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apiitadezh vta cut h/ so thick; slice h/ so thick

Paired with: apiitadezhan vti

apiitadezhan vti cut it so thick; slice it so thick

Paired with: apiitadezh vta

apiitadezi vai s/he or it (animate) is so wide, is so thick

Paired with: apiitadeyaa vii

apiitadezhwi vta [NI]

apiitadezh vta

apiitadin vii it is so cold, is so frozen, is frozen so far

Paired with: apiitaji vai

apiitagim vta set so high a price on h/

Paired with: apiitagindan vti

apiitagindan vti set so high a price on it

Paired with: apiitagim vta

apiitaginde vii it has so high a price

Paired with: apiitaginzo vai

apiitaginzo vai s/he has so high a price

Paired with: apiitaginde vii

apiitagoode vii it hangs so high

Paired with: apiitagoojin vai

apiitagoodoon vti2 hang it so high

Paired with: apiitagoozh vta

apiitagoojin vai the moon is in a certain position (so it is a certain time of the month); it (animate) hangs so high

Paired with: apiitagoode vii

apiitagoozh vta hang h/ or it (animate) so high

Paired with: apiitagoodoon vti2

apiita'an vii it has so strong a beat or pulse

apiitaji vai s/he is so cold

Paired with: apiitadin vii

apiitakamigad vii it (an event) is so far along; during the course of it (an event)

apiitakamigadin vii the ground is frozen so deep or so far

apiitakizo vai it (animate) stands so tall

apiitakone vii the flame is so high

apiitan vii it weighs so much, is so heavy

Paired with: apiitani vai [BL]

apiitanaamo vai s/he breathes at a certain rate

apiitani vai [BL] s/he weighs so much, is so heavy

Paired with: apiitan vii

apiitanjige vai s/he eats a certain rate

apiitashkad vii it (plant, grass) has a stalk so high, is so high

apiitaa vii it is a certain height, is a certain thickness

Paired with: apiitizi vai

apiitaabikad vii it (mineral) has a certain height, depth, or thickness

Paired with: apiitaabikizi vai

apiitaabikide vii it (mineral) is so hot, is hot to such an extent

apiitaabikinan vti set it at such a temperature (of a stove)

apiitaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) has a certain height, depth, or thickess

apiitaadizi vai s/he is a certain age, is so old or young

apiitaagamide vii it (a liquid) is heated to such a temperature

apiitaagamishkaa vii it (liquid) reaches such a strength, temperature, or pressure; it (blood) is so high in pressure

apiitaagonagaa vii there is snow so deep, the snow is a certain depth

apiitaagoojin vai

apiitaagoozh vta

apiitaakwadin vii it is frozen so thick or so far

Paired with: apiitaakwaji vai

apiitaakwaji vai it (animate) is frozen so thick or so far

Paired with: apiitaakwadin vii

apiitaanike vai s/he digs so deep

apiitaanimad vii it (wind) has a certain speed, has a certain strength

apiitaapine vai s/he is sick to such an extent

apiitaasige vai the sun or moon shines so bright; the moon is in a certain phase; it is so far along in the month

apiitaate vii it is so hot from sun, sunlight goes so far

apiitaawangisidoon vti2 pile it (sand) so high

apiitendan vti be so proud of it; value, regard it so high

Paired with: apiitenim vta

apiitendaagozi vai s/he is valued so high, ranks so high, is so important

Paired with: apiitendaagwad vii

apiitendaagwad vii it is valued so high, ranks so high, is so important, is worthy

Paired with: apiitendaagozi vai

apiitendi vai s/he is away, absent, gone so long

apiitenim vta regard h/ to such an extent, be so proud of h/

Paired with: apiitendan vti

(reflexive) apiitenindizo vai s/he thinks of h/ self to a certain extent
apiitenimo vai s/he is so proud of h/ self

apiitenindizo vai s/he thinks of h/ self to a certain extent

apiitinigozi vai s/he weighs so much, is so heavy

Paired with: apiitinigwad vii

apiitinigwad vii it weighs so much, is so heavy

Paired with: apiitinigozi vai

apiitizi vai s/he is a certain age, is so old or young

Paired with: apiitaa vii

apiitizo vai it (animate) is cooked a certain extent or at a certain speed

apiitowe vai s/he has a voice of a certain intensity, has so loud a voice

apiitoonagad vii it (canoe or boat) is so deep, is so high

asab na a net

(verb of making) asabike vai s/he makes nets (verb of possession) odasabii vai s/he has a net or nets
asabaa vii it has small holes, is a mesh

Paired with: asabizi vai

asabaab ni thread

asabaabik ni metal screen or mesh

asabaabikad vii it (mineral) has small holes, is perforated

Paired with: asabaabikizi vai

asabaabikizi vai it (mineral, animate) has small holes, is perforated

Paired with: asabaabikad vii

asabaabis na [BL] thread

(verb of possession) odasabaabisi vai [BL] s/he has thread
asabaabisens na thread

asabaabiiwaatig ni a spool (for thread)

asabikaanaak na a net shuttle

See also: asabikaanaak ni

asabikaanaak ni a net shuttle

See also: asabikaanaak na

asabike vai s/he makes nets

asabikeshiinh na a spider

asabikeyaab na net twine

asabishkaa vii it gets full of holes

asabishkoode vii it is shot full of holes

Paired with: asabishkoozo vai

asabishkoozo vai s/he is shot full of holes

Paired with: asabishkoode vii

asabizi vai it (animate) has small holes, is a mesh

Paired with: asabaa vii

asabii-nibewinens ni [BL] a mesh-sided bassinet

asabiiwazh ni a coarsely woven bag: a burlap bag, a gunny sack

asanii vai s/he (a tree) has bark hard to get off

asanjigo vai s/he stores, caches, stashes, deposits something

(derived noun) asanjigowin ni a cache; a stash
asanjigon vai + o s/he caches (it)

asanjigowin ni a cache; a stash

asanjigoowigamig ni a structure for storage: a storage lodge, a shed, a storage room

asasawemin ni a chokecherry

Prunus virginiana

asasaweminaganzh na [NI] a chokecherry bush or tree

Prunus virginiana

See also: asasaweminagaawanzh na

asasaweminagaawanzh na a chokecherry bush or tree

Prunus virginiana

asasaweminaaboo ni chokecherry tea

asasawemini-baashkiminasigan ni chokecherry sauce, chokecherry jelly

asaa'wens na [BL] a perch

See also: asaawens na

asaawe na a perch

yellow perch
Perca flavescens

See also: asaawens na

asaawens na a perch

yellow perch
Perca flavescens

asekaadan vti tan it; pull and stretch it (a hide)

asekaan na a tanned hide

asekaan ni [NI] a tanned hide

asekaazh vta tan it (animate: a hide); pull and stretch it (animate; a hide) to tan it

aseke vai s/he tans hides; s/he pulls and stretches a hide

(applicative) asekaazh vta pull and stretch it (animate; a hide) to tan it; tan it (animate: a hide) (applicative) asekaadan vti pull and stretch it (a hide); tan it (derived noun) asekewin ni tanning
asekewin ni tanning

asemaa na tobacco

(verb of making) asemaake vai s/he works with tobacco, offers tobacco
(applicative) asemaakaazh vta offer tobacco to h/ (benefactive) asemaakaw vta offer tobacco to h/
(verb of possession) odasemaami vai s/he has tobacco (verb of possession) odasemaawi vai s/he has tobacco (derived noun) asemaans na a cigarette
(verb of possession) odasemaansimi vai s/he has a cigarette or cigarettes
asemaa-adaawewigamig ni a tobacco store

asemaa-mashkimodens ni [diminutive]: a tobacco pouch

asemaa-opwaagaans na a cigarette

See also: asemaawipwaagaans na

asemaakaw vta offer tobacco to h/