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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

Motion toward the speaker is indicated with the root /biid-/, which can appear as biid-biij-, or biiz-, or with the directional preverb bi-.
bi- pv dir here; hither; this way; toward the speaker

blown here
biidaashi vai s/he is blown here (by the wind); sails, soars here

Paired with: biidaasin vii

biidaasin vii it is blown here (by the wind); sails, soars here

Paired with: biidaashi vai

bring in a boat
biida'oodoon vti2 bring it here by boat

Paired with: biida'oozh vta

biida'oozh vta bring h/ or it (animate) here by boat

Paired with: biida'oodoon vti2

climb here
biidaandawe vai s/he climbs here

drive here with a light
biidaazakonebizo vai s/he drives here with a light

crawl here
biidoode vai s/he crawls here

drag here
biijidaabaadan vti drag, pull it here

Paired with: biijidaabaazh vta

biijidaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ here

Paired with: biijidaabaadan vti

biijidaabii vai s/he drags, pulls a load here

drive here
biijibide vii it speeds, drives, flies here

Paired with: biijibizo vai

biijibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies here

Paired with: biijibide vii

biijidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives here

follow a trail here
biida'adoo vai s/he follows a trail here

biida'adoon vti2 follow it as a trail here

Paired with: biida'azh vta

biida'azh vta follow h/ trail here

Paired with: biida'adoon vti2

fly here
biijibide vii it speeds, drives, flies here

Paired with: biijibizo vai

biijise vai s/he flies here

Paired with: biijise vii

biijise vii it flies here

Paired with: biijise vai

move here (to live)
biijigozi vai s/he moves here to live

ride here on horseback
biidoomigo vai s/he rides here on horseback

run here
biijibatoo vai s/he runs here

biijiba'idiwag vai they run here together

biijiba'iwe vai s/he runs here in flight from someone

biijibatwaazh vta run here with h/

biidaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs here on the ice

biidaazhagaamebatoo vai s/he runs here along the shore

biidwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running here

sail here
biidaashi vai s/he is blown here (by the wind); sails, soars here

Paired with: biidaasin vii

biidaasin vii it is blown here (by the wind); sails, soars here

Paired with: biidaashi vai

skate here
biidaada'e vai s/he skates here

speed here
biijibide vii it speeds, drives, flies here

Paired with: biijibizo vai

biijibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies here

Paired with: biijibide vii

swim here
biidaadagaa vai s/he swims here

See also: biidaadage vai [BL]

biidaadage vai [BL] s/he swims here

See also: biidaadagaa vai

biidakwazhiwe vai
  1. s/he paddles here
  2. s/he swims here (as a fish)

throw here
biijwebin vta throw h/ here

Paired with: biijwebinan vti

biijwebinan vti throw it here

Paired with: biijwebin vta

biijwebinamaw vta throw (it) here to h/

wade here
biidaadagaazii vai s/he wades here

walk here
biidaasamose vai s/he walks here

heard driving here
biidwewebide vii it is heard speeding. driving, flying here

Paired with: biidwewebizo vai

biidwewebizo vai s/he is heard speeding, driving, flying here

Paired with: biidwewebide vii

heard running here
biidwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running here

heard running here on the ground
biidwewekamigibatoo vai s/he is heard running here on the ground

heard speeding here
biidwewebide vii it is heard speeding. driving, flying here

Paired with: biidwewebizo vai

biidwewebizo vai s/he is heard speeding, driving, flying here

Paired with: biidwewebide vii

heard swimming here
biidweweyaadagaa vai s/he is heard swimming here

See also: bimweweyaadage vai [BL]

biidweweyaadage vai [BL] s/he is heard swimming here

See also: biidweweyaadagaa vai

heard walking here
biidweweshin vai s/he is heard walking here

blue heron
zhashagi na a blue heron

great blue heron
Ardea herodias

lake herring
hew to shape
ozhiga' vta
  1. hew h/ to shape
  2. tap h/ (a tree, to get sap)

Paired with: ozhiga'an vti

ozhiga'an vti
  1. hew it to shape
  2. tap it

Paired with: ozhiga' vta

ozhiga'ige vai s/he taps trees

ozhiga'wi vta [NI]

ozhiga' vta

onwaawe vai s/he hiccoughs, hiccups

wanwewese vai [BL] s/he hiccoughs, hiccups

onwaawe vai s/he hiccoughs, hiccups

wanwewese vai [BL] s/he hiccoughs, hiccups

mitigwaabaak na a hickory

shagbark hickory
Carya ovata

bashkwegin ni hide; leather

tanned hide
asekaan na a tanned hide

scrape hides
jiishaakwa' vta scrape h/ to remove something (e.g., fat on a hide)

Paired with: jiishaakwa'an vti

jiishaakwa'wi vta [NI]

jiishaakwa' vta

jiishaakwa'an vti scrape it off something using something

Paired with: jiishaakwa' vta

jiishaakwa'ige vai s/he scrapes hides

scrape hair from hide
maada'an vti scrape the hair and fat from it (a skin)

maada'ige vai s/he scrapes hides

bear hide
makwayaan na a bear hide

beaver hide
amikwayaan na a beaver hide

calf hide
bizhikiinsiwayaan na a calfhide

bizhikiwayaan na a cowhide

deer hide
waawaashkeshiwayaan na a deer hide

fisher hide
ojiigiwayaan na a fisher hide

fox hide
waagoshiwayaan na a fox hide

lynx hide
bizhiwayaan na a lynx hide

marten hide
waabizheshiwayaan na a marten hide

mink hide
zhaangweshiwayaan na a mink hide

muskrat hide
wazhashkwayaan na a muskrat hide

otter hide
nigigwayaan na an otter hide

wolf hide
ma'iinganiwayaan na a wolf hide

gaazo vai s/he hides h/ self

gaazootaw vta hide from h/

gaadoon vti2 hide, conceal it

Paired with: gaazh vta

gaazh vta hide h/

Paired with: gaadoon vti2

gaadaw vta hide (it) from h/

gaadamaw vta hide something from h/

gaajige vai s/he hides things

gaajigaade vii it is hidden (by someone), "they" hide it

gaajigaazo vai s/he is hidden (by someone), "they" hide h/

hide berries
gaadawinzo vai s/he hides berries being picked

hide moccasin
hide moccasin
bashkweginwakizin ni a hide moccasin

See also: bashkwegino-makizin ni ; bashkweginwekizin ni [BL]

bashkweginwekizin ni [BL] a hide moccasin

See also: bashkwegino-makizin ni ; bashkweginwakizin ni

bashkwegino-makizin ni a hide moccasin

See also: bashkweginwakizin ni ; bashkweginwekizin ni [BL]

hide scraper
hide scraper
jiishaakwa'igan ni a hide scraper, a flesher

See also: jiishaakwa'iganaak ni

jiishaakwa'iganaak ni a hide scraper, a flesher

jiishaakwa'iganaabik ni a hide scraper with metal blade, a fleshing knife

maada'igan ni a hide scraper, a flesher; a hide scraper (for removing hair)

hide stretcher
hide stretcher
naazhiiga'igan ni a hide stretcher

zhiibaakwa'ataan ni a flat hide stretcher (especially for muskrats)

ishpi- pv lex advanced into a time; high

high grass
apiitashkad vii it (plant, grass) has a stalk so high, is so high

ishpashkad vii it (plant, grass) has a high stalk, is high

ishpashkosiwagaa vii there is high grass

hang high
ishpagoode vii it hangs high

Paired with: ishpagoojin vai

ishpagoojin vai
  1. s/he hangs high
  2. the sun is high in the sky

Paired with: ishpagoode vii

ishpagoodoon vti2 hang it high or higher

Paired with: ishpagoozh vta

ishpagoozh vta hang h/ high or higher

Paired with: ishpagoodoon vti2

high hill
ishpadinaa vii it is a high hill or ridge

high in status or office
ishpaginzo vai
  1. s/he is high-priced
  2. s/he is high in rank, status, or office

Paired with: ishpaginde vii

high in the sky
ishpagoojin vai
  1. s/he hangs high
  2. the sun is high in the sky

Paired with: ishpagoode vii

high stalk
ishpashkad vii it (plant, grass) has a high stalk, is high

high up
ishpaa vii it is high up

make high
ishpaatoon vti2 make it high

pile high
ishpishin vai it (animate) is piled high, lies in a big pile

Paired with: ishpisin vii

ishpisin vii it is piled high, lies in a high pile; it is at a high setting

Paired with: ishpishin vai

ishpisidoon vti2 pile it high

Paired with: ishpishim vta

ishpishim vta pile h/ high

Paired with: ishpisidoon vti2

jiikaakizige vai s/he is intoxicated, is high

ishpaginde vii it is high-priced

Paired with: ishpaginzo vai

ishpaginzo vai
  1. s/he is high-priced
  2. s/he is high in rank, status, or office

Paired with: ishpaginde vii

highbush cranberry
highbush cranberry
aniibimin ni a highbush cranberry

American high-bush cranberry
Viburnum trilobum

highbush cranberry bush
aniibiminagaawanzh na [ML] a highbush cranberry bush

American high-bush cranberry
Viburnum trilobum

aniibiminaatig na [BL] a highbush cranberry bush

American high-bush cranberry
Viburnum trilobum

think highly
ishpenim vta think highly of h/

Paired with: ishpendan vti

gichi-miikana ni a highway

bikwadinaa vii it is a knoll, is a hill

big hill
mangadinaa vii there is a big hill

come out over a hill
zaagajiwe vai s/he comes out over a hill

high hill
ishpadinaa vii it is a high hill or ridge

range of hills
bimadinaa vii there is a ridge or range of hills or mountains extending along

small hill
agaasadinaa vii there is a small hill

on side of a hill
aasamajiw adv loc on the side of a hill, on the hill

on top of a hill
agidaaki adv loc [ML] on top of a hill

ogidaaki adv loc on top of a hill; uphill

See also: agidaaki adv loc [ML] ; wagidaaki adv loc

wagidaaki adv loc on top of a hill

See also: ogidaaki adv loc

wiin pron per he, she; her, him

See also: gaye wiin pron per ; gewiin pron per

him next
wiinitam pron per his turn, her turn; her next, him next

just him
wiineta pron per only she, only her; only he, only him; just him. just her

only him
wiineta pron per only she, only her; only he, only him; just him. just her

ondami' vta get in h/'s way; hinder h/; keep h/ busy or occupied

nibwaam nid my thigh (back of thigh)

gibwaam nid your thigh (back of thigh)

obwaam nid h/ (an animal's) hindquarter; h/ thigh (back of thigh)

beaver hindquarter
amikobwaam ni a beaver hindquarter

zaageweyaajimo vai s/he hints at something

ninoogan nid my hip

ginoogan nid your hip

onoogan nid h/ hip

anookii vai s/he hires, orders, commissions (someone)

anoozh vta hire, order, commission h/

hire to do a certain job
inanookii vai s/he hires for a certain job

inanoozh vta hire h/ to do a certain job, hire h/ to go to a certain place

hit against
bitaakoshin vai s/he bumps, hits against something accidentally (as something stick- or wood-like)

bakite' vta hit, strike h/

Paired with: bakite'an vti

bakite'an vti hit, strike it

Paired with: bakite' vta

bakite'ige vai s/he hits, strikes things

bakite'odiwag vai they hit, strike each other

bakite'igaade vii it is hit, struck (by someone), "they" hit, strike it

Paired with: bakite'igaazo vai

bakite'igaazo vai s/he is hit, struck (by someone), "they" hit, strike h/

Paired with: bakite'igaade vii

hit accidentally
bitaganaam vta accidentally hit h/

Paired with: bitaganaandan vti

bitaganaandan vti accidentally hit it

Paired with: bitaganaam vta

bita'an vti accidentally hit it (using something)

Paired with: bita' vta

bita'odizo vai s/he accidentally hits h/ self (using something)

bita' vta accidentally hit h/ (using something)

Paired with: bita'an vti

hit dead center
miikwa' vta hit h/ dead center with something

Paired with: miikwa'an vti

miikwa'an vti hit it dead center with something

Paired with: miikwa' vta

hit the bottom
mizhakiise vai s/he hits or touches the bottom, hits the ground

Paired with: mizhakiise vii

hit the target
mizhodam vai2 s/he hits the target; s/he wins

make noise hitting
madwesidoon vti2 make it sound by dropping or hitting it, ring it

Paired with: madweshim vta

madwesin vii it makes noise dropping or hitting something, rings

Paired with: madweshin vai

zagapijigan ni
  1. something towed: a trailer, a towed boat
  2. something used for hitching: a hitch, a tow rope

See also: zagapijigan na

zagapidoon vti2 tie on, tow, hitch it

Paired with: zagapizh vta

zagapizh vta tie on, tow, hitch h/

Paired with: zagapidoon vti2

zagapidamaw vta tie on, tow, hitch (it) for h/

zagapijige vai s/he ties on, tows, hitches things

zagapijigaade vii it is tied on, towed, hitched (by someone), "they" tie on, tow, hitch it

zagapijigaazo vai it (animate) is tied on, towed, hitched (by someone), "they" tie on, hitch, tow it (animate)

zagapide vii it is tied on, towed, hitched

Paired with: zagapizo vai

zagapizo vai it (animate) is tied on, towed, hitched

Paired with: zagapide vii

bi- pv dir here; hither; this way; toward the speaker

bee hive
aamoo-wadiswan ni a bee hive, a wasp nest

aamoo-wazison ni [BL] a bee hive, a wasp nest

gibiskwe vai s/he is in poor voice, is hoarse

wiinibiigoo na a Hochunk (Winnebago)

gikatoon vti2 pawn, hock it

Paired with: gikas vta

gikas vta pawn, hock h/

See also: gikatoon vti2

gikataw vta [S] pawn, hock (it) for h/

gikachige vai s/he pawns, hocks things

gikachigan ni something pawned, hocked

ningwaja'an vti hoe it

Paired with: ningwaja' vta

ningwaja' vta cover it by using a hoe

Paired with: ningwaja'an vti

ningwaja'ige vai s/he covers things using a hoe

bimijaagaakwad ni [RL] a hoe

gaashkakamiga'igan ni a hoe

hog barn
hog barn
gookooshiwigamig ni a hog barn; a pig sty

ombaabiigin vta hoist h/; lift, raise h/ with a rope

Paired with: ombaabiiginan vti

ombaabiiginan vti hoist it; lift, raise it with a rope

Paired with: ombaabiigin vta

ombaabiiginige vai s/he hoists, lifts things with a rope

[keep in place]
hold against
ashidin vta hold h/ against something

Paired with: ashidinan vti

ashidinan vti hold it against something

Paired with: ashidin vta

hold in mouth
agwanem vta put h/ in in the mouth, hold h/ in the mouth

Paired with: agwanendan vti

agwanendan vti put it in the mouth, hold it in the mouth

Paired with: agwanem vta

hold up against
agon vta hold h/ or it (animate) up against

Paired with: agonan vti

agonan vti hold it up against

Paired with: agon vta

[in hands]
dakon vta
  1. hold, take hold of h/
  2. arrest h/

Paired with: dakonan vti

dakonamaw vta hold (it) for h/; take hold of (it) for h/

dakonan vti hold, take hold of it

Paired with: dakon vta

able to hold
gashkin vta be able to hold, lift, carry h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: gashkinan vti

gashkinan vti be able to hold, lift, carry it

Paired with: gashkin vta

hold a certain way
inin vta hold, handle h/ a certain way

Paired with: ininan vti

ininan vti hold, handle it a certain way

Paired with: inin vta

ininige vai s/he holds, handles things a certain way; s/he points in a certain direction

ininigaade vii it is handled a certain way (by someone), "they" handle it a certain way; it is held a certain way (by someone), "they" hold it a certain way

ininigaazo vai s/he is handled a certain way (by someone), "they" handle h/ a certain way; s/he is held a certain way (by someone), "they" hold h/ a certain way

get hold
debibidaw vta grab, catch, reach and take, get hold of (it) for h/

debibidoon vti2 grab, catch, reach and take, get hold of it

Paired with: debibizh vta

debibizh vta grab, catch, reach and take, get hold of h/

Paired with: debibidoon vti2

hold in a certain place
daninan vti hold it in a certain place

Paired with: danin vta

danin vta hold h/ in a certain place

Paired with: daninan vti

daninamaw vta hold (it) in a certain place for h/

daninige vai s/he holds things in a certain place

daninigaade vii it is held in a certain place (by someone), "they" hold it in a certain place

hold upside down
ajidinan vti hold it upside down

Paired with: ajidin vta

ajidin vta hold h/ upside down

Paired with: ajidinan vti

ajidinige vai s/he holds, turns things upside down

hold wrong
maanin vta hold, handle h/ wrong

Paired with: maaninan vti

maaninan vti hold, handle it wrong

Paired with: maanin vta

hold wrong way
napaadin vta hold h/ the wrong way

Paired with: napaadinan vti

napaadinan vti hold it the wrong way

Paired with: napaadin vta

adequately hold
debashkine vii it fits, adequately holds

Paired with: debashkine vai

debibii vii it adequately holds (something liquid); it fits (of liquid)

hold back
hold back
nanagin vta hold h/ back; prevent h/ (from doing something)

hold on
hold on
bekaa adv man hold on!; slow down!; wait!

burn a hole
bagwaakiz vta burn a hole in h/

Paired with: bagwaakizan vti

bagwaakizan vti burn a hole in it

Paired with: bagwaakiz vta

dig a hole
waanike vai s/he digs a hole or trench

excavated hole
waanikaan ni a pit, an excavated hole

get a hole
bagoshkaa vai it (animate) has a hole, gets a hole in it

Paired with: bagoshkaa vii

bagwegishkaa vai it (animate; sheet-like) has a hole, gets a hole (in it)

Paired with: bagwegishkaa vii

have a hole
bagoneyaa vii it has a hole in it

Paired with: bagonezi vai

bagonezi vai it (animate) has a hole in it

Paired with: bagoneyaa vii

bagwegad vii it (sheet-like) has a hole in it

Paired with: bagwegizi vai

bagwegizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) has a hole in h/

Paired with: bagwegad vii

have a hole burned in
bagwaakide vii it has a hole burned in it

Paired with: bagwaakizo vai

bagwaakizo vai s/he has a hole burned in h/

Paired with: bagwaakide vii

hole made in the ice for water
dwaa'ibaan ni a hole made in the ice for water

make a hole
bagone' vta drill it (animate), make a hole in h/ or it (animate) (using something)

Paired with: bagone'an vti See also: bagone'wi vta [NI]

bagone'an vti drill it, make a hole in it (using something)

Paired with: bagone' vta

make a water hole in the ice
dwaa'ibii vai s/he makes a water hole in the ice

odaminoo-giizhigad vii it is a holiday

See also: odaminoowi-giizhigad vii

odaminoowi-giizhigad vii it is a holiday

See also: odaminoo-giizhigad vii

wiimbaa vii

Paired with: wiimbizi vai

wiimbizi vai it (animate) is hollow

Paired with: wiimbaa vii

give a hollow sound
wiimbwewe vii it gives a hollow sound

carry home
giiwewidoon vti2 take, carry it home; take, carry it back

Paired with: giiwewizh vta

giiwewizh vta take, carry h/ home

Paired with: giiwewidoon vti2

giiwewidaw vta take, carry (it) home for h/

See also: giiwewidamaw vta

giiwewidamaw vta take, carry (it) home for h/

See also: giiwewidaw vta

drive home
giiwebizo vai s/he or it (animate) speeds, drives, flies home

Paired with: giiwebide vii

giiwebizo' vta [N] drive h/ or it (animate) back, drive h/ or it (animate) home; take h/ home by motor

Paired with: giiwebizotoon vti2

giiwebizonitoon vti2 [N] drive it home

Paired with: giiwebizo' vta [N]

giiwedaabii'iwe vai s/he or it (animate) speeds, drives, flies home

go home
giiwe vai s/he goes home, returns

go home by boat
giiwe'o vai s/he goes home by boat

go home mad
giiwegidaazo vai s/he goes home angry, goes home mad

run home
giiwebatoo vai s/he runs back, runs home

giiweba'iwe vai s/he runs home in flight

take home
giiwewidoon vti2 take, carry it home; take, carry it back

Paired with: giiwewizh vta

giiwewizh vta take, carry h/ home

Paired with: giiwewidoon vti2

giiwewidamaw vta take, carry (it) home for h/

See also: giiwewidaw vta

giiwewidaw vta take, carry (it) home for h/

See also: giiwewidamaw vta

tell to go home
giiwenaazha' vta tell h/ to go home

wade home
giiweyaadagaazii vai s/he wades home

at home
abi vai s/he is at home, sits in a certain place

Paired with: ate vii

maanaadizi vai s/he is ugly, is homely

Paired with: maanaadad vii

gijikonayezigan na hominy

hominy soup
hominy soup
gijikonayeziganaaboo ni hominey soup

gwayakwaadizi vai s/he is a good person (leads a good life, has a good character, is honest)

gwayakwaadiziwin ni good character, honesty

fish hook
migiskan ni [BL] a fish hook

wewebanaabaan ni [BL] [BL] a fish hook; [RL] a fishing pole and line

sturgeon hook
name-wewebanaabaan ni a sturgeon hook

hook and line
hook and line
migiskaneyaab ni a hook and line

fish with a hook and line
wewebanaabii vai s/he fishes with a hook and line

cradleboard hoop
aagiingwe'onaak ni a cradleboard hoop

make cradleboard hoop
aagiingwe'onaakoke vai s/he makes a cradleboard hoop

hoop dance
hoop dance
biindaagibagizo vai s/he does a hoop dance

biindaagibagizowin ni hoop dance

have hope
bagosenim vta wish of, have hope for h/; wish for, hope for h/

Paired with: bagosendan vti

lose hope
banaadendan vti be discouraged about it, be in despair about it, think it is hopeless

Paired with: banaadenim vta

banaadenim vta despair of h/; lose hope in h/

Paired with: banaadendan vti

bagosendan vti wish for, hope for, want, desire it (something difficult to get)

Paired with: bagosenim vta

bagosenim vta wish of, have hope for h/; wish for, hope for h/

Paired with: bagosendan vti

I hope that
apegish adv pred I wish that ...; I hope that ...

See also: ambegish adv pred

ombendam vai2 s/he is excited, is hopeful

think hopeless
banaadendam vai2 s/he is discouraged, is in despair, thinks things hopeless

babanaadendam vai2 s/he is discouraged, is in despair, thinks things hopeless

banaadendan vti be discouraged about it, be in despair about it, think it is hopeless

Paired with: banaadenim vta

babanaadendan vti be discouraged about it, be in despair about it, think it is hopeless

Paired with: babanaadenim vta

banaadenim vta despair of h/; lose hope in h/

Paired with: banaadendan vti

babanaadenim vta be discouraged about h/, be in despair about h/, think h/ hopeless

Paired with: babanaadendan vti

babanaadenimo vai s/he thinks h/self hopeless, has no faith in h/ self

[animal part]
eshkan na horn (of an animal), antler

big horn
mamaangiwine vai s/he has big horns or antlers

horn emerges
zaagiwine vai h/ horn or antler emerges, grows out

zazaagiwine vai h/ horns or antlers emerge, grow out

horn grows out
zaagiwine vai h/ horn or antler emerges, grows out

zazaagiwine vai h/ horns or antlers emerge, grow out

boodaajigan ni [BL] something blown: a horn, [diminutive] a whistle

maananoons na an ironwood

eastern hornbeam
Ostrya viginiana

bebezhigooganzhii na a horse

See also: mishtadim na [BL] [RL]

mishtadim na [BL] [RL] a horse

See also: bebezhigooganzhii na

inday nad my dog; my horse

giday nad your dog; your horse

odayan nad h/ dog; h/ horse

fall off a horse
banoomigo vai s/he falls off a horse

have a horse
odayi vai
  1. s/he has a dog
  2. s/he has a horse

mount a horse
omboomigo vai s/he mounts a horse, gets on horseback

horse barn
horse barn
bebezhigooganzhiiwigamig ni a horse barn

horse fly
horse fly
mizizaak na a horse fly

arrive on horseback
bagamoomigo vai s/he arrives on horseback

get on horseback
omboomigo vai s/he mounts a horse, gets on horseback

practice riding on horseback
gagwedoomigo vai s/he practices riding on horseback

ride about on horseback
babaamoomigo vai s/he rides about on horseback

ride along on horseback
bimoomigo vai s/he rides along on horseback

ride away on horseback
animoomigo vai s/he rides away on horseback

ride from a certain place on horseback
ondoomigo vai s/he rides from a certain place on horseback

onjiba'igo vai s/he rides from a certain place, drives from a certain place (drawn by horse or dog)

ride here on horseback
biidoomigo vai s/he rides here on horseback

ride to a certain place on horseback
inoomigo vai s/he rides to a certain place on horseback

aakoziiwigamig ni a hospital

mental hospital
giiwanaadiziiwigamig ni a mental hospital

veteran's hospital
zhimaaganishii-aakoziiwigamig ni a veteran's hospital

gizhide vii it is hot

hot (liquid)
gizhaagamide vii it (a liquid) heats up, is hot

hot (mineral)
gizhaabikide vii it (mineral/metal) heats up, is hot

Paired with: gizhaabikizo vai

gizhaabikizo vai s/he (mineral/metal) heats up, is hot

Paired with: gizhaabikide vii

hot inside
giizhoote vii it is warm inside

hot weather
gizhaate vii it is hot (weather), is hot and sunny

hot wind
gizhaanimad vii it is a hot wind

miskwaabikide vii it is red-hot (as something mineral)

Paired with: miskwaabikizo vai

miskwaabikizo vai s/he is red-hot (as something mineral)

Paired with: miskwaabikide vii

noogishkaawigamig ni a hotel

nibewigamig ni a bedroom; a hotel

certain number of hours
daso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. a certain number of hours, so many hours
  2. a certain number of miles, so many miles

so many hours
daso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. a certain number of hours, so many hours
  2. a certain number of miles, so many miles

certain hour
daso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is a certain hour, is a certain time in hours

daso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is a certain time in hours

certain time in hours
daso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is a certain hour, is a certain time in hours

daso-diba'igane vii [N]
  1. it is a certain time in hours
  2. it is a certain distance in miles

See also: daso-diba'iganed vii [S]

daso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is a certain time in hours

one hour
ingo-diba'igan qnt num one hour; one mile; one yard

ningo-diba'igan qnt num
  1. one hour
  2. one mile

See also: ingo-diba'igan qnt num

two hours
niizho-diba'igan qnt num
  1. two hours
  2. two miles

three hours
niso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. three hours
  2. three miles

four hours
niiwo-diba'igan qnt num
  1. four hours
  2. four miles

See also: niiyo-diba'igan qnt num

niiyo-diba'igan qnt num
  1. four hours
  2. four miles

See also: niiwo-diba'igan qnt num

five hours
naano-diba'igan qnt num
  1. five miles
  2. five hours

six hours
ingodwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. six hours
  2. six miles

See also: ningodwaaso-diba'igan qnt num

ningodwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. six hours
  2. six miles

See also: ingodwaaso-diba'igan qnt num

seven hours
niizhwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. seven hours
  2. seven miles

eight hours
nishwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. eight hours
  2. eight miles

See also: ishwaaso-diba'igan qnt num

ishwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. eight miles
  2. eight hours

See also: nishwaaso-diba'igan qnt num

nine hours
zhaangaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. nine hours
  2. nine miles

ten hours
midaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. ten hours
  2. ten miles

eleven hours
ashi-bezhigo-diba'igan qnt num
  1. eleven hours; [with decade number] X and one hour
  2. eleven miles; [with decade number] X and one mile

twelve hours
ashi-niizho-diba'igan qnt num twelve hours; twelve mile

waakaa'igan ni a house, a building

endaad ni-v h/ home; h/ house

build a dwelling or lodge
ozhige vai s/he builds a dwelling (lodge, house), makes camp

ozhigaw vta build a dwelling (lodge, house) for h/

ozhigaage vai s/he builds dwellings (lodge, house) for people

build a house
waakaa'ige vai s/he builds (a house or other building)

ozhige vai s/he builds a dwelling (lodge, house), makes camp

ozhigaw vta build a dwelling (lodge, house) for h/

ozhigaage vai s/he builds dwellings (lodge, house) for people

cold house
dakate vii it (a room or house) is cold

dark house
dibikate vii it is dark inside (a room or house)

See also: gashkii-dibikate vii

finish building a house
giizhige vai s/he finishes building a dwelling or lodge

house of stone or brick
asinii-waakaa'igan ni a house of stone or brick

new house
oshkiwaakaa'igane vai s/he has a new house

on top of the house
agidigamig adv loc on top of the house

ogidigamig adv loc on top of the house; upstairs

See also: agidigamig adv loc

quiet house
bangate vii it is quiet, peaceful inside

small house
agaasate vii it is a small house or room

aaniin adv inter how?; in what way?; why?

aaniish adv inter how?; in what way? [interrogative]; well now; why?; you see

how many
aaniin minik adv inter how many?; how much?

how much
aaniin minik adv inter how many?; how much?

don't know how
amanj adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how

See also: namanj adv dub

namanj adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how

See also: amanj adv dub

wonder how
amanj adv dub I don't know how, I wonder how

See also: namanj adv dub

aaniin adv inter how?; in what way?; why?

aaniish adv inter how?; in what way? [interrogative]; well now; why?; you see

amanj igo adv dub however

waawoono vai s/he howls (e.g., a dog)

giishkijiin vta hug, embrace h/

gikinjigwen vta hug, embrace h/

gikinjigwenidiwag vai they hug, embrace

aabitoojiin vta embrace, hug h/ (at the waist)

anishinaabe na
  1. a person, a human (in contrast to a non-human being)
  2. an Indian (in contrast to a non-Indian), a Native (in contrast to a non-Native)
  3. an Ojibwe

anishinaabewi vai
  1. s/he is Ojibwe
  2. s/he is human
  3. s/he is Indian

nenookaasi na a hummingbird

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Archilochus colubris

nenookaasiins na a hummingbird

baapi'idiwin ni humor

so many hundred
daswaak qnt num so many hundreds

one hundred
ingodwaak qnt num one hundred

See also: ningodwaak qnt num

ningodwaak qnt num one hundred

See also: ingodwaak qnt num

two hundred
niizhwaak qnt num two hundred

three hundred
niswaak qnt num three hundred

four hundred
niiwaak qnt num four hundred

five hundred
naanwaak qnt num five hundred

six hundred
ingodwaaswaak qnt num six hundred

See also: ningodwaaswaak qnt num

ningodwaaswaak qnt num six hundred

See also: ingodwaaswaak qnt num

seven hundred
niizhwaaswaak qnt num seven hundred

eight hundred
nishwaaswaak qnt num eight hundred

See also: ishwaaswaak qnt num

ishwaaswaak qnt num eight hundred

See also: nishwaaswaak qnt num

nine hundred
zhaangaswaak qnt num nine hundred

bakade vai
  1. s/he is hungry
  2. s/he is thin, is skinny [N]

noondeskade vai [BL] [RL] s/he is hungry

arrive hungry
bagamanaandam vai2 s/he arrives hungry

come hungry
biidanaandam vai2 s/he comes hungry

come from a certain place hungry
ondanaandam vai2 s/he comes from a certain place hungry

cry from being hungry
mookwanaandam vai2 s/he cries from being hungry

dizzy from being hungry
giiwashkwenaandam vai2 s/he is dizzy from being hungry

endure being hungry
zhiibanaandam vai2 s/he can go without eating, can endure being hungry

go about hungry
babaamanaandam vai2 s/he goes about hungry

go along hungry
bimanaandam vai2 s/he goes along hungry

go away hungry
animanaandam vai2 s/he goes away (in the other direction) hungry

go to a certain place hungry
inanaandam vai2 s/he goes to a certain place hungry

make hungry
bakade' vta make h/ hungry; starve h/

pale from being hungry
waabiiganaandam vai2 s/he is pale from being hungry

pretend to be hungry
bakadekaazo vai s/he pretends to be hungry

shake from being hungry
baapaganaandam vai2 s/he shakes from being hungry

nooji' vta seek, go after, hunt h/

Paired with: noojitoon vti2

noojitoon vti2 seek, go after, hunt it

Paired with: nooji' vta

nooji'iwe vai s/he seeks, goes after, hunts people

hunt beaver
noodamikwe vai s/he hunts beaver, traps beaver

andawamikwe vai s/he hunts beaver, traps beaver

hunt ducks
nandawishibe vai s/he hunts ducks

See also: andawishibe vai

hunt muskrat
noodazhashkwe vai s/he hunts muskrat

hunt partidge
andobinewe vai s/he goes partridge hunting

hunt rabbits
nandawaaboozwe vai [S] s/he hunts for rabbits

See also: andawaaboozwe vai [N]

andawaaboozwe vai [N] s/he hunts for rabbits

See also: nandawaaboozwe vai [S]

giiyose vai s/he hunts

See also: giiwose vai

giiwose vai s/he hunts

See also: giiyose vai

nandawenjige vai
  1. s/he hunts or fishes for food
  2. s/he needs, wants things

See also: andawenjige vai [N]

andawenjige vai [N]
  1. s/he needs, wants things
  2. s/he hunts or fishes for food

See also: nandawenjige vai

giiyosewinini na a hunter

See also: giiwosewinini na

giiwosewinini na a hunter

See also: giiyosewinini na

hunting blind
hunting blind
akandoowin ni a hunting stand or scaffold, a blind

See also: akandoowaagan ni ; mitigo-akandoowin ni

akandoowaagan ni a hunting stand or scaffold, a blind

akandoo vai s/he lies in wait, ambushes, posts for game (using a hunting stand or blind) fold)

hunting dog
hunting dog
giiwosewasim na a hunting dog

giiyosewasim na a hunting dog

See also: giiwosewasim na

hunting stand
hunting stand
akandoowin ni a hunting stand or scaffold, a blind

See also: akandoowaagan ni ; mitigo-akandoowin ni

mitigo-akandoowin ni a hunting stand in a tree

akandoowaagan ni a hunting stand or scaffold, a blind

akandoo vai s/he lies in wait, ambushes, posts for game (using a hunting stand or blind) fold)

wewiib adv man hurry, in a hurry, quickly

wewiibishkaa vai s/he hurries

wewiibitaa vai s/he hurries (in some work or activity)

hurry making
wewiibi' vta hurry h/; hurry making h/

Paired with: wewiibitoon vti

wewiibitoon vti hurry it; hurry making it

Paired with: wewiibi' vta

make hurry
ojaanimi' vta make h/ hurry, rush h/; give h/ a hard time, get after h/, chew h/ out

Paired with: ojaanimitoon vti2

tell to hurry
wewiibim vta tell h/ to hurry

wewiibi' vta hurry h/; hurry making h/

Paired with: wewiibitoon vti

wewiibitoon vti hurry it; hurry making it

Paired with: wewiibi' vta

hurry by speech
ojaanimim vta hurry h/ (by speech); give h/ a hard time, get after h/ (by speech)

wiisagine vai s/he hurts, is in pain from an illness

wiisagendam vai2 s/he suffers pain, is in pain, hurts

make hurt
wiisagendami' vta cause h/ pain, make h/ hurt

throat hurts
wiisagigonewe vai s/he has a sore throat, h/ throat hurts

tongue hurts
wiisagidenaniwe vai h/ tongue hurts

get hurt
wiisagishin vai s/he gets hurt (on something), gets hurt falling

hurt with foot or body
wiisagishkaw vta hurt h/ (by bumping or kicking)

Other words for one's husband include possessed forms of inini na a man such as indininiimnindininiimndininiimmy man, my husband and possessed forms of akiwenzii na an old man such as indakiwenziiyimnindakiwenziiyimndakiwenziiyimmy old man, my husband.
ninaabem nad my husband

ginaabem nad your (sg) husband

onaabeman nad her husband

wiidigemaagan na a spouse, a husband, a wife, a partner (cohabitant), a companion (cohabitant)

have a husband
onaabemi vai s/he has or gets a husband

steal a husband
gimoojinaabeme vai s/he steals somebody's husband

anama'e-nagamon ni a hymn