai s/he looks happy

make happy
minawaanigo' vta make h/ happy

sound happy
minawaanigotaagozi vai s/he sounds happy

miikinji' vta provoke, tease, harass, bully h/

miikinji'idiwag vai they provoke, tease, harass, bully each other

miikinji'iwe vai s/he provokes, teases, harasses, bullies people

hard worker
ginzhizhawizi vai s/he is a hard worker, is active, is energetic; s/he is skilled, is very competent, knows what s/he is doing

hard to manage
zanagad vii it is difficult, hard (to do or manage)

Paired with: zanagizi vai

think hard
zanagendam vai2 s/he thinks things difficult, thinks things hard

zanagendan vti think it difficult, think it hard

Paired with: zanagenim vta

zanagenim vta think h/ difficult, think h/ hard

Paired with: zanagendan vti

mashkawizi vai s/he is strong, hard, dense

Paired with: mashkawaa vii

mashkawaa vii it is strong, is hard, is dense

Paired with: mashkawizi vai

hard ground
mashkawakamigaa vii it is hard ground

enigok adv deg harder; with effort

agaawaa adv deg barely; hardly

See also: agaawaa adv deg

hardware store
hardware store
biiwaabiko-adaawewigamig ni a hardware store

See also: biiwaabikwadaawewigamig ni

biiwaabikwadaawewigamig ni a hardware store

See also: biiwaabiko-adaawewigamig ni

snowshoe hare
waabooz na a rabbit, a snowshoe hare

snowshoe hare
Lepus americanus

noondaagochigan ni a musical instrument (especially a wind instrument): horn, whistle, harmonica

See also: noondaagochigan na [RL]

onapizh vta tie h/ in place, harnesss h/

Paired with: onapidoon vti2

onapijige vai s/he harnesses up; s/he ties things in place

onapizo vai s/he or it (animate) is tied in place, is harnessed

Paired with: onapide vii

harness wrong way
napaadapizh vta tie, harness h/ the wrong way

Paired with: napaadapidoon vti2

fishing harpoon
bazhiba'igan ni something to stab or spear with: a fishing harpoon, a fishing spear with a long attached line

harvest wild rice
bawa'am vai2 s/he knocks wild rice

manoominike vai s/he rices, goes ricing, makes rice, picks rice, harvests wild rice

wiiwakwaan ni a cap, a hat

desiiwakwaan ni a hat with a brim

have new hat
oshkiwiiwakwaane vai s/he has a new hat

put on hat
biichiwakwaane vai s/he puts on h/ hat

biichiwiiwakwaane vai [BL] s/he puts on h/ hat

take off hat
giichiwakwaane vai s/he takes off h/ hat

giichiwiiwakwaane vai s/he takes h/ hat off

See also: giichiwakwaane vai

wear a hat
gigiwiiwakwaane vai s/he wears a hat

baashkaawe'am vai2 s/he hatches

baashkaawe'o vai s/he hatches

zhiingenim vta dislike, disaprove of, hate h/

Paired with: zhiingendan vti

zhiingenindiwag vai they dislike, disapprove of, hate each other

zhiingendan vti dislike, disapprove of, hate it

Paired with: zhiingenim vta

zhiingendaagwad vii it is disliked, disapproved of, hated

Paired with: zhiingendaagozi vai

zhiingendaagozi vai s/he is disliked, disapproved of, hated

Paired with: zhiingendaagwad vii

aawadaaso vai s/he hauls a load, hauls freight

aawazh vta haul h/

Paired with: aawadoon vti2

aawazhiwe vai s/he hauls people

aawadoon vti2 haul it

Paired with: aawazh vta

aawadaw vta haul (it) for h/

See also: aawadamaw vta

haul along
bimaawadoon vti2 haul it along

Paired with: bimaawazh vta

bimaawazh vta haul h/ along

Paired with: bimaawadoon vti2

haul away
animaawadoon vti2 haul it away (in the other direction)

Paired with: animaawazh vta

animaawazh vta haul h/ away (in the other direction)

Paired with: animaawadoon vti2

haul firewood
aawadinise vai s/he hauls firewood

haul from a certain place
ondaawadoon vti2 haul it from a certain place

Paired with: ondaawazh vta

ondaawazh vta haul h/ from a certain place

Paired with: ondaawadoon vti2

haul here
biidaawadoon vti2 haul it here

Paired with: biidaawazh vta

biidaawazh vta haul h/ here

Paired with: biidaawadoon vti2

biidaawajige vai s/he hauls things here

haul on shoulder
aawajinigaadan vti haul it on the shoulder

Paired with: aawajinigaazh vta

aawajinigaazh vta haul h/ on the shoulder

Paired with: aawajinigaadan vti

aawajinige vai s/he hauls stuff on the shoulder

haul to a certain place
inaawadoon vti2 haul it to a certain place

Paired with: inaawazh vta

inaawazh vta haul h/ to a certain place

Paired with: inaawadoon vti2

haul wild rice
aawajimine vai s/he hauls wild rice

start to haul away
maadaawadoon vti2 start hauling it

Paired with: maadaawazh vta

maadaawazh vta start hauling h/ away

Paired with: maadaawadoon vti2

maadaawajige vai s/he starts to haul things away

haul freight along
bimiwidaaso vai s/he carries a load along, hauls freight along

haul freight away
animiwidaaso vai s/he carries a load away, hauls freight away

haul freight from a certain place
onjiwidaaso vai s/he carries a load from a certain place, hauls freight from a certain place

haul freight here
biijiwidaaso vai s/he carries a load here, hauls freight here

haul freight in
biindigewidaaso vai s/he carries a load in, hauls freight in

ayaan vti4 have it; own it

Paired with: ayaaw vta

ayaaw vta have h/; own h/

Paired with: ayaan vti4

have many
baatayiinatoon vti2 have many of them; have much of it

Paired with: baatayiino' vta

baatayiino' vta have much of h/, have many of them

Paired with: baatayiinatoon vti2

have on
biizikan vti wear it, have it on (the body), put in on (the body)

Paired with: biizikaw vta

biizikaw vta wear it (animate), have it (animate) on (the body), put it (animate) on (the body),

Paired with: biizikan vti

have on
have on body
gigishkan vti have it on (the body), bear it (on the body); wear it

Paired with: gigishkaw vta

gekek na a hawk

binesi na
  1. a bird of a large species; a raptor (a hawk or eagle)
  2. a thunderbird

hawthorn fruit
miinens na a hawthorn fruit

miinensagaawanzh na a hawthorn tree

Crataegus spp.

mashkosiw ni grass, hay, a blade of grass

See also: mashkosi ni [N]

go after hay
naadashkosiwe vai s/he goes after hay

okosijigan ni a haystack

bagaan na a nut, a hazelnut, a peanut

hazelnut bush
hazelnut bush
bagaaniminzh na a hazelnut bush

American hazelnut, beaked hazelnut
Corylus spp.

biigizawakwad vii it is hazy; there are scattered clouds

wiin pron per he, she; her, him

See also: gaye wiin pron per ; gewiin pron per

only him
wiineta pron per only she, only her; only he, only him; just him. just her

his turn
wiinitam pron per his turn, her turn; her next, him next

nishtigwaan nid my head

See also: nitigwaan nid [BL]

gishtigwaan nid your head

oshtigwaan nid h/ head

See also: otigwaan nid [BL]

nitigwaan nid [BL] my head

See also: nishtigwaan nid

gitigwaan nid [BL] your head

otigwaan nid [BL] h/ head

See also: oshtigwaan nid

big head
mangindibe vai s/he has a big head

mangitigwaane vai [BL] s/he has a big head

See also: mangishtigwaane vai

mangishtigwaane vai s/he has a big head

See also: mangitigwaane vai [BL]

bloody head
miskwiiwindibe vai s/he has a bloody head

bump head
bitaakondibeshin vai s/he bumps h/ head

hold head straight
gwayakokweni vai s/he holds h/ head straight

fall and crack head
baasindibeshin vai s/he falls and cracks h/ head; s/he fractures h/ skull

lie with head a certain way
inikweshin vai s/he lies with h/ head a certain way

lie with head on something
apikweshimo vai s/he lies with head on something, uses a pillow

move head out of the way
ikokweni vai s/he moves h/ head out of the way

nod head
wewebikweni vai s/he nods h/ head side-to-side

wewebikwetaw vta nod, shake head at h/

naamikweni vai s/he nods h/ head

naanaamikweni vai s/he keeps nodding h/ head

naamikwetaw vta nod head yes to h/

put head a certain way
inikweni vai s/he puts h/ head a certain way, nods h/ head a certain way

scab on head
omigindibe vai s/he has scabs or sores on h/ head

omigiiwitigwaane vai [BL] s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ head

scar on head
ojiishindibe vai s/he has a scar on h/ head

shake head
wewebikwetaw vta nod, shake head at h/

slap on head
basindibe' vta slap h/ on the top of h/ head

stick out head
zaagikweni vai s/he sticks h/ head up or out

sore head
gaagiijindibe vai s/he has a sore head

sore on head
omigindibe vai s/he has scabs or sores on h/ head

sweaty head
abwendibe vai s/he has a sweaty head

swollen head
baagindibe vai s/he has a swollen head

turn head around
gwekikweni vai s/he turns h/ head around

head office
head office
ogimaawigamig ni an administrative office; a head office

dewikwe vai s/he has a headache

chronic headache
dewikweshki vai s/he has chronic headaches

headache from sleeping too long
dewikwengwaam vai [S] s/he has a headache from sleeping too long

sudden headache
dewikwese vai s/he gets a sudden headache

basikwebizon ni a headband

ziinzoondibepison ni [BL] a scarf or bandanna worn as headband

wear headband
basikwebizo vai s/he wears a headband

feather headdress
miigwani-wiiwakwaan ni a feather headdress, a feather bonnet

ceremonial headman
ogichidaa na a ceremonial headman; a warrior, a veteran

ogichidaawi vai s/he is an ogichidaa (ceremonial headman), is a warrior, is a veteran

wife of ceremonial headman
ogichidaakwe na a ceremonial headwoman; wife of ceremonial headman

ceremonial headwoman
ogichidaakwe na a ceremonial headwoman; wife of ceremonial headman

nanaandawi' vta heal, doctor h/

nanaandawi'iwe vai s/he heals, doctors people

noojimo' vta cure h/; heal h/

noojimo'iwe vai s/he cures people; s/he heals people

heal up
giige vai s/he heals up

noojimo vai s/he heals, recovers from an illness

traditional healer
nenaandawi'iwed na-v traditional healer

[curing someone]
noojimo'iwewin ni healing, curing

healing song
healing song
nanaandawi'iwe-nagamon ni a healing song

sing healing song
nanaandawi'iwe-nagamo vai s/he sings a healing song

noondam vai2 s/he hears

noondaw vta hear h/

Paired with: noondan vti

noondan vti hear it

Paired with: noondaw vta

noondaadiwag vai they hear each other

noondaadizo vai s/he hears h/ self

noondaagozi vai
  1. s/he is heard, makes a sound, makes a noise
  2. s/he calls with a characteristic sound (moo, neigh, croak, etc.)

Paired with: noondaagwad vii

noondaagwad vii it is heard, makes a sound, makes noise

Paired with: noondaagozi vai

dislike hearing
zhiingitan vti dislike, hate listening to or hearing it

Paired with: zhiingitaw vta

zhiingitaw vta dislike, hate listening to or hearing h/

Paired with: zhiingitan vti

hear a certain noise
initam vai2 s/he hears a certain sounds, understands something heard

hear a certain way
initan vti hear, understand it a certain way

Paired with: initaw vta

initaw vta hear h/ a certain way; understand h/ a certain way

Paired with: initan vti

initaagwad vii it is heard, is understood a certain way

Paired with: initaagozi vai

initaagozi vai s/he is heard, is understood a certain way

Paired with: initaagwad vii

hear in a certain place
danitan vti hear it in a certain place

Paired with: danitaw vta

danitaw vta hear h/ in a certain place

Paired with: danitan vti

danitaagwad vii it is heard in a certain place; its sound comes from a certain place

Paired with: danitaagozi vai

danitaagozi vai s/he is heard in a certain place; h/ sound is heard coming from a certain place

Paired with: danitaagwad vii

hear at a distance
debitan vti be able to hear it, hear it at a distance, catch the sound of it

Paired with: debitaw vta

debitaw vta be able to hear h/, hear h/ at a distance, catch the sound of h/

Paired with: debitan vti

debitaagozi vai s/he can be heard, is heard at a distance

Paired with: debitaagwad vii

debitaagwad vii it can be heard, is heard at a distance

Paired with: debitaagozi vai

hear right
gwayakotam vai2 s/he hears the right thing, finds out the truth

hear well
na'itam vai2 s/he hears well

na'itan vti hear it well

Paired with: na'itaw vta

hear something scary
zegitan vti hear it (something scary)

Paired with: zegitaw vta

zegitaw vta hear h/ (someone scary)

Paired with: zegitan vti

like hearing
minotan vti like hearing it, like how it sounds

Paired with: minotaw vta

minotaw vta like hearing h/, like how s/he sounds

Paired with: minotan vti

heard clearly
bagakitaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) sounds clear, is heard clearly; s/he is understandable

Paired with: bagakitaagwad vii

bagakitaagwad vii it sounds clear, is heard clearly; it is understandable

Paired with: bagakitaagozi vai

heard driving here
biidwewebide vii it is heard speeding. driving, flying here

Paired with: biidwewebizo vai

biidwewebizo vai s/he is heard speeding, driving, flying here

Paired with: biidwewebide vii

heard running here
biidwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running here

heard running here on the ground
biidwewekamigibatoo vai s/he is heard running here on the ground

heard speeding here
biidwewebide vii it is heard speeding. driving, flying here

Paired with: biidwewebizo vai

biidwewebizo vai s/he is heard speeding, driving, flying here

Paired with: biidwewebide vii

heard swimming here
biidweweyaadagaa vai s/he is heard swimming here

See also: bimweweyaadage vai [BL]

biidweweyaadage vai [BL] s/he is heard swimming here

See also: biidweweyaadagaa vai

heard walking here
biidweweshin vai s/he is heard walking here

niboowidaabaan na a hearse

See also: niboowidaabaan ni [RL]

niboowidaabaan ni [RL] a hearse

See also: niboowidaabaan na

inde' nid my heart

gide' nid your heart

ode' nid h/ heart

heart suite card
giiwoon na a heart suite card

See also: giiyoon na

giiyoon na a heart suite card

See also: giiwoon na

heart attack
have a heart attack
mamaajide'eshkaa vai s/he has heart palpitations, has a heart attack

have heartburn
maazhide'e vai s/he has heartburn

gizizan vti heat it, heat it up

See also: gizhizan vti

giiziz vta cook it (animate); finish cooking it (animate)

Paired with: giizizan vti See also: giizhizwi vta [NI]

giizizamaw vta cook (it) for h/

heat (liquid)
gizhaagamizan vti heat it (a liquid)

gizhaagamizige vai s/he heats things (as a liquid)

gizhaagamizamaw vta heat (it) (a liquid) for h/

gizhaagamizamaazo vai s/he heats (it) (a liquid) for h/ self

heat (mineral)
gizhaabikiz vta heat h/ (as something mineral)

gizhaabikizan vti heat it (as something mineral)

Paired with: gizhaabikiz vta

gizhaabikizige vai s/he heats things (as something mineral)

heat red hot
miskwaabikiz vta heat h/ red hot (as something mineral)

Paired with: miskwaabikizan vti

miskwaabikizan vti heat it red hot (as something mineral)

Paired with: miskwaabikiz vta

awazowin ni a heater

in heaven
ishpiming adv loc in the sky, above, in heaven

See also: ishpimiing adv loc [BL] ; oshpiming adv loc [LLC]

giizhig na day; heaven; sky

gozigwan vii it is heavy

Paired with: gozigwani vai

gozigwani vai s/he or it (animate) is heavy

Paired with: gozigwan vii

so heavy
apiitinigozi vai s/he weighs so much, is so heavy

Paired with: apiitinigwad vii

apiitinigwad vii it weighs so much, is so heavy

Paired with: apiitinigozi vai

nidoondan nid my heel

indoondan nid my heel

gidoondan nid your heel

odoondan nid h/ heel

bloody heel
miskwiiwidoondane vai s/he has a bloody heel or bloody heels

break heel
bookodoondaneshin vai s/he falls and breaks her heel

crusty heel
agwaagodoondane vai s/he has crusty heels

cut heel
giishkidoondaneshin vai s/he cuts h/ heel on something

dirty heel
wiinidoondane vai s/he has a dirty heel or dirty heels

prick heel
badakidoondaneshin vai s/he steps on something sharp and pricks h/ heel

sore heel
gaagiijidoondane vai s/he has a sore heel or sore heels

swollen heel
baagidoondane vai s/he has a swollen heel or swollen heals

[shoe part]
heel of a moccasin or shoe
odoondan ni heel of shoe

certain height
akwaa vii it is a certain length, a certain height, is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akoozi vai

akoozi vai s/he is a certain length, is a certain height, is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akwaa vii

apiitaa vii it is a certain height, is a certain thickness

Paired with: apiitizi vai

apiitizi vai s/he is a certain age, is so old or young

Paired with: apiitaa vii

certain height (stick-like)
akwaakwad vii it (stick-like, wood) is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akwaakozi vai

hell diver
hell diver
zhingibis na a grebe, a hell-diver

Podiceps spp.

aaniin pc interj greetings!; hello!

boozhoo pc interj greetings!; hello!

wiiji' vta
  1. help h/
  2. play with h/

wiidookaw vta help h/

wiidookaage vai s/he helps people

naadamaw vta
  1. go get (it) for h/
  2. help h/ (by going to h/ aid)

wiidookaazo vai s/he helps

wiidookodaadiwag vai they help each other

wiidookodaadizo vai s/he helps h/ self

naadamaage vai s/he helps people

naadamaadiwag vai they go get (it) for each other, help each other

wiidookodaadiwin ni mutual help or assistance, helping others

receive help
wiiji'igoowizi vai s/he is helped, is helped by a high power

wiidookaagewinini na a helper, an assistant

wiidookaagewikwe na a helper (female), an assistant (female)

biskigwaadan vti fold and sew, hem it

Paired with: biskigwaazh vta

biskigwaazh vta fold and sew, hem h/

Paired with: biskigwaadan vti

biskigwaade vii it is folded and sewn, is hemmed

Paired with: biskigwaazo vai

biskigwaazo vai it (animate) is folded and sewn, is hemmed

Paired with: biskigwaade vii

wiin pron per he, she; her, him

See also: gaye wiin pron per ; gewiin pron per

just her
wiineta pron per only she, only her; only he, only him; just him. just her

her next
wiinitam pron per his turn, her turn; her next, him next

her turn
wiinitam pron per his turn, her turn; her next, him next

only her
wiineta pron per only she, only her; only he, only him; just him. just her