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gondaabiigin vta put h/ in water, dip h/

gondaabiiginan vti put it in water, dip it

Paired with: gondaabiigin vta

dip in
jekaagaminan vti dip it in (a liquid)

dip up
gwaaba'ige vai s/he scoops up things

dip net
dip net
gwaaba'waagan na a scoop net

gwaaba'igan ni a dipper, a scoop

direct affairs
odaake vai
  1. s/he steers
  2. s/he governs, directs affairs

akeyaa adv loc in the direction of, in that way

See also: inagakeyaa adv deg [RL]

gakeyaa adv loc in the direction of, in that way

keyaa adv loc in the direction of, in that way

See also: akeyaa adv loc ; gakeyaa adv loc

dibishkoo adv man directly; equal; even; just like, seems like

odaake-ogimaa na a director; a governor

odaakewigimaa na a director

assistant director
aanike-odaake-ogimaa na a lieutenant-governor; an assistant director

wiiyagasenh ni dust, dirt

wiinad vii it is dirty

Paired with: wiinizi vai

wiinizi vai s/he or it (animate) is dirty

Paired with: wiinad vii

wiinitoon vti2 make it dirty

Paired with: wiini' vta

wiini' vta make h/ or it (animate) dirty

Paired with: wiinitoon vti2

wiinichigaade vii it is made dirty ( by someone), "they" make it dirty

wiinichigaazo vai s/he is made dirty (by someone), "they" make it dirty

consider dirty
wiinendan vti consider it dirty

Paired with: wiinenim vta

wiinenim vta consider h/ dirty

Paired with: wiinendan vti

dirty (mineral)
wiinaabikad vii it (mineral) is dirty

Paired with: wiinaabikizi vai

wiinaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is dirty

Paired with: wiinaabikad vii

dirty (sheet-like)
wiiniigad vii it (sheet-like) is dirty

Paired with: wiiniigizi vai

wiiniigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is dirty

Paired with: wiiniigad vii

dirty (stick-like)
wiinaakwad vii it is dirty (stick-like)

Paired with: wiinaakozi vai

wiinaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is dirty

dirty (string-like)
wiinaabiigad vii it (string-like) is dirty

Paired with: wiinaabiigizi vai

wiinaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is dirty ; s/he is dirty (as if s/he has with strings of dirt on h/)

Paired with: wiinaabiigad vii

dirty belly
wiinimisade vai s/he has a dirty belly

dirty chest
wiinaakigane vai s/he has a dirty chest

dirty clothes
wiinikonaye vai s/he wears dirty or filthy clothes

dirty ear
wiinitawage vai s/he has a dirty ear or dirty ears

dirty eyes
wiinishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has dirty eyes

dirty face
wiinaanagiingwe vai s/he has a dirty face

wiiniingwe vai s/he has a dirty face

dirty floor
wiinisagaa vii the floor is dirty

wiinisagishkige vai s/he gets the floor dirty walking on it

dirty from contact
wiinisin vii it is dirty (from contact), gets dirty from lying around

Paired with: wiinishin vai

wiinishin vai s/he or it (animate) is dirty (from contact), gets dirty from lying around

Paired with: wiinisin vii

dirty hand
wiinininjii vai s/he has a dirty hand or dirty hands

dirty head
wiinindibe vai s/he has a dirty head

wiinishtigwaane vai s/he has dirty hair, h/ hair is dirty

See also: wiinitigwaane vai [BL]

dirty heel
wiinidoondane vai s/he has a dirty heel or dirty heels

dirty leg
wiinigaade vai s/he has dirty legs

dirty liquid
wiinaagamin vii it (a liquid) is dirty, is polluted

dirty mouth
wiinidoone vai
  1. s/he has a dirty mouth
  2. s/he has a filthy mouth (using bad language)

See also: wiinidoon vai [ML]

wiinidoon vai [ML]
  1. s/he has a dirty mouth
  2. s/he has a filthy mouth (using bad language)

See also: wiinidoone vai

dirty rear
wiinidiye vai s/he has a dirty rear

dirty scalp
wiinishagaandibe vai s/he has a dirty scalp

dirty skin
wiinazhe vai s/he has dirty skin, h/ skin is dirty

dirty snow
wiinaagonagaa vii there is dirty snow

makadewaagonagaa vii it is dark dirty snow

get dirty lying around
wiinisin vii it is dirty (from contact), gets dirty from lying around

Paired with: wiinishin vai

wiinishin vai s/he or it (animate) is dirty (from contact), gets dirty from lying around

Paired with: wiinisin vii

get dirty wearing
wiinishkan vti get it dirty by wearing it, get it dirty it with foot or body

Paired with: wiinishkaw vta

wiinishkaw vta get it (animate) dirty by wearing it, get h/ dirty with foot or body

Paired with: wiinishkan vti

wiinishkige vai s/he gets clothes dirty wearing them, gets things with foot or body

get dirty with foot or body
wiinishkan vti get it dirty by wearing it, get it dirty it with foot or body

Paired with: wiinishkaw vta

wiinishkaw vta get it (animate) dirty by wearing it, get h/ dirty with foot or body

Paired with: wiinishkan vti

wiinishkige vai s/he gets clothes dirty wearing them, gets things with foot or body

look dirty
wiininaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) looks dirty

Paired with: wiininaagwad vii

wiininaagwad vii it looks dirty

Paired with: wiininaagozi vai

make dirty
wiini' vta make h/ or it (animate) dirty

Paired with: wiinitoon vti2

wiinitoon vti2 make it dirty

Paired with: wiini' vta

wiinichige vai s/he makes things dirty

wiinichigaade vii it is made dirty ( by someone), "they" make it dirty

wiinichigaazo vai s/he is made dirty (by someone), "they" make it dirty

smell dirty
wiinimaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) smells dirty

Paired with: wiinimaagwad vii

wiinimaagwad vii it smells dirty

Paired with: wiinimaagozi vai

tell a dirty story
wiinaajimo vai s/he tells an indecent or dirty story

aanwetaw vta disagree with what h/ says; disbelieve h/; doubt h/; not believe h/

think disagreeable
maanendan vti think or consider it bad, poor, or disagreeable

Paired with: maanenim vta

maanenim vta think or consider h/ bad, poor, or disagreeable

Paired with: maanendan vti

maanendaagozi vai s/he is thought bad, is thought poor, is thought disagreeable

Paired with: maanendaagwad vii

maanendaagwad vii it is thought bad, is thought poor, is thought disagreeable

Paired with: maanendaagozi vai

weniban adv man disappeared!; s/he's gone!, s/he's missing!

See also: aweniban pron pret

minjinawezi vai s/he has regrets, is disappointed

zhiingenim vta dislike, disaprove of, hate h/

Paired with: zhiingendan vti

zhiingendan vti dislike, disapprove of, hate it

Paired with: zhiingenim vta

zhiingenindiwag vai they dislike, disapprove of, hate each other

disapproved of
zhiingendaagozi vai s/he is disliked, disapproved of, hated

Paired with: zhiingendaagwad vii

zhiingendaagwad vii it is disliked, disapproved of, hated

Paired with: zhiingendaagozi vai

aagonweyenim vta disbelieve h/

aanwetaw vta disagree with what h/ says; disbelieve h/; doubt h/; not believe h/

walk with discomfort
maanose vai s/he walks with discomfort

aanishim vta discourage h/

banaadendam vai2 s/he is discouraged, is in despair, thinks things hopeless

babanaadendam vai2 s/he is discouraged, is in despair, thinks things hopeless

banaadendan vti be discouraged about it, be in despair about it, think it is hopeless

Paired with: banaadenim vta

babanaadendan vti be discouraged about it, be in despair about it, think it is hopeless

Paired with: babanaadenim vta

banaadenim vta despair of h/; lose hope in h/

Paired with: banaadendan vti

babanaadenim vta be discouraged about h/, be in despair about h/, think h/ hopeless

Paired with: babanaadendan vti

babanaadenimo vai s/he thinks h/self hopeless, has no faith in h/ self

aakoziwin ni a sickness, an illness, a disease

catch a disease
mizizi vai s/he catches a disease; s/he starts to get sick

gabaa vai s/he gets off (a vehicle or boat), disembarks

gabaa' vta get h/ off, let h/ off (a vehicle or boat), help h/ disembark

Paired with: gabaatoon vti2

tell to disembark
gabaanaazha' vta tell h/ to get off, tell h/ to disembark

gijinagizhiin vta gut, disembowel h/

think disgusting
gagwaanisagendan vti think it terrible, think it disgusting

Paired with: gagwaanisagenim vta

gagwaanisagenim vta think h/ terrible, think h/ disgusting

Paired with: gagwaanisagendan vti

gagwaanisagendaagozi vai s/he is thought terrible, is thought disgusting

Paired with: gagwaanisagendaagwad vii

gagwaanisagendaagwad vii it is thought terrible, is thought disgusting

Paired with: gagwaanisagendaagozi vai

onaagan ni a dish, a plate

gichi-onaagan ni a large dish or shallow pan: a basin, a dish pan

birch bark dish
wiigwaasinaagan ni a birch bark dish or basket

wash dishes
giziibiiginaagane vai s/he washes dishes

giziininaagane vai [BL] s/he washs dishes

wipe dishes
gaasiinaagane vai s/he wipes dishes

wooden dish
mitigonaagan ni a wooden dish or bowl

dish game
play dish game
bagese vai s/he plays the dish game

dish used in dish game
bagesewinaagan ni dish used in the dish game

dish pan
dish pan
gichi-onaagan ni a large dish or shallow pan: a basin, a dish pan

dish towel
dish towel
giziiyaabika'igan ni [BL] a dish towel

aanawendan vti find it unsatisfactory, dislike, reject it

Paired with: aanawenim vta

aanawenim vta find h/ unsatisfactory, dislike, reject h/

Paired with: aanawendan vti

aanawenjige vai s/he finds things unsatisfactory, dislike, rejects things

zhiingendan vti dislike, disapprove of, hate it

Paired with: zhiingenim vta

zhiingenim vta dislike, disaprove of, hate h/

Paired with: zhiingendan vti

zhiingenindiwag vai they dislike, disapprove of, hate each other

aanawenjigaazo vai s/he, it (animate) is disliked

aanawendaagwad vii it is found unsatisfactory, is disliked, is rejected

Paired with: aanawendaagozi vai

zhiingendaagozi vai s/he is disliked, disapproved of, hated

Paired with: zhiingendaagwad vii

zhiingendaagwad vii it is disliked, disapproved of, hated

Paired with: zhiingendaagozi vai

biigon vta break h/ (by hand); dismantle h/

Paired with: biigonan vti

biigonan vti break it (by hand); dismantle it, tear it down

Paired with: biigon vta

zhazhiibitamowin ni disobedience

zhazhiibitam vai2 s/he is stubborn, is disobedient

biiwise vii it scatters, disperses

Paired with: biiwise vai

biiwise vai s/he scatters, disperses

Paired with: biiwise vii

disregard instructions
babiinitam vai2 s/he doesn't listen, doesn't follow instructions, disregards or disobers instructions

babiinitaw vta don't follow h/ instructions, disregard or disobey h/ instructions

show disrespect
baapinodaw vta make fun of, ridicule h/; mock h/ disrespectfully; show disrespect for h/

mock disrespectfully
baapinodaw vta make fun of, ridicule h/; mock h/ disrespectfully; show disrespect for h/

mindawe vai s/he is dissatisfied (with what has been given), pouts

certain distance
apiichaa vii it is a certain distance, is so far/close

heard speaking at a distance
debwewidam vai2 s/he is heard speaking or making vocal sounds at a distance

see at a distance
debaabam vta have h/ in sight, see h/ at a distance

Paired with: debaabandan vti

debaabandan vti have it in sight, see it at a distance

Paired with: debaabam vta

some distance
gomaapii adv deg for some time, some distance

visible at a distance
debaabaminaagwad vii it is in sight, is visible at a distance

Paired with: debaabaminaagozi vai

debaabaminaagozi vai s/he is in sight, is visible at a distance

Paired with: debaabaminaagwad vii

debinaagozi vai s/he is visible at a distance, comes into view

Paired with: debinaagwad vii

debinaagwad vii it is visible at a distance, comes into view

Paired with: debinaagozi vai

woods go a certain distance
akwaakwaa vii the woods go a certain distance

waasa adv loc far, far away, distant

distant sight
naawinaagwad vii it is barely visible, is visible in the distance

Paired with: naawinaagozi vai

naawinaagozi vai s/he is barely visible, is visible in the distance

Paired with: naawinaagwad vii

wanishkwe' vta disturb, distract, interrupt h/

wanishkweyendam vai s/he is distracted

in distress
aanimizi vai s/he suffers, is in distress, is very sick

maada'ookii vai + o s/he distributes something, distributes gifts, shares something with others

maada'oonidiwag vai they distribute (something) to each other, share (something) among each other

maada'oozh vta distribute (it) to, share (it) with h/

maada'ookiiwin ni a gift for distribution; distribution

wanishkwe'idiwag vai they disturb, distract, interrupt each other

disturb by speech
niiskaazom vta disturb h/ with speech

wanishkwem vta disturb, distract, interrupt h/ (by speech)

wanashkwetaagozi vai s/he disturbs (by speech): butts in, gives conflicting advice, etc.

disturb sleep
wapaa' vta disturb h/ sleep

ishkendam vai2 s/he feels tired about something, is disturbed, is upset

mamiidaawendam vai2 s/he is disturbed in h/ mind, is troubled in h/ mind

googii vai s/he dives

dive after
googiinodan vti dive after it

Paired with: googiinodaw vta

googiinodaw vta dive after h/

Paired with: googiinodan vti

river divides
baketigweyaa vii it (a river) goes off to the side, is a tributary

bakewin vta
  1. separate, part from h/
  2. divorce h/

bakewinidiwag vai [BL]
  1. they separate, part from each other
  2. they divorce

webin vta
  1. throw h/ away
  2. separate from, divorce h/

Paired with: webinan vti

bakewinidiwin ni divorce

giiwashkwe vai s/he is dizzy, feels unsteady

giiwashkweyaabandam vai2 s/he is dizzy, feels unsteady

dizzy from being hungry
giiwashkwenaandam vai2 s/he is dizzy from being hungry

dizzy from smoking
giiwashkwenoozo vai s/he gets dizzy from smoking

doodaadiwag vai they do something to each other

doodaadizo vai s/he does something to h/ self

doodaazo vai s/he does something to h/ self

doodam vai2 s/he does something

doodan vti do something to it

Paired with: doodaw vta

doodaw vta do something to h/

Paired with: doodan vti

able to do
gashkitoon vti2 be able to do, succeed at, manage it

Paired with: gashki' vta

gashkichige vai s/he acquires something, earns something, is able (to do something)

do foolish things
gagiibaajichige vai s/he does something foolish or silly

do a certain job
inanokiitaw vta do a certain job for h/

do a certain thing
inakamigizi vai s/he does a certain thing, has certain things happen to h/

Paired with: inakamigad vii

do a certain way
izhichige vai s/he does, makes things a certain way

doodaadiwag vai they do something to each other

do amazing things
maamakaajichige vai s/he does amazing things

do business
babaamizi vai s/he does business, goes about on his business

do exactly
wawiingechige vai s/he does something skillfully, exactly; s/he makes things skilfully, exactly

do good
minochige vai s/he does things well, does a good job

do in vain
aanawewizi vai s/he is inadequate, is ineffective, fails

do laundry
giziibiiga'ige vai s/he washes things, washes clothes, does laundry

do right
gwayakochige vai s/he makes things right, does things right

do secretly
giimoojitaa vai s/he does something secretly

giimoojitoon vti2 do something to, make it secretly

giimoojichige vai s/he does something secretly

do skillfully
wawiingechige vai s/he does something skillfully, exactly; s/he makes things skilfully, exactly

make difficult
zanagi' vta make it difficult, hard for h/

zanagi'iwe vai s/he makes (people) do something difficult, gives people a hard time, makes trouble for people

zanagi'idizo vai s/he makes things difficult, hard for h/ self, gives h/ self a hard time; s/he makes h/ self do something difficult

zanagi'idiwag vai they make each other do something difficult; they make things difficult, hard for each other, give each other a hard time

do something bad
maazhichige vai s/he does something wrong, does something bad

do something strange
maamakaajitoon vti2 do something amazing or strange to it

do something wrong
maazhichige vai s/he does something wrong, does something bad

do well
minochige vai s/he does things well, does a good job

frequently do
nitaa- pv lex being good at; being skilled at; frequently do; know how to do something

make do
izhi' vta
  1. make or cause h/ to be a certain way
  2. make or cause h/ to do something (a certain way)

Paired with: izhitoon vti2

not know what to do
gwiinawi-doodam vai2 s/he doesn't know what to do or think, is dumbfounded

try to do
wiikwajitoon vti2 try to do it; try to get free of it

Paired with: wiikwaji' vta

unable to do
bwaanawitoon vti2 be unable to do or manage it

Paired with: bwaanawi' vta

bwaanawi' vta be unable to do something to or manage h/

Paired with: bwaanawitoon vti2

bwaanawichige vai s/he is unable (to do something)

bwaanawi'o vai s/he is stuck; s/he is unable to do something, is disabled

mashkikiikaazh vta doctor h/, treat h/ medically

Paired with: mashkikiikaadan vti

nanaandawi' vta heal, doctor h/

nanaandawi'iwe vai s/he heals, doctors people

nanaandawi'idizo vai s/he doctors h/ self

mashkikiiwinini na a doctor; a physician

mashkikiiwininiikwe na a doctor (female), a physician (female)

mashkikiiwininiiwi vai he is a doctor, is a physician

mazina'igan ni a book, a letter, a document, a paper

dabazi vai s/he dodges, ducks; s/he moves aside, gets out of the way

dabazi' vta dodge h/, duck from h/; get out of h/ way

Paired with: dabazitoon vti2

dabazitoon vti2 get out of the way of it; dodge it, duck from it

Paired with: dabazi' vta

noozhe-waawaashkeshi na [NI] a female deer, a doe

oniijaaniw na a doe

[male fox]
naabe-waagosh na a male fox, a dog (fox)

animosh na a dog

inday nad my dog; my horse

giday nad your dog; your horse

odayan nad h/ dog; h/ horse

female dog
gishkishenh na a female dog; a mare

have dog
odayi vai
  1. s/he has a dog
  2. s/he has a horse

hunting dog
giiwosewasim na a hunting dog

giiyosewasim na a hunting dog

See also: giiwosewasim na

male dog
naabesim na
  1. a male dog
  2. a male horse, a stallion

animoons na a puppy

dog tail
dog tail
animwaanow ni a dog's tail

zhigwameg na a bowfin, a dogfish

Amia calva

red osier dogwood
miskwaabiimizh na a red willow (red osier dogwood)

red-osier dogwood
Cornus sericea L.

miskwaabiimag na [RL] a red willow (red osier dogwood); a piece of red willow (red osier dogwood) as used for a basket rim

red osier dogwood
Cornus sericea L.

way of doing
izhichigewin ni a certain way of doing something, an activity, a deed

mazinichigan na a statue, a figurine, an effigy, a doll

odaminwaagan na a doll

doll of hay or grass
mazinashkibijigan na a doll of hay or grass

doll of processed basswood bark fiber
asigobaani-mazinichigan na a doll of processed basswood bark fiber

have a doll
odoodaminwaagani vai s/he has a toy or doll

certain number of dollars
daswaabik qnt num a certain number of dollars; so many dollars

one dollar
bezhigwaabik na one dollar

two dollars
niizhwaabik qnt num two dollars

three dollars
niswaabik qnt num three dollars

four dollars
niiwaabik qnt num four dollars

five dollars
naanwaabik qnt num five dollars

six dollars
ingodwaaswaabik qnt num six dollars

See also: ningodwaaswaabik qnt num

ningodwaaswaabik qnt num six dollars

See also: ingodwaaswaabik qnt num

seven dollars
niizhwaaswaabik qnt num seven dollars

eight dollars
nishwaaswaabik qnt num eight dollars

See also: ishwaaswaabik qnt num

ishwaaswaabik qnt num eight dollars

See also: nishwaaswaabik qnt num

nine dollars
zhaangaswaabik qnt num nine dollars

ten dollars
midaaswaabik qnt num ten dollars

aabitawaabik na a half-dollar

so many dollars
daswaabik qnt num a certain number of dollars; so many dollars

domed lodge
domed lodge
waaginogaan ni a domed lodge, a wigwam

domestic animal
domestic animal
awakaan na
  1. a domestic animal, a pet
  2. a captive, a slave

gego adv neg don't

don't bother
maanoo adv man don't; don't care; let it be; never mind

don't care
maanoo adv man don't; don't care; let it be; never mind

don't ever
gego wiikaa adv tmp don't ever

don't have to
gaawiin memwech adv man it's not necessary, you don't have to

See also: gego memwech adv pred ; memwech adv man

gego memwech adv pred you don't have to

See also: gaawiin memwech adv man ; memwech adv man

don't in any way
gego ganage adv man don't in any way

don't know
amanj adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how

See also: namanj adv dub

namanj adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how

See also: amanj adv dub

endogwen adv dub I don't know; I am not sure

don't know how
amanj adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how

See also: namanj adv dub

namanj adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how

See also: amanj adv dub

don't know what
awegodogwen pron dub I don't know what, I wonder what

See also: wegodogwen pron dub

wegodogwen pron dub I don't know what, I wonder what

See also: awegodogwen pron dub

don't know when
amanj apii adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how; I don't know when, I wonder when

See also: namanj apii adv dub

namanj apii adv dub I don't know when, I wonder when

See also: amanj apii adv dub

don't know where
dibi adv dub I don't know where, I wonder where

don't know who
awegwen pron dub I don't know who, I wonder who

just don't
gego bina adv gram just don't

collect money as a donation
asigizhooniyaawe vai s/he collects money as a donation

ishkwaandem ni a door

by a door
jiigishkwaand adv loc by the door

See also: jiigishkwaandeng adv loc

lodge door cover
gibishkwaande'on ni a lodge door cover

gibinde'igan ni a cloth or hide door cover used on a lodge

gibinde'on ni [NI] a cloth or hide door cover used on a lodge

gibinde'onaak ni [NI] stick in a lodge door cover

leave open
baakindesijige vai s/he leaves a lodge door or tent fly open

ishkwaandemaabik ni a doorknob

double-crested cormorant
double-crested cormorant
gaagaagiishib na a cormorant

double-crested cormorant
Phalacrocorax auritus

have doubts
zhaagwenim vta think h/ weak, have doubts about h/

Paired with: zhaagwendan vti

onadinigan na dough

zhiiwisijigan na sourdough

bookadinigan na a doughnut

bwaakadinigaazod na-v a doughnut

ashkijiishkiwagizi vai h/ (bread, bannock) is doughy

omiimii na a pigeon, a dove

[to a lower place]
climb down
niisaandawe vai s/he climbs down, goes downstairs

down below
niisaya'ii adv loc
  1. downstairs
  2. down

go down in an elevator
niisaandawebizo vai s/he goes downstairs under power (as in an elevator); s/he climbs on something and slides down

pull down
niisibidoon vti2 pull it down, tear it down

Paired with: niisibizh vta

niisibizh vta pull h/ down, tear h/ down

Paired with: niisibidoon vti2

run down
niisaandawebatoo vai s/he runs down, runs downstairs

[at a lower level]
niisayi'ii adv loc
  1. down
  2. downstairs

niisaya'ii adv loc
  1. downstairs
  2. down

go down
iskate vii it (liquid or a body of water) goes down, dries up, is dried up, evaporates

Paired with: iskaso vai

grind down
zisiboodoon vti2 file, grind it down; sharpen it (an ax)

Paired with: zisiboozh vta

zisiboozh vta file, grind h/ down

Paired with: zisiboodoon vti2

zisiboojige vai s/he files, grinds things down

zisiboode vii it is filed, ground down

Paired with: zisiboozo vai

zisiboozo vai s/he is filed, ground down

Paired with: zisiboode vii

slow down
bekaa adv man hold on!; slow down!; wait!

tear down
niisibidoon vti2 pull it down, tear it down

Paired with: niisibizh vta

niisibizh vta pull h/ down, tear h/ down

Paired with: niisibidoon vti2

tell to settle down
zagakim vta tell h/ to settle down

[from above to a lower position]
bend down
zhagashkitaa vai s/he crouches down, ducks down, stoops

climb down
niisaandawe vai s/he climbs down, goes downstairs

knock over or down
gawiweba'an vti knock it down (using something)

gawiwebishkan vti knock it over, down (with foot or body); kick it over, down

Paired with: gawiwebishkaw vta

gawiwebishkaw vta knock h/ over, down (with foot or body); kick h/ over. down

Paired with: gawiwebishkan vti

gawaganaam vta knock h/ over, down (by hitting)

Paired with: gawaganaandan vti

gawaganaandan vti knock it down, over (by hitting)

Paired with: gawaganaam vta

knock down from above
biniweba'an vti knock it down from above (using something)

Paired with: biniweba' vta

biniweba' vta knock h/ down from above (using something); shoot h/ down from above

Paired with: biniweba'an vti See also: biniweba'wi vta [NI]

binibidoon vti2 pull or push it down (from its position above)

Paired with: binibizh vta

binibizh vta pull or push h down (from h/ position above)

Paired with: binibidoon vti2

binishkaw vta knock h/ down from above (with body or foot)

lay down around something
giiwitaashim vta lay h/ down around

Paired with: giiwitaasidoon vti2

giiwitaasidoon vti2 lay it down around

Paired with: giiwitaashim vta

lie down
zhingishin vai s/he lies down, goes to bed

gawishimo vai s/he lies down, goes to bed

pin down
dasoozo vai s/he is trapped, pinned down

pull down
niisibidoon vti2 pull it down, tear it down

Paired with: niisibizh vta

niisibizh vta pull h/ down, tear h/ down

Paired with: niisibidoon vti2

set down
bagidin vta
  1. set h/ down; offer, release h/
  2. allow h/

Paired with: bagidinan vti

bagidinan vti
  1. allow it
  2. set it down; offer, release it

Paired with: bagidin vta

bagidinamaw vta set (it) down for h/; offer, release, allow (it) to h/

bagidinige vai s/he sets things down; offers, releases, allows things

bagidinigaade vii it is set down, offered, released, allowed (by someone), "they" set it down; offer, release, allow it

bagidinigaazo vai s/he is set down, offered, released (by someone), "they" set h/ down; offer, release h/

Paired with: bagidinigaade vii

set down off back
bagidoom vta set h/ down off one's back

Paired with: bagidoondan vti

bagidoondan vti set it down off h/ back

Paired with: bagidoom vta

take down
bina' vta take h/ or it (animate) down

Paired with: bina'an vti See also: bina'wi vta [NI]

bina'an vti take it down

Paired with: bina' vta

[off something to a lower position]
bump down off
diitibishkan vti bump it down off something, knock it down off something (with foot or body)

Paired with: diitibishkaw vta

diitibishkaw vta bump h/ down off something, knock h/ down off something (with foot or body)

Paired with: diitibishkan vti

knock down from above
biniweba'an vti knock it down from above (using something)

Paired with: biniweba' vta

biniweba' vta knock h/ down from above (using something); shoot h/ down from above

Paired with: biniweba'an vti See also: biniweba'wi vta [NI]

binibidoon vti2 pull or push it down (from its position above)

Paired with: binibizh vta

binibizh vta pull or push h down (from h/ position above)

Paired with: binibidoon vti2

binishkaw vta knock h/ down from above (with body or foot)

knock down off using something
diitiba' vta knock h/ down off something (using something)

Paired with: diitiba'an vti

diitiba'an vti knock it down off something (using something)

Paired with: diitiba' vta

knock down off with hands
diitibibidoon vti2 knock it down off something (with hands)

Paired with: diitibibizh vta

diitibibizh vta knock h/ down off something (with hands)

Paired with: diitibibidoon vti2

[towards the ground]
chew down
gawam vta chew h/ down

Paired with: gawandan vti

gawandan vti chew it down

Paired with: gawam vta

chop down
gawa' vta fell it (animate), chop it (animate) down

Paired with: gawa'an vti

gawa'an vti fell it, chop it (something stick-like) down

Paired with: gawa' vta

gawa'amaw vta chop (it) down for h/; fell it for h/

gawa'ige vai s/he chops things down

gawa'igaade vii it is chopped down (by someone), "they" chop it down

gawa'igaazo vai it (animate) is chopped down (by someone), "they" chop it (animate) down

drip down
bangigaa vii it drips down

fall down against
apangishin vai s/he falls down against

apangisin vii it falls down against

Paired with: apangishin vai

fall down hard
bakiteshin vai s/he trips and falls, falls down hard

kick over or down
gawiwebishkan vti knock it over, down (with foot or body); kick it over, down

Paired with: gawiwebishkaw vta

gawiwebishkaw vta knock h/ over, down (with foot or body); kick h/ over. down

Paired with: gawiwebishkan vti

knock over or down
gawiweba'an vti knock it down (using something)

gawiwebishkan vti knock it over, down (with foot or body); kick it over, down

Paired with: gawiwebishkaw vta

gawiwebishkaw vta knock h/ over, down (with foot or body); kick h/ over. down

Paired with: gawiwebishkan vti

gawaganaam vta knock h/ over, down (by hitting)

Paired with: gawaganaandan vti

gawaganaandan vti knock it down, over (by hitting)

Paired with: gawaganaam vta

pull over or down
gawibidoon vti2 pull it over or down

Paired with: gawibizh vta

gawibizh vta pull h/ over or down; push h/ over

Paired with: gawibidoon vti2

saw down
gawiboodoon vti2 saw it down

Paired with: gawiboozh vta

gawiboozh vta saw h/ down

Paired with: gawiboodoon vti2

gawiboojige vai s/he saws (things) down

gawiboozo vai s/he is sawn down

See also: gawiboode vii

gawiboode vii it is sawn down

See also: gawiboozo vai

throw over or down
gawiwebin vta throw, push, shove h/ down

Paired with: gawiwebinan vti

gawiwebinan vti throw, push, shove it down

Paired with: gawiwebin vta

throw down against
apagizo vai s/he moves towards or against something fast: s/he throws h/ self down, falls or jumps against something

throw down quickly
bagijwebin vta release h/ quickly; throw h/ down quickly

Paired with: bagijwebinan vti

bagijwebinan vti release it quickly, throw it down quickly

Paired with: bagijwebin vta

shove over or down
gawiwebin vta throw, push, shove h/ down

Paired with: gawiwebinan vti

gawiwebinan vti throw, push, shove it down

Paired with: gawiwebin vta

carry downhill
niisaakiiwewidoon vti2 take, carry it downhill

Paired with: niisaakiiwewizh vta

niisaakiiwewizh vta take, carry h/ downhill

Paired with: niisaakiiwewidoon vti2

go downhill
niisaakiiwe vai s/he goes downhill

run downhill
niisaakiiwebatoo vai s/he runs downhill

take downhill
niisaakiiwewidoon vti2 take, carry it downhill

Paired with: niisaakiiwewizh vta

niisaakiiwewizh vta take, carry h/ downhill

Paired with: niisaakiiwewidoon vti2

niisaya'ii adv loc
  1. downstairs
  2. down

niisayi'ii adv loc
  1. down
  2. downstairs

go downstairs
niisaandawe vai s/he climbs down, goes downstairs

run downstairs
niisaandawebatoo vai s/he runs down, runs downstairs

niisaajiwan adv loc downstream; below the rapids

bishkongwashi vai s/he dozes

one dozen
ingodwewaan qnt num one set; one dozen; one pair; one couple

See also: ningodwewaan qnt num

draft animal
draft animal
odaabii'aagan na a draft animal

odaabaadan vti drag, pull it as a load

Paired with: odaabaazh vta

odaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ as a load

Paired with: odaabaadan vti

odaabii vai s/he drags, pulls a load; pulls a sled

come into view dragging
zaagewedaabii vai s/he comes into view dragging a load

drag a sled from a certain place
onjidaabii vai s/he drags, pulls a load from a certain place, pulls a sled from a certain place

drag along
bimidaabaadan vti drag, pull it along

Paired with: bimidaabaazh vta

bimidaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ along

Paired with: bimidaabaadan vti

bimidaabii vai s/he drags, pulls a load along

drag ashore
agwaadaabaadan vti drag it ashore

Paired with: agwaadaabaazh vta

agwaadaabaazh vta drag h/ ashore

Paired with: agwaadaabaadan vti

agwaadaabii vai s/he drags or pulls a load ashore

drag away
animidaabaadan vti drag, pull it away (in the other direction)

Paired with: animidaabaazh vta

animidaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ away (in the other direction)

animidaabii vai s/he drags, pulls a load away (in the other direction), goes away on or with a sled

drag from a certain place
onjidaabaadan vti drag, pull it from a certain place

Paired with: onjidaabaazh vta

onjidaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ from a certain place

Paired with: onjidaabaadan vti

onjidaabii vai s/he drags, pulls a load from a certain place, pulls a sled from a certain place

drag here
biijidaabaadan vti drag, pull it here

Paired with: biijidaabaazh vta

biijidaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ here

Paired with: biijidaabaadan vti

biijidaabii vai s/he drags, pulls a load here

drag home
giiwedaabaazh vta drag h/ home

drag into the water
bakobiidaabaadan vti drag it into the water

Paired with: bakobiidaabaazh vta

bakobiidaabaazh vta drag h/ into the water

Paired with: bakobiidaabaadan vti

bakobiidaabii vai s/he drags a load into water, drags a sled into the water

drag out of the way
ikodaabii vai s/he drag, pull a load out of the way

ikodaabaadan vti drag it out of the way

Paired with: ikodaabaazh vta

ikodaabaazh vta drag h/ out of the way

Paired with: ikodaabaadan vti

drag to a certain place
izhidaabaadan vti drag, pull it to a certain place

Paired with: izhidaabaazh vta

izhidaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ to a certain place

Paired with: izhidaabaadan vti

izhidaabii vai s/he drags a load to a certain place

drag uphill
ogidaakiiwedaabaadan vti drag it uphill

Paired with: ogidaakiiwedaabaazh vta

ogidaakiiwedaabaazh vta drag h/ uphill

Paired with: ogidaakiiwedaabaadan vti

start dragging
maajidaabii vai s/he starts dragging, pulling a load

maajidaabaadan vti start dragging, pulling it as a load

Paired with: maajidaabaazh vta

maajidaabaazh vta start dragging, pulling h/ or it (animate) as a load

Paired with: maajidaabaadan vti

unable to drag
bwaawidaabii vai s/he is unable to pull a load, has trouble pulling a load

bwaawidaabaadan vti be unable to drag or pull it; have trouble dragging or pulling it

Paired with: bwaawidaabaazh vta

bwaawidaabaazh vta be unable to drag or pull h/; have trouble dragging or pulling h/

Paired with: bwaawidaabaadan vti

oboodashkwaanishiinh na a dragonfly

drain out
iskaabii vii it dries up, drains out, the water in it recedes

ziikoobiiginan vti strain it; drain all of a liquid out of it it

ziikoobiiginige vai s/he strains things; s/he drains things, wrings things out

ziikoobiiginamaw vta drain (it) for, wring (it) out for h/; strain (it) for h/

ziikoobiiginigaade vii it is strained (by someone), "they" strain it; it is drained, wrung out (by someone), "they" drain it, wring it out

ziikoobiiginigaazo vai it (animate) is strained (by someone), "they" strain it (animate); s/he is drained, wrung out (by someone), "they" drain h/, wring h/ out

drain dry
iskandan vti drain it dry (drinking it)

gibiiga'igan ni a curtain, drapes

[make lines or a picture]
mazinibii' vta draw, paint a picture of h/

Paired with: mazinibii'an vti

mazinibii'an vti draw it

Paired with: mazinibii' vta

mazinibii'ige vai s/he draws, paints a picture of something

mazinibii'igaade vii it is drawn (by someone), "they" draw it

mazinibii'igaazo vai s/he is drawn (by someone), "they" draw h/

draw big
mangibii'an vti write it big, draw it big

draw circle
waawiyebii'an vti draw it as a circle

waawiyebii'ige vai s/he draws a circle

draw small
agaasibii'an vti write it small, draw it small

draw spots
gidagibii'an vti draw dots or spots on it

gidagibii'ige vai s/he draws dots or spots

drawn in a picture
mazinibii'igaade vii it is drawn (by someone), "they" draw it

ozhibii'igaazo vai s/he is written down (as on a list) (by someone), "they write h/ down

draw breath in
ikwanaamo vai s/he breathes in, inhales, takes a deep breath

wiikwanaamo vai s/he draws in breath, inhales

draw up or out
wiikwa'an vti pump it up (out of somewhere); draw it up or out (using something)

draw with mouth
wiikwam vta
  1. suck on h/ ; draw on h/ with mouth
  2. invite h/ to a feast (especially as part of a religious ceremony)

Paired with: wiikwandan vti See also: wiikom vta

wiikwandan vti suck on it; draw on it with mouth

Paired with: wiikwam vta

wiikwanjige vai s/he draws on things with mouth; s/he sucks on things

[take liquid]
draw water
gwaaba'ibii vai s/he draws water

onda'ibii vai s/he gets, draws water from a certain place

wiikwa'ibii vai s/he pumps, draws water

ikwa'ibii vai s/he pumps, draws water

mazinibii'igan ni something drawn: a drawing, a sketch, a design

mookojigan ni a drawknife, a plane

giboobijigan ni something used to pull things shut: a drawstring, a zipper

giboobijiganeyaab ni a drawstring