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ojiishijiizi vai s/he has a scar on h/ belly

ojiishindibe vai s/he has a scar on h/ head

ojiishinike vai s/he has a scar on h/ arm

ojiishininjii vai s/he has a scar on h/ hand

ojiishitawage vai s/he has scar on h/ ear

ojiishizi vai s/he has a scar

ojiishizide vai s/he has a scar on h/ foot

ojiishiingwe vai s/he has a scar on h/ face

ojiishtadeyaab nid sinew

okakwan nid h/ shin

okan nid h/ bone

okanakosimaan ni a squash

okanaapine vai s/he has arthritis, has rheumatism

See also: okaniwaapine vai

(derived noun) okanaapinewin ni arthritis
okanaapinewin ni arthritis

okandiikan ni a buoy (marking the location of a net)

okaniwaapine vai s/he has arthritis, has rheumatism

See also: okanaapine vai

okatig nid h/ forehead, brow

okawi' vta find h/ tracks

Paired with: okawitoon vti2

okawitoon vti2 find the tracks of it

Paired with: okawi' vta

okaad nid h/ leg

okaadakik na a large kettle or cauldon with small legs: a treaty kettle

okaadaak ni [ML] a carrot

See also: okaadaak na [C] [N]

okaadaak na [C] [N] a carrot

See also: okaadaak ni [ML]

okaaden vta braid h/; braid h/ hair

Paired with: okaadenan vti

(reflexive) okaadenidizo vai s/he braids h/ (own) hair
okaadenan vti braid it

Paired with: okaaden vta

(detransitive) okaadenige vai s/he braids things; s/he has braids (verb of undergoing) okaadenigaade vii it is braided (by someone); "they" braid it (derived noun) okaadenigan ni a braid; a braided rug
okaadenidizo vai s/he braids h/ (own) hair

okaadenigan ni a braid; a braided rug

okaadenigaade vii it is braided (by someone); "they" braid it

okaadenige vai s/he braids things; s/he has braids

okaadi vai s/he has legs

okaadi-ginebig na lizard

okaadikaade vii it has legs

okaadikaan ni a vertical strut or stanchion on a sled; a leg prosthesis

okaadikaazo vai s//he has a prosthetic leg

okaakigan nid h/ chest

oke- pv lex [RL] easily, weak

See also: wake- pv lex

okeyaw na a fish decoy

okidinan nad her vulva

okij ni a pipe stem

okijaabik ni a pipe through which smoke goes: a stove pipe, a tail pipe

okijiikaan ni a stovepipe

okik ni a snowshoe or sled crossbar

okikaandag na a jack pine

Pinus banksiana

See also: akikaandag na [ML]

okikaandago-bigiw na jack pine pitch

okikaandagwanagek na jack pine bark

okikaandagwaandag na a jack pine bough

okikitaa vai s/he gets on h/ knees

oko- pv lex bunched together, in a group

okobizowag vai they (animate) drive in a group, fly in a flock

okogaabawiwag vai they (animate) stand in a bunch

okogewag vai they live clustered together

okoginoon vii they grow in a bunch

Paired with: okogiwag vai

okogiwag vai they (animate) grow in a bunch

Paired with: okoginoon vii

oko'idiwag vai they (animate) assemble together

okon nid h/ liver

okonaas nid h/ blanket

okonaasi vai s/he has a blanket

okonaasike vai s/he makes a blanket or blankets

okosidamaw vta pile, stack (it) for h/

okosidaw vta pile, stack (it) for h/

okosidoon vti2 pile, stack it

Paired with: okoshim vta

(detransitive) okosijige vai s/he piles, stacks things (benefactive) okosidaw vta pile, stack (it) for h/ (benefactive) okosidamaw vta pile, stack (it) for h/ (verb of undergoing) okosijigaade vii it is piled, stacked (by someone); "they" pile, stack it (verb of undergoing) okosijigaazo vai it (animate) is piled, stacked (by someone); "they" pile, stack it (animate) (derived noun) okosijigan ni a haystack
okosijigan ni a haystack

okosijigaade vii it is piled, stacked (by someone); "they" pile, stack it

okosijigaazo vai it (animate) is piled, stacked (by someone); "they" pile, stack it (animate)

okosijige vai s/he piles, stacks things

okosimaan ni a squash; a pumpkin

okosinoon vii they lie in a pile

Paired with: okoshinoog vai

okoshim vta pile, stack h/

Paired with: okosidoon vti2

okoshinoog vai they (animate) lie in a pile

Paired with: okosinoon vii

okoozh nid its (a bird's) bill, beak

okoozhi vai s/he (a bird) has a beak or bill

okwabiwag vai they sit in a group

okwadaawewigamig ni a warehouse, wholesale, or discount store

okwagomowag vai they (animate) are in a bunch on the water

okwakidewan vii they stand in a cluster

Paired with: okwakizowag vai

okwakizowag vai they (trees) stand in a cluster

See also: okwakidewan vii

okwapide vii it is tied in a bunch

Paired with: okwapizo vai

okwapidoon vti2 tie it in a bunch

Paired with: okwapizh vta

okwapizh vta tie h/ in a bunch

Paired with: okwapidoon vti2

okwapizo vai it (animate) is tied in a bunch

Paired with: okwapide vii

okwaakosidoon vti2 stack it (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: okwaakoshim vta

(detransitive) okwaakosijige vai s/he stacks something (stick-like)
okwaakosijige vai s/he stacks something (stick-like)

okwaakosinoon vii they (inanimate; stick-like) are stacked, are piled up, are heaped up

Paired with: okwaakoshinoog vai

okwaakoshim vta stack h/ (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: okwaakosidoon vti2

okwaakoshinoog vai they (animate; stick-like) are stacked, are piled up, are heaped up

Paired with: okwaakosinoon vii

okwaakowebinan vti throw it/them (something stick-like) into a pile

okwegan nid h/ neck

okwiinadoon vii they are in a bunch, are in a pile

Paired with: okwiinowag vai

okwiinowag vai they (animate) are in a group, a herd, a flock, a swarm

Paired with: okwiinadoon vii

omagakii na a frog

See also: omakakii na

omagoode vai s/he wears a dress

omakakii na a frog

See also: omagakii na

omakakiiwinini na a Finn

omakakomi vai s/he has a basket or baskets, has a box or boxes

omakizini vai s/he has moccasins or shoes

omanoominii na a Menominee

omashkikiimi vai s/he has medicine

omashkimodaa vai s/he has a bag or bags, has a sack or sacks

omashkiigoo na a Cree

(verb of being) omashkiigoowi vai s/he is a Cree
omashkiigoomo vai s/he speaks Cree

(derived noun) omashkiigoomowin ni Cree language