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ozisinaagane vai s/he sets the table

ozhishenyan nad h/ uncle (cross-uncle: mother's brother)

ozhishim vta put h/ in place, arrange h/, set h/ up

Paired with: ozisidoon vti2

ozhishin vai s/he has a place to sleep; s/he lies in place, is set in place

Paired with: ozisin vii ; ozhisin vii

ozhitamaw vta make, build, form (it) for h/

See also: ozhitaw vta

ozhitamaage vai s/he makes something for people

ozhitamaazo vai s/he makes, builds, forms (it) for h/ self

ozhitaw vta make, build, form (it) for h/

See also: ozhitamaw vta

ozhitoon vti2 make, build, form it

Paired with: ozhi' vta

(benefactive) ozhitaw vta make, build, form (it) for h/
(benefactive) ozhitamaw vta make, build, form (it) for h/
(reflexive) ozhitamaazo vai s/he makes, builds, forms (it) for h/ self
(detransitive) ozhichige vai s/he makes, builds, forms things (verb of undergoing) ozhichigaade vii it is made, built, formed (by someone), "they" make, build, form it (verb of undergoing) ozhichigaazo vai s/he is made, built, formed (by someone), "they" make, build, form h/ (derived noun) ozhichigan ni something made, built, or formed: a hand-made thing, a manufactured thing, a product
ozhiwanikaadan vti make a pack or bundle of it

Paired with: ozhiwanikaazh vta

ozhiwanikaazh vta make a pack or bundle of h/

Paired with: ozhiwanikaadan vti

ozhiwanike vai s/he packs up

(applicative) ozhiwanikaadan vti make a pack or bundle of it ozhiwanikaazh vta make a pack or bundle of h/
ozhiigan nid the small of h/ back; (the upper part of) h/ rump, rear end; its croup (top of the rump of an animal)

oziiganowe vai s/he has wriinkled cheeks

oziigaa vii it is wrinkled

Paired with: oziigizi vai

oziigide vii it shrivels from heat

oziigigatigwe vai s/he has a wrinkled forehead

oziigigaade vai s/he has wrinkled legs

oziigigwayawe vai s/he has a wrinkled neck

ozhiigin vta roll h/ [cigarette]; fold, prepare, set h/ (something sheet-like)

Paired with: ozhiiginan vti

ozhiiginamaw vta fold, prepare, set it (something sheet-like) for h/; roll (a cigarette) for h/

ozhiiginan vti fold, prepare, set it (something sheet-like)

Paired with: ozhiigin vta

(detransitive) ozhiiginige vai s/he folds, prepares, sets something (sheet-like); s/he rolls a cigarette (verb of undergoing) ozhiiginigaade vii it (sheet-like) is folded, prepared, set (by someone), "they" fold, prepare, set it (sheet-like) (verb of undergoing) ozhiiginigaazo vai it (animate; sheet-like) is folded, prepared, set (by someone), "they" fold, prepare, set it (animate; sheet-like) (benefactive) ozhiiginamaw vta fold, prepare, set it (something sheet-like) for h/; roll (a cigarette) for h/
ozhiiginigaade vii it (sheet-like) is folded, prepared, set (by someone), "they" fold, prepare, set it (sheet-like)

ozhiiginigaazo vai it (animate; sheet-like) is folded, prepared, set (by someone), "they" fold, prepare, set it (animate; sheet-like)

ozhiiginige vai s/he rolls a cigarette

ozhiiginige vai s/he folds, prepares, sets something (sheet-like); s/he rolls a cigarette

oziiginike vai s/he has a wrinkled arm or wrinkled arms

oziigininjii vai s/he has a wrinkled hand or wrinkled hands

oziigininjiiyaabaawe vai h/ hand or finger is wrinkled from being in the water

oziigiskatigwe vai s/he has a wrinkled forehead

oziigishkaa vii it wrinkles up

Paired with: oziigishkaa vai

oziigishkaa vai it (animate) wrinkles up

Paired with: oziigishkaa vii

oziigishkiinzhigwe vai s/he is wrinkled at the eyes

ozhiigizh vta cut h/ (something sheet-like) to shape

Paired with: ozhiigizhan vti

ozhiigizhan vti cut (something sheet-like) to shape

Paired with: ozhiigizh vta

(detransitive) ozhiigizhige vai s/he cuts out something sheet-like (fabric, paper, etc.) (derived noun) ozhiigizhigan ni a pattern that can be cut out (such as dress pattern of paper)
oziigizi vai s/he or it (animate) is wrinkled

Paired with: oziigaa vii

oziigizide vai s/he has wrinkled feet

oziigizideyaabaawe vai h/ foot or toe is wrinkled from being in the water

ozhiigizhigan ni a pattern that can be cut out (such as dress pattern of paper)

ozhiigizhige vai s/he cuts out something sheet-like (fabric, paper, etc.)

ozhiigizhwi vta [BL]

ozhiigizh vta

oziigiigad vii it (sheet-like) is wrinkled

Paired with: oziigiigizi vai

oziigiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is wrinkled

Paired with: oziigiigad vii

oziigiingwe vai s/he has a wrinkled face

oziisigobiminzh na a willow

Salix spp.

oziisigobimizhii-makak ni a willow basket

ozhiitaa vai s/he gets ready, prepares

(causative) ozhiitaa' vta get h/ ready; prepare h/
(reflexive) ozhiitaa'idizo vai s/he gets h/ self ready, prepares h/ self
(causative) ozhiitaatoon vti2 get it ready; prepare it
ozhiitaa' vta get h/ ready; prepare h/

Paired with: ozhiitaatoon vti2

ozhiitaa'idizo vai s/he gets h/ self ready, prepares h/ self

ozhiitaa'iwe vai

ozhiitaatoon vti2 get it ready; prepare it

Paired with: ozhiitaa' vta

ozosodam vai2 s/he coughs

ozosodamoshkaw vta (inverse only) something makes h/ cough (verb of pretending) ozosodamookaazo vai s/he pretends to cough
ozosodamoshkaw vta (inverse only) something makes h/ cough

ozosodamoo-mashkiki ni cough medicine

ozosodamookaazo vai s/he pretends to cough

ozosodamwaapine vai s/he has a respiratory illness, has tuberculosis

(derived noun) ozosodamwaapinewin ni tuberculosis
ozosodamwaapinewin ni tuberculosis

ozow nid h/ tail (of an animal)

ozow nid his (animal) tail

ozowaa vai s/he has a tail (especially of mammals)

Paired with: ozowaamagad vii

ozowaamagad vii it has a tail

Paired with: ozowaa vai

ozowaanowashk ni tail of wild rice husk

ozhooniyaami vai s/he has money