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giizhapakwe vai s/he finishes putting on a roof

giizhapidoon vti2 finish tying it

Paired with: giizhapizh vta

giizhapizh vta finish tying h/ or it (animate)

giizhapizhwi vta [NI]

giizhapizh vta

giizhashkimaazh vta finish weaving webbing in h/ (snowshoe)

giizhashkime vai s/he finishes weaving snowshoe webbing

(applicative) giizhashkimaazh vta finish weaving webbing in h/ (snowshoe)
giizhaa adv tmp already; beforehand; in advance; ahead of time

giizhaabide vai s/he has a full set of baby teeth

giizhaabikide vii it (mineral) finishes heating up, is preheated

giizhaadodan vti finish telling it

Paired with: giizhaajim vta

giizhaajim vta finish telling about h/

Paired with: giizhaadodan vti

giizhaajimo vai s/he finishes a story, tells all (of a story)

giizhaakon vta finish deciding about or judging h/

Paired with: giizhaakonan vti

giizhaakonan vti finish deciding about, judging, or planning it

Paired with: giizhaakon vta

(detransitive) giizhaakonige vai s/he decides, finishes making rules, finishes planning
giizhaakonige vai s/he decides, finishes making rules, finishes planning

giizhaandawe vai s/he finishes climbing, gets across the bridge

giizhaande vii it is fully ripe

Paired with: giizhaanzo vai

giizhaanike vai s/he finishes digging

giizhaanzo vai s/he is fully ripe

Paired with: giizhaande vii

giizhendam vai2 s/he made a decision, is decided, is ready to act, has h/ mind made up

giizhendan vti decide about, make up your mind about it

Paired with: giizhenim vta

giizhenim vta make up your mind about, know what to do with h/

Paired with: giizhendan vti

giizhi- pv lex complete; finish

giizhichigaade vii it is finished (by someone), "they" finish it

giizhichigaazo vai s/he is finished (by someone), "they" finish h/

giizhichige vai s/he finishes things

giizhide vii it is cooked, is done cooking

Paired with: giizhizo vai ; giizizo vai

giizhide-manoomin ni cooked wild rice

giizhig na day; heaven; sky

giizhigad vii it is day

giizhigamide vii it finishes boiling

giizhigamizan vti finish boiling it

(detransitive) giizhigamizige vai s/he finishes boiling things
giizhigamizige vai s/he finishes boiling things

giizhigaadan vti finish building it (a lodge or house)

giizhigaate vii there is moonlight

giizhige vai s/he finishes building a dwelling or lodge

(applicative) giizhigaadan vti finish building it (a lodge or house)
giizhigi vai s/he is full grown, is ripe

Paired with: giizhigin vii

giizhigi-nibaa vai s/he takes a nap in the daytime

giizhigin vii it is full grown, is ripe

Paired with: giizhigi vai

giizhigwaadan vti finish sewing it

Paired with: giizhigwaazh vta

giizhigwaazh vta finish sewing h/

Paired with: giizhigwaadan vti

giizhi' vta finish, finish making h/

Paired with: giizhitoon vti2

giizhi'o vai s/he dresses h/ self

giizhijiishkiwagin vta finish shaping h/ (something mud-like)

giizhik adv num day

giizhik na a cedar (tree)

eastern white cedar
Thuja occidentalis

(verb of abundance) giizhikikaa vii there are (a lot of) cedars (verb of being) giizhikiwi vai it (animate) is a cedar (verb of possession) ogiizhikimi vai s/he has cedar
giizikamoozh vta take something (clothing) off h/

giizikan vti take it (something worn) off

Paired with: giizikaw vta

giizhikanagek na (a piece of) cedar bark

giizhikashkimod ni a cedar bag

giizikaw vta take it (something animate worn) off

Paired with: giizikan vti

giizhikaandag na a cedar bough

giizhikaandagaabo ni cedar tea: a tea made from cedar boughs

giizhikaandago-zhingob na a cedar bough

giizhikaatig na [BL] a cedar (tree); a cedar plank or board

eastern white cedar
Thuja occidentalis

See also: giizhik na

giizhikikaa vii there are (a lot of) cedars

giizhikisag na (a piece of) cedar wood

giizhikiwi vai it (animate) is a cedar

giizikonaye vai s/he undresses, takes off h/ (own) clothes

giizikonaye' vta undress h/, get h/ clothes off
giizikonaye' vta undress h/, get h/ clothes off

giizikoozh vta take (something worn) off h/

giizhiminagide vii it (berry-like, grain) is fully ripe

Paired with: giizhiminagizo vai

giizhiminagishkan vti finish husking it (by foot)

(detransitive) giizhiminagishkige vai s/he finishes husking the wild rice (by foot), finishes dancing the wild rice
giizhiminagishkige vai s/he finishes husking the wild rice (by foot), finishes dancing the wild rice

giizhiminagizo vai it (animate; berrylike, grain) is fully ripe

Paired with: giizhiminagide vii

giizis adv num month

daso-giizis qnt num

giizis na sun, moon, a month

giizisoo-mazina'igan ni a calendar

giiziswagad vii

daso-giiziswagad vii

giiziswagizi vai

daso-giiziswagizi vai Paired with: giiziswagad vii

giizhitamaw vta finish (it) for h/

See also: giizhitaw vta

giizhitaw vta finish (it) for h/

See also: giizhitamaw vta

giizhitoon vti2 finish, finish making it

Paired with: giizhi' vta

(detransitive) giizhichige vai s/he finishes things (benefactive) giizhitamaw vta finish (it) for h/ (verb of undergoing) giizhichigaade vii it is finished (by someone), "they" finish it (verb of undergoing) giizhichigaazo vai s/he is finished (by someone), "they" finish h/
giizhiwebishkan vti finish dancing the rice

giiziz vta cook it (animate); finish cooking it (animate)

Paired with: giizizan vti See also: giizhizwi vta [NI]

giizhizamaw vta cook for h/

giizizamaw vta cook (it) for h/

giizizan vti cook it; finish cooking it

Paired with: giiziz vta See also: giizhizan vti [NI]

(benefactive) giizizamaw vta cook (it) for h/
giizhizan vti [NI] cook it; finish cooking it

giizizekwe vai s/he cooks

See also: giizhizekwe vai

giizhizekwe vai s/he cooks

See also: giizizekwe vai

giizizekwewigamig ni a kitchen

giizhizekwewigamig ni

giizizo vai s/he is cooked, is done cooking

Paired with: giizhide vii

giizhizo vai s/he is cooked, is done cooking

Paired with: giizhide vii See also: giizizo vai

giizhizwi vta [NI] cook it (animate); finish cooking it (animate)

Paired with: giizhizan vti [NI] See also: giiziz vta

giizhiikan vti finish, finish with it

Paired with: giizhiikaw vta

giizhiikaw vta finish, finish with h/

Paired with: giizhiikan vti

giizhiitaa vai s/he finishes, gets done

giizhowaagamin vii it (a liquid) is warm

giizhowaagone vai

giizhoobi vai s/he sits in a warm place, lives in a warm house

giizhoobiisaa vii it is warm rain

giizhoodaawangaa vii there is warm sand

giizhoogamin vii it (liquid) is warm

giizhoogamizan vti warm it (something liquid)

giizhoogwayawepizon na a (vehicle) muffler

giizhoogwepizo vai s/he wears something warm tied around h/ neck

(derived noun) giizhoogwepizon na a neck scarf, a muffler
giizhoogwepizon na a neck scarf, a muffler

giizhoo' vta dress h/ warmly