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gakina adv qnt all, every

See also: akina adv qnt [S]

gakina awiya pron indf everybody, all of them (a set of beings or animate things)

See also: akina awiya pron indf [ML]

gakina gegoo pron indf everything, all of them (a set of things)

See also: akina gegoo pron indf [ML]

gakiigin vta fold it (animate; sheet-like) at a right-angle or corner

Paired with: gakiiginan vti

gakiiginan vti fold it (sheet-like) at a right angle or corner

Paired with: gakiigin vta

gakiiw adv loc over the ridge; over the portage

gakiiwe vai [BR] s/he portages over a point or peninsula

gakiiwebatoo vai s/he runs over the portage

gakiiwebatwaadan vti run it across a portage

Paired with: gakiiwebatwaazh vta

gakiiwebatwaazh vta run h/ or it (animate) across a portage

Paired with: gakiiwebatwaadan vti

gakiiwebizo vai s/he drives over a portage

gakiiwedaabaadan vti drag it across the portage

Paired with: gakiiwedaabaazh vta

gakiiwedaabaazh vta drag h/ or it (animate) across the portage

See also: gakiiwedaabaadan vti

gakiiwedaabii vai s/he drags a load across the portage

gakiiwegozi vai s/he moves h/ household across a portage

gakiiwe'adoo vai s/he walks over a portage (on a trail)

gakiiwe'o vai s/he paddles over a flooded portage or point

See also: gakiiwekwazhiwe vai

gakiiwekana ni a portage trail

gakiiwekwazhiwe vai s/he paddles over a flooded portage or point

See also: gakiiwe'o vai

gakiiwenigaadan vti carry it on the shoulder over a portage

gakiiwenige vai s/he carries things on the shoulder over a portage

(applicative) gakiiwenigaadan vti carry it on the shoulder over a portage
gakiiwewane vai s/he goes over portage with backpack

gakiiwewidaaso vai s/he carries a load over a portage

gakiiwewidoon vti2 carry it across a portage

Paired with: gakiiwewizh vta

gakiiwewizh vta carry h/ or it (animate) across a portage

Paired with: gakiiwewidoon vti2

gakiiweyaagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes over a portage

gakiiweyaawadaaso vai s/he portages a load

gakiiweyoode vai s/he crawls across the portage

gakiiweyoode vai s/he crawls across the portage

ganabaj adv man I think that..., perhaps, maybe

ganage adv man in the least, by any means

See also: gaawiin ganage adv man ; gego ganage adv man

ganakibidoon vti2 [S] grab some of it, grab a handful of it

Paired with: ganakibizh vta [S] See also: ganikibidoon vti2 [BL]

ganakibizh vta [S] grab some of it (animate), grab a handful of it (animate)

Paired with: ganakibidoon vti2 [S] See also: ganikibizh vta [BL]

ganakin vta [MN] take some of it (animate), take a handful of it (animate)

Paired with: ganakinan vti [MN] See also: ganikin vta [BL]

ganakinamaw vta take a handful of it for h/

ganakinan vti [MN] take some of it, take a handful of it

Paired with: ganakin vta [MN] See also: ganikinan vti [BL]

(benefactive) ganakinamaw vta take a handful of it for h/
ganawaabam vta look at, watch h/

Paired with: ganawaabandan vti

(detransitive) ganawaabange vai s/he watches people, is a spectator (reflexive) ganawaabandizo vai s/he looks at h/ self (reciprocal) ganawaabandiwag vai they look at, watch each other
ganawaabandamaw vta look at (it) for h/

ganawaabandan vti look at, watch it

Paired with: ganawaabam vta

(benefactive) ganawaabandamaw vta look at (it) for h/ (detransitive) ganawaabanjige vai s/he looks at, watches things (verb of undergoing) ganawaabanjigaade vii it is looked at (by someone, "they" look at it, it is watched (by someone), "they" watch it (verb of undergoing) ganawaabanjigaazo vai s/he is looked at (by someone), "they" look at h/, s/he is watched (by someone), "they" watch h/
ganawaabandiwag vai they look at, watch each other

ganawaabandizo vai s/he looks at h/ self

ganawaabange vai s/he watches people, is a spectator

ganawaabanjigaade vii it is looked at (by someone, "they" look at it, it is watched (by someone), "they" watch it

ganawaabanjigaazo vai s/he is looked at (by someone), "they" look at h/, s/he is watched (by someone), "they" watch h/

ganawaabanjige vai s/he looks at, watches things

ganawaabi vai s/he looks, watches

ganawendamaw vta take care of, protect, keep (it) for h/

ganawendamaazo vai s/he keeps (it) for h/ self

ganawendan vti take care of, protect, keep it

Paired with: ganawenim vta

(passive) ganawenjigaade vii it is taken care of, protected, kept (by someone), "they" take care of, protect, keep it (verb of undergoing) ganawenjigaazo vai s/he is taken care of, protected, kept (by someone), "they" take care of, protect, keep h/ (detransitive) ganawenjige vai s/he takes care of, protects, keeps things (benefactive) ganawendamaw vta take care of, protect, keep (it) for h/
(reflexive) ganawendamaazo vai s/he keeps (it) for h/ self
ganawendaagozi vai s/he is taken care of, protected, kept; s/he is on parole

Paired with: ganawendaagwad vii

ganawendaagwad vii it is taken care of, protected, kept

Paired with: ganawendaagozi vai

ganawendaawaso vai s/he takes care of a child, babysits

ganawenim vta take care of, protect, keep an eye on, keep h/

Paired with: ganawendan vti

(reciprocal) ganawenindiwag vai they take care of each other (reflexive) ganawenindizo vai s/he takes care of h/ self, is self-reliant
(derived noun) ganawenindizowin ni self-reliance
ganawenimaagan na someone that needs to be taken care of

ganawenindiwag vai they take care of each other

ganawenindizo vai s/he takes care of h/ self, is self-reliant

ganawenindizowin ni self-reliance

ganawenjigaade vii it is taken care of, protected, kept (by someone), "they" take care of, protect, keep it

ganawenjigaazo vai s/he is taken care of, protected, kept (by someone), "they" take care of, protect, keep h/

ganawenjige vai s/he takes care of, protects, keeps things

ganawishkodawe vai s/he keeps the fire, tends the fire

ganawishkodawewinini na a boiler tender or night watchman at a school or other public building

ganika'an vti [BL] scoop, dip it out (using something)

ganika'wi vta [BL] scoop, dip it (animate) out (using something)

Paired with: ganika'an vti [BL]

ganikandan vti take some of it in the mouth

ganikibidoon vti2 [BL] grab some of it, grab a handful of it

Paired with: ganikibizh vta [BL] See also: ganakibidoon vti2 [S]

ganikibizh vta [BL] grab some of it (animate), grab a handful of it (animate)

Paired with: ganikibidoon vti2 [BL] See also: ganakibidoon vti2 [S]

ganikin vta [BL] take some of it (animate), take a handful of it (animate)

Paired with: ganikinan vti [BL] See also: ganakin vta [MN]

ganikinan vti [BL] take some of it, take a handful of it

Paired with: ganikin vta [BL] See also: ganakinan vti [MN]

ganoodan vti address it, speak to it

Paired with: ganoozh vta

ganoonidiwag vai they speak to, address, call each other

ganoozh vta address h/, speak to h/, call h/ (on the phone)

Paired with: ganoodan vti

(reciprocal) ganoonidiwag vai they speak to, address, call each other
gashi'ewiziwin ni success

gashkadin vii it freezes over, is frozen over

gashkadino-giizis na November

gashka'oode vii it is knotted, is tangled

Paired with: gashka'oozo vai

gashka'oodoon vti2 tie it with a knot; lace and tie it

Paired with: gashka'oozh vta

(derived noun) gashka'oojigan ni a knot (verb of undergoing) gashka'oojigaazo vai it (animate) is laced and tied (by someone), "they" lace and tie it (animate) (verb of undergoing) gashka'oojigaade vii it is laced and tied (by someone), "they" lace and tie it
gashka'oojigan ni a knot

gashka'oojigaade vii it is laced and tied (by someone), "they" lace and tie it

gashka'oojigaazo vai it (animate) is laced and tied (by someone), "they" lace and tie it (animate)

gashka'oozh vta tie h/ or it (animate) with a knot

Paired with: gashka'oodoon vti2

gashka'oozo vai s/he is knotted, is tangled

Paired with: gashka'oode vii

gashkanokii vai s/he is able to work

gashkapidamaw vta tie (it) up in a bundle for h/

gashkapide vii it is tied shut, is tied up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapizo vai

gashkapidoon vti2 tie it shut, tie it up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapizh vta

(benefactive) gashkapidamaw vta tie (it) up in a bundle for h/
gashkapizh vta tie h/ shut, tie h/ up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapidoon vti2

gashkapizo vai s/he or it (animate) is tied shut, is tied up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapide vii

gashkashkwemaginan vti fold it up in bark

gashkawan vii it is a dense fog

gashkawanibiisaan vii there is a misty rain

gashkaabate vii it is is smoky

gashkaabika' vta lock h/

Paired with: gashkaabika'an vti

gashkaabika'an vti lock it

Paired with: gashkaabika' vta

(detransitive) gashkaabika'ige vai s/he locks things (verb of undergoing) gashkaabika'igaade vii it is locked (by someone), "they" lock it (verb of undergoing) gashkaabika'igaazo vai s/he is locked (by someone), "they" lock h/ (derived noun) gashkaabika'igan ni a lock
gashkaabika'igan ni a lock

gashkaabika'igan na a lock; a padlock

gashkaabika'igaade vii it is locked (by someone), "they" lock it

gashkaabika'igaazo vai s/he is locked (by someone), "they" lock h/

gashkaabika'ige vai s/he locks things

gashkaabowenan vti seal the lid on it