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odaanaang adv loc behind, at the back, in the rear

odaangoshenyan nad her cross-cousin: (a female cross-cousin: her mother's brother's daughter, her father's sister's daughter)

odaangweyan nad her sister-in-law (a female's sister-in-law)

odaani vai s/he has a daughter

odaanisan nad h/ daughter

odaanisi vai s/he has a daughter

odaanisim vta have h/ as a daughter

odaanisimaa na [BL] a daughter

odaanzhenan vti turn it (a fire, a light) down, dim it

(detransitive) odaanzhenige vai s/he turns the fire down, dims the light
odaanzhenige vai s/he turns the fire down, dims the light

odaapide vii it shrinks (from heat)

Paired with: odaapizo vai

odaapin vta take, accept, pick h/ up

Paired with: odaapinan vti

(detransitive) odaapiniwe vai s/he takes, pick ups (people)
odaapinamaw vta accept, take (it) from h/; pick (it) up from h/

odaapinan vti take, accept; pick it up

Paired with: odaapin vta

(detransitive) odaapinige vai s/he accepts, takes, picks things up (benefactive) odaapinamaw vta accept, take (it) from h/; pick (it) up from h/ (verb of undergoing) odaapinigaade vii it is taken, accepted, picked up (by someone); "they" take, accept, pick it up (verb of undergoing) odaapinigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is taken, accepted, picked up (by someone); "they" take, accept, pick h/ or it (animate) up
odaapinigaade vii it is taken, accepted, picked up (by someone); "they" take, accept, pick it up

odaapinigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is taken, accepted, picked up (by someone); "they" take, accept, pick h/ or it (animate) up

odaapinige vai s/he accepts, takes, picks things up

odaapinigewaawasoo-minimoowenh na

odaapiniwe vai s/he takes, pick ups (people)

odaapishkaa vii it shrinks

Paired with: odaapishkaa vai

odaapishkaa vai it (animate; sheet-like) shrinks, shrivels up

Paired with: odaapishkaa vii

odaapiz vta shrink h/ (by heat)

Paired with: odaapizan vti

odaapizan vti shrink it (by heat)

Paired with: odaapiz vta

odaapizo vai it (animate) shrinks (from heat)

Paired with: odaapide vii

odaapizwi ni [NI]

odaapiz vta

odaawaamo vai s/he speaks Odawa (Ottawa)

odedeyan nad h/ father

See also: obaabaayan nad

odedeyi vai s/he has a father

See also: obaabaayi vai

odedeyim vta have h/ as a father

See also: obaabaayim vta

ode' nid h/ heart

ode'imin ni a strawberry

(verb of making) ode'iminike vai s/he picks strawberries, processes strawberries
ode'iminaganzh ni a strawberry plant

ode'imini-bakwezhigan na [BL] strawberry bannock

ode'imini-baashkiminasigan ni strawberry sauce or jam

ode'imini-giizis na June

ode'iminibag ni a strawberry leaf

ode'iminike vai s/he picks strawberries, processes strawberries

ode'iminikewi-giizis na [BL] June

odemikwaani vai s/he has a spoon or spoons, has a ladle or ladles

odemikwaani vai s/he (a turtle) has a shell

odenaniw ni [BL] trap trigger

odenaniw nid h/ tongue

odenaniwikaan ni

odengway nid [ML] h/ face

odengwaan nid [N] h/ face

nindengwaan nid [N] my face gidengwaan nid [N] your face
odenigoman nad h/ nostril

odeshkani vai s/he has horns, has antlers; it (animate; insect or bug) has antennae, has feelers

odewe'igani vai s/he has a drum or drums

odezigaami vai s/he has a woodtick or woodticks

odikinaagani vai s/he has a cradleboard, is in the cradleboard

odikomi vai s/he has lice

odikwemi vai he has a woman, has a wife

odinimaangan nid h/ shoulder

odiniigan nid h/ shoulder blade (scapula)

odiniigan nad

odis nid h/ navel, umbilical cord

odisaabam vta get to the time of seeing h/

Paired with: odisaabandan vti

odisaabandan vti get to the time of (seeing) it

odisidiwag vai they meet each other; they come to each other

odisiiyaab nid

odish vta come up to, reach, visit h/; get to where h/ is

Paired with: oditan vti

(detransitive) odishiwe vai s/he comes up to, visits people; gets to where people are (reciprocal) odisidiwag vai they meet each other; they come to each other
odishiwe vai s/he comes up to, visits people; gets to where people are

odishkodemi vai s/he has a fire or fires

odishkodensimi vai s/he has a match or matches

odita'an vti get to it (by water), reach it (by water)

Paired with: odita'wi vta [NI]

odita'odiwag vai they paddle up to each other

odita'owe vai s/he paddles up to where people are

odita'wi vta [NI] paddle up to h/

Paired with: odita'an vti

(detransitive) odita'owe vai s/he paddles up to where people are (reciprocal) odita'odiwag vai they paddle up to each other
oditan vti come up to, reach it

Paired with: odish vta

odiy nid h/ rump, rear end, butt

odoodaminwaagani vai s/he has a toy or doll

odoodaabaani vai s/he has a car or cars

odoodeman nad h/ clan

odoodemi vai s/he has a clan

odoodemim vta s/he has h/. as h/ clan or fellow clan member

(reciprocal) odoodemindiwag vai they have the same clan
odoodemindiwag vai they have the same clan

odoodenawi vai s/he has as h/ town

odoodikosiwan nad h/ kidney

odoodikosiwaapine vai s/he has a kidney disease

odoodooshiman nad her breast

odoogimaami vai s/he has a boss or bosses, a chief or chiefs

odoomoodaami vai s/he has a bottle

odoon nid h/ mouth

odoonaagani vai s/he has a dish or dishes

odoondan ni heel of shoe

odoondan nid h/ heel

odoondanegwaajigan ni a tab at heel of moccasin

odoonibiins na a tullibee

cisco, lake herring
Coregonus artedii

odoopwaagani vai s/he has a pipe or pipes

odooskwan nid h/ elbow

odooskwana'an vti elbow it

Paired with: odooskwana'wi vta [NI]

odooskwana'wi vta [NI] elbow h/; nudge h/ with an elbow

Paired with: odooskwana'an vti

odoozhiman nad
  1. h/ nephew (parallel nephew: male's brother's son or female's sister's son)
  2. h/ stepson

odoozhimikweman nad h/ stepdaughter

odoozhimisan nad h/ niece (parallel niece: female's sister's daughter or male's brother's daughter)

ogashkibidaagani vai s/he has a medicine bag

ogashkibidaaganin vai + o have it or it (animate) as a pouch

ogashkimanisii na [NI] a kingfisher

belted kingfisher
Ceryle alcyon 

See also: ogiishkimanisii na

ogaa na a walleye

Stizostedion vitreum

ogaazhagensimi vai s/he has a cat or cats