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omashkiigoomo vai s/he speaks Cree

(derived noun) omashkiigoomowin ni Cree language
omashkiigoomowin ni Cree language

omashkiigoowi vai s/he is a Cree

omashkoziisimin na [BL] a bean

omashkooz na an elk

American elk, wapiti
Cervus elaphus

omashkoozo-wiiyaas ni elk meat

omazina'igani vai s/he has a book or books, has a document or documents

omaa adv loc here

omaamaayan nad h/ mother

omaamaayi vai s/he has a mother

ombagoode vii it hangs up in the air, is suspended

Paired with: ombagoojin vai

ombagoodoon vti2 hang it up; suspend it off the ground

Paired with: ombagoozh vta

ombagoojin vai s/he or it (animate) hangs up in the air; s/he or it (animate) is suspended up in the air

Paired with: ombagoode vii

ombagoozh vta hang h/ up; suspend h/ off the ground

Paired with: ombagoodoon vti2

omba'an vti raise it using something

omba'igan ni a tool used to raise something: a jack, a lever

omba'iganaabik ni trap-setting tongs

omba'iganaak ni a trap setter

See also: omba'iganaabik ni

ombakamigaa vii there is a rise in the ground

ombakwe vai it (animate; the sun) rises

ombatesewigaade vai s/he breaks in a rash out on h/ leg

ombatesewizide vai s/he breaks out in a rash on h/ foot

ombaabate vii it goes upwards as smoke

ombaabiigin vta hoist h/; lift, raise h/ with a rope

Paired with: ombaabiiginan vti

ombaabiiginan vti hoist it; lift, raise it with a rope

Paired with: ombaabiigin vta

(detransitive) ombaabiiginige vai s/he hoists, lifts things with a rope (verb of undergoing) ombaabiiginigaade vii it is hoisted, lifted, raised with a rope (by someone); "they" hoist, lift, raise it with a rope (verb of undergoing) ombaabiiginigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is hoisted, lifted, raised with a rope (by someone); "they" hoist, lift, raise h/ or it (animate) with a rope
ombaabiiginigaade vii it is hoisted, lifted, raised with a rope (by someone); "they" hoist, lift, raise it with a rope

ombaabiiginigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is hoisted, lifted, raised with a rope (by someone); "they" hoist, lift, raise h/ or it (animate) with a rope

ombaabiiginige vai s/he hoists, lifts things with a rope

ombaabiigiweba'wi vta [NI] lift it (animate; thread) with a seam-ripper

ombaagamide vii it (liquid) rises, bubbles up as it cooks

Paired with: ombaagamizo vai

ombaagamishkan vti get in and make the water in it rise

ombaagamizo vai it (animate; liquid) rises, bubbles up as it cooks

Paired with: ombaagamide vii

ombaajiwande vii it boils up, foams up

Paired with: ombaajiwanzo vai

ombaajiwanzo vai it (animate) boils up, foams up

Paired with: ombaajiwande vii

ombaakon vta lift h/ (stick-like) (by hand)

Paired with: ombaakonan vti

ombaakonan vti lift it (stick-like) (by hand)

Paired with: ombaakon vta

ombaakwa' vta raise h/ (as or as with something stick- or wood-like), pry h/ up, jack h/ up

Paired with: ombaakwa'an vti

ombaakwa'an vti raise it (as or as with something stick- or wood-like), pry it up, jack it up

Paired with: ombaakwa' vta

(detransitive) ombaakwa'ige vai s/he raises things (as or as with something stick- or wood-like), jacks things up (derived noun) ombaakwa'igan na a jack (derived noun) ombaakwa'igan ni a jack; a lever
ombaakwa'igan na a jack

ombaakwa'igan ni a jack; a lever

ombaakwa'ige vai s/he raises things (as or as with something stick- or wood-like), jacks things up

ombaakwa'wi vta [NI]

ombaakwa' vta

ombaangeni vai s/he lifts h/ wings

ombaasidoon vti2 winnow it; make it fly up in the wind

(detransitive) ombaasijige vai s/he tosses something up
ombaasijigan ni a kite

ombaasijige vai s/he tosses something up

ombaasin vii it is lifted by the wind; is blown, sails, soars upwards

Paired with: ombaashi vai

ombaasindoon vti2 [BL] make it fly up in the wind

See also: ombaasidoon vti2

(derived noun) ombaasinjigan ni [BL]
ombaasinjigan ni [BL]

See also: ombaasijigan ni

ombaashi vai s/he or it (animate) is blown up in the air, is lifted by the wind; flies, sails, or soars upwards

Paired with: ombaasin vii

ombaashim vta make h/ or it (animate) fly up in the air

ombendam vai2 s/he is excited, is hopeful

ombibagizo vai s/he leaps up

ombibide vii it flies, speeds upwards

Paired with: ombibizo vai

ombibidoon vti2 pull it upwards

Paired with: ombibizh vta

(detransitive) ombibijige vai s/he pulls things upward (verb of undergoing) ombibijigaade vii it is pulled upward (by someone), "they" pull it upward (verb of undergoing) ombibijigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is pulled upward (by someone), "they" pull h/ or it (animate) upwards
ombibijigaade vii it is pulled upward (by someone), "they" pull it upward

ombibijigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is pulled upward (by someone), "they" pull h/ or it (animate) upwards

ombibijige vai s/he pulls things upward

ombibizh vta pull h/ upwards

Paired with: ombibidoon vti2

ombibizo vai s/he or it (animate) flies, speeds upwards

Paired with: ombibide vii

ombide vii it rises, puffs up as it cooks

Paired with: ombizo vai

ombidiyeni vai s/he raises h/ butt

ombigamide vii it boils up

ombigamizan vti boil it to sugar

(detransitive) ombigamizige vai s/he boils something to sugar; s/he sugars off (derived noun) ombigamizigan ni boiling sugar or syrup
ombigamizigan ni boiling sugar or syrup

ombigamizige vai s/he boils something to sugar; s/he sugars off

ombigaaden vta lift h/ leg

ombigaadeni vai s/he raises, lifts h/ (own) leg

ombigi vai s/he or it (animate) grows up

ombigi' vta raise h/ (a child ) or it (animate; a crop or plant)

Paired with: ombigitoon vti2

ombigi'aawaso vai s/he raises a child or children

ombigitoon vti2 raise it (a crop, a plant)

Paired with: ombigi' vta

ombigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps upwards

ombigwaashkwanodan vti jump up on it

ombigwaashkwanodaw jump up on h/

Paired with: ombigwaashkwanodan vti

ombi' vta excite h/; stir h/ up; interest h/

ombijiishkaa vai s/he is bloated

ombijiizan vti make it rise with heat; pop it (wild rice)

ombijiizo vai it (animate) rises, swells up from heat; it (animate) is cooked until it pops

ombikweni vai s/he raises his/her head

ombim vta get h/ interested or excited by speech

ombin vta lift, raise h/

Paired with: ombinan vti

ombinamaw vta lift, raise (it) for h/

ombinan vti lift, raise it

Paired with: ombin vta

(detransitive) ombinige vai s/he lifts, raises (things) (benefactive) ombinamaw vta lift, raise (it) for h/ (verb of undergoing) ombinigaade vii it is lifted, raised (by someone); "they" lift, raise it (verb of undergoing) ombinigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is lifted, raised (by someone); "they" lift, raise h/ or it (animate)
ombinigaadan vti lift it on h/ shoulder

ombinigaade vii it is lifted, raised (by someone); "they" lift, raise it

ombinigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is lifted, raised (by someone); "they" lift, raise h/ or it (animate)

ombinige vai s/he lifts, raises (things)

ombinikeni vai s/he lifts, raises h/ arm

ombisijigan ni baking powder; soda; yeast

ombisijigaans ni baking powder

ombishkaa vai s/he or it (animate) rises, ascends, goes upwards

Paired with: ombishkaa vii

ombishkaa vii it rises, ascends, goes upwards

See also: ombishkaa vai

ombiwane vai s/he lifts a pack to h/ (own) back

(causative) ombiwane' vta help lift a load onto h/ back
ombiwane' vta help lift a load onto h/ back

ombiwanen vai lift it (a pack) to h/ back

ombiweba' vta lift h/, it (animate) (using something forcefully)

Paired with: ombiweba'an vti

ombiweba'an vti lift it (using something forcefully), hoist it

Paired with: ombiweba'wi vta [NI] ; ombiweba' vta

ombiweba'wi vta [NI]

ombiweba' vta

ombiwebin vta throw, toss h/ upwards

Paired with: ombiwebinan vti