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gagwaanisagimaate vii it smells terrible cooking or burning

Paired with: gagwaanisagimaaso vai

gagwaanisaginaagozi vai s/he looks terrible

Paired with: gagwaanisaginaagwad vii

gagwaanisaginaagwad vii it looks terrible

Paired with: gagwaanisaginaagozi vai

gagwaanisaginigozi vai s/he is terribly heavy

gagwaanisaginigwad vii it is extremely heavy

gagwaanisagipogozi vai s/he tastes terrible

Paired with: gagwaanisagipogwad vii

gagwaanisagipogwad vii it tastes terrible

Paired with: gagwaanisagipogozi vai

gagwaanisagitaagozi vai s/he sounds terrible; s/he sounds awesome

Paired with: gagwaanisagitaagwad vii

gagwaanisagitaagwad vii it sounds terrible

Paired with: gagwaanisagitaagozi vai

gagwaanisagizi vai s/he is mean, is terrible

Paired with: gagwaanisagad vii

gagwe- pv lex try

gagwedaganaam vta box h/

(reciprocal) gagwedaganaandiwag vai they box with each other
(derived noun) gagwedaganaandiwin ni boxing (derived noun) gagwejiganaandiwin ni boxing; a boxing match
gagwedaganaandiwag vai they box with each other

gagwedaganaandiwin ni boxing

gagwedaganewinini na a boxer

gagweda'aakwaadan vti practice shooting it

Paired with: gagweda'aakwaazh vta

gagweda'aakwaazh vta practice shooting it (animate)

gagweda'aakwe vai s/he practices shooting

(applicative) gagweda'aakwaadan vti practice shooting it (applicative) gagweda'aakwaazh vta practice shooting it (animate)
gagwedaagibizh vta test the tension of it (animate) by bending

gagwedin vta test h/ or it (animate) by touch

Paired with: gagwedinan vti

gagwedinan vti test it by touch

Paired with: gagwedin vta

gagwedoomigo vai s/he practices riding on horseback

gagwedwe vai s/he asks, asks a question, inquires

(derived noun) gagwedwewin ni a question
gagwedwewin ni a question

gagwejibatoo vai s/he tries out running, practices running

gagwejibidoon vti2 test it with the hands, test it by pulling on it

Paired with: gagwejibizh vta

gagwejibizh vta test it (animate) with the hands, test it (animate) by pulling on it

Paired with: gagwejibidoon vti2

gagwejibizo vai s/he practices driving, takes a driving test, takes a test drive

gagwejichige vai s/he tries things, practices

gagwejidaabii'iwe vai s/he practices driving

gagwejiganaandiwin ni boxing; a boxing match

gagweji' vta test, try h/ or it (animate); try getting h/ to...

Paired with: gagwejitoon vti2

gagweji'igoowizi vai s/he is tested (by a higher power)

gagwejikada' vta race h/ in boats

(detransitive) gagwejikada'owe vai s/he races people (in boats) (reciprocal) gagwejikada'odiwag vai they race each other in boats (derived noun) gagwejikada'odiwin ni a canoe or boat race
gagwejikada'odiwag vai they race each other in boats

(derived noun) gagwejikada'odiwin ni a canoe or boat race
gagwejikada'odiwin ni a canoe or boat race

gagwejikada'owe vai s/he races people (in boats)

gagwejikada'wi vta [BL]

gagwejikada' vta

gagwejikadan vti race it

Paired with: gagwejikazh vta

gagwejikanidiwag vai they race each other

gagwejikanidiwin ni a footrace

gagwejikanidiiwidaabaan ni [RL] a race car

gagwejikazh vta race h/

Paired with: gagwejikazh vta

(reciprocal) gagwejikanidiwag vai they race each other
(derived noun) gagwejikanidiwin ni a footrace
(detransitive) gagwejikazhiwe vai s/he races people
(derived noun) gagwejikazhiwewin ni a race
gagwejikazhiwe vai s/he races people

gagwejikazhiwewidaabaan ni a race car

See also: gagwejikazhiwewidaabaan na

gagwejikazhiwewidaabaan na a race car

See also: gagwejikazhiwewidaabaan ni

gagwejikazhiwewin ni a race

gagwejim vta ask, question h/

(reciprocal) gagwejindiwag vai they ask, question each other (reflexive) gagwejindizo vai s/he asks h/ self something
gagwejimaam vta keep sniffing h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: gagwejimaandan vti

gagwejimaandan vti sniff around for it

Paired with: gagwejimaam vta

(detransitive) gagwejimaanjige vai s/he sniffs around for (things)
gagwejimaanjige vai s/he sniffs around for (things)

gagwejindiwag vai they ask, question each other

gagwejindizo vai s/he asks h/ self something

gagwejitoon vti2 try, test it

Paired with: gagweji' vta

(detransitive) gagwejichige vai s/he tries things, practices
gagwejii vai s/he tests h/ strength, exercises, works out, practices

gagwejiigin vta test it (animate; sheet-like) by touch

Paired with: gagwejiiginan vti

gagwejiiginan vti test it (something sheet-like) by touch

Paired with: gagwejiigin vta

gagwejiiwaadan vti wrestle it

Paired with: gagwejiiwaazh vta

gagwejiiwaanidiwag vai they wrestle each other

gagwejiiwaazh vta wrestle h/

(reciprocal) gagwejiiwaanidiwag vai they wrestle each other
gagwejiiwaazo vai s/he wrestles

gagwejiiwaazoowinini na a wrestler

gagwejiiwigamig ni a gym, gymnasium

gagwezikan vti
  1. try it on
  2. test it (with foot or body)

Paired with: gagwezikaw vta

(detransitive) gagwezikige vai s/he tries on clothes
gagwezikaw vta
  1. test h/ (with foot or body)
  2. try h/ on

Paired with: gagwezikan vti

gagwezikige vai s/he tries on clothes

gakakabwewin ni [BL] a square baking pan

gakakaa vii it is square

Paired with: gakakizi vai

gakakaabikad vii it is square (as something mineral)

Paired with: gakakaabikizi vai

gakakaabikizi vai s/he is square (as something mineral)

Paired with: gakakaabikad vii

gakakaakozi vai s/he is square (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: gakakaakwad vii

gakakaakwad vii it is square (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: gakakaakozi vai

gakaki- pv lex square

gakaki-giziibiiga'iganens ni a laundry (detergent) pod

gakakiboodoon vti2 saw it into blocks

Paired with: gakakiboozh vta

gakakiboozh vta saw it (animate) into blocks

Paired with: gakakiboodoon vti2

gakaki' vta make it (animate) square

Paired with: gakakitoon vti2

gakakisin vii it has a square pattern

Paired with: gakakishin vai

gakakishin vai s/he has a square pattern

Paired with: gakakisin vii

gakakitoon vti2 make it square

Paired with: gakaki' vta

gakakizh vta [MN] cut it (animate) square

Paired with: gakakizhan vti See also: gakakizhwi vta [NI]

gakakizhan vti cut it square

Paired with: gakakizh vta [MN] ; gakakizhwi vta [NI] See also: gakakizh vta [MN] ; gakakizhwi vta [NI]

gakakizi vai s/he is square

Paired with: gakakaa vii

gakakizhige vii s/he cuts things square

gakakizhwi vta [NI] cut it (animate) square

Paired with: gakakizhan vti See also: gakakizh vta [MN]

gakakiigad vii it (sheet-like) is square

Paired with: gakakiigizi vai

gakakiigin vta fold it (animate; sheet-like) into a square

Paired with: gakakiiginan vti

gakakiiginan vti fold it (sheet-like) into a square

gakakiigizhan vti cut it (sheet-like) square

Paired with: gakakiigizhwi vta [NI]

(detransitive) gakakiigizhige vai s/he cuts sheet-like things square (verb of undergoing) gakakiigizhigaade vii it (sheet-like) is cut square (by someone), "they" cut it (sheet-like) square (verb of undergoing) gakakiigizhigaazo vai it (animate; sheet-like) is cut square( by someone), "they" cut it (animate; sheet-like) square
gakakiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is square

Paired with: gakakiigad vii

gakakiigizhigaade vii it (sheet-like) is cut square (by someone), "they" cut it (sheet-like) square

gakakiigizhigaazo vai it (animate; sheet-like) is cut square( by someone), "they" cut it (animate; sheet-like) square

gakakiigizhige vai s/he cuts sheet-like things square

gakakiigizhwi vta [NI] cut it (animate; sheet-like) square

Paired with: gakakiigizhan vti

gakaabikise vai s/he goes over a rock cliff

gakaaga'ogaan ni a house-like lodge

gakaamikijiwan vii it is a waterfall

gakaandawese vai s/he slips or falls off a step

gakeyaa adv loc in the direction of, in that way

gakijiwan vii it is a waterfall