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animaa'ogo vai s/he drifts away on the waves

Paired with: animaa'an vii See also: animaa'ago vai [BL]

animaanagidoone vai [N] s/he goes away talking

animaanakwad vii clouds go away

animaandawe vai s/he climbs away (in the other direction)

animaanimad vii the wind blows away (in the other direction)

animaanimizi vai s/he goes away in fear

animaapi vai s/he goes away laughing

animaasige vai lightning goes away; s/he goes away shining a light

animaasin vii it is blown away (by the wind); sails, soars away

Paired with: animaashi vai

animaashi vai s/he starts being blown away (by the wind); s/he begins to sail away, soar away

Paired with: animaasin vii

animaashkaa vii waves go away (in the other direction)

animaawadaaso vai s/he hauls a load, hauls freight away (in the other direction)

animaawadoon vti2 haul it away (in the other direction)

Paired with: animaawazh vta

(detransitive) animaawadaaso vai s/he hauls a load, hauls freight away (in the other direction)
animaawanidiwag vai they travel away (in the other direction) in a group

animaawazh vta haul h/ away (in the other direction)

Paired with: animaawadoon vti2

(reciprocal) animaawanidiwag vai they travel away (in the other direction) in a group
animaazhagaame vai s/he goes away (in the other direction) on the shore

animaazhagaamebatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) on the shore

animaazakonenjige vai s/he goes away with a light

animaazakonenjigebizo vai s/he drives away with a light

animiba'idiwag vai they run away (in the other direction) together

animiba'igo vai s/he rides away, drives away (drawn by horse or dog)

animiba'iwe vai s/he runs away (in the other direction) in flight from someone

animibatoo vai s/he runs away (in the other direction)

(applicative) animibatwaadan vti run away (in the other direction) with it (applicative) animibatwaazh vta run away (in the other direction) with h/
animibatwaadan vti run away (in the other direction) with it

Paired with: animibatwaazh vta

animibatwaazh vta run away (in the other direction) with h/

Paired with: animibatwaadan vti

animibide vii it speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibizo vai

animibizo vai s/he speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibide vii

animibizoni' vta drive away with h/ (e.g., a car)

Paired with: animibizonitoon vti2

animibizonitoon vti2 drive away with it

Paired with: animibizoni' vta

animibiisaa vii rain goes away

See also: animibiisaan vii [BL]

animibiisaan vii [BL] rain goes away

See also: animibiisaa vii

animidaabaadan vti drag, pull it away (in the other direction)

Paired with: animidaabaazh vta

animidaabaade vii it is pulled, pushed, or dragged away (on something)

Paired with: animidaabaazo vai

animidaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ away (in the other direction)

animidaabaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is pulled, pushed, or dragged away (on something)

Paired with: animidaabaade vii

animidaabii vai s/he drags, pulls a load away (in the other direction), goes away on or with a sled

(causative) animidaabii' vta drive it (animate; an animal or means of transportation) away (in the other direction)
(detransitive) animidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives away (in the other direction)
animidaabii' vta drive it (animate; an animal or means of transportation) away (in the other direction)

animidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives away (in the other direction)

animigidaazo vai s/he goes away angry, goes away mad

animijiwan vii it flows away

animikawe vai s/he leaves tracks going away

animikii na a thunderbird, a thunderer

(verb of abundance) animikiikaa vii there is thunder
animikiikaa vii there is thunder

animikiiwazison ni a thunderbird nest

See also: animikii na

animikiiwaanakwagoode vii there are dark thunder clouds in the sky

animikogaabawi vai s/he stands facing away

animikogaabawitaw vta stand facing away from h/

animikon vta turn h/ face down, turn h/ facing away

Paired with: animikonan vti

animikonan vti turn it face down, turn it facing away

Paired with: animikon vta

(detransitive) animikonige vai s/he turns things face down, turns things facing away (verb of undergoing) animikonigaade vii it is turned face down (by someone), "they" turn it face down, it is turned facing away (by someone), "they" turn it facing away (verb of undergoing) animikonigaazo vai s/he is turned face down (by someone), "they" turn h/ face down, s/he is turned facing away (by someone), "turn" turn h/ facing away
animikonigaade vii it is turned face down (by someone), "they" turn it face down, it is turned facing away (by someone), "they" turn it facing away

animikonigaazo vai s/he is turned face down (by someone), "they" turn h/ face down, s/he is turned facing away (by someone), "turn" turn h/ facing away

animikonige vai s/he turns things face down, turns things facing away

animikose vii it turns face down, flies face down

Paired with: animikose vai

animikose vai s/he turns face down, flies face down

Paired with: animikose vii

animikosidoon vti2 lay it face down

Paired with: animikoshim vta

(detransitive) animikosijige vai s/he lays (things) face down (verb of undergoing) animikosijigaade vii it is laid face down (by someone), "they" lay it face down (verb of undergoing) animikosijigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is laid face down (by someone), "they" lay h/ or it face down
animikosijigaade vii it is laid face down (by someone), "they" lay it face down

animikosijigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is laid face down (by someone), "they" lay h/ or it face down

animikosijige vai s/he lays (things) face down

animikosin vii it lies face down

Paired with: animikoshin vai

animikoshim vta lay h/ or it (animate) face down

Paired with: animikosidoon vti2

animikoshin vai s/he or it (animate) lies face down

Paired with: animikosin vii

animikotaa vai s/he turns away, turns face down

animikowebishkan vti kick it so it goes upside down, facedown

Paired with: animikowebishkaw vta

animikowebishkaw vta kick h/ so s/he goes upside down, facedown

Paired with: animikowebishkan vti

animikwabi vai s/he sits facing away

(applicative) animikwabiitaw vta sit with back to h/
animikwabiitaw vta sit with back to h/

animikwagoodoon vti2 hang it facing away or facedown

Paired with: animikwagoozh vta

animikwagoozh vta hang h/ facing away or facedown

Paired with: animikwagoodoon vti2

animikwii vai s/he turns h/ back

(applicative) animikwiitaw vta turn your back to h/
animikwiitaw vta turn your back to h/

animinigaadan vti carry it away on the shoulder

Paired with: animinigaazh vta

animinigaazh vta carry h/ away on the shoulder

Paired with: animinigaadan vti

animinige vai s/he goes away carrying something on the shoulder

(applicative) animinigaadan vti carry it away on the shoulder (applicative) animinigaazh vta carry h/ away on the shoulder
animinizhimo vai s/he runs away scared

animipon vii snow goes away

animise vai s/he flies away

Paired with: animise vii

animise vii it flies away

Paired with: animise vai

animishimo vai s/he dances away

animishkaa vai s/he goes away in a canoe, paddles away

animiwane vai s/he carries a pack away

animiwidaaso vai s/he carries a load away, hauls freight away

animiwidoon vti2 carry, take it away

Paired with: animiwizh vta

(detransitive) animiwidaaso vai s/he carries a load away, hauls freight away
animiwizh vta take, carry h/ away (in the other direction)

Paired with: animiwidoon vti2

animo-moo ni (a piece of) dog shit

See also: animoshi-moo ni

animogan ni [BL] a bone of a dog

animoninj ni a dog's forepaw

animose vai s/he walks away

animosh na a dog

(verb of pretending) animoshikaazo vai s/he pretends to be a dog (verb of being) animoshiwi vai s/he is a dog
animoshi-moo ni (a piece of) dog shit

See also: animo-moo ni

animoshigamig ni a dog house, a kennel

See also: animoshiwigamig ni

animoshikaazo vai s/he pretends to be a dog

animoshiwi vai s/he is a dog

animoshiwigamig ni doghouse, kennel

See also: animoshigamig ni

animoshkiinzhig ni [BL] the eye of a dog

animozid ni a dog's hindpaw

animoode vai s/he crawls away

animoom vta carry h/ away on the back

Paired with: animoondan vti

animoomaawaso vai s/he carries a baby away on h/ back

animoomigo vai s/he rides away on horseback

animoondan vti carry it away on the back

Paired with: animoom vta