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naadazina'ige vai s/he goes to collect a debt

naadaabaso vai s/he follows, is attracted by the aroma

naadaabowe vai [N] s/he goes after water or something to drink

naadaakwa' vta retrieve it (animate) with a stick or pole

Paired with: naadaakwa'an vti

naadaakwa'an vti retrieve it with a pole or stick

Paired with: naadaakwa' vta

naadaandawaadan vti climb after it

See also: naadaandawaazh vta

naadaandawaazh vta climb after h/

Paired with: naadaandawaadan vti

naadaandawe vai s/he climbs after (something or someone)

(applicative) naadaandawaadan vti climb after it (applicative) naadaandawaazh vta climb after h/
naadaanzhide vai s/he goes get boughs (for lodge flooring)

naadaaso vai s/he goes after things

naadin vti3 go get, go after, fetch it

Paired with: naazh vta

(benefactive) naadamaw vta
  1. go get (it) for h/
  2. help h/ (by going to h/ aid)
(reciprocal) naadamaadiwag vai they go get (it) for each other, help each other (detransitive) naadamaage vai s/he helps people naadamaazo vai s/he goes after something for h/ self
(benefactive) naadaw vta go get (it) for h/, fetch (it) for h/ (verb of undergoing) naajigaade vii it is fetched, picked up (by someone); "they" fetch it, pick it up (verb of undergoing) naajigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is fetched, picked up (by someone); "they" fetch, pick h/ or it (animate) up
naadinise vai s/he goes to get firewood

naadinisedaabii vai s/he goes to get a sledload of firewood

naadoobii vai s/he gathers sap; s/he goes to get water or other liquid

naadoobiibizo vai s/he drives to get water or other liquid

naadoobiikana ni a trail used to get water or sap

naadoodewaadan vti crawl to it, crawl after it

Paired with: naadoodewaazh vta

naadoodewaazh vta crawl to to h/, crawl after h/

Paired with: naadoodewaadan vti

naadoom vta go get h/ on the back

Paired with: naadoondan vti

naadoondan vti go to get it on the back

Paired with: naadoom vta


naadwewem vta call with voice for h/ to come

(reciprocal) naadwewendiwag vai they call for each other (to come)
naadwewendiwag vai they call for each other (to come)

naagadawaabam vta observe, study h/

Paired with: naagadawaabandan vti

naagadawaabandan vti observe, study it

Paired with: naagadawaabam vta

naagadawendam vai2 s/he thinks

Paired with: naagadawenim vta

naagadawendan vti think about it

Paired with: naagadawenim vta

naagadawenim vta think about h/

Paired with: naagadawendan vti

naagaj adv qnt later, after a while, eventually

naage adv tmp later, after a while, eventually; further

naage waasa adv loc quite a ways but not too far

naago' vta make h/ show; reveal h/

Paired with: naagotoon vti2

(reflexive) naago'idizo vai s/he makes h/ self seen, reveals h/ self
naago'idizo vai s/he makes h/ self seen, reveals h/ self

naagotoon vti2 make it show; reveal it

Paired with: naago' vta

naagozi vai s/he or it (animate) is visible, appears

Paired with: naagwad vii

naagwad vii it is visible, appears

Paired with: naagozi vai

naajibatwaadan vti run to get it, run after it

Paired with: naajibatwaazh vta

naajibatwaazh vta run to get h/

Paired with: naajibatwaadan vti

naajibizo' vta [BL] drive to get h/

Paired with: naajibizotoon vti2 [BL] See also: naajibizoni' vta

naajibizoni' vta drive to get h/

Paired with: naajibizonitoon vti2

naajibizonitoon vti2 drive to get it

Paired with: naajibizoni' vta

naajibizotoon vti2 [BL] drive to get it

Paired with: naajibizo' vta [BL] See also: naajibizonitoon vti2

naajidaabaadan vti go after it by sled or wagon, go drag it in

Paired with: naajidaabaazh vta

naajidaabaane vai s/he goes after a car or cars

naajidaabaazh vta go after h/ by sled or wagon, go drag h/ in

Paired with: naajidaabaadan vti

naajidaabii vai s/he goes after things by sled or wagon

naajidewe'igane vai s/he goes after a drum

naajigaabawitan vti go and stand by it

Paired with: naajigaabawitaw vta

naajigaabawitaw vta go and stand by h/; crowd h/ by standing close

Paired with: naajigaabawitan vti

naajigaade vii it is fetched, picked up (by someone); "they" fetch it, pick it up

naajigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is fetched, picked up (by someone); "they" fetch, pick h/ or it (animate) up

naajigwaadan vti get it with a stick or stick-like tool, rake it over with a stick or stick-like tool

Paired with: naajigwaazh vta

naajigwaazh vta get h/ with a stick or stick-like tool, rake h/ over with a stick or stick-like tool

Paired with: naajigwaadan vti

naajijiimaane vai s/he goes after a canoe or boat

naajimanoomine vai s/he goes after the rice

naajimaam vta follow h/ smell

Paired with: naajimaandan vti

naajimaandan vti follow its smell

Paired with: naajimaam vta

naajimiijime vai s/he goes to get food

naajinigaadan vti go to get it on the shoulder

Paired with: naajinigaazh vta

naajinigaazh vta go to get h/ on the shoulder

Paired with: naajinigaadan vti

naajinige vai s/he goes to get something on h/ shoulder

(applicative) naajinigaadan vti go to get it on the shoulder (applicative) naajinigaazh vta go to get h/ on the shoulder
naajinizha' vta go after h/; send for h/; order h/

Paired with: naajinizha'an vti

naajinizha'amaw vta order (it) for h/

naajinizha'an vti go after it; send for it; order it

Paired with: naajinizha' vta

(benefactive) naajinizha'amaw vta order (it) for h/ (verb of undergoing) naajinizha'igaade vii it is sent for (by someone), "they" send for it (verb of undergoing) naajinizha'igaazo vai s/he is sent for (by someone), "they" send for h/ (detransitive) naajinizha'ige vai s/he asks for, requests, orders things
(benefactive) naajinizha'igetamaw vta order (things) for h/
naajinizha'igaade vii it is sent for (by someone), "they" send for it

naajinizha'igaazo vai s/he is sent for (by someone), "they" send for h/

naajinizha'ige vai s/he asks for, requests, orders things

naajinizha'ige-mazina'igan ni a mail-order catalogue

naajinizha'igetamaw vta order (things) for h/

naajishkodewe vai s/he goes to get fire, goes to get a flame

naajiwane vai s/he goes after a pack load

naajiwanii'ige vai s/he goes to get the traps, goes to check the traps

naajiwaagaakwadwe vai s/he goes after an ax

naajiweba' vta get it (animate) by knocking it with something

Paired with: naajiweba'an vti See also: naajiweba'wi vta [NI]

naajiweba'an vti get it by knocking it with something

Paired with: naajiweba'wi vta [NI] ; naajiweba' vta

naajiweba'igan ni something used to get something: a reaching stick, a grabber

See also: naajiweba'iganaak ni

naajiweba'iganaak ni something used to get something: a reaching stick, a grabber

See also: naajiweba'igan ni

naajiweba'wi vta [NI] get it (animate) by knocking it with something

Paired with: naajiweba'an vti

naajiwebishkan vti get it working with the feet, rake it over with the feet

Paired with: naajiwebishkaw vta

naajiwebishkaw vta get h/ working with the feet, rake h/ over with the feet

Paired with: naajiwebishkan vti

naajiwiigwaase vai s/he goes after birchbark

naajizhooniyaawe vai s/he goes after money

naamikweni vai s/he nods h/ head

naamikwetaw vta nod head yes to h/

naamiwana'o vai s/he goes downwind in a boat

naamiwanakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles with the wind

naamiwanaa'ogo vai s/he drifts on the waves with the wind at h/ back

naamiwanaasin vii it is blown with the wind

Paired with: naamiwanaashi vai

naamiwanaashi vai s/he is blown with the wind

Paired with: naamiwanaasin vii

naan nad gramma!

naanabem adv man it should have been done; too late; it's about time; why now?

naanan qnt num five

naananinoon vii they (inanimate) are five, there are five of them

Paired with: naananiwag vai

naananiwag vai they (animate) are five, there are five of them (animate)

Paired with: naananinoon vii

naanaaba'azh vta walk in h/ footsteps., step in h/ tracks

naanaabiganesewan vii they (bones) fall back into place

naanaabisewan vii they (inanimate)_ each go back into place

naanaabishebizo vai s/he wears earrings

naanaagadawaabam vta watch h/ carefully, observe h/

Paired with: naanaagadawaabandan vti

(reflexive) naanaagadawaabandizo vai s/he looks h/ self over (reciprocal) naanaagadawaabandiwag vai they watch each other carefully, observe each other
naanaagadawaabandan vti watch it carefully, observe it

Paired with: naanaagadawaabam vta