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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

ikwewaya'aa na a female

ikwewi vai s/he is a woman

ikwewiwin ni womanhood

ikwezens na a girl

(verb of being) ikwezensiwi vai s/he is a girl (verb of pretending) ikwezensikaazo vai s/he pretends to be a girl
ikwezensikaazo vai s/he pretends to be a girl

ikwezensiwi vai s/he is a girl

im= pf [first person prefix before b-]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

imaa adv loc there

imbaabaa nad my father

See also: indede nad

in= pf I, me [the one or ones speaking, the first person]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

ina pc disc [yes-no question word]

See also: na pc disc

inabi vai s/he sits a certain way, lives a certain way at home

inadaawangose s/he walks to a certain place on sand

inademo vai s/he cries a certain way, goes to a certain place crying

inadewe vai s/he goes, walks to a certain place on the snow crust

inadinaa vii it is a certain kind of hill

inadis vta dye, color h/, it (animate) a certain color

Paired with: inadisan vti

inadisan vti dye, color it a certain color

Paired with: inadis vta ; inadiswi vta

inadiswi vta

inadis vta

inadite vii it is dyed, colored a certain color

inadowe vai s/he has such fur

inagakeyaa adv deg [RL] a certain way or direction

See also: akeyaa adv loc

inaganaam vta hit h/ in a certain way or place

Paired with: inaganaandan vti

inaganaandan vti hit it in a certain way or place

Paired with: inaganaam vta

inagim vta charge a certain price for, set a certain price for h/

Paired with: inagindan vti

inagindamaw vta charge a certain price, set a certain price on (it) for h/

inagindan vti charge a certain price for, set a certain price for it

Paired with: inagim vta

(benefactive) inagindamaw vta charge a certain price, set a certain price on (it) for h/
inaginde vii it has a certain cost, price, or value

Paired with: inaginzo vai See also: inangide vii

inaginzo vai
  1. s/he has a certain cost, has a certain price
  2. it is a certain date (of a month)

Paired with: inaginde vii See also: inangizo vai

inagoode vii it hangs a certain way, falls a certain way

Paired with: inagoojin vai

inagoodoon vti2 hang it a certain way

Paired with: inagoozh vta

inagoojin vai
  1. s/he hangs a certain way, falls a certain way
  2. the moon is in a certain phase

Paired with: inagoode vii

inagoozh vta hang h/ a certain way

Paired with: inagoodoon vti2

inagwinde vii it is in the water a certain way, is floating in the water a certain way

Paired with: inagwinjin vai

inagwinjidoon vti2 put it in the water a certain way, float it a certain way

Paired with: inagwinjim vta

inagwinjim vta put h/ or it (animate) in the water a certain way, float h/ or it (animate) a certain way

Paired with: inagwinjidoon vti2

inagwinjin vai s/he or it (animate) is in the water a certain way, floats in the water a certain way

Paired with: inagwinde vii

ina'adoo vai s/he walks a certain way or to a certain place on a trail

ina'adoon vti2 follow it as a trail to a certain place

Paired with: ina'azh vta

(detransitive) ina'ajige vai s/he goes there following a track or trail
ina'ajige vai s/he goes there following a track or trail

ina'am vai2 s/he sings a certain way

ina'amaw vta sing something a certain way for h/

ina'amaazo vai s/he goes to a certain place singing, sings to h/ self a certain way

ina'amii vai s/he walks, steps a certain way

ina'an vti sing it a certain way

ina'azh vta follow h/ trail to a certain place

Paired with: ina'adoon vti2

ina'e vai s/he aims or shoots in a certain way or direction

ina'o vai s/he paddles a certain way or to a certain place

ina'oodoo vai s/he poles a boat to a certain place

ina'oodoon vti2 take it to a certain place on the water

Paired with: ina'oozh vta

ina'oozh vta distribute (it) so to h/

ina'oozh vta take h/ to a certain place on the water

Paired with: ina'oodoon vti2

inakamigad vii it is a certain event, happens a certain way

Paired with: inakamigizi vai

inakamigaa vii it is ground of a certain slope or condition

inakamigizi vai s/he does a certain thing, has certain things happen to h/

Paired with: inakamigad vii

inakeya'ii adv deg [BL] that way

inakizine vai s/he wears certain footwear

inakii'ige vai [S] s/he poles a boat to a certain place

See also: inakii'o vai [BL]

inakii'o vai [BL] s/he poles a boat to a certain place

See also: inakii'ige vai [S]

inakwazhiwe vai
  1. s/he paddles a certain way, paddles to a certain place
  2. s/he swims to a certain place (as a fish)

inam vta eat, bite h/ a certain way

Paired with: inandan vti

inamanji'o vai s/he feels a certain way

inamochige vai s/he makes a road or trail going to a certain place

inamon vii it leads to a certain place (as a road or trail)

inamotoon vti2 make it (a road or trail) going to a certain place

(detransitive) inamochige vai s/he makes a road or trail going to a certain place
inanaamo vai s/he breathes a certain way, uses h/ voice a certain way, utters a certain way

inanaandam vai2 s/he goes to a certain place hungry

inandan vti eat, bite it a certain way

Paired with: inam vta

(detransitive) inanjige vai s/he eats a certain way, has a certain diet
(causative) inanjige' vta [BR] feed h/ with such a diet, put h/ on such a diet
(reflexive) inanjige'idizo vai s/he keeps such a diet
inangide vii it costs a certain amount, has a certain price

Paired with: inangizo vai

inangizo vai s/he has a certain cost, has a certain price

Paired with: inangide vii

inanjige vai s/he eats a certain way, has a certain diet

inanjige' vta [BR] feed h/ with such a diet, put h/ on such a diet

inanjige'idizo vai s/he keeps such a diet

inanokii vai s/he works a certain way, does a certain kind of work, has a certain job

(applicative) inanokiitaw vta do a certain job for h/ (derived noun) inanokiiwin ni a certain job, kind of work, or occupation
inanokiitaw vta do a certain job for h/

inanokiiwin ni a certain job, kind of work, or occupation

inanookii vai s/he hires for a certain job

inanoozh vta hire h/ to do a certain job, hire h/ to go to a certain place

inanoozo vai s/he goes there smoking tobacco

inapide vii it is tied a certain way

Paired with: inapizo vai

inapidoon vti2 tie it a certain way

Paired with: inapizh vta

(detransitive) inapijige vai s/he ties things a certain way
inapijige vai s/he ties things a certain way

inapikaazh vta braid h/ hair a certain way; braid it (animate) a certain way

inapike vai s/he braids something a certain way

(applicative) inapikaazh vta braid h/ hair a certain way; braid it (animate) a certain way
inapizh vta tie h/ a certain way

Paired with: inapidoon vti2

inapizo vai s/he is tied a certain way

Paired with: inapide vii

inapizowin ni a kitchen apron
inapizowin ni a kitchen apron

inasham vta feed h/ a certain way

inashke pc disc look!

inashkine vai s/he is so full; s/he fills something a certain way

Paired with: inashkine vii

inashkine vii it is so full; it fills something a certain way

Paired with: inashkine vai

inataw vta play such a game with h/

(detransitive) inataage vai s/he plays such a game (reciprocal) inataadiwag vai they play such a game or such games with each other
inataadiwag vai they play such a game or such games with each other

inataage vai s/he plays such a game

inate vii it is a certain way (of an building interior)

inaw vta look like, resemble h/ a certain way

(reciprocal) inaadiwag vai they look like, resemble each other
inawem vta be related to h/

(derived noun) inawemaagan na a relative, a kinsman (reciprocal) inawendiwag vai they are related to each other (detransitive) inawendaaso vai s/he is related a certain way
inawemaagan na a relative, a kinsman

inawendaaso vai s/he is related a certain way

inawendiwag vai they are related to each other