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gonzhi vta swallow h/

Paired with: gondan vti

gopa'adoo vai s/he follows a trail inland

gopa'azh vta follow h/ trail inland

gopa'o vai s/he paddles upstream

gopamon vii it (road or trail) leads inland

gopaawadaaso vai s/he hauls a load inland

gopaawadoon vti2 haul it inland

Paired with: gopaawazh vta

gopaawazh vta haul it (animate) inland

Paired with: gopaawadoon vti2

gopiba'idiwag vai they run inland together

gopiba'igo vai s/he rides inland, drives inland (drawn by horse or dog)

gopiba'iwe vai s/he runs inland from someone

gopibatoo vai s/he runs inland

gopibatwaadan vti run it inland

gopibide vii it drives up from the water

Paired with: gopibizo vai

gopibizo vai s/he drives inland, into the woods, into the bush

Paired with: gopibide vii

gopibizo' vta drive h/ inland, into the woods, into the bush

Paired with: gopibizotoon vti2

gopibizotoon vti2 drive it inland, into the woods, into the bush

Paired with: gopibizo' vta

gopidaabii vai s/he drags or pulls a load inland, into the woods, into the bush

gopidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives inland, into the woods, into the bush; s/he drives a team inland, into the woods, into the bush

gopigozi vai s/he moves (h/ camp or residence) inland, moves (h/ camp or residence) off the lake

gopikawe vai s/he leaves tracks going inland

gopimine vai s/he takes wild rice inland

gopinigaadan vti carry it on the shoulder inland, into the bush

Paired with: gopinigaazh vta

gopinigaazh vta carry h/, it (animate) on the shoulder inland, into the bush

Paired with: gopinigaadan vti

gopinige vai s/he carries something on h/ shoulder inland, into the bush

(applicative) gopinigaadan vti carry it on the shoulder inland, into the bush (applicative) gopinigaazh vta carry h/, it (animate) on the shoulder inland, into the bush
gopinizhikaw vta chase h/ into the woods

gopinizhimo vai s/he goes inland scared

gopiwane vai s/he carries pack inland

gopiwidaw vta take, carry (it) inland for h/

gopiwidaaso vai s/he hauls a load inland

gopiwidoon vti2 take, carry it inland

Paired with: gopiwizh vta

(detransitive) gopiwijige vai s/he takes things inland up from the lake (detransitive) gopiwidaaso vai s/he hauls a load inland (benefactive) gopiwidaw vta take, carry (it) inland for h/ (verb of undergoing) gopiwijigaazo vai s/he is carried, taken inland (by someone), "they" carry, take h/ inland (verb of undergoing) gopiwijigaade vii it is carried, taken inland (by someone), "they" carry, take it inland
gopiwijigaade vii it is carried, taken inland (by someone), "they" carry, take it inland

gopiwijigaazo vai s/he is carried, taken inland (by someone), "they" carry, take h/ inland

gopiwijige vai s/he takes things inland up from the lake

gopiwizh vta take, carry h/ inland

Paired with: gopiwidoon vti2

gopii vai s/he goes up from the water, goes inland, goes into the woods

gopoode vai s/he crawls inland, into the woods, into the bush

gosidiwag vai they are afraid of each other

gosha pc emph [emphatic particle]

goshi vta be afraid of, fear h/

Paired with: gotan vti

(reciprocal) gosidiwag vai they are afraid of each other
goshko- pv lex surprise

goshkobagizo vai s/he is startled, moves in reaction

See also: goshkobani'o vai

goshkobani'o vai s/he is startled, moves in reaction

See also: goshkobagizo vai

goshko' vta startle, surprise h/

goshko'idizo vai s/he startles, surprises h/ self (detransitive) goshko'iwe vai s/he startles, surprises others
goshko'idizo vai s/he startles, surprises h/ self

goshko'iwe vai s/he startles, surprises others

goshkokaa vai s/he is surprised, is startled

(verb of addiction) goshkokaashki vai s/he is habitually nervous, jumpy
goshkokaashki vai s/he is habitually nervous, jumpy

goshkom vta startle, surprise h/ (verbally)

goshkonaagozi vai h/ appearance is startling

goshkongesi na a partridge; a ruffled grouse

ruffled grouse
Bonasa umbellus

See also: bine na

goshkotam vai2 s/he is surprised by what s/he hears

goshkowebin vta shake h/ awake

goshkozi vai s/he wakes up, is awake

goshkwaawaadabi vai s/he stays somewhere quietly ; s/he sits quietly, sits still

goshkwaawaadagomo vai s/he is still on the water

goshkwaawaadendam vai2 s/he thinks quietly

goshkwaawaadin vta hold h/ or it (animate) still

Paired with: goshkwaawaadinan vti

goshkwaawaadinan vti hold it still

Paired with: goshkwaawaadin vta

goshkwaawaadizi vai s/he is still, is quiet (in manner or way of life)

goshkwaawaajigaabawi vai s/he stands quietly, stands still

goshkwaawaajishin vai s/he lies still

goshkwaawaazom vta say something to h/ that makes h/ still and quiet

goshkwendam vai2 s/he is surprised

gotan vti be afraid of, fear it

Paired with: goshi vta

gotandan vti2 be afraid to eat it

(detransitive) gotanjige vai s/he is afraid to eat something, shouldn't eat something
gotanjige vai s/he is afraid to eat something, shouldn't eat something

gotaaji vai s/he is afraid, is fearful

(verb of addiction) gotaajishki vai s/he is timid
gotaajishki vai s/he is timid

gotaamigom vta

gotaamigozi vai s/he is a good worker, is a good provider

gotaamigwad vii it is an extremely bad storm

Paired with: gotaamigozi vai

gotaazom vta scare h/ by speaking; tell h/ something to scare h/

gotigobide vii it rolls over, goes out of place

Paired with: gotigobizo vai

gotigobidoon vti2 roll, tip it over

Paired with: gotigobizh vta

gotigobizh vta roll, tip h/ over

Paired with: gotigobidoon vti2

gotigobizo vai s/he rolls over, goes out of place

Paired with: gotigobide vii

gozi vai s/he moves (h/ residence)

gozigowane vai s/he carries a heavy pack

gozigwan vii it is heavy

Paired with: gozigwani vai

gozigwani vai s/he or it (animate) is heavy

Paired with: gozigwan vii

gozigwaabaawe vii it is wet and heavy, is heavy from being wet

gozigwaakomin na a serviceberry

serviceberry, juneberry, saskatoon
Amelanchier spp.

gozigwaakominagaawanzh na a serviceberry bush

serviceberry, juneberry, saskatoon
Amelanchier spp.

gozikan vti
  1. test it (with foot or body)
  2. try it on

Paired with: gozikaw vta

gozikaw vta
  1. test h/ (with foot or body)
  2. try h/ on

Paired with: gozikan vti

googa'am vai2 s/he (a fish) jumps out of the water

googii vai s/he dives

(applicative) googiinodan vti dive after it (applicative) googiinodaw vta dive after h/
googiikwebani'o vai [BL] s/he quickly dunks h/ (own) head underwater

googiikweni vai s/he puts h/ (own) head underwater

googiin vta dunk h/, dip h/ into the water

Paired with: googiinan vti

googiinan vti dunk it, dip it into the water

Paired with: googiin vta

googiinodan vti dive after it

Paired with: googiinodaw vta

googiinodaw vta dive after h/

Paired with: googiinodan vti

gookomis nad your grandmother

gookowensii na a moth

gookooko'oo na an owl

gookoosh na a pig; pork

gookooshens na a piglet

gookooshi-bimide ni lard; bacon grease

See also: gookooshiwi-bimide ni [BL]