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giigido vai s/he speaks; s/he phones

(derived noun) giigidowin ni
  1. a speech
  2. a telephone
giigidowin ni
  1. a speech
  2. a telephone

giigidoo-biiwaabikoons ni a telephone; telephone wire

giigidoowikwe na a councillor, a council member, a representative (female)

giigidoowinini na a councillor, a council member, a representative

(verb of being) giigidoowininiiwi vai s/he is a councillor, a council member, a representative
giigidoowininiiwi vai s/he is a councillor, a council member, a representative

giigoonh na a fish

See also: giingoo na [RL]

(verb of making) giigoonyike vai s/he fishes
(derived noun) giigoonyikewin ni the fishery, commercial fishing, fish processing
giigoonyikaa vii there are (a lot of) fish
giigoonhwaaboo ni fish soup

giigoonhwensikaan na [BL] a fishing lure

See also: giigoonyensikaan na [BL]

giigoonhwi-bimide ni fish grease

giigoonyensikaan na [BL] a fishing lure

See also: giigoonhwensikaan na [BL]

giigoonyikaa vii there are (a lot of) fish

giigoonyike vai s/he fishes

giigoonyike-mookomaan ni a fishing knife

giigoonyikewin ni the fishery, commercial fishing, fish processing

giigoonyikewinini na fisherman

giigooyikewigamig ni [RL] fishery, fish processing plant

giigoozens na a minnow

giigoozhens na
  1. a minnow
  2. [BL] a compass (for finding direction)

gii' vta flee, escape, get away from h/; get away from h/

gii'iwe vai s/he escapes, gets away from people
gii'- pv tns [BL] [past tense]: -ed, was, did

See also: gii- pv tns [S]

gii'igoshimo vai s/he fasts for a vision

(derived noun) gii'igoshimowin ni fasting
gii'igoshimowin ni fasting

gii'iwe vai s/he escapes, gets away from people

giiiwitaa-minis adv loc all around the island

giijikiwenh nad your (a male's) brother, (male) parallel cousin, fellow man

giikadamanji'o vai s/he feels the cold, feels the chill

giikadaabaawe vai s/he is cold from being wet, is cold from being in the rain

giikadaawiganewaji vai s/he has a cool back

giikaji vai s/he feels cold

giikajijaanewaji vai s/he has a cold nose

giikajindibewaji vai h/ head is cold

giikajingwaamo vai [BL] s/he is cold in h/ sleep

giikajininjiiwaji vai s/he has cool or cold hands

giikajitawagewaji vai s/he has cold ears

giikajizidewaji vai s/he has cold feet

giikanaabas vta smoke h/ (for preservation)

Paired with: giikanaabasan vti

giikanaabasan vti smoke it (for preservation)

Paired with: giikanaabas vta

giikanaabasigan na bacon
giikanaabasigan na bacon

giikanaabaso vai s/he is smoked

giikanaabate vii it is is smoky

Paired with: giikanaabaso vai

giikanaabate-adikameg na a smoked whitefish

giikanaabate-gookoosh na bacon

giikanaabate-wiiyaas ni smoked meat

giikanaamode vii it is smoky inside

giikanaamoz vta smoke h/ (for preservation)

See also: giikanaamozan vti

giikanaamozan vti smoke it (for preservation)

Paired with: giikanaamoz vta

giikanaamozigan na bacon
giikanaamozigan na bacon

giikaam vta quarrel with h/; argue with h/

(reciprocal) giikaandiwag vai they argue, quarrel with each other,
giikaandiwag vai they argue, quarrel with each other,

giikibidoon vti2 nudge it, push it forward

Paired with: giikibizh vta

giikibizh vta nudge h/, push h/ forward

Paired with: giikibidoon vti2

giikimanigaade vai h/ leg is asleep, legs are asleep; h/ leg feels numb, legs feel numb

giikimaninike vai h/ arm is asleep, arms are asleep; h/ arm feels numb, arms feel numb

giikimanininjii vai h/ hand is asleep, hands are asleep; h/ hand feels numb, hands feel numb

giikimanizi vai s/he feels numb; s/he tingles

giikimanizide vai h/ foot is asleep, feet are asleep; h/ foot feels numb, feet feel numb

giikiibingwashi vai s/he is sleepy

giimaabam vta look in at or into, peek in at h/; spy on h/

Paired with: giimaabandan vti

(reciprocal) giimaabandiwag vai they peek at each other
giimaabandan vti look at it secretly; spy on it; peek, peep at it

Paired with: giimaabam vta

giimaabandiwag vai they peek at each other

giimaabi vai s/he spies, peeks, peeps

(verb of addiction) giimaabishki vai s/he is a peeping tom
giimaabishki vai s/he is a peeping tom

giimikan vti sneak up on or into it

Paired with: giimikaw vta

giimikaw vta sneak up on h/; stalk h/

Paired with: giimikan vti

giiminiijaagan na a child born out of wedlock

giiminiijaaganike vai s/he is pregnant out of wedlock

giiminiijii vai she has a child out of wedlock

(derived noun) giiminiijaagan na a child born out of wedlock
giimitam vai2 s/he eavesdrops

giimitaw vta eavesdrop on h/

(reciprocal) giimitaadiwag vai they eavesdrop on each other
giimitaadiwag vai they eavesdrop on each other

giimii vai s/he sneaks away, escapes; s/he flees

giimoodad vii it is secret

giimoodadaawe vai s/he buys secretly

giimoodademo vai s/he cries secretly

giimoodagwe vai s/he steals from a snare

giimoodam vta eat, bite h/ secretly

Paired with: giimoodandan vti

giimoodandan vti eat, bite it secretly

Paired with: giimoodam vta

(detransitive) giimoodanjige vai s/he eats things secretly
giimoodanjige vai s/he eats things secretly

giimoodanokii vai s/he works secretly, works in secret

giimoodanoozo vai s/he smokes secretly, sneaks a smoke

giimoodaajim vta tell about h/ secretly

giimoodaajimo vai s/he tells something secretly

(applicative) giimoodaajimotaw vta tell something secretly to h/ (derived noun) giimoodaajimowin ni a secret
giimoodaajimotaw vta

giimoodaajimowin ni a secret

giimoodaanagidoon vai [C] s/he mumbles

giimoodaapi vai s/he laughs secretly

giimoodaapi' vta laugh at h/ secretly

giimoodaasige vai s/he shines deer secretly

giimoodishkiiwikwe na a thief (female)

giimoodoode vai s/he creeps, secretly crawls

giimoodwewe'akokwe vai s/he drums secretly

giimooj adv man secretly, in secret, stealthily

giimooj igo adv man in secret

See also: giimooj adv man

giimooji- pv lex secretly, in secret, stealthily

giimoojibizo vai s/he drives secretly

giimoojibii'an vti write it secretly

(detransitive) giimoojibii'ige vai s/he writes things secretly
giimoojibii'ige vai s/he writes things secretly

giimoojichige vai s/he does something secretly

giimoojigidaazo vai s/he is secretly angry