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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

gwiinobii vai s/he is unable to find a drink

gwiinom vta miss h/; be lonesome for h/

gwiinoobii vai s/he is unable to find water (or another liquid)

gwiinoobiiga'an vti

gwiishkoshi vai s/he whistles

gwiishkoshim vta whistle to h/

gwiishkoshwewegamide vii it whistles from boiling

gwiishkoshwewegamizo vai s/he whistles from boiling

gwiiwizens na a boy

(verb of being) gwiiwizensiwi vai s/he is a boy (verb of pretending) gwiiwizensikaazo vai s/he pretends to be a boy
gwiiwizensikaazo vai s/he pretends to be a boy

gwiiwizensiwi vai s/he is a boy