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nanaa'itamaw vta fix, repair (it) for h/

See also: nanaa'itaw vta

nanaa'itaw vta fix, repair (it) for h/

See also: nanaa'itamaw vta

nanaa'itoon vti2 fix, repair it

Paired with: nanaa'i' vta

(benefactive) nanaa'itaw vta fix, repair (it) for h/ (benefactive) nanaa'itamaw vta fix, repair (it) for h/ (detransitive) nanaa'ichige vai s/he fixes, repairs things (verb of undergoing) nanaa'ichigaade vii it is fixed, repaired (by someone), "they" fix, repair it (verb of undergoing) nanaa'ichigaazo vai s/he is fixed, repaired (by someone), "they" fix, repair h/
nanaa'ii vai s/he is dressed up

nanaakom vta answer h/ repeatedly

nanaakon vta fight h/ back

nanaakwetam vai2 s/he answers someone repeatedly; s/he quarrels, argues with someone

nanaakwetan vti answer it repeatedly

nanaakwetaw vta answer h/ repeatedly; quarrel with, argue with h/

(reciprocal) nanaakwetaadiwag vai they answer each other back and forth; they quarrel with, argue with each other
nanaakwetaadiwag vai they answer each other back and forth; they quarrel with, argue with each other

nanaakwii vai s/he defends; s/he fights back

nanaamadabi vai s/he sits for a while

nanaandawawinzo vai s/he looks all over for berries to pick

nanaandawi' vta heal, doctor h/

(reflexive) nanaandawi'idizo vai s/he doctors h/ self (detransitive) nanaandawi'iwe vai s/he heals, doctors people
(derived noun) nanaandawi'iwewin ni traditional healing
nanaandawi'idizo vai s/he doctors h/ self

nanaandawi'iwe vai s/he heals, doctors people

nanaandawi'iwe-nagamo vai s/he sings a healing song

nanaandawi'iwe-nagamon ni a healing song
nanaandawi'iwe-nagamon ni a healing song

nanaandawi'iwewin ni traditional healing

nanaandom vta beg h/; keep calling for h/

nanaandomo vai s/he seeks help, seeks healing, seeks treatment

nanaandotam vai2 s/he listens around for something

nanaandoojii'an vti feel around for it (using something)

Paired with: nanaandoojii'wi vta

nanaandoojii'wi vta feel around for h/ or it (animate) (using something)

Paired with: nanaandoojii'an vti

nanaandoojiin vta feel around for h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: nanaandoojiinan vti

nanaandoojiinan vti feel around for it

Paired with: nanaandoojiin vta

nanaandoojiishkan vti feel around for it (with foot or body)

Paired with: nanaandoojiishkaw vta

nanaandoojiishkaw vta feel around for h/ or it (animate) (with foot or body)

Paired with: nanaandoojiishkan vti

nanaandwaabaso vai s/he sniffs around for the aroma

nanaapaadakizine vai s/he has shoes on the wrong feet

nanaapaadendam vai2 s/he is contrary, disagrees with people

nanaapaajizide vai h/ feet turn out

nanaapaajizidekawe vai s/he leaves tracks with the feet turned-out

nanaapaazitam vai2 s/he does the opposite of what is told, acts contrary to instructions

nanda- pv lex look for; seek

nanda-gikendan vti seek to know it, seek to learn it

Paired with: nanda-gikenim vta

nanda-gikenim vta seek to know h/

Paired with: nanda-gikendan vti

nanda-mikwendan vti try to think of it, try to remember it

Paired with: nanda-mikwenim vta

nanda-mikwenim vta try toi think of it, try to remember it

Paired with: nanda-mikwendan vti

nandawadabii vai

andawadabii vai

nandawanokii vai [S] s/he looks for work, looks for a job

See also: andawanokii vai [C] [N]

nandawasimwe vai [S] s/he looks for horses

See also: andawasimwe vai

nandawaabam vta [S] look for, search for h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: nandawaabandan vti See also: andawaabam vta [N]

nandawaabandan vti look for, search for it

Paired with: nandawaabam vta [S]

(detransitive) nandawaabanjige vai s/he looks for, searches for things (verb of undergoing) nandawaabanjigaade vii it is looked for, searched (by someone), "they" look for, search for it
nandawaabanjigaade vii it is looked for, searched (by someone), "they" look for, search for it

nandawaabanjige vai s/he looks for, searches for things

nandawaabi vai [S] s/he looks around (for something)

See also: andawaabi vai [N]

nandawaaboozwe vai [S] s/he hunts for rabbits

See also: andawaaboozwe vai [N]

nandawaatoo vai s/he scouts

nandawendam vai2 [S] s/he needs, wants something, wishes for something

See also: andawendam vai2 [N]

nandawendan vti [S] need, want it

Paired with: nandawenim vta [S] [S] See also: andawendan vti [C] [N]

(detransitive) nandawenjige vai
  1. s/he hunts or fishes for food
  2. s/he needs, wants things
(verb of undergoing) nandawenjigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is looked for, sought (by someone). "they" look for, seek h/ or it (animate)
nandawendaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) is desirable; s/he or it (animate) is suitable

nandawendaagwad vii it is desirable; it is suitable

nandawenim vta [S] [S] hunt it (animate); need, want h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: nandawendan vti [S] See also: andawenim vta [N]

nandawenjigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is looked for, sought (by someone). "they" look for, seek h/ or it (animate)

nandawenjige vai
  1. s/he hunts or fishes for food
  2. s/he needs, wants things

See also: andawenjige vai [N]

nandawisimwe vai s/he looks for horses

nandawishibe vai s/he hunts ducks

See also: andawishibe vai

nandobani vai s/he goes to war

See also: andobani vai [N]

nandobidoon vti2 search, feel for it with the hands

nandodamaw vta [ML] ask h/, beg h/ for (it)

See also: andodamaw vta

(detransitive) nandodamaage vai s/he asks people, begs people for things (reciprocal) nandodamaadiwag vai they ask each other for (it) (verb of addiction) nandodamaageshki vai s/he is a begger
nandodamaadiwag vai they ask each other for (it)

nandodamaage vai s/he asks people, begs people for things

See also: andodamaage vai [N]

nandodamaageshki vai s/he is a begger

See also: andodamaageshki vai [N]

nandodan vti [ML] ask for, request, order it

Paired with: nandom vta [ML] See also: andodan vti

(benefactive) nandodamaw vta [ML] ask h/, beg h/ for (it) (detransitive) nandodamaage vai s/he asks people, begs people for things
nandokawechige vai s/he looks for tracks

nandokawe' vta be on h/ trail; look for h/ tracks

See also: andokawe' vta [N]

nandom vta [ML] ask for, call, summon h/

See also: andom vta

nandomaam vta sniff for h/; smell for h/

Paired with: nandomaandan vti

nandomaandan vti sniff for it; smell for it

Paired with: nandomaam vta See also: andomaandan vti

(detransitive) nandomaanjige vai s/he sniffs, smells for things
nandomaanjige vai s/he sniffs, smells for things

nandone' vta [S] seek h/ or it (animate); go look for h/ or it (animate); search for h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: nandone'an vti [S] See also: andone' vta [RL]

nandone'an vti [S] go look for it; search for it; seek it

Paired with: nandone' vta [S] See also: andone'an vti

(detransitive) nandone'ige vai s/he looks for, seeks things (verb of undergoing) nandone'igaade vii it is looked for, searched (by someone), "they" look for, search for it (verb of undergoing) nandone'igaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is looked for, sought (by someone). "they" look for, seek h/ or it (animate)
nandone'igaade vii it is looked for, searched (by someone), "they" look for, search for it

nandone'igaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is looked for, sought (by someone). "they" look for, seek h/ or it (animate)

nandone'ige vai s/he looks for, seeks things

See also: andone'ige vai

nandone'wi vta

andone' vta [RL]

nandonge vai [ML] s/he asks for, calls, summons people

See also: andonge vai

nandotam vai2 s/he listens for something

See also: andotam vai2

nandotan vti listen for it

Paired with: nandotaw vta See also: andotan vti

nandotaw vta listen for h/

Paired with: nandotan vti See also: andotaw vta

nandoobii vai s/he looks for a liquid, looks for a drink

See also: andoobii vai [N]

nandoojii' vta feel around for h/ or it (animate) (using something)

Paired with: nandoojii'an vti See also: andoojii'wi vta [NI]

nandoojii'an vti feel around for it (using something)

Paired with: nandoojii' vta See also: andoojii'an vti [N]

nandoojiin vta feel for, grope for h/ or it (animate); (try to) find h/ or it animate (with the hand)

Paired with: nandoojiinan vti See also: andoojiin vta [N]

nandoojiinan vti feel for, grope for it; (try to) find it (with the hand)

Paired with: nandoojiin vta See also: andoojiinan vti [N]

(detransitive) nandoojiinige vai s/he feels for, gropes for something
nandoojiinige vai s/he feels for, gropes for something

See also: andoojiinige vai [N]

nandoojiishkan vti [S] feel for it (with the foot or body)

nandoojiishkaw vta [S] feel for h/ (with foot or body)

See also: andoojiishkaw vta [N]

nandookomaazh vta [S] search h/ for lice or ticks

nandookome vai [S] s/he searches for lice or ticks

See also: andookome vai [N]

(applicative) nandookomaazh vta [S] search h/ for lice or ticks
nandookomeshiinh na [S] a monkey

See also: andookomeshiinh na [N]

nandwaanikaadan vti dig for it

Paired with: nandwaanikaazh vta

nandwaanikaazh vta dig for h/

Paired with: nandwaanikaadan vti

nandwewem vta go and ask for h/

See also: andwewem vta

nandwewendamaw vta go and ask h/ (for (it))

nandwewendan vti go and ask for it

Paired with: nandwewem vta

(benefactive) nandwewendamaw vta go and ask h/ (for (it))
nandwewezige vai s/he signals by shooting

nangwana pc disc it turns out that...; it happens to be that...; in fact...

nanibiiwininjii vai s/he has wet hands