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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

bawaajigan ni a dream, a vision

bad dream
giiwanaadingwaam vai s/he has a bad dream, had a nightmare

scary dream
zegaabam vta have a frightening dream, a scary dream about h/

Paired with: zegaabandan vti

zegaabandam vai2 s/he has a frightening dream, a scary dream

zegaabandan vti have a frightening dream, a scary dream about it

Paired with: zegaabam vta

see a certain way as in a dream
inaabam vta see h/ a certain way as in a dream; have such a dream about h/

Paired with: inaabandan vti

inaabandan vti see it a certain way as in a dream; have such a dream about it

Paired with: inaabam vta

bawaadan vti dream of it

Paired with: bawaazh vta

bawaazh vta dream of, have a dream of h/

Paired with: bawaadan vti

bawaajige vai s/he has dreams

dream a certain way
inaabandam vai2 s/he dreams a certain way; s/he has a certain view of something, has a certain belief about something

biizikonaye vai s/he dresses, is dressed, puts on clothes

dress a certain way
izhi'o vai s/he dresses a certain way

inikonaye vai s/he dresses a certain way

dress in a new outfit
oshkikonaye vai s/he dresses in a new outfit

dress in black
makadewikonaye vai s/he dresses in black

dress in red
misko'o vai s/he wears red

miskokonaye vai s/he dresses in red

dress up
wawezhi' vta decorate, adorn h/; dress up, make up h/

Paired with: wawezhitoon vti2

wawezhi'o vai s/he dresses up; s/he makes up h/ self

wawepizo vai a/he dresses up

zazegaa'o vai s/he dresses up

dress warmly
giizhoo'o vai s/he dresses warmly

giizhookonaye vai s/he dresses warm

dress well
mino'o vai s/he dresses well

biizikonaye' vta put clothes on, dress h/

wawezhi' vta decorate, adorn h/; dress up, make up h/

Paired with: wawezhitoon vti2

zazegaa' vta dress h/ up after a year's mourning; dress h/ up well

ingoodaas nid my dress

gigoodaas nid your dress

ogoodaas nid her dress

magoodaas ni [BL] a dress

majigoodenh ni a dress

buckskin dress
bashkweginagooday ni a buckskin dress

change dress
aandagoode vai she puts on another dress, changes her dress

have new dress
oshkagoode vai she has a new dress

jingle dress
zaangwewe-magooday ni a jingle dress

ziibaaska'iganagooday ni a jingle dress

zhiibaashka'igani-magoodaas ni [BL] a jingle dress

put on dress
biitagoode vai s/he puts on h/ dress

ribbon dress
zenibaanh-majigoodenh ni a ribbon dress

take off dress
giitagoode vai she takes off her dress

biizikonaye vai s/he dresses, is dressed, puts on clothes

dressed up
nanaa'ii vai s/he is dressed up

zazegaa adv man dressed up

dressed-up man
zazegaa-inini na a gentleman; a man who is good-looking, well-dressed, well-mannered

dressed-up woman
zazegaa-ikwe na a fine woman, a lady; a woman who is well-dressed, good-looking, well-mannered

wiikobijigan ni a drawer, a chest of drawers, a dresser

baate- pv lex dried

drift about on the current
babaamaaboode vii it drifts about on the current

Paired with: babaamaaboozo vai

babaamaaboozo vai s/he or it (animate) drifts about on the current

Paired with: babaamaaboode vii

drift along on the current
bimaaboode vii it drifts along on the current

Paired with: bimaaboozo vai

bimaaboozo vai s/he or it (animate) drifts along on the current

Paired with: bimaaboode vii

drift away on the current
animaaboode vii it drifts away on the current

Paired with: animaaboozo vai

animaaboozo vai s/he drifts or floats away (in the other direction) on the current

Paired with: animaaboode vii

drift from a certain place on the current
ondaaboode vii it drifts, slides from a certain place on the current or other moving medium

Paired with: ondaaboozo vai

ondaaboozo vai s/he drifts, slides from a certain place on the current or other moving medium

Paired with: ondaaboode vii

drift here on the current
biidaaboode vii it drifts here on the current

Paired with: biidaaboozo vai

biidaaboozo vai s/he drifts here on the current

Paired with: biidaaboode vii

drift off on the current
maadaaboode vii it drifts off on the current

Paired with: maadaaboozo vai

maadaaboozo vai s/he drifts off on the current

Paired with: maadaaboode vii

drift to a certain place on the current
inaaboozo vai

Paired with: inaaboode vii

inaaboode vii it drifts to a certain place on the current

Paired with: inaaboozo vai

bagone'igan ni a drill

bagoneboojigan ni a drill

bagone' vta drill it (animate), make a hole in h/ or it (animate) (using something)

Paired with: bagone'an vti See also: bagone'wi vta [NI]

bagone'an vti drill it, make a hole in it (using something)

Paired with: bagone' vta

give a drink
mina' vta give h/ a drink, give (it) to him to drink

give drinks out
mina'iwe vai s/he gives drinks out to someone

look for drink
nandoobii vai s/he looks for a liquid, looks for a drink

See also: andoobii vai [N]

soft drink
menwaagamig ni-v a soft drink; pop

waashkobaagamig ni-v a soft drink; pop

zhiiwaabo ni [BL] a soft drink; pop

steal a drink
gimoodoobii vai s/he steals a liquid, steals a drink

unable to find a drink
gwiinobii vai s/he is unable to find a drink

use for a drink
minikwaadan vti use it for a drink

weak drink
zhaagwaagamichige vai s/he makes a weak drink

minikwe vai s/he drinks

choke while drinking
bakwenibii vai s/he chokes while drinking

drink and be merry
minobii vai s/he drinks and is merry

drink quickly
ziikaapidan vti drink it quickly

drink too much
onzaamibii vai s/he drinks too much

give too much to drink
onzaamibazh vta overfill h/ (with liquid); give h/ too much to drink

Paired with: onzaamibadoon vti2

go after something to drink
naadaabowe vai [N] s/he goes after water or something to drink

drinking glass
drinking glass
mikwamiiwinaagaans ni a drinking glass

minikwaajigan ni drinking vessel (larger than a cup): a glass, a mug, a tankard, a chalice

zhaabwaatewinaagaans ni a (drinking) glass

drinking vessel
drinking vessel
minikwaajigan ni drinking vessel (larger than a cup): a glass, a mug, a tankard, a chalice

onjigaa vii it leaks, drips, runs with sap

Paired with: onjigaa vai

drip down
bangigaa vii it drips down

drip fast
gizhiigaa vii it drips, leaks fast

Paired with: gizhiigaa vai

start to drip
maajigaa vii it starts to leak, drip; it starts to run with sap

Paired with: maajigaa vai

[move with force or power]
drive about
babaamibide vii it speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibizo vai

babaamibizo vai s/he speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibide vii

babaamidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives about

drive across
aazhawibide vii it speeds, drives, flies across

Paired with: aazhawibizo vai

aazhawidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives across a bridge

aazhogebizo vai s/he drives across a bridge

Paired with: aazhogebide vii

aazhogedaabii'iwe vai s/he drives across a bridge

aazhoodaabii'iwe vai s/he drives across a bridge

drive along
bimibide vii it speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibizo vai

bimibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibide vii

bimibizo' vta [BL] drive h/ along, take h/ for a ride

bimidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives along

drive at a certain speed
apiichibide vii it speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichibizo vai

apiichibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichibide vii

drive at night
niibaabizo vai s/he drives at night

niibaadaabii'iwe vai s/he drives at night

dibikidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives at night

drive away
animibide vii it speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibizo vai

animibizo vai s/he speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibide vii

animidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives away (in the other direction)

drive continuously
aabijibide vii it drives, runs, operates continuously

Paired with: aabijibizo vai

aabijibizo vai s/he drives, runs, operates continuously

Paired with: aabijibide vii

drive here
biijibide vii it speeds, drives, flies here

Paired with: biijibizo vai

biijibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies here

Paired with: biijibide vii

biijidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives here

drive in
biinjibide vii it drives, speeds, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibizo vai

biinjibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibide vii

drive in the lead
niigaanibide vii it drives in the lead

drive inside
biindigebide vii it speeds, drives, flies inside

Paired with: biindigebizo vai

biindigebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies inside

Paired with: biindigebide vii

drive home
giiwebizo vai s/he or it (animate) speeds, drives, flies home

Paired with: giiwebide vii

giiwebizo' vta [N] drive h/ or it (animate) back, drive h/ or it (animate) home; take h/ home by motor

Paired with: giiwebizotoon vti2

giiwebizonitoon vti2 [N] drive it home

Paired with: giiwebizo' vta [N]

giiwedaabii'iwe vai s/he or it (animate) speeds, drives, flies home

drive off to the side
bakebide vii it drives off to the side; it speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path

Paired with: bakebizo vai

bakebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path, off the road

Paired with: bakebide vii

drive out on the ice
niminaakobizo vai s/he drives out on the ice

drive uphill
ogidaakiiwebizo vai s/he or it (animate) drives uphill

heard driving
madwebide vii it is heard driving, is heard running or operating, is idling

Paired with: madwebizo vai

madwebizo vai s/he is heard driving, is heard running or operating

Paired with: madwebide vii

heard driving in the distance
debwewebide vii it is heard driving, running, operating in the distance

Paired with: debwewebizo vai

debwewebizo vai s/he is heard driving, running, operating in the distance

Paired with: debwewebide vii

[use a vehicle]
arrive driving
bagamibide vii it arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibizo vai

bagamibizo vai s/he arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibide vii

bagamidaabii'iwe vai s/he arrives driving

drive about
babaamibide vii it speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibizo vai

babaamibizo vai s/he speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibide vii

babaamidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives about

drive across
aazhawibide vii it speeds, drives, flies across

Paired with: aazhawibizo vai

aazhawidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives across a bridge

aazhogebizo vai s/he drives across a bridge

Paired with: aazhogebide vii

aazhogedaabii'iwe vai s/he drives across a bridge

aazhoodaabii'iwe vai s/he drives across a bridge

drive along
bimibide vii it speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibizo vai

bimibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibide vii

bimibizo' vta [BL] drive h/ along, take h/ for a ride

bimidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives along

drive along the shore
jiigewebizo vai s/he drives, speeds along the shore or edge

Paired with: jiigewebide vii

jiigewedaabii'iwe vai s/he drives, speeds along the shore or edge

drive at a certain speed
apiichibide vii it speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichibizo vai

apiichibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichibide vii

drive at night
niibaabizo vai s/he drives at night

niibaadaabii'iwe vai s/he drives at night

dibikidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives at night

drive away
animibide vii it speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibizo vai

animibizo vai s/he speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibide vii

animidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives away (in the other direction)

drive back
azhebide vii it slips back; it speeds back, drives back

Paired with: azhebizo vai

azhebizo vai s/he backs up a vehicle

Paired with: azhebide vii

drive falling through the ice
dwaabide vii it drives through ice

Paired with: dwaabizo vai

dwaabizo vai s/he drives through the ice

Paired with: dwaabide vii

drive fast
gizhiibizo vai s/he moves, runs, operates, speeds, drives, flies fast

Paired with: gizhiibide vii

gizhiibide vii it moves, runs, operates, speeds, drives, flies fast

Paired with: gizhiibizo vai

gizhiidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives (a vehicle) fast

gizhiibizonike vai [N] s/he drives (a vehicle) fast

drive from a certain place
onjibide vii it drives, speeds, falls from a certain place

Paired with: onjibizo vai

onjibizo vai s/he drives, speeds, falls from a certain place

Paired with: onjibide vii

onjibizonitoon vti2 drive it from a certain place

onjidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives from a certain place

drive here
biijibide vii it speeds, drives, flies here

Paired with: biijibizo vai

biijibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies here

Paired with: biijibide vii

biijidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives here

drive home
giiwebizo vai s/he or it (animate) speeds, drives, flies home

Paired with: giiwebide vii

giiwebizo' vta [N] drive h/ or it (animate) back, drive h/ or it (animate) home; take h/ home by motor

Paired with: giiwebizotoon vti2

giiwebizonitoon vti2 [N] drive it home

Paired with: giiwebizo' vta [N]

giiwedaabii'iwe vai s/he or it (animate) speeds, drives, flies home

drive in
biinjibide vii it drives, speeds, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibizo vai

biinjibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibide vii

drive inside
biindigebide vii it speeds, drives, flies inside

Paired with: biindigebizo vai

biindigebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies inside

Paired with: biindigebide vii

drive off
maajiibide vii it starts running, starts operating; it drives off, speeds off

Paired with: maajiibizo vai

maajiibizo vai s/he starts running, starts operating; s/he drives off, speeds off

Paired with: maajiibide vii

maajidaabii'iwe vai s/he starts driving, drives off, drives away

drive off to the side
bakebide vii it drives off to the side; it speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path

Paired with: bakebizo vai

bakebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path, off the road

Paired with: bakebide vii

drive slowly
bejibide vii it runs (as a machine), operates, drives slowly

Paired with: bejibizo vai

bejibizo vai s/he runs (as a machine) operates, drives slowly

Paired with: bejibide vii

drive suddenly into view
zaagewebide vii it drives, speeds suddenly into view

Paired with: zaagewebizo vai

zaagewebizo vai s/he or it (animate) drives, speeds suddenly into view

Paired with: zaagewebide vii

drive through
zhaabobizo vai s/he or it (animate) falls, drives through

Paired with: zhaabobide vii

zhaabobide vii it falls, drives through

Paired with: zhaabobizo vai

drive to a certain place
ipide vii it speeds, drives, flies to a certain place or in a certain way

Paired with: ipizo vai See also: apide vii

ipizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies to a certain place

Paired with: ipide vii See also: apizo vai

izhidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives to a certain place or in a certain way

drive without lights
gashkiidibikibizonike vai s/he drives without lights

get lost driving
wanibizo vai s/he gets lost driving

heard driving along
bimwewebide vii it is heard speeding, driving along

Paired with: bimwewebizo vai

bimwewebizo vai s/he is heard speeding, driving along

Paired with: bimwewebide vii

heard driving here
biidwewebide vii it is heard speeding. driving, flying here

Paired with: biidwewebizo vai

biidwewebizo vai s/he is heard speeding, driving, flying here

Paired with: biidwewebide vii

start driving
maajidaabii'iwe vai s/he starts driving, drives off, drives away

stop driving
noogibide vii it stops driving, stops speeding

Paired with: noogibizo vai

noogibizo vai s/he stops driving, stops speeding, parks

Paired with: noogibide vii

turn driving
gwekibizo vai s/he turns driving

Paired with: gwekibide vii

gwekibide vii it turns, changes direction driving

Paired with: gwekibizo vai

[travel by horse]
odaabii' vta drive h/

odaabii'iwe vai s/he drives

drive along in a wagon or sleigh
bimidaabiiba'igo vai s/he drives along quickly in a wagon or sleigh

drive away with horses
animiba'igo vai s/he rides away, drives away (drawn by horse or dog)

drive off with horses
maajidaabiiba'igo vai s/he drives off in a wagon

maajiiba'igo vai s/he rides off, drives off (drawn by horse or dog)

[operate a vehicle]
bimibizoni' vta drive h/ along, take h/ for a ride; operate h/

Paired with: bimibizonitoon vti2

bimibizonitoon vti2 drive it along

Paired with: bimibizoni' vta

drive about
babaamibizoni' vta drive h/ around

babaamibizonitoon vti2 drive it about

drive along
bimibizoni' vta drive h/ along, take h/ for a ride; operate h/

Paired with: bimibizonitoon vti2

bimibizonitoon vti2 drive it along

Paired with: bimibizoni' vta

drive away
animibizoni' vta drive away with h/ (e.g., a car)

Paired with: animibizonitoon vti2

animibizonitoon vti2 drive away with it

Paired with: animibizoni' vta

drive from a certain place
onjibizoni' vta drive h/ from a certain place

Paired with: onjibizonitoon vti2

onjibizonitoon vti2 drive it from a certain place

drive here
biijibizoni' vta drive h/ here

biijibizonitoon vti2 drive it here

drive to a certain place
ipizoni' vta drive h/ to a certain place

Paired with: ipizonitoon vti2

ipizonitoon vti2 drive it to a certain place

Paired with: ipizoni' vta

drive game
apagajinaazhikaw vta drive h/ as game

apagajinaazhikaage vai s/he drives game

apagajinaazhikamaw vta drive game for h/

andonizha'ige vai s/he drives game

odaabii'iwewinini na a driver

taxi driver
bimaawazhiwewinini na a cab driver; a taxi driver

bimiwizhiwewinini na a taxi driver; a chauffeur

driver's license
driver's license
odaabii'iwe-mazina'igan ni a driver's license

See also: odaabii'iwe-mazina'igaans ni [ML]

odaabii'iwe-mazina'igaans ni [ML] a driver's license

See also: odaabii'iwe-mazina'igan ni

bimibizoo-mazina'igan ni [BL] a driver's license

biisibiisaa vii there is light rain, drizzle; it is drizzling

See also: biisibiisaan vii [BL]

biisibiisaan vii [BL] there is light rain, drizzle; it is drizzling

See also: biisibiisaa vii

biisibiisaa vii there is light rain, drizzle; it is drizzling

See also: biisibiisaan vii [BL]

biisibiisaan vii [BL] there is light rain, drizzle; it is drizzling

See also: biisibiisaa vii

let drop
banin vta let h/ drop, have h/ fall out of the hand

Paired with: baninan vti

baninan vti let it drop, have it drop out of the hand

Paired with: banin vta

let drop from mouth
bagidam vta release h/ from the mouth

Paired with: bagidandan vti

bagidandan vti let it drop from the mouth

Paired with: bagidam vta

have drop off back
banoondan vti drop it from your back

Paired with: bimoom vta

banoom vta drop h/ or it (animate) from your back

Paired with: banoondan vti

bangishim vta drop h/

Paired with: bangisidoon vti2

bangisidoon vti2 drop it

Paired with: bangishim vta

break by dropping
biigosidoon vti2 break it (by dropping); smash it

Paired with: biigoshim vta

biigoshim vta break h/ (by dropping); smash h/

Paired with: biigosidoon vti2

drop feathers
binigwane vai s/he (a bird) drops feathers, moults

giishkaamikaa vii there is a drop-off

ear drops
ziiginishaan ni ear drops

ziiginishe vai s/he puts drops in h/ own ears

eye drops
ziiginiingwaan ni eye drops

See also: ziinginiingwaan ni

ziinginiingwaan ni eye drops

See also: ziiginiingwaan ni

ziiginiingwe vai s/he puts drops in h/ own eyes

gibwanaabaawe vai s/he drowns

mashkikii-adaawewinini na a pharmacist, a druggist

mashkikii-adaawewigamig ni a pharmacy, a drugstore

mashkikiiwadaawewigamig ni a pharmacy, a drugstore

madwe' vta pound on, drum on it (animate)

Paired with: madwe'an vti

madwe'an vti drum on it

Paired with: madwe' vta

madwe'ige vai
  1. s/he pounds on something making noise, drums on something
  2. an engine knocks

madwe'igaade vii it is drummed on (by someone), "they" drum on it

madwe'igaazo vai sh/e is drummed on (by someone), "they" drum on h/

drum secretly
giimoodwewe'akokwe vai s/he drums secretly

make a mistake drumming
wanwewe'akokwe vai s/he makes a mistake drumming

partridge drums
madwewe'o vai he (partridge) drums

partridge drums in the distance
naawewe'o vai he (partridge) is heard drumming in the distance

partridge drums in a certain place
danwewe'o vai he (partridge) drums in a certain place

dewe'igan na a drum

have drum or drums
odewe'igani vai s/he has a drum or drums

make drum
dewe'iganike vai s/he makes a drum or drums

mide drum
mitigwakik na a Mide drum

sit at a drum
baaga'akokwe vai s/he beats a drum

drum heater
drum heater
abiigizigewinini na a drum heater

baaga'akokwaan ni a drumstick for a hand drum

baaga'akokwaanaak ni a drumstick

dewe'iganaak ni a drumstick

giiwashkwebii vai s/he is drunk

arrive drunk
bagamibii vai s/he arrives drunk

fall down drunk
gawibii vai s/he falls down drunk

get someone drunk
giiwashkwebazh vta get h/ drunk

giiwashkwebiishki vai s/he is a drunk

baaso vai s/he or it (animate) dries, is dry

Paired with: baate vii

baate vii it is dry, dries

Paired with: baaso vai

bengozi vai s/he or it (animate) dries, is dry

Paired with: bengwan vii

bengwan vii it is dry, dries

Paired with: bengozi vai

dry beach
bengwadaawangaa vii there is dry sand, is a dry beach

dry bough
bengwaandagaa vii the boughs are dry

bengwaandagizi vai it (animate; bough) is dry

dry sand
bengwadaawangaa vii there is dry sand, is a dry beach

dry tongue
bengodenaniwe vai h/ tongue is dry

drain dry
iskandan vti drain it dry (drinking it)

roast until dry and crisp
gaapizan vti cook or roast it dry and crisp, parch it (wild rice)

gaapizige vai s/he cooks or roasts things dry and crisp, parches (wild rice)

gaapizigaade vii it is cooked or roasted dry and crisp, parched (by someone)

baas vta dry h/ or it (animate) (using something)

Paired with: baasan vti See also: baaswi vta [BL]

baasan vti dry it

Paired with: baas vta

baasigaade vii it is dried (by someone), "they" dry it

Paired with: baasigaazo vai

baasigaazo vai s/he is dried (by someone), "they" dry h/

Paired with: baasigaade vii

baaswi vta [BL] dry h/ or it (animate) (using something)

Paired with: baasan vti See also: baas vta

bengwa' vta dry h/ (using something)

Paired with: bengwa'an vti

bengwa'an vti dry it (using something)

Paired with: bengwa' vta ; bengwa'wi vta [NI]

bengwa'wi vta [NI] dry h/ or it (animate) (using something)

Paired with: bengwa'an vti See also: bengwa' vta

dry by smoking
gaaskiz vta dry h/ by smoking

Paired with: gaaskizan vti

gaaskizan vti dry it by smoking

Paired with: gaaskiz vta

dry up
iskaabii vii it dries up, drains out, the water in it recedes

iskate vii it (liquid or a body of water) goes down, dries up, is dried up, evaporates

Paired with: iskaso vai

dry hair
bengwaanikweyaashi vai s/he dries h/ hair in the wind, gets h/ hair dry in the wind

dry wood
dry wood
mishiiwaatig ni (a stick of) dry wood

See also: mishiiwaatig na

mishiiwaatigowan vii it is dry wood

Paired with: mishiiwaatigowi vai

mishiiwaatigowi vai s/he (a tree) is dry, has dry wood

Paired with: mishiiwaatigowan vii

bengwaasijigan ni a dryer

drying rack
drying rack
agoojiwanaanaak ni a hanging rack for food drying

agwaawaanaak ni a smoking or drying rack for meat or fish; a meat rack; a smokehouse

zhiishiib na a duck

hunt ducks
nandawishibe vai s/he hunts ducks

See also: andawishibe vai

female duck
noozheshib na a female duck, a (duck) hen

ininishib na a mallard

Anas platyrhynchos 

See also: aninishib na

aninishib na a mallard

Anas platyrhynchos

See also: ininishib na

duck egg
zhiishiibaawan ni a duck egg

duck feather
zhiishiibigwan na a duck feather

duck meat
zhiishiibi-wiiyaas ni duck meat

dabazi vai s/he dodges, ducks; s/he moves aside, gets out of the way

dabazi' vta dodge h/, duck from h/; get out of h/ way

Paired with: dabazitoon vti2

dabazitoon vti2 get out of the way of it; dodge it, duck from it

Paired with: dabazi' vta

duck decoy
duck decoy
zhiishiibikojigan na a duck decoy

duck grease
duck grease
zhiishiibi-bimide ni duck grease

duck nest
duck nest
zhiishiibazison ni [BL] a duck's nest

azhiwaa vii it is dull

Onigamiinsing name place
  1. Duluth, Minnesota
  2. Onigum, Minnesota

bagwanawizi vai s/he is ignorant, is stupid, is dumb

dump out
ziigwebinan vti spill it, pour it out, dump it out

ziigwebin vta spill h/, pour h/ out, dump h/ out

Paired with: ziigwebinan vti

ziigwebinige vai s/he spills things, pours things out, dumps things out

ziigwebinigaade vii it is spilled, poured out, dumped out (by someone), "they" spill it, pour it out, dump it out

ziigwebinigaazo vai it (animate) is spilled, poured out, dumped out, "they" spill it, pour it out, dump it out

ziigwebinigan ni a dump; something dumped out: slop, garbage, trash

napodin na a dumpling

make dumplings
napodinike vai s/he makes dumplings

dumpling soup
dumpling soup
bisigadanaaboo ni dumpling soup

sand dunes
babiikwadaawangaa vii there are sand dunes

babiikwadaawangaasin vii there are sand dunes

megwaa adv tmp while; during; right now

megwaa- pv lex while; during; right now

wiiyagasenh ni dust, dirt

hairy-faced bank-dwelling dwarf spirit
memegwesi na a hairy-faced bank-dwelling dwarf spirit

build a dwelling or lodge
ozhige vai s/he builds a dwelling (lodge, house), makes camp

ozhigaw vta build a dwelling (lodge, house) for h/

ozhigaage vai s/he builds dwellings (lodge, house) for people

finish building a dwelling or lodge
giizhige vai s/he finishes building a dwelling or lodge

giizhigaadan vti finish building it (a lodge or house)

adis vta dye, color h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: adisan vti See also: atis vta [ML] ; adiswi vta [NI]

adisan vti dye, color it

Paired with: adis vta ; adiswi vta [NI] See also: atisan vti [ML]

adisigaade vii it is dyed, colored (by someone), "they" dye, color it

adisige vai s/he dyes, colors things

See also: atisige vai [ML]

adisamaw vta dye, color (it) for h/

atis vta [ML] dye, color h/ or it (animate)

See also: adis vta

atisan vti [ML] dye, color it

Paired with: atis vta [ML] See also: adisan vti

atisige vai [ML] s/he dyes things

See also: adisige vai

dye blue or green
ozhaawashkwadis vta dye h/ blue; dye h/ green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwadisan vti

ozhaawashkwadisan vti dye it blue; dye it green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwadis vta

ozhaawashkwadiso vai it (animate) is dyed green; it (animate) is dyed blue

Paired with: ozhaawashkwadite vii

ozhaawashkwadite vii it (animate) is dyed green; it is dyed blue

Paired with: ozhaawashkwadiso vai

dye black
makadewadis vta dye, color it (animate) black

Paired with: makadewadisan vti

makadewadisan vti dye, color it black

makadewadiso vai s/he is dyed black

Paired with: makadewadite vii

makadewadite vii it is dyed black

Paired with: makadewadiso vai

dye red
miskwadis vta color, dye h/ red

Paired with: miskwadisan vti

miskwadisan vti color, dye it red

Paired with: miskwadis vta

miskwadiso vai s/he is dyed red, is colored red

Paired with: miskwadite vii

miskwadite vii it is dyed red, is colored red

Paired with: miskwadiso vai

atisigan ni [ML] a dye

See also: adisigan ni

adisigan ni a dye

See also: atisigan ni [ML]

baasaabikizigan ni an explosive, dynamite

zhaabokaawiziiwaapine vai s/he has dysentery

zhaabokaawiziiwaapinewin ni dysentery