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giizhoomanji'o vai s/he feels warm

giizhoonaamo vai s/he has warm breath

giizhoondibe vai h/ head is warm

giizhoongwaamo vai [BL] s/he is warm while sleeping

giizhooninjii vai s/he has a warm hand or warm hands

giizhoopizh vta wrap h/ up warm

giizhoopizo vai s/he is wrapped up warm

(derived noun) giizhoopizon na a scarf (derived noun) giizhoopizon ni a scarf
giizhoopizon ni a scarf

See also: giizhoopizon na

giizhoopizon na a scarf

See also: giizhoopizon ni

giizhoosagaa vii it is a warm floor

giizhooshim vta cover h/ up warmly

giizhooshin vai s/he lies in warmth

giizhooshkan vti warm it (with foot or body)

Paired with: giizhooshkaw vta

giizhooshkaw vta warm h/ (with foot or body)

Paired with: giizhooshkan vti

giizhootawage'o vai s/he wears earmuffs

giizhootawage'on na earmuff giizhootawage'on ni earmuff
giizhootawage'on na earmuff

Paired with: giizhootawage'on ni

giizhootawage'on ni earmuff

See also: giizhootawage'on na

giizhoote vii it is warm inside

giizhootoon vti2 warm it

giizhooyaa vii it is warm

Paired with: giizhoozi vai

giizhooyaanimad vii it is a warm wind

giizhoozi vai s/he is warm [person]

Paired with: giizhooyaa vii

giizhoozide vai s/he has warm feet

giizhwewetoo vai s/he finishes praying or telling a legend

giizhwewidam vai2 s/he finishes sounding

go pc disc [emphatic word]

goda pc emph [emphatic word]

godagi' vta make h/ suffer, be cruel to h/

godagitoo vai s/he suffers

godagitoon vti2 abuse, damage, injure it

godagii vai s/he goes visiting

goda'aakwaadan vti practice shooting at, take a pot shot at it

Paired with: goda'aakwaazh vta

goda'aakwaazh vta take a pot shot at h/

Paired with: goda'aakwaadan vti

goda'aakwe vai s/he tries out a gun, takes a pot shot, does target shooting

(applicative) goda'aakwaadan vti practice shooting at, take a pot shot at it (applicative) goda'aakwaazh vta take a pot shot at h/
goda'e vai s/he practices shooting

godakii'ige vai s/he tests how deep the water is

godam vta sample, taste h/; take a taste of h/

Paired with: godandan vti

godandan vti sample, taste it; take a taste of it

Paired with: godam vta

godaada'e vai s/he practices skating

godaagamandan vti try, test it (a liquid) by mouth

godaagaminan vti test it (a liquid) with the hand

godigogaadeshin vai s/he falls and sprains h/ leg

godigonikeshin vai s/he falls and sprains h/ arm

godigoninjiishin vai s/he falls and sprains h/ hand or finger

godigoshin vai s/he falls and sprains something

godigozide vai s/he sprains h/ foot

godigozideshin vai s/he falls and sprains h/ foot

godikwa'ige vai s/he checks the ice to see how thick it is

godin vta test h/ with hand

Paired with: godinan vti

godinan vti test it with hand

Paired with: godin vta

godotaagan ni a bell

goji- pv lex attempt; try

goji-nagamo vai s/he practices singing

gojibatoo vai s/he makes a trial run

gojibidoon vti2 try, test it out with hands

Paired with: gojibizh vta

gojibinidiwag vai they wrestle each other

gojibizh vta try h/ out with hands

Paired with: gojibidoon vti2

(reciprocal) gojibinidiwag vai they wrestle each other
gojibizotoon vti2 run a test on it (machine), test drive it

gojichigaade vii it is tried out (by someone), "they" try it out

gojichigaazo vai s/he is tried out (by someone), "they" try h/ out

gojichige vai s/he tries things, practices

goji' vta try h/ out; try making h/

Paired with: gojitoon vti2

goji'ewizi vai s/he tries, makes an effort

gojimaam vta sniff, take a smell of h/

Paired with: gojimaandan vti

(reciprocal) gojimaandiwag vai they sniff, take a smell of each other
gojimaandan vti sniff, take a smell of it

Paired with: gojimaam vta

(detransitive) gojimaanjige vai s/he sniffs, takes a smell
gojimaandiwag vai they sniff, take a smell of each other

gojimaanjige vai s/he sniffs, takes a smell

gojimaas vta try smoking it (animate)

gojip vta sample, taste h/; take a taste of h/

Paired with: gojipidan vti

gojipidan vti sample, taste it; take a taste of it

Paired with: gojip vta

(detransitive) gojipijige vai s/he samples, takes a taste of something
gojipijige vai s/he samples, takes a taste of something

gojipwi vta [NI]

gojip vta

gojisagishkan vti try, test it (floor) out with foot or body

gojitamaw vta test (it) for h/

See also: gojitaw vta

gojitaw vta test (it) for h/

See also: gojitamaw vta

gojitoon vti2 try it out

Paired with: goji' vta

(benefactive) gojitaw vta test (it) for h/ (benefactive) gojitamaw vta test (it) for h/ (detransitive) gojichige vai s/he tries things, practices (verb of undergoing) gojichigaade vii it is tried out (by someone), "they" try it out (verb of undergoing) gojichigaazo vai s/he is tried out (by someone), "they" try h/ out
gokeyaw ni [N] bait

(verb of making) gokeyawike vai [N] s/he makes bait, baits something
gokeyawikaadan vti [N] bait it (verb of use) gokeyawikaagen vai [N] use it for bait
(verb of possession) ogokeyawin vai + o [N] have or use it/it (animate) as bait
gokeyawikaadan vti [N] bait it

gokeyawikaagen vai [N] use it for bait

gokeyawike vai [N] s/he makes bait, baits something

gokokwaa vii it is tippy

gomaa adv deg some amount; to a middling degree

gomaa gaye adv conj

gomaapii adv deg for some time, some distance

gondan vti swallow it

Paired with: gonzhi vta

gondaabiigin vta put h/ in water, dip h/

gondaabiiginan vti put it in water, dip it

Paired with: gondaabiigin vta

gonige adv pred I wonder if; I wonder whether; could you

gonzaabii vii it sinks (in the water)

Paired with: gonzaabii vai

gonzaabii vai s/he sinks (in the water)

Paired with: gonzaabii vii

gonzaabii' vta sink h/ (using something)

Paired with: gonzaabii'an vti

gonzaabii'an vti sink it (using something)

Paired with: gonzaabii' vta

gonzaabii'wi vta [NI]

gonzaabii' vta

gonzaabiishkoodoon vti2 sink it with weight or pressure

gonzaabiishkoojigan ni [BL] something used to hold things down in the water: an anchor, a trap weight, a sinker (fishing tackle)
gonzaabiishkoojigan ni [BL] something used to hold things down in the water: an anchor, a trap weight, a sinker (fishing tackle)

gonzaabiiyaabogo vai s/he sinks in the rapids

gonzaabiiyaaboode vii it sinks in the rapids, in the current

gonzhi vta swallow h/

Paired with: gondan vti

gopa'adoo vai s/he follows a trail inland

gopa'azh vta follow h/ trail inland