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gwaaba'amaw vta
  1. scoop (it) up for h/
  2. get water for h/

gwaaba'an vti scoop it up; dish it up

Paired with: gwaaba' vta

(benefactive) gwaaba'amaw vta
  1. scoop (it) up for h/
  2. get water for h/
(detransitive) gwaaba'ige vai s/he scoops up things (derived noun) gwaaba'igan ni a dipper, a scoop
gwaaba'aawangwaan ni a shovel (for dirt), a spade

gwaaba'ibii vai s/he draws water

gwaaba'igan ni a dipper, a scoop

gwaaba'ige vai s/he scoops up things

gwaaba'iskomaadan vti scoop ice out of it

gwaaba'iskomii vai [BL] s/he scoops ice (from a hole in the ice)

(applicative) gwaaba'iskomaadan vti scoop ice out of it
gwaaba'iskwaan ni ice scoop

See also: mikwamii-gwaaba'iskwaan ni

gwaaba'waagan na a scoop net

gwaabanda' vta give h/ a sip of it

gwaabandan vti sip it, take a sip of it

(causative) gwaabanda' vta give h/ a sip of it
gwaakwaashkwani vai s/he keeps jumping

gwaakwaashkwesidoon vti bounce it

gwaashkoni vai [BL] s/he jumps

See also: gwaashkwani vai

gwaashkwani vai s/he jumps

See also: gwaashkoni vai [BL]

gwaashkwanodan vti jump on it

Paired with: gwaashkwanodaw vta

gwaashkwanodaw vta jump on h/; assault, rape h/

Paired with: gwaashkwanodan vti

(detransitive) gwaashkwanodaage vai s/he commits assault, commits rape
(derived noun) gwaashkwanodaagewin ni assault, rape
gwaashkwanodaage vai s/he commits assault, commits rape

gwaashkwanodaagewin ni assault, rape

gwaashkwaashkwandaabiganoojiinh na a jumping mouse

gwaashkwebiigamitoo vai s/he is heard spashing

gwaashkwe' vta whack, smack h/ (using something)

gwaashkwesidoon vti2 drop it and have it rebound; bounce it

Paired with: gwaashkweshim vta

gwaashkwesin vii it bounces, rebounds

Paired with: gwaashkweshin vai

gwaashkweshim vta drop h/ and have h/ rebound; bounce h/

Paired with: gwaashkwesidoon vti2

gwaashkweshin vai s/he bounces, rebounds

Paired with: gwaashkwesin vii

gwaashkwezi vai s/he is eager, is energetic, is ambitious

gwech adv qnt enough

gwekabi vai s/he turns around while sitting

gwekabiitaw vta turn toward h/ while seated

gwekaabiiginan vti

gwekaadizi vai s/he changes, transforms h/ life

gwekaanimad vii the wind shifts, changes direction

gwekaasin vii it turns, changes direction in the wind

Paired with: gwekaashi vai

gwekaashi vai s/he, it (animate) turns, changes direction in the wind

Paired with: gwekaasin vii

gwekendam vai s/he changes h/ (own) mind

gwekibagizo vai s/he turns suddenly or without warning

gwekibatoo vai s/he turns running

gwekibide vii it turns, changes direction driving

Paired with: gwekibizo vai

gwekibidoon vti2 turn it (with the hands)

Paired with: gwekibizh vta

gwekibizh vta turn h/ or it (animate) (with the hands)

Paired with: gwekibidoon vti2

gwekibizo vai s/he turns driving

Paired with: gwekibide vii

gwekidaabaadan vii pull or drag it so it turns

Paired with: gwekidaabaazh vta

gwekidaabaazh vta pull or drag h/ so h/ is turned, pull or drag it (animate) so it turns

Paired with: gwekidaabaadan vii

gwekigaabawi vai s/he turns while standing

gwekikwebagizo vai s/he turns h/ head quickly

gwekikweni vai s/he turns h/ head around

gwekin vta turn h/ (by hand)

Paired with: gwekinan vti

gwekinamaw vta turn (it) for h/ by hand

gwekinan vti turn it (by hand)

Paired with: gwekin vta

(benefactive) gwekinamaw vta turn (it) for h/ by hand (detransitive) gwekinige vai s/he turns things (by hand) (verb of undergoing) gwekinigaade vii it is turned (by someone) by hand (verb of undergoing) gwekinigaazo vai s/he is turned (by someone) by hand
gwekinaagozi vai s/he is changed in appearance, is transformed

gwekinigaade vii it is turned (by someone) by hand

gwekinigaazo vai s/he is turned (by someone) by hand

gwekinige vai s/he turns things (by hand)

gwekise vii it turns suddenly or without warning

Paired with: gwekise vai

gwekise vai s/he turns suddenly or without warning

Paired with: gwekise vii

gwekisidoon vti2 put it so it is turned

Paired with: gwekishim vta

gwekisin vii it turns lying in place

Paired with: gwekishin vai

gwekishim vta put h/ so s/he is turned, put it (animate) so it is turned

Paired with: gwekisidoon vti2

gwekishin vai s/he turns lying in place

Paired with: gwekisin vii

gwekishkan vti wear it turned around

gwekishkaw vta wear it (animate) turned around

Paired with: gwekishkan vti

gwekitaa vai s/he turns (h/ body); s/he changes h/ way of doing something or h/ belief

gwekiweba'an vti flip it (using something forcefully); turn it around (using something forcefully)

Paired with: gwekiweba'wi vta [BL]

gwekiweba'igan ni a spatula; a turner

gwekiweba'wi vta [BL] flip it (animate) (using something forcefully); turn it (animate) around (using something forcefully)

Paired with: gwekiweba'an vti

gwekiwebin vta flip h/ over; turn h/ quickly

Paired with: gwekiwebinan vti

gwekiwebinan vti flip it over; turn it quickly

Paired with: gwekiwebin vta

(derived noun) gwekiwebinigan na a pancake (verb of making) gwekiwebiniganike vai s/he makes pancakes
gwekiwebinigan na a pancake

gwekiwebiniganens na a pancake [normal small size]

gwekiwebiniganensike vai [BL] s/he makes pancakes (normal small size)

gwekiwebiniganike vai s/he makes pancakes

gwekiigin vta turn or flip it (animate; sheet-like) over

Paired with: gwekiiginan vti

gwekiiginan vti turn or flip it (sheet-like) over

Paired with: gwekiigin vta

gwekwekikweni vai

gwendaaseg ni-v liniment

gwenibii vai s/he gives up, ignores something, quits thinking about something

gwiinawanokii vai s/he is unable to find work, unable to find a job

gwiinawaabam vta fail to see h/, be unable to see h/

Paired with: gwiinawaabandan vti

gwiinawaabandan vti fail to see it, be unable to see it

Paired with: gwiinawaabam vta

gwiinawendan vti miss, feel the absence of it

Paired with: gwiinawenim vta

gwiinawenim vta miss, feel the absence of h/

Paired with: gwiinawendan vti

gwiinawi- pv lex not able; not knowing

gwiinawi-doodam vai2 s/he doesn't know what to do or think, is dumbfounded

gwiinawi-inendam vai2 s/he doesn't know what to think

gwiingwa'aage na a wolverine

Gulo gulo

gwiingwiishi na a Canada jay

grey jay, Canada jay, whisky jack
Perisoreus canadensis

gwiinobii vai s/he is unable to find a drink

gwiinom vta miss h/; be lonesome for h/

gwiinoobii vai s/he is unable to find water (or another liquid)

gwiinoobiiga'an vti

gwiishkoshi vai s/he whistles

gwiishkoshim vta whistle to h/

gwiishkoshwewegamide vii it whistles from boiling

gwiishkoshwewegamizo vai s/he whistles from boiling

gwiiwizens na a boy

(verb of being) gwiiwizensiwi vai s/he is a boy (verb of pretending) gwiiwizensikaazo vai s/he pretends to be a boy
gwiiwizensikaazo vai s/he pretends to be a boy

gwiiwizensiwi vai s/he is a boy