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azhede na [RL] a pelican

American white pelican
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos

See also: zhede na

azhegaabawi vai s/he stands back

azhegiiwe vai s/he goes back, returns

azhegiiwebide vii it speeds, drives, flies back home

Paired with: azhegiiwebizo vai

azhegiiwebizo vai s/he or it (animate) speeds, drives, flies back home

Paired with: azhegiiwebide vii

azhegwaashkwani vai s/he jumps backwards

azhe'adoo vai s/he walks backwards on a road or trail

azhe'o vai s/he paddles backwards

azhekwazhiwe vai s/he paddles backwards

azhen vta return h/, take h/ back, hand h/ back

Paired with: azhenan vti

azhenamaw vta return (it) to, take (it) back to, hand (it) back to h/

azhenamaage vai s/he returns (it) to, takes (it( back to, hands (it) back to people

azhenan vti return it, take it back, hand it back

Paired with: azhen vta

(benefactive) azhenamaw vta return (it) to, take (it) back to, hand (it) back to h/
(detransitive) azhenamaage vai s/he returns (it) to, takes (it( back to, hands (it) back to people
(detransitive) azhenige vai s/he returns things, takes things back, hands things back
azhenaazhikaw vta chase h/ back

azhenige vai s/he returns things, takes things back, hands things back

azhenizha'amaw vta send (it) back to h/

azhenizha'an vti send it back

(benefactive) azhenizha'amaw vta send (it) back to h/ (detransitive) azhenizha'ige vai s/he sends things back (verb of undergoing) azhenizha'igaade vii it is sent back (by someone), "they" send it back (verb of undergoing) azhenizha'igaazo vai it (animate) is sent back (by someone), "they" send it (animate) back
azhenizha'igaade vii it is sent back (by someone), "they" send it back

azhenizha'igaazo vai it (animate) is sent back (by someone), "they" send it (animate) back

azhenizha'ige vai s/he sends things back

azhenizhikaw vta chase h/ back

azhese vii it slides, slips back, flies backwards

Paired with: azhese vai

azhese vai s/he slides back, flies backwards

Paired with: azhese vii

azhesidoon vti2 set it back, put it back

Paired with: azheshim vta

azheshim vta set h/ back, put h/ back

Paired with: azhesidoon vti2

azheshimo vai s/he dances backwards

azheshkan vti push it back (with foot or body)

Paired with: azheshkaw vta

azheshkaw vta push h/ back (with foot or body)

Paired with: azheshkan vti

azheshkaa vai s/he goes back, returns

Paired with: azheshkaa vii

azheshkaa vii it goes back, returns

Paired with: azheshkaa vai

azhetaa vai s/he goes back, returns

azheweba' vta fling h/ back (using something)

Paired with: azheweba'an vti

azheweba'an vti fling it back (using something)

Paired with: azheweba' vta

azhewebin vta shove h/ backwards (by hand), throw h/ backwards

Paired with: azhewebinan vti

azhewebinan vti shove it backwards (by hand), throw it backwards

Paired with: azhewebin vta

azhewebishkan vti shove or kick it backwards

Paired with: azhewebishkaw vta

azhewebishkaw vta shove or kick h/ backwards

Paired with: azhewebishkan vti

azhewidamaw vta carry, take (it) back to h/

azhewidaw vta carry, take (it) back to h/

azhewidoon vti2 carry, take it back

Paired with: azhewizh vta

(benefactive) azhewidaw vta carry, take (it) back to h/ (benefactive) azhewidamaw vta carry, take (it) back to h/ (detransitive) azhewijige vai s/he carries, takes things back (verb of undergoing) azhewijigaade vii it is carried back (by someone), "they" carry it back (verb of undergoing) azhewijigaazo vai s/he is carried, taken back (by someone), "they" carry, take h/ back
azhewijigaade vii it is carried back (by someone), "they" carry it back

azhewijigaazo vai s/he is carried, taken back (by someone), "they" carry, take h/ back

azhewijige vai s/he carries, takes things back

azhewizh vta carry, take h/ back

Paired with: azhewidoon vti2

azheyaaboode vii it drifts, slides back on a moving medium (on the current, on snow)

Paired with: azheyaaboozo vai

azheyaaboozo vai s/he drifts, slides back on a moving medium (on the current, on snow)

Paired with: azheyaaboode vii

azheyaadagaa vai [MN] s/he swims backward

See also: azheyaadage vai [BL]

azheyaadage vai [BL] s/he swims backward

See also: azheyaadagaa vai [MN]

azheyaada'e vai s/he skates backwards

azheyaandawe vai s/he climbs backwards

azheyaanimizi vai s/he backs up in fear

azheyaasin vii it is blown back (by the wind)

Paired with: azheyaashi vai

azheyaashi vai s/he is blown back (by the wind)

Paired with: azheyaasin vii

azheyoode vai s/he crawls backwards

azhigan ni a sock, a stocking

(verb of making) azhiganike vai s/he makes socks
azhiganike vai s/he makes socks

azhige vai s/he uses something as footwear lining

azhigan ni a sock, a stocking
(verb of making) azhiganike vai s/he makes socks (verb of possession) odazhigani vai s/he has socks
azhigwa adv tmp already; at this time; now; then

See also: zhigwa adv tmp

azhiwaa vii it is dull

azhiwaasin vii it gets dull