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nanibiiwizide vai s/he has wet feet

naningaji vai [BL] s/he shivers, shakes from the cold

See also: niningaji vai [S]

naningitaagozi vai s/he sounds shaky, speaks with a trembling voice

naningowe vai h/ voice wavers; s/he whimpers

nanishkaadizi vai s/he is angry off and on

naniibikim vta scold, nag h/

naniinawademo vai s/he cries in grief or deep sadness

naniinawendam vai2 s/he feels sad, sorry, remorseful

naniinawibii vai s/he feels sad or remorseful while drunk

naniinawi' vta make h/ deeply sad, remorseful

naniinawim vta say something to h/ that makes h/ deeply sad

naniizaanad vii it is dangerous

Paired with: naniizaanizi vai

naniizaanendan vti think, consider it dangerous

Paired with: naniizaanenim vta

naniizaanendaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) is thought dangerous, is thought to be in danger

naniizaanendaagwad vii it is thought dangerous

naniizaanenim vta think h/ dangerous; think h/ to be in danger

Paired with: naniizaanendan vti

naniizaanenimigoowizi vai s/he is in danger

naniizaani' vta put h/ in danger, endanger h/

(reflexive) naniizaani'idizo vai s/he puts h/ self in danger, endangers h/ self
naniizaani'idizo vai s/he puts h/ self in danger, endangers h/ self

naniizaanizi vai s/he is dangerous

Paired with: naniizaanad vii

napaadagoode vii it hangs the wrong way

Paired with: napaadagoojin vai

napaadagoodoon vti2 hang it the wrong way

(detransitive) napaadagoojige vai s/he hangs things the wrong way
napaadagoojige vai s/he hangs things the wrong way

napaadagoojin vai s/he or it (animate) hangs the wrong way

Paired with: napaadagoode vii

napaadagoozh vta hang h/ the wrong way

Paired with: napaadagoodoon vti2

napaadakizine vai s/he puts a shoe on the wrong foot

napaadapidoon vti2 tie it the wrong way

Paired with: napaadapizh vta

napaadapizh vta tie, harness h/ the wrong way

Paired with: napaadapidoon vti2

napaadaabiigisidoon vti2 put it (string-like) the wrong way

napaadaajimo vai s/he tells something wrong

napaadin vta hold h/ the wrong way

Paired with: napaadinan vti

napaadinan vti hold it the wrong way

Paired with: napaadin vta

napaaj adv loc opposite side or direction

napaajaya'ii adv loc the left side; the wrong way; the wrong side

napaajigaabawi vai s/he stands the wrong way

napaajisin vii it lies in the wrong place

napaajiigisin vii it (sheet-like) lies the wrong way, lies with the wrong side out

napaazikamoozh vta [BL] put (it; clothing) on h/ backwards

napaazikan vti wear it the wrong way; put it on the wrong way

Paired with: napaazikaw vta

napaazikige vai s/he wears things wrong; s/he puts things on wrong
napaazikaw vta wear h/ the wrong way; put h/ on the wrong way

Paired with: napaazikan vti

napaazikige vai s/he puts things on wrong; s/he wears things wrong

napodin na a dumpling

(verb of making) napodinike vai s/he makes dumplings
napodinike vai s/he makes dumplings

nasanaamo vai s/he exhales; s/he recovers h/ breath

nasawaya'ii adv loc [RL] in between them

See also: nisawaya'ii adv loc

nasaabikinigan ni [RL] a trigger

See also: nisaabikinigan ni [BL]

nasaabikise vii it fires accidentally, triggers, goes off by itself

nasaaboode vii it washes out

nase'an vti stir it to form sugar

(detransitive) nase'ige vai s/he stirs to form sugar (derived noun) nase'igan ni granulated maple sugar
nase'igan ni granulated maple sugar

nase'ige vai s/he stirs to form sugar

naseyaawangwaan ni a sugaring trough

naseyaawangwe vai s/he granulates sugar

(derived noun) naseyaawangwaan ni a sugaring trough
nashke pc disc look!

See also: inashke pc disc ; ashke pc interj

nashke giniin pc disc look!

nawadam vta take a bite of h/; take hold of h/ in mouth

Paired with: nawadandan vti

nawadandan vti take a bite of it; take hold of it in h/ mouth

Paired with: nawadam vta

(detransitive) nawadanjige vai s/he takes hold of things in h/ mouth. takes a bite of things
nawadanjige vai s/he takes hold of things in h/ mouth. takes a bite of things

nawadide vii it catches fire

Paired with: nawadizo vai

nawadin vta grab, seize h/

Paired with: nawadinan vti

(detransitive) nawadiniwe vai s/he grabs, seizes people; s/he takes captives (reciprocal) nawadinidiwag vai they grab each other
nawadinamaw vta grab (it) of h/; seize (it) of h/

nawadinan vti grab, seize it

Paired with: nawadin vta

(detransitive) nawadinige vai s/he grabs, seizes something (benefactive) nawadinamaw vta grab (it) of h/; seize (it) of h/
nawadinidiwag vai they grab each other

nawadinige vai s/he grabs, seizes something

nawadiniwe vai s/he takes captives

nawadizo vai s/he or it (animate) catches fire

Paired with: nawadide vii

nawagikwebi vai s/he sits with h/ head down

nawagikwegaabawi vai s/he stands with head down

nawagikweni vai s/he puts h/ head down, bows h/ head, nods h/ head

nawagikweshimo vai s/he dances with h/ head down

nawagikwetaw vta bow head to h/

nawaj adv deg more

nawaj igo adv deg somewhat more

nawajibidoon vti2 grab, seize it

Paired with: nawajibizh vta

nawajibizh vta grab, seize h/

Paired with: nawajibidoon vti2

nawajii vai s/he eats a light meal, takes a lunch break

nawajiitaa vai

nawapo vai s/he takes provisions along, takes a lunch along

nawapwaan ni provisions, a lunch taken along (verb of making) nawapwaanike vai s/he prepares provisions for a trip, makes a lunch to take along
nawapwaan ni provisions, a lunch taken along

nawapwaanike vai s/he prepares provisions for a trip, makes a lunch to take along

nawekide vii it stands bent over

Paired with: nawekizo vai

nawekizo vai it (animate) stands bent over

Paired with: nawekide vii

nawetaa vai it (animate) bends over

nayaag adv tmp ahead of time; previously

nazhikewabi vai s/he lives alone, is home alone, sits alone

See also: anzhikewabi vai [RL]

nazhikewaakwadabi vai s/he sits alone

nazhikewige vai s/he lives alone

See also: anzhikewige vai

nazhikewizi vai s/he is alone, is one, is the only one

nazikwe' vta comb h/ hair

nazikwe'o vai s/he combs h/ (own) hair

See also: anzikwe'o vai [RL]

naa pc emph well!

naab wiin naa n

naabagomo vai s/he goes back in place on the water, puts h/ boat back

naaba'oode vii it is strung on, is threaded

Paired with: naaba'oozo vai

naaba'oodoon vti2 string it on a line, thread it

naaba'oozo vai it (animate) is strung on

Paired with: naaba'oode vii

naaba'waagan na [BL] cup-and-pin game

naabakiin vta transplant h/

Paired with: naabakiinan vti

naabakiinan vti transplant it

Paired with: naabakiin vta

naabaakogoodoon vti2