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ajina adv tmp a little while

akakanzhe ni charcoal, coals, coal

(verb of abundance) akakanzhekaa vii there are (a lot of) coals (verb of making) akakanzheke vai s/he makes charcoal
akakanzhebwe vai s/he cooks, roasts, grills something on the coals

akakanzhebwen vai + o cook it on the coals, grill it

akakanzhekaa vii there are (a lot of) coals

akakanzheke vai s/he makes charcoal

akakojiish na a woodchuck, a groundhog

Marmota monax

See also: akakojiishi na

akakojiishi na a woodchuck, a groundhog

Marmota monax

See also: akakojiish na

akamaw vta lie in wait for, ambush h/

akandamoo na a banana; root of water plant sp.

akandoo vai s/he lies in wait, ambushes, posts for game (using a hunting stand or blind) fold)

(derived noun) akandoowin ni a hunting stand or scaffold, a blind akandoowaagan ni a hunting stand or scaffold, a blind
akandoowaagan ni a hunting stand or scaffold, a blind

akandoowin ni a hunting stand or scaffold, a blind

See also: akandoowaagan ni ; mitigo-akandoowin ni

akawaabam vta wait in watch for h/, expect h/ to come

Paired with: akawaabandan vti

akawaabandan vti wait in watch for it, expect it to come

Paired with: akawaabam vta

akawaabi vai s/he waits in watch, expects

akawaa' vta wait for h/ (to do something)

Paired with: akawaatoon vti2

akawaatoon vti2 wait for it (to happen, to do something)

Paired with: akawaa' vta

akawe adv tmp first (in a time sequence), first of all; for now

akawishibe vai s/he lies in wait for ducks in a blind

akeyaa adv loc in the direction of, in that way

See also: inagakeyaa adv deg [RL]

aki ni
  1. earth, land, ground
  2. a country, a territory
  3. moss

(verb of being) akiiwan vii it is the earth, is land (verb of being) akiiwi vai s/he or it (animate) is muddy, has earth or moss on h/ or it (verb of abundance) akiikaa vii there is (a lot of) dirt, earth, land (verb of possession) odakiimi vai s/he has land
akik na
  1. a container, usually of metal, for cooking or for holding liquids: a kettle, a pot, a pan, a pail, a bucket
  2. an engine, a motor

(verb of making) akikoke vai s/he makes kettles, pots, pans, or pails akikoons na an outboard motor (verb of possession) odakiko vai s/he has a kettle, pot, pan, or pail
akikaandag na [ML] a jack pine

Pinus banksiana

See also: okikaandag na

akikoke vai s/he makes kettles, pots, pans, or pails

akikoons na an outboard motor

akina adv qnt [S] all, every

See also: gakina adv qnt

akina awiya pron indf [ML]

See also: gakina awiya pron indf

akina gegoo pron indf [ML] everything, all of them (a set of things)

See also: gakina gegoo pron indf

akiwenzii na an old man

(verb of being) akiwenziiyiwi vai he is an old man
akiwenzii-ziinzibaakwad ni [BL] an artificial sweetener

akiwenziiyiwi vai he is an old man

akii-mazina'igan ni a map

akiikaa vii there is (a lot of) dirt, earth, land

akiiwan vii it is the earth, is land

akiiwe-wiigiwaam ni an earth lodge

akiiwi vai s/he or it (animate) is muddy, has earth or moss on h/ or it

Paired with: akiiwan vii

akiiwigamig ni a sod house

ako pc asp used to; it was the custom to...

iko pc asp See also: iko pc asp ; ko pc asp

ako- pv rel a certain length; as far as; as long as; since

akobii vai s/he is so far into the water

Paired with: akobii vii

akobii vii it has water or liquid in it so high

Paired with: akobii vai

akogamaa vii it (a lake) is so long

akogwaadan vti sew it so far

Paired with: akogwaazh vta

akogwaade vii it is sewn so far

Paired with: akogwaazo vai

akogwaashkwani vai s/he jumps so far

akogwaazh vta sew it (animate) so far

Paired with: akogwaadan vti

akogwaazo vai it (animate) is sewn so far

Paired with: akogwaade vii

akojaane vai h/ nose is so long

See also: akwaakojaane vai

akongwashi vai s/he falls asleep sitting with h/ head dropping down, nods off

akonike vai h/ arm is so long; s/he is up so far on h/ arm

See also: akwaakonike vai

akoo' vta make it (animate; string-like) a certain length or so long (by hand)

Paired with: akootoon vti2

akoonagad vii it (a boat) is a certain length, is so long

Paired with: akoonagizi vai

akoonagizi vai it (animate; vehicle) is so long

Paired with: akoonagad vii

akoosagad vii it (useful wood) is a certain length, is so long

akoosagaa vii it (a floor or room) is so long

akooshkinachige vai [N]

akooshkinatoon vti2 [N] fill it so high, so far (with solids)

(detransitive) akooshkinachige vai [N]
akooshkine vii [N] it is filled so high, so far (with solids)

akootoon vti2 make it a certain length, make it so long

Paired with: akoo' vta

akoozi vai s/he is a certain length, is a certain height, is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akwaa vii

akwadaawangaa vii the beach goes so far, is so long; a stretch of sand goes so far, is so long

akwa'waa vai [ML] s/he fishes through the ice with spear

akwa'we vai [RL] s/he fishes through the ice with spear

See also: akwa'waa vai [ML]

akwa'wewigamig ni [ML] a fish house for spearing

akwa'wewinini na [ML] a ice fisherman (who uses a spear)

akwamon vii it (road or trail) is a certain length, is so long

akwanaabaawe vai s/he is out of air in the water, runs out of breath in the water

akwanaamo vai s/he is short of breath, takes short breaths

akwanaandamwaabaawe vai

akwaa vii it is a certain length, a certain height, is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akoozi vai

akwaabam vta see h/ at a certain distance

Paired with: akwaabandan vti

akwaabandan vti see it at a certain distance

Paired with: akwaabam vta

akwaabi vai s/he sees a certain distance

akwaabikad vii it is a certain length (as something mineral), is so long (as something mineral)

Paired with: akwaabikizi vai

akwaabikizi vai s/he is a certain length (as something mineral), is so long (as something mineral)

Paired with: akwaabikad vii

akwaabiigad vii it (string-like) is a certain length, is so long

Paired with: akwaabiigizi vai

akwaabiigizh vta cut it (animate; string-like) a certain length

Paired with: akwaabiigizhan vti See also: akwaabiigizhwi vta [NI]

akwaabiigizhan vti cut it (string-like) a certain length

Paired with: akwaabiigizh vta ; akwaabiigizhwi vta [NI]

(detransitive) akwaabiigizhige vai s/he cuts things a certain length (verb of undergoing) akwaabiigizhigaazo vai it (animate; string-like) is cut to a certain length (by someone), "they" cut it (animate; string-like) to a certain length
akwaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is a certain length, is so long

Paired with: akwaabiigad vii

akwaabiigizhigaade vii it is cut to a certain length (by someone), "they" cut it to a certain length

akwaabiigizhigaazo vai it (animate; string-like) is cut to a certain length (by someone), "they" cut it (animate; string-like) to a certain length

akwaabiigizhige vai s/he cuts things a certain length

akwaabiigizhwi vta [NI] cut it (animate; string-like) a certain length

Paired with: akwaabiigizhan vti See also: akwaabiigizh vta

akwaagone vai

akwaakoboodoon vti2 saw it (stick-like) a certain length, saw it (stick-like) so long

akwaakoboozh vta saw it (animate; stick-like) to a certain length, saw it (animate; stick-like) so long)

Paired with: akwaakoboodoon vti2

akwaakogaade vai h/ leg is so long, legs are so long

akwaakojaane vai h/ nose is so long

See also: akojaane vai

akwaakonike vai h/ arm is so long, arms are so long

akwaakotoon vti2 make it (stick-like, wood) a certain length, make it (stick-like, wood) so long

akwaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like, wood) is a certain length, is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akwaakwad vii

akwaakwad vii it (stick-like, wood) is so long, is so tall

Paired with: akwaakozi vai

akwaakwaa vii the woods go a certain distance

akwaandawaadan vti climb up on, climb on it

Paired with: akwaandawaazh vta

akwaandawaagan ni something to climb up on or in: a stairway, a ladder, an elevator

akwaandawaazh vta climb up on, climb on h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: akwaandawaadan vti

akwaandawe vai s/he climbs up, climbs, goes upstairs

(applicative) akwaandawaadan vti climb up on, climb on it (applicative) akwaandawaazh vta climb up on, climb on h/ or it (animate) (derived noun) akwaandawaagan ni something to climb up on or in: a stairway, a ladder, an elevator
akwaandawebatoo vai s/he climbs up fast, climbs fast

akwaandawebizo vai s/he rides up, goes up in an elevator

(derived noun) akwaandawebizon ni an elevator