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inawendiwin ni

inaa pc emph [emphatic particle]

inaabadad vii it is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadizi vai

inaabadizi vai s/he is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadad vii

inaabajichige vai s/he uses things a certain way

inaabaji' vta use, employ h/ a certain way

Paired with: inaabajitoon vti2

inaabajitoon vti2 use, employ it a certain way

Paired with: inaabaji' vta

(detransitive) inaabajichige vai s/he uses things a certain way
inaabam vta see h/ a certain way as in a dream; have such a dream about h/

Paired with: inaabandan vti

inaabaminaagozi vai s/he appears a certain way (especially as in a dream)

inaabaminaagwad vii it appears a certain way (especially as in a dream); it has a certain look or appearance

inaabandam vai2 s/he dreams a certain way; s/he has a certain view of something, has a certain belief about something

inaabandamowin ni a vision

inaabandan vti see it a certain way as in a dream; have such a dream about it

Paired with: inaabam vta

inaabasige vai s/he sends smoke to a certain place

inaabaso vai h/ smoke goes a certain way

Paired with: inaabate vii

inaabate vii it (smoke) goes a certain direction

inaabi vai s/he looks to a certain place, peeks

inaabide vai s/he has such a tooth or teeth, has a tooth or teeth in a certain condition

inaabikad vii it is a certain way (as something mineral)

Paired with: inaabikizi vai

inaabikaa vii there is a certain kind of rock; there is rock or a rocky ridge going a certain way

inaabikinan vti set it (a machine, a stove) a certain way

inaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is of a certain kind, goes a certain way

Paired with: inaabikad vii

inaabiwin ni lightning

inaabiigad vii it (string-like) is a certain way, is so, goes a certain way

Paired with: inaabiigizi vai

inaabiigamon vii it (string-like, line) leads to a certain place

inaabiigin vta string h/ a certain way

Paired with: inaabiiginan vti

inaabiiginan vti string it a certain way

Paired with: inaabiigin vta

inaabiiginigewinini na a linesman

inaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is a certain way, is so, goes a certain way

Paired with: inaabiigad vii

inaabogo vai s/he drifts or floats to a certain place on the current

inaaboode vii it drifts to a certain place on the current

Paired with: inaaboozo vai

inaaboono vai s/he goes a certain way or to a certain place carried on the rapids or another moving medium (snow, sand, etc.)

inaaboozo vai

Paired with: inaaboode vii

inaadaga'oodoon vti2 pull, tow it to a certain place through the water

inaadagaa vai s/he swims a certain way, swims to a certain place

See also: inaadage vai

inaadagaako vai s/he goes to a certain place on the ice

inaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs to a certain place on the ice

inaadagaakobizo vai s/he drives on the ice to a certain place

inaadagaazii vai s/he wades to a certain place

inaadage vai s/he swims a certain way, swims to a certain place

See also: inaadagaa vai

inaada'e vai s/he skates a certain way, skates to a certain place

inaadiwag vai they look like, resemble each other

inaadizi vai s/he has a certain character or nature, has a certain way of life

(derived noun) inaadiziwin ni a certain character, a certain nature, a certain way of life
inaadiziwin ni a certain character, a certain nature, a certain way of life

inaadizookaazh vta tell a legend of h/ a certain way

inaadizooke vai s/he tells legends a certain way

inaadodan vti tell a certain way about it

Paired with: inaajim vta

inaagamin vii it (a liquid) is a certain way, tastes a certain way

inaagamishkaa vii it is a certain temperature

inaagime vai [S] s/he snowshoes to a certain place, snowshoes in a certain way

inaagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes to a certain place, snowshoes in a certain way

inaagin vta bend h/ a certain way

Paired with: inaaginan vti

inaaginan vti bend it a certain way

Paired with: inaagin vta

(verb of undergoing) inaaginigaade vii it is bent a certain way (by someone), "they" bend it a certain way (verb of undergoing) inaaginigaazo vai s/he is bent a certain way (by someone), "they" bend it a certain way
inaaginigaade vii it is bent a certain way (by someone), "they" bend it a certain way

inaaginigaazo vai s/he is bent a certain way (by someone), "they" bend it a certain way

inaagiwebishkige vai [BL] s/he bicycles to a certain place, rides to a certain place on a bicycle

inaagiyawe vai s/he has such a body build, has such posture

inaagonagii vai s/he goes to a certain place in snow

inaagone vai s/he goes to a certain place through snow

inaa'ago vai s/he drifts to a certain place on the waves

Paired with: inaa'an vii See also: inaa'ogo vai

inaa'an vii it drifts to a certain place on the waves

Paired with: inaa'ogo vai ; inaa'ago vai

inaa'ogo vai s/he drifts to a certain place on the waves

Paired with: inaa'an vii See also: inaa'ago vai

inaajim vta tell of h/ a certain way

inaajimo vai s/he tells a certain way

(applicative) inaajimotaw vta tell h/ of (it) a certain way
(reciprocal) inaajimotaadiwag vai they tell each other of (it) a certain way
inaajimotaw vta tell h/ of (it) a certain way

inaajimotaadiwag vai they tell each other of (it) a certain way

inaakide vii it burns a certain way

Paired with: inaakizo vai

inaakiz vta burn h/ a certain way

Paired with: inaakizan vti

inaakizan vti burn it a certain way

Paired with: inaakiz vta

inaakizo vai s/he burns a certain way

Paired with: inaakide vii

inaakon vta decide about h/ a certain way; judge h/ a certain way; sentence h/ a certain way

inaakonan vti decide a certain way about it; judge it a certain way

Paired with: inaakon vta

(verb of undergoing) inaakonigaazo vai s/he is judged a certain way (by someone), "they" judge h/ a certain way; s/he is sentenced a certain way (by someone), "they" sentence h/ a certain way (verb of undergoing) inaakonigaade vii it is decided in a certain way (by someone), "they" decide it a certain way; it is decreed a certain way (detransitive) inaakonige vai s/he makes a certain judgement; s/he decides things a certain way; s/he agrees on something
(derived noun) inaakonigewin ni a law, a ruling, an agreement
inaakonigaade vii it is decided in a certain way (by someone), "they" decide it a certain way; it is decreed a certain way

inaakonigaazo vai s/he is judged a certain way (by someone), "they" judge h/ a certain way; s/he is sentenced a certain way (by someone), "they" sentence h/ a certain way

inaakonige vai s/he agrees on something; s/he decides things a certain way; s/he makes a certain judgement

inaakonigewin ni a law, a ruling, an agreement

inaakosidoon vti2 put it (stick-like) a certain way

Paired with: inaakoshim vta

inaakosin vii it (stick-like) lies oriented a certain way

Paired with: inaakoshin vai

inaakoshim vta put it (animate; stick-like) a certain way

Paired with: inaakosidoon vti2

inaakoshin vai it (animate; stick-like) lies oriented a certain way

Paired with: inaakosin vii

inaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is a certain way

Paired with: inaakwad vii

inaakwad vii it (stick-like) is a certain way

Paired with: inaakozi vai

inaakwese vai it (animate; stick-like) falls a certain way

Paired with: inaakwese vii

inaakwese vii it (stick-like) falls a certain way

Paired with: inaakwese vai

inaamikaa vii it is a certain kind of bottom

inaanagidoone vai [N] s/he talks a certain way; s/he goes to a certain place talking

inaanakwad vii there are such clouds; clouds go a certain way

inaanakwagoode vii it (cloud) goes there; there are such clouds in the sky

inaandagizi vai it (evergreen) has such a shape, has such boughs

inaandawe vai s/he climbs a certain way, climbs to a certain place

inaande vii it is a certain color, is colored a certain way

Paired with: inaanzo vai

inaanike vai s/he digs to a certain place

inaanikwe vai s/he has such hair

inaanimad vii the wind blows a certain way

inaanimizi vai s/he goes to a certain place in fear; s/he is scared in a certain way

inaanowebagizo vai s/he flicks h/ tail a certain way

See also: inaanowebani'o vai

inaanowebani'o vai s/he flicks h/ tail a certain way

See also: inaanowebagizo vai

inaanoweni vai s/he moves tail a certain way or to a certain place

inaanzo vai s/he is a certain color, is colored a certain way

Paired with: inaande vii

inaapi vai s/he laughs a certain way; s/he goes to a certain place laughing