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nibaaganaatig ni a bed frame

nibaajiikaw vta

nibaashki vai s/he sleeps all the time

nibaawinaagozi vai s/he looks sleepy, looks like s/he is sleeping, looks like s/he is asleep

nibe' vta make h/ sleep, put h/ to bed

nibe'aawaso vai s/he puts a child or children to sleep

nibe'iwe vai

nibekaazo vai s/he pretends to sleep or be asleep

nibendaw vta stay overnight with h/

(detransitive) nibendaage vai s/he stays overnight with people
nibendaage vai s/he stays overnight with people

nibeshkaw- vta make h/ sleep

nibeshkine vai s/he goes to sleep from being full

nibewayaan ni sleepwear: (a pair of) pajamas; nightgown

nibewi-mashkiki ni sleeping medicine

nibewigamig ni a bedroom; a hotel

nibewin ni [BL] something used to sleep on: a bed, bedding material; a place to sleep: an overnight stopping place

nibewiniigin ni [BL] a sheet

nibi ni water

(verb of abundance) nibiikaa vii there is (a lot of) water (verb of making) nibiike vai s/he adds water, dilutes something
(applicative) nibiikaadan vti add water or other liquid to it (animate)
(verb of being) nibiiwan vii it is wet, is watery; it is juicy (verb of being) nibiiwi vai s/he or it (animate) is wet (verb of possession) onibiimi vai s/he has water
nibi gaa-onjijiwang ni-v [BL] a faucet, a tap

nibi wenjijiwang ni-v a faucet, a tap

nibinaadi vai s/he gets water

nibinaadwaaganakik na [BL] a water pail

nibinaadwaaganaatig ni [BL] a yoke for carrying water pails

nibiikaa vii there is (a lot of) water

nibiikaadan vti add water or other liquid to it (animate)

nibiike vai s/he adds water, dilutes something

nibiiskwad vii there is slushy water on top of the ice

nibiiwakamigaa vii it is wet ground

nibiiwakik na a water pail

nibiiwan vii it is wet, is watery; it is juicy

Paired with: nibiiwizi vai

nibiiwashkaa vii there is wet grass; there are wet stalks, wet plants; it (stalk, plant) is wet

nibiiwashkiigaa vii it is a wet muskeg

nibiiwashkosiwagaa vii there is wet grass

nibiiwazhe vai h/ skin is wet

nibiiwaabikad vii it (something mineral) is wet

Paired with: nibiiwaabikizi vai

nibiiwaabikaa vii there is wet rock

nibiiwaabikizi vai it (animate; something mineral) is wet

Paired with: nibiiwaabikad vii

nibiiwaagamin vii it (a liquid) is watery

nibiiwaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is wet

Paired with: nibiiwaakwad vii

nibiiwaakwad vii it (stick-like) is wet

Paired with: nibiiwaakozi vai

nibiiwaakwaa vii it is wet in the woods

nibiiwaandagaa vii there are wet boughs

nibiiwaandagizi vai it (animate; bough) is wet

nibiiwaanikwe vai s/he has wet hair

nibiiwaawigane vai s/he has a wet back

nibiiwegad vii it (sheet-like) is wet

Paired with: nibiiwegizi vai

nibiiwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is wet

Paired with: nibiiwegad vii

nibiiwi vai s/he or it (animate) is wet

nibiiwi-baashkiziganens ni [BL] a squirt gun

See also: nibiiwi-baashkizigaans ni [S]

nibiiwi-baashkizigaans ni [S] a squirt gun

See also: nibiiwi-baashkiziganens ni [BL]

nibiiwibagaa vii there are wet leaves

nibiiwidiye vai s/he has a wet rear

nibiiwininjii vai s/he has wet hands

nibiiwisagad vii it (wood) is wet, water-logged

Paired with: nibiiwisagizi vai

nibiiwisagaa vii the floor is wet

nibiiwisagizi vai it (animate; board, tree) is wet

Paired with: nibiiwisagad vii

nibiiwizi vai s/he or it (animate) is wet; it (animate) is juicy

Paired with: nibiiwan vii

nibiiwizide vai h/ feet are wet

nibiiwiingwe vai h/ face is wet

nibo vai s/he dies, is dead

(verb of pretending) nibookaazo vai s/he pretends to be dead (verb of making) nibooke vai s/he has a death in h/ family (derived noun) nibowin ni death
nibowin ni death

nibookaazo vai s/he pretends to be dead

nibooke vai s/he has a death in h/ family

niboowi vai s/he is paralyzed

niboowidaabaan na a hearse

See also: niboowidaabaan ni [RL]

niboowidaabaan ni [RL] a hearse

See also: niboowidaabaan na

niboowigamig ni a mortuary

niboowigaade vai s/he has a paralyzed leg

niboowinike vai s/he has a paralyzed arm

niboowininjii vai s/he has a paralyzed hand

niboowise vai s/he becomes paralyzed; s/he falls ill from bad medicine; s/he has a stroke

niboowizide vai s/he has a paralyzed foot

nibwaakaa vai s/he is wise, is intelligent

(derived noun) nibwaakaawin ni wisdom
nibwaakaawin ni wisdom

nibwaam nid my thigh (back of thigh)

nichiiwad vii there is a severe storm, there is a catastrophe

nichiiwenimo vai s/he acts tough, is agressive; s/he is self-confident, thinks h/self important

nichiiwizi vai s/he is aggressive, is obnoxiously mean, is a bully

niday my dog; my horse

nidiy nid my rump, rear end, butt

See also: indiy nid

nidoondan nid my heel

nigidig nid my knee

See also: ingidig nid [N] ; ningidig nid [C] [N]

nigig na an otter

river otter
Lontra canadensis

nigigo-bimide ni otter grease

nigigo-wiiyaakwa'igan [BL] otter scent used as a lure in trapping

nigigoonsimin ni a sand cherry

nigigoonsiminaganzh a sand cherry bush

nigigwayaan na an otter hide

nigiigomiishidoonewaji vai h/ moustache is frosted

nigiigwadin vii it is frosted, there is frost

Paired with: nigiigwaji vai See also: ningiigwadin vii

nigiigwaji vai it (animate) is frosted

Paired with: nigiigwadin vii

nigiigwakamikadin vii the ground is frosted, there is frost on the ground

nigiigwaabikadin vii it (rock or something of metal) is frosted

Paired with: nigiigwaabikaji vai

nigiigwaabikaji vai it (animate; rock or something of metal) is frosted

Paired with: nigiigwaabikadin vii

nigiigwaakweyaa vii the woods are frosted

nijiid nid my anus

nika na a goose

Canada goose
Branta canadensis

nikakwan nid my shin

nikan nid my bone

nikanendi vai s/he is gone overnight