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ondami'iwe vai s/he keeps people busy

ondamim vta keep h/ busy with speech

ondamingwaami vai [RL] s/he is fast asleep

ondamingwaamo vai [BL] s/he is fast asleep

See also: ondamingwaami vai [RL]

ondamishkan vti be busy with it, occupy it

(verb of undergoing) ondamishkigaade vii it is kept busy, is occupied by someone
ondamishkaa vai s/he goes and does something, gets involved in something

ondamishkigaade vii it is kept busy, is occupied by someone

ondamitam vai2 s/he is busy listening

ondamitaa vai s/he is kept busy in an activity

ondamiwidoon vti2 keep it too long, monopolize the use of it

Paired with: ondamiwizh vta

ondamiwizh vta keep h/ too long

Paired with: ondamiwidoon vti2

ondamizi vai s/he is busy

ondamiikan vti be busy at it, busy working on it

Paired with: ondamiikaw vta

ondamiikaw vta be busy working on h/

Paired with: ondamiikan vti

ondamon vii [BL] it (road or trail) comes from a certain place; it leads from there

ondamoonzhe vai s/he is occupied with, busy with children

ondanaandam vai2 s/he comes from a certain place hungry

ondandan vti eat it from a certain place

Paired with: ondam vta

(detransitive) ondanjige vai s/he eats from there, gets h/ food from there
ondanjige vai s/he eats from there, gets h/ food from there

ondanoozo vai s/he comes from a certain place smoking tobacco

ondawazo vai s/he gets h/ heat from a certain place

ondawazon vai + o get heat from it

ondaaban vii it is east; the light of dawn comes from a certain direction

ondaabanigozi vai s/he leaves a trail in something (in the snow, mud, sand, leaves, sticks, etc.) running from a certain place or direction

ondaabas vta smoke it (animate) for preservation

Paired with: ondaabasan vti

ondaabasan vti smoke it (for preservation)

Paired with: ondaabas vta ; ondaabaswi vta

ondaabaswi vta

ondaabas vta

ondaabate vii it (smoke) comes from a certain place

ondaabiginasimwe vai s/he lead a horse or dog on a line or leash from a certain place

ondaabiigad vii it (string-like) comes from a certain place

ondaabiigisidoon vti2 lay it (string-like) running from a certain place

ondaabiigisin vii it (something string-like) lies running from a certain place

Paired with: ondaabiigishin vai

ondaabiigishim vta lay it (animate; string-like) running from a certain place

Paired with: ondaabiigisidoon vti2

ondaabiigishin vai it (animate; string-like) lies running from a certain place

Paired with: ondaabiigisin vii

ondaabogo vai s/he or it (animate) comes from a certain place drifting on the current

ondaaboode vii it drifts, slides from a certain place on the current or other moving medium

Paired with: ondaaboozo vai

ondaaboozo vai s/he drifts, slides from a certain place on the current or other moving medium

Paired with: ondaaboode vii

ondaadad vii it comes from a certain place, originates in a certain place

ondaadagaa vai s/he swims from a certain place

See also: ondaadage vai [BL]

ondaadagaako vai s/he comes on the ice from a certain place

ondaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs on the ice from a certain place

ondaadagaazii vai s/he wades from a certain place

ondaadage vai [BL] s/he swims from a certain place

See also: ondaadagaa vai

ondaada'e vai s/he skates from a certain place

ondaadizi vai s/he comes from a certain place; s/he is born

(verb of making) ondaadiziike vai s/he gives birth
ondaadiziike vai s/he gives birth

ondaagime vai [S] s/he snowshoes from a certain place

ondaagimekawe vai h/ snowshoe tracks come from a certain place

ondaagimikawe vai s/he goes or comes leaving a snowshoe trail from a certain place

ondaagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes from a certain place

ondaagiwebishkige vai [BL] s/he bicycles from a certain place, rides from a certain place on a bicycle

ondaagonagii vai s/he goes or comes in the snow from a certain place

ondaagone vai s/he comes from a certain place through the snow

ondaagonebizo vai s/he or it (animate) drives through the snow from a certain place

ondaa'ago vai s/he or it (animate) drifts on the waves from a certain place

Paired with: ondaa'an vti See also: ondaa'ogo vai

ondaa'an vti it drifts on the waves from a certain place

Paired with: ondaa'ago vai ; ondaa'ogo vai

ondaa'ogo vai s/he or it (animate) drifts on the waves from a certain place

Paired with: ondaa'an vti See also: ondaa'ago vai

ondaajim vta bring news of or tell a story about h/ from a certain place

ondaajimo vai s/he bring news from a certain place, tells of a certain place where s/he has been

ondaanagidoone vai s/he talks for a certain reason

ondaanakwad vii cloud comes from a certain place

ondaandawe vai s/he climbs from a certain place

ondaanimad vii the wind comes from a certain direction

ondaanimizi vai s/he comes from a certain place in fear

ondaapi vai s/he laughs for a certain reason; s/he comes from a certain place laughing

ondaas adv loc on this side; come here!

ondaasagaam adv loc on this side of the water

ondaasayi'ii adv loc on this side of it

ondaasaatig adv loc on this side of a tree or pole

ondaasikana adv loc on this side of the road or trail

ondaasin vii it is blown from a certain place (by the wind); sails, soars from a certain place

Paired with: ondaashi vai

ondaasinake adv loc [BL] on this side

ondaasishkode adv loc on this side of the fire

ondaashaan pc disc come here!

ondaashi vai s/he or it (animate) is blown from a certain place (by the wind); sails, soars from a certain place

Paired with: ondaasin vii

ondaashkaa vii waves come from a certain place or direction

ondaawadaaso vai s/he hauls a load, hauls freight from a certain place

ondaawadoon vti2 haul it from a certain place

Paired with: ondaawazh vta

(detransitive) ondaawadaaso vai s/he hauls a load, hauls freight from a certain place
ondaawanidiwag vai they travel in a group from a certain place

ondaawazh vta haul h/ from a certain place

Paired with: ondaawadoon vti2

(reciprocal) ondaawanidiwag vai they travel in a group from a certain place
ondaazhagaame vai s/he comes from a certain place along the shore

ondaazhagaamebizo vai s/he drives from a certain place along the shore

ondaazakonenjige vai s/he comes from a certain place with a light

onde vii it boils

Paired with: onzo vai

ondendi vai s/he is gone from a certain place, absent from a certain place

ondenim vta envy h/

(reciprocal) ondenindiwag vai they are envious of each other
ondenindiwag vai they are envious of each other

ondin vii the wind comes from a certain direction

ondin vta get, obtain h/ from a certain place

Paired with: ondinan vti

ondinamaw vta get, obtain (it) for h/ from a certain place

ondinamaadizo vai s/he gets, obtains (it) for h/ self from a certain place

ondinamaazo vai s/he gets, obtains (it) for h/ self from a certain place

ondinan vti get, obtain it from a certain place

Paired with: ondin vta

(detransitive) ondinige vai s/he gets, obtains things from a certain place (benefactive) ondinamaw vta get, obtain (it) for h/ from a certain place
(reflexive) ondinamaadizo vai s/he gets, obtains (it) for h/ self from a certain place (reflexive) ondinamaazo vai s/he gets, obtains (it) for h/ self from a certain place
(verb of undergoing) ondinigaazo vai s/he is obtained from a certain place (by someone); "they" get, obtain h/ from a certain place (verb of undergoing) ondinigaade vii it is obtained from a certain place (by someone); "they" get, obtain it from a certain place
ondinigaade vii it is obtained from a certain place (by someone); "they" get, obtain it from a certain place

ondinigaazo vai s/he is obtained from a certain place (by someone); "they" get, obtain h/ from a certain place

ondinige vai s/he gets, obtains things from a certain place

ondinise vai s/he gets fire wood from a certain place

ondisinii vai s/he gets h/ food from a certain place

ondizi vai s/he makes a living a certain way, earns or makes money, gets paid, benefits a certain way, inherits from a certain source

ondose vai s/he walks from a certain place