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giiweba'iwe vai s/he runs home in flight

giiwebatoo vai s/he runs back, runs home

(applicative) giiwebatwaadan vti run home with it
giiwebatwaadan vti run home with it

giiwebide vii

giiwebizo vai s/he or it (animate) speeds, drives, flies home

Paired with: giiwebide vii

(causative) giiwebizo' vta [N] drive h/ or it (animate) back, drive h/ or it (animate) home; take h/ home by motor
giiwebizo' vta [N] drive h/ or it (animate) back, drive h/ or it (animate) home; take h/ home by motor

Paired with: giiwebizotoon vti2

giiwebizonitoon vti2 [N] drive it home

Paired with: giiwebizo' vta [N]

giiwebizotoon vti2 drive it back, drive it home

Paired with: giiwebizo' vta [N]

giiwedaabaadan vti drag it home

Paired with: giiwedaabaazh vta

giiwedaabaazh vta drag h/ home

giiwedaabii vai s/he goes home pulling or dragging a load

giiwedaabii'iwe vai s/he or it (animate) speeds, drives, flies home

giiwedemo vai s/he goes home crying

giiwedin ni north; the north wind

giiwedin vii there is a north wind

giiwedinong in, at, to the north

giiwedin ni

giiwegidaazo vai s/he goes home angry, goes home mad

giiwe'adoo vai s/he walks back on a path or trail, walks home on a path or trail

giiwe'amaazo vai s/he goes home singing

giiwe'o vai s/he goes home by boat

giiwe'oodoon vti2 take it home by boat

Paired with: giiwe'oozh vta

giiwe'oonidizo vai s/he takes h/ self home by boat

giiwe'oozh vta transport h/ home by boat

Paired with: giiwe'oodoon vti2

giiwekaazo vai s/he pretends to go home

giiwekii vai s/he returns to h/ country

giiwekwazhiwe vai s/he paddles home, paddles back

giiwenamaw vta give presents to h/ in exchange

giiwenaazha' vta tell h/ to go home

giiwenh pc disc so it is said; so the story goes

giiwenige vai [ML] s/he has a give-away for relatives of the deceased on the anniversary of the death in completion of mourning

giiwenizha' vta send h/ home

Paired with: giiwenizha'an vti

giiwenizha'amaw vta send it home to h/

giiwenizha'an vti send it home

Paired with: giiwenizha' vta

(detransitive) giiwenizha'ige vai s/he sends things home (benefactive) giiwenizha'amaw vta send it home to h/
giiwenizha'ige vai s/he sends things home

giiwenizha'wi vta [BL]

giiwenizha' vta

giiwenizhikaw vta chase h/ home

giiwewane vai s/he carries a pack home

giiwewanen vai

giiwewidamaw vta take, carry (it) home for h/

See also: giiwewidaw vta

giiwewidaw vta take, carry (it) home for h/

See also: giiwewidamaw vta

giiwewidoon vti2 take, carry it home; take, carry it back

Paired with: giiwewizh vta

(benefactive) giiwewidaw vta take, carry (it) home for h/ (benefactive) giiwewidamaw vta take, carry (it) home for h/ (detransitive) giiwewijige vai s/he carries, takes things home (verb of undergoing) giiwewijigaade vii it is carried, taken home (by someone), "they" carry, take it home (verb of undergoing) giiwewijigaazo vai s/he is carried, taken home (by someone), "they" carry, take h/ home
giiwewijigaade vii it is carried, taken home (by someone), "they" carry, take it home

giiwewijigaazo vai s/he is carried, taken home (by someone), "they" carry, take h/ home

giiwewijige vai s/he carries, takes things home

giiwewine vai s/he goes home sick

giiwewizh vta take, carry h/ home

Paired with: giiwewidoon vti2

giiweyaadagaako vai s/he goes home on the ice

giiweyaadagaazii vai s/he wades home

giiweyaagiwebishkige vai [BL] s/he bicycles home, rides home on a bicycle; s/he bicycles back, rides a bicycle back

giiweyaapi vai s/he goes home laughing

giiweyendam vai2 s/he thinks about returning or going home

giiweyoode vai s/he crawls back, crawls home

giiweyoom vta carry h/ home on back

Paired with: giiweyoondan vti

giiweyoondan vti carry it home on back

Paired with: giiweyoom vta

giiwine vai s/he is wounded and suffering, moans from from extreme pain, is in death throes

giiwitaa- pv lex around something

giiwitaa-aya'ii adv loc all around it

See also: giiwitaa-ayi'ii adv loc

giiwitaa-ayi'ii adv loc all around it

See also: giiwitaa-aya'ii adv loc

giiwitaa-wiish adv loc

giiwitaa-zaaga'igan adv loc around the lake

giiwitaabatoo vai s/he runs around in a circle

giiwitaabide vii it speeds, drives, flies around in circle

Paired with: giiwitaabizo vai

giiwitaabiwag vai they sit in a circle

giiwitaabizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies around in circle

Paired with: giiwitaabide vii

giiwitaabizonike vai [RL] s/he drives in a circle

giiwitaagaabawiwag vai they stand in a circle

giiwitaamon vii it (road or trail) goes around in a circle

giiwitaase vii it flies around in a circle

Paired with: giiwitaase vai

giiwitaase vai s/he flies around in a circle

Paired with: giiwitaase vii

giiwitaasidoon vti2 lay it down around

Paired with: giiwitaashim vta

giiwitaashim vta lay h/ down around

Paired with: giiwitaasidoon vti2

giiwitaashimo vai s/he dances around in circle

giiwitaashkan vti walk around it

Paired with: giiwitaashkaw vta

giiwitaashkaw vta walk around h/

Paired with: giiwitaashkan vti

giiwitaashkaa vai s/he goes around in a circle

giiwitaashkode adv loc around the fire

giiwitaawi- pv lex all around

giiwitaawi-zaaga'igan adv loc all around the lake

giiwitaawose vai s/he walks around something

giiwitaaya'ii adv loc all around it

See also: giiwitaa-aya'ii adv loc

giiwitaayaadagaa vai [S] s/he swims around in circle

See also: giiwitaayaadage vai [BL]

giiwitaayaadage vai [BL] s/he swims in a circle

See also: giiwitaayaadagaa vai [S]

giiwitaayaazhagaame vai s/he walks around a lake; s/he walks around the edge

giiwizi vai s/he is orphaned, is homeless

giiwose vai s/he hunts

See also: giiyose vai

giiwosewasim na a hunting dog

giiwosewinini na a hunter

See also: giiyosewinini na

giiwoon na a heart suite card

See also: giiyoon na

giiyaw nid your body

giiyawen'enh nad your namesake

giiyaabi adv tmp [RL] still, yet

See also: geyaabi adv tmp

giiyose vai s/he hunts

See also: giiwose vai

giiyosewasim na a hunting dog

See also: giiwosewasim na

giiyosewinini na a hunter

See also: giiwosewinini na

giiyoon na a heart suite card

See also: giiwoon na

giizhadowe vai s/he has prime fur (at end of the season)

giizhakidoon vti2 finish setting it up

Paired with: giizhakizh vta

giizhakizh vta finish setting h/ up

Paired with: giizhakidoon vti2

giizhapakwe vai s/he finishes putting on a roof

giizhapidoon vti2 finish tying it

Paired with: giizhapizh vta