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inigokwaabikad vii it is a certain size, is so big (as something mineral)

Paired with: inigokwaabikizi vai

inigokwaabikizi vai s/he is a certain size, is so big (as something mineral)

Paired with: inigokwaabikad vii

inigokwaabiigad vii it (string-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaabiigizi vai

inigokwaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaabiigad vii

inigokwaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaakwad vii

inigokwaakwad vii it (stick-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwaakozi vai

inigokwegad vii it (sheet-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwegizi vai

inigokwegizhan vti cut it (sheet-like) a certain size

inigokwegizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is a certain size, is so big

Paired with: inigokwegad vii

inikodan vti slice it a certain way

Paired with: inikozh vta

inikonaye vai s/he dresses a certain way

inikozh vta slice h/ a certain way

Paired with: inikodan vti

inikwe'an vti steer it a certain way

Paired with: inikwe'wi vta [NI]

inikwe'wi vta [NI] steer h/ or it (animate) a certain way

Paired with: inikwe'an vti

inikweni vai s/he puts h/ head a certain way, nods h/ head a certain way

inikweshin vai s/he lies with h/ head a certain way

inikwetaw vta nod h/ head to h/ a certain way

inin vta hold, handle h/ a certain way

Paired with: ininan vti

ininamaw vta hand (it) to h/ a certain way; motion to h/ a certain way with the hand or hands

ininamaadiwag vai they hand (it) to each other

ininan vti hold, handle it a certain way

Paired with: inin vta

(benefactive) ininamaw vta hand (it) to h/ a certain way; motion to h/ a certain way with the hand or hands
(reciprocal) ininamaadiwag vai they hand (it) to each other
(detransitive) ininige vai s/he holds, handles things a certain way; s/he points in a certain direction (verb of undergoing) ininigaade vii it is held a certain way (by someone), "they" hold it a certain way; it is handled a certain way (by someone), "they" handle it a certain way (verb of undergoing) ininigaazo vai s/he is held a certain way (by someone), "they" hold h/ a certain way; s/he is handled a certain way (by someone), "they" handle h/ a certain way
ininaw vta shoot h/ in a certain way or in a certain place on h/ body; wound h/ in a certain way or in a certain place on h/ body

ininaandag na a balsam fir

balsam fir
Abies balsamea

See also: aninaandag na

ininaandago-bigiw na balsam fir pitch

ininaatig na a maple

sugar maple
Acer saccharum

See also: aninaatig na

(verb of abundance) ininaatigokaa vii there are (many) maples
ininaatigo-ziinzibaakwad ni [BL] maple sugar

ininaatigo-zhiiwaagamizigan ni maple syrup

ininaatigobag ni a maple leaf

ininaatigokaa vii there are (many) maples

See also: aninaatig na

inini na a man

(verb of being) ininiiwi vai he is a man (verb of pretending) ininiikaazo vai s/he pretends to be a man, acts like a man
ininigaade vii it is handled a certain way (by someone), "they" handle it a certain way; it is held a certain way (by someone), "they" hold it a certain way

ininigaazo vai s/he is handled a certain way (by someone), "they" handle h/ a certain way; s/he is held a certain way (by someone), "they" hold h/ a certain way

ininige vai s/he holds, handles things a certain way; s/he points in a certain direction

ininishib na a mallard

Anas platyrhynchos 

See also: aninishib na

ininiwaya'aa na a male

ininii-biizikigan ni an item of men's clothing

ininii-makizin ni a man's shoe or moccasin

ininiikaazo vai s/he pretends to be a man, acts like a man

ininiiwi vai he is a man

inishkoodoon vti

initam vai2 s/he hears a certain sounds, understands something heard

initan vti hear, understand it a certain way

Paired with: initaw vta

initaw vta hear h/ a certain way; understand h/ a certain way

Paired with: initan vti

initaagozi vai s/he is heard, is understood a certain way

Paired with: initaagwad vii

initaagwad vii it is heard, is understood a certain way

Paired with: initaagozi vai

iniw pron dem that (animate obviative); those (animate obviative)

See also: iniwe pron dem ; iniwen pron dem

iniw pron dem those (inanimate plural)

See also: iniwe pron dem [N]

iniwe pron dem that (animate obviative); those (animate obviative)

See also: iniw pron dem ; iniwen pron dem

iniwe pron dem [N] those (inanimate plural)

See also: iniw pron dem

iniwedi pron dem that over there (animate obviative); those over there (animate obviative)

See also: iniwedin pron dem

iniwedin pron dem that over there (animate obviative); those over there (animate obviative); those over there (inanimate plural)

iniwen pron dem [RL] those (inanimate plural)

iniwen pron dem that (animate obviative); those (animate obviative)

See also: iniw pron dem ; iniwe pron dem

iniz vta cook h/ a certain way; heat h/ a certain way

Paired with: inizan vti

inizh vta cut h/ or it (animate) a certain way

Paired with: inizhan vti See also: inizhwi vta [NI]

inizhamaw vta cut (it) a certain way for h/

inizan vti cook it a certain way; heat it a certain way

Paired with: iniz vta

(detransitive) inizige vai s/he cooks (things) a certain way
inizhan vti cut it a certain way

Paired with: inizh vta ; inizhwi vta [NI]

(benefactive) inizhamaw vta cut (it) a certain way for h/ (detransitive) inizhige vai s/he cuts (things) a certain way (verb of undergoing) inizhigaade vii it is cut a certain way (by someone),"they" cut it a certain way (verb of undergoing) inizhigaazo vai s/he is cut a certain way (by someone), "they" cut h/ a certain way
inizekwe vai s/he cooks a certain way

inizhigaade vii it is cut a certain way (by someone),"they" cut it a certain way

inizhigaazo vai s/he is cut a certain way (by someone), "they" cut h/ a certain way

inizige vai s/he cooks (things) a certain way

inizhige vai s/he cuts (things) a certain way

inizo vai s/he is cooked a certain way

Paired with: inide vii

inizwi vta [NI]

iniz vta

inizhwi vta [NI] cut h/ or it (animate) a certain way

Paired with: inizhan vti See also: inizh vta

injaanzh nid [S] my nose

See also: ninjaan nid [N]

injiingwan nad my lap; my (front of) thigh

inose vai s/he walks in a certain way, walks to a certain place

inoode vai s/he crawls a certain way, crawls to a certain place

inoodewzi vai

inoo'amaw vta [BL] point out something for h/

See also: izhinoo'amaw vta

inoo'an vti [BL] point to it

Paired with: inoo'wi vta [NI] See also: izhinoo'an vti

(detransitive) inoo'ige vai [BL] s/he points to something (benefactive) inoo'amaw vta [BL] point out something for h/ (derived noun) inoo'igan ni [BL] something that points: a pointer, an indicator, a needle on a dial
inoo'igan ni [BL] something that points: a pointer, an indicator, a needle on a dial

inoo'ige vai [BL] s/he points to something

inoo'wi vta [NI] point to h/ or it (animate)

inoom vta carry h/ to a certain place on h/ back

Paired with: inoondan vti

inoomaawaso vai s/he carries a baby to a certain place on h/ back

inoomigo vai s/he rides to a certain place on horseback

inoondan vti carry it to a certain place on h/ back

Paired with: inoom vta

inootaw vta quote h/ a certain way

(detransitive) inootaage vai s/he quotes people, reports what people say
inootaage vai s/he quotes people, reports what people say

inwe vai s/he makes a characteristic call (of an animal or bird); s/he speaks a certain language

(derived noun) inwewin ni a way of speaking, a language, a dialect
inwewe vii it makes a certain noise

inwewebagaasin vii its leaves sound a certain way blowing in the wind

inweweba'idiwag vai they are heard running to a certain place together

inwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running to a certain place

inwewebizo vai s/he drives, flies, speeds to a certain place making noise

inwewebiisaa vii [MN] the rain sounds a certain way, sounds like it goes a certain way

See also: inwewebiisaan vii [BL]

inwewebiisaan vii [BL] the rain sounds a certain way, sounds like it goes a certain way

See also: inwewebiisaa vii [MN]

inwewesidoon vti2 drop and make it sound a certain way

Paired with: inweweshim vta

inwewesin vii it sounds a certain way falling or hitting

Paired with: inweweshin vai

inweweshim vta drop and make h/ sound a certain way

Paired with: inwewesidoon vti2

inweweshin vai s/he sounds a certain way falling, hitting, or stepping

Paired with: inwewesin vii

inwewetoo vai s/he goes to a certain place speaking publicly, making sounds

inweweyaadagaa vai s/he is heard swimming to a certain place

inweweyaadagaako vai s/he is heard going to a certain place on the ice

inweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading to a certain place

inweweyaanimad vii the wind is heard blowing a certain way

inweweyaasin vii it is heard flying, soaring, or sailing to a certain place or in a certain way

Paired with: inweweyaashi vai