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oginiiwaande vii it is rose-colored, is pink

Paired with: oginiiwaanzo vai

oginiiwaanzo vai s/he or it (animate) is rose-colored, is pink

Paired with: oginiiwaande vii

rotary fan
rotary fan
gizhibaayaasijigan ni a rotary fan

bigishkanad vii it is rotten, falls to pieces, decays

Paired with: bigishkanani vai

bigishkanani vai it (animate) is rotten, falls to pieces, decays

Paired with: bigishkanad vii

rotten wood
biigijiisag ni decayed wood

biigijiisagad vii it (wood) is rotten, falls to pieces; it is punky wood

Paired with: biigijiisagizi vai

biigijiisagizi vai s/he (board, tree) is rotten, falls to pieces

Paired with: biigijiisagad vii

biigijiisagowan vii it is rotten wood, is punk

smell rotten
bigishkanimaagozi vai s/he smells rotten

Paired with: bigishkanimaagwad vii

bigishkanimaagwad vii it smells rotten

Paired with: bigishkanimaagozi vai

bigishkanimaam vta find it (animate) smells rotten

Paired with: bigishkanimaandan vti

bigishkanimaandan vti find it smells rotten

Paired with: bigishkanimaam vta

taste rotten
bigishkanipogozi vai s/he tastes rotten

Paired with: bigishkanipogwad vii

bigishkanipogwad vii it tastes rotten

Paired with: bigishkanipogozi vai

miskwanowechigan ni rouge

use rouge
miskwanowechige vai s/he uses rouge

gaawaa vii it is rough (in texture), is prickly

Paired with: gaawizi vai

gaawizi vai s/he is rough

Paired with: gaawaa vii

rough (mineral)
gaawaabikad vii it is rough (as something mineral)

Paired with: gaawaabikizi vai

gaawaabikizi vai s/he is rough (as something mineral)

Paired with: gaawaabikad vii

rough (sheet-like)
gaawegad vii it (sheet-like) is rough

Paired with: gaawegizi vai

gaawegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is rough

Paired with: gaawegad vii

waawiyeyaa vii it is round, is circular

Paired with: waawiyezi vai

waawiyezi vai it (animate) is round, is circular

Paired with: waawiyeyaa vii

make round
waawiye' vta make h/ round

Paired with: waawiyetoon vti2

waawiyetoon vti2 make it round

Paired with: waawiye' vta

round (ball-like)
waawiyeminagad vii it (something small and round) is round

Paired with: waawiyeminagizi vai

waawiyeminagizi vai it (animate; something small and round) is round

Paired with: waawiyeminagad vii

round (mineral)
waawiyeyaabikad vii it (mineral) is round

Paired with: waawiyeyaabikizi vai

waawiyeyaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is round

Paired with: waawiyeyaabikad vii

round (stick-like)
waawiyeyaakozi vai it (animate); stick-like) is round

Paired with: waawiyeyaakwad vii

waawiyeyaakwad vii it is round (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: waawiyeyaakozi vai

round trip
make a round trip
biskaabii vai s/he makes a round trip in one day

azhebowe vai s/he rows (a boat)

See also: azheboye vai [ML]

azheboye vai [ML] s/he rows (a boat)

See also: azhebowe vai

hang in a row
niibidegoodewan vii they hang in a row

See also: niibidegoojinoog vai

niibidegoojinoog vai they hang in a row

Paired with: niibidegoodewan vii

lie in a row
niibideshinoog vai they lie side by side in a row, are lined up

Paired with: niibidesinoon vii

niibidesinoon vii they lie side by side in a row, are lined up

Paired with: niibideshinoog vai

lie side by side in a row
niibideshinoog vai they lie side by side in a row, are lined up

Paired with: niibidesinoon vii

niibidesinoon vii they lie side by side in a row, are lined up

Paired with: niibideshinoog vai

plant in a row
niibidekidoon vti2 stand it up, plant it in a row

Paired with: niibidekizh vta

niibidekizh vta stand h/ up, plant h/ in a row

Paired with: niibidekidoon vti2

sit in a row
niibidebiwag vai they sit side by side in a row

sit side by side in a row
niibidebiwag vai they sit side by side in a row

stand in a row
niibidegaabawiwag vai they stand in a row

niibidekidewan vii they stand, are planted side by side in a row

Paired with: niibidekizowag vai

niibidekizowag vai they stand, are planted side by side in a row

Paired with: niibidekidewan vii

niibidekidoon vti2 stand it up, plant it in a row

Paired with: niibidekizh vta

niibidekizh vta stand h/ up, plant h/ in a row

Paired with: niibidekidoon vti2

stand side by side in a row
niibidegaabawiwag vai they stand in a row

azhebowe-jiimaan ni [BL] a rowboat

azhebowewi-jiimaan ni [BL] a rowboat

See also: azhebowe-jiimaan ni [BL]

mamigobidoon vti2 [N] rub it (with the hands) to loosen it, jiggle it

Paired with: mamigobizh vta [N]

mamigobizh vta [N] rub h/ (with the hands) to loosen h/, jiggle h/

Paired with: mamigobidoon vti2 [N]

zinigon vta rub h/ with something

Paired with: zinigonan vti

zinigonan vti rub it with something

Paired with: zinigon vta

zinigonamaw vta rub (it) with something for h/

zinigonige vai s/he rubs (things) with something

zinigonigaade vii it is rubbed with something (by someone), "they" rub it with something

zinigonigaazo vai s/he is rubbed with something (by someone), "they" rub h/ with something

namekwaan ni [BL] glue; rubber

rubbing alcohol
rubbing alcohol
giziibiigazhewaaboo ni rubbing alcohol

ruffle feathers
niiskigwaneni vai s/he ruffles feathers

ruffled grouse
ruffled grouse
bine na a partridge; a ruffled grouse

ruffed grouse
Bonasa umbellus

See also: goshkongesi na

anaakan ni a woven mat, a rug

braided rug
okaadenigan ni a braid; a braided rug

dibenim vta control, own, rule h/

Paired with: dibendan vti

ogimaakandan vti rule, govern it

Paired with: ogimaakandaw vta

ogimaakandaw vta rule, govern h/

Paired with: ogimaakandan vti

jiingwe vii [BL] it rumbles, roars, resounds

indiy nid my rump, rear end, butt

See also: nidiy nid

nidiy nid my rump, rear end, butt

See also: indiy nid

gidiy nid your rump, rear end, butt

odiy nid h/ rump, rear end, butt

upper part or top of rump
nizhiigan nid the small of my back; (the upper part of) my rump, rear end

gizhiigan nid the small of your back; (the upper part of) your rump, rear end

ozhiigan nid the small of h/ back; (the upper part of) h/ rump, rear end; its croup (top of the rump of an animal)

[go quickly on foot]
  • The action of running is indicated in verbs with a word part, a final suffix /-batoo/. The verb closest in meaning to English "run" is bimibatoo s/he runs along, by.
  • Running in a group is shown with a reciprocal VAI final /-ba'idi/. 
  • Running in flight from someone is shown with the detransitive VAI final /-ba'iwe/. 
  • Running with something or someone is shown with the applicative VTI final /-aad/ or the applicative VTA final /-aaN/ added to /-batoo/ to form /-batwaad/ and /-batwaaN/.
arrive running
bagamibatoo vai s/he arrives running

bagamiba'idiwag vai they arrive together running

get off running
gabaabatoo vai s/he gets off [a boat or vehicle] running

run about
babaamibatoo vai s/he runs about, runs around

babaamiba'idiwag vai they run about together, run around together

babaamibatwaadan vti run about, run around with it

babaamibatwaazh vta run about, run around with h/

babaamaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs about on the ice, around on the ice

babaamwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running about, heard running around

run across
aazhawibatoo vai s/he runs across

See also: aazhoobatoo vai

aazhoobatoo vai s/he runs across

See also: aazhawibatoo vai

aazhooba'idiwag vai they run across together

aazhooba'iwe vai s/he runs across in flight

aazhawagaakobatoo vai s/he runs across on the ice

aazhawagaaziibatoo vai s/he runs across wading through the water

run along
bimibatoo vai
  1. s/he runs, runs along
  2. s/he runs as a candidate

bimiba'idiwag vai they run along together

bimibatwaadan vti run along with it

bimibatwaazh vta run along with h/

bimiba' vta run along with h/

bimiba'iwe vai s/he runs along in flight from someone

bimaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs along on the ice

bimaazhagaamebatoo vai s/he runs along on the shore

bimaadagaaziibatoo vai s/he runs along wading in the water

bimwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running along

run along a trail
bima'adoobatoo vai s/he runs along a trail, is out for a run, is jogging

run around
babaamibatoo vai s/he runs about, runs around

babaamiba'idiwag vai they run about together, run around together

babaamibatwaadan vti run about, run around with it

babaamibatwaazh vta run about, run around with h/

babaamaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs about on the ice, around on the ice

babaamwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running about, heard running around

run around something
giiwitaabatoo vai s/he runs around in a circle

run ashore
agwaabatoo vai s/he runs ashore

agwaaba'idiwag vai they run ashore together

run at a certain speed
apiichibatoo vai s/he runs at a certain speed

run away (in the other direction)
animibatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction)

animiba'idiwag vai they run away (in the other direction) together

animibatwaadan vti run away (in the other direction) with it

Paired with: animibatwaazh vta

animibatwaazh vta run away (in the other direction) with h/

Paired with: animibatwaadan vti

animiba'iwe vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) in flight from someone

animaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) on the ice

animaazhagaamebatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) on the shore

animaadagaaziibatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) in the water, runs away (in the other direction) wading

animwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running away (in the other direction)

run at night
niibaabatoo vai s/he runs at night

run away for good
aapijibatoo vai s/he runs away for good

run back
giiwebatoo vai s/he runs back, runs home

run backwards
azhebatoo vai s/he runs backwards

run barefoot
zhaashaaginizidebatoo vai s/he runs barefoot

run by
bimibatoo vai
  1. s/he runs, runs along
  2. s/he runs as a candidate

bimiba'idiwag vai they run along together

bimibatwaadan vti run along with it

bimibatwaazh vta run along with h/

bimiba' vta run along with h/

bimiba'iwe vai s/he runs along in flight from someone

bimaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs along on the ice

bimaadagaaziibatoo vai s/he runs along wading in the water

bimwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running along

run down
niisaandawebatoo vai s/he runs down, runs downstairs

run downhill
niisaakiiwebatoo vai s/he runs downhill

run fast
gizhiibatoo vai s/he runs fast

gizhiikaabatoo vai s/he runs fast

gizhiiba'idiwag vai they run fast together

run from a certain place
onjibatoo vai s/he runs from a certain place

onjiba'idiwag vai they run from a certain place together

onjibatwaadan vti run from a certain place with it

onjibatwaazh vta run from a certain place with h/

ondaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs on the ice from a certain place

ondwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running from a certain place

run here
biijibatoo vai s/he runs here

biijiba'idiwag vai they run here together

biijiba'iwe vai s/he runs here in flight from someone

biijibatwaazh vta run here with h/

biidaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs here on the ice

biidaazhagaamebatoo vai s/he runs here along the shore

biidwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running here

run inland
gopibatoo vai s/he runs inland

gopiba'idiwag vai they run inland together

gopibatwaadan vti run it inland

gopiba'iwe vai s/he runs inland from someone

run home
giiwebatoo vai s/he runs back, runs home

giiweba'iwe vai s/he runs home in flight

run in a certain place
dazhibatoo vai s/he runs in a certain place

run in the lead
niigaanibatoo vai s/he runs in the lead

run inside
biindigebatoo vai s/he runs inside

biindigeba'idiwag vai they run inside in a group

biindigebatwaadan vti run inside with it

Paired with: biindigebatwaazh vta

biindigebatwaazh vta run inside with h/

Paired with: biindigebatwaadan vti

biindigeba'iwe vai s/he runs inside for safety or shelter

run into the water
bakobiibatoo vai s/he runs into the water

bakobiibizo vai s/he falls, drives, plunges into the water

Paired with: bakobiibide vii

bakobiiba'idiwag vai they run into the water together

run into view
zaagewebatoo vai s/he runs suddenly into view

run off
maajiibatoo vai s/he starts to run, runs off

maajiiba'idiwag vai they start running together, run off together

run off to the side
bakebatoo vai s/he runs off to the side, off the main path

run out
zaagizibatoo vai s/he runs out

See also: zaagijibatoo vai

zaagiziba'idiwag vai they run out together

See also: zaagijiba'idiwag vai

zaagiziba'iwe vai s/he runs out in flight from someone

See also: zaagijiba'iwe vai

zaagizibatwaadan vti run out with it

Paired with: zaagizibatwaazh vta

zaagizibatwaazh vta run out with h/

Paired with: zaagizibatwaadan vti

zaagijibatoo vai s/he runs out

See also: zaagizibatoo vai

zaagijiba'idiwag vai they run out together

See also: zaagiziba'idiwag vai

zaagijiba'iwe vai s/he runs out in flight from someone

See also: zaagiziba'iwe vai

run slowly
bejibatoo vai s/he runs slowly

bezikaabatoo vai s/he runs slowly

run stooped down
zhagashkibatoo vai s/he runs stooped down

run straight
gwayakobatoo vai s/he runs straight

run through
zhaabobatoo vai s/he runs through

run to a certain place
apatoo vai s/he runs in a certain way; s/he runs to a certain place

apa'idiwag vai they run to a certain place together

apa'iwe vai s/he runs away from someone to a certain place

inaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs to a certain place on the ice

inwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running to a certain place

run to get
naajibatwaadan vti run to get it, run after it

Paired with: naajibatwaazh vta

naajibatwaazh vta run to get h/

Paired with: naajibatwaadan vti

run to the shore
madaabiibatoo vai s/he runs down to the shore

madaabiiba'idiwag vai they run down to the water together

run uphill
agidaakiiwebatoo vai [ML] s/he runs uphill

ogidaakiiwebatoo vai s/he runs uphill

See also: agidaakiiwebatoo vai [ML]

run wrong way
wanibatoo vai s/he runs the wrong way

start running
maajiibatoo vai s/he starts to run, runs off

maajiiba'idiwag vai they start running together, run off together

stop running
noogibatoo vai s/he stops running

turn running
gwekibatoo vai s/he turns running

run without stopping
aabijibatoo vai s/he runs without stopping

heard running or operating
madwebide vii it is heard driving, is heard running or operating, is idling

Paired with: madwebizo vai

madwebizo vai s/he is heard driving, is heard running or operating

Paired with: madwebide vii

heard running or operating in the distance
debwewebide vii it is heard driving, running, operating in the distance

Paired with: debwewebizo vai

debwewebizo vai s/he is heard driving, running, operating in the distance

Paired with: debwewebide vii

run at a certain speed
apiichibide vii it speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichibizo vai

apiichibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichibide vii

run continuously
aabijibide vii it drives, runs, operates continuously

Paired with: aabijibizo vai

aabijibizo vai s/he drives, runs, operates continuously

Paired with: aabijibide vii

run fast
gizhiibide vii it moves, runs, operates, speeds, drives, flies fast

Paired with: gizhiibizo vai

gizhiibizo vai s/he moves, runs, operates, speeds, drives, flies fast

Paired with: gizhiibide vii

run poorly
maazhibide vii it runs, operates poorly (as a machine)

Paired with: maazhibizo vai

maazhibizo vai s/he runs poorly, operates poorly (as a machine)

Paired with: maazhibide vii

run slowly
bejibide vii it runs (as a machine), operates, drives slowly

Paired with: bejibizo vai

bejibizo vai s/he runs (as a machine) operates, drives slowly

Paired with: bejibide vii

run well
minobide vii it runs well (as a machine)

Paired with: minobizo vai

minobizo vai it (animate) runs well (as a machine); s/he drives well

Paired with: minobide vii

run with constant noise
aabidwewebide vii it operates with constant noise; it runs with constant noise

Paired with: aabidwewebizo vai

aabidwewebizo vai s/he operates with constant noise; s/he runs with constant noise

Paired with: aabidwewebide vii

start to run
maajiibide vii it starts running, starts operating; it drives off, speeds off

Paired with: maajiibizo vai

maajiibizo vai s/he starts running, starts operating; s/he drives off, speeds off

Paired with: maajiibide vii

run with sap
onjigaa vii it leaks, drips, runs with sap

Paired with: onjigaa vai

start to run with sap
maajigaa vii it starts to leak, drip; it starts to run with sap

Paired with: maajigaa vai

run at
mawinazh vta run at, rush at, charge, attack h/

Paired with: mawinadan vti

out for a run
bima'adoobatoo vai s/he runs along a trail, is out for a run, is jogging

run away
run away scared
animinizhimo vai s/he runs away scared

run into
run into
bizikan vti bump, accidentally run into or over it

Paired with: bizikaw vta

bizikaw vta bump, accidentally run into or over h/

Paired with: bizikan vti

run out
[not enough or none]
run out
jaagise vii it runs out; it becomes exhausted

Paired with: jaagise vai

jaagise vai s/he becomes exhausted; s/he runs out

Paired with: jaagise vii

run out of fuel
iskaakizige vai s/he runs out of fuel

run short
run short
noondese vai s/he runs short

Paired with: noondese vii

noondesa' vta run short of h/

Paired with: noondesatoon vti2

noondesatoon vti2 run short of it

Paired with: noondesa' vta

noondesachige vai s/he runs short of things

baashkikaa vii it bursts, ruptures

Paired with: baashkikaa vai

baashkikaa vai s/he bursts, ruptures

Paired with: baashkikaa vii

biigojiise vii it ruptures; it tears open

anaakanashk ni a reed, a rush

ojaanimi' vta make h/ hurry, rush h/; give h/ a hard time, get after h/, chew h/ out

Paired with: ojaanimitoon vti2

rustle cloth or clothing
zaaskiigibatoo vai s/he rustles something (sheet-like) with h/ running or quick motion; h/ clothing is heard rustling as s/he runs

rustle leaves
gaaskibagitoo vai s/he rustles leaves

gaaskibagishin vai s/he rustles leaves while walking or falling

gaaskibagaasin vii leaves rustle in the wind

rustle running
zaaskiigibatoo vai s/he rustles something (sheet-like) with h/ running or quick motion; h/ clothing is heard rustling as s/he runs

rustle with hands
gaaskibidoon vti2 make a rustling noise pulling on it

Paired with: gaaskibizh vta

gaaskibizh vta rustle h/ with hands

Paired with: gaaskibidoon vti2

zhooshkwaabikad vii it is smooth (as something mineral), is rustless

Paired with: zhooshkwaabikizi vai

zhooshkwaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is smooth, is rustless

Paired with: zhooshkwaabikad vii

agwaagwaabikad vii it is rusty

Paired with: agwaagwaabikizi vai

agwaagwaabikizi vai it (animate) is rusty

Paired with: agwaagwaabikad vii

turn rusty
agwaagwaabikishin vai s/he turns rusty

Paired with: agwaagwaabikisin vii

agwaagwaabikisin vii it turns rusty

Paired with: agwaagwaabikishin vai

jiis ni a rutabaga