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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

black ash
black ash
baapaagimaak na a black ash (tree)

Fraxinus nigra

black cherry
black cherry
ookwemin ni black cherry

black cherry bush
black cherry bush
ookweminagaawanzh na a black cherry bush

Prunus serotina

black eye
black eye
ozhaawashkwaabi vai s/he has a black eye

black hair
black hair
makadewindibe vai s/he has black hair

makadewaanikwe vai s/he has black hair

black spruce
black spruce
zesegaandag na a black spruce

Picea mariana

black spruce bark
black spruce bark
zesegaandagwanagek na black spruce bark

black spruce pitch
black spruce pitch
zesegaandago-bigiw na black spruce pitch

black spruce root
black spruce root
zesegaandagwadab na a black spruce root

black tea
black tea
makade-aniibiish ni black tea

odatagaagomin na a blackberry

blackberry bush
blackberry bush
odatagaagominagaawanzh na a blackberry bush

asiginaak na a blackbird

red-winged blackbird
Agelaius phoeniceus

awashtoyaa na a blacksmith

blacksmith shop
blacksmith shop
awashtoyaawigamig ni a blacksmith shop

axe blade
waagaakwadwaabik ni an ax blade

knife blade
mookomaanaabik ni a knife blade

shoulder blade
indiniigan nid my shoulder blade (scapula)

See also: nindiniigan nid

nindiniigan nid my shoulder blade (scapula)

See also: indiniigan nid

gidiniigan nid your shoulder blade (scapula)

odiniigan nid h/ shoulder blade (scapula)

anaamim vta blame h/ (in speech), accuse h/

anaamindiwag vai they blame, accuse each other

anaamindizo vai s/he blames, accuses h/ self

anaaminge vai s/he blames, accuses people

waabooyaan ni [S] a blanket

See also: waabowayaan ni [N]

waabowayaan ni [N] a blanket

See also: waabooyaan ni [S]

agwazhaan ni [RL] a blanket

nikonaas nid my blanket

gikonaas nid your blanket

okonaas nid h/ blanket

covered with blankets
agwazhe vai s/he is covered with blankets, covers up with blankets

cover with blankets
agwazhe' vta cover h/ with blankets

half blanket
aabitawazhe vai s/he uses half of the blanket

have a blanket
okonaasi vai s/he has a blanket

make a blanket
waabooyaanike vai s/he makes a blanket

waaboozekonike vai [BL] s/he makes a netted rabbitskin blanket

netted rabbitskin blanket
waaboozekon ni [BL] a netted rabbit hide blanket

share a blanket
wiidagwazhem vta share a blanket with h/

take along blanket
niimagwazhe vai s/he takes along a blanket

baasaabikiz vta crack it (animate; mineral) with fire or blasting

Paired with: baasaabikizan vti

baasaabikizan vti crack it (mineral) with fire or blasting

Paired with: baasaabikiz vta

baasaabikizige vai s/he blasts things

miskwiiwi vai s/he bleeds, is bloody

Paired with: miskwiiwan vii

stop bleeding
gibichiskwagizi vai s/he stops bleeding

zhawenim vta bless, pity h/; show loving-kindess, unconditional love for h/; have mercy, compassion for h/

zhawendan vti bless, pity it

Paired with: zhawenim vta

zhawendaagozi vai s/he is blessed, is fortunate, is loveable

Paired with: zhawendaagwad vii

zhawendaagwad vii it is blessed, cared for, loved (by someone)

Paired with: zhawendaagozi vai

zhawenjigewin ni a blessing, mercy, kindness

zhawenimigoowizi vai s/he receives blessings

hunting blind
akandoowin ni a hunting stand or scaffold, a blind

See also: akandoowaagan ni ; mitigo-akandoowin ni

akandoowaagan ni a hunting stand or scaffold, a blind

akandoo vai s/he lies in wait, ambushes, posts for game (using a hunting stand or blind) fold)

gagiibiingwe vai s/he is blind

abashkwebiigizi vai s/he has a blister or blisters

blister on foot
abashkwebiigizideshin vai s/he gets a blister or blisters on h/ foot

blister on hand
abashkwebiigininjiishin vai s/he gets a blister or blisters on h/ hand

baashkine-biiwan vii there is whirling snow or fog in the air (especially over the water or ice)

biiwan vii it is a blizzard

baasinigo vai s/he is bloated

ombijiishkaa vai s/he is bloated

giba' vta stop h/ up; plug, block h/

Paired with: giba'an vti

giba'an vti stop it up; plug, block, dam it

Paired with: giba' vta

giba'ige vai s/he stops things up; plugs, blocks, dams things

giba'igaade vii it is stopped up, plugged, blocked (by someone), "they" stop it up, plug, block it

giba'igaazo vai s/he is stopped up, plugged, blocked (by someone), "they" stop up, plug, block h/

block (stick-like)
gibaakwa' vta
  1. shut, block h/ (as or as with something stick- or wood-like)
  2. jail, imprison h/
  3. put h/ on lockdown or quarantine

Paired with: gibaakwa'an vti

gibaakwa'an vti shut, block, dam it (as or as with something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: gibaakwa' vta

gibaakwa'ige vai s/he shuts, blocks, dams something (as or as with something stick- or wood-like)

gibaakwa'igaade vii it is shut, blocked, dammed (as or as with something stick- or wood-like) (by someone), "they" shut, block, plug, dam it

gibaakwa'igaazo vai s/he is jailed, imprisoned (by someone), "they" jail, imprison h/

block ears
gibishen vta cover h/ ears, block h/ ears

gibishenidizo vai s/he covers h/ (own) ears, blocks h/ (own) ears

gibitawagen vta cover h/ ears, block h/ ears

gibitawagenidizo vai s/he covers h/ (own) ears, blocks h/ (own) ears

block with foot or body
gibishkan vti obstruct, block it with foot or body

Paired with: gibishkaw vta

gibishkaw vta obstruct, block h/ with foot or body

Paired with: gibishkan vti

blond hair
ozaawindibe vai s/he has blond hair, brown hair

ozaawaakondibe vai s/he has blond hair, brown hair

miskwi ni blood

blood seeps through
zhaaboskwagad vii blood seeps through it

Paired with: zhaaboskwagizi vai

zhaaboskwagizi vai blood seeps through h/

Paired with: zhaaboskwagad vii

blood clot
blood clot
wadow na a blood clot

ozagaskwaajime na a leech, a bloodsucker

Paired with: zagaskwaajime na

zagaskway na [BL] a leech, a bloodsucker

zagaskwaajime na a leech, a bloodsucker

See also: ozagaskwaajime na

miskwiiwan vii it is bloody

Paired with: miskwiiwi vai

miskwiiwi vai s/he bleeds, is bloody

Paired with: miskwiiwan vii

bloody (sheet-like)
miskwiiwegad vii it (sheet-like) is bloody

Paired with: miskwiiwegizi vai

miskwiiwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is bloody

Paired with: miskwiiwegad vii

bloody (stick-like)
miskwiiwaakwad vii it (stick-like) is bloody

miskwiiwaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is bloody

Paired with: miskwiiwaakwad vii

bloody arm
miskwiiwinike vai s/he has a bloody arm

bloody ear
miskwiiwitawage vai s/he has a bloody ear

bloody cheek
miskwiiwanowe vai s/he has a bloody cheek

bloody chin
miskwiiwidaamikane vai s/he has a bloody jaw or chin

bloody face
miskwiiwiingwe vai s/he has a bloody face

bloody floor
miskwiiwisagaa vii it is a bloody floor

bloody foot
miskwiiwizide vai s/he has a bloody foot

bloody ground
miskwiiwakamigaa vii it is bloody ground

bloody hand
miskwiiwininjii vai s/he has a bloody hand

bloody head
miskwiiwindibe vai s/he has a bloody head

bloody heel
miskwiiwidoondane vai s/he has a bloody heel or bloody heels

bloody jaw
miskwiiwidaamikane vai s/he has a bloody jaw or chin

bloody knee
miskwiiwigidigwe vai s/he has a bloody knee

bloody leaves
miskwiiwibagaa vii there are bloody leaves

bloody leg
miskwiiwigaade vai s/he has bloody leg

bloody lip
miskwiiwidoone vai s/he has bloody lips or mouth

bloody mouth
miskwiiwidoone vai s/he has bloody lips or mouth

bloody snow
miskwiiwaagonagaa vii there is bloody snow

bloody nose
miskwiiwijaane vai s/he has a bloodied nose

bloody nose falling
gibitaneshin vai s/he falls and gets a nosebleed

baashkaabigwanii vii it blossoms, blooms

baashkaabigwanii vii it blossoms, blooms

[wind moving something]
blown about
babaamaashi vai s/he is blown about (by the wind); sails, soars about

Paired with: babaamaasin vii

babaamaasin vii it is blown about (by the wind); it sails, soars about

Paired with: babaamaashi vai

blown across
aazhawaasin vii it is blown across (by the wind), sails across, soars across

Paired with: aazhawaashi vai

aazhawaashi vai s/he is blown across (by the wind), sails across, soars across

Paired with: aazhawaasin vii

blown along
bimaashi vai s/he is blown along (by the wind); sails, soars along

Paired with: bimaasin vii

bimaasin vii it is blown along (by the wind); sails, soars along

Paired with: bimaashi vai

blown apart
biigwaashi vai it (animate) is damaged by the wind, is blown apart

Paired with: biigwaasin vii

biigwaasin vii it is damaged by the wind, is blown apart

Paired with: biigwaashi vai

blown ashore
agwaayaashi vai s/he is blown ashore (by the wind); sails ashore

Paired with: agwaayaasin vii

agwaayaasin vii it is blown ashore (by the wind); sails ashore

Paired with: agwaayaashi vai

blown away
webaashi vai s/he is blown away (by the wind)

Paired with: webaasin vii

webaasin vii it is blown away (by the wind)

Paired with: webaashi vai

maadaashi vai s/he starts being blown away (by the wind); s/he begins to sail away, soar away

Paired with: maadaasin vii

maadaasin vii it starts being blown away (by the wind); it begins to sail away, begins to soar away

Paired with: maadaashi vai

blown away (in the other direction)
animaashi vai s/he starts being blown away (by the wind); s/he begins to sail away, soar away

Paired with: animaasin vii

animaasin vii it is blown away (by the wind); sails, soars away

Paired with: animaashi vai

blown fast
gizhiiyaashi vai s/he is blown fast (by the wind); sails, soars fast

Paired with: gizhiiyaasin vii

gizhiiyaasin vii it is blown fast (by the wind); sails, soars fast

See also: gizhiiyaashi vai

blown from a certain place
ondaashi vai s/he or it (animate) is blown from a certain place (by the wind); sails, soars from a certain place

Paired with: ondaasin vii

ondaasin vii it is blown from a certain place (by the wind); sails, soars from a certain place

Paired with: ondaashi vai

blown here
biidaashi vai s/he is blown here (by the wind); sails, soars here

Paired with: biidaasin vii

biidaasin vii it is blown here (by the wind); sails, soars here

Paired with: biidaashi vai

blown in
bagamaashi vai s/he is blown in (by the wind); sails, soars in (to a destination); s/he arrives by air

Paired with: bagamaasin vii

bagamaasin vii it is blown in (by the wind), sails, soars in; it arrives by air

Paired with: bagamaashi vai

blown in a certain way
inaashi vai s/he is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way

Paired with: inaasin vii

inaasin vii it is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way; it sails to a certain place

blown inside
biindigeyaashi vai it (animate) is blown inside (by the wind)

Paired with: biindigeyaasin vii

biindigeyaasin vii it is blown inside (by the wind)

Paired with: biindigeyaashi vai

blown into the water
bakobiiyaashi vai s/he or it (animate) is blown into the water (by the wind)

Paired with: bakobiiyaasin vii

bakobiiyaasin vii it is blown into the water

Paired with: bakobiiyaashi vai

blown over
gawaashi vai s/he is blown over (by the wind)

Paired with: gawaasin vii

gawaasin vii it is blown over (by the wind)

Paired with: gawaashi vai

blown to a certain place
inaashi vai s/he is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way

Paired with: inaasin vii

inaasin vii it is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way; it sails to a certain place

blown upwards
ombaashi vai s/he or it (animate) is blown up in the air, is lifted by the wind; flies, sails, or soars upwards

Paired with: ombaasin vii

ombaasin vii it is lifted by the wind; is blown, sails, soars upwards

Paired with: ombaashi vai

[air from mouth]
boodaadan vti blow on or at it

Paired with: boodaazh vta

boodaazh vta blow on or at h/

Paired with: boodaadan vti

boodaajige vai s/he blows on or at something

boodaadamaw vta blow on or at (it) for h/

blow nose
ziinikiigome vai [ML] s/he blows h/ (own) nose

See also: ziiniskiigome vai [N]

ziiniskiigome vai [N] s/he blows h/ nose

See also: ziinikiigome vai [ML]

blow up
blow up
baashkide vii it explodes, blows up; it bursts from heat

Paired with: baashkizo vai

baashkizo vai s/he explodes, blows up; s/he bursts from heat

Paired with: baashkide vii

baashkijiisijige vai s/he has a blowout

Ojibwe does not distinguish blue and green in the basic color words.
ozhaawashko- pv lex blue, green

ozhaawashkwaa vii it is blue, is green

Paired with: ozhaawashkozi vai See also: ozhaawishkwaa vii [NI]

ozhaawashkozi vai s/he or it (animate) is blue, is green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaa vii

blue (mineral)
ozhaawashkwaabikad vii it is blue, green (as something mineral)

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaabikizi vai

ozhaawashkwaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaabikad vii

blue (sheet-like)
ozhaawashkwegad vii it (sheet-like) is blue, is green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwegizi vai See also: ozhaawishkwegad vii [NI]

ozhaawashkwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is blue, is green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwegad vii See also: ozhaawishkwegizi vai [NI]

blue (stick-like)
ozhaawashkwaakwad vii it (stick-like) is blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaakozi vai See also: ozhaawishkwaakwad vii [NI]

ozhaawashkwaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaakwad vii

blue (string-like)
ozhaawashkwaabiigad vii it (string-like) is blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaabiigizi vai See also: ozhaawishkwaabiigad vii [NI]

ozhaawashkwaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaabiigad vii

appear blue
ozhaawashkonaagozi vai s/he looks blue, appears blue; s/he looks green, appears green

Paired with: ozhaawashkonaagwad vii

ozhaawashkonaagwad vii it looks blue, appears blue; it looks green, appears green

Paired with: ozhaawashkonaagozi vai

blue liquid
ozhaawashkwaagamin vii it (a liquid) is blue or green

color blue
ozhaawashkwaande vii it is colored blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaanzo vai

ozhaawashkwaanzo vai it (animate) is colored blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaande vii

ozhaawashkobii'an vti color, paint it blue or green

dye blue or green
ozhaawashkwadis vta dye h/ blue; dye h/ green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwadisan vti

ozhaawashkwadisan vti dye it blue; dye it green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwadis vta

ozhaawashkwadiso vai it (animate) is dyed green; it (animate) is dyed blue

Paired with: ozhaawashkwadite vii

ozhaawashkwadite vii it (animate) is dyed green; it is dyed blue

Paired with: ozhaawashkwadiso vai

look blue
ozhaawashkonaagozi vai s/he looks blue, appears blue; s/he looks green, appears green

Paired with: ozhaawashkonaagwad vii

ozhaawashkonaagwad vii it looks blue, appears blue; it looks green, appears green

Paired with: ozhaawashkonaagozi vai

paint blue
ozhaawashkobii'an vti color, paint it blue or green

ozhaawashkobii'ige vai s/he colors, paints things blue or green

ozhaawashkobii'igaade vii it is colored, painted blue or green (by someone)

wear blue
ozhaawashko'o vai s/he wears blue, wears green

blue heron
blue heron
zhashagi na a blue heron

great blue heron
Ardea herodias

blue jay
blue jay
diindiisi na a blue jay

Cyanocitta cristata

miinan ni blueberries (plural)

miin ni a blueberry

miinikaa vii there are (many) blueberries

blueberry pie
blueberry pie
blueberry plant
blueberry plant
miinagaawanzh na a blueberry plant

Vaccinium angustifolium

See also: miinaganzh ni [BL]

miinaganzh ni [BL] a blueberry plant

See also: miinagaawanzh na

blueberry sauce
blueberry sauce
miini-baashkiminasigan ni blueberry sauce

ozhaawashko-bineshiinh na a bluebird

eastern bluebird
Sialia sialis

biigizawinaagozi vai s/he can't be seen well, is blurry

Paired with: biigizawinaagwad vii

biigizawinaagwad vii it can't be seen well, is blurry

Paired with: biigizawinaagozi vai

blurry vision
biigizawaabi vai s/he has blurry vision

biigizawaabandan vti see it indistinctly, see it as blurry

Paired with: biigizawaabam vta

biigizawaabam vta see h/ indistinctly, have a blurry view of h/

Paired with: biigizawaabandan vti

biigizawinam vai2 s/he has blurry vision

biigizawinan vti see it indistinctly, see it as blurry

Paired with: biigizawinaw vta

biigizawinaw vta see h/ indistinctly, see h/ as blurry

Paired with: biigizawinan vti

miskwiingwese vai s/he blushes

boozi vai s/he gets in or on (a vehicle or a boat), boards, gets aboard, embarks

nabagisag na a board, a plank

under a board
anaami-nabagisag adv loc under a board or boards

jiimaan ni a boat; a canoe

boat with motor
naabikwaanens ni [BL] an outboard motor; a boat with a motor

naabikwaanensiwi-jiimaan ni [BL] a boat with an outboard motor

big boat
mangoonagad vii it (a boat) is big

both sides of the boat
eyiidawoonag adv loc on both sides of the canoe or boat

high boat
ishpoonagad vii it (a boat) is high

long boat
ginoonagad vii it (canoe or boat) is long

See also: ginwaakoonagad vii ; ginwaakojiiyoonagad vii

ginwaakoonagad vii it (canoe or boat) is long

See also: ginoonagad vii ; ginwaakojiiyoonagad vii

low boat
dabasoonagad vii it (a boat) is low

narrow boat
agaasadeyoonagad vii it (a boat) is narrow

short boat
dakoonagad vii it (a canoe or boat) is short

Paired with: dakoonagizi vai

small boat
agaasoonagad vii it (a boat) is small

Paired with: agaasoonagizi vai

so big a boat
inigokoonagad vii it (a boat) is of such a size, is so big

so long a boat
akoonagad vii it (a boat) is a certain length, is so long

Paired with: akoonagizi vai

so wide a boat
inigokwadeyoonagad vii it (a boat) is a certain width, is so wide

wide boat
mangadeyoonagad vii it (a boat) is wide

arrive by boat
bagamishkaa vai s/he arrives paddling, arrives by boat

bring in a boat
biida'oodoon vti2 bring it here by boat

Paired with: biida'oozh vta

biida'oozh vta bring h/ or it (animate) here by boat

Paired with: biida'oodoon vti2

come in a boat
biidaasamishkaa vai s/he paddles here; s/he comes in a boat

go about in a boat
babaamishkaa vai s/he paddles about, goes about in a boat

go home by boat
giiwe'o vai s/he goes home by boat

go with in a boat
aadawa'am vta go with h/ in a boat

in a boat
biindoonag adv loc in a canoe, boat

make a boat
jiimaanike vai s/he makes a boat; s/he makes a canoe

middle of boat
naawoonag adv loc in the middle of a boat

pole a boat along
bima'oodoo vai s/he poles a boat along

bima'ookii vai s/he poles a boat along

bimakii'o vai [BL] s/he poles a boat along

See also: bimakii'ige vai [S]

bimakii'ige vai [S] s/he poles a boat along

See also: bimakii'o vai [BL]

pole in a boat
bima'oodoon vti2 pole it along in a boat; take it along in a boat

Paired with: bima'oozh vta

bima'oozh vta pole h/ along in a boat; take h/ along in a boat

Paired with: bima'oodoon vti2

azhebowe-jiimaan ni [BL] a rowboat

azhebowewi-jiimaan ni [BL] a rowboat

See also: azhebowe-jiimaan ni [BL]

steal a boat
gimoojijiimaane vai s/he steals a boat or boats

take along in a boat
bima'oodoon vti2 pole it along in a boat; take it along in a boat

Paired with: bima'oozh vta

bima'oozh vta pole h/ along in a boat; take h/ along in a boat

Paired with: bima'oodoon vti2

under the boat
anaamoonag adv loc under a boat or canoe

unload a boat
agwaanaaso vai s/he unloads a boat or vehicle

wooden boat
mitigo-jiimaan ni a wooden boat or canoe

nabagisago-jiimaan ni a wooden boat or canoe

so many boats
dasoonag qnt num so many boats or canoes, so many boatloads

one boat
ingodoonag qnt num one boat or canoe, one boatload

See also: ningodoonag qnt num

ningodoonag qnt num one boat or canoe, one boatload

See also: ingodoonag qnt num

two boats
niizhoonag qnt num two boats or canoes, two boatloads

three boats
nisoonag qnt num three boats or canoes, three boatloads

four boats
niiyoonag qnt num four boats or canoes, four boatloads

five boats
naanoonag qnt num five boats or canoes, five boatloads

six boats
ingodwaasoonag qnt num six boats or canoes, six boatloads

See also: ningodwaasoonag qnt num

ningodwaasoonag qnt num six boats or canoes, six boatloads

See also: ingodwaasoonag qnt num

seven boats
niizhwaasoonag qnt num seven boats or canoes, seven boatloads

eight boats
ishwaasoonag qnt num eight boats or canoes, eight boatloads

See also: nishwaasoonag qnt num

nishwaasoonag qnt num eight boats or canoes, eight boatloads

See also: ishwaasoonag qnt num

nine boats
zhaangasoonag qnt num nine boats or canoes, nine boatloads

ten boats
midaasoonag qnt num ten boats or canoes, ten boatloads

boat builder
boat builder
jiimaanikewinini na a canoe maker, a boat builder

so many boatloads
dasoonag qnt num so many boats or canoes, so many boatloads

one boatload
ingodoonag qnt num one boat or canoe, one boatload

See also: ningodoonag qnt num

ningodoonag qnt num one boat or canoe, one boatload

See also: ingodoonag qnt num

two boatloads
niizhoonag qnt num two boats or canoes, two boatloads

three boatloads
nisoonag qnt num three boats or canoes, three boatloads

four boatloads
niiyoonag qnt num four boats or canoes, four boatloads

five boatloads
naanoonag qnt num five boats or canoes, five boatloads

six boatloads
ingodwaasoonag qnt num six boats or canoes, six boatloads

See also: ningodwaasoonag qnt num

ningodwaasoonag qnt num six boats or canoes, six boatloads

See also: ingodwaasoonag qnt num

seven boatloads
niizhwaasoonag qnt num seven boats or canoes, seven boatloads

eight boatloads
ishwaasoonag qnt num eight boats or canoes, eight boatloads

See also: nishwaasoonag qnt num

nine boatloads
zhaangasoonag qnt num nine boats or canoes, nine boatloads

ten boatloads
midaasoonag qnt num ten boats or canoes, ten boatloads

gidagaa-bizhiw na a bobcat

Lynx rufus

niiyaw nid my body

giiyaw nid your body

wiiyaw nid h/ body

owiiyaw nid h/ body

inside body
biinjina adv loc [BL] inside the body

See also: biinjinaw adv loc

onde vii it boils

Paired with: onzo vai

onzo vai s/he boils, is boiled

Paired with: onde vii

boil down
iskigamizo vai s/he boils down

boil over
ziigaajiwande vii it boils over

Paired with: ziigaajiwanzo vai

ziigaajiwanzan vti let it boil over

Paired with: ziigaajiwanz vta

ziigaajiwanzo vai it (animate) boils over (e.g., a ketle)

Paired with: ziigaajiwande vii

ziigaajiwanzwi vta [NI]

ziigaajiwanz vta

ziigigamide vii it boils over

Paired with: ziigigamizo vai

ziigigamizo vai it (animate) boils over (e.g., a ketle)

Paired with: ziigigamide vii

boil up
ombigamide vii it boils up

cook by boiling
gabaashim vta cook it (animate) (by boiling)

Paired with: gabaatoon vti2

gabaatoon vti2 cook it (by boiling)

Paired with: gabaashim vta

finish boiling
giizhigamide vii it finishes boiling

make noise boiling
madwegamide vii it makes noise boiling

Paired with: madwegamizo vai

madwegamizo vai it (animate) makes noise boiling

Paired with: madwegamide vii

slow to boil
bejigamide vii it is slow to boil

start to boil
maajigamide vii it starts to boil

whistle from boiling
gwiishkoshwewegamide vii it whistles from boiling

gwiishkoshwewegamizo vai s/he whistles from boiling

onzan vti boil it

Paired with: onzo vta

onzo vta boil h/

Paired with: onzan vti

onzige vai s/he boils things

onzigaazo vai s/he is boiled (by someone), "they" boil h/

Paired with: onzigaade vii

onzigaade vii it is boiled (by someone), "they" boil it

Paired with: onzigaazo vai

boil to sugar
ombigamizan vti boil it to sugar

ombigamizige vai s/he boils something to sugar; s/he sugars off

fnish boiling
giizhigamizan vti finish boiling it

giizhigamizige vai s/he finishes boiling things

finish boiling sap
ishkwaagamizige vai s/he finishes boiling sap

boiler tender
boiler tender
ganawishkodawewinini na a boiler tender or night watchman at a school or other public building

nikan nid my bone

gikan nid your bone

okan nid h/ bone

beaver bone
amikogan ni a beaver bone

break bone
bookogane vai s/he has a broken bone

bookoganeshin vai s/he falls and breaks a bone

bone aches
dewigane vai s/he has aches or pains in h/ bones

See also: dadewigane vai

dadewigane vai s/he has aches or pains in h/ bones

moose bone
moozogan ni a moose bone

strong bones
zoongigane vai s/he has strong bones

mazina'igan ni a book, a letter, a document, a paper

prayer book
anama'e-mazina'igan ni a prayer book

gikinoo'amaadii-mazina'igan ni a schoolbook

asigibii'igewinini na an accountant, a bookkeeper

asigibii'igewikwe na an accountant, a bookkeeper (female)

biigiskaadendam vai2 s/he is bored, is not interested, is listless, is depressed

biigiskaadendan vti not be interested in it, find it boring

Paired with: biigiskaadenim vta

biigiskaadenim vta find h/ boring; not be interested in h/ company

Paired with: biigiskaadendan vti

biigiskaadendaagwad vii it is boring

Paired with: biigiskaadendaagozi vai

biigiskaadendaagozi vai s/he is boring

Paired with: biigiskaadendaagwad vii

niigi vai s/he increases in number; s/he is born

ondaadizi vai s/he comes from a certain place; s/he is born

adaawam vta borrow (it) from, rent (it) from h/

adaawange vai borrow it , rent it from someone

ogimaa na
  1. a leader (male): a boss, a chief, a king
  2. a king (card)

have a boss
odoogimaami vai s/he has a boss or bosses, a chief or chiefs

eyiizh adv qnt both

at both hands
eyedawininj adv loc at both hands

See also: eyiidawininj adv loc

eyiidawininj adv loc at both hands

See also: eyedawininj adv loc

on both sides
edawayi'ii adv loc on both sides of it

eyedawaya'ii adv loc on both sides

eyedawi- pv lex on both sides of something

See also: eyiidawi- pv lex [BL]

eyiidawaya'ii adv loc at both sides; on both sides

See also: eyiidawayi'ii adv loc

eyiidawayi'ii adv loc at both sides; on both sides

See also: eyiidawaya'ii adv loc

eyiidawoonag adv loc on both sides of the canoe or boat

babaamendan vti pay attention to, be preoccupied with, worry about, bother it

Paired with: babaamenim vta

babaamenim vta pay attention to, worry about, be preoccupied with, bother h/

Paired with: babaamendan vti

migoshkaaji' vta annoy, bother, pester h/

migoshkaaji'idiwag vai they annoy, bother, pester each other

migoshkaaji'iwe vai s/he annoys, bothers, pesters people

omooday ni a bottle

baby bottle
noobaajigan ni a baby bottle

noonaajigan ni a baby bottle

[lowest part of body of water]
certain kind of bottom
inaamikaa vii it is a certain kind of bottom

deep bottom
akwiindimaa vii it (body of water) has so deep a bottom

hit the bottom
mizhakiise vai s/he hits or touches the bottom, hits the ground

Paired with: mizhakiise vii

right on the bottom
mitaamik adv loc right on the bottom of a lake or river

rocky bottom
asiniiwaamikaa vii it has a rocky bottom

sandy bottom
mitaawangaamikaa vii there is a sandy bottom

mitaawangwiindimaa vii it (body of water) has a sandy bottom

bingwiiwaamikaa vii there is a sandy bottom

cedar bough
giizhikaandag na a cedar bough

dry bough
bengwaandagaa vii the boughs are dry

bengwaandagizi vai it (animate; bough) is dry

fir bough
zhingobaandag na a fir bough

jack pine bough
okikaandagwaandag na a jack pine bough

on top of a bough
ogidaandag on top of a bough

pine bough
zhingwaakwaandag na a pine bough

space under boughs
zhiibaayaandagaa vii there is a space under the boughs

tip of bough
wanakwaandag ni the tip of a bough

under boughs
anaamaandag adv loc under the bough

wet bough
nibiiwaandagaa vii there are wet boughs

nibiiwaandagizi vai it (animate; bough) is wet

white spruce bough
mina'igwaandag na [BL] a white spruce bough

babiikwasin na a boulder

gwaashkwesin vii it bounces, rebounds

Paired with: gwaashkweshin vai

gwaashkweshin vai s/he bounces, rebounds

Paired with: gwaashkwesin vii

gwaashkwesidoon vti2 drop it and have it rebound; bounce it

Paired with: gwaashkweshim vta

gwaashkweshim vta drop h/ and have h/ rebound; bounce h/

Paired with: gwaashkwesidoon vti2

mitigwaab na [NI] [S] a bow

See also: mitigwaab ni [N]

mitigwaab ni [N] a bow

See also: mitigwaab na [NI] [S]

zhigwameg na a bowfin, a dogfish

Amia calva

boozikinaagan ni a bowl

wiimbinaagan ni [BL] a bowl

bread-mixing bowl
bakwezhiganikewinaagan ni a bread-mixing bowl; a mixing bowl

mixing bowl
bakwezhiganikewinaagan ni a bread-mixing bowl; a mixing bowl

wawaagigaade vai s/he is bow-legged

bowling ball
bowling ball
gichi-nemaab na [RL] a bowling ball

achaab ni a bowstring

makak ni a semi-rigid or rigid container: a basket (especially one of birch bark), a box

birch bark box
makak ni a semi-rigid or rigid container: a basket (especially one of birch bark), a box

wiigwaasi-makak ni a birch bark basket or box

cardboard box
mazina'igani-makak ni a cardboard box

make a box
makakoke vai s/he makes a basket (especially one of brich bark), makes a box

wooden box
mitigo-makak ni a wooden box, a crate

gagwedaganaam vta box h/

gagwedaganaandiwag vai they box with each other

makakosagodaabaan ni [BL] a boxcar

gagwedaganewinini na a boxer

gwiiwizens na a boy

gwiiwizensiwi vai s/he is a boy

adolescent boy
oshkinawe na a young man, an adolescent boy

oshkinawewi vai he is a young man, an adolescent boy

oshki-inini na a young man, an adolescent boy

oshki-ininiiwi vai he is a young man, an adolescent boy

brace and bit
brace and bit
biiminigan ni a brace and bit

gikinjinikepizon ni an armband; a bracelet

jiiskinikebizon ni an arm garter; an armband; a bracelet

apikaadan vti braid it

Paired with: apikaazh vta

apike vai s/he braids

okaaden vta braid h/; braid h/ hair

Paired with: okaadenan vti

okaadenan vti braid it

Paired with: okaaden vta

okaadenige vai s/he braids things; s/he has braids

okaadenigaade vii it is braided (by someone); "they" braid it

braid hair
apikaazh vta braid h/; braid h/ hair

apikaanidizo vai s/he braids h/ own hair

okaaden vta braid h/; braid h/ hair

Paired with: okaadenan vti

okaadenidizo vai s/he braids h/ (own) hair

okaadenigan ni a braid; a braided rug

have braids
okaadenige vai s/he braids things; s/he has braids

braided rug
braided rug
okaadenigan ni a braid; a braided rug

niinindib nid my brain

wiinindib nid h/ brain

owiinindib nid h/ brain

apply the brakes
nagaawebishkige vai s/he applies the brakes

brakes on a car
nagaawebishkigan ni brakes

river branches
baketigweyaa vii it (a river) goes off to the side, is a tributary

wadikwan ni a branch

wadikwaniwi vai it (animate) has branches

Paired with: wadikwaniwan vii

wadikwaniwan vii it has branches

Paired with: wadikwaniwi vai

big branches
mamaangadikwanezi vai s/he (a tree) has big branches

small branches
biisadikwanezi s/he (a tree) has small branches