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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

ogwizisan nad [BL] h/ son

See also: ogozisan nad

o'o pron dem this (inanimate singular)

See also: o'ow pron dem ; o'owe pron dem [N] ; yo'o pron dem ; yo'ow pron dem

o'omaa adv loc here

See also: omaa adv loc

o'ow pron dem this (inanimate singular)

See also: o'owe pron dem [N]

o'owe pron dem [N] this (inanimate singular)

See also: o'ow pron dem

o'owedi pron dem this over here (inanimate singular)

See also: owedi pron dem

o'owidi adv loc over here, over this way

See also: owidi adv loc

o'oosi vai s/he has a father

See also: owoosi vai ; oyoosi vai

o'oosim vta have h/ as a father

See also: oyoosim vta ; owoosim vta

ojaan nid [N] h/ nose

See also: ojaanzh nid [S]

ojaanimakamigad vii it is a busy event

Paired with: ojaanimakamigizi vai

ojaanimakamigizi vai s/he is busy or occupied in work or activity

Paired with: ojaanimakamigad vii

ojaanimanokii vai s/he is busy working

ojaanimaapine vai s/he is very ill

ojaanimendam vai2 s/he is anxious, is impatient, is in a hurry

ojaanimi- pv lex busy; noisy

ojaanimi' vta make h/ hurry, rush h/; give h/ a hard time, get after h/, chew h/ out

Paired with: ojaanimitoon vti2

(detransitive) ojaanimi'iwe vai s/he gives people a hard time, gets after people, creates anxiety; s/he rushes people, makes people hurry (reciprocal) ojaanimi'idiwag vai they give each other a hard time, get after each other
ojaanimi'idiwag vai they give each other a hard time, get after each other

ojaanimi'iwe vai s/he gives people a hard time, gets after people, creates anxiety; s/he rushes people, makes people hurry

ojaanimim vta hurry h/ (by speech); give h/ a hard time, get after h/ (by speech)

(reciprocal) ojaanimindiwag vai they give each other a hard time, get after each other (by speech)
ojaanimindiwag vai they give each other a hard time, get after each other (by speech)

ojaanimishkaa vai s/he is in a hurry going somewhere

ojaanimitaa vai s/he is busy (in some work or activity)

ojaanimitoon vti2 be eager to do it

Paired with: ojaanimi' vta

ojaanimizekwe vai s/he cooks in a hurry

ojaanimizi vai s/he is busy

(verb of pretending) ojaanimiziikaazo vai s/he pretends to be busy
ojaanimiziikaazo vai s/he pretends to be busy

ojaanimwewidam vai2 s/he makes a racket (with h/ voice or call)

ojaanzh nid [S] h/ nose

See also: ojaan nid [N]

ojepii vai s/he is adept; s/he is quick in action,

ojibidoon vti2 draw it close, pull it out or down towards you

Paired with: ojibizh vta

ojibinigo vai s/he gets cramps, has convulsions

ojibinigogaade vai s/he gets cramps in h/ leg

ojibinigonike vai s/he gets cramps in h/ arm

ojibinigoninjii vai s/he gets cramps in h/ hand

ojibinigozide vai s/he gets cramps in h/ foot

ojibizh vta draw h/ close, pull h/ out or down towards you

Paired with: ojibidoon vti2

ojibobidoon vti2 pull it into a pucker

ojibode vii it shrivels from heat

Paired with: ojibozo vai

ojibogwaadan vti pucker it

Paired with: ojibogwaazh vta

ojibogwaade vii it is puckered

Paired with: ojibogwaazo vai

ojibogwaazh vta pucker h/

Paired with: ojibogwaadan vti

ojibogwaazo vai it (animate) is puckered

Paired with: ojibogwaade vii

ojiboshkaa vii it puckers up

ojibozo vai it (animate) shrivels from heat

ojibwaabaawe vai s/he or it (animate) puckers up in the water

ojibwaakide vii it shrivels, puckers in the fire

Paired with: ojibwaakizo vai

ojibwaakizo vai it (animate) shrivels, puckers in the fire

Paired with: ojibwaakide vii

ojibwe na an Ojibwe

(verb of being) ojibwewi vai s/he is Ojibwe
ojibwe-anishinaabe na an Ojibwe

ojibwekwe na an Ojibwe woman

ojibwemo vai s/he speaks Ojibwe

(applicative) ojibwemotaw vta speak Ojibwe to h/
(reciprocal) ojibwemotaadiwag vai they speak Ojibwe to each other
(applicative) ojibwemonodaw vta [RL] speak Ojibwe to h/
(reciprocal) ojibwemonodaadiwag vai [RL] they speak Ojibwe to each other
(derived noun) ojibwemowin ni the Ojibwe language
ojibwemonodaw vta [RL] speak Ojibwe to h/

ojibwemonodaadiwag vai [RL] they speak Ojibwe to each other

ojibwemotaw vta speak Ojibwe to h/

ojibwemotaadiwag vai they speak Ojibwe to each other

ojibwemowin ni the Ojibwe language

ojibwewanishinaabe na an Ojibwe

See also: ojibwe-anishinaabe na

ojibwewi vai s/he is Ojibwe

ojibwewibii'an vti write it in Ojibwe

(detransitive) ojibwewibii'ige vai s/he writes in Ojibwe (verb of undergoing) ojibwewibii'igaade vii it is written in Ojibwe (by someone); "they" write it in Ojibwe
ojibwewibii'igaade vii it is written in Ojibwe (by someone); "they" write it in Ojibwe

ojibwewibii'ige vai s/he writes in Ojibwe

ojibwewinikaadan vti name it in Ojibwe

Paired with: ojibwewinikaazh vta

ojibwewinikaade vii it is named in Ojibwe

Paired with: ojibwewinikaazo vai

ojibwewinikaazh vta name h/ in Ojibwe

Paired with: ojibwewinikaadan vti

ojibwewinikaazo vai s/he is named in Ojibwe

Paired with: ojibwewinikaade vii

ojibwewinini na an Ojibwe man

ojibwewisidoon vti2 put it into Ojibwe

ojibwewisin vii it is written in Ojibwe (e.g., a book)

ojichaago vai s/he has a spirit, has a soul

ojichaagobiishin vii it reflects in water

ojichaagwan nad h/ soul (the spirit within)

ojijaak na [BL] a sandhill crane

sandhill crane
Grus canadensis

See also: ajijaak na

ojijise vii it passes (as time); it comes (as time)

ojijiingwanabi vai s/he kneels

ojikweni vai s/he draws h/ head in

ojiibik ni a root

(verb of being) ojiibikaawan vii it has roots (verb of being) ojiibikaawi vai it (animate) has roots
ojiibikaawan vii it has roots

Paired with: ojiibikaawi vai

ojiibikaawi vai it (animate) has roots

Paired with: ojiibikaawan vii

ojiid nid h/ anus

ojiig na a fisher

Martes pennanti

ojiigaabaawadoon vti2 shrink it (something sheet-like) in water

Paired with: ojiigaabaawazh vta

ojiigaabaawazh vta

Paired with: ojiigaabaawadoon vti2

ojiigaabaawe vii it (sheet-like) shrinks in the water

Paired with: ojiigaabaawe vai

ojiigaabaawe vai it (animate; sheet-like) shrinks in water

Paired with: ojiigaabaawe vii

ojiigi-wiiyaakwa'igan ni [BL] fisher scent used as a lure in trapping

ojiigide vii it (sheet-like) shrinks from heat

ojiigiwayaan na a fisher hide

ojiim vta kiss h/

(reciprocal) ojiindiwag vai they kiss
ojiimaani vai s/he has a boat, has a canoe

ojiindan vti kiss it

Paired with: ojiim vta

ojiindiwag vai they kiss

ojiindiwi-giizhigad vii it is New Year's Day

ojiingwanan nad h/ lap; h/ (front of) thigh

ojiishanowe vai s/he has a scar on h/ cheek

ojiishaawigane vai s/he has a scar on h/ back

ojiishidaamikane vai s/he has a scar on h/ jaw, has a scar on h/ chin

ojiishigaade vai s/he has a scar on h/ leg

ojiishigwayawe vai s/he has a scar on h/ neck

ojiishijaane vai s/he has scar on h/ nose