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noonaawaso vai s/he nurses a baby

noondam vai2 s/he hears

noondan vti hear it

Paired with: noondaw vta

noondaw vta hear h/

Paired with: noondan vti

(reflexive) noondaadizo vai s/he hears h/ self (reciprocal) noondaadiwag vai they hear each other
noondaadiwag vai they hear each other

noondaadizo vai s/he hears h/ self

noondaagochigan ni a musical instrument (especially a wind instrument): horn, whistle, harmonica

See also: noondaagochigan na [RL]

noondaagochigan na [RL] a musical instrument (especially a wind instrument): horn, whistle, harmonica

See also: noondaagochigan ni

noondaagochige vai s/he plays a wind instrument

noondaagomochigan ni [BL] something that is used to make a sound: a musical instrument, a car horn, a radio, etc.

noondaagomo' vta make a sound with it (animate); make a sound at h/

Paired with: noondaagomotoon vti2

noondaagomotoon vti2 make a sound with it; turn it (something that makes sounds) on

Paired with: noondaagomo' vta

(derived noun) noondaagomochigan ni [BL] something that is used to make a sound: a musical instrument, a car horn, a radio, etc.
noondaagotoon vti2 play it (so it makes sounds)

(detransitive) noondaagochige vai s/he plays a wind instrument (derived noun) noondaagochigan na [RL] a musical instrument (especially a wind instrument): horn, whistle, harmonica (derived noun) noondaagochigan ni a musical instrument (especially a wind instrument): horn, whistle, harmonica
noondaagozi vai
  1. s/he is heard, makes a sound, makes a noise
  2. s/he calls with a characteristic sound (moo, neigh, croak, etc.)

Paired with: noondaagwad vii

noondaagwad vii it is heard, makes a sound, makes noise

Paired with: noondaagozi vai

noondaagweweyaabikibizo vai

noonde- pv lex before the usual time; need to

noondedibikwe vai

noonde'ookii vai s/he doesn't have enough to go around, is short of things to distribute

noondekizineshin vai s/he is out of shoes to wear

noondenaamo vai s/he runs short of breath, is short-winded

noondengwashi vai s/he is sleepy (before normal time), needs to sleep

noondenim vta [RL] flirt with h/

See also: noodenim vta

noondesachige vai s/he runs short of things

noondesa' vta run short of h/

Paired with: noondesatoon vti2

noondesatoon vti2 run short of it

Paired with: noondesa' vta

(detransitive) noondesachige vai s/he runs short of things
noondese vai s/he runs short

Paired with: noondese vii

noondese vii it runs short

Paired with: noondese vai

noondeskade vai [BL] [RL] s/he is hungry

noondeskadewinaagozi vai [BL] s/he looks hungry

noondeshin vai s/he is fatigued, is exhausted, falls short of a goal

noondeyaabanishi vai s/he runs short of food in the winter, doesn't make it to spring

noondeyaabaagwe vai [BL] s/he is thirsty

noondezi vai s/he is unable to finish; s/he is incapable

noongom adv tmp now, today, nowadays

nooni vai s/he [a child] nurses, sucks at the breast

(causative) nooni' vta breast feed h/
nooni' vta breast feed h/

noonishkan vti can't fit it (with foot or body)

Paired with: noonishkaw vta

noonishkaw vta don't fit h/ (with foot or body)

Paired with: noonishkan vti

noopiming adv loc in the bush; in the woods; inland

See also: noopimiing adv loc [BL]

noopimiing adv loc [BL] in the bush; in the woods; inland

See also: noopiming adv loc

noopinadan vti follow it, go after it [something moving]

Paired with: noopinazh vta

noopinanidiwag vai they follow each other

noopinazh vta follow h/, go after h/ [someone going somewhere]

Paired with: noopinadan vti

(reciprocal) noopinanidiwag vai they follow each other
noopinizha' vta follow, pursue h/

noos nad my father

See also: imbaabaa nad ; indede nad

noosa'owesi na a smallmouth bass

nooskwaada' vta lick h/

Paired with: nooskwaada'an vti

nooskwaada'an vti lick it

Paired with: nooskwaada' vta

(detransitive) nooskwaada'ige vai s/he licks something
nooskwaada'ige vai s/he licks something

nooskwaanzo vai s/he licks sap

noosom vta call, yell after h/

noosookaa vii [BL] it is soft and fluffy

Paired with: noosookizi vai [BL]

noosooki- pv lex soft and fluffy

noosooki-desabiwin ni [BL] a soft upholstered chair, an easy chair, a recliner

See also: gichi-noosooki-desabiwin ni [BL]

noosookigwane vai it (animate) has fluffy feathers

noosookitoon vti2

noosookizi vai [BL] it (animate) is soft and fluffy

Paired with: noosookaa vii [BL]

noosookiigad vii it (sheet-like) is soft and fluffy

Paired with: noosookiigizi vai

noosookiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is soft and fluffy

Paired with: noosookiigad vii

nooshkaachigan ni winnowed rice

nooshkaachigaade vii it is winnowed (by someone), "they" winnow it

nooshkaachige vai s/he winnows things, winnows wild rice

nooshkaachinaagan ni a winnowing tray, a winnowing basket

(verb of making) nooshkaachinaaganike vai s/he makes a winnowing tray, winnowing basket
nooshkaachinaaganike vai s/he makes a winnowing tray, winnowing basket

nooshkaatamaw vta winnow (it) for h/

nooshkaatoon vti2 winnow it [wild rice]

(verb of undergoing) nooshkaachigaade vii it is winnowed (by someone), "they" winnow it (derived noun) nooshkaachigan ni winnowed rice (detransitive) nooshkaachige vai s/he winnows things, winnows wild rice (benefactive) nooshkaatamaw vta winnow (it) for h/
noozh vta nurse h/ [a baby]

noozhe- pv lex a female

noozhe-bineshiinh na a female bird

noozhe-bizhiw na a female lynx

noozhe-makwa na a female bear, a sow (bear)

See also: noozhek na

noozhe-mooz na a female moose, a cow (moose)

noozhe-ojiig na a female fisher

noozhe-waagosh na a female fox, a vixen

noozhe-waawaashkeshi na [NI] a female deer, a doe

noozhek na a female bear, a sow (bear)

See also: noozhe-makwa na

noozhemik na a female beaver

noozhesim na
  1. a mare
  2. a female dog, a bitch

noozheshib na a female duck, a (duck) hen

noozheyaakig na a female otter

noozhezhashk na a female muskrat

noozhis nad [BL] my grandchild

noozis nad my grandchild

noozhishenh nad my grandchild

nyaa pc disc indication of disbelief or acknowledgement of an unfortunate or embarrassing truth used by women