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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

o- pv dir go somewhere to do something, go over there to...

See also: awi- pv dir

obabigomi vai s/he has a flea or fleas

obabiinzikawaagani vai s/he has a coat or jacket

obashkiigaa vii it is a swampy channel or narrows, is a channel or narrows through muskeg

obashkiigaang name place at the swampy narrows

obashkweginwekizinensi vai s/he has small hide moccasins

obawa'iganaako vai s/he has a rice knocker or rice knockers

obaabaayan nad h/ father

See also: odedeyan nad

obaabaayi vai s/he has a father

See also: odedeyi vai

obaabaayim vta have h/ as a father

See also: odedeyim vta

obaabikaa vii it is a rocky narrows

obaakweyaa vii it is a wooded narrows

obaashiiwan vii it is a narrows

obaashkizigani vai s/he has a gun or guns

obigamaa vii there is a channel between lakes; there is a narrows

See also: wabigamaa vii

obikwako vai s/he has an arrow or arrows

obizhikiimi vai s/he has a cow, has cattle

obizhiinsimi vai [BL] s/he has a cat or cats

obiigomakakii na a toad

obiimiskodisii na a snail

obiinzikawaagani vai [BL] s/he has a coat/coats or a jacket/jackets

obiiwayaa vai s/he (animal) has hair, has fur

obiiwidemi vai s/he has a visitor or visitors, has a guest or guests

oboodashkwaanishiinh na a dragonfly

obwayawe na a medium beaver

obwaam nid h/ (an animal's) hindquarter; h/ thigh (back of thigh)

odabinoojiinyimi vai s/he has a child or children; s/he is expecting a child

odabwii vai s/he has a paddle or paddles

odachaabii vai s/he has a bowstring

odagamiiming [BF]

oda'amii vai s/he takes a step

odakiko vai s/he has a kettle, pot, pan, or pail

odakiimi vai s/he has land

odamikomi vai s/he has a beaver or beavers

odamino vai s/he plays

(applicative) odaminwaazh vta play with h/ (as a toy or doll) (applicative) odaminwaadan vti play with it (as a toy) (verb of use) odaminwaage vai + o s/he uses something as a toy; s/he plays with something (as a toy) (verb of use) odaminwaagen vai + o use it as a toy; play with it (as a toy) (causative) odamino' vta make h/ play; play with h/ (derived noun) odaminwaagan na a doll (derived noun) odaminwaagan ni a toy; a plaything
(verb of possession) odoodaminwaagani vai s/he has a toy or doll
odamino' vta make h/ play; play with h/

odaminoo-giizhigad vii it is a holiday

See also: odaminoowi-giizhigad vii

odaminoowaatese vii it is a movie for children, is a kid's movie

odaminoowi-giizhigad vii it is a holiday

See also: odaminoo-giizhigad vii

odaminoowigamig ni a recreation building

odaminwaabigan na playdough

odaminwaadan vti play with it (as a toy)

Paired with: odaminwaazh vta

odaminwaagan na a doll

odaminwaagan ni a plaything; a toy

odaminwaaganikaan ni toy being made

odaminwaage vai + o s/he uses something as a toy; s/he plays with something (as a toy)

See also: odaminwaagen vai + o

odaminwaagen vai + o play with it (as a toy); use it as a toy

See also: odaminwaage vai + o

odaminwaazh vta play with h/ (as a toy or doll)

Paired with: odaminwaadan vti

odanwiimi vai s/he has bullets, has (shotgun) shells

odapishimoni vai s/he has something (a mattress, bedding on the floor) to lie on

odasabaabisi vai [BL] s/he has thread

odasabii vai s/he has a net or nets

odasemaami vai s/he has tobacco

See also: odasemaawi vai

odasemaansimi vai s/he has a cigarette or cigarettes

odasemaawazhi vai s/he has a tobacco bag

odasemaawi vai s/he has tobacco

See also: odasemaami vai

odasiniinsimi vai s/he has gall stones

odatagaagomin na a blackberry

odatagaagominagaawanzh na a blackberry bush

odawemaan nad h/ sibling of the opposite sex: her brother, his sister

odaya'aami vai s/he has property, has dependents

See also: odaya'iimi vai

odaya'iimi vai s/he has stuff, has property

See also: odaya'aami vai

odayan nad h/ dog; h/ horse

odayi vai
  1. s/he has a dog
  2. s/he has a horse

odazhegomoo na rock bass

odazhigani vai s/he has socks

odaabaabika'igani vai s/he has a key or keys

odaabaadan vti drag, pull it as a load

Paired with: odaabaazh vta

odaabaajigaade vii it is dragged (by someone), "they" drag it

odaabaajigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is dragged (by someone), "they" drag h/ or it (animate)

odaabaan ni [N]
  1. something dragged or pulled as a means of conveyance: a wagon
  2. a car, an automobile, a vehicle

See also: odaabaan na [LL] [ML]

(verb of making) odaabaanike vai s/he repairs, works on, or makes a means of conveyance or vehicle: car, automobile, wagon, sled. sleigh (verb of possession) odoodaabaani vai s/he has a car or cars
odaabaan ni a wrapped and bundled sled load

odaabaan na [LL] [ML]
  1. something pulled or dragged as a means of conveyance: a sled, a sleigh, a wagon
  2. a car, an automobile, a vehicle

See also: odaabaan ni [N]

(verb of making) odaabaanike vai s/he repairs, works on, or makes a means of conveyance or vehicle: car, automobile, wagon, sled. sleigh (verb of possession) odoodaabaani vai s/he has a car or cars
odaabaanaak na a sled; a sleigh

(verb of making) odaabaanaakoke vai s/he makes sleds, makes sleighs
odaabaanaakoke vai s/he makes sleds, makes sleighs

odaabaaneyaab ni a sled rope

odaabaani-maagobijigan ni a remote car starter

odaabaani-maajiishkaachigan ni a car starter

odaabaanikana ni a highway; a wagon trail

odaabaanike vai s/he repairs, works on, or makes a means of conveyance or vehicle: car, automobile, wagon, sled. sleigh

odaabaanikewigamig ni a repair garage

odaabaanikewinini na an automobile mechanic

odaabaaniiwigamig ni a garage

odaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ as a load

Paired with: odaabaadan vti

odaabii vai s/he drags, pulls a load; pulls a sled

odaabaadan vti drag, pull it as a load
(verb of undergoing) odaabaajigaade vii it is dragged (by someone), "they" drag it (verb of undergoing) odaabaajigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is dragged (by someone), "they" drag h/ or it (animate)
odaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ as a load
odaabii-mishtadim na [BL] a draft horse

odaabii' vta drive h/

(detransitive) odaabii'iwe vai s/he drives (derived noun) odaabii'aagan na a draft animal
odaabii'aagan na a draft animal

odaabii'iwe vai s/he drives

odaabii'iwe-mazina'igan ni a driver's license

See also: odaabii'iwe-mazina'igaans ni [ML]

odaabii'iwe-mazina'igaans ni [ML] a driver's license

See also: odaabii'iwe-mazina'igan ni

odaabii'iwewinini na a driver

odaabiisim na a sled dog

odaagimi vai s/he has a snowshoe or snowshoes

odaajinamaneshiinh na oriole

odaake vai
  1. s/he steers
  2. s/he governs, directs affairs

(derived noun) odaakewin ni government; management; law
odaake-ogimaa na a director; a governor

odaakewigimaa na a director

odaakewin ni government; management; law

odaamikan nid h/ chin; h/ jaw