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nagajimaandan vti be used to the smell of it

Paired with: nagajimaam vta

nagajimaanjige vai s/he is used to the smell of something

nagajipidan vti be used to the taste of it

See also: nagajipo vta

nagajipo vta

Paired with: nagajipidan vti

nagajipwi vta [NI]

nagajipo vta

nagajitoon vti2 be familiar with, accustomed to, used to it; know how to make or handle it

Paired with: nagaji' vta

nagajii vai s/he is familiar with, is accustomed to, is used to doing something

nagamo vai s/he sings

(verb of pretending) nagamokaazo vai s/he pretends to sing (applicative) nagamotaw vta sing to h/
(reciprocal) nagamotaadiwag vai they sing to each other
(derived noun) nagamon ni a song (derived noun) nagamowin ni singing; a song
nagamokaazo vai s/he pretends to sing

nagamon ni a song

nagamoshkwemag ni a birch bark song scroll

nagamotaw vta sing to h/

nagamotaadiwag vai they sing to each other

nagamowin ni singing; a song

nagamoo-makak ni a phonograph, a record player, a cd player

nagamoo-mazina'igan ni a song book

nagazh vta leave h/ behind; abandon, outstrip h/

Paired with: nagadan vti

(detransitive) nagazhiwe vai s/he leaves people behind, abandons people
nagazaabam vta be used to the sight of h/

Paired with: nagazaabandan vti

nagazaabandan vti be used to the sight of it

Paired with: nagazaabam vta

nagazinan vti be used to the sight of it

Paired with: nagazinaw vta

nagazinaw vta be used to the sight of h/

Paired with: nagazinan vti

nagazitan vti be used to hearing it

Paired with: nagazitaw vta

nagazitaw vta be used to hearing h/

Paired with: nagazitan vti

nagazhiwe vai s/he leaves people behind, abandons people

nagaakininjaan ni palm (of hand)

nagaashkaa vii it stops moving, halts

Paired with: nagaashkaa vai

nagaashkaa vai s/he stops moving, halts

Paired with: nagaashkaa vii

nagaashkaa' vta make h/ stop

Paired with: nagaashkaatoon vti2

nagaashkaatoon vti2 make it stop

Paired with: nagaashkaa' vta See also: nagaashkaa' vta

nagaataa vai s/he stops moving

nagaawebin vta stop h/ forcefully by hand, push h/ back

Paired with: nagaawebinan vti

(reciprocal) nagaawebinidiwag vai they stop each other forcefully by hand, push each other back
nagaawebinan vti push it back; stop it forcefully by hand

Paired with: nagaawebin vta

nagaawebinidiwag vai they stop each other forcefully by hand, push each other back

nagaawebishkan vti stop it (forcefully with foot or body), brake it

Paired with: nagaawebishkaw vta

(detransitive) nagaawebishkige vai s/he applies the brakes (derived noun) nagaawebishkigan ni brakes
nagaawebishkaw vta brake h/; stop h/ quickly (with foot or body)

Paired with: nagaawebishkan vti

nagaawebishkigan ni brakes

nagaawebishkige vai s/he applies the brakes

nagishkan vti meet it (while going somewhere)

Paired with: nagishkaw vta

nagishkaw vta meet h/ (while going somewhere)

Paired with: nagishkan vti

(detransitive) nagishkaage vai s/he meets people (reciprocal) nagishkodaadiwag vai they meet each other (while going somewhere)
nagishkaage vai s/he meets people

nagishkodaadiwag vai they meet each other (while going somewhere)

nagwaadan vti snare it

Paired with: nagwaazh vta

nagwaade vii it is caught in a snare, is snared

Paired with: nagwaazo vai

nagwaagan ni a snare

(verb of possession) onagwaagani vai s/he has a snare or snares
nagwaaganeyaab ni snare wire, snare

nagwaanidizo vai s/he snares h/ self

nagwaazh vta snare h/

Paired with: nagwaadan vti

(reflexive) nagwaanidizo vai s/he snares h/ self
nagwaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is caught in a snare, is snared

Paired with: nagwaade vii

nagweyaab ni a rainbow

na' pc interj look!

na'abi vai s/he moves to get seated comfortably

na'agoodoon vti2 fix, reset, adjust how it hangs; hang it up

Paired with: na'agoozh vta

na'agoozh vta fix, rest, adjust how h/ hangs; hang h/ up

Paired with: na'agoodoon vti2

na'agwazhe' vta straighten h/ blanket

na'ashkime vai s/he fixes snowshoe webbing

na'aabam vta see h/ clearly, spot h/ right away

Paired with: na'aabandan vti

na'aabandan vti see it clearly, spot it right away

Paired with: na'aabam vta

na'aabi vai s/he has sharp vision, acute eyesight

na'aabikisidoon vti2

Paired with: na'aabikishim vta

na'aabikishim vta

Paired with: na'aabikisidoon vti2

na'aabiiginan vti adjust it (string-like)

na'aangabi vai he (a son-in-law) lives with his wife's parents

na'aanganikwe na a daughter-in-law

na'aangish na a son-in-law

na'aangii nad

na'aangish na

na'egaaj adv man go easy!; not too hard!; easily; without effort

na'endam vai2 s/he feels satisfied (with the outcome of some change or correction), feels content

na'endan vti think it is easy

na'enimo vai s/he stores things away

na'idaa adv tmp coincidentally; just then; right at the time

na'igaabawi vai s/he adjusts h/ stance

na'imaam vta be able to smell h/ well

Paired with: na'imaandan vti

na'imaandan vti be able to smell it well

Paired with: na'imaam vta

(detransitive) na'imaanjige vai s/he is able to smell something well, has a good sense of smell
na'imaanjige vai s/he is able to smell something well, has a good sense of smell

na'imine vai s/he stores rice or berries

na'in vta bury h/ or it (animate); put away, store h/

Paired with: na'inan vti

na'inamaw vta put it away, store (it) for h/

na'inan vti put away, store away it

Paired with: na'in vta

(benefactive) na'inamaw vta put it away, store (it) for h/ (detransitive) na'inige vai s/he puts things away (verb of undergoing) na'inigaade vii it is put away, stored (by someone), "they" put it away, store it (verb of undergoing) na'inigaazo vai it (animate) is put away (by someone), "they" put it (animate) away; s/he or it (animate) is buried (by someone), "they" bury h/ or it (animate)
na'inaagwad vii it is easily spotted

na'inigaade vii it is put away, stored (by someone), "they" put it away, store it

na'inigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is buried (by someone), "they" bury h/ or it (animate); it (animate) is put away (by someone), "they" put it (animate) away

na'inige vai s/he puts things away

na'isidoon vti2 adjust it; put it in order, put it away

Paired with: na'ishim vta

(detransitive) na'isijige vai s/he puts things in order
na'isijige vai s/he puts things in order

na'ishim vta put h/ in order; adjust h/; stash h/

Paired with: na'isidoon vti2

na'itam vai2 s/he hears well

na'itan vti hear it well

Paired with: na'itaw vta

na'itaw vta hear h/ well; mind, obey watch s/he says

Paired with: na'itan vti

na'ii vai s/he is right-handed; s/he is good at something, is skilled, is efficient

na'iigisidamaw vta fix, adjust it (something sheet-like) on something for h/

na'iigisidoon vti fix, adjust it (something sheet-like) on something

(benefactive) na'iigisidamaw vta fix, adjust it (something sheet-like) on something for h/
na'iiwinike vai [BL] s/he is right-handed

nakodan vti answer it

Paired with: nakom vta

nakom vta agree with h/; answer h/; reply to h/

Paired with: nakodan vti

(reciprocal) nakondiwag vai they answer each other; they reply to each other
nakondiwag vai they answer each other; they reply to each other

nakwadin vii it freezes, is frozen, or frosted from frozen breath

nakwebidoon vti2 catch it

Paired with: nakwebizh vta

(detransitive) nakwebijige vai s/he catches things
nakwebijige vai s/he catches things

nakwebijige-minjikaawan na a catcher's mitt

nakwebijigewinini na a catcher (in baseball)