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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

ogichidaa na a ceremonial headman; a warrior, a veteran

(verb of being) ogichidaawi vai s/he is an ogichidaa (ceremonial headman), is a warrior, is a veteran
ogichidaa-nagamo vai s/he sings a warrior song

ogichidaa-nagamon ni a warrior song

ogichidaakwe na a ceremonial headwoman; wife of ceremonial headman

ogichidaawi vai s/he is an ogichidaa (ceremonial headman), is a warrior, is a veteran

ogidabak adv loc on top of the roof

ogidadewe vai s/he goes on top of the snow crust

ogidadewebatoo vai s/he runs on top of the snowcrust

ogidadewenam vai2 s/he walks on top of the snow crust

ogidadeweyaa vii

ogidadoopowinaak adv loc [BL] on top of a table

ogidajiw adv loc on top of a mountain

See also: agidajiw adv loc [ML]

ogidakamig adv loc on top of the ground

See also: agidakamig adv loc ; wagidakamig adv loc

ogidaabik adv loc on top of something mineral (e.g., metal, glass, rock)

See also: agidaabik adv loc

ogidaagonag adv loc on top of the snow

See also: wagidaagonag adv loc

ogidaagonebizo vai s/he or it (animate) drives on top of the snow

ogidaagonekawe vai s/he leaves tracks on top of the snow

ogidaajiwan adv loc upstream

See also: agidaajiwan adv loc [ML] ; ogiidaajiwan adv loc [BL]

ogidaaki adv loc on top of a hill; uphill

See also: agidaaki adv loc [ML] ; wagidaaki adv loc

ogidaakiiwe vai s/he goes uphill, climbs up to the top

ogidaakiiwebatoo vai s/he runs uphill

See also: agidaakiiwebatoo vai [ML]

ogidaakiiwebizo vai s/he or it (animate) drives uphill

ogidaakiiwedaabaadan vti drag it uphill

Paired with: ogidaakiiwedaabaazh vta

ogidaakiiwedaabaazh vta drag h/ uphill

Paired with: ogidaakiiwedaabaadan vti

ogidaakiiwedaabii vai s/he goes uphill pulling a load

(applicative) ogidaakiiwedaabaadan vti drag it uphill (applicative) ogidaakiiwedaabaazh vta drag h/ uphill
ogidaakiiwekamigaa vii it (the ground) slopes upwards

ogidaakiiwemon vii [RL] it (a road or trail) leads uphill

ogidaakiiwenige vai s/he carries something uphill on h/ shoulders

ogidaakiiwewidoon vti2 carry, take it uphill

Paired with: ogidaakiiwewizh vta

ogidaakiiwewizh vta carry, take h/ uphill

Paired with: ogidaakiiwewidoon vti2

ogidaandag on top of a bough

ogidaatig adv loc on top of a log, piece of wood, stick, or tree

ogidaawigan adv loc [BL] on the back

ogidibiig adv loc on top of the water

ogidig nid [C] [N] h/ knee

ogidigamig adv loc on top of the house; upstairs

See also: agidigamig adv loc

ogidigwan nad [ML] h/ knee

ogidoonag adv loc on top of a canoe or boat

See also: agidoonag adv loc [ML]

ogijaya'ii adv loc [N] on top, on top of

See also: ogijayi'ii adv loc [ML] ; wagijaya'ii adv loc

ogijayi'ii adv loc [ML] on top, on top of

See also: ogijaya'ii adv loc [N]

ogiji- pv lex on top, on top of

See also: agiji- pv lex

ogiji-adoopowin adv loc on the table

ogiji-desabiwin adv loc [BL] on top of the chair

ogiji-jiimaan adv loc on top of a canoe or boat

ogiji-nibewin adv loc on top of a bed

ogiji-waakaa'igan adv loc on the top of a house or building; on the roof

ogijidaabaan adv loc on top of a vehicle (car, truck, wagon)

See also: wagijidaabaan adv loc

ogijizigwakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles up on the ice

ogimaa na
  1. a leader (male): a boss, a chief, a king
  2. a king (playing card)

(verb of being) ogimaawi vai s/he is a leader, is a boss, is a chief
(derived noun) ogimaawiwin ni government; authority; leadership (causative) ogimaawi' vta make h/ the boss or leader
(verb of pretending) ogimaakaazo vai s/he pretends to be the boss ogimaakaw vta make h/ chief; make h/ leader (verb of possession) odoogimaami vai s/he has a boss or bosses, a chief or chiefs
ogimaa-mishiibizhiw na [BL] chief of the great panthers

See also: ogimaa-mishiibizhii na

ogimaa-mishiibizhii na chief of the great panthers

See also: ogimaa-mishiibizhiw na [BL]

ogimaa-nagamon ni chief song

ogimaakandan vti rule, govern it

Paired with: ogimaakandaw vta

ogimaakandaw vta rule, govern h/

Paired with: ogimaakandan vti

ogimaakaw vta make h/ chief; make h/ leader

ogimaakaan na [BL] a chief

(verb of being) ogimaakaaniwi vai [BL] s/he is a chief
ogimaakaaniwi vai [BL] s/he is a chief

ogimaakaazo vai s/he pretends to be the boss

ogimaakwe na a female leader, boss, chief; a queen; a wife of a chief

(verb of being) ogimaakwewi vai she is a leader, boss, chief, queen; she is the wife of a leader, boss, chief
ogimaakwens na a princess

ogimaakwensiwi vai she is a princess
ogimaakwensiwi vai she is a princess

ogimaakwewi vai she is a leader, boss, chief, queen; she is the wife of a leader, boss, chief

ogimaans na a prince

ogimaawi vai s/he is a leader, is a boss, is a chief

ogimaawigamig ni an administrative office; a head office

ogimaawi' vta make h/ the boss or leader

ogimaawiwin ni government; authority; leadership

ogin na a tomato; a rose hip

(verb of abundance) oginiikaa vii there are (many) roses, rosehips
oginii-dagonigan ni ketchup, catsup

oginii-waabigwan ni a rose

oginiikaa vii there are (many) roses, rosehips

oginiiwaaboo ni tomato juice

oginiiwaande vii it is rose-colored, is pink

Paired with: oginiiwaanzo vai

oginiiwaanzan vti color it pink

oginiiwaanzo vai s/he or it (animate) is rose-colored, is pink

Paired with: oginiiwaande vii

oginiiwaatig ni a rose bush

Rosa spp

oginiiwegad vii it (sheet-like) is pink

Paired with: oginiiwegizi vai

oginiiwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is pink

Paired with: oginiiwegad vii

oginiiwinaagozi vai it (animate) looks pink, appears pink

Paired with: oginiiwinaagwad vii

oginiiwinaagwad vii it looks pink, appears pink

Paired with: oginiiwinaagozi vai

ogitiziiman nad h/ parent

ogii vai s/he has a mother

ogiidaajiwan adv loc [BL] upstream

See also: agidaajiwan adv loc [ML] ; ogidaajiwan adv loc

ogiidaajiwanwekwazhiwe vai s/he paddles upstream

ogiikadaanaangwe na a salamander, a lizard

ogiin nad h/ mother

ogiishkimanisii na a kingfisher

belted kingfisher
Ceryle alcyon

See also: ogashkimanisii na [NI]

ogiizhikimi vai s/he has cedar

ogokeyawin vai + o [N] have or use it/it (animate) as bait

ogondashkway nid h/ throat

ogow pron dem [N] these (animate plural)

See also: ogowe pron dem [N] ; ongow pron dem [C] [S]

ogowe pron dem [N] these (animate plural)

See also: ogow pron dem [N] ; ongow pron dem [C] [S] ; ogoweg pron dem [N]

ogowedi pron dem [BL] these over here (animate plural)

ogowedig pron dem these over here (animate plural)

ogoweg pron dem [N] these (animate plural)

See also: ogow pron dem [N] ; ogowe pron dem [N]

ogozisan nad h/ son

ogozisensi vai s/he has a young son or young sons

ogozisi vai s/he has a son or sons

ogoodaas nid her dress

ogoodaasi vai s/he has a dress