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ombiwidoon vti2 lift and carry it

Paired with: ombiwizh vta

ombiwizh vta lift and carry h/

Paired with: ombiwidoon vti2

ombizideni vai s/he lifts h/ foot up

ombizigan ni baking soda

ombizo vai it (animate) rises, puffs up as it cooks

Paired with: ombide vii

ombiigizi vai s/he is loud, is noisy

ombiigwewe vii it is loud (in operation)

ombiigwewe vai it (animate) is loud (in operation)

ombiigwewengwaam vai [S] s/he snores really loud

See also: ombiigwewengwaamo vai [BL]

ombiigwewengwaamo vai [BL] s/he snores really loud

See also: ombiigwewengwaam vai [S]

ombiigwewesidoon vti2 make a racket with it

ombiigwewesin vii it makes a racket

Paired with: ombiigweweshin vai

ombiigweweshim vta make a racket with h/

Paired with: ombiigwewesidoon vti2

ombiigweweshin vai s/he makes a racket

Paired with: ombiigwewesin vii

omboom vta lift h/, it (animate) on h/ back

Paired with: omboondan vti

omboomigo vai s/he mounts a horse, gets on horseback

omboondan vti lift it on h/ back

Paired with: omboom vta

ombwem vta stir h/ up, excite h/, overwhelm h/ by speech

(reciprocal) ombwendiwag vai they stir each other up, excite each other by speech
ombwendam vai2

ombwendiwag vai they stir each other up, excite each other by speech

ombwetaagozi vai s/he says something which stirs up feelings, exaggerates the news or story, gossips

ombwewebin vta throw it (animate) around in disorder

ombwewebinan vta throw it around

Paired with: ombwewebin vta

(detransitive) ombwewebinige vai s/he throws things around; s/he makes a mess (verb of undergoing) ombwewebinigaade vii it is thrown around (by someone), "they" throw it around (verb of undergoing) ombwewebinigaazo vai h/ or it (animate) is thrown around (by someone), "they" throw h/ or it (animate) around
ombwewebinigaade vii it is thrown around (by someone), "they" throw it around

ombwewebinigaazo vai h/ or it (animate) is thrown around (by someone), "they" throw h/ or it (animate) around

ombwewebinige vai s/he makes a mess; s/he throws things around

ombwewebishkan vti

ombweyaagama'an vti stir it (liquid) up

ombweyaagamijiwan vii there is turbulent flow in the rapids, there are ruffles/riffles in the rapids

ombweyaasin vii it blows up and around

Paired with: ombweyaashi vai

ombweyaashi vai s/he or it (animate) is blown up and around

Paired with: ombweyaasin vii

omigidaamikane vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ jaw or chin

omigidiye vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on his rear

omigigaade vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ leg

omigijaane vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ nose

omigindibe vai s/he has scabs or sores on h/ head

omiginike vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ arm

omigininjii vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ hands

omigitawage vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ ear

omigizide vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ feet

omigii vai s/he has a sore or sores, has a scab or scabs

omigii-mashkiki ni medicine for sores

omigiingwe vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ face

omigiiwi vai s/he has a scab or scabs

omigiiwidiye vai s/he has scabs or sores on h/ butt

omigiiwigaade vai s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ leg or legs

omigiiwijaane vai s/he has a scab on h/ nose

omigiiwinike vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ arm or arms

omigiiwininjii vai [BL] s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ hand or hands

omigiiwiskatigwe vai s/he has a scab on h/ forehead

omigiiwitawage vai s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ ear or ears

omigiiwitigwaane vai [BL] s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ head

omigiiwizide vai s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ foot or feet

omigiiwiingwe vai s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ face

omisad nid h/ belly, stomach

omisenyan nad h/ older sister

omisenyi vai s/he has an older sister

omisewimaawi vai

omisimi vai s/he has firewood

omishoomeyan nad h/ uncle (parallel uncle: father's brother); h/ stepfather

omishoomisan nad h/ grandfather

omishoomisi vai s/he has a grandfather

omitigomi vai s/he has wood

omitigwapishimonike vai

omitigwaabii vai s/he has a bow or bows

omitigwaabiimi vai s/he has a bow or bows

omiigwani vai s/he has a feather or feathers

omiikininjii'waanag na pinfeathers

(verb of being) omiikininjii'waaniwi vai it (animate) has pinfeathers
omiikininjii'waaniwi vai it (animate) has pinfeathers

omiimii na a pigeon, a dove

omiimiisi na a mayfly

omiishigwaan nid h/ (single) pubic hair

omooday ni a bottle

(verb of possession) odoomoodaami vai s/he has a bottle
omoodayaabik ni (a piece of) glass; a bottle

omookomaani vai s/he has a knife or knives

omoonzomi vai s/he has a moose or moose

omoozhwaagani vai s/he has scissors

onabi vai s/he takes a seat, sits down

(causative) onabi' vta
  1. seat h/
  2. appoint h/, swear h/ in
(detransitive) onabi'iwe vai s/he seats people
(applicative) onabiitaw vta take a seat by h/
(reciprocal) onabiitaadiwag vai they take their seats together
onabi' vta
  1. seat h/
  2. appoint h/, swear h/ in

onabi'iwe vai s/he seats people

onabi'iwewinini an usher

onabise vai s/he accidentally falls down on h/ butt

onabiitaw vta take a seat by h/

onabiitaadiwag vai they take their seats together

onaboobiimi vai s/he has soup

onada' vta shape or form h/ by pounding with something

Paired with: onada'an vti

onada'an vti shape or form it by pounding with something

Paired with: onada' vta ; onada'wi vta [BL]

onada'wi vta [BL]

onada' vta

onadin vta form, shape, knead, mold h/ (a soft substance) (by hand)

Paired with: onadinan vti

onadinan vti form, shape, knead, mold it (a soft substance) (by hand)

Paired with: onadin vta

(detransitive) onadinige vai s/he forms, shapes, kneads, molds something (a soft substance) (by hand) (derived noun) onadinigan na dough
onadinigan na dough

onadinige vai s/he forms, shapes, kneads, molds something (a soft substance) (by hand)

onaga'ayan nad its scale (of a fish)

onagaskway nid h/ palate

onagaakininj nid h/ palm

onagaakizid nid h/ sole

onagim vta appoint h/, swear h/ in; decide on h/; put a price or value on h/

Paired with: onagindan vti

onagindamaw vta set a price on something for h/

onagindan vti put a price or value on it

Paired with: onagim vta

(detransitive) onagindaaso vai s/he sets a price (benefactive) onagindamaw vta set a price on something for h/
onagindaaso vai s/he sets a price